liquibase.database.Database Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.database;
import liquibase.CatalogAndSchema;
import liquibase.Scope;
import liquibase.change.Change;
import liquibase.change.core.DropTableChange;
import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet;
import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog;
import liquibase.changelog.RanChangeSet;
import liquibase.diff.DiffGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.diff.DiffResult;
import liquibase.diff.output.DiffOutputControl;
import liquibase.diff.output.changelog.DiffToChangeLog;
import liquibase.exception.*;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.servicelocator.PrioritizedService;
import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.EmptyDatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotControl;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.sql.Sql;
import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitor;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.*;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* Interface that every DBMS supported by this software must implement. Most methods belong into ont of these
* categories:
* Information about the capabilities of the DBMS (e.g. can it work with catalogs? with schemas?)
* changing and manipulating types defined in the SQL standard into native types and vice-versa
* creating strings for use in SQL statements, e.g. literals for dates, time, numerals, etc.
public interface Database extends PrioritizedService, AutoCloseable {
String databaseChangeLogTableName = "DatabaseChangeLog".toUpperCase(Locale.US);
String databaseChangeLogLockTableName = "DatabaseChangeLogLock".toUpperCase(Locale.US);
String COMPLETE_SQL_SCOPE_KEY = "completeSql";
* Is this AbstractDatabase subclass the correct one to use for the given connection.
boolean isCorrectDatabaseImplementation(DatabaseConnection conn) throws DatabaseException;
* If this database understands the given url, return the default driver class name. Otherwise return null.
String getDefaultDriver(String url);
DatabaseConnection getConnection();
void setConnection(DatabaseConnection conn);
boolean requiresUsername();
boolean requiresPassword();
* Auto-commit mode to run in
boolean getAutoCommitMode();
* Determines if the database supports DDL within a transaction or not.
* @return True if the database supports DDL within a transaction, otherwise false.
boolean supportsDDLInTransaction();
* Returns the name of the database product according to the underlying database.
String getDatabaseProductName();
String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws DatabaseException;
int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws DatabaseException;
int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws DatabaseException;
* Returns an all-lower-case short name of the product. Used for end-user selecting of database type
* such as the DBMS precondition.
String getShortName();
* @return a properly formatted name of the product. Used for situations where the database is printed to the
* console. Example: "Snowflake" (note the capitalization)
default String getDisplayName() {
return getShortName();
String getDefaultCatalogName();
void setDefaultCatalogName(String catalogName) throws DatabaseException;
String getDefaultSchemaName();
* Returns the default precision for a given native data type, e.g. "datetime2" for Microsoft SQL Server.
* @param nativeDataType the name of the native data type (case-insensitive).
* @return The default precision of the native data type, or null if the type is unknown to this database.
Integer getDefaultScaleForNativeDataType(String nativeDataType);
void setDefaultSchemaName(String schemaName) throws DatabaseException;
Integer getDefaultPort();
Integer getFetchSize();
String getLiquibaseCatalogName();
void setLiquibaseCatalogName(String catalogName);
String getLiquibaseSchemaName();
void setLiquibaseSchemaName(String schemaName);
* Returns whether this database support initially deferrable columns.
boolean supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns();
* Whether this database supports sequences
* @deprecated please call {@link Database#supports(Class)} with the {@link liquibase.structure.core.Sequence} type instead
boolean supportsSequences();
boolean supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints();
boolean supportsAutoIncrement();
String getDateLiteral(String isoDate);
* Returns database-specific function for generating the current date/time.
String getCurrentDateTimeFunction();
void setCurrentDateTimeFunction(String function);
String getLineComment();
* Returns database-specific auto-increment DDL clause.
String getAutoIncrementClause(BigInteger startWith, BigInteger incrementBy, String generationType, Boolean defaultOnNull);
String getDatabaseChangeLogTableName();
* Sets the table name of the change log to the given table name.
* @param tableName the name of the change log table to set
void setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(String tableName);
String getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName();
* Set the table name of the change log lock to the given table name
* @param tableName
void setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(String tableName);
String getLiquibaseTablespaceName();
void setLiquibaseTablespaceName(String tablespaceName);
* Returns SQL to concat the passed values.
String getConcatSql(String... values);
void setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo);
* Drops all objects in a specified schema.
