liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.database;
import liquibase.CatalogAndSchema;
import liquibase.Scope;
import liquibase.change.Change;
import liquibase.change.core.DropTableChange;
import liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory;
import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet;
import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog;
import liquibase.changelog.RanChangeSet;
import liquibase.changelog.StandardChangeLogHistoryService;
import liquibase.GlobalConfiguration;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfigurationDefinition;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfiguredValue;
import liquibase.database.core.OracleDatabase;
import liquibase.database.core.PostgresDatabase;
import liquibase.database.core.SQLiteDatabase;
import liquibase.database.core.SybaseASADatabase;
import liquibase.database.core.SybaseDatabase;
import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection;
import liquibase.diff.DiffGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.diff.DiffResult;
import liquibase.diff.compare.CompareControl;
import liquibase.diff.compare.DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory;
import liquibase.diff.output.DiffOutputControl;
import liquibase.diff.output.changelog.DiffToChangeLog;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseHistoryException;
import liquibase.exception.DateParseException;
import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException;
import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException;
import liquibase.exception.ValidationErrors;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.lockservice.LockServiceFactory;
import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.EmptyDatabaseSnapshot;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotControl;
import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.sql.Sql;
import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitor;
import liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGeneratorFactory;
import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceCurrentValueFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceNextValueFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement;
import liquibase.statement.core.GetViewDefinitionStatement;
import liquibase.statement.core.RawCallStatement;
import liquibase.structure.DatabaseObject;
import liquibase.structure.core.Catalog;
import liquibase.structure.core.Column;
import liquibase.structure.core.ForeignKey;
import liquibase.structure.core.Index;
import liquibase.structure.core.PrimaryKey;
import liquibase.structure.core.Schema;
import liquibase.structure.core.Sequence;
import liquibase.structure.core.Table;
import liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint;
import liquibase.structure.core.View;
import liquibase.util.ISODateFormat;
import liquibase.util.NowAndTodayUtil;
import liquibase.util.StreamUtil;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static liquibase.util.StringUtil.join;
* AbstractJdbcDatabase is extended by all supported databases as a facade to the underlying database.
* The physical connection can be retrieved from the AbstractJdbcDatabase implementation, as well as any
* database-specific characteristics such as the datatype for "boolean" fields.
public abstract class AbstractJdbcDatabase implements Database {
private static final Pattern startsWithNumberPattern = Pattern.compile("^[0-9].*");
private static final int FETCH_SIZE = 1000;
private static Pattern CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^CREATE\\s+.*?VIEW\\s+.*?AS\\s+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
private final Set reservedWords = new HashSet<>();
protected String defaultCatalogName;
protected String defaultSchemaName;
protected String currentDateTimeFunction;
* The sequence name will be substituted into the string e.g. NEXTVAL('%s')
protected String sequenceNextValueFunction;
protected String sequenceCurrentValueFunction;
// List of Database native functions.
protected List dateFunctions = new ArrayList<>();
protected List unmodifiableDataTypes = new ArrayList<>();
protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementStartWith = BigInteger.ONE;
protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementBy = BigInteger.ONE;
// most databases either lowercase or uppercase unuqoted objects such as table and column names.
protected Boolean unquotedObjectsAreUppercased;
// whether object names should be quoted
protected ObjectQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy = ObjectQuotingStrategy.LEGACY;
protected Boolean caseSensitive;
private String databaseChangeLogTableName;
private String databaseChangeLogLockTableName;
private String liquibaseTablespaceName;
private String liquibaseSchemaName;
private String liquibaseCatalogName;
private Boolean previousAutoCommit;
private boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = false;
private DatabaseConnection connection;
private boolean outputDefaultSchema = true;
private boolean outputDefaultCatalog = true;
private boolean defaultCatalogSet;
private Map attributes = new HashMap<>();
public String getName() {
return toString();
public boolean requiresPassword() {
return true;
public boolean requiresUsername() {
return true;
public DatabaseObject[] getContainingObjects() {
return null;
public DatabaseConnection getConnection() {
return connection;
public void setConnection(final DatabaseConnection conn) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Connected to " + conn.getConnectionUserName() + "@" + conn.getURL());
this.connection = conn;
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
if (autoCommit == getAutoCommitMode()) {
// Don't adjust the auto-commit mode if it's already what the database wants it to be.
