org.lwjgl.system.linux.X11 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
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package org.lwjgl.system.linux;
import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
/** Native bindings to libX11. */
public class X11 {
private static final SharedLibrary X11 = Library.loadNative(X11.class, "org.lwjgl", null, "", "");
/** Contains the function pointers loaded from the X11 {@link SharedLibrary}. */
public static final class Functions {
private Functions() {}
/** Function address. */
public static final long
XOpenDisplay = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XOpenDisplay"),
XCloseDisplay = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XCloseDisplay"),
XDefaultScreen = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XDefaultScreen"),
XRootWindow = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XRootWindow"),
XCreateColormap = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XCreateColormap"),
XFreeColormap = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XFreeColormap"),
XCreateWindow = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XCreateWindow"),
XDestroyWindow = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XDestroyWindow"),
XFree = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XFree"),
XSendEvent = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XSendEvent"),
XDisplayMotionBufferSize = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XDisplayMotionBufferSize"),
XGetMotionEvents = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XGetMotionEvents"),
XTranslateCoordinates = apiGetFunctionAddress(X11, "XTranslateCoordinates");
/** Returns the X11 {@link SharedLibrary}. */
public static SharedLibrary getLibrary() {
return X11;
/** Boolean values */
public static final int
True = 1,
False = 0;
public static final int
None = 0,
ParentRelative = 1,
CopyFromParent = 0,
PointerWindow = 0,
InputFocus = 1,
PointerRoot = 1,
AnyPropertyType = 0,
AnyKey = 0,
AnyButton = 0,
AllTemporary = 0,
CurrentTime = 0,
NoSymbol = 0;
public static final int
Success = 0,
BadRequest = 1,
BadValue = 2,
BadWindow = 3,
BadPixmap = 4,
BadAtom = 5,
BadCursor = 6,
BadFont = 7,
BadMatch = 8,
BadDrawable = 9,
BadAccess = 10,
BadAlloc = 11,
BadColor = 12,
BadGC = 13,
BadIDChoice = 14,
BadName = 15,
BadLength = 16,
BadImplementation = 17,
FirstExtensionError = 128,
LastExtensionError = 255;
/** Window attributes for CreateWindow and ChangeWindowAttributes */
public static final int
CWBackPixmap = 1 << 0,
CWBackPixel = 1 << 1,
CWBorderPixmap = 1 << 2,
CWBorderPixel = 1 << 3,
CWBitGravity = 1 << 4,
CWWinGravity = 1 << 5,
CWBackingStore = 1 << 6,
CWBackingPlanes = 1 << 7,
CWBackingPixel = 1 << 8,
CWOverrideRedirect = 1 << 9,
CWSaveUnder = 1 << 10,
CWEventMask = 1 << 11,
CWDontPropagate = 1 << 12,
CWColormap = 1 << 13,
CWCursor = 1 << 14;
/** Input Event Masks. Used as event-mask window attribute and as arguments to Grab requests. Not to be confused with event names. */
public static final int
NoEventMask = 0,
KeyPressMask = 1 << 0,
KeyReleaseMask = 1 << 1,
ButtonPressMask = 1 << 2,
ButtonReleaseMask = 1 << 3,
EnterWindowMask = 1 << 4,
LeaveWindowMask = 1 << 5,
PointerMotionMask = 1 << 6,
PointerMotionHintMask = 1 << 7,
Button1MotionMask = 1 << 8,
Button2MotionMask = 1 << 9,
Button3MotionMask = 1 << 10,
Button4MotionMask = 1 << 11,
Button5MotionMask = 1 << 12,
ButtonMotionMask = 1 << 13,
KeymapStateMask = 1 << 14,
ExposureMask = 1 << 15,
VisibilityChangeMask = 1 << 16,
StructureNotifyMask = 1 << 17,
ResizeRedirectMask = 1 << 18,
SubstructureNotifyMask = 1 << 19,
SubstructureRedirectMask = 1 << 20,
FocusChangeMask = 1 << 21,
PropertyChangeMask = 1 << 22,
ColormapChangeMask = 1 << 23,
OwnerGrabButtonMask = 1 << 24;
* Event names. Used in "type" field in {@code XEvent} structures. Not to be confused with event masks above. They start from 2 because 0 and 1 are reserved in
* the protocol for errors and replies.
