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liquibase.snapshot.jvm.UniqueConstraintSnapshotGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.snapshot.jvm;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.database.core.*;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;
import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.snapshot.*;
import liquibase.statement.core.RawSqlStatement;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.*;
import liquibase.util.StringUtils;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
public class UniqueConstraintSnapshotGenerator extends JdbcSnapshotGenerator {
public UniqueConstraintSnapshotGenerator() {
super(UniqueConstraint.class, new Class[]{Table.class});
public int getPriority(Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType, Database database) {
if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) {
return super.getPriority(objectType, database);
protected DatabaseObject snapshotObject(DatabaseObject example, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException, InvalidExampleException {
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
UniqueConstraint exampleConstraint = (UniqueConstraint) example;
Table table = exampleConstraint.getTable();
List> metadata = listColumns(exampleConstraint, database);
if (metadata.size() == 0) {
return null;
UniqueConstraint constraint = new UniqueConstraint();
for (Map col : metadata) {
constraint.getColumns().add((String) col.get("COLUMN_NAME"));
return constraint;
protected void addTo(DatabaseObject foundObject, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException, InvalidExampleException {
if (!snapshot.getSnapshotControl().shouldInclude(UniqueConstraint.class)) {
if (foundObject instanceof Table) {
Table table = (Table) foundObject;
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
Schema schema;
schema = table.getSchema();
List metadata = null;
try {
metadata = listConstraints(table, snapshot, schema);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
Set seenConstraints = new HashSet();
for (CachedRow constraint : metadata) {
UniqueConstraint uq = new UniqueConstraint().setName(cleanNameFromDatabase((String) constraint.get("CONSTRAINT_NAME"), database)).setTable(table);
if (seenConstraints.add(uq.getName())) {
protected List listConstraints(Table table, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot, Schema schema) throws DatabaseException, SQLException {
return ((JdbcDatabaseSnapshot) snapshot).getMetaData().getUniqueConstraints(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName(), table.getName());
protected List> listColumns(UniqueConstraint example, Database database) throws DatabaseException {
Table table = example.getTable();
Schema schema = table.getSchema();
String name = example.getName();
String sql = null;
if (database instanceof MySQLDatabase || database instanceof HsqlDatabase) {
sql = "select const.CONSTRAINT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME " +
"from "+database.getSystemSchema()+".table_constraints const " +
"join "+database.getSystemSchema()+".key_column_usage col " +
"on const.constraint_schema=col.constraint_schema " +
"and const.table_name=col.table_name " +
"and const.constraint_name=col.constraint_name " +
"where const.constraint_schema='" + database.correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class) + "' " +
"and const.table_name='" + database.correctObjectName(example.getTable().getName(), Table.class) + "' " +
"and const.constraint_name='" + database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class) + "'" +
"order by ordinal_position";
} else if (database instanceof PostgresDatabase) {
sql = "select const.CONSTRAINT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME " +
"from "+database.getSystemSchema()+".table_constraints const " +
"join "+database.getSystemSchema()+".key_column_usage col " +
"on const.constraint_schema=col.constraint_schema " +
"and const.table_name=col.table_name " +
"and const.constraint_name=col.constraint_name " +
"where const.constraint_catalog='" + database.correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class) + "' " +
"and const.constraint_schema='" + database.correctObjectName(schema.getSchema().getName(), Schema.class) + "' " +
"and const.table_name='" + database.correctObjectName(example.getTable().getName(), Table.class) + "' " +
"and const.constraint_name='" + database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class) + "'" +
"order by ordinal_position";
} else if (database instanceof MSSQLDatabase) {
"where TC.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA='" + database.correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class) + "' " +
"and TC.TABLE_NAME='" + database.correctObjectName(example.getTable().getName(), Table.class) + "' " +
