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org.loadui.testfx.GuiTest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 SmartBear Software
* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
* versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
* You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is
* distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the Licence.
package org.loadui.testfx;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.*;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Parent;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.SceneBuilder;
import javafx.scene.control.Labeled;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.stage.PopupWindow;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.stage.Window;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.loadui.testfx.exceptions.NoNodesFoundException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static;
import static*;
import static org.loadui.testfx.Matchers.hasLabel;
public class GuiTest
private static final SettableFuture stageFuture = SettableFuture.create();
protected static Stage stage;
private static String stylesheet = null;
public static class TestFxApp extends Application
public static Parent node;
public void start( Stage primaryStage ) throws Exception
Scene scene = SceneBuilder
.width( 600 )
.height( 400 )
.root( node ).build();
if( stylesheet != null )
scene.getStylesheets().add( stylesheet );
primaryStage.setScene( scene );;
stageFuture.set( primaryStage );
* Creates and displays a new stage, with the provided node as root node.
* @param node
public static void showNodeInStage( Parent node )
showNodeInStage( node, null );
public static void showNodeInStage( Parent node, String stylesheet )
GuiTest.stylesheet = stylesheet;
TestFxApp.node = node;
FXTestUtils.launchApp( TestFxApp.class );
stage = targetWindow( stageFuture.get( 25, TimeUnit.SECONDS ) );
FXTestUtils.bringToFront( stage );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to show stage", e );
public static GuiTest wrap( ScreenController controller )
return new GuiTest();
private static Window lastSeenWindow = null;
public static T targetWindow( T window )
if( window instanceof Stage )
Stage stage = ( Stage )window;
lastSeenWindow = window;
return window;
public static OffsetTarget offset( Object target, double offsetX, double offsetY )
return new OffsetTarget( target, offsetX, offsetY );
@SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
public static List getWindows()
return Lists.reverse( Lists.newArrayList( Window.impl_getWindows() ) );
public static Window getWindowByIndex( int index )
return getWindows().get( index );
public static Stage findStageByTitle( final String titleRegex )
return Iterables.find( Iterables.filter( getWindows(), Stage.class ), new Predicate()
public boolean apply( Stage input )
return input.getTitle().matches( titleRegex );
} );
public static Set findAll( String query, Object parent )
if( parent instanceof String )
final String titleRegex = ( String )parent;
return findAll( query, targetWindow( findStageByTitle( titleRegex ) ).getScene() );
else if( parent instanceof Node )
Node node = ( Node )parent;
targetWindow( node.getScene().getWindow() );
return findAll( query, node );
else if( parent instanceof Scene )
Scene scene = ( Scene )parent;
targetWindow( scene.getWindow() );
return findAll( query, scene.getRoot() );
else if( parent instanceof Window )
return findAll( query, targetWindow( ( Window )parent ).getScene() );
catch( Exception e )
//Ignore, something went wrong with checking a window, so return an empty set.
return Collections.emptySet();
public static Set findAll( String query, Node node )
if( query.startsWith( "." ) || query.startsWith( "#" ) )
return node.lookupAll( query );
return findAll( hasLabel( query ), node );
public static Set findAll( String query )
Set results = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
results.addAll( findAll( query, lastSeenWindow ) );
final Predicate isDescendant = new Predicate()
public boolean apply( Window input )
Window parent = null;
if( input instanceof Stage )
parent = ( ( Stage )input ).getOwner();
else if( input instanceof PopupWindow )
parent = ( ( PopupWindow )input ).getOwnerWindow();
return parent == lastSeenWindow || parent != null && apply( parent );
Iterable descendants = Iterables.filter( getWindows(), isDescendant );
Iterable rest = Iterables.filter( getWindows(), Predicates.not( isDescendant ) );
for( Window descendant : ImmutableList.copyOf( concat( descendants, rest ) ) )
results.addAll( findAll( query, descendant ) );
return results;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public static T find( String selector, Object parent )
return checkNotNull( ( T )getFirst( findAll( selector, parent ), null ),
"Query [%s] select [%s] resulted in no nodes found!", parent, selector );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public static T find( final String query )
T foundNode = null;
boolean isCssQuery = query.startsWith( "." ) || query.startsWith( "#" );
if( isCssQuery )
foundNode = findByCssSelector( query );
if( foundNode == null )
throw new NoNodesFoundException( "No nodes matched the CSS query '" + query + "'! Screenshot saved as " + captureScreenshot().getAbsolutePath() );
foundNode = ( T )find( new HasLabel( query ) );
if( foundNode == null )
throw new NoNodesFoundException( "No nodes found with label '" + query + "'! Screenshot saved as " + captureScreenshot().getAbsolutePath() );
return foundNode;
public static boolean exists( final String query )
return selectorExists( query ) || labelExists( query );
private static boolean labelExists( String query )
return find( hasLabel( query ) ) != null;
private static boolean selectorExists( String query )
return findByCssSelector( query ) != null;
* Returns a Callable that calculates the number of nodes that matches the given query.
