liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.database;
import liquibase.CatalogAndSchema;
import liquibase.change.Change;
import liquibase.change.core.DropTableChange;
import liquibase.changelog.*;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationProperty;
import liquibase.configuration.GlobalConfiguration;
import liquibase.configuration.LiquibaseConfiguration;
import liquibase.database.core.*;
import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection;
import liquibase.diff.DiffGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.diff.DiffResult;
import liquibase.diff.compare.CompareControl;
import liquibase.diff.compare.DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory;
import liquibase.diff.output.DiffOutputControl;
import liquibase.diff.output.changelog.DiffToChangeLog;
import liquibase.exception.*;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.lockservice.LockServiceFactory;
import liquibase.logging.LogFactory;
import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.EmptyDatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotControl;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.sql.Sql;
import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitor;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceCurrentValueFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceNextValueFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement;
import liquibase.statement.core.*;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.*;
import liquibase.util.ISODateFormat;
import liquibase.util.StreamUtil;
import liquibase.util.StringUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* AbstractJdbcDatabase is extended by all supported databases as a facade to the underlying database.
* The physical connection can be retrieved from the AbstractJdbcDatabase implementation, as well as any
* database-specific characteristics such as the datatype for "boolean" fields.
public abstract class AbstractJdbcDatabase implements Database {
private static final Pattern startsWithNumberPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9].*");
private final static int FETCH_SIZE = 1000;
private DatabaseConnection connection;
protected String defaultCatalogName;
protected String defaultSchemaName;
protected String currentDateTimeFunction;
* The sequence name will be substituted into the string e.g. NEXTVAL('%s')
protected String sequenceNextValueFunction;
protected String sequenceCurrentValueFunction;
protected String quotingStartCharacter = "\"";
protected String quotingEndCharacter = "\"";
protected String quotingEndReplacement = "\"\"";
// List of Database native functions.
protected List dateFunctions = new ArrayList();
protected List unmodifiableDataTypes = new ArrayList();
private static Pattern CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^CREATE\\s+.*?VIEW\\s+.*?AS\\s+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
private String databaseChangeLogTableName;
private String databaseChangeLogLockTableName;
private String liquibaseTablespaceName;
private String liquibaseSchemaName;
private String liquibaseCatalogName;
private Boolean previousAutoCommit;
private boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = false;
protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementStartWith = BigInteger.ONE;
protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementBy = BigInteger.ONE;
// most databases either lowercase or uppercase unuqoted objects such as table and column names.
protected Boolean unquotedObjectsAreUppercased = null;
// whether object names should be quoted
protected ObjectQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy = ObjectQuotingStrategy.LEGACY;
private final Set reservedWords = new HashSet();
protected Boolean caseSensitive;
private boolean outputDefaultSchema = true;
private boolean outputDefaultCatalog = true;
private boolean defaultCatalogSet = false;
private boolean defaultSchemaSet = false;
private Map attributes = new HashMap();
public String getName() {
return toString();
public boolean requiresPassword() {
return true;
public boolean requiresUsername() {
return true;
public DatabaseObject[] getContainingObjects() {
return null;
public DatabaseConnection getConnection() {
return connection;
public void setConnection(final DatabaseConnection conn) {
LogFactory.getLogger().debug("Connected to " + conn.getConnectionUserName() + "@" + conn.getURL());
this.connection = conn;
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
if (autoCommit == getAutoCommitMode()) {
// Don't adjust the auto-commit mode if it's already what the database wants it to be.
LogFactory.getLogger().debug("Not adjusting the auto commit mode; it is already " + autoCommit);
} else {
// Store the previous auto-commit mode, because the connection needs to be restored to it when this
// AbstractDatabase type is closed. This is important for systems which use connection pools.
previousAutoCommit = autoCommit;
LogFactory.getLogger().debug("Setting auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " from " + autoCommit);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
LogFactory.getLogger().warning("Cannot set auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " on connection");
* Auto-commit mode to run in
public boolean getAutoCommitMode() {
return !supportsDDLInTransaction();
public void addReservedWords(Collection words) {
* By default databases should support DDL within a transaction.
public boolean supportsDDLInTransaction() {
return true;
* Returns the name of the database product according to the underlying database.
