liquibase.util.StringClauses Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package liquibase.util;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.*;
* Defines a list of clauses that can be manipulated and rearranged based on keys associated with each.
* On {@link #toString()}, the clauses will be joined by the separator passed at construction time and prepended/postpended by the start/end strings set at construction time.
* Note: all keys and values passed in are trimmed.
* NOTE: All keys are managed in a case INSENSITIVE manner
* NOTE: Null or empty clauses and subclauses are skipped in {@link #toString()}
public class StringClauses {
private final String separator;
private final String start;
private final String end;
private final Random random = new SecureRandom();
private LinkedHashMap clauses = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* Creates a new StringClause with no start or end strings and a space separator.
public StringClauses() {
* Creates a new StringClause with no start or end strings and the given separator.
public StringClauses(String separator) {
this(null, separator, null);
* Creates a new StringClause with the given start, end and separator.
public StringClauses(String start, String separator, String end) {
if (start == null) {
start = "";
if (separator == null) {
separator = " ";
if (end == null) {
end = "";
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.separator = separator;
* Returns the key if it is not empty and/or not already used. If it is already used, it generates a random value for the key.
private String uniqueKey(String key) {
boolean generateOne = false;
key = StringUtils.trimToNull(key);
if (key == null) {
generateOne = true;
} else if (clauses.containsKey(key.toLowerCase())) {
generateOne = true;
while (generateOne) {
key = StringUtils.leftPad(new BigInteger(50, random).toString(32), 6).replace(" ", "0").substring(0,6);
generateOne = clauses.containsKey(key);
return key;
* Adds a new clause at the end of the list with the given key.
public StringClauses append(String key, String clause) {
Validate.notNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(key), "key must be a non-null, non-empty value");
key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key).toLowerCase();
clause = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(clause);
if (clauses.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add clause with key '" + key + "' because it is already defined");
clauses.put(key, clause.trim());
return this;
* Adds a new sub-clause at the end of the list with the given key.
public StringClauses append(String key, StringClauses subclauses) {
Validate.notNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(key), "key must be a non-null, non-empty value");
key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key).toLowerCase();
if (clauses.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add clause with key '" + key + "' because it is already defined");
clauses.put(key, subclauses);
return this;
* Adds a new clause at the end of the list. The key is equal to the passed clause.
* There is no corresponding append with just a StringClauses because the subclause may not be fully created when appended and so the key may be an unexpected value.
public StringClauses append(String clause) {
return this.append(uniqueKey(clause), clause);
* Convenience method for {@link #append(String, StringClauses)} when using enums.
public StringClauses append(Enum name, StringClauses subclauses) {
return this.append(name.name(), subclauses);
* Convenience method for {@link #append(String, String)} when using enums.
public StringClauses append(Enum name, String clause) {
return this.append(name.name(), clause);
public StringClauses append(LiteralClause literal) {
if (literal != null) {
clauses.put(literal.getClass().getName().toLowerCase() + " #" + clauses.size(), literal);
return this;
public StringClauses prepend(LiteralClause literal) {
if (literal != null) {
LinkedHashMap newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
newMap.put(uniqueKey(literal.getClass().getName().toLowerCase()), literal);
this.clauses = newMap;
return this;
* Adds a clause with the given key to the beginning of the list.
public StringClauses prepend(String key, String clause) {
return prependImpl(key, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(clause));
* Adds a sub-clause with the given key to the beginning of the list.
public StringClauses prepend(String key, StringClauses clause) {
return prependImpl(key, clause);
* Convenience method for {@link #prepend(String, String)} that uses the clause as the key.
public StringClauses prepend(String clause) {
if (StringUtils.trimToNull(clause) == null) {
return prepend(new Whitespace(clause));
return prepend(uniqueKey(clause), clause);
* Convenience method for {@link #prepend(String, String)} when using enums
public StringClauses prepend(Enum key, String clause) {
return prepend(key.name(), clause);
* Convenience method for {@link #prepend(String, liquibase.util.StringClauses)} when using enums
public StringClauses prepend(Enum key, StringClauses clause) {
return prepend(key.name(), clause);
private StringClauses prependImpl(String key, Object clause) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Validate.notNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(key), "key must be a non-null, non-empty value");
key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key).toLowerCase();
if (clauses.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add clause with key '" + key + "' because it is already defined");
LinkedHashMap newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
newMap.put(key, clause);
this.clauses = newMap;
return this;
* Removes the clause with the given key. Removes case insensitively. If key doesn't exist, operation is a no-op.
public StringClauses remove(String key) {
return this;
* Convenience method for {@link #remove(String)} when using enums.
public StringClauses remove(Enum key) {
return remove(key.name());
* Replaces the given key with a new string. If the existing key does not exist, throws IllegalArgumentException
public StringClauses replace(String key, String newValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return replaceImpl(key, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(newValue));
public boolean contains(String key) {
return clauses.containsKey(key.toLowerCase());
* Replaces the given key with a new sub-clause. If the existing key does not exist, throws IllegalArgumentException
public StringClauses replace(String key, StringClauses newValue) {
return replaceImpl(key, newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #replace(String, liquibase.util.StringClauses)} when using enums.
public StringClauses replace(Enum key, StringClauses newValue) {
return replace(key.name(), newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #replace(String, String)} when using enums.
