liquibase.hub.HubUpdater Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.hub;
import liquibase.*;
import liquibase.changelog.ChangeLogIterator;
import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet;
import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog;
import liquibase.changelog.visitor.ListVisitor;
import liquibase.changelog.visitor.RollbackListVisitor;
import liquibase.command.CommandResults;
import liquibase.command.CommandScope;
import liquibase.command.core.InternalSyncHubCommandStep;
import liquibase.command.core.RegisterChangelogCommandStep;
import liquibase.configuration.ConfiguredValue;
import liquibase.configuration.core.DeprecatedConfigurationValueProvider;
import liquibase.database.Database;
import liquibase.database.DatabaseConnection;
import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection;
import liquibase.exception.CommandExecutionException;
import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException;
import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException;
import liquibase.exception.LockException;
import liquibase.executor.Executor;
import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService;
import liquibase.executor.LoggingExecutor;
import liquibase.hub.model.*;
import liquibase.integration.IntegrationDetails;
import liquibase.lockservice.LockService;
import liquibase.lockservice.LockServiceFactory;
import liquibase.logging.core.BufferedLogService;
import liquibase.util.StringUtil;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
* This class handles updating Hub during Liquibase operations
public class HubUpdater {
private final Date startTime;
private final DatabaseChangeLog changeLog;
private final Database database;
private static final String SEPARATOR_LINE = "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
final HubService hubService = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(HubServiceFactory.class).getService();
private static Boolean skipAutoRegistration = null;
public HubUpdater(Date startTime, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, Database database) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.changeLog = changeLog;
this.database = database;
public HubUpdater(Date startTime, Database database) {
this.startTime = startTime;
this.database = database;
this.changeLog = null;
* This method performs a syncHub and returns a new Operation instance
* If there is an error or the Hub is not available it returns null
* @param operationType Operation type (UPDATE or ROLLBACK)
* @param connection Connection for this operation
* @return Operation Valid Operation object or null
* @throws LiquibaseHubException Thrown by HubService
* @throws DatabaseException Thrown by Liquibase core
* @throws LiquibaseException Thrown by Liquibase core
public Operation preUpdateHub(String operationType, String operationCommand, Connection connection)
throws LiquibaseException, SQLException {
if (connection == null || connection.getProject() == null) {
return null;
return this.preUpdateHub(operationType, operationCommand, connection, null, null, null, null);
* This method performs a syncHub and returns a new Operation instance
* If there is an error or the Hub is not available it returns null
* @param operationType Operation type (UPDATE, ROLLBACK, or CHANGELOGSYNC)
* @param operationCommand Specific command which is executing (update, update-count, etc.)
* @param connection Connection for this operation
* @param changeLogFile Path to DatabaseChangelog for this operation
* @param contexts Contexts to use for filtering
* @param labelExpression Labels to use for filtering
* @param changeLogIterator Iterator to use for going through change sets
* @return Operation Valid Operation object or null
* @throws LiquibaseHubException Thrown by HubService
* @throws DatabaseException Thrown by Liquibase core
* @throws LiquibaseException Thrown by Liquibase core
public Operation preUpdateHub(String operationType,
String operationCommand,
Connection connection,
String changeLogFile,
Contexts contexts,
LabelExpression labelExpression,
ChangeLogIterator changeLogIterator)
throws LiquibaseHubException, DatabaseException, LiquibaseException, SQLException {
// If our current Executor is a LoggingExecutor then just return since we will not update Hub
Executor executor = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", database);
if (executor instanceof LoggingExecutor) {
return null;
HubChangeLog hubChangeLog = getHubChangeLog();
// Perform syncHub
syncHub(changeLogFile, connection);
// Load up metadata for database/driver version
