liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogParameters Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.changelog;
import liquibase.*;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationValueProvider;
import liquibase.configuration.LiquibaseConfiguration;
import liquibase.configuration.core.DefaultsFileValueProvider;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.database.DatabaseList;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;
import liquibase.exception.UnknownChangeLogParameterException;
import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNode;
import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException;
import liquibase.structure.core.Schema;
import liquibase.structure.core.Sequence;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import lombok.Getter;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Holds the parameters configured for a {@link DatabaseChangeLog}.
* In general, the end behavior of defined parameters is "the first set value wins".
* For example, if you set a parameter "x" to "1" and then set it to "2", the value will remain "1".
* This immutable property behavior allows users to easily set default values, knowing that any "upstream" overrides will take priority.
* In determining which property value is actually "first set", context, label, and dbms filtering is taken into account.
* Properties can be defined as "system", "global" or "local". Global and system properties span all change logs.
* A global setting configured in an included changelog is still available to all changesets.
* System properties such as environment variables are set up to not be filterable.
* This implies that they will ignore any label, context or dbms filters that are requested on the given execution.
* This is different from globals set up inside a changelog which can and will be filtered if they have a label, context
* or dbms associated with the property.
* Local properties are only available in the change log that they are defined in -- not even in changelogs "included" by the file that defines the property.
public class ChangeLogParameters {
private final List globalParameters = new ArrayList<>();
private final Map> localParameters = new HashMap<>();
private final List systemParameters = new ArrayList<>();
private final ExpressionExpander expressionExpander;
private String filterDatabase;
private Contexts filterContexts;
private LabelExpression filterLabels;
private enum LiquibaseExecutionParameter {
public String getValue(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
return Scope.getCurrentScope().getDeploymentId();
public String getValue(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
return changeLog.getFilePath();
public String getValue(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
ParsedNode changeSetParsedNode = changeLog.getCurrentlyLoadedChangeSetNode();
String changesetId;
try {
changesetId = changeSetParsedNode.getChildValue(null, "id", String.class);
return changesetId;
catch (ParsedNodeException e) {
return null;
public String getValue(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
ParsedNode changeSetParsedNode = changeLog.getCurrentlyLoadedChangeSetNode();
String changesetAuthor;
try {
changesetAuthor = changeSetParsedNode.getChildValue(null, "author", String.class);
return changesetAuthor;
catch (ParsedNodeException e) {
return null;
public abstract String getValue(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog);
* @param name the name of the {@link LiquibaseExecutionParameter} to find
* @return The {@link LiquibaseExecutionParameter} if found, else null
public static LiquibaseExecutionParameter findByName(String name) {
LiquibaseExecutionParameter result = null;
for (LiquibaseExecutionParameter param: LiquibaseExecutionParameter.values()) {
if (param.name().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
result = param;
return result;
* Calls {@link #ChangeLogParameters(Database)} with a null database.
public ChangeLogParameters() {
* Creates a new ChangeLogParameters instance, populated with a set of "database.*" global parameters based on the passed database configuration.
* If the database is null, no global parameters are added.
* The passed database is used as a default value for {@link #getDatabase()}
public ChangeLogParameters(Database database) {
systemParameters.addAll(System.getenv().entrySet().stream().map(e -> new ChangeLogParameter(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), false)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
systemParameters.addAll(System.getProperties().entrySet().stream().map(e -> new ChangeLogParameter(String.valueOf(e.getKey()), e.getValue(), false)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
if (database != null) {
this.set("database.autoIncrementClause", database.getAutoIncrementClause(null, null, null, null));
this.set("database.currentDateTimeFunction", database.getCurrentDateTimeFunction());
this.set("database.databaseChangeLogLockTableName", database.getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName());
this.set("database.databaseChangeLogTableName", database.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName());
try {
this.set("database.databaseMajorVersion", database.getDatabaseMajorVersion());
} catch (DatabaseException ignore) {
try {
this.set("database.databaseMinorVersion", database.getDatabaseMinorVersion());
} catch (DatabaseException ignore) {
this.set("database.databaseProductName", database.getDatabaseProductName());
try {
this.set("database.databaseProductVersion", database.getDatabaseProductVersion());
} catch (DatabaseException ignore) {
this.set("database.defaultCatalogName", database.getDefaultCatalogName());
this.set("database.defaultSchemaName", database.getDefaultSchemaName());
this.set("database.defaultSchemaNamePrefix", (StringUtil.trimToNull(database.getDefaultSchemaName()) ==
null) ? "" : ("." + database.getDefaultSchemaName()));
this.set("database.lineComment", database.getLineComment());
this.set("database.liquibaseSchemaName", database.getLiquibaseSchemaName());
this.set("database.typeName", database.getShortName());
try {
this.set("database.isSafeToRunUpdate", database.isSafeToRunUpdate());
} catch (DatabaseException ignore) {
this.set("database.requiresPassword", database.requiresPassword());
this.set("database.requiresUsername", database.requiresUsername());
this.set("database.supportsForeignKeyDisable", database.supportsForeignKeyDisable());
this.set("database.supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns", database.supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns());
this.set("database.supportsRestrictForeignKeys", database.supportsRestrictForeignKeys());
this.set("database.supportsSchemas", database.supports(Schema.class));
this.set("database.supportsSequences", database.supports(Sequence.class));
this.set("database.supportsTablespaces", database.supportsTablespaces());
this.set("database.supportsNotNullConstraintNames", database.supportsNotNullConstraintNames());
this.filterDatabase = database.getShortName();
this.expressionExpander = new ExpressionExpander(this);
this.filterContexts = new Contexts();
this.filterLabels = new LabelExpression();
* Sets a global changelog parameter with no context/label/database filters on it.