public String getDatabaseProductName() {
if (connection == null) {
return getDefaultDatabaseProductName();
try {
return connection.getDatabaseProductName();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get database name");
protected abstract String getDefaultDatabaseProductName();
public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return null;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseProductVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return 999;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseMajorVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return -1;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseMinorVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public String getDefaultCatalogName() {
if (defaultCatalogName == null) {
if (defaultSchemaName != null && !this.supportsSchemas()) {
return defaultSchemaName;
if (connection != null) {
try {
defaultCatalogName = getConnectionCatalogName();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
LogFactory.getLogger().info("Error getting default catalog", e);
return defaultCatalogName;
protected String getConnectionCatalogName() throws DatabaseException {
return connection.getCatalog();
* @deprecated use {@link liquibase.CatalogAndSchema#standardize(Database)}
public CatalogAndSchema correctSchema(final String catalog, final String schema) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(catalog, schema).standardize(this);
* @deprecated Use {@link liquibase.CatalogAndSchema#standardize(Database)}) or {@link liquibase.CatalogAndSchema#customize(Database)}
public CatalogAndSchema correctSchema(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(getDefaultCatalogName(), getDefaultSchemaName());
return schema.standardize(this);
public String correctObjectName(final String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (quotingStrategy == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS || unquotedObjectsAreUppercased == null
|| objectName == null || (objectName.startsWith(quotingStartCharacter) && objectName.endsWith(
quotingEndCharacter))) {
return objectName;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(unquotedObjectsAreUppercased)) {
return objectName.toUpperCase();
} else {
return objectName.toLowerCase();
public CatalogAndSchema getDefaultSchema() {
return new CatalogAndSchema(getDefaultCatalogName(), getDefaultSchemaName());
public String getDefaultSchemaName() {
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
return getDefaultCatalogName();
if (defaultSchemaName == null && connection != null) {
defaultSchemaName = getConnectionSchemaName();
return defaultSchemaName;
* Overwrite this method to get the default schema name for the connection.
* If you only need to change the statement that obtains the current schema then override
* @see AbstractJdbcDatabase#getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement()
* @return
protected String getConnectionSchemaName() {
if (connection == null || connection instanceof OfflineConnection) {
return null;
try {
String currentSchemaStatement = getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement();
return ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).
queryForObject(new RawCallStatement(currentSchemaStatement), String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogFactory.getLogger().info("Error getting default schema", e);
return null;
* Used to obtain the connection schema name through a statement
* Override this method to change the statement.
* Only override this if getConnectionSchemaName is left unchanges or is using this method.
* @see AbstractJdbcDatabase#getConnectionSchemaName()
* @return
protected String getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement(){
return "call current_schema";
public void setDefaultCatalogName(final String defaultCatalogName) {
this.defaultCatalogName = correctObjectName(defaultCatalogName, Catalog.class);
defaultCatalogSet = defaultCatalogName != null;
public void setDefaultSchemaName(final String schemaName) {
this.defaultSchemaName = correctObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class);
defaultSchemaSet = schemaName != null;
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
defaultCatalogSet = schemaName != null;
public Integer getFetchSize() {
return FETCH_SIZE;
* Returns system (undroppable) views.
protected Set getSystemTables() {
return new HashSet();
* Returns system (undroppable) views.
protected Set getSystemViews() {
return new HashSet();
* Does the database type support sequence.
public boolean supportsSequences() {
return true;
public boolean supportsAutoIncrement() {
return true;
public void setCurrentDateTimeFunction(final String function) {
if (function != null) {
this.currentDateTimeFunction = function;
this.dateFunctions.add(new DatabaseFunction(function));
* Return a date literal with the same value as a string formatted using ISO 8601.
* Note: many databases accept date literals in ISO8601 format with the 'T' replaced with
* a space. Only databases which do not accept these strings should need to override this
* method.