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Not adjusting the auto commit mode; it is already " + autoCommit);
} else {
// Store the previous auto-commit mode, because the connection needs to be restored to it when this
// AbstractDatabase type is closed. This is important for systems which use connection pools.
previousAutoCommit = autoCommit;
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Setting auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " from " + autoCommit);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Cannot set auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " on connection");
public boolean getAutoCommitMode() {
return !supportsDDLInTransaction();
public final void addReservedWords(Collection words) {
* Determines if the database supports DDL within a transaction or not.
* @return True if the database supports DDL within a transaction, otherwise false.
// TODO this might be a dangerous default value. I would rather make this an abstract method and have every
// implementation specify it explicitly.
public boolean supportsDDLInTransaction() {
return true;
public String getDatabaseProductName() {
if (connection == null) {
return getDefaultDatabaseProductName();
try {
return connection.getDatabaseProductName();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get database name");
protected abstract String getDefaultDatabaseProductName();
public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return null;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseProductVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return 999;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseMajorVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection == null) {
return -1;
try {
return connection.getDatabaseMinorVersion();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public String getDefaultCatalogName() {
if (defaultCatalogName == null) {
if ((defaultSchemaName != null) && !this.supportsSchemas()) {
return defaultSchemaName;
if (connection != null) {
try {
defaultCatalogName = getConnectionCatalogName();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info("Error getting default catalog", e);
return defaultCatalogName;
public void setDefaultCatalogName(final String defaultCatalogName) {
this.defaultCatalogName = correctObjectName(defaultCatalogName, Catalog.class);
defaultCatalogSet = defaultCatalogName != null;
protected String getConnectionCatalogName() throws DatabaseException {
return connection.getCatalog();
public CatalogAndSchema correctSchema(final String catalog, final String schema) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(catalog, schema).standardize(this);
public CatalogAndSchema correctSchema(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(getDefaultCatalogName(), getDefaultSchemaName());
return schema.standardize(this);
public String correctObjectName(final String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if ((getObjectQuotingStrategy() == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS) || (unquotedObjectsAreUppercased == null) ||
( objectName == null) || (objectName.startsWith(getQuotingStartCharacter()) && objectName.endsWith(getQuotingEndCharacter()))) {
return objectName;
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(unquotedObjectsAreUppercased)) {
return objectName.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
} else {
return objectName.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
public CatalogAndSchema getDefaultSchema() {
return new CatalogAndSchema(getDefaultCatalogName(), getDefaultSchemaName());
public String getDefaultSchemaName() {
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
return getDefaultCatalogName();
if ((defaultSchemaName == null) && (connection != null)) {
defaultSchemaName = getConnectionSchemaName();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info("Set default schema name to " + defaultSchemaName);
return defaultSchemaName;
public Integer getDefaultScaleForNativeDataType(String nativeDataType) {
// Default implementation does not return anything; this is up to the concrete implementation.
return null;
public void setDefaultSchemaName(final String schemaName) {
this.defaultSchemaName = correctObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class);
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
defaultCatalogSet = schemaName != null;
* Overwrite this method to get the default schema name for the connection.
* If you only need to change the statement that obtains the current schema then override
* @see AbstractJdbcDatabase#getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement()
protected String getConnectionSchemaName() {
if (connection == null) {
return null;
if (connection instanceof OfflineConnection) {
return ((OfflineConnection) connection).getSchema();
if (!(connection instanceof JdbcConnection)) {
return defaultSchemaName;
try {
SqlStatement currentSchemaStatement = getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement();
return Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", this).
queryForObject(currentSchemaStatement, String.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info("Error getting default schema", e);
return null;
* Used to obtain the connection schema name through a statement
* Override this method to change the statement.
* Only override this if getConnectionSchemaName is left unchanges or is using this method.
* @see AbstractJdbcDatabase#getConnectionSchemaName()
protected SqlStatement getConnectionSchemaNameCallStatement(){
return new RawCallStatement("call current_schema");
public Integer getFetchSize() {
return FETCH_SIZE;
* Returns system (undroppable) views.
protected Set getSystemTables() {
return new HashSet<>();
* Returns system (undroppable) views.
protected Set getSystemViews() {
return new HashSet<>();
* Does the database type support sequence.
public boolean supportsSequences() {
return true;
public boolean supportsAutoIncrement() {
return true;
* Return a date literal with the same value as a string formatted using ISO 8601.
* Note: many databases accept date literals in ISO8601 format with the 'T' replaced with
* a space. Only databases which do not accept these strings should need to override this
* method.