* Convenience version of {@link #set(String, Object, ContextExpression, Labels, String...)}.
public void set(String parameter, Object value) {
this.set(parameter, value, new ContextExpression(), new Labels());
* Sets a local changelog parameter with no context/label/database filters on it.
* Convenience version of {@link #setLocal(String, Object, DatabaseChangeLog, ContextExpression, Labels, String...)}.
public void setLocal(String parameter, Object value, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
this.setLocal(parameter, value, changeLog, new ContextExpression(), new Labels());
* Calls either {@link #set(String, Object, ContextExpression, Labels, String...)} or {@link #setLocal(String, Object, DatabaseChangeLog, ContextExpression, Labels, String...)} depending on the value of globalParam.
public void set(String key, Object value, ContextExpression contexts, Labels labels, String databases, boolean globalParam, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
String[] parsedDatabases = null;
if (databases != null && databases.length() > 0) {
parsedDatabases = StringUtil.splitAndTrim(databases, ",").toArray(new String[0]);
if (globalParam) {
set(key, value, contexts, labels, parsedDatabases);
} else {
setLocal(key, value, changeLog, contexts, labels, parsedDatabases);
* Convenience version of {@link #set(String, Object, ContextExpression, Labels, String, boolean, DatabaseChangeLog)}.
public void set(String key, Object value, String contexts, String labels, String databases, boolean globalParam, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
set(key, value, new ContextExpression(contexts), new Labels(labels), databases, globalParam, changeLog);
* Sets a global changelog parameter.
* Just because you call this with a particular key, does not mean it will override the existing value. See the class description for more details on how values act as if they are immutable.
public void set(String key, Object value, ContextExpression contexts, Labels labels, String... databases) {
globalParameters.add(new ChangeLogParameter(key, value, contexts, labels, databases, true));
* Sets a changelog parameter local to the given changeLog file.
* Just because you call this with a particular key, does not mean it will override the existing value. See the class description for more details on how values act as if they are immutable.
* @param changeLog required for local parameters, ignored for global parameters
public void setLocal(String key, Object value, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, ContextExpression contexts, Labels labels, String... databases) {
if (changeLog == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("changeLog cannot be null when setting a local parameter");
final String changelogKey = getLocalKey(changeLog);
List localParams = localParameters.get(changelogKey);
if (localParams == null) {
localParams = new ArrayList<>();
this.localParameters.put(changelogKey, localParams);
localParams.add(new ChangeLogParameter(key, value, contexts, labels, databases, true));
* Get the value of the given parameter, taking into account parameters local to the given changelog file and
* values configured in {@link #getContexts()} and {@link #getLabels()} and the database.
public Object getValue(String key, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
final ChangeLogParameter param = getChangelogParameter(key, changeLog, getFilter());
if (param == null) {
return null;
return param.getValue();
* Return whether the given parameters is defined, taking into account parameters local to the given changelog file
* as well as contexts, labels, and database configured on this instance
public boolean hasValue(String key, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
return getChangelogParameter(key, changeLog, getFilter()) != null;
* Expand any expressions in the given string, taking into account parameters local to the given changelog file as well as
* contexts, labels, and database configured in this instance.
public String expandExpressions(String string, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) throws UnknownChangeLogParameterException {
return expressionExpander.expandExpressions(string, changeLog);
* Gets the contexts to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public Contexts getContexts() {
return filterContexts;
* Sets the contexts to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public void setContexts(Contexts contexts) {
this.filterContexts = contexts;
* Gets the labels to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public LabelExpression getLabels() {
return filterLabels;
* Sets the labels to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public void setLabels(LabelExpression labels) {
this.filterLabels = labels;
* Sets the database to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public String getDatabase() {
return filterDatabase;
* Sets the database to filter calls to {@link #getValue(String, DatabaseChangeLog)} etc. with.
