Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed under MIT (
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.NamedBean;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.json.PaginationJson;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.json.TableItem;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.json.datatable.DataTableAttributes;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.resource.BusinessException;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.resource.OnNullReturn404;
import org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.validation.ValidationJsonException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Basic container operations.
* @param The container type.
* @param The container edition bean type.
* @param The container cache type.
public abstract class AbstractContainerResource
extends AbstractOrgResource {
protected static final String TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "type";
* Ordered columns.
protected static final Map ORDERED_COLUMNS = new HashMap<>();
static {
ORDERED_COLUMNS.put("name", "name");
protected ContainerScopeResource containerScopeResource;
protected PaginationJson paginationJson;
protected DelegateOrgRepository delegateRepository;
* The container type manager by this instance.
protected final ContainerType type;
* Order {@link ContainerScope} by container type.
public class TypeComparator implements Comparator {
* Container types
private List types;
public int compare(final T container1, final T container2) {
final int result;
// First compare the type
final var type1 = toScope(types, container1);
final var type2 = toScope(types, container2);
if (Objects.equals(type1, type2)) {
result = 0;
} else if (type1 == null) {
result = 1;
} else if (type2 == null) {
result = -1;
} else {
result = type1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(type2.getName());
// Then the compare the container name
if (result == 0) {
return container1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(container2.getName());
return result;
* Constructor with mandatory fields.
* @param type The container type.
protected AbstractContainerResource(final ContainerType type) {
this.type = type;
* Check the container can be deleted by the current user.
* @param container The container to delete.
protected void checkForDeletion(final ContainerOrg container) {
// Check the container can be deleted by the current user. Used DN will
// be FQN to match the delegates
if (!delegateRepository.canCreate(securityHelper.getLogin(), Normalizer.normalize(container.getDn()),
this.type.getDelegateType())) {
// Not managed container, report this attempt and act as if this
// company did not exist
log.warn("Attempt to delete a {} '{}' out of scope", type, container.getName());
throw new ValidationJsonException(getTypeName(), BusinessException.KEY_UNKNOWN_ID, "0", getTypeName(), "1",
// Check this container is not locked
if (container.isLocked()) {
throw new ValidationJsonException("company", "locked", "0", container.getName());
* Create the given container.
* The delegation system is involved for this operation and requires administration privilege on the parent tree or
* group/company.
* @param container The container to create.
* @return The identifier of created {@link}.
public String create(final V container) {
return createInternal(container).getId();
protected T create(final V container, final ContainerScope type, final String newDn) {"Creating a {}@{}-{} '{}'", this.type, type.getName(), type.getId(), container.getName());
return getRepository().create(newDn, container.getName());
* Create the given container.
* The delegation system is involved for this operation and requires administration privilege on the parent tree or
* group/company.
* Note this is for internal use since the returned object corresponds to the internal representation.
* @param container The container to create.
* @return The created {@link} internal identifier.
public T createInternal(final V container) {
// Check the unlocked scope exists
final var scope = containerScopeResource.findById(container.getScope());
// Check the type matches with this class' container type
if (this.type != scope.getType()) {
throw new ValidationJsonException(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, "container-scope-match", TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, this.type,
"provided", scope.getType());
// Build the new DN, keeping the case
final var newDn = toDn(container, scope);
// Check the container can be created by the current principal.
// Used DN will be FQN to match the delegates
if (!delegateRepository.canCreate(securityHelper.getLogin(), Normalizer.normalize(newDn),
this.type.getDelegateType())) {
// Not managed container, report this attempt and act as if this
// container already exists
log.warn("Attempt to create a {} '{}' out of scope", scope, container.getName());
throw new ValidationJsonException("name", "read-only", "0", getTypeName(), "1", container.getName());
// Check the container does not exist
if (getRepository().findById(Normalizer.normalize(container.getName())) != null) {
throw new ValidationJsonException("name", "already-exist", "0", getTypeName(), "1", container.getName());
// Create the new container
return create(container, scope, newDn);
* Delete an existing container.
* The delegation system is involved for this operation and requires administration privilege on this container.
* @param id The container's identifier.
public void delete(@PathParam("id") final String id) {
// Check the container exists
final var container = findByIdExpected(id);
// Check the container can be deleted by current user
// Perform the deletion when checked
* Find a container from its identifier.
* @param id The container's identifier. Will be normalized.
* @return The container from its identifier. null
if the container is not found or cannot be seen by
* the current user
public T findById(final String id) {
return getRepository().findById(securityHelper.getLogin(), id);
* Find a container from its identifier. If the container is not found or cannot be seen by the current user, the
* error code {@link org.ligoj.bootstrap.core.resource.BusinessException#KEY_UNKNOWN_ID} will be returned.
* @param id The container's identifier. Will be normalized.
* @return The container from its identifier.
public T findByIdExpected(final String id) {
return getRepository().findByIdExpected(securityHelper.getLogin(), id);
* Return the container matching to given name. Case is sensitive. Visibility is checked against security context.
* DN is not exposed.
* @param name the container name. Exact match is required, so a normalized version.
* @return Container (CN) with its type.
@Path("{container:" + ContainerOrg.NAME_PATTERN + "}")
public ContainerWithScopeVo findByName(@PathParam("container") final String name) {
return Optional.ofNullable(findById(name)).map(this::toVo).orElse(null);
* Return the repository managing the container as cache.
* @return the repository managing the container as cache.
protected abstract CacheContainerRepository getCacheRepository();
* Return containers the current user can see.
* @return ordered containers the current user can see.
public Set getContainers() {
return toInternal(getCacheRepository().findAll(securityHelper.getLogin()));
* Return containers the current user can see.
