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# liblouis: English, U.S. Grade 2 (ABAE) table
#  Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY, copyright (C) 1999-2006 by
#  The BRLTTY Team
#  Copyright (C) 2004-2006 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.
#  Copyright (C) 2004-2006 JJB Software, Inc.
#  This file is part of liblouis.
#  liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
#  License, or (at your option) any later version.
#  liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#  License along with liblouis. If not, see
#  .

include en-us-g1.ctb

# Braille indicators specific to Grade 2
multind 56-6 letsign capsletter

# Contractions beginning with the letter a
largesign a 1
largesign A 1
always aar 1-345 Aaron
always aa 1-1 back-translation: maasai
word about 1-12
word thereabouts 5-2346-1-12-234
word runabout 1235-136-1345-1-12
contraction ab
sufword above 1-12-1236
contraction abv
word according 1-14
contraction ac
word accordingly 1-14-123-13456
contraction acly
word across 1-14-1235
contraction acr
always aed =
always aer = Rosenlaer
begword aforem 1-123456-15-134 aforementioned 
word aforesaid 1-123456-15-234-145
always afr 1-124-1235
always africa 1-124-1235-24-14-1
word after 1-124 
always  fafnir 124-1-124-1345-25-1235 fafnirs
always hafnium 124-1-124-1345-25-136-134 hafniums 
contraction af
word afternoon 1-124-1345
word afternoons 1-124-1345-234
word afternoon's 1-124-1345-3-234
contraction afn
sufword afterward 1-124-2456
contraction afw
word again 1-1245
contraction ag
word against 1-1245-34
always agery =
midendword ally 6-13456
word almost 1-123-134
contraction alm
word already 1-123-1235
contraction alr
word also 1-123
contraction al
word although 1-123-1456
word altogether 1-123-2345
contraction alt
word always 1-123-2456
contraction alw
midendword ance 46-15
largesign and 12346
always standoff  34-12346-12356-124 
always andante 12356-1-1345-2345-15 
always andalusia 12356-1-123-136-234-24-1  
always andaman 12356-1-134-1-1345
always andar 12346-345 staodard
midendword anda 12346-1 panda
midword :// 156-34-34
midword angh = Shanghai
begword anted =
always anterior 1-1345-2345-12456-24-135-1235
begword anter =
begword aqued = aqueduct
always ar 345
word aright 1-5-1235
word as 1356
contraction as
always athe 1-2346 back-translation: lathe
midendword ation 6-1345
midendword aunder 1-136-1345-145-12456 saunders
begword auto = autofocus
syllable away =

# the letter b
midword bb 23
midendword bble 12-3456
lowword be 23
begword be 23
begword bea 12-2
always beu = Beulah
always bear 12-15-345
begword beatif 23-1-2345-24-124
begword beatit 23-1-2345-24-2345
begword beatr 23-1-2345-1235 Beatrice
always beck 12-15-14-13
always bed 12-1246
begword beda 23-145-1 bedazzle
begword bede 23-145-15 bedevil
word bede 12-1246-15 bede (a name)
begword bedi 23-145-24 bedizzened
word bee 12-15-15
begword bee 12-15-15
always been 12-15-26
always beer 12-15-12456
word beg =
begword begg 12-15-2356
word begs =
begword bei = beijing
sufword being 23-346
sufword belch 12-15-123-16
begword beld = Beldon
begword belf = belfry, belfast
begword belg = Belgium
begword belk = Belkin
always bell =
begword belm = Belmont
always belt =
begword belw = belwether
always ben 12-26
begword beni 12-26-24
begword benif 23-1345-24-124 benificient
sufword benign 23-1345-24-1245-1345 benignity
begword benov 23-1345-135-1236 benovolent
begword benu 23-1345-136 benumbed
begword ber 12-12456
begword bera 23-1235-1 berating
begword bere 23-1235-15 bereft
begword berea 23-1235-2 bereaved
always beriberi 12-12456-24-12-12456-24
begword beri 23-1235-24 beribboned
always best 12-15-34
sufword bestow 23-34-246
syllable beth 12-15-1456 Bethany
always bethe 12-15-2346 Bethel (Hans) Bethe
always bets =
always bett =
sufword bev = bevies
begword bever 12-5-15 Beverly beverage
always bio =
midendword bious 12-24-1256-234 dubious
always bottlen = bottlenosed
joinword by 356
word because 23-14
word bec =
sufword before 23-124
word behind 23-125
word behring 12-15-125-1235-346
word bel =
begword beln = Belnick
word below 23-123
word beneath 23-1345
sufword beside 23-234
sufword bess = Bessie
word between 23-2345
word bet =
word beyond 23-13456
word bey =
always bleu =
midendword ble 3456
midendword bleau 12-123-2-136 tableau
syllable bleed 12-123-15-1246 nosebleed
always bless 12-46-234 joblessness
word blind 12-123
contraction bl
begword blindf 12-123-124 blindfold
word blindly 12-123-123-13456
word blindness 12-123-56-234
sufword blinds 12-123-234 blindsided
always boat = boathook
always braille 12-1235-123
contraction brl
word but 12