* Implementation restriction:
* Currently, only the following subsets of ISO8601 are supported:
* yyyy-MM-dd
* hh:mm:ss
* yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
public String getDateLiteral(final String isoDate) {
if (isDateOnly(isoDate) || isTimeOnly(isoDate)) {
return "'" + isoDate + "'";
} else if (isDateTime(isoDate)) {
return "'" + isoDate.replace('T', ' ') + "'";
} else {
return "BAD_DATE_FORMAT:" + isoDate;
public String getDateTimeLiteral(final java.sql.Timestamp date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getDateLiteral(final java.sql.Date date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getTimeLiteral(final java.sql.Time date) {
return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", ""));
public String getDateLiteral(final Date date) {
if (date instanceof java.sql.Date) {
return getDateLiteral(((java.sql.Date) date));
} else if (date instanceof java.sql.Time) {
return getTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Time) date));
} else if (date instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
return getDateTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Timestamp) date));
} else if(date instanceof java.util.Date) {
return getDateTimeLiteral(new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime()));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type: " + date.getClass().getName());
public Date parseDate(final String dateAsString) throws DateParseException {
try {
if (dateAsString.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else if (dateAsString.indexOf("T") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else {
if (dateAsString.indexOf(":") > 0) {
return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString);
} else {
return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dateAsString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new DateParseException(dateAsString);
* Returns true if the String conforms to an ISO 8601 date, e.g. 2016-12-31. (Or, if it is a "NOW" or "TODAY" type
* value)
* @param isoDate value to check.
protected boolean isDateOnly(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.matches("^\\d{4}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}$")
|| NowAndTodayUtil.isNowOrTodayFormat(isoDate);
* Returns true if the String conforms to an ISO 8601 date plus a time (hours, minutes, whole seconds
* and optionally fraction of a second) in UTC, e.g. 2016-12-31T18:43:59. (Or, if it is a "NOW" or "TODAY" type
* value.)
* The "T" may be replaced by a space.
* CAUTION: Does NOT recognize values with a timezone information (...[+-Z]...)
* @param isoDate value to check.
protected boolean isDateTime(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.matches("^\\d{4}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}[T ]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d+)?$")
|| NowAndTodayUtil.isNowOrTodayFormat(isoDate);
* Returns true if the String conforms to an ISO 8601 date
* plus a timestamp (hours, minutes, seconds and at least one decimal fraction) in UTC,
* e.g. 2016-12-31T18:43:59.3 or 2016-12-31T18:43:59.345. (Or, if it is a "NOW" or "TODAY" type value.
* CAUTION: Does NOT recognize values with a timezone information (...[+-Z]...)
* The "T" may be replaced by a space.
* @param isoDate value to check
protected boolean isTimestamp(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.matches("^\\d{4}\\-\\d{2}\\-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d+$")
|| NowAndTodayUtil.isNowOrTodayFormat(isoDate);
* Returns true if the String conforms to an ISO 8601 time (hours, minutes and whole seconds) in UTC,
* e.g. 18:43:59. (Or, if it is a "NOW" or "TODAY" type value.
* CAUTION: Does NOT recognize values with a timezone information (...[+-Z]...)
* @param isoDate value to check
protected boolean isTimeOnly(final String isoDate) {
return isoDate.matches("^\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}$")
|| NowAndTodayUtil.isNowOrTodayFormat(isoDate);
* Returns database-specific line comment string.
