org.lastbamboo.common.turn.client.TcpTurnClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.lastbamboo.common.turn.client;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.littleshoot.dnssec4j.DNSSECException;
import org.littleshoot.dnssec4j.DnsSec;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.CloseFuture;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.ConnectFuture;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.ExecutorThreadModel;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoFilter;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoFilterAdapter;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoFuture;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoFutureListener;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoHandler;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoService;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoServiceConfig;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoServiceListener;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.IoSession;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.RuntimeIOException;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.SimpleByteBufferAllocator;
import org.littleshoot.mina.common.ThreadModel;
import org.littleshoot.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFactory;
import org.littleshoot.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolCodecFilter;
import org.littleshoot.mina.filter.codec.ProtocolDecoderOutput;
import org.littleshoot.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketConnector;
import org.littleshoot.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketConnectorConfig;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.StunMessageDecoder;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.BindingRequest;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.StunMessage;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.StunMessageVisitorAdapter;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.attributes.turn.ConnectionStatus;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.AllocateErrorResponse;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.AllocateRequest;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.AllocateSuccessResponse;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.ConnectRequest;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.ConnectionStatusIndication;
import org.littleshoot.stun.stack.message.turn.DataIndication;
import org.littleshoot.util.CandidateProvider;
import org.littleshoot.util.RuntimeIoException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class that handles all responsibilities of a TURN client. It does this in
* a couple of ways. First, it opens a connection to the TURN server and
* allocates a binding on the TURN server. Second, it decodes
* Data Indication messages arriving from the TURN server. When it receives
* a message, it creates sockets to the local HTTP server and forwards the
* data (HTTP data) enclosed in the Data Indication to the local HTTP
* server.
* If this ever loses the connection to the TURN server, it notifies the
* listener that maintains TURN connections.
public class TcpTurnClient extends StunMessageVisitorAdapter
implements TurnClient, IoServiceListener {
private final Logger m_log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private InetSocketAddress m_stunServerAddress;
private IoSession m_ioSession;
private InetSocketAddress m_relayAddress;
private InetSocketAddress m_mappedAddress;
private boolean m_receivedAllocateResponse;
private final TurnClientListener m_turnClientListener;
private final ProtocolCodecFactory m_dataCodecFactory;
private int m_totalReadDataBytes;
private int m_totalReadRawDataBytes;
private final AtomicBoolean m_connected = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final SocketConnector m_connector = new SocketConnector();
private final CandidateProvider m_candidateProvider;
* Creates a new TURN client with the default provider for server addresses.
* @param clientListener The listener for TURN client events.
* @param codecFactory The codec factory.
public TcpTurnClient(final TurnClientListener clientListener,
final ProtocolCodecFactory codecFactory) {
this(clientListener, new TurnServerCandidateProvider(), codecFactory);
* Creates a new TCP TURN client.
* @param clientListener The listener for TURN client events.
* @param candidateProvider The class that provides TURN candidate
* servers.
* @param codecFactory The codec factory.
public TcpTurnClient(final TurnClientListener clientListener,
final CandidateProvider candidateProvider,
final ProtocolCodecFactory codecFactory) {
m_turnClientListener = clientListener;
m_candidateProvider = candidateProvider;
m_dataCodecFactory = codecFactory;
// Configure the MINA buffers for optimal performance.
ByteBuffer.setAllocator(new SimpleByteBufferAllocator());
public void connect() throws IOException {
if (this.m_connected.get()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Already connected...");
final Collection candidates = this.m_candidateProvider
.getCandidates();"Attempting connections to: {}", candidates);
for (final InetSocketAddress serverAddress : candidates) {
connect(serverAddress, null);
synchronized (this.m_connected) {
try {
this.m_connected.wait(30 * 1000);
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
m_log.error("Interrupted while waiting", e);
if (isConnected()) {
m_log.debug("Connected to: {}", serverAddress);
if (!isConnected()) {
m_log.error("Could not connect or did not get allocate response");
throw new IOException("Could not connect to any of: " + candidates);
private void connect(final InetSocketAddress unverifiedStunServerAddress,
final InetSocketAddress localAddress) throws IOException {
final InetSocketAddress stunServerAddress;
if (TurnClientConfig.isUseDnsSec()) {
try {
stunServerAddress = DnsSec.verify(unverifiedStunServerAddress);
} catch (final DNSSECException e) {
throw new IOException("DNSSEC verification error", e);
} else {
stunServerAddress = unverifiedStunServerAddress;
final StunMessageDecoder decoder = new StunMessageDecoder();
final IoFilter turnFilter = new IoFilterAdapter() {
public void filterWrite(final NextFilter nextFilter,
final IoSession session, final WriteRequest writeRequest)
throws Exception {
// m_log.debug("Filtering write: "+writeRequest.getMessage());
nextFilter.filterWrite(session, writeRequest);
public void messageReceived(final NextFilter nextFilter,
final IoSession session, final Object message)
throws Exception {
final ByteBuffer in = (ByteBuffer) message;
final ProtocolDecoderOutput out = new ProtocolDecoderOutput() {
public void flush() {
public void write(final Object msg) {
final StunMessage stunMessage = (StunMessage) msg;
decoder.decode(session, in, out);
// If TURN is used with ICE, this will be a demultiplexing filter
// between STUN and the media stream data.
final ProtocolCodecFilter dataFilter = new ProtocolCodecFilter(
m_connector.getFilterChain().addLast("stunFilter", turnFilter);
// This is really only used for the encoding.
m_connector.getFilterChain().addLast("dataFilter", dataFilter);
// m_connectionListener = listener;
m_stunServerAddress = stunServerAddress;
final SocketConnectorConfig config = new SocketConnectorConfig();
// Java has weird issues with the new networking stack in Windows Vista.
