Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import java.util.StringTokenizer;
represents a Universally Unique Identifier per RFC 4122.
* See the RFC 4122:
* A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace
* for more information.
* @author Commons-Id Team
* @version $Revision: 480488 $ $Date: 2006-11-29 00:57:26 -0800 (Wed, 29 Nov 2006) $
public class UUID implements Constants, Serializable, Comparable {
/** byte array to store 128-bits composing this UUID */
private byte[] rawBytes = new byte[UUID_BYTE_LENGTH];
/** Holds node identifier for this UUID */
private Long node = null;
/** Holds timestamp for this UUID */
private long timestamp = -1;
/** Holds the clock sequence field */
private Short clockSq = null;
/** Holds the version field of this UUID */
private int version = -1;
/** Holds the variant field of this UUID */
private int variant = -1;
/** Holds the internal string value of the UUID */
private String stringValue = null;
/** Constructs a nil UUID */
public UUID() {
* Constructs a UUID from a 128 bit java.math.BigInteger.
* Method is protected as their is no standard as to the internal representation of a UUID.
* In this case a BigInteger is used with signum always positive.
* @param bigIntValue the 128 bit BigInteger to construct this UUID from.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException argument must be 128 bit
/* protected UUID(BigInteger bigIntValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (bigIntValue.bitLength() > UUID.UUID_BIT_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UUID must be contructed using a 128 bit BigInteger");
numberValue = bigIntValue;
} */
* Copy constructor.
* @param copyFrom the UUID to copy to create this UUID.
public UUID(UUID copyFrom) {
rawBytes = copyFrom.getRawBytes();
* Constructs a UUID from a 16 byte array.
* @param byteArray the 16 byte array to construct this UUID from.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException argument must be 16 bytes
public UUID(byte[] byteArray) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (byteArray.length != UUID_BYTE_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UUID must be contructed using a 16 byte array.");
// UUID must be immutable so a copy is used.
System.arraycopy(byteArray, 0, rawBytes, 0, UUID_BYTE_LENGTH);
* Constructs a UUID from a DataInput. Note if 16 bytes are not available this method will block.
* @param input the datainput with 16 bytes to read in from.
* @throws IOException exception if there is an IO problem also argument must contain 16 bytes.
public UUID(DataInput input) throws IOException {
input.readFully(rawBytes, 0, UUID_BYTE_LENGTH);
* Constructs a UUID from two long values in most significant byte, and least significant bytes order.
* @param mostSignificant - the most significant 8 bytes of the uuid to be constructed.
* @param leastSignificant - the least significant 8 bytes of the uuid to be constructed.
public UUID(long mostSignificant, long leastSignificant) {
rawBytes = Bytes.append(Bytes.toBytes(mostSignificant), Bytes.toBytes(leastSignificant));
* Constructs a UUID from a UUID formatted String.
* @param uuidString the String representing a UUID to construct this UUID
* @throws UUIDFormatException String must be a properly formatted UUID string
public UUID(String uuidString) throws UUIDFormatException {
//Calls the copy constructor
* Parses a string for a UUID.
* @param uuidString the UUID formatted String to parse.
* @throws UUIDFormatException the String must be a properly formatted UUID String.
* @return Returns a UUID or null if the formatted string could not be parsed.
public static UUID fromString(String uuidString)
throws UUIDFormatException {
String leanString = uuidString.toLowerCase();
UUID tmpUUID = null;
//Handle prefixed UUIDs
// e.g. urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6
int pos = uuidString.lastIndexOf(":");
if (pos > 1) {
leanString = uuidString.substring(++pos, uuidString.length());
//Check for 36 char length
if (leanString.length() != UUID_FORMATTED_LENGTH) {
throw new UUIDFormatException(uuidString);
//Check for 5 fields
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(leanString, "-");
if ( tok.countTokens() != TOKENS_IN_UUID ) {
throw new UUIDFormatException(uuidString);
//Remove the "-" from the formatted string and test token sizes
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(UUID_UNFORMATTED_LENGTH);
String token = null;
int count = 0;
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
token = tok.nextToken();
if (token.length() != TOKEN_LENGTHS[count++]) {
throw new UUIDFormatException(uuidString);
//Create from the hex value
try {
char[] chars = buf.toString().toCharArray();
tmpUUID = new UUID(Hex.decodeHex(chars));
} catch (DecoderException de) {
throw new UUIDFormatException(uuidString + ": " + de.getMessage());
return tmpUUID;
* Returns a string representation of the UUID.