* @param criteria Optional criteria, can be null
* @param pageRequest Optional {@link Pageable}, can be null
* @return ordered containers the current user can see.
public Page getContainers(final String criteria, final Pageable pageRequest) {
return toInternal(getCacheRepository().findAll(securityHelper.getLogin(), criteria, pageRequest));
* Return containers the current user can see. A user always sees his company, as if he had a company delegation to
* see it.
* @param uriInfo filter data.
* @return containers the current user can see.
public TableItem getContainers(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo) {
return paginationJson.applyPagination(uriInfo, getCacheRepository().findAll(securityHelper.getLogin(),
DataTableAttributes.getSearch(uriInfo), paginationJson.getPageRequest(uriInfo, ORDERED_COLUMNS)),
* Return containers the given user can manage with administration access.
* @return ordered companies the given user can manage with administration access.
protected Set getContainersForAdmin() {
return toInternal(getCacheRepository().findAllAdmin(securityHelper.getLogin()));
* Return containers' identifier the given user can manage with administration access.
* @return ordered containers the given user can manage with write access.
public Set getContainersIdForAdmin() {
return getContainersIdForX(getCacheRepository()::findAllAdmin);
* Return containers' identifier the current user can manage with provider access.
* @return ordered containers the given user can manage with write access.
private Set getContainersIdForX(Function> dataProvider) {
final var all = getRepository().findAll();
return dataProvider.apply(securityHelper.getLogin()).stream().map(CacheContainer::getId).filter(all::containsKey)
* Return containers the current user can manage with administration access.
* @param uriInfo filter data.
* @return containers the current user can manage.
public TableItem getContainersForAdmin(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo) {
return paginationJson.applyPagination(uriInfo, getCacheRepository().findAllAdmin(securityHelper.getLogin(),
DataTableAttributes.getSearch(uriInfo), paginationJson.getPageRequest(uriInfo, ORDERED_COLUMNS)),
* Return containers the given user can manage with write access.
* @return ordered containers the given user can manage with write access.
public Set getContainersForWrite() {
return toInternal(getCacheRepository().findAllWrite(securityHelper.getLogin()));
* Return containers' identifier the given user can manage with write access.
* @return ordered containers the given user can manage with write access.
public Set getContainersIdForWrite() {
return getContainersIdForX(getCacheRepository()::findAllWrite);
* Return containers the current user can manage with write access.
* @param uriInfo filter data.
* @return containers the current user can manage.
public TableItem getContainersForWrite(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo) {
return paginationJson.applyPagination(uriInfo, getCacheRepository().findAllWrite(securityHelper.getLogin(),
DataTableAttributes.getSearch(uriInfo), paginationJson.getPageRequest(uriInfo, ORDERED_COLUMNS)),
* Return the repository managing the container.
* @return the repository managing the container.
protected abstract IContainerRepository getRepository();
protected String getTypeName() {
return getRepository().getTypeName();
* Build a new secured container managing the effective visibility and rights.
* @param rawContainer the raw container contained sensitive data.
* @param canWrite The containers the principal user can write.
* @param canAdmin The containers the principal user can administer.
* @param types The defined type with locking information.
* @param securedContainer The container count object to fill.
protected void fillContainerCountVo(final T rawContainer, final Set canWrite,
final Set canAdmin, final List types, final ContainerCountVo securedContainer,
final Map all) {
NamedBean.copy(rawContainer, securedContainer);
// Find the closest type
final var scope = toScope(types, rawContainer);
if (scope != null) {
securedContainer.setLocked(securedContainer.isLocked() || rawContainer.isLocked());
final var parent = rawContainer.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
securedContainer.setParents(new ArrayList<>());
fillParents(securedContainer.getParents(), rawContainer, all);
private void fillParents(final List target, final T currentGroup, final Map all) {
if (currentGroup.getParent() != null) {
fillParents(target, all.get(currentGroup.getParent()), all);
* Return the DN from the container and the computed scope.
* @param container The container to convert.
* @param scope The container scope.
* @return The DN from the container and the computed scope.
protected abstract String toDn(V container, ContainerScope scope);
* Return the internal representation of the container set. Not existing cache items are removed.
* @param cacheItems The database base cache containers to convert.
* @return The internal representation of container set. Ordered is kept.
protected Set toInternal(final Collection cacheItems) {
final var all = getRepository().findAll();
* Return the internal representation of the container set as a {@link Page}.
* @param cacheItems The database base page cache containers to convert.
* @return The internal representation of {@link} set. Ordered by the name.
protected Page toInternal(final Page cacheItems) {
return new PageImpl<>(new ArrayList<>(toInternal(cacheItems.getContent())), cacheItems.getPageable(),
* Return the closest {@link ContainerScope} name associated to the given container. Order of scopes is important
* since the first matching item from this list is returned.
* @param scopes The available scopes.
* @param container The containers to check.
* @return The closest {@link ContainerScope} or null
if not found.
public ContainerScope toScope(final List scopes, final ContainerOrg container) {
return -> DnUtils.equalsOrParentOf(s.getDn(), container.getDn())).findFirst()
* Simple transformer, securing sensible date. DN is not forwarded.
* @param rawGroup The group to convert.
* @return The container including the scope and without sensible data.
protected ContainerWithScopeVo toVo(final T rawGroup) {
// Find the closest type
final var securedUserOrg = new ContainerWithScopeVo();
final var scopes = containerScopeResource.findAllDescOrder(type);
final var scope = toScope(scopes, rawGroup);
NamedBean.copy(rawGroup, securedUserOrg);
if (scope != null) {
return securedUserOrg;
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