// Send the START operation event
Operation operation = sendStartOperationEvent(operationType, operationCommand, connection, hubChangeLog);
ListVisitor listVisitor;
if (operationType.equalsIgnoreCase("ROLLBACK")) {
listVisitor = new RollbackListVisitor();
} else {
listVisitor = new ListVisitor();
OperationChange operationChange = new OperationChange();
populateOperationChange(contexts, labelExpression, changeLogIterator, listVisitor, operationChange);
populateProject(connection, hubChangeLog, operationChange);
try {
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning(e.getMessage(), e);
if (operation != null) {
Operation.OperationStatus operationStatus = new Operation.OperationStatus();
return operation;
private void populateOperationChange(Contexts contexts, LabelExpression labelExpression, ChangeLogIterator changeLogIterator, ListVisitor listVisitor, OperationChange operationChange) throws LiquibaseException {
if (changeLogIterator != null) {
changeLogIterator.run(listVisitor, new RuntimeEnvironment(database, contexts, labelExpression));
List operationChangeSets = listVisitor.getSeenChangeSets();
for (ChangeSet operationChangeSet : operationChangeSets) {
private void populateProject(Connection connection, HubChangeLog hubChangeLog, OperationChange operationChange) {
if (hubChangeLog == null) {
} else {
private Operation sendStartOperationEvent(String operationType, String operationCommand, Connection connection, HubChangeLog hubChangeLog) throws LiquibaseHubException {
Operation updateOperation = hubService.createOperation(operationType, operationCommand, hubChangeLog, connection);
try {
hubService.sendOperationEvent(updateOperation, new OperationEvent()
new OperationEvent.OperationEventStatus()
.setStatusMessage(String.format("%s operation started successfully", operationType))
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning(e.getMessage(), e);
return updateOperation;
private HubChangeLog getHubChangeLog() throws LiquibaseHubException {
HubChangeLog hubChangeLog = null;
if (changeLog != null) {
if (hubIsNotAvailable(changeLog.getChangeLogId())) {
return null;
hubChangeLog = hubService.getHubChangeLog(UUID.fromString(changeLog.getChangeLogId()), "DELETED");
if (hubChangeLog.isDeleted()) {
// Complain and stop the operation
String message =
"\n" +
"The operation did not complete and will not be reported to Hub because the\n" + "" +
"registered changelog has been deleted by someone in your organization.\n" +
"Learn more at http://hub.liquibase.com";
throw new LiquibaseHubException(message);
return hubChangeLog;
* Update the Hub after the operation
* @param updateOperation Operation object used in the update
* @param bufferLog Log output
public void postUpdateHub(Operation updateOperation, BufferedLogService bufferLog) {
try {
// If our current Executor is a LoggingExecutor then just return since we will not update Hub
Executor executor = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", database);
if (executor instanceof LoggingExecutor) {
if (updateOperation == null || (changeLog != null && hubIsNotAvailable(changeLog.getChangeLogId()))) {
// Check to see if the changelog has been deactivated
if (changeLog != null) {
final HubService hubService = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(HubServiceFactory.class).getService();
final HubChangeLog hubChangeLog = hubService.getHubChangeLog(UUID.fromString(changeLog.getChangeLogId()));
if (hubChangeLog.isInactive()) {
String message =
"\n" +
"The command completed and reported to Hub, but changelog '" + hubChangeLog.getName() + "' has been deactivated by someone in your organization.\n" +
"To synchronize your changelog, checkout the latest from source control or run \"deactivatechangelog\".\n" +
"After that, commands run against this changelog will not be reported to Hub until \"registerchangelog\" is run again.\n" +
"Learn more at http://hub.liquibase.com";
Scope.getCurrentScope().getUI().sendMessage("WARNING: " + message);
sendCompleteOperationEvent(updateOperation, bufferLog);
// Show the report link if this is an active changelog
if (hubChangeLog.isActive()) {
showOperationReportLink(updateOperation, hubService);
} else {
sendCompleteOperationEvent(updateOperation, bufferLog);
showOperationReportLink(updateOperation, hubService);
} catch (LiquibaseException e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning(e.getMessage(), e);
// Send the COMPLETE operation event
// Capture the Liquibase Hub log level to use for filtering
private void sendCompleteOperationEvent(Operation updateOperation, BufferedLogService bufferLog) throws LiquibaseException {