* @return a string representation of the UUID formatted according to the specification.
public String toString() {
//set string value if not set
if (stringValue == null) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(new String(Hex.encodeHex(rawBytes)));
while (buf.length() != UUID_UNFORMATTED_LENGTH) {
buf.insert(0, "0");
buf.insert(FORMAT_POSITION1, '-');
buf.insert(FORMAT_POSITION2, '-');
buf.insert(FORMAT_POSITION3, '-');
buf.insert(FORMAT_POSITION4, '-');
stringValue = buf.toString();
return stringValue;
* Returns a urn representation of the UUID. This is same as the
* toString() value prefixed with urn:uuid:
* @return Returns the urn string representation of the UUID
public String toUrn() {
return URN_PREFIX + this.toString();
* Compares two UUID for equality.
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof UUID)) {
return false;
return Bytes.areEqual( ((UUID) obj).getRawBytes(), rawBytes);
* Returns a hash code value for the object.
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
int iConstant = 37;
int iTotal = 17;
for (int i = 0; i < rawBytes.length; i++) {
iTotal = iTotal * iConstant + rawBytes[i];
return iTotal;
* Compares two UUID's for equality.
* @see Comparable#compareTo(Object)
public int compareTo(Object compareTo) throws ClassCastException {
if (!(compareTo instanceof UUID)) {
throw new ClassCastException();
return (Bytes.compareTo(rawBytes, ((UUID) compareTo).getRawBytes()));
* Returns the clock sequence value in the UUID. The clock sequence is a random assigned to a particular clock instance that
* generated the time in the timestamp of a time based UUID.
* @return the clock sequence value in the UUID.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException thrown if this is not a IETF variant or not a time-based UUID.
public int clockSequence() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
//if variant is not mealling leach salz throw unsupported operation exception
if (variant() != VARIANT_IETF_DRAFT || version() != VERSION_ONE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(WRONG_VAR_VER_MSG);
if (clockSq == null) {
byte[] b = {((byte) (rawBytes[8] & 0x3F)), rawBytes[9]};
clockSq = new Short(Bytes.toShort(b));
return clockSq.intValue();
* Returns the version of the UUID.
* - VERSION_ONE - The time-based version
* - VERSION_TWO - DCE Security version, with embedded POSIX UIDs.
* - VERSION_THREE - Name based UUID with MD5 hashing.
* - VERSION_FOUR - Random based UUID.
* - VERSION_FIVE - Name based UUID with SHA-1 hashing.
* @return the version of the UUID.
public int version() {
if (version == -1) {
version = ((rawBytes[6] >>> 4) & 0x0F);
return version;
* Returns the variant field of the UUID.
* @return Returns the variant field of the UUID.
public int variant() {
if (variant == -1) {
if ((rawBytes[8] & 0x80) == 0x0) {
} else if ((rawBytes[8] & 0x40) == 0x0) {
} else if ((rawBytes[8] & 0x20) == 0x0) {
variant = VARIANT_MS;
} else {
return variant;
* Returns the node identifier found in this UUID. The specification was written such that this value holds the IEEE 802 MAC
* address. The specification permits this value to be calculated from other sources other than the MAC.
* @return the node identifier found in this UUID.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException thrown if this is not a IETF variant or not a time-based UUID.
public long node() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
//if variant is not mealling leach salz throw unsupported operation exception
if (variant() != VARIANT_IETF_DRAFT || version() != VERSION_ONE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(WRONG_VAR_VER_MSG);
if (node == null) {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, 10, b, 2, 6);
node = new Long((Bytes.toLong(b) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL));
return node.longValue();
* Returns the timestamp value of the UUID as 100-nano second intervals since the Gregorian change offset (00:00:00.00, 15
* October 1582 ).
