liquibase.snapshot.jvm.ColumnSnapshotGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.snapshot.jvm;
import liquibase.Scope;
import liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.database.OfflineConnection;
import liquibase.database.core.*;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.logging.Logger;
import liquibase.snapshot.CachedRow;
import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.JdbcDatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction;
import liquibase.statement.core.RawSqlStatement;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.*;
import liquibase.util.BooleanUtil;
import liquibase.util.SqlUtil;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class ColumnSnapshotGenerator extends JdbcSnapshotGenerator {
* This attribute indicates whether we need to process a column object. It is visible only
* in scope of snapshot process.
private static final String LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE = "liquibase-complete";
protected static final String COLUMN_DEF_COL = "COLUMN_DEF";
private static final String POSTGRES_STRING_VALUE_REGEX = "'(.*)'::[\\w .]+";
private static final Pattern POSTGRES_STRING_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(POSTGRES_STRING_VALUE_REGEX);
private static final String POSTGRES_NUMBER_VALUE_REGEX = "\\(?(\\d*)\\)?::[\\w .]+";
private static final Pattern POSTGRES_NUMBER_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(POSTGRES_NUMBER_VALUE_REGEX);
private static final String GENERATED_ALWAYS_AS = "GENERATED ALWAYS AS ";
private static final String YES_VALUE = "YES";
private static final String IS_GENERATED_COLUMN = "IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN";
private final ColumnAutoIncrementService columnAutoIncrementService = new ColumnAutoIncrementService();
public ColumnSnapshotGenerator() {
super(Column.class, new Class[]{Table.class, View.class});
protected DatabaseObject snapshotObject(DatabaseObject example, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException {
if (BooleanUtil.isTrue(((Column) example).getComputed()) || BooleanUtil.isTrue(((Column) example).getDescending())) {
return example;
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
Relation relation = ((Column) example).getRelation();
Schema schema = relation.getSchema();
try {
Column column = null;
if (example.getAttribute(LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE, false)) {
column = (Column) example;
example.setAttribute(LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE, null);
return column;
String catalogName = ((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcCatalogName(schema);
String schemaName = ((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcSchemaName(schema);
String tableName = relation.getName();
String columnName = example.getName();
JdbcDatabaseSnapshot.CachingDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData =
((JdbcDatabaseSnapshot) snapshot).getMetaDataFromCache();
List metaDataColumns = databaseMetaData.getColumns(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columnName);
List metaDataNotNullConst = databaseMetaData.getNotNullConst(catalogName, schemaName, tableName);
if (!metaDataColumns.isEmpty()) {
CachedRow data = metaDataColumns.get(0);
column = readColumn(data, relation, database);
setAutoIncrementDetails(column, database, snapshot);
populateValidateNullableIfNeeded(column, metaDataNotNullConst, database);
example.setAttribute(LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE, null);
if (column == null && database instanceof PostgresDatabase && looksLikeFunction(example.getName())) {
((Column) example).setComputed(true);
return example;
return column;
} catch (DatabaseException | SQLException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
private void populateValidateNullableIfNeeded(Column column, List metaDataNotNullConst, Database database) {
if (!(database instanceof OracleDatabase)) {
String name = column.getName();
for (CachedRow cachedRow : metaDataNotNullConst) {
Object columnNameObj = cachedRow.get("COLUMN_NAME");
if (columnNameObj == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Please check query to fetch data for notNullConst!. "
+ "I didn't fetch needed data");
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(columnNameObj.toString())) {
final String VALIDATE = "VALIDATED";
Object validated = cachedRow.get(VALIDATE);
if (validated == null) {
// Oracle returns NULLABLE=Y for columns that have not null constraints that are not validated
// we have to check the search_condition to verify if it is really nullable
String searchCondition = cachedRow.getString("SEARCH_CONDITION");
searchCondition = searchCondition == null ? "" : searchCondition.toUpperCase();
String nullable = cachedRow.getString("NULLABLE");
String constraintName = cachedRow.getString("CONSTRAINT_NAME");
if ("NOT VALIDATED".equalsIgnoreCase(validated.toString())
&& "Y".equalsIgnoreCase(nullable)
&& searchCondition.matches("\"?\\w+\" IS NOT NULL")) {
// not validated not null constraint found
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(column.isNullable()) && hasValidObjectName(constraintName)) {
column.setAttribute("notNullConstraintName", constraintName);
private static boolean hasValidObjectName(String objectName) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(objectName)) {
