liquibase.sdk.Main Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.sdk;
public class Main {
//TODO: Move convert logic to a LiquibaseCommandStep
// private boolean debug;
// private CommandLine globalArguments;
// private String command;
// private List commandArgs = new ArrayList<>();
// private Options globalOptions;
// public Main() {
// globalOptions = new Options();
// }
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// Main main = new Main();
// main.header("Liquibase SDK");
// try {
// main.init(args);
// if (main.command == null) {
// throw new UserError("No command passed");
// }
// if ("help".equals(main.command)) {
// main.printHelp();
// return;
// }
// CommandScope command = new CommandScope();
// CommandLineParser commandParser = new GnuParser();
// if ("convert".equals(main.command)) {
// Options options = new Options();
// options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withDescription("Original changelog").isRequired().create("src"));
// options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withDescription("Output changelog").isRequired().create("out"));
// options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg().withDescription("Classpath").create("classpath"));
// CommandLine commandArguments = commandParser.parse(options, main.commandArgs.toArray(new String[main.commandArgs.size()]));
// command
// .addArgumentValue(ConvertCommandStep.SRC_ARG, commandArguments.getOptionValue("src"))
// .addArgumentValue(ConvertCommandStep.OUT_ARG, commandArguments.getOptionValue("out"))
// .addArgumentValue(ConvertCommandStep.CLASSPATH_ARG, commandArguments.getOptionValue("classpath"));
// } else {
// throw new UserError("Unknown command: " + main.command);
// }
// command.execute();
// main.divider();
// main.out("Command executed successfully");
// } catch (UserError userError) {
// main.out("");
// main.header("ERROR EXECUTING COMMAND");
// main.out(userError.getMessage());
// main.out("");
// main.out("");
// return;
// } catch (Throwable exception) {
// System.out.println("Unexpected error: " + exception.getMessage());
// exception.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// public void init(String[] args) throws UserError {
// CommandLineParser globalParser = new GnuParser();
// List globalArgs = new ArrayList<>();
// boolean inGlobal = true;
// for (String arg : args) {
// if (inGlobal) {
// if (arg.startsWith("--")) {
// globalArgs.add(arg);
// } else {
// this.command = arg;
// inGlobal = false;
// }
// } else {
// commandArgs.add(arg);
// }
// }
// try {
// this.globalArguments = globalParser.parse(globalOptions, globalArgs.toArray(new String[globalArgs.size()]));
// } catch (ParseException e) {
// throw new UserError("Error parsing global command line argument: " + e.getMessage());
// }
// }
//// Context context = Context.getInstance();
//// if (context.getSeenExtensionClasses().size() == 0) {
//// System.out.println("No extension classes found in "+StringUtil.join(context.getPackages(), ","));
//// return;
//// }
//// System.out.println("Extension classes found:");
//// for (Map.Entry> entry : context.getSeenExtensionClasses().entrySet()) {
//// System.out.println(StringUtil.indent(entry.getKey().getName()+" extensions:", 4));
//// System.out.println(StringUtil.indent(StringUtil.join(entry.getValue(), "\n", new StringUtil.StringUtilFormatter() {
//// @Override
//// public String toString(Object obj) {
//// return ((Class) obj).getName();
//// }
//// }), 8));
//// }
//// header("Running Tests");
//// JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore();
//// junit.addListener(new TextListener(System.out));
//// Result result = junit.run(new Computer(), StandardChangeTests.class);
// public File getSdkRoot() {
// File dir = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile();
// while (dir != null) {
// if (dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
// @Override
// public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
// return "liquibase-sdk.bat".equals(name);
// }
// }).length > 0) {
// return dir;
// }
// dir = dir.getParentFile();
// }
// throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Could not find Liquibase SDK home. Please run liquibase-sdk from the " +
// "liquibase/sdk directory or one of it's sub directories");
// }
// public String getCommand() {
// return command;
// }
// public void header(String... header) {
// divider();
// for (String line : header) {
// System.out.println(line);
// }
// divider();
// }
// public void divider() {
// System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------");
// }
// public void out(String message) {
// System.out.println(message);
// }
// public void debug(String message) {
// if (debug) {
// System.out.println("DEBUG: " + message);
// }
// }
// public void fatal(String error) throws UserError {
// throw new UserError(error);
// }
// public void fatal(Throwable exception) {
// fatal(exception.getMessage(), exception);
// }
// public void fatal(String error, Throwable exception) throws UserError {
// throw new UserError(error, exception);
// }
// public String getPath() {
// Map environment = new ProcessBuilder().environment();
// String path = environment.get("Path");
// if (path == null) {
// path = environment.get("PATH");
// }
// if (path == null) {
// path = environment.get("path");
// }
// if (path == null) {
// throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException("Cannot find path variable in environment. Possible variables are " + StringUtil.join(environment.keySet(), ","));
// }
// return path;
// }
// public String getPath(String... possibleFileNames) {
// Set fileNames = new HashSet<>();
// for (String dir : getPath().split("[:;]")) {
// for (String fileName : possibleFileNames) {
// File file = new File(dir, fileName);
// if (file.exists()) {
// return file.getAbsolutePath();
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public void printHelp() {
// HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
// formatter.printHelp("liquibase-sdk [global options] [command] [command options]", globalOptions);
// }
// private static class UserError extends RuntimeException {
// private static final long serialVersionUID = 6926190469964122370L;
// public UserError(String message) {
// super(message);
// }
// UserError(String message, Throwable cause) {
// super(message, cause);
// }
// }
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