org.locationtech.proj4j.proj.ObliqueMercatorProjection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2006, 2017 Jerry Huxtable, Martin Davis
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This file was semi-automatically converted from the public-domain USGS PROJ source.
package org.locationtech.proj4j.proj;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.locationtech.proj4j.ProjCoordinate;
import org.locationtech.proj4j.ProjectionException;
import org.locationtech.proj4j.datum.Ellipsoid;
import org.locationtech.proj4j.util.ProjectionMath;
* Oblique Mercator Projection algorithm is taken from the USGS PROJ package.
public class ObliqueMercatorProjection extends CylindricalProjection {
private final static double TOL = 1.0e-7;
private double lamc, lam1, phi1, lam2, phi2, Gamma, al, bl, el, singam, cosgam, sinrot, cosrot, u_0;
private boolean ellips, rot, no_uoff;
public ObliqueMercatorProjection() {
ellipsoid = Ellipsoid.WGS84;
projectionLatitude = Math.toRadians(0);
projectionLongitude = Math.toRadians(0);
minLongitude = Math.toRadians(-60);
maxLongitude = Math.toRadians(60);
minLatitude = Math.toRadians(-80);
maxLatitude = Math.toRadians(80);
alpha = Math.toRadians(-45);//FIXME
* Set up a projection suitable for State Plane Coordinates.
public ObliqueMercatorProjection(Ellipsoid ellipsoid, double lon_0, double lat_0, double alpha, double k, double x_0, double y_0) {
lamc = lon_0;
projectionLatitude = lat_0;
this.alpha = alpha;
scaleFactor = k;
falseEasting = x_0;
falseNorthing = y_0;
public void initialize() {
double con, com, cosphi0, d, f, h, l, sinphi0, p, j, gamma0;
//FIXME-setup rot, alpha, longc,lon/lat1/2
rot = true;
lamc = lonc;
// true if alpha provided
int azi = Double.isNaN(alpha) ? 0 : 1;
// true if gamma provided
int gzi = Double.isNaN(Gamma) ? 0 : 1;
if (azi != 0) { // alpha specified
if (Math.abs(alpha) <= TOL ||
Math.abs(Math.abs(projectionLatitude) - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= TOL ||
Math.abs(Math.abs(alpha) - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= TOL)
throw new ProjectionException("Obl 1");
} else {
if (Math.abs(phi1 - phi2) <= TOL ||
(con = Math.abs(phi1)) <= TOL ||
Math.abs(con - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= TOL ||
Math.abs(Math.abs(projectionLatitude) - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= TOL ||
Math.abs(Math.abs(phi2) - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= TOL) throw new ProjectionException("Obl 2");
com = (spherical = es == 0.) ? 1 : Math.sqrt(one_es);
if (Math.abs(projectionLatitude) > EPS10) {
sinphi0 = Math.sin(projectionLatitude);
cosphi0 = Math.cos(projectionLatitude);
if (!spherical) {
con = 1. - es * sinphi0 * sinphi0;
bl = cosphi0 * cosphi0;
bl = Math.sqrt(1. + es * bl * bl / one_es);
al = bl * scaleFactor * com / con;
d = bl * com / (cosphi0 * Math.sqrt(con));
} else {
bl = 1.;
al = scaleFactor;
d = 1. / cosphi0;
if ((f = d * d - 1.) <= 0.)
f = 0.;
else {
f = Math.sqrt(f);
if (projectionLatitude < 0.)