return false;
return !objectName.startsWith("SYS_") && !objectName.startsWith("BIN$");
protected void addTo(DatabaseObject foundObject, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) throws DatabaseException {
if (!snapshot.getSnapshotControl().shouldInclude(Column.class) || !snapshot.getDatabase().supports(Column.class)) {
if (foundObject instanceof Relation) {
Database database = snapshot.getDatabase();
Relation relation = (Relation) foundObject;
List allColumnsMetadataRs;
try {
JdbcDatabaseSnapshot.CachingDatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData =
((JdbcDatabaseSnapshot) snapshot).getMetaDataFromCache();
Schema schema;
schema = relation.getSchema();
allColumnsMetadataRs = databaseMetaData.getColumns(
((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcCatalogName(schema),
((AbstractJdbcDatabase) database).getJdbcSchemaName(schema),
List metaDataNotNullConst = databaseMetaData.getNotNullConst(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName(), relation.getName());
* Microsoft SQL Server, SAP SQL Anywhere and probably other RDBMS guarantee non-duplicate
* ORDINAL_POSITIONs for the columns of a single table. But they do not guarantee there are no gaps
* in that integers (e.g. if columns have been deleted). So we need to check for that and renumber
* if needed.
TreeMap treeSet = new TreeMap<>();
for (CachedRow row : allColumnsMetadataRs) {
treeSet.put(row.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION"), row);
Logger log = Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass());
// Now we can iterate through the sorted list and repair if needed.
int currentOrdinal = 0;
for (CachedRow row : treeSet.values()) {
int rsOrdinal = row.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION");
if (rsOrdinal != currentOrdinal) {
"Repairing ORDINAL_POSITION with gaps for table=%s, column name=%s, " +
"bad ordinal=%d, new ordinal=%d",
row.set("ORDINAL_POSITION", currentOrdinal);
// Iterate through all (repaired) rows and add the columns to our result.
for (CachedRow row : allColumnsMetadataRs) {
Column column = readColumn(row, relation, database);
setAutoIncrementDetails(column, database, snapshot);
populateValidateNullableIfNeeded(column, metaDataNotNullConst, database);
column.setAttribute(LIQUIBASE_COMPLETE, true);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
protected void setAutoIncrementDetails(Column column, Database database, DatabaseSnapshot snapshot) {
if ((column.getAutoIncrementInformation() != null) && (database.getConnection() != null) &&
!(database.getConnection() instanceof OfflineConnection) &&
(column.getRelation() != null) && (column.getSchema() != null)) {
Column.AutoIncrementInformation autoIncrementInformation =
this.columnAutoIncrementService.obtainSequencesInformation(database, column.getSchema(), snapshot)
.get(String.format("%s.%s.%s", column.getSchema().getName(), column.getRelation().getName(), column.getName()));
if (autoIncrementInformation != null) {
protected Column readColumn(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Relation table, Database database)
throws SQLException, DatabaseException {
String rawTableName = (String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("TABLE_NAME");
String rawColumnName = (String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("COLUMN_NAME");
String rawSchemaName = StringUtil.trimToNull((String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("TABLE_SCHEM"));
String rawCatalogName = StringUtil.trimToNull((String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("TABLE_CAT"));
String remarks = StringUtil.trimToNull((String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("REMARKS"));
if (remarks != null) {
// Comes back escaped sometimes
remarks = remarks.replace("''", "'");
Integer position = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("ORDINAL_POSITION");
Column column = new Column();
Boolean isComputed = columnMetadataResultSet.getBoolean("IS_COMPUTED");
if (isComputed != null) {
if (columnMetadataResultSet.get("IS_FILESTREAM") != null && (Boolean) columnMetadataResultSet.get("IS_FILESTREAM")) {
column.setAttribute("fileStream", true);
if (columnMetadataResultSet.get("IS_ROWGUIDCOL") != null && (Boolean) columnMetadataResultSet.get("IS_ROWGUIDCOL")) {
column.setAttribute("rowGuid", true);
if (database instanceof OracleDatabase) {
String nullable = columnMetadataResultSet.getString("NULLABLE");
if ("Y".equals(nullable)) {
} else {
} else {
Integer nullable = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("NULLABLE");
if (nullable != null) {
if (nullable == DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls) {
} else if (nullable == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable) {
} else if (nullable == DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info("Unknown nullable state for column "
+ column + ". Assuming nullable");
if (database.supportsAutoIncrement() && table instanceof Table) {
column = this.columnAutoIncrementService.enableColumnAutoIncrementIfAvailable(column, database,
columnMetadataResultSet, rawCatalogName, rawSchemaName, rawTableName, rawColumnName);
DataType type = readDataType(columnMetadataResultSet, column, database);
Object defaultValue = readDefaultValue(columnMetadataResultSet, column, database);
// TODO Is uppercasing the potential function name always a good idea?
