liquibase.command.CommandScope Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.command;
import liquibase.Scope;
import liquibase.configuration.*;
import liquibase.exception.CommandExecutionException;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import java.util.*;
* The primary facade used for executing commands.
* This object gets configured with the command to run and the input arguments associated with it,
* then is populated with the result output after {@link #execute()} is called.
* Named similarly to {@link Scope} because they both define a self-contained unit of values, but this
* scope is specific to a command rather than being a global scope.
public class CommandScope {
private final CommandDefinition commandDefinition;
private final SortedMap argumentValues = new TreeMap<>();
private final CommandScopeValueProvider commandScopeValueProvider = new CommandScopeValueProvider();
* Config key including the command name. Example `liquibase.command.update`
private final String completeConfigPrefix;
* Config key without the command name. Example `liquibase.command`
private final String shortConfigPrefix;
private OutputStream outputStream;
* Creates a new scope for the given command.
public CommandScope(String... commandName) throws CommandExecutionException {
final CommandFactory commandFactory = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(CommandFactory.class);
this.commandDefinition = commandFactory.getCommandDefinition(commandName);
completeConfigPrefix = "liquibase.command." + StringUtil.join(Arrays.asList(this.getCommand().getName()), ".");
shortConfigPrefix = "liquibase.command";
* Returns the {@link CommandDefinition} for the command in this scope.
public CommandDefinition getCommand() {
return commandDefinition;
* Adds the given key/value pair to the stored argument data.
* @see #addArgumentValue(CommandArgumentDefinition, Object) for a type-safe version
public CommandScope addArgumentValue(String argument, Object value) {
this.argumentValues.put(argument, value);
return this;
* Adds the given key/value pair to the stored argument data.
public CommandScope addArgumentValue(CommandArgumentDefinition argument, T value) {
this.argumentValues.put(argument.getName(), value);
return this;
* Returns the detailed information about how an argument is set.
* Prefers values set with {@link #addArgumentValue(String, Object)}, but will also check {@link liquibase.configuration.LiquibaseConfiguration}
* for settings of liquibase.command.${commandName(s)}.${argumentName} or liquibase.command.${argumentName}
public ConfiguredValue getConfiguredValue(CommandArgumentDefinition argument) {
ConfigurationDefinition configDef = createConfigurationDefinition(argument, true);
ConfiguredValue providedValue = configDef.getCurrentConfiguredValue();
if (!providedValue.found() || providedValue.wasDefaultValueUsed()) {
ConfigurationDefinition noCommandConfigDef = createConfigurationDefinition(argument, false);
ConfiguredValue noCommandNameProvidedValue = noCommandConfigDef.getCurrentConfiguredValue();
if (noCommandNameProvidedValue.found() && !noCommandNameProvidedValue.wasDefaultValueUsed()) {
configDef = noCommandConfigDef;
providedValue = noCommandNameProvidedValue;
providedValue.override(commandScopeValueProvider.getProvidedValue(configDef.getKey(), argument.getName()));
return providedValue;
* Convenience method for {@link #getConfiguredValue(CommandArgumentDefinition)}, returning {@link ConfiguredValue#getValue()} along with any
* {@link CommandArgumentDefinition#getValueConverter()} applied
public T getArgumentValue(CommandArgumentDefinition argument) {
final T value = getConfiguredValue(argument).getValue();
return argument.getValueConverter().convert(value);
* Sets the output stream for this command.
* The command output sent to this stream should not include status/progress type output, only the actual output itself.
* Think "what would be piped out", not "what the user is told about what is happening".
public CommandScope setOutput(OutputStream outputStream) {
this.outputStream = outputStream;
return this;
* Executes the command in this scope, and returns the results.
public CommandResults execute() throws CommandExecutionException {
CommandResultsBuilder resultsBuilder = new CommandResultsBuilder(this, outputStream);
for (ConfigurationValueProvider provider : Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(LiquibaseConfiguration.class).getProviders()) {
for (CommandArgumentDefinition> definition : commandDefinition.getArguments().values()) {
final List pipeline = commandDefinition.getPipeline();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Pipeline for command '" + StringUtil.join(commandDefinition.getName(), " ") + ": " + StringUtil.join(pipeline, " then ", obj -> obj.getClass().getName()));
for (CommandStep step : pipeline) {
try {
for (CommandStep command : pipeline) {;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof CommandExecutionException) {
throw (CommandExecutionException) e;
} else {
throw new CommandExecutionException(e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Error flushing command output stream: " + e.getMessage(), e);
private ConfigurationDefinition createConfigurationDefinition(CommandArgumentDefinition argument, boolean includeCommandName) {
final String key;
if (includeCommandName) {
key = completeConfigPrefix;
} else {
key = shortConfigPrefix;
return new ConfigurationDefinition.Builder(key)
.define(argument.getName(), argument.getDataType())
private class CommandScopeValueProvider extends AbstractMapConfigurationValueProvider {
public int getPrecedence() {
return -1;
protected Map, ?> getMap() {
return CommandScope.this.argumentValues;
protected String getSourceDescription() {
return "Command argument";