# the letter c
midword cch 14-16
always chs 16-234 dachshund
always chloro 16-123-135-1235-135
begword cofac = cofactor
always cofound 14-135-124-46-145
begword com 36
sufword common 36-134-135-1345 commonest
begword con 25
sufword conceive 25-14-1236
sufword conceiving 25-14-1236-1245
always conch 14-135-1345-16
always cone 14-5-135
word cons 14-135-1345-234
sufword conundrum = 
sufword could 14-145
word could've 14-145-3-1236-15
contraction cd
always cred 14-1235-1246 incredulous
midword cc 25
word can 14
word can't 14-3-2345
always cannot 456-14
always ch 16
syllable chand 16-12346 merchandise
always character 5-16
always chemo 16-15-134-135
word child 16
prfword children 16-1345
sufword clever 14-123-5-15 cleverest

# the letter d
always daredevil 145-345-15-145-15-1236-24-123
always day 5-145
always dday 145-5-145
begword deact = deactivation
begword deall = deallocate
begword decarb 145-15-14-345-12
always deceive 145-14-1236
contraction dcv
contraction dcvd
contraction dcvr
contraction dcvs
always deceiving 145-14-1236-1245
contraction dcvg
always declare 145-14-123
contraction dcl
contraction dcld
contraction dclr
contraction dcls
word declaring 145-14-123-1245
contraction dclg
begword deref = dereferencing
begword dereg = deregulation
midword dd 256
begword dedic 145-1246-24-14 dedicated
always dedu = nondeductible
begword deno = denote
always denom =
begword denou 145-15-1345-1256 denounce
begword denu = denunciation
begword dera = derail
begword deri 145-15-1235-24
begword dero = derogatory
begword dino 145-35-135 dinoflagellate
begword dis 256
word disc =
word discs =
always dish 145-24-146
begword disha 256-125-1 dishabile
begword dishear 256-125-15-345 disheartened
begword disho 256-125-135 dishonor
begword dishone 256-125-5-135 dishonest
sufword disk =
sufword dispirit 145-24-456-234 dispirited
begword disul = disulfide
word do 145
syllable down 145-246-1345 facedown
always edress = vinedresser
syllable drum = kettledrum
always edom =
always reduc =
always seduc =
# syllable dun =

