liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.resource;
import liquibase.GlobalConfiguration;
import liquibase.Scope;
import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException;
import liquibase.logging.Logger;
import liquibase.util.CollectionUtil;
import liquibase.util.FileUtil;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.*;
* ResourceAccessors abstract file access so they can be read in a variety of environments.
* Implementations may look for local files in known locations, read from the network, or do whatever else they need to find files.
* Think of ResourceAccessors as a {@link ClassLoader} but for finding and reading files, not finding and loading classes.
public interface ResourceAccessor extends AutoCloseable {
* Return the streams for each resource mapped by the given path.
* The path is often a URL but does not have to be.
* Should accept both / and \ chars for file paths to be platform-independent.
* If path points to a compressed resource, return a stream of the uncompressed contents of the file.
* Returns {@link InputStreamList} since multiple resources can map to the same path, such as "META-INF/MAINFEST.MF".
* Remember to close streams when finished with them.
* @param relativeTo Location that streamPath should be found relative to. If null, streamPath is an absolute path
* @return Empty list if the resource does not exist.
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading an existing path.
* @deprecated Use {@link #search(String, boolean)} or {@link #getAll(String)}
default InputStreamList openStreams(String relativeTo, String streamPath) throws IOException {
InputStreamList returnList = new InputStreamList();
if (relativeTo != null) {
Resource relativeToResource = this.get(relativeTo);
streamPath = relativeToResource.resolveSibling(streamPath).getPath();
for (Resource resource : CollectionUtil.createIfNull(getAll(streamPath))) {
returnList.add(resource.getUri(), resource.openInputStream());
return returnList;
* Returns a single stream matching the given path. See {@link #openStreams(String, String)} for details about path options.
* Implementations should respect {@link liquibase.GlobalConfiguration#DUPLICATE_FILE_MODE}
* @param relativeTo Location that streamPath should be found relative to. If null, streamPath is an absolute path
* @return null if the resource does not exist
* @throws IOException if multiple paths matched the stream
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading an existing path
* @deprecated Use {@link #search(String, boolean)} or {@link #getAll(String)}
default InputStream openStream(String relativeTo, String streamPath) throws IOException {
if (relativeTo != null) {
streamPath = this.get(relativeTo).resolveSibling(streamPath).getPath();
Resource resource = get(streamPath);
if (!resource.exists()) {
return null;
return resource.openInputStream();
* Returns the path to all resources contained in the given path.
* The passed path is not included in the returned set.
* Returned strings should use "/" for file path separators, regardless of the OS and should accept both / and \ chars for file paths to be platform-independent.
* Returned set is sorted, normally alphabetically but subclasses can use different comparators.
* The values returned should be able to be passed into {@link #openStreams(String, String)} and return the contents.
* Returned paths should normally be root-relative and therefore not be an absolute path, unless there is a good reason to be absolute.
* Default implementation calls {@link #search(String, boolean)} and collects the paths from the resources.
* Because the new method no longer supports listing directories, it will silently ignore the includeDirectories argument UNLESS includeFiles is false. In that case, it will throw an exception.
* @param relativeTo Location that streamPath should be found relative to. If null, path is an absolute path
* @param path The path to lookup resources in.
* @param recursive Set to true and will return paths to contents in sub directories as well.
* @param includeFiles Set to true and will return paths to files.
* @param includeDirectories Set to true and will return paths to directories.
* @return empty set if nothing was found
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading an existing root.
* @deprecated use {@link #search(String, boolean)}
default SortedSet list(String relativeTo, String path, boolean recursive, boolean includeFiles, boolean includeDirectories) throws IOException {
SortedSet returnList = new TreeSet<>();
if (includeFiles) {
if (relativeTo != null) {
path = this.get(relativeTo).resolveSibling(path).getPath();
for (Resource resource : search(path, recursive)) {
} else {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("ResourceAccessor can no longer search only for directories");
return returnList;
* Returns the path to all resources contained in the given path that match the searchOptions criteria.
* Multiple resources may be returned with the same path, but only if they are actually unique files.
* Order is important to pay attention to, they should be returned in a user-expected manner based on this resource accessor.
* Should return an empty list if:
* - Path does not exist or maxDepth less or equals than zero
* Should throw an exception if:
* - Path is null
* - Path is not a "directory"
* - Path exists but cannot be read from
* @param path The path to lookup resources in.
* @param searchOptions A set of criteria for how resources should be found/filtered
* @return empty set if nothing was found
* @throws IOException if there is an error searching the system.
default List search(String path, SearchOptions searchOptions) throws IOException {
List recursiveResourceList;
List searchOptionsFilteredResourceList = new ArrayList<>();
if(searchOptions == null) {
searchOptions = new SearchOptions();
if (searchOptions.getMaxDepth() <= 0) {
return Collections.emptyList();
boolean searchRecursive = searchOptions.getMaxDepth() > 1;
recursiveResourceList = search(path, searchRecursive);
int minDepth = searchOptions.getMinDepth();
int maxDepth = searchOptions.getMaxDepth();
boolean endsWithFilterIsSet = searchOptions.endsWithFilterIsSet();
String endsWithFilter = searchOptions.getEndsWithFilter();
for (Resource res: CollectionUtil.createIfNull(recursiveResourceList)) {
String resourcePath = res.getPath();
int depth = ((int) resourcePath.chars().filter(ch -> ch == '/').count()) - ((int) path.chars().filter(ch -> ch == '/').count()) + 1 ;
if (depth < minDepth || depth > maxDepth) {
if (endsWithFilterIsSet) {
if (!resourcePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(endsWithFilter.toLowerCase())) {
return searchOptionsFilteredResourceList;
* Returns the path to all resources contained in the given path.