public static final int
KeyPress = 2,
KeyRelease = 3,
ButtonPress = 4,
ButtonRelease = 5,
MotionNotify = 6,
EnterNotify = 7,
LeaveNotify = 8,
FocusIn = 9,
FocusOut = 10,
KeymapNotify = 11,
Expose = 12,
GraphicsExpose = 13,
NoExpose = 14,
VisibilityNotify = 15,
CreateNotify = 16,
DestroyNotify = 17,
UnmapNotify = 18,
MapNotify = 19,
MapRequest = 20,
ReparentNotify = 21,
ConfigureNotify = 22,
ConfigureRequest = 23,
GravityNotify = 24,
ResizeRequest = 25,
CirculateNotify = 26,
CirculateRequest = 27,
PropertyNotify = 28,
SelectionClear = 29,
SelectionRequest = 30,
SelectionNotify = 31,
ColormapNotify = 32,
ClientMessage = 33,
MappingNotify = 34,
GenericEvent = 35,
LASTEvent = 36;
/** Key masks. Used as modifiers to GrabButton and GrabKey, results of QueryPointer, state in various key-, mouse-, and button-related events. */
public static final int
ShiftMask = 1<<0,
LockMask = 1<<1,
ControlMask = 1<<2,
Mod1Mask = 1<<3,
Mod2Mask = 1<<4,
Mod3Mask = 1<<5,
Mod4Mask = 1<<6,
Mod5Mask = 1<<7;
/** modifier names. Used to build a SetModifierMapping request or to read a GetModifierMapping request. These correspond to the masks defined above. */
public static final int
ShiftMapIndex = 0,
LockMapIndex = 1,
ControlMapIndex = 2,
Mod1MapIndex = 3,
Mod2MapIndex = 4,
Mod3MapIndex = 5,
Mod4MapIndex = 6,
Mod5MapIndex = 7;
/** button masks. Used in same manner as Key masks above. Not to be confused with button names below. */
public static final int
Button1Mask = 1<<8,
Button2Mask = 1<<9,
Button3Mask = 1<<10,
Button4Mask = 1<<11,
Button5Mask = 1<<12,
AnyModifier = 1<<15;
* button names. Used as arguments to GrabButton and as detail in ButtonPress and ButtonRelease events. Not to be confused with button masks above. Note
* that 0 is already defined above as "AnyButton".
public static final int
Button1 = 1,
Button2 = 2,
Button3 = 3,
Button4 = 4,
Button5 = 5;
/** Notify modes */
public static final int
NotifyNormal = 0,
NotifyGrab = 1,
NotifyUngrab = 2,
NotifyWhileGrabbed = 3,
NotifyHint = 1;
/** Notify detail */
public static final int
NotifyAncestor = 0,
NotifyVirtual = 1,
NotifyInferior = 2,
NotifyNonlinear = 3,
NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4,
NotifyPointer = 5,
NotifyPointerRoot = 6,
NotifyDetailNone = 7;
/** Visibility notify */
public static final int
VisibilityUnobscured = 0,
VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1,
VisibilityFullyObscured = 2;
/** Circulation request */
public static final int
PlaceOnTop = 0,
PlaceOnBottom = 1;
/** Property notification */
public static final int
PropertyNewValue = 0,
PropertyDelete = 1;
/** Color Map notification */
public static final int
ColormapUninstalled = 0,
ColormapInstalled = 1;
/** GrabPointer, GrabButton, GrabKeyboard, GrabKey Modes */
public static final int
GrabModeSync = 0,
GrabModeAsync = 1;
/** GrabPointer, GrabKeyboard reply status */
public static final int
GrabSuccess = 0,
AlreadyGrabbed = 1,
GrabInvalidTime = 2,
GrabNotViewable = 3,
GrabFrozen = 4;
/** AllowEvents modes */
public static final int
AsyncPointer = 0,
SyncPointer = 1,
ReplayPointer = 2,
AsyncKeyboard = 3,
SyncKeyboard = 4,
ReplayKeyboard = 5,
AsyncBoth = 6,
SyncBoth = 7;
/** For {@link #XCreateColormap}. */
public static final int
AllocNone = 0,
AllocAll = 1;
/** Used in XSetInputFocus(), XGetInputFocus(). */