# the letter e
midword ea 2
midword eabil = interchangeability
always eable 15-1-3456
endword eably = noticeably
midendword eage = mileage
midendword eager 2-1245-12456 meager
always eally 15-6-13456
midendword eance 15-46-15 vengeance
midendword eand 15-12346 meander
always eation 15-6-1345
always ear 15-345
always ed 1246
begword edic = edict Benedict
sufword edition 15-145-24-56-1345 editions
syllable draw =
word either 15-24
contraction ei
word en =
always en 26
always ename 15-5-1345
sufword enamel 26-1-134-15-123 enameled
midendword ence 56-15
syllable neck = bottleneck
midendword eness 15-56-234 closeness
begword enor = enormous
begword enou 15-1345-1256
lowword enough 26
word enough 26-1256-126
begword enu 15-1345-136
always er 12456
begword era =
word eras 12456-1-234
begword erec = erect 
begword ero 15-1235-135
syllable room = storeroom
begword eru = erupt
always evert 15-1236-12456-2345
always nevertheless 1345-5-15-2346-46-234
always ever 5-15
midendword evere 15-1236-12456-15 Everest
always evered 15-1236-12456-1246
word every 15

# the letter f
midword ff 235
syllable ffold 235-135-123-145 scaffold
always father 5-124
always fein 124-15-35 Feingold
always first 124-34
always fever 124-15-1236-12456
always ffor 124-123456
largesign for 123456
begword fora 123456-1 foramen
always fore 123456-15
begword forens 123456-26-234 forensic
always forever 123456-5-15 forevermore
syllable fold =
syllable foot =
word from 124
word friend 124-1235
word friends 124-1235-234
word friendless 124-1235-46-234
sufword friendship 124-1235-146-24-1234
sufword friendl 124-1235-123
contraction fr
always fruity =
midendword ful 56-123
always funder 124-136-1345-145-12456

# the letter g
begword geo = geoengineering
sufword geoff 1245-15-12356-124 Geoffrey
midword gg 2356
always gh 126
endword gham = Langham
midendword ghill = dunghill
always ghz = (gigahertz)
sufword gnome = gnomedb
word go 1245
sufword good 1245-145
contraction gd
always good-by 1245-145-36-12-13456
syllable grad = leningrad
sufword great 1245-1235-2345
contraction grt

# the letter h
always had 456-125
always hadd 125-1-256 haddock
sufword hade = hadean 
syllable hand 125-12346
word have 125
syllable hawk =
syllable hawthorn 125-1-2456-1456-135-1235-1345
syllable head 125-2-145
syllable heart 125-15-345-2345
always hedgerow 125-1246-1245-15-1235-246
syllable herd 125-12456-145 goatherd
always here 5-125
always hereafter 5-125-1-124
always hered 125-12456-1246
always heren 125-12456-26
midendword herence 125-12456-56-15 adherence
always herer 125-12456-12456
always heres 125-12456-15-234
always heret 125-12456-15-2345
word heretofore 5-125-2345-135-123456-15
word herself 125-12456-124
word him 125-134
word His 6-236
word hm 125-3-134
sufword hmm =
word himself 125-134-124
contraction hmf
lowword his 236
syllable holm =
syllable hood =
syllable horn =
syllable horse = horseradish
syllable house 125-1256-234-15 
syllable hydro =
always hwh =

# the letter i
word I 24
midendword iever 24-15-1236-12456
word immediate 24-134-134
contraction imm
word immediately 24-134-134-123-13456
contraction immly
begword immuno = immunofluorescence
lowword in 35
nofor midword inin 35-35
word in =
always in 35
endword in' 35-3
begword incon 35-14-135-1345 incongruous
midendword iness 24-56-234
midendword ing 346
midword inga 35-1245-1 nightingale
always ingar 35-1245-345 Weingarten
midendword ingent 346-26-2345 stringent
midword ingenc 346-26-14 contingency
midword ingen 35-1245-26 palingenesis (new birth)
midword ingi 35-1245-24 meningitis
midendword inging 346-346 bringing
joinword into 35-235
always isinglass 24-234-35-1245-123-1-234-234
always isomer 24-234-135-134-12456
word it 1346
word it's 1346-3-234
word it'd 1346-3-145
word it'll 1346-3-123-123
word its 1346-234
contraction xs
word itself 1346-124
contraction xf
midendword ity 56-13456