* @return the timestamp value of the UUID as 100-nano second intervals since the Gregorian change offset.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException thrown if this is not a IETF variant or not a time-based UUID.
public long timestamp() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
//if variant is not mealling leach salz throw unsupported operation exception
if (variant() != VARIANT_IETF_DRAFT || version() != VERSION_ONE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(WRONG_VAR_VER_MSG);
if (timestamp == -1) {
byte[] longVal = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, TIME_HI_START_POS, longVal, TIME_HI_TS_POS, TIME_HI_BYTE_LEN);
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, TIME_MID_START_POS, longVal, TIME_MID_TS_POS, TIME_MID_BYTE_LEN);
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, TIME_LOW_START_POS, longVal, TIME_LOW_TS_POS, TIME_LOW_BYTE_LEN);
longVal[TIME_HI_TS_POS] &= 0x0F;
timestamp = Bytes.toLong(longVal);
return timestamp;
* Returns the least significant bits stored in the uuid's internal structure.
* @return the least significant bits stored in the uuid's internal structure.
long getLeastSignificantBits() {
byte[] lsb = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, 8, lsb, 0, 8);
return Bytes.toLong(lsb);
* Returns the least significant bits stored in the uuid's internal structure.
* @return the least significant bits stored in the uuid's internal structure.
long getMostSignificantBits() {
byte[] msb = new byte[8];
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, 0, msb, 0, 8);
return Bytes.toLong(msb);
* Returns a copy of the byte values contained in this UUID.
* @return a copy of the byte values contained in this UUID.
public byte[] getRawBytes() {
byte[] ret = new byte[UUID_BYTE_LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(rawBytes, 0, ret, 0, UUID_BYTE_LENGTH);
return ret;
Returns a new version 4 UUID, based upon Random bits.
* @return a new version 4 UUID, based upon Random bits.
public static UUID randomUUID() {
return VersionFourGenerator.getInstance().nextUUID();
* Returns a new version 1 UUID, based upon node identifier and time stamp.
* @return a new version 1 UUID, based upon node identifier and time stamp.
public static UUID timeUUID() {
return VersionOneGenerator.getInstance().nextUUID();
* Returns a new version three (MD5) or five (SHA-1) UUID, using the specified encoding
* given a name and the namespace's UUID.
* @param name String the name to calculate the UUID for.
* @param namespace UUID assigned to this namespace.
* @param encoding The encoding to use, either #{link UUID.MD5_ENCODING} or #{link UUID.SHA1_ENCODING}
* @return a new version three UUID given a name and the namespace's UUID.
public static UUID nameUUIDFromString(String name, UUID namespace, String encoding) {
byte[] nameAsBytes = name.getBytes();
byte[] concat = new byte[UUID_BYTE_LENGTH + nameAsBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(namespace.getRawBytes(), 0, concat, 0, UUID_BYTE_LENGTH);
System.arraycopy(nameAsBytes, 0, concat, UUID_BYTE_LENGTH, nameAsBytes.length);
byte[] raw = null;
if(encoding.equals(UUID.MD5_ENCODING)) {
raw = DigestUtils.md5(concat);
else if(encoding.equals(UUID.SHA1_ENCODING)) {
byte[] shaDigest = DigestUtils.sha(concat);
// Truncate digest to 16 bytes (SHA-1 returns a 20-byte digest)
raw = new byte[16];
System.arraycopy(shaDigest, 0, raw, 0, 16);
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported encoding " + encoding);
//Set version (version 3 and version 5 are identical on a bit-level,
//thus we only need ever set one of them
//Set variant
raw[CLOCK_SEQ_HI_AND_RESERVED_BYTE_8] &= 0x3F; //0011 1111
raw[CLOCK_SEQ_HI_AND_RESERVED_BYTE_8] |= 0x80; //1000 0000
return new UUID(raw);
* Returns a new version three UUID given a name and the namespace's UUID.
* @param name String the name to calculate the UUID for.
* @param namespace UUID assigned to this namespace.
* @return a new version three UUID given a name and the namespace's UUID.
public static UUID nameUUIDFromString(String name, UUID namespace) {
return nameUUIDFromString(name, namespace, UUID.MD5_ENCODING);