// In theory, we could get a quoted function name (inprobable, but not impossible)
if ((defaultValue instanceof DatabaseFunction) && ((DatabaseFunction) defaultValue)
.getValue().matches("\\w+")) {
defaultValue = new DatabaseFunction(((DatabaseFunction) defaultValue).getValue().toUpperCase());
return column;
* Processes metadata of a column, e.g. name, type and default value. We start with the result of the JDBC
* {@link DatabaseMetaData}.getColumns() method. Depending on Database, additional columns might be present.
* @param columnMetadataResultSet the result from the JDBC getColumns() call for the column
* @param column logical definition of the column (object form)
* @param database the database from which the column originates
* @return a DataType object with detailed information about the type
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs during processing (mostly caused by Exceptions in JDBC calls)
protected DataType readDataType(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Column column, Database database) throws DatabaseException {
if (database instanceof OracleDatabase) {
String dataType = columnMetadataResultSet.getString("DATA_TYPE_NAME");
dataType = dataType.replace("VARCHAR2", "VARCHAR");
dataType = dataType.replace("NVARCHAR2", "NVARCHAR");
DataType type = new DataType(dataType);
if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER")) {
} else {
if ("FLOAT".equalsIgnoreCase(dataType)) { //FLOAT [(precision)]
} else {
boolean isTimeStampDataType = dataType.toUpperCase().contains("TIMESTAMP");
if (isTimeStampDataType || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("NCLOB") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("BLOB") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOB")) {
} else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("NVARCHAR") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("NCHAR")) {
} else {
String charUsed = columnMetadataResultSet.getString("CHAR_USED");
DataType.ColumnSizeUnit unit = null;
if ("C".equals(charUsed)) {
unit = DataType.ColumnSizeUnit.CHAR;
} else if ("B".equals(charUsed)) {
unit = DataType.ColumnSizeUnit.BYTE;
return type;
String columnTypeName = (String) columnMetadataResultSet.get("TYPE_NAME");
if (database instanceof MSSQLDatabase) {
if ("numeric() identity".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)) {
columnTypeName = "numeric";
} else if ("decimal() identity".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)) {
columnTypeName = "decimal";
} else if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set("COLUMN_SIZE", null);
columnMetadataResultSet.set("DECIMAL_DIGITS", null);
} else if ("datetimeoffset".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)
|| "time".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set("COLUMN_SIZE", columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS"));
columnMetadataResultSet.set("DECIMAL_DIGITS", null);
} else if (database instanceof PostgresDatabase) {
columnTypeName = database.unescapeDataTypeName(columnTypeName);
// says that internally array datatypes are defined with an underscore prefix.