* @param schema schema (catalog+)schema to drop
* @throws LiquibaseException if any problem occurs
void dropDatabaseObjects(CatalogAndSchema schema) throws LiquibaseException;
default void dropDatabaseObjects(CatalogAndSchema schemaToDrop, SnapshotControl snapshotControl) throws LiquibaseException {
if (snapshotControl == null) {
snapshotControl = new SnapshotControl(this);
ObjectQuotingStrategy currentStrategy = this.getObjectQuotingStrategy();
try {
DatabaseSnapshot snapshot;
try {
final Set> typesToInclude = snapshotControl.getTypesToInclude();
//We do not need to remove indexes and primary/unique keys explicitly. They should be removed
//as part of tables.
if (supportsForeignKeyDisable() || getShortName().equals("postgresql")) {
//We do not remove ForeignKey because they will be disabled and removed as parts of tables.
// Postgres is treated as if we can disable foreign keys because we can't drop
// the foreign keys of a partitioned table, as discovered in
final long createSnapshotStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
snapshot = SnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().createSnapshot(schemaToDrop, this, snapshotControl);
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine(String.format("Database snapshot generated in %d ms. Snapshot includes: %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - createSnapshotStarted, typesToInclude));
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
final long changeSetStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
CompareControl compareControl = new CompareControl(
new CompareControl.SchemaComparison[]{
new CompareControl.SchemaComparison(
DiffResult diffResult = DiffGeneratorFactory.getInstance().compare(
new EmptyDatabaseSnapshot(this),
List changeSets = new DiffToChangeLog(diffResult, new DiffOutputControl(true, true, false, null).addIncludedSchema(schemaToDrop)).generateChangeSets();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine(String.format("ChangeSet to Remove Database Objects generated in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - changeSetStarted));
boolean previousAutoCommit = this.getAutoCommitMode();
this.commit(); //clear out currently executed statements
this.setAutoCommit(false); //some DDL doesn't work in autocommit mode
final boolean reEnableFK = supportsForeignKeyDisable() && disableForeignKeyChecks();
StringBuilder completeSql = new StringBuilder();
try {
for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeSets) {
for (Change change : changeSet.getChanges()) {
if (change instanceof DropTableChange) {
((DropTableChange) change).setCascadeConstraints(true);
SqlStatement[] sqlStatements = change.generateStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : sqlStatements) {
AtomicReference sqls = new AtomicReference<>(null);
Scope.child(Collections.singletonMap(SqlGeneratorFactory.GENERATED_SQL_ARRAY_SCOPE_KEY, sqls), () -> {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", this).execute(statement);
if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(completeSql.toString()) && !completeSql.toString().endsWith("; ")) {
completeSql.append("; ");
completeSql.append(StringUtil.join(, "; "));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
} finally {
if (reEnableFK) {
LiquibaseTableNamesFactory liquibaseTableNamesFactory = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(LiquibaseTableNamesFactory.class);
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info(String.format("Successfully deleted all supported object types in schema %s.", schemaToDrop.toString()));
} finally {
default void addCompleteSqlToScope(String completeSql) {
AtomicReference sqlsReference = Scope.getCurrentScope().get(COMPLETE_SQL_SCOPE_KEY, AtomicReference.class);
if (sqlsReference != null) {
* Tags the database changelog with the given string.
* @deprecated Use {@link liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogHistoryService#tag(String)} instead
void tag(String tagString) throws DatabaseException;
* @deprecated Use {@link liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogHistoryService#tagExists(String)} instead
boolean doesTagExist(String tag) throws DatabaseException;
boolean isSystemObject(DatabaseObject example);
boolean isLiquibaseObject(DatabaseObject object);
String getViewDefinition(CatalogAndSchema schema, String name) throws DatabaseException;
String getDateLiteral(java.sql.Date date);
String getTimeLiteral(java.sql.Time time);
String getDateTimeLiteral(java.sql.Timestamp timeStamp);
String getDateLiteral(Date defaultDateValue);
String escapeObjectName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String objectName, Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType);
String escapeTableName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName);
String escapeIndexName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String indexName);
String escapeObjectName(String objectName, Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType);
* Determines the maximum precision (number of fractional digits) for TIMESTAMP columns for the given database.
* Might not always be able to give an exact answer since, for some DBMS, it depends on the actual software version
* if fractional digits are supported. A warning should be logged in this case.
* @return the number of allowed fractional digits for TIMESTAMP columns. May return 0.
int getMaxFractionalDigitsForTimestamp();
* When a TIMESTAMP column without the parameter "number of fractional digits" is created, what is the default
* value?
* @return The default number of fractional digits for TIMESTAMP columns
int getDefaultFractionalDigitsForTimestamp();
* Escapes a single column name in a database-dependent manner so reserved words can be used as a column
* name (i.e. "return").
