org.locationtech.geomesa.kafka.confluent.ConfluentFeatureSerializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php.
package org.locationtech.geomesa.kafka.confluent
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.{CachedSchemaRegistryClient, SchemaRegistryClient}
import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.{KafkaAvroDeserializer, KafkaAvroSerializer}
import org.apache.avro.Schema.{Field, Type}
import org.apache.avro.generic.{GenericData, GenericRecord}
import org.apache.avro.{JsonProperties, Schema}
import org.geotools.api.feature.simple.{SimpleFeature, SimpleFeatureType}
import org.locationtech.geomesa.features.SerializationOption.SerializationOption
import org.locationtech.geomesa.features.{ScalaSimpleFeature, SimpleFeatureSerializer}
import org.locationtech.geomesa.kafka.confluent.ConfluentFeatureSerializer.ConfluentFeatureMapper
import org.locationtech.geomesa.kafka.data.KafkaDataStore
import org.locationtech.geomesa.security.SecurityUtils
import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.text.{DateParsing, WKBUtils, WKTUtils}
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
import java.io.{InputStream, OutputStream}
import java.net.URL
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.Date
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
class ConfluentFeatureSerializer(
sft: SimpleFeatureType,
schemaRegistryClient: SchemaRegistryClient,
schemaOverride: Option[Schema] = None,
val options: Set[SerializationOption] = Set.empty
) extends SimpleFeatureSerializer with LazyLogging {
private val schema = schemaOverride.getOrElse {
val schemaId =
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot create ConfluentFeatureSerializer because SimpleFeatureType " +
s"'${sft.getTypeName}' does not have schema id at key '${ConfluentMetadata.SchemaIdKey}'")
private val schemaValidationCheck = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private val serializers = new ThreadLocal[ConfluentFeatureMapper]() {
override def initialValue(): ConfluentFeatureMapper = {
val mapper = new ConfluentFeatureMapper(sft, schema, schemaRegistryClient)
if (schemaValidationCheck.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
val violations = mapper.checkSchemaViolations()
if (violations.nonEmpty) {
"The following required schema fields are not mapped to any feature type attributes, " +
s"and may cause errors during serialization: ${violations.mkString(", ")}")
override def deserialize(id: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): SimpleFeature =
serializers.get.read(id, bytes)
override def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]): SimpleFeature = deserialize("", bytes)
override def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): SimpleFeature =
deserialize("", bytes, offset, length)
override def deserialize(id: String, bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): SimpleFeature = {
val buf = if (offset == 0 && length == bytes.length) { bytes } else {
val buf = Array.ofDim[Byte](length)
System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, buf, 0, length)
deserialize(id, buf)
override def serialize(feature: SimpleFeature): Array[Byte] = serializers.get.write(feature)
override def serialize(feature: SimpleFeature, out: OutputStream): Unit = out.write(serialize(feature))
// implement the following if we need them
override def deserialize(in: InputStream): SimpleFeature = throw new NotImplementedError()
override def deserialize(id: String, in: InputStream): SimpleFeature =
throw new NotImplementedError()
object ConfluentFeatureSerializer {
import SchemaParser.{GeoMesaAvroDateFormat, GeoMesaAvroVisibilityField}
def builder(sft: SimpleFeatureType, schemaRegistryUrl: URL, schemaOverride: Option[Schema] = None): Builder =
new Builder(sft, schemaRegistryUrl, schemaOverride)
class Builder private[ConfluentFeatureSerializer](
sft: SimpleFeatureType,
schemaRegistryUrl: URL,
schemaOverride: Option[Schema] = None
) extends SimpleFeatureSerializer.Builder[Builder] {
override def build(): ConfluentFeatureSerializer = {
val client = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(schemaRegistryUrl.toExternalForm, 100)
new ConfluentFeatureSerializer(sft, client, schemaOverride, options.toSet)
* Mapping between Avro schema and SimpleFeatureType
* @param sftIndex index of the field in the sft
* @param schemaIndex index of the field in the avro schema
* @param default default value defined in the avro schema
* @param conversion convert from an avro value to a simple feature type attribute, and vice-versa
private case class FieldMapping(
sftIndex: Int,
schemaIndex: Int,
default: Option[AnyRef],
conversion: Option[FieldConverter]
* Converts between serialized Avro records and simple features
* @param sft simple feature type
* @param schema avro schema
* @param registry schema registry client
private class ConfluentFeatureMapper(sft: SimpleFeatureType, schema: Schema, registry: SchemaRegistryClient) {
private val topic = KafkaDataStore.topic(sft)
private val kafkaSerializer = new KafkaAvroSerializer(registry)
private val kafkaDeserializer = new KafkaAvroDeserializer(registry)
// feature type field index, schema field index and default value, any conversions necessary
private val fieldMappings = sft.getAttributeDescriptors.asScala.map { d =>
val field = schema.getField(d.getLocalName)
val conversion =
if (classOf[Geometry].isAssignableFrom(d.getType.getBinding)) {
lazy val union = field.schema.getTypes.asScala.map(_.getType).filter(_ != Schema.Type.NULL).toSet
field.schema.getType match {
case Schema.Type.STRING => Some(WktConverter)
case Schema.Type.BYTES => Some(WkbConverter)
case Schema.Type.UNION if union == Set(Schema.Type.STRING) => Some(WktConverter)
case Schema.Type.UNION if union == Set(Schema.Type.BYTES) => Some(WkbConverter)
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Found a geometry field with an invalid schema: $field")
} else if (classOf[Date].isAssignableFrom(d.getType.getBinding)) {
d.getUserData.get(GeoMesaAvroDateFormat.KEY) match {
case GeoMesaAvroDateFormat.ISO_DATE => Some(IsoDateConverter)
case GeoMesaAvroDateFormat.ISO_DATETIME => Some(IsoDateTimeConverter)
case GeoMesaAvroDateFormat.EPOCH_MILLIS => Some(EpochMillisConverter)