f = -f;
el = f += d;
if (!spherical)
el *= Math.pow(ProjectionMath.tsfn(projectionLatitude, sinphi0, e), bl);
el *= Math.tan(.5 * (ProjectionMath.HALFPI - projectionLatitude));
} else {
bl = 1. / com;
al = scaleFactor;
el = d = f = 1.;
if (azi != 0 || gzi != 0) {
if (azi != 0) {
gamma0 = Math.asin(Math.sin(alpha) / d);
if(gzi == 0) {
Gamma = alpha;
}else {
gamma0 = Gamma;
alpha = Math.asin(d * Math.sin(gamma0));
projectionLongitude = lamc - Math.asin((.5 * (f - 1. / f)) *
Math.tan(gamma0)) / bl;
} else {
if (!spherical) {
h = Math.pow(ProjectionMath.tsfn(phi1, Math.sin(phi1), e), bl);
l = Math.pow(ProjectionMath.tsfn(phi2, Math.sin(phi2), e), bl);
} else {
h = Math.tan(.5 * (ProjectionMath.HALFPI - phi1));
l = Math.tan(.5 * (ProjectionMath.HALFPI - phi2));
f = el / h;
p = (l - h) / (l + h);
j = el * el;
j = (j - l * h) / (j + l * h);
if ((con = lam1 - lam2) < -Math.PI)
lam2 -= ProjectionMath.TWOPI;
else if (con > Math.PI)
lam2 += ProjectionMath.TWOPI;
projectionLongitude = ProjectionMath.normalizeLongitude(.5 * (lam1 + lam2) - Math.atan(
j * Math.tan(.5 * bl * (lam1 - lam2)) / p) / bl);
gamma0 = Math.atan(2. * Math.sin(bl * ProjectionMath.normalizeLongitude(lam1 - projectionLongitude)) /
(f - 1. / f));
Gamma = Math.asin(d * Math.sin(gamma0));
alpha = Gamma;
singam = Math.sin(gamma0);
cosgam = Math.cos(gamma0);
sinrot = Math.sin(Gamma);
cosrot = Math.cos(Gamma);
u_0 = no_uoff ? 0. :
Math.abs(al * Math.atan(Math.sqrt(d * d - 1.) / cosrot) / bl);
if (projectionLatitude < 0.)
u_0 = - u_0;
@Override public void setGamma(double gamma) {
this.Gamma = gamma;
@Override public void setNoUoff(boolean no_uoff) {
this.no_uoff = no_uoff;
public ProjCoordinate project(double lam, double phi, ProjCoordinate xy) {
double con, q, s, ul, us, vl, vs;
vl = Math.sin(bl * lam);
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(phi) - ProjectionMath.HALFPI) <= EPS10) {
ul = phi < 0. ? -singam : singam;
us = al * phi / bl;
} else {
q = el / (!spherical ? Math.pow(ProjectionMath.tsfn(phi, Math.sin(phi), e), bl)
: Math.tan(.5 * (ProjectionMath.HALFPI - phi)));
s = .5 * (q - 1. / q);
ul = 2. * (s * singam - vl * cosgam) / (q + 1. / q);
con = Math.cos(bl * lam);
if (Math.abs(con) >= TOL) {
us = al * Math.atan((s * cosgam + vl * singam) / con) / bl;
if (con < 0.)
us += Math.PI * al / bl;
} else
us = al * bl * lam;
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(ul) - 1.) <= EPS10) throw new ProjectionException("Obl 3");
vs = .5 * al * Math.log((1. - ul) / (1. + ul)) / bl;
us -= u_0;
if (!rot) {
xy.x = us;
xy.y = vs;
} else {
xy.x = vs * cosrot + us * sinrot;
xy.y = us * cosrot - vs * sinrot;
return xy;
public ProjCoordinate projectInverse(double x, double y, ProjCoordinate lp) {
double q, s, ul, us, vl, vs;
if (! rot) {
us = x;
vs = y;
} else {
vs = x * cosrot - y * sinrot;
us = y * cosrot + x * sinrot;
us += u_0;
q = Math.exp(- bl * vs / al);
s = .5 * (q - 1. / q);
vl = Math.sin(bl * us / al);
ul = 2. * (vl * cosgam + s * singam) / (q + 1. / q);
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(ul) - 1.) < EPS10) {
lp.x = 0.;
lp.y = ul < 0. ? -ProjectionMath.HALFPI : ProjectionMath.HALFPI;
} else {
lp.y = el / Math.sqrt((1. + ul) / (1. - ul));
if (!spherical) {
lp.y = ProjectionMath.phi2(Math.pow(lp.y, 1. / bl), e);
} else
lp.y = ProjectionMath.HALFPI - 2. * Math.atan(lp.y);
lp.x = - Math.atan2((s * cosgam -
vl * singam), Math.cos(bl * us / al)) / bl;
return lp;
public boolean hasInverse() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return "Oblique Mercator";
public boolean equals(Object that) {
if (this == that) {
return true;
if (that instanceof ObliqueMercatorProjection) {
ObliqueMercatorProjection p = (ObliqueMercatorProjection) that;
return (
Gamma == p.Gamma &&
alpha == p.alpha &&
lonc == p.lonc &&
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(Gamma, alpha, lonc, super.hashCode());
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