public StringClauses replace(Enum key, String newValue) {
return replace(key.name(), newValue);
private StringClauses replaceImpl(String key, Object newValue) {
key = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(key).toLowerCase();
if (!clauses.containsKey(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key '" + key + "' is not defined");
LinkedHashMap newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : clauses.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(key)) {
newMap.put(key, newValue);
} else {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
this.clauses = newMap;
return this;
* Inserts a new clause before the given key. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the existingKey does not exist.
public StringClauses insertBefore(String existingKey, String newKey, String newValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return insertBeforeImpl(existingKey, newKey, newValue);
* Inserts a new sub-clause before the given key. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the existingKey does not exist.
public StringClauses insertBefore(String existingKey, String newKey, StringClauses newValue) {
return insertBeforeImpl(existingKey, newKey, newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #insertBefore(String, String, String)} where the new clause key is equal to the newValue.
public StringClauses insertBefore(String existingKey, String newValue) {
return insertBefore(existingKey, newValue, StringUtils.trimToNull(newValue));
* Convenience method for {@link #insertBefore(String, String)} when using enums.
public StringClauses insertBefore(Enum existingKey, String newValue) {
return insertBefore(existingKey.name(), newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #insertBefore(String, String)} when using enums.
public StringClauses insertBefore(Enum existingKey, Enum newKey, String newValue) {
return insertBefore(existingKey.name(), newKey.name(), newValue);
private StringClauses insertBeforeImpl(String existingKey, String newKey, Object newValue) {
Validate.notNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(newKey), "key must be a non-null, non-empty value");
existingKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(existingKey).toLowerCase();
newKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(newKey).toLowerCase();
if (!clauses.containsKey(existingKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Existing key '" + existingKey + "' does not exist");
if (newKey.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("New key cannot be null or empty");
if (clauses.containsKey(newKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add clause with key '" + newKey + "' because it is already defined");
LinkedHashMap newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : clauses.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().equals(existingKey)) {
newMap.put(newKey, newValue);
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
this.clauses = newMap;
return this;
* Inserts a new clause after the given key. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the existingKey does not exist.
public StringClauses insertAfter(String existingKey, String newKey, String newValue) {
return insertAfterImpl(existingKey, newKey, newValue);
* Inserts a new sub-clause after the given key. Throws IllegalArgumentException if the existingKey does not exist.
public StringClauses insertAfter(String existingKey, String newKey, StringClauses newValue) {
return insertAfterImpl(existingKey, newKey, newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #insertAfter(String, String)} when using enums
public StringClauses insertAfter(Enum existingKey, String newValue) {
return insertAfter(existingKey.name(), newValue);
* Convenience method for {@link #insertAfter(String, String, String)} using the newValue as the newKey.
public StringClauses insertAfter(String existingKey, String newValue) {
return insertAfter(existingKey, newValue, StringUtils.trimToEmpty(newValue));
private StringClauses insertAfterImpl(String existingKey, String newKey, Object newValue) {
Validate.notNull(StringUtils.trimToNull(existingKey), "key must be a non-null, non-empty value");
existingKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(existingKey).toLowerCase();
newKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(newKey).toLowerCase();
if (!clauses.containsKey(existingKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Existing key '" + existingKey + "' does not exist");
if (clauses.containsKey(newKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add clause with key '" + newKey + "' because it is already defined");
LinkedHashMap newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : clauses.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (entry.getKey().equals(existingKey)) {
newMap.put(newKey, newValue);
this.clauses = newMap;
return this;
* Retrieves the given key. Returns null if not set.
* If clause at key is a StringClause, return the string version of it.
* Will traverse sub-clauses to find the key.
public String get(String exitingKey) {
exitingKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(exitingKey).toLowerCase();
Object clauses = getImpl(exitingKey);
if (clauses == null) {
return null;
return clauses.toString();
private Object getImpl(String exitingKey) {
Object o = this.clauses.get(exitingKey);
if (o == null) {
for (Object obj : this.clauses.values()) {
if (obj instanceof StringClauses) {
Object childObj = ((StringClauses) obj).getImpl(exitingKey);
if (childObj != null) {
return childObj;
return o;
* Convenience method for {@link #get(String)} when using enums.
public String get(Enum exitingKey) {
return get(exitingKey.name());
* Retrieves the given key. Returns null if not set. If clause at key is a String, return a new StringClause version of it. Will traverse sub-clauses to find the key.
public StringClauses getSubclause(String exitingKey) {
exitingKey = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(exitingKey).toLowerCase();
Object clauses = getImpl(exitingKey);
if (clauses == null) {
return null;
if (clauses instanceof String) {
return new StringClauses().append((String) clauses);
return (StringClauses) clauses;
* Convenience method for {@link #getSubclause(String)} when using enums
public StringClauses getSubclause(Enum exitingKey) {
return getSubclause(exitingKey.name());
public ClauseIterator getClauseIterator() {
return new ClauseIterator(clauses);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
StringClauses that = (StringClauses) o;
return Objects.equals(separator, that.separator) && Objects.equals(start, that.start) && Objects.equals(end, that.end) && Objects.equals(clauses, that.clauses);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(separator, start, end, clauses);
public String toString() {
if (clauses.isEmpty()) {
return "";