org.leibnizcenter.util.Xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Java library for consuming the Rechtspraak.nl API
package org.leibnizcenter.util;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DOMOutputImpl;
import org.leibnizcenter.util.Const;
import org.leibnizcenter.util.Pair;
import org.leibnizcenter.util.Regex;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.DOMImplementationLS;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSOutput;
import org.w3c.dom.ls.LSSerializer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
* Created by maarten on 22-12-15.
public class Xml {
public static String OUT_FOLDER_MANUAL_TAGGING = "/media/maarten/Media/rechtspraak-rich-docs-20160221-annotated/";
public static String OUT_FOLDER_AUTOMATIC_TAGGING = "/media/maarten/Media/rechtspraak-rich-docs-20160221-annotated-automatically/";
public static String IN_FOLDER_AUTOMATIC_TAGGING = "/media/maarten/Media/rechtspraak-rich-docs-20160221/";
public static String IN_FOLDER_MANUAL_TAGGING = "/home/maarten/IdeaProjects/data-mining-dutch-case-law/ecli-dump";
public static Element wrapRemainderInElement(Element e, int startFromChildIx, String tagName) {
Element newElement = e.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagName);
Node[] children = getChildren(e); // Tree will change, so get a ref to children as they are now
for (int i = startFromChildIx; i < children.length; i++) {
Node child = children[i];
if (newElement.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) e.appendChild(newElement);
return newElement;
public static Element wrapSubstringInElement(
Text node,
int startIndex,
int length,
String tagName) {
return wrapSubstringInElement(node, startIndex, length, null, tagName, null)[1];
public static Element wrapSubstringInElement(
Text node,
int length,
String tagName) {
Node parent = node.getParentNode();
Element newElement = node.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagName);
parent.replaceChild(newElement, node);
return newElement;
public static Element[] wrapSubstringInElement(
Text startNode,
int startIndex,
int length,
String tagNameStart, String tagNameMiddle, String tagNameLast) {
Element[] wrappedesies = new Element[3];
Text middle = startNode.splitText(startIndex);
Text last = middle.splitText(length);
Node parent = startNode.getParentNode();
if (tagNameStart != null) {
Element firstTextWrapped = startNode.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagNameStart);
parent.replaceChild(firstTextWrapped, startNode);
wrappedesies[0] = firstTextWrapped;
Element newElement = startNode.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagNameMiddle);
parent.replaceChild(newElement, middle);
wrappedesies[1] = newElement;
if (tagNameLast != null) {
Element lastTextWrapped = startNode.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagNameLast);
parent.replaceChild(lastTextWrapped, last);
wrappedesies[2] = lastTextWrapped;
return wrappedesies;
public static String toString(Document document) throws TransformerException,
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
// DOMImplementationLS domImplLS = (DOMImplementationLS) document
// .getImplementation();
DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("XML 3.0 LS 3.0");
LSSerializer serializer = impl.createLSSerializer();
LSOutput out = new DOMOutputImpl();
Writer sw = new StringWriter();
serializer.write(document, out);
return sw.toString();
public static void writeToStream(Document document, Writer w) throws TransformerException,
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
// DOMImplementationLS domImplLS = (DOMImplementationLS) document
// .getImplementation();
DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("XML 3.0 LS 3.0");
LSSerializer serializer = impl.createLSSerializer();
LSOutput out = new DOMOutputImpl();
serializer.write(document, out);
public static Element getContentRoot(Document doc) {
NodeList uitspraken = doc.getElementsByTagName("uitspraak");
NodeList conclusies = doc.getElementsByTagName("conclusie");
assert uitspraken.getLength() + conclusies.getLength() == 1;
Element e = null;
if (uitspraken.getLength() == 1) {
e = (Element) uitspraken.item(0);
} else if (conclusies.getLength() == 1) {
e = (Element) conclusies.item(0);
if (e == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Content node could not be found");
return e;
public static List textInPreorder(Node root) {
if (root.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return Lists.newArrayList((Text) root);
} else {
NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
List texts = new ArrayList<>(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
return texts;
// private final static Pattern relevantParents = Pattern.compile("(^title$)|(^\\p{L}*\\.info$)");
public static boolean isElement(Node e) {
return e != null && e.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
public static boolean whitespaceText(Node node) {
switch (node.getNodeType()) {
case Element.TEXT_NODE:
return node.getTextContent().trim().length() == 0;
case Element.ELEMENT_NODE:
return false;
throw new InvalidParameterException();
public static boolean hasParentWithTagSuffix(Node node, String suffix) {
Node parentNode = node.getParentNode();
return parentNode != null
&& (parentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& ((Element) parentNode).getTagName().endsWith(suffix)
|| hasParentWithTagSuffix(parentNode, suffix));
public static Element getParentWithTagName(Node el, String tag) {
Node parentNode = el.getParentNode();
if (parentNode != null && parentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (((Element) parentNode).getTagName().equals(tag)) {
return (Element) parentNode;
} else {
return getParentWithTagName(parentNode, tag);
} else {
return null;
public static Element wrapNodeInElement(Node node, String tagText) {
Node parent = node.getParentNode();
Element newElement = node.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagText);
parent.replaceChild(newElement, node);
return newElement;
* Has more than one non-whitespace char
* @param text
* @return
public static boolean hasSubstantialText(Text text) {
String textContent = text.getTextContent();
if (textContent.length() > 0) {
Matcher matcher = Regex.NON_WHITESPACE.matcher(textContent);