Level currentLevel = HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_LOGLEVEL.getCurrentValue();
hubService.sendOperationEvent(updateOperation, new OperationEvent()
.setEndDate(new Date())
new OperationEvent.OperationEventStatus()
.setStatusMessage(String.format("%s operation completed successfully", updateOperation.getOperationStatus().getOperationStatusType()))
new OperationEvent.OperationEventLog()
* Handle Hub exceptions thrown during the operation
* @param operation Operation object
* @param bufferLog Log output
* @param originalExceptionMessage Exception thrown by the operation
public void postUpdateHubExceptionHandling(Operation operation,
BufferedLogService bufferLog,
String originalExceptionMessage) {
try {
// If our current Executor is a LoggingExecutor then just return since we will not update Hub
Executor executor = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(ExecutorService.class).getExecutor("jdbc", database);
if (executor instanceof LoggingExecutor) {
// Not a valid Hub connection
// Just go back
if (operation == null || hubIsNotAvailable(changeLog.getChangeLogId())) {
// Capture the current log level to use for filtering
Level currentLevel = HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_LOGLEVEL.getCurrentValue();
// Check to see if the changelog has been deactivated
final HubService hubService = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(HubServiceFactory.class).getService();
final HubChangeLog hubChangeLog = hubService.getHubChangeLog(UUID.fromString(changeLog.getChangeLogId()));
if (hubChangeLog.isInactive()) {
String message =
"\n" +
"The command completed and reported to Hub, but changelog '" + hubChangeLog.getName() + "' has been deactivated by someone in your organization.\n" +
"To synchronize your changelog, checkout the latest from source control or run \"deactivatechangelog\".\n" +
"After that, commands run against this changelog will not be reported to Hub until \"registerchangelog\" is run again.\n" +
"Learn more at http://hub.liquibase.com";
Scope.getCurrentScope().getUI().sendMessage("WARNING: " + message);
hubService.sendOperationEvent(operation, new OperationEvent()
.setEndDate(new Date())
new OperationEvent.OperationEventStatus()
.setStatusMessage(String.format("%s operation completed with errors", operation.getOperationStatus().getOperationStatusType()))
new OperationEvent.OperationEventLog()
// Show the report link if this is an active changelog
if (hubChangeLog.isActive()) {
showOperationReportLink(operation, hubService);
} catch (LiquibaseException serviceException) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning(originalExceptionMessage, serviceException);
* Determine if the Hub is not available
* @param changeLogId Changelog ID
* @return boolean
public boolean hubIsNotAvailable(String changeLogId) {
final HubService hubService = Scope.getCurrentScope().getSingleton(HubServiceFactory.class).getService();
return !hubService.isOnline() || changeLogId == null;
public void syncHub(String changeLogFile, Connection hubConnection) throws CommandExecutionException {
// to tell syncHub to not complain when both connectionID and projectID
// are set.
UUID hubConnectionId = (hubConnection != null ? hubConnection.getId() : null);
UUID hubProjectId = (hubConnection != null && hubConnection.getProject() != null ? hubConnection.getProject().getId() : null);
final CommandScope syncHub = new CommandScope("internalSyncHub")
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.CHANGELOG_FILE_ARG, changeLogFile)
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.URL_ARG, database.getConnection().getURL())
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.HUB_CONNECTION_ID_ARG, hubConnectionId)
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.HUB_PROJECT_ID_ARG, hubProjectId)
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.CONTINUE_IF_CONNECTION_AND_PROJECT_ID_BOTH_SET_ARG, true)
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.DATABASE_ARG, database)
.addArgumentValue(InternalSyncHubCommandStep.FAIL_IF_OFFLINE_ARG, false);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).warning("Liquibase Hub sync failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Automatically register the current user with Hub
* @param changeLogFile ChangeLog path for this operation
* @throws LiquibaseException Thrown if registration fails
* @throws CommandExecutionException Thrown if registerChangeLog fails
public HubRegisterResponse register(String changeLogFile) throws LiquibaseException {