* @param nodeQuery a CSS query or the label of a node.
* @return
public static Callable numberOf( final String nodeQuery )
return new Callable()
public Integer call() throws Exception
return findAll( nodeQuery ).size();
public static File captureScreenshot()
File screenshot = new File( "screenshot" + new Date().getTime() + ".png" );
BufferedImage image = new Robot().createScreenCapture( new Rectangle( Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize() ) );
ImageIO.write( image, "png", screenshot );
catch( Exception e )
e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
return screenshot;
private static class HasLabel implements Predicate
private final String label;
HasLabel( String label )
this.label = label;
public boolean apply( Node node )
if ( node instanceof Labeled )
return label.equals( ( ( Labeled )node ).getText() );
if ( node instanceof Text )
return label.equals( ( ( Text )node ).getText() );
return false;
public static void waitUntil( final Node node, final Matcher condition, int timeoutInSeconds )
TestUtils.awaitCondition( new Callable()
public Boolean call() throws Exception
return condition.matches( node );
}, timeoutInSeconds );
* Waits until the provided node fulfills the given condition.
* @param node
* @param condition
public static void waitUntil( final Node node, final Matcher condition )
waitUntil( node, condition, 15 );
public static void waitUntil( final T value, final Matcher super T> condition )
waitUntil( value, condition, 15 );
public static void waitUntil( final Callable callable, final Matcher super T> condition )
TestUtils.awaitCondition( new Callable()
public Boolean call() throws Exception
return condition.matches( );
}, 15 );
public static void waitUntil( final T value, final Matcher super T> condition, int timeoutInSeconds )
TestUtils.awaitCondition( new Callable()
public Boolean call() throws Exception
return condition.matches( value );
}, timeoutInSeconds );
private static T findByCssSelector( final String selector )
Set locallyFound = findAll( selector );
Iterable globallyFound = concat( transform( getWindows(),
new Function>()
public Iterable apply( Window input )
return findAll( selector, input );
} ) );
return ( T )getFirst( locallyFound, getFirst( globallyFound, null ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public static T find( final Predicate predicate )
Iterable globallyFound = concat( transform( getWindows(),
new Function>()
public Iterable apply( Window input )
return findAll( predicate, input.getScene().getRoot() );
} ) );
return ( T )getFirst( globallyFound, null );
public static T find( final Matcher matcher )
Iterable globallyFound = concat( transform( getWindows(),
new Function>()
public Iterable apply( Window input )
return findAll( matcher, input.getScene().getRoot() );
} ) );
return ( T )getFirst( globallyFound, null );
* Returns all child nodes of parent, that matches the given matcher.
* @param matcher
* @param parent
* @return found nodes
public static Set findAll( Matcher matcher, Node parent )
Set found = new HashSet();
if( matcher.matches( parent ) )
found.addAll( Collections.singleton( parent ) );
if( parent instanceof Parent )
for( Node child : ( ( Parent )parent ).getChildrenUnmodifiable() )
found.addAll( findAll( matcher, child ) );
return ImmutableSet.copyOf( found );
public static Iterable findAll( Predicate predicate, Node parent )
ImmutableList.Builder> found = ImmutableList.builder();
if( predicate.apply( parent ) )
found.add( Collections.singleton( parent ) );
if( parent instanceof Parent )
for( Node child : ( ( Parent )parent ).getChildrenUnmodifiable() )
found.add( findAll( predicate, child ) );
return concat( );
private final ScreenController controller;
private final Set pressedButtons = new HashSet<>();
private final Set pressedKeys = new HashSet<>();
public GuiTest()
this.controller = new FXScreenController();
* Same as Thread.sleep(), but without checked exceptions.