if (columnTypeName.startsWith("_")) {
columnTypeName = columnTypeName.replaceFirst("_", "").concat("[]");
if (database instanceof FirebirdDatabase) {
if ("BLOB SUB_TYPE 0".equals(columnTypeName)) {
columnTypeName = "BLOB";
if ("BLOB SUB_TYPE 1".equals(columnTypeName)) {
columnTypeName = "CLOB";
if ((database instanceof MySQLDatabase) && "JSON".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName)){
return new DataType("JSON");
if ((database instanceof MySQLDatabase) && ("ENUM".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName) || "SET".equalsIgnoreCase
(columnTypeName))) {
try {
String enumValue = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class)
.getExecutor("jdbc", database)
"WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + column.getSchema().getName() + "'\n" +
"AND TABLE_NAME = '" + column.getRelation().getName() + "'\n" +
"AND COLUMN_NAME = '" + column.getName() + "'"), String.class);
enumValue = enumValue.replace("enum(", "ENUM(");
enumValue = enumValue.replace("set(", "SET(");
return new DataType(enumValue);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Error fetching enum values", e);
DataType.ColumnSizeUnit columnSizeUnit = DataType.ColumnSizeUnit.BYTE;
if (database instanceof SybaseASADatabase &&
(columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DATA_TYPE") == Types.VARCHAR || columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DATA_TYPE") == Types.CHAR) &&
columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("scale") == 1) {
columnSizeUnit = DataType.ColumnSizeUnit.CHAR;
int dataType = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
Integer columnSize = null;
Integer decimalDigits = null;
if (!database.dataTypeIsNotModifiable(columnTypeName)) {
// don't set size for types like int4, int8 etc
columnSize = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE");
decimalDigits = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS");
if ((decimalDigits != null) && decimalDigits.equals(0)) {
if (dataType == Types.TIME && database instanceof PostgresDatabase) {
//that is allowed
} else {
decimalDigits = null;
Integer radix = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("NUM_PREC_RADIX");
Integer characterOctetLength = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH");
if (database instanceof AbstractDb2Database) {
String typeName = columnMetadataResultSet.getString("TYPE_NAME");
if (("DBCLOB".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName) || "GRAPHIC".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)
|| "VARGRAPHIC".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) && (columnSize != null)) {
//Stored as double length chars
columnSize = columnSize / 2;
if ("TIMESTAMP".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName) && (decimalDigits == null)) {
// Actually a date
columnTypeName = "DATE";
dataType = Types.DATE;
if ((database instanceof PostgresDatabase) && columnSize != null) {
if (columnSize.equals(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
columnSize = null;
} else if (columnTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("numeric") && columnSize.equals(0)) {
columnSize = null;
// For SAP (Sybase) SQL ANywhere, JDBC returns "LONG(2147483647) binary" (the number is 2^31-1)
// but when creating a column, LONG BINARY must not have parameters.
// The same applies to LONG(...) VARCHAR and LONG(...) NVARCHAR.
if (database instanceof SybaseASADatabase
&& ("LONG BINARY".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName) || "LONG VARCHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName) || "LONG NVARCHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName))) {
columnSize = null;
DataType type = new DataType(columnTypeName);
* According to the description of DatabaseMetaData.getColumns, the content of the "COLUMN_SIZE" column is
* pretty worthless for datetime/timestamp columns:
* "For datetime datatypes, this is the length in characters of the String representation
* (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the fractional seconds component)."
* In the case of TIMESTAMP columns, the information we are really looking for
* (the fractional digits) is located in the column DECIMAL_DIGITS.
int jdbcType = columnMetadataResultSet.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
if (jdbcType == Types.TIMESTAMP || jdbcType == Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE
// SQL Anywhere incorrectly reports type VARCHAR for TIMESTAMP_WITZH_TIMEZONE columns
|| (database instanceof SybaseASADatabase && "timestamp with time zone".equalsIgnoreCase(columnTypeName))) {
if (decimalDigits == null) {
} else {
type.setColumnSize((decimalDigits != database.getDefaultFractionalDigitsForTimestamp()) ?
decimalDigits : null
} else {
return type;
protected Object readDefaultValue(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Column columnInfo, Database database) {
if (database instanceof MSSQLDatabase) {
Object defaultValue = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if (("(NULL)".equals(defaultValue))) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, new DatabaseFunction("null"));
if ((database instanceof OracleDatabase) && (columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL) == null)) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, columnMetadataResultSet.get("DATA_DEFAULT"));
if ((columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL) != null) && StringUtil.equalsWordNull((String)
columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL))) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, null);
Object columnDef = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if ("CHAR".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getType().getTypeName()) && (columnDef instanceof String) && !