"and TC.CONSTRAINT_NAME='" + database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class) + "'" +
} else if (database instanceof OracleDatabase) {
sql = "select ucc.column_name from all_cons_columns ucc where ucc.constraint_name='"+database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class)+"' and ucc.owner='"+database.correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class)+"' order by ucc.position";
} else if (database instanceof DB2Database) {
sql = "select k.colname as column_name from syscat.keycoluse k, syscat.tabconst t " +
"where k.constname = t.constname " +
"and t.type='U' " +
"and k.constname='"+database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class)+"' "+
"order by colseq";
} else if (database instanceof DerbyDatabase) {
sql = "SELECT cg.descriptor as descriptor, t.tablename " +
"FROM sys.sysconglomerates cg "+
"JOIN sys.syskeys k ON cg.conglomerateid = k.conglomerateid "+
"JOIN sys.sysconstraints c ON c.constraintid = k.constraintid " +
"JOIN sys.systables t ON c.tableid = t.tableid "+
"WHERE c.constraintname='"+database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class)+"'";
List> rows = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database).queryForList(new RawSqlStatement(sql));
List> returnList = new ArrayList>();
if (rows.size() == 0) {
return returnList;
} else if (rows.size() > 1) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Got multiple rows back querying unique constraints");
} else {
Map rowData = rows.get(0);
String descriptor = rowData.get("DESCRIPTOR").toString();
descriptor = descriptor.replaceFirst(".*\\(","").replaceFirst("\\).*","");
for (String columnNumber : StringUtils.splitAndTrim(descriptor, ",")) {
String columnName = (String) ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database).queryForObject(new RawSqlStatement(
"select c.columnname from sys.syscolumns c " +
"join sys.systables t on t.tableid=c.referenceid " +
"where t.tablename='"+rowData.get("TABLENAME")+"' and c.columnnumber=" + columnNumber), String.class);
Map row = new HashMap();
row.put("COLUMN_NAME", columnName);
return returnList;
} else if (database instanceof FirebirdDatabase) {
"WHERE UPPER(RDB$INDICES.RDB$INDEX_NAME)='"+database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class)+"' " +
} else {
String catalogName = database.correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class);
String schemaName = database.correctObjectName(schema.getName(), Schema.class);
String constraintName = database.correctObjectName(name, UniqueConstraint.class);
String tableName = database.correctObjectName(table.getName(), Table.class);
"from "+database.getSystemSchema()+".constraints " +
"where constraint_type='UNIQUE' ";
if (catalogName != null) {
sql += "and constraint_catalog='" + catalogName + "' ";
if (schemaName != null) {
sql += "and constraint_schema='" + schemaName + "' ";
if (tableName != null) {
sql += "and table_name='" + tableName + "' ";
if (constraintName != null) {
sql += "and constraint_name='" + constraintName + "'";
return ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database).queryForList(new RawSqlStatement(sql));
//START CODE FROM PostgresDatabseSnapshotGenerator
// protected void readUniqueConstraints(DatabaseSnapshot snapshot, Schema schema, DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData) throws DatabaseException, SQLException {
// Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
// updateListeners("Reading unique constraints for " + database.toString() + " ...");
// List foundUC = new ArrayList();
// PreparedStatement statement = null;
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// statement = ((JdbcConnection) database.getConnection()).getUnderlyingConnection().prepareStatement("select pgc.conname, pgc.conrelid, pgc.conkey, pgcl.relname from pg_constraint pgc inner join pg_class pgcl on pgcl.oid = pgc.conrelid and pgcl.relkind ='r' where contype = 'u'");
// rs = statement.executeQuery();
// while ( {
// String constraintName = rs.getString("conname");
// long conrelid = rs.getLong("conrelid");
// Array keys = rs.getArray("conkey");
// String tableName = rs.getString("relname");
// UniqueConstraint constraintInformation = new UniqueConstraint();
// constraintInformation.setName(constraintName);
// if(!database.isSystemTable(schema, tableName)&&!database.isLiquibaseTable(schema, tableName)) {
// Table table = snapshot.getDatabaseObject(schema, tableName, Table.class);
// if (table == null) {
// // SKip it -- the query above pulls back more then the query for tables & views in the super class
// continue;
// }
// constraintInformation.setTable(table);
// getColumnsForUniqueConstraint(database, conrelid, keys, constraintInformation);
// foundUC.add(constraintInformation);
// }
// }
// snapshot.addDatabaseObjects(foundUC.toArray(new UniqueConstraint[foundUC.size()]));
// }
// finally {
// try {