# the letter j
word just 245

# the letter k
always knot = knothole
always know 5-13
word knowledge 13

# the letter l
always \s-\shis 36-36-125-24-234
always \s-\swas 36-36-2456-1-234
word housed 125-1256-234-1246
sufword land 123-12346 landowner
midendword less 46-234
sufword letter 123-1235
contraction lr
sufword newsletter 1345-15-2456-234-123-1235
word unlettered 136-1345-123-1235-1246
word like 123
always lineage 123-35-2-1245-15
sufword little 123-123
contraction ll
sufword lone 123-5-135 lonely
always loner 123-135-1345-12456
always lord 5-123

# the letter m
always maha =
always many 456-134
begword mccon 134-14-25
begword mc =
always medic 134-1246-24-14 medicare
midendword ment 56-2345
midword menth 134-26-1456 Blumenthal
always mideast 134-24-145-15-1-34
word milling 134-24-123-123-346
always minestrone 134-35-15-34-1235-135-1345-15
always mishap =
sufword mishear 134-24-234-125-15-345 misheard
begword missh 134-24-234-146 misshapen
begword misst 134-24-234-34 missstep
word mistook =
begword mistran = mistranslation
sufword mistreat 134-24-234-2345-1235-2-2345
begword mistru = mistrust
begword misty = mistyped
word monetary 134-5-135-2345-345-13456
always mongoose =
word more 134
always mother 5-134
always much 134-16
word must 134-34
word mustn 134-34-1345
word musty 134-34-13456
begword myo = myofibroblasts
word myself 134-13456-124
contraction myf

# the letter n
always name 5-1345
midendword nament 1345-1-56-2345 tournament
always namese =
word near-by 1345-15-345-36-12-13456
prfword necessary 1345-15-14 unnecessary
contraction nec
word neither 1345-15-24
contraction nei
midendword ness 56-234
always news = newsstand
syllable nomad = seminomadic
always nodded 1345-135-256-1246 for back-translation
begword nonen 1345-135-1345-26 nonentity
begword noness = nonessential
word nonetheless 1345-5-135-2346-46-234
always noneq =
always nonex =
begword nong = nongraphical
word noone 1345-135-5-135
begword nose = nosedive
word nosed 1345-135-234-1246
word not 1345
word noways =
word nowhere 1345-135-5-156

# the letter o
word O 135
midword oed = Schroeder
always oen = Phoenix
midendword oence 135-26-14-15 electroencephalogram
largesign of 12356
midendword ofar 135-124-345 insofar
midendword ofa 12356-1 back-translation: sofa
midword ofor 135-123456
midendword onea = Hasmonean
always onesi =
midendword oness 135-56-234
midendword oneer 135-1345-15-12456
midendword oned 135-1345-1246
always one 5-135
always oneal = peritoneal
midendword oneless 5-135-46-234 tonelessly
midendword onel = salmonella colonel
always onem = phoneme
midendword onement 5-135-56-2345 atonement
midendword onent 135-1345-26-2345
midendword oneous 135-1345-15-1256-234 erroneous
always oner 135-1345-12456
midendword onese = Cantonese,
word oneself 5-135-124
midendword oness 135-56-234 Deaconess
midendword onet = phonetics bayonet
endword onez = Ordonez
midendword ong 56-1245
always oon = sooner
always osome =
word ou =
always ou 1256
midendword ound 46-145
midendword ount 46-2345
always ourselves 1256-1235-1236-234
word out 1256
always ought 5-1256
always ow 246
word o'clock 135-3-14

# the letter p
prfword paid 1234-145
contraction pd
always part 5-1234
begword parta 1234-345-2345-1 partake
begword parthe 1234-345-2346 parthenon
begword parth 1234-345-1456 parthian
begword parto 1234-345-2345-135
begword parthen 1234-345-2346-1345 parthenon parthenogenesis
word people 1234
always perceive 1234-12456-14-1236
always perceiving 1234-12456-14-1236-1245
always perhaps 1234-12456-125
begword photo =
always pher 1234-125-12456 cyphered
always pineapple 1234-35-15-1-1234-1234-123-15
syllable portion 1234-135-1235-56-1345
syllable port = porthole
begword potho = pothole pothook
begword pre =
always preach 1234-1235-2-16
sufword predator 1234-1235-1246-1-2345-135-1235
always prof =
word prof. 1234-1235-12356-256
begword proff 1234-1235-12356-124 proffer
always profit 1234-1235-12356-24-2345