HubRegisterResponse registerResponse = null;
if (!hubService.isOnline()) {
return null;
// Just return if cannot prompt
if (!Scope.getCurrentScope().getUI().getAllowPrompt()) {
return null;
// Do not try to register if
// 1. We have a key already OR
// 2. We have a changelog and a changeLogId in it already
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_API_KEY.getCurrentValue()) ||
(changeLog != null && changeLog.getChangeLogId() != null)) {
return null;
if (skipAutoRegistration != null && skipAutoRegistration) {
return null;
// Prompt user to connect with Hub
// Release the lock before prompting
try {
LockService lockService = LockServiceFactory.getInstance().getLockService(database);
} catch (LockException e) {
String promptString =
"Do you want to see this operation's report in Liquibase Hub, which improves team collaboration? \n" +
"If so, enter your email. If not, enter [N] to no longer be prompted, or [S] to skip for now, but ask again next time";
String input = Scope.getCurrentScope().getUI().prompt(promptString, "S", (input1, returnType) -> {
input1 = input1.trim().toLowerCase();
if (!(input1.equals("s") || input1.equals("n") || input1.contains("@"))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid value: '%s'", input1));
return input1;
}, String.class);
// Re-lock before proceeding
LockService lockService = LockServiceFactory.getInstance().getLockService(database);
String defaultsFilePath = Scope.getCurrentScope().get("defaultsFile", String.class);
File defaultsFile = null;
if (defaultsFilePath != null) {
defaultsFile = new File(defaultsFilePath);
input = input.toLowerCase();
if (input.equals("n")) {
// Write hub.mode=off to a properties file
try {
String message = "No operations will be reported. Simply add a liquibase.hub.apiKey setting to generate free deployment reports. Learn more at https://hub.liquibase.com";
writeToPropertiesFile(defaultsFile, "\nliquibase.hub.mode=off\n");
message = "* Updated properties file " + defaultsFile + " to set liquibase.hub.mode=off";
DeprecatedConfigurationValueProvider.setData(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_MODE, HubConfiguration.HubMode.OFF);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
String message = "Unable to write hubMode to liquibase.properties: " + ioe.getMessage();
} else if (input.equals("s")) {
String message = "Skipping auto-registration";
skipAutoRegistration = true;
} else {
// Consider this an email
// Call the Hub API to create a new user
try {
registerResponse = hubService.register(input);
} catch (LiquibaseException lhe) {
String message = "Account creation failed for email address '" + input + "': " + lhe.getMessage() + ".\n" +
"No operation report will be generated.";
return registerResponse;
if (registerResponse == null) {
String message = "Account creation failed for email address '" + input + "'.\n" +
"No operation report will be generated.";
return registerResponse;
String message;
try {
// Update the properties file
writeToPropertiesFile(defaultsFile, "\nliquibase.hub.apiKey=" + registerResponse.getApiKey() + "\n");
// If there is no liquibase.hub.mode setting then add one with value 'all'
// Do not update liquibase.hub.mode if it is already set
ConfiguredValue hubModeProperty = HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_MODE.getCurrentConfiguredValue();
if (hubModeProperty.wasDefaultValueUsed()) {
writeToPropertiesFile(defaultsFile, "\nliquibase.hub.mode=all\n");
message = "* Updated properties file " + defaultsFile + " to set liquibase.hub properties";
} else {
message = "* Updated the liquibase.hub.apiKey property.";
String message2 = "The liquibase.hub.mode is already set to " + hubModeProperty.getValue() + ". It will not be updated.";
// register the changelog if it exist
DeprecatedConfigurationValueProvider.setData(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_API_KEY, registerResponse.getApiKey());
if (changeLog != null) {
message = "* Registering changelog file " + changeLogFile + " with Hub";
// Update the API key in HubConfiguration
registerChangeLog(registerResponse.getProjectId(), changeLog, changeLogFile);
message = "Great! Your free operation and deployment reports will be available to you after your local Liquibase commands complete.";
} catch (IOException ioe) {
message = "Unable to write information to liquibase.properties: " + ioe.getMessage() + "\n" +
"Please check your permissions. No operations will be reported.";
} catch (CommandExecutionException cee) {
message = "Unable to register changelog: " + cee.getMessage() + "\n" +