* @param schemaName
* @param tableName
* @param columnName column name
* @return escaped column name
String escapeColumnName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName);
* Similar to {@link #escapeColumnName(String, String, String, String)} but allows control over whether function-like names should be left unquoted.
* @deprecated Know if you should quote the name or not, and use {@link #escapeColumnName(String, String, String, String)} which will quote things that look like functions, or leave it along as you see fit. Don't rely on this function guessing.
String escapeColumnName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, boolean quoteNamesThatMayBeFunctions);
* Escapes a list of column names in a database-dependent manner so reserved words can be used as a column
* name (i.e. "return").
* @param columnNames list of column names
* @return escaped column name list
String escapeColumnNameList(String columnNames);
boolean supportsTablespaces();
* Whether this database supports catalogs
* @deprecated please call {@link Database#supports(Class)} with the {@link liquibase.structure.core.Catalog} type instead
boolean supportsCatalogs();
* Whether this database supports the specified object type.
* It is invoking the deprecated methods to ensure that extensions are not broken, but
* once those are removed it will return only true
* @param object the object type to check
* @return true if the database supports the object type, false otherwise
default boolean supports(Class extends DatabaseObject> object) {
if (Sequence.class.isAssignableFrom(object)) {
return supportsSequences();
} else if (Schema.class.isAssignableFrom(object)) {
return supportsSchemas();
} else if (Catalog.class.isAssignableFrom(object)) {
return supportsCatalogs();
return true;
CatalogAndSchema.CatalogAndSchemaCase getSchemaAndCatalogCase();
* Whether this database supports schemas
* @deprecated please call {@link Database#supports(Class)} with the {@link liquibase.structure.core.Schema} type instead
boolean supportsSchemas();
boolean supportsCatalogInObjectName(Class extends DatabaseObject> type);
String generatePrimaryKeyName(String tableName);
String escapeSequenceName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String sequenceName);
String escapeViewName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String viewName);
* Returns the run status for the given ChangeSet
ChangeSet.RunStatus getRunStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException;
RanChangeSet getRanChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException;
* After the changeset has been run against the database this method will update the change log table
* with the information.
void markChangeSetExecStatus(ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeSet.ExecType execType) throws DatabaseException;
* Returns the ChangeSets that have been run against the current database.
List getRanChangeSetList() throws DatabaseException;
Date getRanDate(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException;
void removeRanStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException;
void commit() throws DatabaseException;
void rollback() throws DatabaseException;
String escapeStringForDatabase(String string);
void close() throws DatabaseException;
boolean supportsRestrictForeignKeys();
String escapeConstraintName(String constraintName);
boolean isAutoCommit() throws DatabaseException;
void setAutoCommit(boolean b) throws DatabaseException;
boolean isSafeToRunUpdate() throws DatabaseException;
void executeStatements(Change change, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException;
* Executes the statements passed as argument to a target {@link Database}
* @param statements an array containing the SQL statements to be issued
* @param database the target {@link Database}
* @throws DatabaseException if there were problems issuing the statements
void execute(SqlStatement[] statements, List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException;
void saveStatements(Change change, List sqlVisitors, Writer writer) throws IOException, LiquibaseException;
void executeRollbackStatements(Change change, List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException;
void executeRollbackStatements(SqlStatement[] statements, List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException;
void saveRollbackStatement(Change change, List sqlVisitors, Writer writer) throws IOException, LiquibaseException;
Date parseDate(String dateAsString) throws DateParseException;
* Returns list of database native date functions
List getDateFunctions();
void resetInternalState();
boolean supportsForeignKeyDisable();
boolean disableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException;
void enableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException;
boolean isCaseSensitive();
boolean isReservedWord(String string);
* Returns a new CatalogAndSchema adjusted for this database. Examples of adjustments include:
* fixes for case issues,
* replacing null schema or catalog names with the default values
* removing set schema or catalog names if they are not supported
* @deprecated use {@link liquibase.CatalogAndSchema#standardize(Database)}
CatalogAndSchema correctSchema(CatalogAndSchema schema);
* Fix the object name to the format the database expects, handling changes in case, etc.
String correctObjectName(String name, Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType);
boolean isFunction(String string);
int getDataTypeMaxParameters(String dataTypeName);
CatalogAndSchema getDefaultSchema();
* Types like int4 in postgres cannot have a modifier. e.g. int4(10)
* Checks whether the type is allowed to have a modifier
* @param typeName type name
* @return Whether data type can have a modifier
boolean dataTypeIsNotModifiable(String typeName);
* Some function names are placeholders that need to be replaced with the specific database value.
