liquibase.change.ColumnConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.change;
import liquibase.exception.DateParseException;
import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNode;
import liquibase.parser.core.ParsedNodeException;
import liquibase.resource.ResourceAccessor;
import liquibase.serializer.AbstractLiquibaseSerializable;
import liquibase.serializer.ReflectionSerializer;
import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction;
import liquibase.statement.NotNullConstraint;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceCurrentValueFunction;
import liquibase.statement.SequenceNextValueFunction;
import liquibase.structure.core.*;
import liquibase.util.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* The standard configuration used by Change classes to represent a column.
* It is not required that a column-based Change uses this class, but parsers should look for it so it is a helpful
* convenience. The definitions of "defaultValue" and "value" will vary based on the Change and may not be applicable
* in all cases.
public class ColumnConfig extends AbstractLiquibaseSerializable {
private String name;
private Boolean computed;
private String type;
private String value;
private Number valueNumeric;
private Date valueDate;
private Boolean valueBoolean;
private String valueBlobFile;
private String valueClobFile;
private String encoding;
private DatabaseFunction valueComputed;
private SequenceNextValueFunction valueSequenceNext;
private SequenceCurrentValueFunction valueSequenceCurrent;
private String defaultValue;
private Number defaultValueNumeric;
private Date defaultValueDate;
private Boolean defaultValueBoolean;
private DatabaseFunction defaultValueComputed;
private SequenceNextValueFunction defaultValueSequenceNext;
private String defaultValueConstraintName;
private ConstraintsConfig constraints;
private Boolean autoIncrement;
private String generationType;
private Boolean defaultOnNull;
private BigInteger startWith;
private BigInteger incrementBy;
private String remarks;
private Boolean descending;
* Create a ColumnConfig object based on a {@link Column} snapshot.
* It will attempt to set as much as possible based on the information in the snapshot.
public ColumnConfig(Column columnSnapshot) {
setComputed(BooleanUtil.isTrue(columnSnapshot.getComputed()) ? Boolean.TRUE : null);
setDescending(BooleanUtil.isTrue(columnSnapshot.getDescending()) ? Boolean.TRUE : null);
if (columnSnapshot.getType() != null) {
if (columnSnapshot.getDefaultValue() != null) {
Object defaultValue = columnSnapshot.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue instanceof Boolean) {
setDefaultValueBoolean((Boolean) defaultValue);
} else if (defaultValue instanceof Number) {
} else if (defaultValue instanceof SequenceNextValueFunction) {
setDefaultValueSequenceNext((SequenceNextValueFunction) defaultValue);
} else if (defaultValue instanceof DatabaseFunction) {
setDefaultValueComputed((DatabaseFunction) defaultValue);
} else if (defaultValue instanceof Date) {
setDefaultValueDate((Date) defaultValue);
} else {
boolean nonDefaultConstraints = false;
ConstraintsConfig constraints = new ConstraintsConfig();
if ((columnSnapshot.isNullable() != null) && !columnSnapshot.isNullable()) {
nonDefaultConstraints = true;
if ((columnSnapshot.getRelation() != null) && (columnSnapshot.getRelation() instanceof Table)) {
Table table = (Table) columnSnapshot.getRelation();
List notNullConstraints = table.getNotNullConstraints();
if (notNullConstraints != null) {
for (NotNullConstraint constraint : notNullConstraints) {
if (constraint.getColumnName().equals(getName())) {
nonDefaultConstraints = true;
if (columnSnapshot.isAutoIncrement()) {
} else {
PrimaryKey primaryKey = table.getPrimaryKey();
if ((primaryKey != null) && primaryKey.getColumnNamesAsList().contains(columnSnapshot.getName())) {
nonDefaultConstraints = true;
List uniqueConstraints = table.getUniqueConstraints();
if (uniqueConstraints != null) {
for (UniqueConstraint constraint : uniqueConstraints) {
if (constraint.getColumnNames().contains(getName())) {
nonDefaultConstraints = true;
List fks = table.getOutgoingForeignKeys();
if (fks != null) {
for (ForeignKey fk : fks) {
if ((fk.getForeignKeyColumns() != null) && (fk.getForeignKeyColumns().size() == 1) && fk
.getForeignKeyColumns().get(0).getName().equals(getName())) {
constraints.setReferences(fk.getPrimaryKeyTable().getName() +
"(" +
fk.getPrimaryKeyColumns().get(0).getName() +
constraints.setDeleteCascade(fk.getDeleteRule() != null && fk.getDeleteRule() == ForeignKeyConstraintType.importedKeyCascade);
nonDefaultConstraints = true;
if (nonDefaultConstraints) {
* Create am empty ColumnConfig object. Boolean and other object values will default to null.