"No operations will be reported.";
// System.setProperty(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_API_KEY.getKey(), null);
DeprecatedConfigurationValueProvider.setData(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_API_KEY, null);
return registerResponse;
// Write the string to a properties file
private void writeToPropertiesFile(File defaultsFile, String stringToWrite) throws IOException {
if (defaultsFile == null) {
String encoding = GlobalConfiguration.OUTPUT_FILE_ENCODING.getCurrentValue();
try (RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(defaultsFile, "rw")) {
// Register the specified changelog
private void registerChangeLog(UUID hubProjectId, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, String changeLogFile)
throws LiquibaseException {
String apiKey = StringUtil.trimToNull(HubConfiguration.LIQUIBASE_HUB_API_KEY.getCurrentValue());
if (apiKey == null) {
throw new LiquibaseException("The command 'RegisterChangeLog' " +
" failed because the Liquibase API Key has not been set. Learn more at https://hub.liquibase.com");
CommandScope registerChangeLogCommand = new CommandScope("registerChangeLog");
.addArgumentValue(RegisterChangelogCommandStep.CHANGELOG_FILE_ARG, changeLogFile);
try {
if (hubProjectId != null) {
try {
registerChangeLogCommand.addArgumentValue(RegisterChangelogCommandStep.HUB_PROJECT_ID_ARG, hubProjectId);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LiquibaseException("The command 'RegisterChangeLog' " +
" failed because parameter 'hubProjectId' has invalid value '" + hubProjectId +
"'. Learn more at https://hub.liquibase.com");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new LiquibaseException("Unexpected hubProjectId format: " + hubProjectId, e);
// Execute registerChangeLog and reset the changeLog ID
CommandResults results = registerChangeLogCommand.execute();
String registerChangeLogId = results.getResult(RegisterChangelogCommandStep.REGISTERED_CHANGELOG_ID);
if (registerChangeLogId != null) {
// Show a link to the user
private void showOperationReportLink(Operation updateOperation, HubService hubService)
throws LiquibaseException {
// Send the operation report link to Hub for shortening
Connection connection = updateOperation.getConnection();
String reportURL =
"/organizations/" + hubService.getOrganization().getId().toString() +
"/projects/" + connection.getProject().getId() +
"/operations/" + updateOperation.getId().toString();
String hubLink = hubService.shortenLink(reportURL);
// View a report of this operation at http://localhost:8888/r/8SqckqSvKm
// * IMPORTANT: New users of Hub first need to Sign In to their account
// "with the one-time password, using as their username.
String message = SEPARATOR_LINE;
message += "View a report of this operation at " + hubLink + "\n";
message += "* IMPORTANT: New users of Hub first need to Sign In to your account\n";
message += "with the one-time password sent to your email, which also serves as\n";
message += "your username.";
message += SEPARATOR_LINE;
// Put database/driver version information in the details map
private void loadDatabaseMetadata() throws DatabaseException, SQLException {
if (database.getConnection() == null) {
final IntegrationDetails integrationDetails = Scope.getCurrentScope().get("integrationDetails", IntegrationDetails.class);
if (integrationDetails == null) {
String databaseProductName = database.getDatabaseProductName();
String databaseProductVersion = database.getDatabaseProductVersion();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Database product name " + databaseProductName);
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Database product version " + databaseProductVersion);
DatabaseConnection connection = database.getConnection();
if (connection instanceof JdbcConnection) {
JdbcConnection jdbcConnection = (JdbcConnection) connection;
java.sql.Connection conn = jdbcConnection.getUnderlyingConnection();
int driverMajorVersion = conn.getMetaData().getDriverMajorVersion();
int driverMinorVersion = conn.getMetaData().getDriverMinorVersion();
Scope.getCurrentScope().getLog(getClass()).fine("Database driver version " +
driverMajorVersion + "." + driverMinorVersion);
integrationDetails.setParameter("db__driverVersion", driverMajorVersion + "." + driverMinorVersion);
} else {
integrationDetails.setParameter("db__driverVersion", "Unable to determine");
integrationDetails.setParameter("db__databaseProduct", databaseProductName);
integrationDetails.setParameter("db__databaseVersion", databaseProductVersion);
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