public static final int
RevertToNone = None,
RevertToPointerRoot = PointerRoot,
RevertToParent = 2;
/** Window classes used by {@link #XCreateWindow}. */
public static final int
InputOutput = 1,
InputOnly = 2;
public static final int
DontPreferBlanking = 0,
PreferBlanking = 1,
DefaultBlanking = 2,
DisableScreenSaver = 0,
DisableScreenInterval = 0,
DontAllowExposures = 0,
AllowExposures = 1,
DefaultExposures = 2,
ScreenSaverReset = 0,
ScreenSaverActive = 1;
/** Property modes */
public static final int
PropModeReplace = 0,
PropModePrepend = 1,
PropModeAppend = 2;
/** graphics functions, as in GC.alu */
public static final int
GXclear = 0x0,
GXand = 0x1,
GXandReverse = 0x2,
GXcopy = 0x3,
GXandInverted = 0x4,
GXnoop = 0x5,
GXxor = 0x6,
GXor = 0x7,
GXnor = 0x8,
GXequiv = 0x9,
GXinvert = 0xA,
GXorReverse = 0xB,
GXcopyInverted = 0xC,
GXorInverted = 0xD,
GXnand = 0xE,
GXset = 0xF;
/** LineStyle */
public static final int
LineSolid = 0,
LineOnOffDash = 1,
LineDoubleDash = 2;
/** capStyle */
public static final int
CapNotLast = 0,
CapButt = 1,
CapRound = 2,
CapProjecting = 3;
/** joinStyle */
public static final int
JoinMiter = 0,
JoinRound = 1,
JoinBevel = 2;
/** fillStyle */
public static final int
FillSolid = 0,
FillTiled = 1,
FillStippled = 2,
FillOpaqueStippled = 3;
/** fillRule */
public static final int
EvenOddRule = 0,
WindingRule = 1;
/** subwindow mode */
public static final int
ClipByChildren = 0,
IncludeInferiors = 1;
/** SetClipRectangles ordering */
public static final int
Unsorted = 0,
YSorted = 1,
YXSorted = 2,
YXBanded = 3;
/** CoordinateMode for drawing routines */
public static final int
CoordModeOrigin = 0,
CoordModePrevious = 1;
/** Polygon shapes */
public static final int
Complex = 0,
Nonconvex = 1,
Convex = 2;
/** Arc modes for PolyFillArc */
public static final int
ArcChord = 0,
ArcPieSlice = 1;
/** GC components: masks used in CreateGC, CopyGC, ChangeGC, OR'ed into GC.stateChanges */
public static final int
GCFunction = 1<<0,
GCPlaneMask = 1<<1,
GCForeground = 1<<2,
GCBackground = 1<<3,
GCLineWidth = 1<<4,
GCLineStyle = 1<<5,
GCCapStyle = 1<<6,
GCJoinStyle = 1<<7,
GCFillStyle = 1<<8,
GCFillRule = 1<<9,
GCTile = 1<<10,
GCStipple = 1<<11,
GCTileStipXOrigin = 1<<12,
GCTileStipYOrigin = 1<<13,
GCFont = 1<<14,
GCSubwindowMode = 1<<15,
GCGraphicsExposures = 1<<16,
GCClipXOrigin = 1<<17,
GCClipYOrigin = 1<<18,
GCClipMask = 1<<19,
GCDashOffset = 1<<20,
GCDashList = 1<<21,
GCArcMode = 1<<22,
GCLastBit = 22;
public static final int
Above = 0,
Below = 1,
TopIf = 2,
BottomIf = 3,
Opposite = 4;
public static final int
MappingModifier = 0,
MappingKeyboard = 1,
MappingPointer = 2;
protected X11() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ XOpenDisplay ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XOpenDisplay} */
public static long nXOpenDisplay(long display_name) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XOpenDisplay;
return invokePP(display_name, __functionAddress);
* Returns a Display structure that serves as the connection to the X server and that contains all the information about that X server. {@code XOpenDisplay}
* connects your application to the X server through TCP or DECnet communications protocols, or through some local inter-process communication protocol.