public ColumnConfig() {
public static ColumnConfig fromName(String name) {
name = name.trim();
Boolean descending = null;
if (name.matches("(?i).*\\s+DESC")) {
name = name.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+DESC$", "");
descending = true;
} else if (name.matches("(?i).*\\s+ASC")) {
name = name.replaceFirst("(?i)\\s+ASC$", "");
descending = false;
return new ColumnConfig()
public static ColumnConfig[] arrayFromNames(String names) {
if (names == null) {
return null;
List nameArray = StringUtil.splitAndTrim(names, ",");
ColumnConfig[] returnArray = new ColumnConfig[nameArray.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.size(); i++) {
returnArray[i] = fromName(nameArray.get(i));
return returnArray;
* The name of the column.
public String getName() {
return name;
public ColumnConfig setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public ColumnConfig setName(String name, boolean computed) {
return setName(name);
public Boolean getComputed() {
return computed;
public ColumnConfig setComputed(Boolean computed) {
this.computed = computed;
return this;
* The data type fof the column.
* This value will pass through {@link liquibase.datatype.DataTypeFactory#fromDescription(String, liquibase.database.Database)} before being included in SQL.
public String getType() {
return type;
public ColumnConfig setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
* The String value to set this column to. If you do not want the value set by {@link #setValue(String)}
* use a more specific function like {@link #getValueNumeric()} or the more generic {@link #getValueObject()}
* If performing an data manipulation operation, the setValue* functions should be used to set what the columns
* should be set to. If performing a data definition operation, this setValue* functions should be used to set
* what existing rows should be set to (may be different than the default value for new rows)
public String getValue() {
return value;
* Sets the string value this column should be set to.
* If you are trying to set a value type other than a string, use the more specific functions like {@link #setValueNumeric(Number)}.
* This method does no processing of the string. Any trimming is expected to be done beforehand. It does not conver the string "null" to null
* so that you can set the string "null" as a value if you are feeling particularly crazy.
public ColumnConfig setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
return this;
* Return the numeric value this column should be set to.
* @see #setValue(String)
public Number getValueNumeric() {
return valueNumeric;
public ColumnConfig setValueNumeric(Number valueNumeric) {
this.valueNumeric = valueNumeric;
return this;
* Set the number this column should be set to. Supports integers and decimals, and strips off any wrapping
* parentheses. If the passed value cannot be parsed as a number in US locale, it is assumed to be a function
* that returns a number. If the value "null" is passed, it will set a null value.
public ColumnConfig setValueNumeric(String valueNumeric) {
if ((valueNumeric == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(valueNumeric)) {
this.valueNumeric = null;
} else {
String saved = valueNumeric;
if (valueNumeric.startsWith("(")) {
valueNumeric = valueNumeric.replaceFirst("^\\(", "");
valueNumeric = valueNumeric.replaceFirst("\\)$", "");
try {
this.valueNumeric = ValueNumeric.of(Locale.US, valueNumeric);
} catch (ParseException e) {
this.valueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(saved);
return this;
* Return the boolean value this column should be set to.
* @see #setValue(String)
public Boolean getValueBoolean() {
return valueBoolean;
* Set the valueBoolean based on a given string.
* If the passed value cannot be parsed as a boolean, it is assumed to be a function that returns a boolean.
* If the string "null" or an empty string is passed, it will set a null value.