public String getLineComment() {
return "--";
public String getAutoIncrementClause(final BigInteger startWith, final BigInteger incrementBy, final String generationType, final Boolean defaultOnNull) {
if (!supportsAutoIncrement()) {
return "";
// generate an SQL:2003 STANDARD compliant auto increment clause by default
String autoIncrementClause = getAutoIncrementClause(generationType, defaultOnNull);
boolean generateStartWith = generateAutoIncrementStartWith(startWith);
boolean generateIncrementBy = generateAutoIncrementBy(incrementBy);
if (generateStartWith || generateIncrementBy) {
autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementOpening();
if (generateStartWith) {
autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementStartWithClause(), (startWith == null) ? defaultAutoIncrementStartWith : startWith);
if (generateIncrementBy) {
if (generateStartWith) {
autoIncrementClause += ", ";
autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementByClause(), (incrementBy == null) ? defaultAutoIncrementBy : incrementBy);
autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementClosing();
return autoIncrementClause;
protected String getAutoIncrementClause() {
* Default implementation. Intended for override in database specific cases
protected String getAutoIncrementClause(final String generationType, final Boolean defaultOnNull) {
return getAutoIncrementClause();
protected boolean generateAutoIncrementStartWith(final BigInteger startWith) {
return (startWith != null) && !startWith.equals(defaultAutoIncrementStartWith);
protected boolean generateAutoIncrementBy(final BigInteger incrementBy) {
return (incrementBy != null) && !incrementBy.equals(defaultAutoIncrementBy);
protected String getAutoIncrementOpening() {
return " (";
protected String getAutoIncrementClosing() {
return ")";
protected String getAutoIncrementStartWithClause() {
return "START WITH %d";
protected String getAutoIncrementByClause() {
return "INCREMENT BY %d";
public String getConcatSql(final String... values) {
return join(values, " || ");
public String getDatabaseChangeLogTableName() {
if (databaseChangeLogTableName != null) {
return databaseChangeLogTableName;
return GlobalConfiguration.DATABASECHANGELOG_TABLE_NAME.getCurrentValue();
public void setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(final String tableName) {
this.databaseChangeLogTableName = tableName;
public String getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName() {
if (databaseChangeLogLockTableName != null) {
return databaseChangeLogLockTableName;
return GlobalConfiguration.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK_TABLE_NAME.getCurrentValue();
public void setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(final String tableName) {
this.databaseChangeLogLockTableName = tableName;
public String getLiquibaseTablespaceName() {
if (liquibaseTablespaceName != null) {
return liquibaseTablespaceName;
return GlobalConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_TABLESPACE_NAME.getCurrentValue();
public void setLiquibaseTablespaceName(final String tablespace) {
this.liquibaseTablespaceName = tablespace;
protected boolean canCreateChangeLogTable() throws DatabaseException {
return ((StandardChangeLogHistoryService) ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this)).canCreateChangeLogTable();
public void setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(final boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo) {
this.canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo;
public String getLiquibaseCatalogName() {
if (liquibaseCatalogName != null) {
return liquibaseCatalogName;
final String configuredCatalogName = GlobalConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_CATALOG_NAME.getCurrentValue();
if (configuredCatalogName != null) {
return configuredCatalogName;
return getDefaultCatalogName();
public void setLiquibaseCatalogName(final String catalogName) {
this.liquibaseCatalogName = catalogName;
public String getLiquibaseSchemaName() {
if (liquibaseSchemaName != null) {
return liquibaseSchemaName;
final ConfiguredValue configuredValue = GlobalConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_SCHEMA_NAME.getCurrentConfiguredValue();
if (!configuredValue.wasDefaultValueUsed()) {
return configuredValue.getValue();
return getDefaultSchemaName();
public void setLiquibaseSchemaName(final String schemaName) {
this.liquibaseSchemaName = schemaName;
public boolean isCaseSensitive() {
if (caseSensitive == null) {
if ((connection != null) && (connection instanceof JdbcConnection)) {
try {
caseSensitive = ((JdbcConnection) connection).getUnderlyingConnection().getMetaData().supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers();
} catch (SQLException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Cannot determine case sensitivity from JDBC driver", e);
if (caseSensitive == null) {
return false;
} else {
return caseSensitive.booleanValue();
public void setCaseSensitive(Boolean caseSensitive) {
this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
public boolean isReservedWord(final String string) {
return reservedWords.contains(string.toUpperCase());
* Check if given string starts with numeric values that may cause problems and should be escaped.
protected boolean startsWithNumeric(final String objectName) {
return startsWithNumberPattern.matcher(objectName).matches();
public void dropDatabaseObjects(final CatalogAndSchema schemaToDrop) throws LiquibaseException {
ObjectQuotingStrategy currentStrategy = this.getObjectQuotingStrategy();
try {
DatabaseSnapshot snapshot;
try {
final SnapshotControl snapshotControl = new SnapshotControl(this);
final Set> typesToInclude = snapshotControl.getTypesToInclude();
//We do not need to remove indexes and primary/unique keys explicitly. They should be removed
//as part of tables.
if (supportsForeignKeyDisable() || getShortName().equals("postgresql")) {
//We do not remove ForeignKey because they will be disabled and removed as parts of tables.