* Implementation restriction:
* Currently, only the following subsets of ISO8601 are supported:
* yyyy-MM-dd
* hh:mm:ss
* yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
public String getDateLiteral(final String isoDate) {
if (isDateOnly(isoDate) || isTimeOnly(isoDate)) {
return "'" + isoDate + "'";
} else if (isDateTime(isoDate)) {
// StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer();
// val.append("'");
// val.append(isoDate.substring(0, 10));
// val.append(" ");
////noinspection MagicNumber
// val.append(isoDate.substring(11));
// val.append("'");
// return val.toString();
return "'" + isoDate.replace('T', ' ') + "'";
} else {
return "BAD_DATE_FORMAT:" + isoDate;
public String getDateTimeLiteral(final java.sql.Timestamp date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getDateLiteral(final java.sql.Date date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getTimeLiteral(final java.sql.Time date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getDateLiteral(final Date date) {
if (date instanceof java.sql.Date) {
return getDateLiteral(((java.sql.Date) date));
} else if (date instanceof java.sql.Time) {
return getTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Time) date));
} else if (date instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
return getDateTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Timestamp) date));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type: " + date.getClass().getName());
public Date parseDate(final String dateAsString) throws DateParseException {
try {
if (dateAsString.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else if (dateAsString.indexOf("T") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else {
if (dateAsString.indexOf(":") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dateAsString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DateParseException(dateAsString);
protected boolean isDateOnly(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.length() == "yyyy-MM-dd".length();
protected boolean isDateTime(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.length() >= "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss".length();
protected boolean isTimestamp(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.length() >= "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS".length();
protected boolean isTimeOnly(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.length() == "hh:mm:ss".length();
* Returns database-specific line comment string.
public String getLineComment() {
return "--";
* Returns database-specific auto-increment DDL clause.
public String getAutoIncrementClause(final BigInteger startWith, final BigInteger incrementBy) {
if (!supportsAutoIncrement()) {
return "";
// generate an SQL:2003 standard compliant auto increment clause by default
String autoIncrementClause = getAutoIncrementClause();
boolean generateStartWith = generateAutoIncrementStartWith(startWith);
boolean generateIncrementBy = generateAutoIncrementBy(incrementBy);
if (generateStartWith || generateIncrementBy) {
autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementOpening();
if (generateStartWith) {
autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementStartWithClause(), (startWith == null) ? defaultAutoIncrementStartWith : startWith);
if (generateIncrementBy) {
if (generateStartWith) {
autoIncrementClause += ", ";
autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementByClause(), (incrementBy == null) ? defaultAutoIncrementBy : incrementBy);
autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementClosing();
return autoIncrementClause;
protected String getAutoIncrementClause() {
protected boolean generateAutoIncrementStartWith(final BigInteger startWith) {
return startWith != null
&& !startWith.equals(defaultAutoIncrementStartWith);
protected boolean generateAutoIncrementBy(final BigInteger incrementBy) {
return incrementBy != null
&& !incrementBy.equals(defaultAutoIncrementBy);
protected String getAutoIncrementOpening() {
return " (";
protected String getAutoIncrementClosing() {
return ")";
protected String getAutoIncrementStartWithClause() {
return "START WITH %d";
protected String getAutoIncrementByClause() {
return "INCREMENT BY %d";
public String getConcatSql(final String... values) {
StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer();
for (String value : values) {
returnString.append(value).append(" || ");
return returnString.toString().replaceFirst(" \\|\\| $", "");
* @see liquibase.database.Database#getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()
public String getDatabaseChangeLogTableName() {
if (databaseChangeLogTableName != null) {
return databaseChangeLogTableName;
return LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.class).getDatabaseChangeLogTableName();
* @see liquibase.database.Database#getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName()
public String getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName() {
if (databaseChangeLogLockTableName != null) {
return databaseChangeLogLockTableName;
return LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.class).getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName();
* @see liquibase.database.Database#getLiquibaseTablespaceName()
public String getLiquibaseTablespaceName() {
if (liquibaseTablespaceName != null) {
return liquibaseTablespaceName;
return LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getConfiguration(GlobalConfiguration.class).getLiquibaseTablespaceName();
* @see liquibase.database.Database#setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(java.lang.String)
public void setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(final String tableName) {
this.databaseChangeLogTableName = tableName;
* @see liquibase.database.Database#setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(java.lang.String)
public void setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(final String tableName) {
this.databaseChangeLogLockTableName = tableName;
* @see liquibase.database.Database#setLiquibaseTablespaceName(java.lang.String)
public void setLiquibaseTablespaceName(final String tablespace) {
this.liquibaseTablespaceName = tablespace;
protected boolean canCreateChangeLogTable() throws DatabaseException {
return ((StandardChangeLogHistoryService) ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this)).canCreateChangeLogTable();
public void setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(final boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo) {