* If "1" is passed, defaultValueBoolean is set to true. If 0 is passed, defaultValueBoolean is set to false
public ColumnConfig setValueBoolean(String valueBoolean) {
valueBoolean = StringUtil.trimToNull(valueBoolean);
if ((valueBoolean == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(valueBoolean)) {
this.valueBoolean = null;
} else {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(valueBoolean) || "1".equals(valueBoolean)) {
this.valueBoolean = true;
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(valueBoolean) || "0".equals(valueBoolean)) {
this.valueBoolean = false;
} else {
this.valueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(valueBoolean);
return this;
public ColumnConfig setValueBoolean(Boolean valueBoolean) {
this.valueBoolean = valueBoolean;
return this;
* Return the function this column should be set from.
* @see #setValue(String)
public DatabaseFunction getValueComputed() {
return valueComputed;
public ColumnConfig setValueComputed(DatabaseFunction valueComputed) {
this.valueComputed = valueComputed;
return this;
public SequenceNextValueFunction getValueSequenceNext() {
return valueSequenceNext;
public ColumnConfig setValueSequenceNext(SequenceNextValueFunction valueSequenceNext) {
this.valueSequenceNext = valueSequenceNext;
return this;
public SequenceCurrentValueFunction getValueSequenceCurrent() {
return valueSequenceCurrent;
public ColumnConfig setValueSequenceCurrent(SequenceCurrentValueFunction valueSequenceCurrent) {
this.valueSequenceCurrent = valueSequenceCurrent;
return this;
* Return the date value this column should be set to.
* @see #setValue(String)
public Date getValueDate() {
return valueDate;
* Set the date this column should be set to. Supports any of the date or datetime formats handled by {@link ISODateFormat}.
* If the passed value cannot be parsed as a date, it is assumed to be a function that returns a date.
* If the string "null" is passed, it will set a null value.
* @param valueDate the Date Value to use (may be null or "null", or start with "now" or "today".
* @throws DateParseException if the columnType isn't supported for "now" or "today" values.
public ColumnConfig setValueDate(String valueDate) throws DateParseException {
if ((valueDate == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(valueDate)) {
this.valueDate = null;
} else if (NowAndTodayUtil.isNowOrTodayFormat(valueDate)) {
this.valueDate = NowAndTodayUtil.doNowOrToday(valueDate, this.getType());
} else {
try {
this.valueDate = new ISODateFormat().parse(valueDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
//probably a function
this.valueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(valueDate);
return this;
public ColumnConfig setValueDate(Date valueDate) {
this.valueDate = valueDate;
return this;
* Return the file containing the data to load into a BLOB.
* @see #setValue(String)
public String getValueBlobFile() {
return valueBlobFile;
public ColumnConfig setValueBlobFile(String valueBlobFile) {
this.valueBlobFile = valueBlobFile;
return this;
* Return the file containing the data to load into a CLOB.
* @see #setValue(String)
public String getValueClobFile() {
return valueClobFile;
public ColumnConfig setValueClobFile(String valueClobFile) {
this.valueClobFile = valueClobFile;
return this;
* Return encoding of a file, referenced via {@link #valueClobFile}.
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
public ColumnConfig setEncoding(String encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
return this;
* Return the value from whatever setValue* function was called. Will return null if none were set.
public Object getValueObject() {
if (getValue() != null) {
return getValue();
} else if (getValueBoolean() != null) {
return getValueBoolean();
} else if (getValueNumeric() != null) {
return getValueNumeric();
} else if (getValueDate() != null) {
return getValueDate();
} else if (getValueComputed() != null) {
return getValueComputed();
} else if (getValueClobFile() != null) {
return getValueClobFile();
} else if (getValueBlobFile() != null) {
return getValueBlobFile();
} else if (getValueSequenceNext() != null) {
return getValueSequenceNext();
} else if (getValueSequenceCurrent() != null) {
return getValueSequenceCurrent();
return null;
* The String default value to assign to this column. If you do not want the default set by {@link #setDefaultValue(String)}
* use a more specific function like {@link #getDefaultValueNumeric()} or the more generic {@link #getDefaultValueObject()}
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
* Sets the string default value to assign to this column. If you are trying to set a default value type other than a string, use the more specific functions
* like {@link #setDefaultValueNumeric(Number)}.