// Postgress is treated as if we can disable foreign keys because we can't drop
// the foreign keys of a partitioned table, as discovered in
// https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/1212
final long createSnapshotStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
snapshot = SnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().createSnapshot(schemaToDrop, this, snapshotControl);
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine(String.format("Database snapshot generated in %d ms. Snapshot includes: %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - createSnapshotStarted, typesToInclude));
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e);
final long changeSetStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
CompareControl compareControl = new CompareControl(
new CompareControl.SchemaComparison[] {
new CompareControl.SchemaComparison(
DiffResult diffResult = DiffGeneratorFactory.getInstance().compare(
new EmptyDatabaseSnapshot(this),
List changeSets = new DiffToChangeLog(diffResult, new DiffOutputControl(true, true, false, null).addIncludedSchema(schemaToDrop)).generateChangeSets();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine(String.format("ChangeSet to Remove Database Objects generated in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - changeSetStarted));
boolean previousAutoCommit = this.getAutoCommitMode();
this.commit(); //clear out currently executed statements
this.setAutoCommit(false); //some DDL doesn't work in autocommit mode
final boolean reEnableFK = supportsForeignKeyDisable() && disableForeignKeyChecks();
try {
for (ChangeSet changeSet : changeSets) {
for (Change change : changeSet.getChanges()) {
if (change instanceof DropTableChange) {
((DropTableChange) change).setCascadeConstraints(true);
SqlStatement[] sqlStatements = change.generateStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : sqlStatements) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", this).execute(statement);
} finally {
if (reEnableFK) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).info(String.format("Successfully deleted all supported object types in schema %s.", schemaToDrop.toString()));
} finally {
public boolean supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints() {
return ((this instanceof SQLiteDatabase) || (this instanceof SybaseDatabase) || (this instanceof
SybaseASADatabase) || (this instanceof PostgresDatabase) || (this instanceof OracleDatabase));
public boolean isSystemObject(final DatabaseObject example) {
if (example == null) {
return false;
if ((example.getSchema() != null) && (example.getSchema().getName() != null) && "information_schema"
.equalsIgnoreCase(example.getSchema().getName())) {
return true;
if ((example instanceof Table) && getSystemTables().contains(example.getName())) {
return true;
return (example instanceof View) && getSystemViews().contains(example.getName());
public boolean isSystemView(CatalogAndSchema schema, final String viewName) {
schema = schema.customize(this);
if ("information_schema".equalsIgnoreCase(schema.getSchemaName())) {
return true;
} else return getSystemViews().contains(viewName);
public boolean isLiquibaseObject(final DatabaseObject object) {
if (object instanceof Table) {
Schema liquibaseSchema = new Schema(getLiquibaseCatalogName(), getLiquibaseSchemaName());
if (DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance().isSameObject(object, new Table().setName(getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()).setSchema(liquibaseSchema), null, this)) {
return true;
return DatabaseObjectComparatorFactory.getInstance().isSameObject(object, new Table().setName(getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName()).setSchema(liquibaseSchema), null, this);
} else if (object instanceof Column) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((Column) object).getRelation());
} else if (object instanceof Index) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((Index) object).getRelation());
} else if (object instanceof PrimaryKey) {
return isLiquibaseObject(((PrimaryKey) object).getTable());
return false;
public void tag(final String tagString) throws DatabaseException {
public boolean doesTagExist(final String tag) throws DatabaseException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).tagExists(tag);
public String toString() {
if (getConnection() == null) {
return getShortName() + " Database";
return getConnection().getConnectionUserName() + " @ " + getConnection().getURL() + (getDefaultSchemaName() == null ? "" : " (Default Schema: " + getDefaultSchemaName() + ")");
public String getViewDefinition(CatalogAndSchema schema, final String viewName) throws DatabaseException {
schema = schema.customize(this);
String definition = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", this).queryForObject(new GetViewDefinitionStatement(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getSchemaName(), viewName), String.class);
if (definition == null) {
return null;
return CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN.matcher(definition).replaceFirst("");
public String escapeTableName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, Table.class);
public String escapeObjectName(String catalogName, String schemaName, final String objectName,
final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (supportsSchemas()) {
catalogName = StringUtil.trimToNull(catalogName);
schemaName = StringUtil.trimToNull(schemaName);
if (catalogName == null) {
catalogName = this.getDefaultCatalogName();
if (schemaName == null) {
schemaName = this.getDefaultSchemaName();
if (!supportsCatalogInObjectName(objectType)) {
catalogName = null;
if ((catalogName == null) && (schemaName == null)) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if ((catalogName == null) || !this.supportsCatalogInObjectName(objectType)) {
if (isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultSchema()) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultSchema() && !getOutputDefaultCatalog
()) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if (isDefaultSchema(catalogName, schemaName) && !getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(schemaName, Schema.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else if (supportsCatalogs()) {
catalogName = StringUtil.trimToNull(catalogName);
schemaName = StringUtil.trimToNull(schemaName);
if (catalogName != null) {
if (getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (!defaultCatalogSet && isDefaultCatalog(catalogName)) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