if (matcher.find() &&
matcher.find()) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean isNonEmptyText(Node sibling) {
return sibling != null
&& (sibling.getNodeType() == Element.TEXT_NODE
|| "text".equals(sibling.getNodeName())
|| "textgroup".equals(sibling.getNodeName())
|| "nr".equals(sibling.getNodeName())
|| "emphasis".equals(sibling.getNodeName())
&& sibling.getTextContent().trim().length() > 0;
public static Node getPreviousNonWhitespaceNode(Element e) {
Node prev = e;
do {
prev = prev.getPreviousSibling();
} while (prev != null && whitespaceText(prev));
return prev;
public static List listXmlFiles(File folder) {
return listXmlFiles(folder, -1);
public static List listXmlFiles(File folder, int max) {
return listXmlFiles(folder, max, true);
public static List listXmlFiles(File folder, int max, boolean shuffle) {
File[] files = folder.listFiles();
if (files == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
List xmls = new ArrayList<>(files.length);
if (shuffle) {
for (File file : files) {
addToListIfXmlFile(xmls, file);
} else {
for (File file : files) {
addToListIfXmlFile(xmls, file);
if (max > 0 && xmls.size() >= max) break;
if (max > 0 && max < xmls.size()) {
return xmls.subList(0, max);
for (File f : xmls) if (f == null || f.getName() == null) throw new Error();
return xmls;
private static void addToListIfXmlFile(List xmls, File file) {
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(".xml")) {
public static List listXmlFiles() {
return listXmlFiles(new File(Const.PATH_TRAIN_TEST_XML_FILES_LINUX), -1, false);
public static File getFile(File folder, String ecli) {
return new File(folder, ecli.replaceAll(":", "") + ".xml");
public static Node[] getChildren(Node root) {
NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
Node[] originalChildren = new Node[children.getLength()];
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
originalChildren[i] = children.item(i);
return originalChildren;
public static Element setElementNameTo(Element element, String ns, String tagName) {
Node parent = element.getParentNode();
Element newElement;
if (ns != null) newElement = element.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ns, tagName);
else newElement = element.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagName);
copyElement(element, newElement);
parent.insertBefore(newElement, element);
return newElement;
private static void copyElement(Element element, Element newElement) {
Node[] children = getChildren(element);
for (Node child : children) {
// element.removeChild(child);
copyAttributes(element, newElement);
public static void copyAttributes(Element copyFrom, Element copyTo) {
NamedNodeMap attrs = copyFrom.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i);
* Replaces the given element with its children.
* @param element
public static void dissolveTag(Element element) {
Node[] children = getChildren(element);
Node parent = element.getParentNode();
for (Node child : children) parent.insertBefore(child, element);
public static boolean containsTag(Node root, String tagName) {
if (root.getNodeName().equals(tagName)) return true;
NodeList children = root.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
if (containsTag(children.item(i), tagName)) return true;
return false;
* If this would result in an overlapping tag, the algorithm cuts the container elements so that
* we end up with a valid XML tree
* @param startAt inclusive
* @param stopAfter inclusive
public static void wrapSubTreeInElement(Node startAt, Node stopAfter, String tagName) {
Node parent = startAt.getParentNode();
Node[] children = getChildren(parent);
Pair p = makeSureThatNodesHaveSameParent(startAt, stopAfter);
startAt = p.getKey();
stopAfter = p.getKey();
Element newElement = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElement(tagName);
Node next = startAt;
Node last;
do {
last = next;
next = next.getNextSibling();
} while (next != null && last != stopAfter);
private static Pair makeSureThatNodesHaveSameParent(Node first, Node second) {
if (!Objects.equals(first.getParentNode(), second.getParentNode())) {
Pair, Deque> pathUpToCommonAncestor = getPathUpToCommonAncestor(first, second);//todo just return common ancestor
if (!Objects.equals(pathUpToCommonAncestor.getValue().getLast(), pathUpToCommonAncestor.getKey().getLast()))
throw new IllegalStateException();
// Close whatever the nodes are in, up to the common ancestor
Deque firstPath = pathUpToCommonAncestor.getKey();
Node commonAncestor = firstPath.getLast();
Node node1 = first;
while (!Objects.equals(node1.getParentNode(), commonAncestor)) node1 = cutParentAtNode(node1);
Node node2 = second;
while (!Objects.equals(node2.getParentNode(), commonAncestor)) node2 = cutParentAtNode(node2);
return new Pair<>(node1, node2);
} else return new Pair<>(first, second);
private static Element cutParentAtNode(Node n) {
if (n.getParentNode().getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
throw new InvalidParameterException("Parent must be element.");
Element parent = (Element) n.getParentNode();
Element newElement = n.getOwnerDocument().createElement(parent.getTagName());
parent.getParentNode().insertBefore(newElement, parent);
copyAttributes(parent, newElement);
return newElement;
private static List getNodeWithNextSiblings(Node node) {
List nodes = Lists.newArrayList(node);
while (node.getNextSibling() != null) {
node = node.getNextSibling();
return nodes;
private static Deque getPrevSiblings(Node node) {
Deque nodes = new ArrayDeque<>();
while (node.getPreviousSibling() != null) {
node = node.getPreviousSibling();
return nodes;
private static Pair, Deque> getPathUpToCommonAncestor(Node first, Node second) {
Deque firstAncestors = new ArrayDeque<>();
Deque secondAncestors = new ArrayDeque<>();
Node l1 = first;
Node l2 = second;
while (l1 != null || l2 != null) {
if (firstAncestors.contains(l2))
return new Pair<>(Collections3.upToAndIncluding(firstAncestors, l2), secondAncestors);
if (secondAncestors.contains(l1))
return new Pair<>(firstAncestors, Collections3.upToAndIncluding(secondAncestors, l1));
if (l1 != null) l1 = l1.getParentNode();
if (l2 != null) l2 = l2.getParentNode();
throw new InvalidParameterException("No common ancestors exists for given nodes.");
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