# the letter q
always quick 12345-13
contraction qk
word quite 12345
always question 5-12345

# the letter r
sufword rafter 1235-1-124-2345-12456
word rather 1235
sufword raw = rawhide
begword reab = reabsorbed
always reac =
always reach 1235-2-16
begword readj = readjust
begword readm = readmit
begword reaff 1235-15-1-235
sufword reagent 1235-15-1-1245-26-2345
begword reagg 1235-15-1-2356 reaggregated
begword realig = realign
begword rean = reanalyze, reanimate
begword reapp = reappear
begword reass 1235-15-1-234-234
begword reatt = reattach
begword reau = reauthorization
begword reaw = reawaken
begword rede =
begword redi =
word redo =
word redone 1235-15-145-5-135
begword redou 1235-15-145-1256 redouble redoubt 
always redu =
always receive 1235-14-1236
contraction rcv
contraction rcvd
contraction rcvr
contraction rcvs
always receiving 1235-14-1236-1245
contraction rcvg
begword redis = redistribute
begword redr = redress
word reichstag 1235-15-24-16-234-2345-1-1245
always rejoice 1235-245-14
contraction rjc
contraction rjcd
contraction rjcr
contraction rjcs
always rejoicing 1235-245-14-1245
contraction rjcg
sufword renaming 1235-15-1345-1-134-346 renamings
begword rene =
begword renom = renominate
begword renou 1235-15-1345-1256 renounce
sufword renown 1235-15-1345-246-1345 renowned
begword renu = renunciation
begword rera = reradiate
sufword reread 1235-15-1235-2-145
sufword rerun = reruns
always rever 1235-15-1236-12456
always reveren 1235-5-15-26 irreverent
always reverence 1235-5-15-56-15 irreverence
sufword reverie 1235-5-15-24-15
begword ribof =
begword ribon =
always right 5-1235

# the letter s
word said 234-145
contraction sd
syllable screw = screwhole
sufword sedan 234-1246-1-1345
begword seda =
always sedu =
always sent 234-26-2345 sentimental
always sever 234-15-1236-12456 perseverance 
always several 234-5-15-1-123 severally
word shall 146
word sh =
always sh 146
always shaus = In German names
sufword should 146-145
always shoulder 146-1256-123-145-12456
word singapore 234-346-1-1234-135-1235-15 
midendword sion 46-1345
midword stak 234-2345-1-13
midendword stion 234-56-1345
word so 234
always some 5-234
midendword somed 234-135-134-1246 ransomed
always somer 234-135-134-12456 somersault 
always spirit 456-234
midendword ssword 234-234-45-2456 crossword 
partword st 34
always sth 234-1456
always st. 34-256
always sthe 234-2346
word still 34
always stime 234-5-2345
midendword stown 234-2345-246-1345 Pickstown
begword styro 34-13456-1235-135 styrofoam
always ssh =
always sst =
word such 234-16
word sch =
always sword =