this.canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo;
public String getLiquibaseCatalogName() {
if (liquibaseCatalogName != null) {
return liquibaseCatalogName;
ConfigurationProperty configuration = LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(GlobalConfiguration.class, GlobalConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_CATALOG_NAME);
if (configuration.getWasOverridden()) {
return configuration.getValue(String.class);
return getDefaultCatalogName();
public void setLiquibaseCatalogName(final String catalogName) {
this.liquibaseCatalogName = catalogName;
public String getLiquibaseSchemaName() {
if (liquibaseSchemaName != null) {
return liquibaseSchemaName;
ConfigurationProperty configuration = LiquibaseConfiguration.getInstance().getProperty(GlobalConfiguration.class, GlobalConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_SCHEMA_NAME);
if (configuration.getWasOverridden()) {
return configuration.getValue(String.class);
return getDefaultSchemaName();
public void setLiquibaseSchemaName(final String schemaName) {
this.liquibaseSchemaName = schemaName;
public boolean isCaseSensitive() {
if (caseSensitive == null) {
if (connection != null && connection instanceof JdbcConnection) {
try {
caseSensitive = ((JdbcConnection) connection).getUnderlyingConnection().getMetaData().supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers();
} catch (SQLException e) {
LogFactory.getLogger().warning("Cannot determine case sensitivity from JDBC driver", e);
if (caseSensitive == null) {
return false;
} else {
return caseSensitive.booleanValue();
public void setCaseSensitive(Boolean caseSensitive) {
this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
public boolean isReservedWord(final String string) {
return reservedWords.contains(string.toUpperCase());
* Check if given string starts with numeric values that may cause problems and should be escaped.
protected boolean startsWithNumeric(final String objectName) {
return startsWithNumberPattern.matcher(objectName).matches();
* Drops all objects owned by the connected user.
public void dropDatabaseObjects(final CatalogAndSchema schemaToDrop) throws LiquibaseException {
ObjectQuotingStrategy currentStrategy = this.getObjectQuotingStrategy();
try {
DatabaseSnapshot snapshot;
try {
final SnapshotControl snapshotControl = new SnapshotControl(this);
final Set> typesToInclude = snapshotControl.getTypesToInclude();
//We do not need to remove indexes and primary/unique keys explicitly. They should be removed
//as part of tables.
if (supportsForeignKeyDisable()) {
//We do not remove ForeignKey because they will be disabled and removed as parts of tables.
final long createSnapshotStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
snapshot = SnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().createSnapshot(schemaToDrop, this, snapshotControl);
LogFactory.getLogger().debug(String.format("Database snapshot generated in %d ms. Snapshot includes: %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - createSnapshotStarted, typesToInclude));
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
final long changeSetStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
DiffResult diffResult = DiffGeneratorFactory.getInstance().compare(new EmptyDatabaseSnapshot(this), snapshot, new CompareControl(snapshot.getSnapshotControl().getTypesToInclude()));
List changeSets = new DiffToChangeLog(diffResult, new DiffOutputControl(true, true, false, null).addIncludedSchema(schemaToDrop)).generateChangeSets();
LogFactory.getLogger().debug(String.format("ChangeSet to Remove Database Objects generated in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - changeSetStarted));
boolean previousAutoCommit = this.getAutoCommitMode();
this.commit(); //clear out currently executed statements
this.setAutoCommit(false); //some DDL doesn't work in autocommit mode
final boolean reEnableFK = supportsForeignKeyDisable() && disableForeignKeyChecks();
try {
for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeSets) {
for (Change change : changeSet.getChanges()) {
if (change instanceof DropTableChange) {
((DropTableChange) change).setCascadeConstraints(true);
SqlStatement[] sqlStatements = change.generateStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : sqlStatements) {
} finally {
if (reEnableFK) {
} finally {
public boolean supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints() {
return (this instanceof SQLiteDatabase
|| this instanceof SybaseDatabase
|| this instanceof SybaseASADatabase
|| this instanceof PostgresDatabase
|| this instanceof OracleDatabase
public boolean isSystemObject(final DatabaseObject example) {
if (example == null) {
return false;
if (example.getSchema() != null && example.getSchema().getName() != null && example.getSchema().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("information_schema")) {
return true;
if (example instanceof Table && getSystemTables().contains(example.getName())) {
return true;
if (example instanceof View && getSystemViews().contains(example.getName())) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isSystemView(CatalogAndSchema schema, final String viewName) {
schema = schema.customize(this);
if ("information_schema".equalsIgnoreCase(schema.getSchemaName())) {
return true;
} else if (getSystemViews().contains(viewName)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isLiquibaseObject(final DatabaseObject object) {
if (object instanceof Table) {
Schema liquibaseSchema = new Schema(getLiquibaseCatalogName(), getLiquibaseSchemaName());
if (DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance().isSameObject(object, new Table().setName(getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()).setSchema(liquibaseSchema), null, this)) {
return true;
if (DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance().isSameObject(object, new Table().setName(getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName()).setSchema(liquibaseSchema), null, this)) {
return true;
return false;
} else if (object instanceof Column) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((Column) object).getRelation());
} else if (object instanceof Index) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((Index) object).getTable());
} else if (object instanceof PrimaryKey) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((PrimaryKey) object).getTable());
return false;
* Tags the database changelog with the given string.