// if (rs != null) {
// rs.close();
// }
// } catch (SQLException ignored) { }
// if (statement != null) {
// statement.close();
// }
// }
// }
// protected void getColumnsForUniqueConstraint(Database database, long conrelid, Array keys, UniqueConstraint constraint) throws SQLException {
// HashMap columns_map = new HashMap();
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// String str = null;
// Object arrays = keys.getArray();
// if (arrays instanceof Integer[]) {
// str = StringUtils.join((Integer[])arrays, ",");
// } else if (arrays instanceof int[]) {
// str = StringUtils.join((int[])arrays, ",");
// } else {
// throw new SQLException("Can't detect type of array " + arrays);
// }
// stmt = ((JdbcConnection) database.getConnection()).getUnderlyingConnection().prepareStatement("select attname,attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid = ? and attnum in (" + str + ")");
// stmt.setLong(1, conrelid);
// rs = stmt.executeQuery();
// while ( {
// columns_map.put(rs.getInt("attnum"), rs.getString("attname"));
// }
// StringTokenizer str_token = new StringTokenizer(keys.toString().replace("{", "").replace("}", ""), ",");
// while (str_token.hasMoreTokens()) {
// Integer column_id = new Integer(str_token.nextToken());
// constraint.getColumns().add(columns_map.get(column_id));
// }
// }
// finally {
// if (rs != null) {
// try {
// rs.close();
// } catch (SQLException ignored) { }
// }
// if (stmt != null)
// stmt.close();
// }
// }
//END CODE FROM PostgrestDatabaseSnapshotGenerator
//code from OracleDatabaseSnapshotGenerator
// @Override
// protected void readUniqueConstraints(DatabaseSnapshot snapshot, String schema, DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData) throws DatabaseException, SQLException {
// Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
// updateListeners("Reading unique constraints for " + database.toString() + " ...");
// List foundUC = new ArrayList();
// Connection jdbcConnection = ((JdbcConnection) database.getConnection()).getUnderlyingConnection();
// PreparedStatement statement = null;
// ResultSet rs = null;
// // Setting default schema name. Needed for correct statement generation
// if (schema == null)
// schema = database.convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(schema);
// try {
// String query = "select uc.constraint_name,uc.table_name,uc.status,uc.deferrable,uc.deferred,ui.tablespace_name from all_constraints uc, all_cons_columns ucc, all_indexes ui where uc.constraint_type='U' and uc.index_name = ui.index_name and uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name and uc.owner = '" + schema + "' and ui.table_owner = '" + schema + "' and ucc.owner = '" + schema + "'";
// statement = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement(query);
// rs = statement.executeQuery();
// while ( {
// String constraintName = rs.getString("constraint_name");
// String tableName = rs.getString("table_name");
// String status = rs.getString("status");
// String deferrable = rs.getString("deferrable");
// String deferred = rs.getString("deferred");
// String tablespace = rs.getString("tablespace_name");
// UniqueConstraint constraintInformation = new UniqueConstraint();
// constraintInformation.setName(constraintName);
// constraintInformation.setTablespace(tablespace);
// if (!database.isSystemTable(null, schema, tableName) && !database.isLiquibaseTable(tableName)) {
// Table table = snapshot.getTable(tableName);
// if (table == null) {
// continue; //probably different schema
// }
// constraintInformation.setTable(table);
// constraintInformation.setDisabled("DISABLED".equals(status));
// if ("DEFERRABLE".equals(deferrable)) {
// constraintInformation.setDeferrable(true);
// constraintInformation.setInitiallyDeferred("DEFERRED".equals(deferred));
// }
// getColumnsForUniqueConstraint(jdbcConnection, constraintInformation, schema);
// foundUC.add(constraintInformation);
// }
// }
// snapshot.getUniqueConstraints().addAll(foundUC);
// } finally {
// try {
// rs.close();
// } catch (SQLException ignored) { }
// if (statement != null) {
// statement.close();
// }
// }
// }
// protected void getColumnsForUniqueConstraint(Connection jdbcConnection, UniqueConstraint constraint, String schema) throws SQLException {
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// stmt = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement("select ucc.column_name from all_cons_columns ucc where ucc.constraint_name=? and ucc.owner=? order by ucc.position");
// stmt.setString(1, constraint.getName());
// stmt.setString(2, schema);
// rs = stmt.executeQuery();
// while ( {
// String columnName = rs.getString("column_name");
// constraint.getColumns().add(columnName);
// }
// } finally {
// if (rs != null) {
// try {
// rs.close();
// } catch (SQLException ignored) {
// }
// }
// if (stmt != null)
// stmt.close();
// }
// }