//they actually mean catalog name
if (schemaName != null) {
if (getOutputDefaultCatalog()) {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (!defaultCatalogSet && isDefaultCatalog(schemaName)) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(schemaName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
catalogName = this.getDefaultCatalogName();
if (catalogName == null) {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
if (defaultCatalogSet || (isDefaultCatalog(catalogName) && getOutputDefaultCatalog())) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, Catalog.class) + "." + escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
} else {
return escapeObjectName(objectName, objectType);
public String escapeObjectName(String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (objectName != null) {
if (mustQuoteObjectName(objectName, objectType)) {
return quoteObject(objectName, objectType).trim();
} else if (quotingStrategy == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS) {
return quoteObject(objectName, objectType).trim();
objectName = objectName.trim();
return objectName;
protected boolean mustQuoteObjectName(String objectName, Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
return objectName.contains("-") || startsWithNumeric(objectName) || isReservedWord(objectName) || objectName.matches(".*\\W.*");
protected String getQuotingStartCharacter() {
return "\"";
protected String getQuotingEndCharacter() {
return "\"";
protected String getQuotingEndReplacement() {
return "\"\"";
public String quoteObject(final String objectName, final Class extends DatabaseObject> objectType) {
if (objectName == null) {
return null;
return getQuotingStartCharacter() + objectName.replace(getQuotingEndCharacter(), getQuotingEndReplacement()) + getQuotingEndCharacter();
public String escapeIndexName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String indexName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, indexName, Index.class);
public String escapeSequenceName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String sequenceName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, sequenceName, Sequence.class);
public String escapeConstraintName(final String constraintName) {
return escapeObjectName(constraintName, Index.class);
public String escapeColumnName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String tableName, final String columnName) {
return escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class);
public String escapeColumnName(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName, boolean quoteNamesThatMayBeFunctions) {
if (quotingStrategy == ObjectQuotingStrategy.QUOTE_ALL_OBJECTS) {
return quoteObject(columnName, Column.class);
if (columnName.contains("(")) {
if (quoteNamesThatMayBeFunctions) {
return quoteObject(columnName, Column.class);
} else {
return columnName;
return escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class);
public String escapeColumnNameList(final String columnNames) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String columnName : StringUtil.splitAndTrim(columnNames, ",")) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(", ");
boolean descending = false;
if (columnName.matches("(?i).*\\s+DESC")) {
columnName = columnName.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+DESC$", "");
descending = true;
} else if (columnName.matches("(?i).*\\s+ASC")) {
columnName = columnName.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+ASC$", "");
sb.append(escapeObjectName(columnName, Column.class));
if (descending) {
sb.append(" DESC");
return sb.toString();
public boolean supportsSchemas() {
return true;
public boolean supportsCatalogs() {
return true;
public boolean jdbcCallsCatalogsSchemas() {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogInObjectName(final Class extends DatabaseObject> type) {
return false;
public String generatePrimaryKeyName(final String tableName) {
return "PK_" + tableName.toUpperCase(Locale.US);
public String escapeViewName(final String catalogName, final String schemaName, final String viewName) {
return escapeObjectName(catalogName, schemaName, viewName, View.class);
public ChangeSet.RunStatus getRunStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRunStatus(changeSet);
public RanChangeSet getRanChangeSet(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanChangeSet(changeSet);
public List getRanChangeSetList() throws DatabaseException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanChangeSets();
public Date getRanDate(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException {
return ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).getRanDate(changeSet);
public void markChangeSetExecStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet, final ChangeSet.ExecType execType) throws DatabaseException {
ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(this).setExecType(changeSet, execType);
public void removeRanStatus(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException {
public String escapeStringForDatabase(final String string) {
if (string == null) {
return null;
return string.replaceAll("'", "''");
public void commit() throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public void rollback() throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if ((o == null) || (getClass() != o.getClass())) {
return false;
AbstractJdbcDatabase that = (AbstractJdbcDatabase) o;
if (connection == null) {
if (that.connection == null) {
return this == that;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return connection.equals(that.connection);
public int hashCode() {
return ((connection != null) ? connection.hashCode() : super.hashCode());
public void close() throws DatabaseException {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).clearExecutor("jdbc", this);
DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection();
if (connection != null) {
if (previousAutoCommit != null) {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Failed to restore the auto commit to " + previousAutoCommit);
throw e;
public boolean supportsRestrictForeignKeys() {
return true;
public boolean isAutoCommit() throws DatabaseException {
try {
return getConnection().getAutoCommit();
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
public void setAutoCommit(final boolean b) throws DatabaseException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
throw new DatabaseException(e);
* Default implementation, just look for "local" IPs. If the database returns a null URL we return false since we don't know it's safe to run the update.