* This method does no processing of the string. Any trimming is expected to be done beforehand. It does not convert the string "null" to null
* so that you can set the string "null" as a value if you are feeling particularly crazy.
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
return this;
* Return the numeric value this column should default to.
* @see #setDefaultValue(String)
public Number getDefaultValueNumeric() {
return defaultValueNumeric;
* Set the number this column should use as its default. Supports integers and decimals, and strips off any wrapping parentheses.
* If the passed value cannot be parsed as a number, it is assumed to be a function that returns a number.
* If the value "null" is passed, it will set a null value.
* A special case is made for "GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT" which simply sets the ColumnConfig object to autoIncrement.
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueNumeric(String defaultValueNumeric) {
if ((defaultValueNumeric == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultValueNumeric)) {
this.defaultValueNumeric = null;
} else {
if ("GENERATED_BY_DEFAULT".equals(defaultValueNumeric)) {
} else {
if (defaultValueNumeric.startsWith("(")) {
defaultValueNumeric = defaultValueNumeric.replaceFirst("^\\(", "");
defaultValueNumeric = defaultValueNumeric.replaceFirst("\\)$", "");
try {
this.defaultValueNumeric = ValueNumeric.of(Locale.US, defaultValueNumeric);
} catch (ParseException e) {
this.defaultValueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(defaultValueNumeric);
return this;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueNumeric(Number defaultValueNumeric) {
this.defaultValueNumeric = defaultValueNumeric;
return this;
* Return the date value this column should default to.
* @see #setDefaultValue(String)
public Date getDefaultValueDate() {
return defaultValueDate;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueDate(Date defaultValueDate) {
this.defaultValueDate = defaultValueDate;
return this;
* Set the date this column should default to. Supports any of the date or datetime formats handled by {@link ISODateFormat}.
* If the passed value cannot be parsed as a date, it is assumed to be a function that returns a date.
* If the string "null" or an empty string is passed, it will set a null value.
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueDate(String defaultValueDate) {
defaultValueDate = StringUtil.trimToNull(defaultValueDate);
if ((defaultValueDate == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultValueDate)) {
this.defaultValueDate = null;
} else {
try {
this.defaultValueDate = new ISODateFormat().parse(defaultValueDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
//probably a computed date
this.defaultValueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(defaultValueDate);
return this;
* Return the boolean value this column should default to.
* @see #setDefaultValue(String)
public Boolean getDefaultValueBoolean() {
return defaultValueBoolean;
* Set the defaultValueBoolean based on a given string.
* If the passed value cannot be parsed as a boolean, it is assumed to be a function that returns a boolean.
* If the string "null" or an empty string is passed, it will set a null value.
* If "1" is passed, defaultValueBoolean is set to true. If 0 is passed, defaultValueBoolean is set to false
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueBoolean(String defaultValueBoolean) {
defaultValueBoolean = StringUtil.trimToNull(defaultValueBoolean);
if ((defaultValueBoolean == null) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultValueBoolean)) {
this.defaultValueBoolean = null;
} else {
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultValueBoolean) || "1".equals(defaultValueBoolean)) {
this.defaultValueBoolean = true;
} else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(defaultValueBoolean) || "0".equals(defaultValueBoolean)) {
this.defaultValueBoolean = false;
} else {
this.defaultValueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(defaultValueBoolean);
return this;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueBoolean(Boolean defaultValueBoolean) {
this.defaultValueBoolean = defaultValueBoolean;
return this;
* Return the function whose value should generate this column's default.
* @see #setDefaultValue(String)
public DatabaseFunction getDefaultValueComputed() {
return defaultValueComputed;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueComputed(DatabaseFunction defaultValueComputed) {
this.defaultValueComputed = defaultValueComputed;
return this;
* Return the value to set this column's default to according to the setDefaultValue* function that was called.
