Download org.logicng JAR files with all dependencies
ecj from group org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps (version 4.5)
This is Eclipse JDT Core Batch Compiler used by Scout SDK
mule-tests-infrastructure from group org.mule.tests (version 3.7.0)
Tests infrastructure library for creating mule automated test cases.
netbeans-deploy-plugin from group org.codehaus.mevenide (version 1.2.4)
Maven plugin for deployment within NetBeans IDE
cloudstack-ec2 from group org.jclouds.labs (version 1.6.0-alpha.4)
EC2 implementation based on CloudStack
custom-report-maven-plugin from group org.jcoffee (version 0.2)
Adds reports generated by third-party tools to "Project Reports" section of maven site
spring-integration-ftp from group org.springframework.integration (version 4.3.0.RELEASE)
Spring Integration FTP Support
Group: org.springframework.integration Artifact: spring-integration-ftp
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Show documentation Show source
camel-xmlrpc from group org.apache.camel (version 2.17.3)
Camel XML RPC support
storage-parameters from group (version 5.5.0)
This is an extension to the Source API, providing support for parsing parameter strings with various delimiters.
spring-integration-websocket from group org.springframework.integration (version 4.3.4.RELEASE)
Spring Integration WebSockets Support
Group: org.springframework.integration Artifact: spring-integration-websocket
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Show documentation Show source
org.tinygroup.weixinhttp from group org.tinygroup (version 3.0.0)
shufflejs from group org.webjars.bower (version 3.1.1)
WebJar for shufflejs
ikasan-connector-ftp-classes from group org.ikasan (version 1.2.4)
angular-data-table from group org.webjars.bower (version 0.4.15)
WebJar for angular-data-table
http4s-core_2.10 from group org.http4s (version 0.14.4a)
Core http4s library for servers and clients
sakai-comp-shared-help from group org.sakaiproject (version 10.7)
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