* @throws liquibase.exception.DatabaseException
public boolean isSafeToRunUpdate() throws DatabaseException {
DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection();
if (connection == null) {
return true;
String url = connection.getURL();
if (url == null) {
return false;
return (url.contains("localhost")) || (url.contains(""));
public void executeStatements(final Change change, final DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this);
execute(statements, sqlVisitors);
* Executes the statements passed
* @param statements an array containing the SQL statements to be issued
* @param sqlVisitors a list of {@link SqlVisitor} objects to be applied to the executed statements
* @throws DatabaseException if there were problems issuing the statements
public void execute(final SqlStatement[] statements, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
if (statement.skipOnUnsupported() && !SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().supports(statement, this)) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Executing Statement: " + statement);
try {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", this).execute(statement, sqlVisitors);
} catch (DatabaseException e) {
if (statement.continueOnError()) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).severe("Error executing statement '"+statement.toString()+"', but continuing", e);
} else {
throw e;
public void saveStatements(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors, final Writer writer) throws
IOException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) {
public void executeRollbackStatements(final SqlStatement[] statements, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
execute(statements, filterRollbackVisitors(sqlVisitors));
public void executeRollbackStatements(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException {
final SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this);
executeRollbackStatements(statements, sqlVisitors);
public void saveRollbackStatement(final Change change, final List sqlVisitors, final Writer writer) throws IOException, LiquibaseException {
SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this);
for (SqlStatement statement : statements) {
for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) {
* Takes a list of SqlVisitors and returns a new list with only the SqlVisitors set to apply to rollbacks
protected List filterRollbackVisitors(final List visitors) {
final List rollbackVisitors = new ArrayList<>();
if (visitors != null) {
for (SqlVisitor visitor : visitors) {
if (visitor.isApplyToRollback()) {
return rollbackVisitors;
public List getDateFunctions() {
return dateFunctions;
public boolean isFunction(final String string) {
if (string.endsWith("()")) {
return true;
for (DatabaseFunction function : getDateFunctions()) {
if (function.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(string)) {
return true;
return false;
public void resetInternalState() {
public boolean supportsForeignKeyDisable() {
return false;
public boolean disableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException {
throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported");
public void enableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException {
throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported");
public boolean createsIndexesForForeignKeys() {
return false;
public int getDataTypeMaxParameters(final String dataTypeName) {
return 2;
public CatalogAndSchema getSchemaFromJdbcInfo(final String rawCatalogName, final String rawSchemaName) {
return new CatalogAndSchema(rawCatalogName, rawSchemaName).customize(this);
public String getJdbcCatalogName(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
return correctObjectName(schema.getCatalogName(), Catalog.class);
public String getJdbcSchemaName(final CatalogAndSchema schema) {
return correctObjectName(schema.getSchemaName(), Schema.class);
public final String getJdbcCatalogName(final Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return getJdbcCatalogName(getDefaultSchema());
} else {
return getJdbcCatalogName(new CatalogAndSchema(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName()));
public final String getJdbcSchemaName(final Schema schema) {
if (schema == null) {
return getJdbcSchemaName(getDefaultSchema());
} else {
return getJdbcSchemaName(new CatalogAndSchema(schema.getCatalogName(), schema.getName()));
public boolean dataTypeIsNotModifiable(final String typeName) {
return unmodifiableDataTypes.contains(typeName.toLowerCase());
public ObjectQuotingStrategy getObjectQuotingStrategy() {
return this.quotingStrategy;
public void setObjectQuotingStrategy(final ObjectQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy) {
this.quotingStrategy = quotingStrategy;
public String generateDatabaseFunctionValue(final DatabaseFunction databaseFunction) {
if (databaseFunction.getValue() == null) {
return null;
if (isCurrentTimeFunction(databaseFunction.getValue().toLowerCase())) {
return getCurrentDateTimeFunction();
} else if (databaseFunction instanceof SequenceNextValueFunction) {