public void tag(final String tagString) throws DatabaseException {
public boolean doesTagExist(final String tag) throws DatabaseException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).tagExists(tag);
public String toString() {
if (getConnection() == null) {
return getShortName() + " Database";
return getConnection().getConnectionUserName() + " @ " + getConnection().getURL() + (getDefaultSchemaName() == null ? "" : " (Default Schema: " + getDefaultSchemaName() + ")");
public String getViewDefinition(CatalogAndSchema schema, final String viewName) throws DatabaseException {
schema = schema.customize(this);
String definition = (String) ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForObject(new GetViewDefinitionStatement(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getSchemaName(), viewName), String.class);
if (definition == null) {
return null;
return CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN.matcher(definition).replaceFirst("");
public String escapeTableName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, Table.class);
public String escapeObjectName(String catalogName, String schemaName, final String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
// CatalogAndSchema catalogAndSchema = this.correctSchema(catalogName, schemaName);
// catalogName = catalogAndSchema.getCatalogName();
// schemaName = catalogAndSchema.getSchemaName();
if (supportsSchemas()) {
catalogName = StringUtils.trimToNull(catalogName);
schemaName = StringUtils.trimToNull(schemaName);
if (catalogName == null) {
catalogName = this.getDefaultCatalogName();
if (schemaName == null) {
schemaName = this.getDefaultSchemaName();
if (!supportsCatalogInObjectName(objectType)) {
catalogName = null;
if (catalogName == null && schemaName == null) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if (catalogName == null || !this.supportsCatalogInObjectName(objectType)) {
if (!defaultSchemaSet && isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultSchema()) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (!defaultSchemaSet && isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultSchema() && !getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if (!defaultSchemaSet && isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if (supportsCatalogs()) {
catalogName = StringUtils.trimToNull(catalogName);
schemaName = StringUtils.trimToNull(schemaName);
if (catalogName != null) {
if (getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (!defaultCatalogSet && isDefaultCatalog(catalogName)) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (schemaName != null) { //they actually mean catalog name
if (getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (!defaultCatalogSet && isDefaultCatalog(schemaName)) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
catalogName = this.getDefaultCatalogName();
if (catalogName == null) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (defaultCatalogSet || (isDefaultCatalog(catalogName) && getOutputDefaultCatalog())) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
public String escapeObjectName(String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (objectName != null) {
objectName = objectName.trim();
if (mustQuoteObjectName(objectName, objectType)) {
return quoteObject(objectName, objectType);
} else if (quotingStrategy == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS) {
return quoteObject(objectName, objectType);
objectName = objectName.trim();
return objectName;
protected boolean mustQuoteObjectName(String objectName, Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
return objectName.contains("-") || startsWithNumeric(objectName) || isReservedWord(objectName) || objectName.matches(".*\\W.*");
public String quoteObject(final String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (objectName == null) {
return null;
return quotingStartCharacter
+ objectName.replace(quotingEndCharacter, quotingEndReplacement)
+ quotingEndCharacter;
public String escapeIndexName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String indexName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, indexName, Index.class);
public String escapeSequenceName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String sequenceName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, sequenceName, Sequence.class);
public String escapeConstraintName(final String constraintName) {
return escapeObjectName(constraintName, Index.class);
public String escapeColumnName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableName, final String columnName) {
return escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class);
* Similar to {@link #escapeColumnName(String, String, String, String)} but allows control over whether function-like names should be left unquoted.