* @param ms time in milliseconds
public GuiTest sleep( long ms )
Thread.sleep( ms );
catch( InterruptedException e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
return this;
public GuiTest target( Object window )
if( window instanceof Window )
targetWindow( ( Window )window );
else if( window instanceof String )
targetWindow( findStageByTitle( ( String )window ) );
else if( window instanceof Number )
targetWindow( getWindowByIndex( ( ( Number )window ).intValue() ) );
else if( window instanceof Class> )
targetWindow( Iterables.find( getWindows(), Predicates.instanceOf( ( Class> )window ) ) );
Preconditions.checkArgument( false, "Unable to identify Window based on the given argument: %s", window );
return this;
/*---------------- Click ----------------*/
public GuiTest click( MouseButton... buttons )
if( buttons.length == 0 )
return click( MouseButton.PRIMARY );
press( buttons );
return release( buttons );
* Clicks the first Node matching the given query.
* @param query either CSS selector, label of node or class name.
* @param buttons
public GuiTest click( String query, MouseButton... buttons )
move( query );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Node node, MouseButton... buttons )
move( node );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Point2D point, MouseButton... buttons )
move( point );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Bounds bounds, MouseButton... buttons )
move( bounds );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Scene scene, MouseButton... buttons )
move( scene );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Window window, MouseButton... buttons )
move( window );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Matcher matcher, MouseButton... buttons )
move( matcher );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( Iterable> iterable, MouseButton... buttons )
move( iterable );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest click( OffsetTarget target, MouseButton... buttons )
move( target );
return click( buttons );
public GuiTest rightClick()
return click( MouseButton.SECONDARY );
/*---------------- Right-click ----------------*/
* Right-clicks a given target.
public GuiTest rightClick( String query )
return click( query, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Node node )
return click( node, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Matcher matcher )
return click( matcher, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Scene scene )
return click( scene, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Window window )
return click( window, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Point2D point )
return click( point, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Bounds bounds )
return click( bounds, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( OffsetTarget target )
return click( target, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
public GuiTest rightClick( Iterable> iterable )
return click( iterable, MouseButton.SECONDARY );
/*---------------- Double-click ----------------*/
public GuiTest doubleClick()
return click().click().sleep( 50 );
* Double-clicks a given target.
* @param query
public GuiTest doubleClick( String query )
return click( query ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Node node )
return click( node ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Matcher matcher )
return click( matcher ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Scene scene )
return click( scene ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Window window )
return click( window ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Point2D point )
return click( point ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Bounds bounds )
return click( bounds ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( OffsetTarget target )
return click( target ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( Iterable> iterable )
return click( iterable ).click().sleep( 50 );
public GuiTest doubleClick( MouseButton button )
return click( button ).click().sleep( 50 );
/*---------------- ----------------*/
public GuiTest eraseCharacters( int characters )
for( int i = 0; i < characters; i++ )
type( KeyCode.BACK_SPACE );
return this;
public MouseMotion drag( Object source, MouseButton... buttons )
move( source );
press( buttons );
return new MouseMotion( this, buttons );
* Moves the mouse cursor to the given coordinates.
* @param x
* @param y
public GuiTest move( double x, double y )
controller.move( x, y );
return this;
public GuiTest move( Object target )
Point2D point = pointFor( target );
//Since moving takes time, only do it if we're not already at the desired point.
if( !MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().equals( point ) )
move( point.getX(), point.getY() );
//If the target has moved while we were moving the mouse, update to the new position:
point = pointFor( target );
controller.position( point.getX(), point.getY() );
return this;
* Moves the mouse cursor relatively to its current position.
* @param x
* @param y
public GuiTest moveBy( double x, double y )
Point2D mouse = controller.getMouse();
controller.move( mouse.getX() + x, mouse.getY() + y );
return this;
* Presses and holds a mouse button, until explicitly released.
* @param buttons defaults to the primary mouse button.
public GuiTest press( MouseButton... buttons )
if( buttons.length == 0 )
return press( MouseButton.PRIMARY );
for( MouseButton button : buttons )
if( pressedButtons.add( button ) )
{ button );
return this;
* Releases a pressed mouse button.
* @param buttons defaults to the primary mouse button.
public GuiTest release( MouseButton... buttons )
if( buttons.length == 0 )
for( MouseButton button : pressedButtons )
controller.release( button );
for( MouseButton button : buttons )
if( pressedButtons.remove( button ) )
controller.release( button );
return this;
/*---------------- Scroll ----------------*/
public GuiTest scroll( int amount )
for( int x = 0; x < Math.abs( amount ); x++ )
controller.scroll( Integer.signum( amount ) );
return this;
* Scrolls the mouse-wheel a given number of notches in a direction.
* @param amount the number of notches to scroll
* @param direction
* @return
public GuiTest scroll( int amount, VerticalDirection direction )
for( int x = 0; x < Math.abs( amount ); x++ )
controller.scroll( directionToInteger( direction ) );
return this;
* Scrolls the mouse-wheel one notch in the given direction.