* e.g. nextSequenceValue(sequenceName) should be replaced with NEXT_VAL('sequenceName') for Postgresql
* @param databaseFunction database function to check.
* @return the string value to use for an update or generate
String generateDatabaseFunctionValue(DatabaseFunction databaseFunction);
ObjectQuotingStrategy getObjectQuotingStrategy();
void setObjectQuotingStrategy(ObjectQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy);
boolean createsIndexesForForeignKeys();
* Should the schema be included in identifiers even if it is the default schema?
* @return true (if the schema should be included in every case) or false (omit if default schema)
boolean getOutputDefaultSchema();
* Whether the default schema should be included in generated SQL
void setOutputDefaultSchema(boolean outputDefaultSchema);
* If the database supports schemas, test if a given combination of catalog and schema name equals to the default
* catalog and schema of the current logged in user.
* @param catalog catalog name to be tested
* @param schema schema name to be tested
* @return if the database supports catalogs: true if it is the default schema, false if not. If it does not
* support schemas, the behaviour of this method is undefined (please call supportsSchemas first!)
boolean isDefaultSchema(String catalog, String schema);
* If the database supports catalogs, test if a given catalog name equals to the default catalog of the current
* logged in user.
* @param catalog catalog name to be tested
* @return if the database supports catalogs: true if it is the default catalog, false if not. If it does not
* support catalogs, the behaviour of this method is undefined (please call supportsCatalog first!)
boolean isDefaultCatalog(String catalog);
boolean getOutputDefaultCatalog();
void setOutputDefaultCatalog(boolean outputDefaultCatalog);
boolean supportsPrimaryKeyNames();
* Does this database treat NOT NULL as an own kind of CONSTRAINT (in addition of simply being a column property)?
* This will affect the CONSTRAINT clause SQL generators.
* @return true if the database supports naming NOT NULL constraints, false if not.
boolean supportsNotNullConstraintNames();
* Does the database support batched DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE/...) statements sent in a single call to
* the database?
* @return true if the database has this capability for all DML statements, false in all other cases
boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws DatabaseException;
* Does the database require explicit NULL for nullable columns?
* @return true if the database behaves incorrectly if NULL is not explicitly specified,
* false if it behaves like any good RDBMS should.
boolean requiresExplicitNullForColumns();
String getSystemSchema();
void addReservedWords(Collection words);
String escapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName);
String unescapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName);
String unescapeDataTypeString(String dataTypeString);
ValidationErrors validate();
default boolean failOnDefferable() {
return true;
* Allows the database to perform actions after an update is finished,
* i.e. after the last change of a changelog was applied.
default void afterUpdate() throws LiquibaseException {
// Do nothing by default
* Temporarily set the database's object quoting strategy. The caller is responsible for calling
* {@link TempObjectQuotingStrategy#close()} on the returned object to reset the object quoting strategy back to
* its original setting.
* @param objectQuotingStrategy the desired quoting strategy
* @return an object that, when closed, will reset the databases object quoting strategy to the original setting
default TempObjectQuotingStrategy temporarilySetObjectQuotingStrategy(ObjectQuotingStrategy objectQuotingStrategy) {
ObjectQuotingStrategy originalObjectQuotingStrategy = this.getObjectQuotingStrategy();
return new TempObjectQuotingStrategy(this, originalObjectQuotingStrategy);
* Does the database support the "if not exits" syntax?
* @param type the DatabaseObject type to be checked.
* @return true if the "if not exists" syntax is supported, false otherwise.
default boolean supportsCreateIfNotExists(Class extends DatabaseObject> type) {
return false;
* Does the particular database implementation support the database changelog history feature and associated
* table?
* @return true if supported, false otherwise
default boolean supportsDatabaseChangeLogHistory() {
return false;
* Some databases (such as MongoDB) require you to verify the connection to the database
* to ensure that the database is accessible.
* It can be "ping" signal to the database
default void checkDatabaseConnection() throws DatabaseException {
// Do nothing by default
// Implementation required only for some specific databases in extensions
* Returns a custom message to be displayed upon successful execution of the connect command.
* This method can be overridden by a database implementation to provide a specific message.
* If not overridden, it returns null by default.
* @return A custom success message for the connect command, or null if not provided.
default String generateConnectCommandSuccessMessage() {
return null;
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