* If none were called, this function returns null.
public Object getDefaultValueObject() {
if (getDefaultValue() != null) {
return getDefaultValue();
} else if (getDefaultValueBoolean() != null) {
return getDefaultValueBoolean();
} else if (getDefaultValueNumeric() != null) {
return getDefaultValueNumeric();
} else if (getDefaultValueDate() != null) {
return getDefaultValueDate();
} else if (getDefaultValueComputed() != null) {
return getDefaultValueComputed();
} else if (getDefaultValueSequenceNext() != null) {
return getDefaultValueSequenceNext();
return null;
* Returns the ConstraintsConfig this ColumnConfig is using. Returns null if nho constraints have been assigned yet.
public ConstraintsConfig getConstraints() {
return constraints;
public ColumnConfig setConstraints(ConstraintsConfig constraints) {
this.constraints = constraints;
return this;
* Returns true if this Column should be set to be auto increment. Returns null if auto-increment hasn't been explicitly assigned.
public Boolean isAutoIncrement() {
return autoIncrement;
public ColumnConfig setAutoIncrement(Boolean autoIncrement) {
this.autoIncrement = autoIncrement;
return this;
* Return the number to start auto incrementing with.
public BigInteger getStartWith() {
return startWith;
public ColumnConfig setStartWith(BigInteger startWith) {
this.startWith = startWith;
return this;
* Return the amount to auto increment by.
public BigInteger getIncrementBy() {
return incrementBy;
public ColumnConfig setIncrementBy(BigInteger incrementBy) {
this.incrementBy = incrementBy;
return this;
* Returns true if any of the setDefaultValue* functions have had a non-null value set
public boolean hasDefaultValue() {
return (this.getDefaultValue() != null) || (this.getDefaultValueBoolean() != null) || (this
.getDefaultValueDate() != null) || (this.getDefaultValueNumeric() != null) || (this
.getDefaultValueComputed() != null) || (this.getDefaultValueSequenceNext() != null);
* Return the remarks to apply to this column.
public String getRemarks() {
return remarks;
public ColumnConfig setRemarks(String remarks) {
this.remarks = remarks;
return this;
public Boolean getDescending() {
return descending;
public ColumnConfig setDescending(Boolean descending) {
this.descending = descending;
return this;
public Boolean getDefaultOnNull() {
return defaultOnNull;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultOnNull(Boolean defaultOnNull) {
this.defaultOnNull = defaultOnNull;
return this;
public String getGenerationType() {
return generationType;
public ColumnConfig setGenerationType(String generationType) {
this.generationType = generationType;
return this;
public String getSerializedObjectName() {
return "column";
public SequenceNextValueFunction getDefaultValueSequenceNext() {
return defaultValueSequenceNext;
public ColumnConfig setDefaultValueSequenceNext(SequenceNextValueFunction defaultValueSequenceNext) {
this.defaultValueSequenceNext = defaultValueSequenceNext;
return this;
public String getDefaultValueConstraintName() {
return defaultValueConstraintName;
public void setDefaultValueConstraintName(String defaultValueConstraintName) {
this.defaultValueConstraintName = defaultValueConstraintName;
public SerializationType getSerializableFieldType(String field) {
return SerializationType.NAMED_FIELD;
public String getSerializedObjectNamespace() {
public void load(ParsedNode parsedNode, ResourceAccessor resourceAccessor) throws ParsedNodeException {
for (ParsedNode child : parsedNode.getChildren()) {
if (!ObjectUtil.hasProperty(this, child.getName())) {
throw new ParsedNodeException("Unexpected node: "+child.getName());
name = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "name", String.class);
computed = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "computed", Boolean.class);
type = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "type", String.class);
encoding = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "encoding", String.class);
autoIncrement = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "autoIncrement", Boolean.class);
startWith = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "startWith", BigInteger.class);
incrementBy = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "incrementBy", BigInteger.class);
remarks = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "remarks", String.class);
descending = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "descending", Boolean.class);
value = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "value", String.class);
if (value == null) {
value = StringUtil.trimToNull((String) parsedNode.getValue());
setValueNumeric(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueNumeric", String.class));
try {
valueDate = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueDate", Date.class);
} catch (ParsedNodeException e) {
valueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueDate", String.class));
valueBoolean = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueBoolean", Boolean.class);
valueBlobFile = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueBlobFile", String.class);
valueClobFile = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueClobFile", String.class);
String valueComputedString = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueComputed", String.class);
if (valueComputedString != null) {
valueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(valueComputedString);
String valueSequenceNextString = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueSequenceNext", String.class);
if (valueSequenceNextString != null) {
valueSequenceNext = new SequenceNextValueFunction(valueSequenceNextString);
