liquibase.harness.change.ChangeObjectTests.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package liquibase.harness.change
import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection
import liquibase.harness.config.DatabaseUnderTest
import liquibase.harness.config.TestConfig
import liquibase.harness.util.rollback.RollbackStrategy
import org.junit.Assume
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
import static liquibase.harness.util.FileUtils.*
import static liquibase.harness.util.SnapshotHelpers.snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure
import static liquibase.harness.util.TestUtils.*
import static ChangeObjectTestHelper.*
class ChangeObjectTests extends Specification {
RollbackStrategy strategy;
List databases;
def setupSpec() {
databases = TestConfig.instance.getFilteredDatabasesUnderTest()
strategy = chooseRollbackStrategy()
def "apply #testInput.changeObject against #testInput.databaseName #testInput.version"() {
given: "read expected sql and snapshot files, create arguments map for executing command scope"
String expectedSql = parseQuery(getSqlFileContent(testInput.changeObject, testInput.databaseName, testInput.version,
String expectedSnapshot = getJSONFileContent(testInput.changeObject, testInput.databaseName, testInput.version,
boolean shouldRunChangeSet
Map argsMap = new HashMap()
argsMap.put("changeLogFile", testInput.pathToChangeLogFile)
argsMap.put("url", testInput.url)
argsMap.put("username", testInput.username)
argsMap.put("password", testInput.password)
argsMap.put("snapshotFormat", "JSON")
and: "ignore testcase if it's invalid for this combination of db type and/or version"
shouldRunChangeSet = !expectedSql?.toLowerCase()?.contains("invalid test")
Assume.assumeTrue(expectedSql, shouldRunChangeSet)
and: "fail test if snapshot is not provided"
shouldRunChangeSet = expectedSnapshot != null
assert shouldRunChangeSet: "No expectedSnapshot for ${testInput.changeObject} against" +
" ${testInput.database.shortName} ${testInput.database.databaseMajorVersion}." +
and: "check database under test is online"
shouldRunChangeSet = testInput.database.getConnection() instanceof JdbcConnection
assert shouldRunChangeSet: "Database ${testInput.databaseName} ${testInput.version} is offline!"
when: "get sql generated for the change set"
def generatedSql = parseQuery(executeCommandScope("updateSql", argsMap).toString())
then: "verify expected sql matches generated sql"
if (expectedSql != null && !testInput.pathToChangeLogFile.endsWith(".sql")) {
//TODO form nice error message to see expected and actual SQL in logs and remove 2 times in comparison for
// boolean flag and for assert
shouldRunChangeSet = generatedSql == expectedSql
assert generatedSql == expectedSql: "Expected sql doesn't match generated sql. Deleting expectedSql file" +
" will test that new sql works correctly and will auto-generate a new version if it passes"
if (!TestConfig.instance.revalidateSql) {
return //sql is right. Nothing more to test
when: "apply changeSet to DB"
executeCommandScope("update", argsMap)
then: "get DB snapshot, check if actual snapshot matches expected snapshot"
def generatedSnapshot = executeCommandScope("snapshot", argsMap).toString()
snapshotMatchesSpecifiedStructure(expectedSnapshot, generatedSnapshot)
and: "if expected sql is not provided save generated sql as expected sql"
if (expectedSql == null && generatedSql != null && !testInput.pathToChangeLogFile.endsWith(".sql") && !generatedSql.isEmpty()) {
saveAsExpectedSql(generatedSql, testInput)
cleanup: "rollback changes if we ran changeSet"
if (shouldRunChangeSet) {
where: "test input in next data table"
testInput << buildTestInput()
def cleanupSpec() {
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