# the letter t
word th =
always th 1456
word that 2345
word that's 2345-3-234
word this 1456
word thyself 1456-13456-124
word tiddledywinks 2345-24-256-123-15-145-13456-2456-35-13-234
always tnam =
joinword to 235
word today 2345-145
contraction td
word tomorrow 2345-134
contraction tm
word tonight 2345-1345
contraction tn
always turtledove =
always thead 2345-125-2-145
always theast 1456-15-1-34
largesign the 2346
always thea 2346-1 theater
word themselves 2346-134-1236-234
always their 456-2346
always thence 1456-56-15
always there 5-2346
midendword thereal 2346-1235-2-123 ethereal
always thereen 2346-1235-15-26 smithereens
word thereupon 5-2346-45-136
always thereafter 5-2346-1-124
always thered 2346-1235-1246
always therer 2346-1235-12456
always theres 2346-1235-15-234 theresa therese 
midendword tion 56-1345
always time 5-2345
midendword timed 1245-24-134-1246
midendword timer 2345-24-134-12456
midendword timet = altimeter
word these 45-2346
always through 5-1456
always together 2345-1245-1235
contraction tgr
word those 45-1456
begword trans = transtype

# the letter u
begword un = unameliorated
begword unble = unblemished
begword uncon = uncongenial
begword undis = undisturbed
begword uneas = unease
begword uneat = uneaten
sufword unful = unfulfilled
begword unmen 136-1345-134-26 unmentioned
begword unpre = unpredictable
word upon 45-136 Dupont
word us 136
always under 5-136
word unsaid 136-1345-234-145

# the letter v
begword vaing 1236-1-35-1245 vainglory
word very 1236
begword vice = viceroy

# the letter w
lowword was 356
word wh =
always wh 156
midendword whart 2456-125-345-2345 Newhart
word which 156
word will 2456
lowword were 2356
lowword Were 6-2356 for back-translation
always where 5-156
word whereupon 5-156-45-136
word wherever 156-12456-5-15
largesign with 23456
always word 45-2456
word whose 45-156
always work 5-2456
sufword would 2456-145
word would've 2456-145-3-1236-15
contraction wd
always world 456-2456

# the letter x

# the letter y
word you 13456
word you'd 13456-3-145
word you'll 13456-3-123-123
word you're 13456-3-1235-15
word you've 13456-3-1236-15
always young 5-13456
word your 13456-1235
contraction yr
word yours 13456-1235-234
contraction yrs
word yourself 13456-1235-124
contraction yrf
word yourselves 13456-1235-1236-234
contraction yrvs

# the letter z

# Syst`eme International Prefixes
begword proto =
begword yotta 13456-135-2345-2345-1 10^24
begword zetta 1356-15-2345-2345-1 10^21
# begword exa 15-1346-1 10^18
begword peta 1234-15-2345-1 10^15
begword tera 2345-12456-1 10^12
begword giga 1245-24-1245-1 10^9
begword mega 134-15-1245-1 10^6
begword kilo 13-24-123-135 10^3
begword hecto 125-15-14-2345-135 10^2
begword deca 145-15-14-1 10^1
begword deci 145-15-14-24 10^-1
begword centi 14-26-2345-24 10^-2
begword gastro 1245-1-34-1235-135
begword milli 134-24-123-123-24 10^-3
begword micro 134-24-14-1235-135 10^-6
begword nano 1345-1-1345-135 10^-9
begword pico 1234-24-14-135 10^-12
begword femto 124-15-134-2345-135 10^-15
begword atto 1-2345-2345-135 10^-18
begword zepto 1356-15-1234-2345-135 10^-21
begword yocto 13456-135-14-2345-135 10^-24
begword anti =
# begword endo 26-145-135 endow
begword epi =
begword extra =
begword hyper 125-13456-1234-12456
begword hypo =
begword infra 35-124-1235-1
begword inter 35-2345-12456
begword intra 35-2345-1235-1
begword iso =
begword macro =
begword meta =
begword micro =
begword mono =
begword multi =
begword patho 1234-1-1456-135
begword peri 1234-12456-24
begword poly =
begword post 1234-135-34
begword pre =
begword pseudo =
begword retro =
# begword semi = seminar
begword sub =
begword super 234-136-1234-12456
# begword tetra =
begword trans =
begword ultra =
# begword uni =