String valueSequenceCurrentString = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "valueSequenceCurrent", String.class);
if (valueSequenceCurrentString != null) {
valueSequenceCurrent = new SequenceCurrentValueFunction(valueSequenceCurrentString);
defaultValueConstraintName = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueConstraintName", String.class);
defaultValue = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValue", String.class);
setDefaultValueNumeric(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueNumeric", String.class));
try {
defaultValueDate = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueDate", Date.class);
} catch (ParsedNodeException e) {
defaultValueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueDate", String.class));
defaultValueBoolean = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueBoolean", Boolean.class);
String defaultValueComputedString = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueComputed", String.class);
if (defaultValueComputedString != null) {
defaultValueComputed = new DatabaseFunction(defaultValueComputedString);
String defaultValueSequenceNextString = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultValueSequenceNext", String.class);
if (defaultValueSequenceNextString != null) {
defaultValueSequenceNext = new SequenceNextValueFunction(defaultValueSequenceNextString);
defaultOnNull = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "defaultOnNull", Boolean.class);
generationType = parsedNode.getChildValue(null, "generationType", String.class);
loadConstraints(parsedNode.getChild(null, "constraints"));
protected void loadConstraints(ParsedNode constraintsNode) throws ParsedNodeException {
if (constraintsNode == null) {
ConstraintsConfig constraints = new ConstraintsConfig();
constraints.setNullable(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "nullable", Boolean.class));
constraints.setNotNullConstraintName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "notNullConstraintName", String.class));
constraints.setPrimaryKey(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "primaryKey", Boolean.class));
constraints.setPrimaryKeyName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "primaryKeyName", String.class));
constraints.setPrimaryKeyTablespace(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "primaryKeyTablespace", String.class));
constraints.setReferences(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "references", String.class));
constraints.setReferencedTableCatalogName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "referencedTableCatalogName", String.class));
constraints.setReferencedTableSchemaName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "referencedTableSchemaName", String.class));
constraints.setReferencedTableName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "referencedTableName", String.class));
constraints.setReferencedColumnNames(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "referencedColumnNames", String.class));
constraints.setUnique(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "unique", Boolean.class));
constraints.setUniqueConstraintName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "uniqueConstraintName", String.class));
constraints.setCheckConstraint(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "checkConstraint", String.class));
constraints.setDeleteCascade(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "deleteCascade", Boolean.class));
constraints.setForeignKeyName(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "foreignKeyName", String.class));
constraints.setInitiallyDeferred(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "initiallyDeferred", Boolean.class));
constraints.setDeferrable(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "deferrable", Boolean.class));
constraints.setValidateNullable(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "validateNullable", Boolean.class));
constraints.setValidateUnique(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "validateUnique", Boolean.class));
constraints.setValidatePrimaryKey(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "validatePrimaryKey", Boolean.class));
constraints.setValidateForeignKey(constraintsNode.getChildValue(null, "validateForeignKey", Boolean.class));
public static class ValueNumeric extends Number {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1381154777956917462L;
private final Number delegate;
private final String value;
private ValueNumeric(final String value, final Number numeric) {
this.delegate = numeric;
this.value = value;
private static ValueNumeric of(Locale locale, String value) throws ParseException {
final Number parsedNumber = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale)
return new ValueNumeric(value, parsedNumber);
public double doubleValue() {
return delegate.doubleValue();
public float floatValue() {
return delegate.floatValue();
public int intValue() {
return delegate.intValue();
public long longValue() {
return delegate.longValue();
public String toString() {
return value;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof Number)) {
return false;
return obj.toString().equals(this.toString());
public int hashCode() {
return this.toString().hashCode();
public Number getDelegate() {
return delegate;
public Object getSerializableFieldValue(String field) {
Object o = ReflectionSerializer.getInstance().getValue(this, field);
if (field.equals("valueDate") || field.equals("defaultValueDate")) {
return new ISODateFormat().format((Date)o);
} else {
return o;
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