((String) columnDef).startsWith("'") && !((String) columnDef).endsWith("'")) {
return new DatabaseFunction((String) columnDef);
if (YES_VALUE.equals(columnMetadataResultSet.get("VIRTUAL_COLUMN"))) {
Object virtColumnDef = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if ((virtColumnDef != null) && !StringUtil.equalsWordNull(virtColumnDef.toString())) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, GENERATED_ALWAYS_AS + "(" + virtColumnDef.toString().replace("\"", "") + ")");
Object defaultValue = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if ((defaultValue instanceof String)) {
String lowerCaseDefaultValue = ((String) defaultValue).toLowerCase();
if (lowerCaseDefaultValue.contains("iseq$$") && lowerCaseDefaultValue.endsWith(".nextval")) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, null);
if (database instanceof PostgresDatabase) {
readDefaultValueForPostgresDatabase(columnMetadataResultSet, columnInfo);
if (database instanceof MySQLDatabase) {
readDefaultValueForMysqlDatabase(columnMetadataResultSet, columnInfo, database);
if ((database instanceof AbstractDb2Database)
&& ((columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL) != null)
&& StringUtil.equalsWordNull((String) columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL)))) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, null);
if (database instanceof SybaseASADatabase) {
String defaultValue = (String) columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
// SQL Anywhere returns `CURRENT DATE` (without underscore), which no other RDBMS would understand
defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll("(?i)\\bCURRENT\\s+DATE\\b", "{fn CURDATE()}");
// SQL Anywhere returns `CURRENT TIME` (without underscore), which no other RDBMS would understand
defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll("(?i)\\bCURRENT\\s+TIME\\b", "{fn CURTIME()}");
// SQL Anywhere returns `CURRENT TIMESTAMP` (without underscore), which no other RDBMS would understand
defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll("(?i)\\bCURRENT\\s+TIMESTAMP\\b", "{fn NOW()}");
// SQL Anywhere returns `CURRENT USER` (without underscore), which no other RDBMS would understand
defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll("(?i)\\bCURRENT\\s+USER\\b", "{fn USER()}");
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, defaultValue);
if (YES_VALUE.equals(columnMetadataResultSet.get(IS_GENERATED_COLUMN))) {
Object virtColumnDef = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if ((virtColumnDef != null) && !StringUtil.equalsWordNull(virtColumnDef.toString())) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, "COMPUTE (" + virtColumnDef + ")");
return SqlUtil.parseValue(database, columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL), columnInfo.getType());
private void readDefaultValueForMysqlDatabase(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Column column, Database database) {
try {
String extraValue = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class)
.getExecutor("jdbc", database)
"WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + column.getSchema().getName() + "'\n" +
"AND TABLE_NAME = '" + column.getRelation().getName() + "'\n" +
"AND COLUMN_NAME = '" + column.getName() + "'"), String.class);
if (extraValue != null && !extraValue.isEmpty() &&
(extraValue.startsWith(MYSQL_DEFAULT_GENERATED + " ") || extraValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("on update"))
) {
String.format("%s %s", columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL), extraValue.replace(MYSQL_DEFAULT_GENERATED, "").trim()));
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Error fetching extra values", e);
private void readDefaultValueForPostgresDatabase(CachedRow columnMetadataResultSet, Column columnInfo) {
if (columnInfo.isAutoIncrement()) {
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, null);
Object defaultValue = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if ((defaultValue instanceof String)) {
Matcher matcher = POSTGRES_STRING_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher((String) defaultValue);
if (matcher.matches()) {
defaultValue =;
} else {
matcher = POSTGRES_NUMBER_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher((String) defaultValue);
if (matcher.matches()) {
defaultValue =;
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, defaultValue);
if (YES_VALUE.equals(columnMetadataResultSet.get(IS_GENERATED_COLUMN))) {
Object virtColumnDef = columnMetadataResultSet.get(COLUMN_DEF_COL);
if (virtColumnDef != null && !StringUtil.equalsWordNull(virtColumnDef.toString()) &&
!String.valueOf(virtColumnDef).startsWith(GENERATED_ALWAYS_AS) // to avoid duplication
) {
// Column type added on PG 12 and until PG 15 only STORED mode is supported and jdbc metadata just say "YES" or "NO"
// VIRTUAL support is yet to be implemented, so we need to come back here if that happens and see what needs to be changed
columnMetadataResultSet.set(COLUMN_DEF_COL, GENERATED_ALWAYS_AS + virtColumnDef + " STORED");
* {@link IndexSnapshotGenerator} fails to differentiate computed and non-computed column's for {@link PostgresDatabase}
* assume that if COLUMN_NAME contains parenthesized expression -- its function reference.
* should handle cases like:
* - ((name)::text)
* - lower/upper((name)::text)
* - (name)::text || '- concatenation example'
private boolean looksLikeFunction(String columnName) {
return columnName.contains("(");
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