case null /* avro logical date type */ => Some(EpochMillisConverter)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Found a date field with no format defined:" +
s" ${d.getLocalName} ${d.getUserData.asScala.mkString(", ")}")
} else {
FieldMapping(sft.indexOf(d.getLocalName), field.pos(), defaultValue(field), conversion)
// visibility field index in the avro schema
private val visibilityField = schema.getFields.asScala.collectFirst {
case f if Option(f.getProp(GeoMesaAvroVisibilityField.KEY)).exists(_.toBoolean) => f.pos()
// avro fields with default values that aren't part of the feature type
private val defaultFields = schema.getFields.asScala.flatMap(f => defaultValue(f).map(v => f.pos() -> v)).filter {
case (pos, _) => !fieldMappings.exists(_.schemaIndex == pos) && !visibilityField.contains(pos)
* Checks for required fields in the avro schema that are not part of the feature type
* (i.e. will never be written)
* @return list of fields that will cause schema validation errors during serialization
def checkSchemaViolations(): Seq[String] = {
val mappedPositions = fieldMappings.map(_.schemaIndex) ++ visibilityField.toSeq
schema.getFields.asScala.collect {
case f if requiredField(f) && !mappedPositions.contains(f.pos()) => f.name()
* Serialize a feature as Avro
* @param feature feature to serialize
* @return
def write(feature: SimpleFeature): Array[Byte] = {
val record = new GenericData.Record(schema)
defaultFields.foreach { case (i, v) => record.put(i, v) }
visibilityField.foreach { pos => record.put(pos, SecurityUtils.getVisibility(feature)) }
fieldMappings.foreach { m =>
try {
feature.getAttribute(m.sftIndex) match {
case null => m.default.foreach(d => record.put(m.schemaIndex, d))
case v => record.put(m.schemaIndex, m.conversion.fold(v)(_.featureToRecord(v)))
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
val d = sft.getDescriptor(m.sftIndex)
val v = Try(feature.getAttribute(m.sftIndex))
val s = schema.getField(d.getLocalName).schema()
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Cannot serialize field '${d.getLocalName}' with try-value '$v' into schema '$s':", e)
kafkaSerializer.serialize(topic, record)
* Deserialize an Avro record into a feature
* @param id feature id
* @param bytes serialized avro bytes
* @return
def read(id: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): SimpleFeature = {
val record = kafkaDeserializer.deserialize(topic, bytes).asInstanceOf[GenericRecord]
val attributes = fieldMappings.map { m =>
try {
val v = record.get(m.schemaIndex)
m.conversion match {
case None => v
case Some(c) => c.recordToFeature(v)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
val d = sft.getDescriptor(m.sftIndex)
throw new RuntimeException(
s"Cannot deserialize field '${d.getLocalName}' into a '${d.getType.getBinding.getName}':", e)
val feature = ScalaSimpleFeature.create(sft, id, attributes.toSeq: _*)
// set the feature visibility if it exists
visibilityField.foreach { field =>
val vis = record.get(field)
if (vis != null) {
SecurityUtils.setFeatureVisibility(feature, vis.toString)
// filter out JNull - bug in kafka avro deserialization https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-1954
private def defaultValue(f: Field): Option[AnyRef] =
private def requiredField(f: Field): Boolean = {
defaultValue(f).isEmpty && {
f.schema().getType match {
case Type.NULL => false
case Type.UNION => !f.schema().getTypes.contains(Type.NULL)
case _ => true
* Converts between avro and feature attribute values
private sealed trait FieldConverter {
def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef
def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef
* Converts WKT text fields
private case object WktConverter extends FieldConverter {
override def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
// note: value is an org.apache.avro.util.Utf8
if (value == null) { null } else { WKTUtils.read(value.toString) }
override def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef =
if (value == null) { null } else { WKTUtils.write(value.asInstanceOf[Geometry]) }
* Converts WKB bytes fields
private case object WkbConverter extends FieldConverter {
override def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef =
if (value == null) { null } else { WKBUtils.read(unwrap(value.asInstanceOf[ByteBuffer])) }
override def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef =
if (value == null) { null } else { ByteBuffer.wrap(WKBUtils.write(value.asInstanceOf[Geometry])) }
private def unwrap(buf: ByteBuffer): Array[Byte] = {
if (buf.hasArray && buf.arrayOffset() == 0 && buf.limit() == buf.array().length) {
} else {
val array = Array.ofDim[Byte](buf.limit())
* Converts ISO_DATE formatted string fields
private case object IsoDateConverter extends FieldConverter {
override def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
if (value == null) { null } else {
// note: value is an org.apache.avro.util.Utf8
DateParsing.parseDate(value.toString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)
override def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
if (value == null) { null } else {
DateParsing.formatDate(value.asInstanceOf[Date], DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)
* Converts ISO_DATE_TIME formatted string fields
private case object IsoDateTimeConverter extends FieldConverter {
override def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
if (value == null) { null } else {
// note: value is an org.apache.avro.util.Utf8
DateParsing.parseDate(value.toString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)
override def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef = {
if (value == null) { null } else {
DateParsing.formatDate(value.asInstanceOf[Date], DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)
* Converts milliseconds since epoch long fields
private case object EpochMillisConverter extends FieldConverter {
override def recordToFeature(value: AnyRef): AnyRef =
if (value == null) { null } else { new Date(value.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long]) }
override def featureToRecord(value: AnyRef): AnyRef =
if (value == null) { null } else { Long.box(value.asInstanceOf[Date].getTime) }
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