# other prefixes
begword electro =
begword neuro =
begword psycho 1234-234-13456-16-135
endword in' =
endword 'd 3-145 back-translation: = doesn't work
endword 'm 3-134
endword 're 3-1235-15
endword 've 3-1236-15
endword 'll 3-123-123
endword 's 3-234
endword 't 3-2345
word 'em = 
always -com 36-14-135-134
endword -by =
endword -to = pointed-to resource

word abalone =
sufword abecedarian 1-12-15-14-15-145-345-24-1-1345
midendword aean =
begword aen =
begword aftere 1-124-2345-12456-15 aftereffect
begword afteri 1-124-2345-12456-24 afterimage
sufword airedale =
sufword anemone = 
sufword anteat =
word antigone =
word baloney =
sufword bandog =
sufword battledo = battledor battledome
always bedragg 23-145-1235-1-2356
sufword beguine 12-15-1245-136-35-15 proper name
sufword belittle 23-123-123
always benares 23-1345-345-15-234
begword benev 23-1345-15-1236
begword bene 12-26-15
always bering 12-12456-346
always bezel =
syllable nomial =
always boer =
always burlingam =
word caen =
midendword lingian 123-346-24-1-1345
endword reagh 1235-2-126 castlereagh
sufword cation 14-1-2345-24-135-1345
always chatham 16-1-2345-125-1-134
always cicerone 14-24-14-12456-135-1345-15
always blenz 12-123-26-1356
always enzym 26-1356-13456-134
always coname 14-135-5-1345
word conally 14-135-1345-6-13456
word conatus =
word conestoga 25-15-34-135-1245-1
word coney =
word conidium =
endword zione =
word cony =
sufword deaconess 145-2-14-135-56-234
begword denation 145-15-1345-6-1345
syllable natur =
always derogate 145-12456-135-1245-1-2345-15
always dinghy 145-35-126-13456
always  doggone 145-135-1245-1245-5-135
always donee =
word donegal =
begword equidis = equidistant
midendword thereally 2346-1235-15-6-13456 ethereally
midendword enook =
always eversion 15-1236-12456-46-1345
sufword falconet =
sufword feringhee 124-12456-35-126-15-15
begword fired = firedamp firedrake
always francene 124-1235-1-1345-14-26-15
contraction frs
sufword froward 124-1235-135-2456-345-145
sufword garderobe 1245-345-145-15-1235-135-12-15
midendword ometer 135-134-15-2345-12456 gasometer
always gastight 1245-1-234-2345-24-126-2345
word goering 1245-135-15-1235-346
word Goodwill = with a cap
word Goody = with a cap
word Goodyear 1245-135-135-145-13456-15-345
always genealog 1245-26-15-1-123-135-1245
syllable herd = goatherd
begword conan =
always thold = berthold
always equino =
syllable thill = anthill
word conch 14-135-1345-16
word conches 14-135-1345-16-15-234
syllable urinary 136-1235-35-345-13456
always goddam =
always oering  135-15-1235-346
always handsomer 125-12346-5-234-1235
always heartsease 125-15-345-2345-234-15-1-234-15
always hereford 125-12456-15-123456-145
always hereupon 5-125-45-136
endword sheimer 234-125-15-24-134-12456
always hermione 125-12456-134-24-135-1345-15
always hoity =
always toity =
midendword blence 12-123-56-15
midendword blend 12-123-26-145
syllable rubber 1235-136-23-12456 indiarubber
begword indist 35-145-24-234-2345 indistinct
begword inerad 35-15-1235-1-145 ineradicable
begword ingl 35-1245-123 inglewood inglenook
word iredell =
begword irre =
word jaconet =
word jehad =
word jihad = 
word konev =
contraction lrs
word limeade =
always lineag 123-35-2-1245
contraction llr
always littleton = proper noun
always littlejohn = surname
always letterman = surname
always oweed 135-2456-15-1246 locoweed
always lonesome 123-5-135-5-234
always maenad =
always menhaden 134-26-125-1-145-26