* Multiple resources may be returned with the same path, but only if they are actually unique files.
* Order is important to pay attention to, they should be returned in a user-expected manner based on this resource accessor.
* Should return an empty list if:
* - Path does not exist
* Should throw an exception if:
* - Path is null
* - Path is not a "directory"
* - Path exists but cannot be read from
* @param path The path to lookup resources in.
* @param recursive Set to true and will return paths to contents in subdirectories as well.
* @return empty set if nothing was found
* @throws IOException if there is an error searching the system.
List search(String path, boolean recursive) throws IOException;
* Returns all {@link Resource}s at the given path.
* For many resource accessors (such as a file system), only one resource can exist at a given spot,
* but some accessors (such as {@link CompositeResourceAccessor} or {@link ClassLoaderResourceAccessor}) can have multiple resources for a single path.
* If the resourceAccessor returns multiple values, the returned List should be considered sorted for that resource accessor.
* For example, {@link ClassLoaderResourceAccessor} returns them in order based on the configured classloader.
* Order is important to pay attention to, because users may set {@link GlobalConfiguration#DUPLICATE_FILE_MODE} to pick the "best" file which is defined as
* "the first file from this function".
* @return null if no resources match the path
* @throws IOException if there is an unexpected error determining what is at the path
List getAll(String path) throws IOException;
* Convenience version of {@link #get(String)} which throws an exception if the file does not exist.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist
default Resource getExisting(String path) throws IOException {
Resource resource = get(path);
if (!resource.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(FileUtil.getFileNotFoundMessage(path));
return resource;
* Finds a single specific {@link Resource}. If multiple files match the given path, handle based on the {@link GlobalConfiguration#DUPLICATE_FILE_MODE} setting.
* Default implementation calls {@link #getAll(String)}.
* @return a Resource even if the path does not exist
default Resource get(String path) throws IOException {
List resources = getAll(path);
if (resources == null || resources.size() == 0) {
return new NotFoundResource(path, this);
} else if (resources.size() == 1) {
return resources.iterator().next();
} else {
final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Found " + resources.size() + " files with the path '" + path + "':" + System.lineSeparator());
for (Resource resource : resources) {
message.append(" - ").append(resource.getUri()).append(System.lineSeparator());
message.append(" Search Path: ").append(System.lineSeparator());
for (String location : Scope.getCurrentScope().getResourceAccessor().describeLocations()) {
message.append(" - ").append(location).append(System.lineSeparator());
message.append(" You can limit the search path to remove duplicates with the liquibase.searchPath setting.");
final GlobalConfiguration.DuplicateFileMode mode = GlobalConfiguration.DUPLICATE_FILE_MODE.getCurrentValue();
if (mode == GlobalConfiguration.DuplicateFileMode.ERROR) {
throw new IOException(message + " Or, if you KNOW these are the exact same file you can set liquibase.duplicateFileMode=WARN.");
} else if (mode == GlobalConfiguration.DuplicateFileMode.SILENT) {
return resources.iterator().next();
Resource resource = resources.iterator().next();
handleDuplicateFileModeLogging(message, mode, resource);
return resource;
* Handles logging based on the {@link GlobalConfiguration.DuplicateFileMode} setting when duplicate files are found.
* This method logs a message at the appropriate log level and sends a message to the UI.
* @param message The base message to log and display in the UI.
* @param mode The duplicate file mode that determines the log level.
* @param resource The resource that was selected from the duplicates.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the provided mode is not expected.
default void handleDuplicateFileModeLogging(StringBuilder message, GlobalConfiguration.DuplicateFileMode mode, Resource resource) {
final Logger log = Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass());
final String logMessage = message + System.lineSeparator() +
" To fail when duplicates are found, set liquibase.duplicateFileMode=ERROR" + System.lineSeparator() +
" Choosing: " + resource.getUri();
switch (mode) {
case WARN:
case INFO:
case DEBUG:
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected DUPLICATE_FILE_MODE: " + mode);
* Returns a description of the places this classloader will look for paths. Used in error messages and other troubleshooting cases.
List describeLocations();
class NotFoundResource extends AbstractResource {
private final ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor;
public NotFoundResource(String path, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) {
super(path, URI.create("resourceaccessor:"+path.replace(" ", "%20").replace('\\', '/')));
this.resourceAccessor = resourceAccessor;
public InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Resource does not exist");
public boolean isWritable() {
return false;
public boolean exists() {
return false;
public Resource resolve(String other) {
try {
return resourceAccessor.get(resolvePath(other));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
public Resource resolveSibling(String other) {
try {
return resourceAccessor.get(resolveSiblingPath(other));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
public OutputStream openOutputStream(OpenOptions openOptions) throws IOException {
return openOutputStream(new OpenOptions());
class SearchOptions {
private int minDepth;
private int maxDepth;
private String endsWithFilter;
public SearchOptions() {
minDepth = 0;
maxDepth = 1;
endsWithFilter = "";
public boolean getRecursive() {
return minDepth == 0 && maxDepth == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) {
if (recursive) {
minDepth = 0;
maxDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else {
minDepth = 0;
maxDepth = 1;
public int getMinDepth() {
return minDepth;
public void setMinDepth(int minDepth) {
if(minDepth < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minDepth must be non-negative");
this.minDepth = minDepth;
public int getMaxDepth() {
return maxDepth;
public void setMaxDepth(int maxDepth) {
if(maxDepth < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDepth must be non-negative");
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
public String getEndsWithFilter() { return endsWithFilter; }
public void setTrimmedEndsWithFilter(String endsWithFilter) { this.endsWithFilter = endsWithFilter.trim(); }
public boolean endsWithFilterIsSet() {
return endsWithFilter != null && endsWithFilter.trim().length() > 0;