if (sequenceNextValueFunction == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("next value function for a sequence is not configured for database %s",
String sequenceName = databaseFunction.getValue();
String sequenceSchemaName = databaseFunction.getSchemaName();
sequenceName = escapeObjectName(null, sequenceSchemaName, sequenceName, Sequence.class);
if (sequenceNextValueFunction.contains("'")) {
/* For PostgreSQL, the quotes around dangerous identifiers (e.g. mixed-case) need to stay in place,
* or else PostgreSQL will not be able to find the sequence. */
if (! (this instanceof PostgresDatabase)) {
sequenceName = sequenceName.replace("\"", "");
return String.format(sequenceNextValueFunction, sequenceName);
} else if (databaseFunction instanceof SequenceCurrentValueFunction) {
if (sequenceCurrentValueFunction == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("current value function for a sequence is not configured for database %s",
String sequenceSchemaName = databaseFunction.getSchemaName();
String sequenceName = databaseFunction.getValue();
sequenceName = escapeObjectName(null, sequenceSchemaName, sequenceName, Sequence.class);
if (sequenceCurrentValueFunction.contains("'")) {
/* For PostgreSQL, the quotes around dangerous identifiers (e.g. mixed-case) need to stay in place,
* or else PostgreSQL will not be able to find the sequence. */
if (! (this instanceof PostgresDatabase)) {
sequenceName = sequenceName.replace("\"", "");
return String.format(sequenceCurrentValueFunction, sequenceName);
} else {
return databaseFunction.getValue();
protected boolean isCurrentTimeFunction(final String functionValue) {
if (functionValue == null) {
return false;
return functionValue.startsWith("current_timestamp")
|| functionValue.startsWith("current_datetime")
|| functionValue.equalsIgnoreCase(getCurrentDateTimeFunction());
public String getCurrentDateTimeFunction() {
return currentDateTimeFunction;
public void setCurrentDateTimeFunction(final String function) {
if (function != null) {
this.currentDateTimeFunction = function;
this.dateFunctions.add(new DatabaseFunction(function));
public boolean isDefaultSchema(final String catalog, final String schema) {
if (!supportsSchemas()) {
return true;
if (!isDefaultCatalog(catalog)) {
return false;
return (schema == null) || schema.equalsIgnoreCase(getDefaultSchemaName());
public boolean isDefaultCatalog(final String catalog) {
if (!supportsCatalogs()) {
return true;
return (catalog == null) || catalog.equalsIgnoreCase(getDefaultCatalogName());
public boolean getOutputDefaultSchema() {
return outputDefaultSchema;
public void setOutputDefaultSchema(final boolean outputDefaultSchema) {
this.outputDefaultSchema = outputDefaultSchema;
public boolean getOutputDefaultCatalog() {
return outputDefaultCatalog;
public void setOutputDefaultCatalog(final boolean outputDefaultCatalog) {
this.outputDefaultCatalog = outputDefaultCatalog;
public boolean supportsPrimaryKeyNames() {
return true;
public String getSystemSchema(){
return "information_schema";
public String escapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName) {
return dataTypeName;
public String unescapeDataTypeName(String dataTypeName) {
return dataTypeName;
public String unescapeDataTypeString(String dataTypeString) {
return dataTypeString;
public Object get(String key) {
return attributes.get(key);
public AbstractJdbcDatabase set(String key, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
attributes.put(key, value);
return this;
public ValidationErrors validate() {
return new ValidationErrors();
* Most relational databases support 9 fractional digits, and subclasses must overwrite this method if they
* support less than that.
* @return the maxmimum number of supported fractional digits in TIMESTAMP columns
public int getMaxFractionalDigitsForTimestamp() {
if (getConnection() == null) {
// if no connection is there we cannot do anything...
"No database connection available - specified"
+ " DATETIME/TIMESTAMP precision will be tried");
* SQL Standard (Foundation) says: "...if is not specified, then 6 is implicit."
* @return the default precision / number of maximum digits in a timestamp if nothing else is specified.
public int getDefaultFractionalDigitsForTimestamp() {
return ((getMaxFractionalDigitsForTimestamp() >= 6) ? 6 : getMaxFractionalDigitsForTimestamp());
public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws DatabaseException {
if (connection instanceof OfflineConnection) {
return false;
} else if (connection instanceof JdbcConnection) {
return ((JdbcConnection)getConnection()).supportsBatchUpdates();
} else {
// Normally, the connection can only be one of the two above types. But if, for whatever reason, it is
// not, let's err on the safe side.
return false;
public boolean supportsNotNullConstraintNames() {
return false;
public boolean requiresExplicitNullForColumns() {
return false;
* This logic is used when db support catalogs
* @return UPPER_CASE by default
public CatalogAndSchema.CatalogAndSchemaCase getSchemaAndCatalogCase() {
return CatalogAndSchema.CatalogAndSchemaCase.UPPER_CASE;
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