midendword encephal 26-14-15-1234-125-1-123
sufword misoneism =
sufword misterm 134-24-234-2345-12456-134
sufword mistitl =
always misword 134-24-234-45-2456
word more'n =
word nonesuch 1345-5-135-234-16
word noway = change entry of noways
word nowise =
sufword nuthatch 1345-136-2345-125-1-2345-16
begword oed = oedipus
always oneida =
word orangeade =
begword out 1256-2345 outhaul
endword full = overfull 
begword oleag = oleaginous
always peritoneum 1234-12456-24-2345-135-1345-15-136-134
always peroneal 1234-12456-135-1345-2-123
always persephone 1234-12456-234-15-1234-125-135-1345-15
begword pinedr 1234-35-15-145-1235 pinedrop
syllable root = pokeroot snakeroot
always poleax = poleax
sufword potherb 1234-123-2345-125-12456-12
sufword potsherd 1234-135-2345-146-12456-145
syllable hunter 125-136-1345-2345-12456 pothunter
always praenom =
always predecess 1234-1235-1246-15-14-15-234-234
always predicat 1234-1235-1246-24-14-1-2345
always prounion =
endword  edelic = psychedelic
begword reaffor 1235-15-1-125-123456 reafforestation
begword reappor = reapportion
begword reavow  1235-15-1-1236-246
begword redac = redact
begword rededic 1235-15-145-1246-24-14 rededicate
always redingote 1235-1246-346-135-2345-15
begword renav = renavigated
always renegad 1235-26-15-1245-1-145
always rerefin 1235-15-1235-15-124-35
begword resth = restharrow
endword flery = riflery
begword roped = ropedance
always roustabout 1235-1256-34-1-12
word sadowa =
always scattergood 234-14-1-2345-2345-12456-1245-145
word sever 234-5-15
word severs 234-5-15-234
word severed 234-5-15-1246
word severing 234-5-15-346
always severn 234-5-15-1345
midword sever 234-15-1236-12456 perseverance 
word several 234-5-15-1-123 severally
always shofar 146-12356-345
always shoshone 146-135-146-135-1345-15
begword skeda = skedaddle
always smitheren 234-134-24-2346-1235-26 proper name
endword ouno = radiouno
always sparerib 234-1234-345-15-1235-14-12
always speakeas 234-1234-2-13-15-1-234
begword spiken = spikenard
syllable hound 125-46-145 loghound 
always stingar 34-346-345
always owork 135-5-2456 cowork stuccowork
begword cowr = cowrote
endword enaed 15-1345-1-1246 subpoenaed 
begword threenod 1456-1235-15-15-1345-135-145 threenode
always tranship 2345-1235-1-1345-146-24-1234
begword trinar 2345-1235-24-1345-234 trinary trinaries
always turnabout 2345-136-1235-1345-1-12
always dledee =
always dledum = tweedledee and tweedledum
always twould 2345-2456-145
begword unblea 136-1345-12-123-2 unbleach?
begword unbless 136-1345-12-46-234
begword underog =
begword underiv =
always vicenar 1236-24-14-26-345
sufword violone =
sufword wakerif =
always wenceslaus 2456-26-14-15-234-123-1-136-234
word whereabouts 5-156-1-12-234
begword wired = wiredance
always wiseacr =
always you'n 13456-1256-3-1345
always zingaro  1356-346-345-135
always zwinglian 1356-2456-346-123-24-1-1345
sufword thorn 1456-135-1235-1345
word hearths 125-15-345-1456-234
word hearth 125-15-345-1456
always  \s\x2013\s 36-36 # 8211  en dash
always \s\x2014\s 36-36 # em dash
# nobreak 6-46-56-e,6-46-56

# Problems handled with context
noback context $U2-20[]"'"$l @6-3
noback context _$l["."]$l @256 U.S.
noback context _$d["a"] @56-1
noback context _$d["A"] @56-1

# problems handled with multipass opcodes
noback pass2 @36-36-36 @36-36
noback pass2 @6-236-3456 @3-3456
noback pass2 @6-56 @56-6

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