public void setDatabase(String filterDatabase) {
this.filterDatabase = filterDatabase;
private Filter getFilter() {
return new Filter(this.filterDatabase, this.filterContexts, this.filterLabels);
private ChangeLogParameter getChangelogParameter(String key, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, Filter filter) {
List localList = null;
if (changeLog != null) {
LiquibaseExecutionParameter executionParameter = LiquibaseExecutionParameter.findByName(key);
if (executionParameter != null) {
return new ChangeLogParameter(executionParameter.name(), executionParameter.getValue(changeLog));
localList = localParameters.get(getLocalKey(changeLog));
if (localList != null) {
localList = new ArrayList<>(localList); // make a copy as we don't want to reverse the original list
for (List paramList : Arrays.asList(systemParameters, globalParameters, localList)) {
if (paramList == null) {
for (ChangeLogParameter parameter : paramList) {
if (parameter.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(key) && (filter == null || filter.matches(parameter))) {
return parameter;
return null;
* The key to use in {@link #localParameters}
private String getLocalKey(DatabaseChangeLog changeLog) {
if (changeLog == null) {
return "null changelog path";
return changeLog.getLogicalFilePath();
private static class ChangeLogParameter {
private final String key;
private final Object value;
private final ContextExpression validContexts;
private final Labels validLabels;
private final List validDatabases;
private final boolean filterable;
public ChangeLogParameter(String key, Object value) {
this(key, value, null, null, null, true);
public ChangeLogParameter(String key, Object value, boolean filterable) {
this(key, value, null, null, null, filterable);
public ChangeLogParameter(String key, Object value, ContextExpression validContexts, Labels labels, String[] validDatabases, boolean filterable) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.validContexts = validContexts == null ? new ContextExpression() : validContexts;
this.validLabels = labels == null ? new Labels() : labels;
this.filterable = filterable;
if (validDatabases == null) {
this.validDatabases = null;
} else {
this.validDatabases = Arrays.asList(validDatabases);
public Labels getLabels() {
return validLabels;
public String toString() {
return getValue().toString();
private static class Filter {
private final Contexts contexts;
private final LabelExpression labels;
private final String database;
public Filter(String database, Contexts contexts, LabelExpression labels) {
this.contexts = contexts;
this.labels = labels;
this.database = database;
public boolean matches(ChangeLogParameter parameter) {
// When we are checking whether a parameter matches the filter, we validate that the parameter is filterable.
// If it is not filterable, we still want to check if it has any associated filterable attributes
// because while system properties are set up by default to NOT be filterable, global properties
// still can have filterable attributes which we want to respect if they are set up in the changelog itself.
if (parameter.isFilterable() || hasFilterableProperties(parameter)) {
return (labels == null || labels.matches(parameter.getLabels()))
&& (contexts == null || parameter.getValidContexts().matches(contexts))
&& (database == null || DatabaseList.definitionMatches(parameter.getValidDatabases(), database, true));
return true;
* Check if the provided ChangeLogParameter has any filterable attributes.
* @param parameter the parameter to check
* @return true if there is a label, context or dbms associated with the parameter, false otherwise
private boolean hasFilterableProperties(ChangeLogParameter parameter) {
boolean hasContext = false;
boolean hasLabel = false;
boolean hasDbms = false;
if (parameter.getValidContexts() != null) {
hasContext = !parameter.getValidContexts().isEmpty();
if (parameter.getLabels() != null) {
hasLabel = !parameter.getLabels().isEmpty();
if (parameter.getValidDatabases() != null) {
hasDbms = !parameter.getValidDatabases().isEmpty();
return hasContext || hasLabel || hasDbms;
* Add java property arguments to changelog parameters
public void addJavaProperties() {
HashMap javaProperties = Scope.getCurrentScope().get("javaProperties", HashMap.class);
if (javaProperties != null) {
javaProperties.forEach((key, value) -> this.set((String) key, value));
* Add default-file properties to changelog parameters
public void addDefaultFileProperties() {
final LiquibaseConfiguration liquibaseConfiguration = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(LiquibaseConfiguration.class);
for (ConfigurationValueProvider cvp : liquibaseConfiguration.getProviders()) {
if (cvp instanceof DefaultsFileValueProvider) {
DefaultsFileValueProvider dfvp = (DefaultsFileValueProvider) cvp;
.filter(entry -> ((String) entry.getKey()).startsWith("parameter."))
.forEach(entry -> this.set(((String) entry.getKey()).replaceFirst("^parameter.", ""), entry.getValue()));