* @deprecated Know if you should quote the name or not, and use {@link #escapeColumnName(String, String, String, String)} which will quote things that look like functions, or leave it along as you see fit. Don't rely on this function guessing.
public String escapeColumnName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, boolean quoteNamesThatMayBeFunctions) {
if (quotingStrategy == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS) {
return quoteObject(columnName, Column.class);
if (columnName.contains("(")) {
if (quoteNamesThatMayBeFunctions) {
return quoteObject(columnName, Column.class);
} else {
return columnName;
return escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class);
public String escapeColumnNameList(final String columnNames) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String columnName : StringUtils.splitAndTrim(columnNames, ",")) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
boolean descending = false;
if (columnName.matches("(?i).*\\s+DESC")) {
columnName = columnName.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+DESC$", "");
descending = true;
} else if (columnName.matches("(?i).*\\s+ASC")) {
columnName = columnName.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+ASC$", "");
sb.append(escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class));
if (descending) {
sb.append(" DESC");
return sb.toString();
public boolean supportsSchemas() {
return true;
public boolean supportsCatalogs() {
return true;
public boolean jdbcCallsCatalogsSchemas() {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogInObjectName(final Class extends DatabaseObject> type) {
return false;
public String generatePrimaryKeyName(final String tableName) {
return "PK_" + tableName.toUpperCase();
public String escapeViewName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String viewName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, viewName, View.class);
* Returns the run status for the given ChangeSet
public ChangeSet.RunStatus getRunStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRunStatus(changeSet);
public RanChangeSet getRanChangeSet(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanChangeSet(changeSet);
* Returns the ChangeSets that have been run against the current database.
public List getRanChangeSetList() throws DatabaseException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanChangeSets();
public Date getRanDate(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanDate(changeSet);
* After the change set has been ran against the database this method will update the change log table
* with the information.
public void markChangeSetExecStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet, final ChangeSet.ExecType execType) throws DatabaseException {
ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).setExecType(changeSet, execType);
public void removeRanStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException {
public String escapeStringForDatabase(final String string) {
if (string == null) {
return null;
return string.replaceAll("'", "''");
public void commit() throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public void rollback() throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AbstractJdbcDatabase that = (AbstractJdbcDatabase) o;
if (connection == null) {
if (that.connection == null) {
return this == that;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return connection.equals(that.connection);
public int hashCode() {
return (connection != null ? connection.hashCode() : super.hashCode());
public void close() throws DatabaseException {
DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection();
if (connection != null) {
if (previousAutoCommit != null) {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
LogFactory.getLogger().warning("Failed to restore the auto commit to " + previousAutoCommit);
throw e;
public boolean supportsRestrictForeignKeys() {
return true;
public boolean isAutoCommit() throws DatabaseException {
try {
return getConnection().getAutoCommit();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public void setAutoCommit(final boolean b) throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
* Default implementation, just look for "local" IPs. If the database returns a null URL we return false since we don't know it's safe to run the update.
* @throws liquibase.exception.DatabaseException
public boolean isSafeToRunUpdate() throws DatabaseException {
DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection();
if (connection == null) {
return true;
String url = connection.getURL();
if (url == null) {
return false;
return (url.contains("localhost")) || (url.contains(""));
public void executeStatements(final Change change, final DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this);
execute(statements, sqlVisitors);
* Executes the statements passed
* @param statements an array containing the SQL statements to be issued
* @param sqlVisitors a list of {@link SqlVisitor} objects to be applied to the executed statements
* @throws DatabaseException if there were problems issuing the statements
public void execute(final SqlStatement[] statements, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
if (statement.skipOnUnsupported() && !SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().supports(statement, this)) {
LogFactory.getLogger().debug("Executing Statement: " + statement);
try {
ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(statement, sqlVisitors);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
if (statement.continueOnError()) {
LogFactory.getLogger().severe("Error executing statement '"+statement.toString()+"', but continuing", e);
} else {
throw e;
public void saveStatements(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors, final Writer writer) throws IOException, StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException, LiquibaseException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) {
public void executeRollbackStatements(final SqlStatement[] statements, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException, RollbackImpossibleException {
execute(statements, filterRollbackVisitors(sqlVisitors));