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS_VISTA) {
} else {
final ThreadModel threadModel = ExecutorThreadModel
.getInstance("TCP-TURN-Client-" + hashCode());
// config.setThreadModel(ThreadModel.MANUAL);"Connection to STUN server here: {}", m_stunServerAddress);
final IoHandler ioHandler = new TurnClientIoHandler(this);
final ConnectFuture connectFuture;
if (localAddress == null) {
connectFuture = m_connector.connect(m_stunServerAddress, ioHandler,
} else {
connectFuture = m_connector.connect(m_stunServerAddress,
localAddress, ioHandler, config);
final IoFutureListener futureListener = new IoFutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(final IoFuture ioFuture) {
if (!ioFuture.isReady()) {
m_log.warn("Future not ready?");
try {
m_ioSession = ioFuture.getSession();
} catch (final RuntimeIOException e) {
// This seems to get thrown when we can't connect at all.
m_log.warn("Could not connect to TURN server at: "
+ stunServerAddress, e);
// m_connectionListener.connectionFailed();
if (m_ioSession == null || !m_ioSession.isConnected()) {
m_log.error("Could not create session");
throw new RuntimeIoException("Could not get session");
// TODO: We should not need this.
final TurnStunMessageMapper mapper =
new TurnStunMessageMapperImpl();
m_ioSession.setAttribute("REMOTE_ADDRESS_MAP", mapper);
final AllocateRequest msg = new AllocateRequest();
m_log.debug("Sending allocate request to write handler...");
public void close() {
m_log.debug("Closing TCP TURN client.");
if (this.m_ioSession != null) {
final CloseFuture closeFuture = this.m_ioSession.close();
public void sendConnectRequest(final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress) {
final ConnectRequest request = new ConnectRequest(remoteAddress);
public InetSocketAddress getRelayAddress() {
return this.m_relayAddress;
public InetSocketAddress getMappedAddress() {
return this.m_mappedAddress;
public StunMessage visitAllocateSuccessResponse(
final AllocateSuccessResponse response) {
// NOTE: This will get called many times for a single TURN session
// between a client and a server because allocate requests are used
// for keep-alives as well as the initial allocation.
m_log.debug("Got successful allocate response: {}", response);
// We need to set the relay address before notifying the
// listener we're "connected".
this.m_relayAddress = response.getRelayAddress();
this.m_mappedAddress = response.getMappedAddress();
this.m_receivedAllocateResponse = true;
// this.m_connectionListener.connected(this.m_stunServerAddress);
synchronized (this.m_connected) {
return null;
public StunMessage visitAllocateErrorResponse(
final AllocateErrorResponse response) {
m_log.warn("Received an Allocate Response error from the server: "
+ response.getAttributes());
// this.m_connectionListener.connectionFailed();
return null;
public StunMessage visitConnectionStatusIndication(
final ConnectionStatusIndication indication) {
m_log.debug("Visiting connection status message: {}", indication);
final ConnectionStatus status = indication.getConnectionStatus();
final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = indication.getRemoteAddress();
switch (status) {
case CLOSED:
m_log.debug("Got connection closed from: " + remoteAddress);
m_log.debug("Connection established from: " + remoteAddress);
// Create a local connection for the newly established session.
case LISTEN:
m_log.debug("Got server listening for incoming data from: "
+ remoteAddress);
return null;
public StunMessage visitDataIndication(final DataIndication data) {
m_log.debug("Visiting Data Indication message: {}", data);
m_totalReadDataBytes += data.getTotalLength();
m_totalReadRawDataBytes += data.getData().length;
final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress = data.getRemoteAddress();
try {
m_turnClientListener.onData(remoteAddress, this.m_ioSession,
} catch (final Exception e) {
m_log.error("Could not process data: {}", data, e);
return null;
public void serviceActivated(final IoService service,
final SocketAddress serviceAddress, final IoHandler handler,
final IoServiceConfig config) {
m_log.debug("Service activated...");
public void serviceDeactivated(final IoService service,
final SocketAddress serviceAddress, final IoHandler handler,
final IoServiceConfig config) {
m_log.debug("Service deactivated...");
public void sessionCreated(final IoSession session) {
m_log.debug("Session created...");
public void sessionDestroyed(final IoSession session) {
m_log.debug("Session destroyed...");
if (this.m_receivedAllocateResponse) {
// We're disconnected, so set the allocate response flag to false
// because the client's current connection, or lack thereof, has
// not received a response.
this.m_receivedAllocateResponse = false;
// this.m_connectionListener.disconnected();
public InetAddress getStunServerAddress() {
return this.m_stunServerAddress.getAddress();
public InetSocketAddress getHostAddress() {
return (InetSocketAddress) this.m_ioSession.getLocalAddress();
public InetSocketAddress getServerReflexiveAddress() {
return getMappedAddress();
public StunMessage write(final BindingRequest request,
final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress) {
// TODO We should just send the request to the server,
// and we should combine the functionality of this class with the
// functionality of TcpStunClient.
// Or is this just handled by IceStunCheckers??
throw new IllegalStateException("Not implemented.");
public StunMessage write(final BindingRequest request,
final InetSocketAddress remoteAddress, final long rto) {
// See comment above.
throw new IllegalStateException("Not implemented.");
public boolean isConnected() {
return this.m_connected.get();
public boolean hostPortMapped() {
// We don't map ports for clients (only for classes that also accept
// incoming connections).
return false;
public void addIoServiceListener(final IoServiceListener serviceListener) {
if (serviceListener == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Null listener");