* @param direction
* @return
public GuiTest scroll( VerticalDirection direction )
return scroll( 1, direction );
private int directionToInteger( VerticalDirection direction )
if( direction == VerticalDirection.UP )
return -1;
return 1;
/*---------------- Type ----------------*/
* Types the given text on the keyboard.
* Note: Typing depends on the operating system keyboard layout!
* @param text
public GuiTest type( String text )
for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
type( text.charAt( i ) );
Thread.sleep( 25 );
catch( InterruptedException e )
return this;
public GuiTest type( char character )
KeyCode keyCode = KeyCodeUtils.findKeyCode( character );
if( !Character.isUpperCase( character ) )
return type( keyCode );
KeyCode[] modifiers = new KeyCode[] { KeyCode.SHIFT };
press( modifiers );
type( keyCode );
return release( modifiers );
* Alias for type( ).
* @param keys
public GuiTest push( KeyCode... keys )
return type( keys );
* Alias for type().
* @param character
public GuiTest push( char character )
return type( character );
public GuiTest type( KeyCode... keys )
press( keys );
return release( keys );
* Presses and holds a given key, until explicitly released.
* @param keys
public GuiTest press( KeyCode... keys )
for( KeyCode key : keys )
if( pressedKeys.add( key ) )
{ key );
return this;
* Releases a given key.
* @param keys
public GuiTest release( KeyCode... keys )
if( keys.length == 0 )
for( KeyCode button : pressedKeys )
controller.release( button );
for( KeyCode key : keys )
if( pressedKeys.remove( key ) )
controller.release( key );
return this;
private Pos nodePosition = Pos.CENTER;
public GuiTest pos( Pos pos )
nodePosition = pos;
return this;
* Closes the front-most window using the Alt+F4 keyboard shortcut.
* @return
public GuiTest closeCurrentWindow()
this.push( KeyCode.ALT, KeyCode.F4 ).sleep( 100 );
return this;
private Point2D pointForBounds( Bounds bounds )
double x = 0;
switch( nodePosition.getHpos() )
case LEFT:
x = bounds.getMinX();
case CENTER:
x = ( bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getMaxX() ) / 2;
case RIGHT:
x = bounds.getMaxX();
double y = 0;
switch( nodePosition.getVpos() )
case TOP:
y = bounds.getMinY();
case CENTER:
y = ( bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getMaxY() ) / 2;
case BOTTOM:
y = bounds.getMaxY();
return new Point2D( x, y );
private static Bounds sceneBoundsToScreenBounds( Bounds sceneBounds, Scene scene )
Window window = targetWindow( scene.getWindow() );
return new BoundingBox( window.getX() + scene.getX() + sceneBounds.getMinX(), window.getY() + scene.getY()
+ sceneBounds.getMinY(), sceneBounds.getWidth(), sceneBounds.getHeight() );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public Point2D pointFor( Object target )
if( target instanceof Point2D )
return ( Point2D )target;
else if( target instanceof Bounds )
return pointForBounds( ( Bounds )target );
else if( target instanceof String )
return pointFor( find( ( String )target ) );
else if( target instanceof Node )
Node node = ( Node )target;
return pointFor( sceneBoundsToScreenBounds( node.localToScene( node.getBoundsInLocal() ), node.getScene() ) );
else if( target instanceof Scene )
Scene scene = ( Scene )target;
return pointFor( sceneBoundsToScreenBounds( new BoundingBox( 0, 0, scene.getWidth(), scene.getHeight() ),
scene ) );
else if( target instanceof Window )
Window window = targetWindow( ( Window )target );
return pointFor( new BoundingBox( window.getX(), window.getY(), window.getWidth(), window.getHeight() ) );
else if( target instanceof Matcher )
return pointFor( find( ( Matcher )target ) );
else if( target instanceof Iterable> )
return pointFor( Iterables.get( ( Iterable> )target, 0 ) );
else if( target instanceof OffsetTarget )
OffsetTarget offset = ( OffsetTarget )target;
Pos oldPos = nodePosition;
Point2D targetPoint = pos( Pos.TOP_LEFT ).pointFor( );
pos( oldPos );
return new Point2D( targetPoint.getX() + offset.offsetX, targetPoint.getY() + offset.offsetY );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to get coordinates for: " + target );
static class OffsetTarget
private final Object target;
private final double offsetX;
private final double offsetY;
private OffsetTarget( Object target, double offsetX, double offsetY )
{ = target;
this.offsetX = offsetX;
this.offsetY = offsetY;