public void executeRollbackStatements(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException, RollbackImpossibleException {
final SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this);
executeRollbackStatements(statements, sqlVisitors);
public void saveRollbackStatement(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors, final Writer writer) throws IOException, RollbackImpossibleException, StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException, LiquibaseException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) {
* Takes a list of SqlVisitors and returns a new list with only the SqlVisitors set to apply to rollbacks
protected List filterRollbackVisitors(final List visitors) {
final List rollbackVisitors = new ArrayList();
if (visitors != null) {
for (SqlVisitor visitor : visitors) {
if (visitor.isApplyToRollback()) {
return rollbackVisitors;
public List getDateFunctions() {
return dateFunctions;
public boolean isFunction(final String string) {
if (string.endsWith("()")) {
return true;
for (DatabaseFunction function : getDateFunctions()) {
if (function.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(string)) {
return true;
return false;
public void resetInternalState() {
public boolean supportsForeignKeyDisable() {
return false;
public boolean disableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException {
throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported");
public void enableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException {
throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported");
public boolean createsIndexesForForeignKeys() {
return false;
public int getDataTypeMaxParameters(final String dataTypeName) {
return 2;
public CatalogAndSchema getSchemaFromJdbcInfo(final String rawCatalogName, final String rawSchemaName) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(rawCatalogName, rawSchemaName).customize(this);
public String getJdbcCatalogName(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
return correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class);
public String getJdbcSchemaName(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
return correctObjectName(schema.getSchemaName(), Schema.class);
public final String getJdbcCatalogName(final Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return getJdbcCatalogName(getDefaultSchema());
} else {
return getJdbcCatalogName(new CatalogAndSchema(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName()));
public final String getJdbcSchemaName(final Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return getJdbcSchemaName(getDefaultSchema());
} else {
return getJdbcSchemaName(new CatalogAndSchema(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName()));
public boolean dataTypeIsNotModifiable(final String typeName) {
return unmodifiableDataTypes.contains(typeName.toLowerCase());
public void setObjectQuotingStrategy(final ObjectQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy) {
this.quotingStrategy = quotingStrategy;
public ObjectQuotingStrategy getObjectQuotingStrategy() {
return this.quotingStrategy;
public String generateDatabaseFunctionValue(final DatabaseFunction databaseFunction) {
if (databaseFunction.getValue() == null) {
return null;
if (isCurrentTimeFunction(databaseFunction.getValue().toLowerCase())) {
return getCurrentDateTimeFunction();
} else if (databaseFunction instanceof SequenceNextValueFunction) {
if (sequenceNextValueFunction == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("next value function for a sequence is not configured for database %s",
String sequenceName = databaseFunction.getValue();
if (!sequenceNextValueFunction.contains("'")) {
sequenceName = escapeObjectName(sequenceName, Sequence.class);
return String.format(sequenceNextValueFunction, sequenceName);
} else if (databaseFunction instanceof SequenceCurrentValueFunction) {
if (sequenceCurrentValueFunction == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("current value function for a sequence is not configured for database %s",
String sequenceName = databaseFunction.getValue();
if (!sequenceCurrentValueFunction.contains("'")) {
sequenceName = escapeObjectName(sequenceName, Sequence.class);
return String.format(sequenceCurrentValueFunction, sequenceName);
} else {
return databaseFunction.getValue();
private boolean isCurrentTimeFunction(final String functionValue) {
if (functionValue == null) {
return false;
return functionValue.startsWith("current_timestamp")
|| functionValue.startsWith("current_datetime")
|| functionValue.equalsIgnoreCase(getCurrentDateTimeFunction());
public String getCurrentDateTimeFunction() {
return currentDateTimeFunction;
public void setOutputDefaultSchema(final boolean outputDefaultSchema) {
this.outputDefaultSchema = outputDefaultSchema;
public boolean isDefaultSchema(final String catalog, final String schema) {
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
return true;
if (!isDefaultCatalog(catalog)) {
return false;
return schema == null || schema.equalsIgnoreCase(getDefaultSchemaName());
public boolean isDefaultCatalog(final String catalog) {
if (!supportsCatalogs()) {
return true;
return catalog == null || catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(getDefaultCatalogName());
public boolean getOutputDefaultSchema() {
return outputDefaultSchema;
public boolean getOutputDefaultCatalog() {
return outputDefaultCatalog;
public void setOutputDefaultCatalog(final boolean outputDefaultCatalog) {
this.outputDefaultCatalog = outputDefaultCatalog;
public boolean supportsPrimaryKeyNames() {
return true;
public String getSystemSchema(){
return "information_schema";
public String escapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName) {
return dataTypeName;
public String unescapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName) {
return dataTypeName;
public String unescapeDataTypeString(String dataTypeString) {
return dataTypeString;
public Object get(String key) {
return attributes.get(key);
public AbstractJdbcDatabase set(String key, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
attributes.put(key, value);
return this;
public ValidationErrors validate() {
return new ValidationErrors();
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