* If the hostname is a host machine name and a single colon (:) separates the hostname and display number, {@code XOpenDisplay} connects using TCP streams.
* If the hostname is not specified, Xlib uses whatever it believes is the fastest transport. If the hostname is a host machine name and a double colon
* (::) separates the hostname and display number, {@code XOpenDisplay} connects using DECnet. A single X server can support any or all of these transport
* mechanisms simultaneously. A particular Xlib implementation can support many more of these transport mechanisms.
* @param display_name the hardware display name, which determines the display and communications domain to be used. On a POSIX-conformant system, if the
* {@code display_name} is {@code NULL}, it defaults to the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.
@NativeType("Display *")
public static long XOpenDisplay(@Nullable @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer display_name) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nXOpenDisplay(memAddressSafe(display_name));
* Returns a Display structure that serves as the connection to the X server and that contains all the information about that X server. {@code XOpenDisplay}
* connects your application to the X server through TCP or DECnet communications protocols, or through some local inter-process communication protocol.
* If the hostname is a host machine name and a single colon (:) separates the hostname and display number, {@code XOpenDisplay} connects using TCP streams.
* If the hostname is not specified, Xlib uses whatever it believes is the fastest transport. If the hostname is a host machine name and a double colon
* (::) separates the hostname and display number, {@code XOpenDisplay} connects using DECnet. A single X server can support any or all of these transport
* mechanisms simultaneously. A particular Xlib implementation can support many more of these transport mechanisms.
* @param display_name the hardware display name, which determines the display and communications domain to be used. On a POSIX-conformant system, if the
* {@code display_name} is {@code NULL}, it defaults to the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.
@NativeType("Display *")
public static long XOpenDisplay(@Nullable @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence display_name) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCIISafe(display_name, true);
long display_nameEncoded = display_name == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress();
return nXOpenDisplay(display_nameEncoded);
} finally {
// --- [ XCloseDisplay ] ---
* Closes the connection to the X server for the display specified in the {@code Display} structure and destroys all windows, resource IDs (Window, Font,
* Pixmap, Colormap, Cursor, and GContext), or other resources that the client has created on this display, unless the close-down mode of the resource has
* been changed (see {@code XSetCloseDownMode()}). Therefore, these windows, resource IDs, and other resources should never be referenced again or an error will
* be generated. Before exiting, you should call {@code XCloseDisplay()} explicitly so that any pending errors are reported as {@code XCloseDisplay()}
* performs a final {@code XSync()} operation.
* @param display the connection to the X server
public static void XCloseDisplay(@NativeType("Display *") long display) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XCloseDisplay;
if (CHECKS) {
invokePV(display, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XDefaultScreen ] ---
* Returns a pointer to the default screen.
* @param display the connection to the X server
public static int XDefaultScreen(@NativeType("Display *") long display) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XDefaultScreen;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePI(display, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XRootWindow ] ---
* Returns the root window of the specified screen.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param screen_number the appropriate screen number on the host server
public static long XRootWindow(@NativeType("Display *") long display, int screen_number) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XRootWindow;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePN(display, screen_number, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XCreateColormap ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XCreateColormap} */
public static long nXCreateColormap(long display, long w, long visual, int alloc) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XCreateColormap;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNPN(display, w, visual, alloc, __functionAddress);
* Creates a colormap of the specified visual type for the screen on which the specified window resides and returns the colormap ID associated with it.
* Note that the specified window is only used to determine the screen.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param w the window
* @param visual a visual type supported on the screen. If the visual type is not one supported by the screen, a {@code BadMatch} error results.
* @param alloc the colormap entries to be allocated. You can pass AllocNone or AllocAll.
public static long XCreateColormap(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long w, @NativeType("Visual *") Visual visual, int alloc) {
return nXCreateColormap(display, w, visual.address(), alloc);
// --- [ XFreeColormap ] ---
* Deletes the association between the {@code colormap} resource ID and the {@code colormap} and frees the {@code colormap} storage. However, this function
* has no effect on the default colormap for a screen. If the specified {@code colormap} is an installed map for a screen, it is uninstalled. If the
* specified {@code colormap} is defined as the {@code colormap} for a window, {@code XFreeColormap()} changes the colormap associated with the window to
* {@link #None} and generates a {@code ColormapNotify} event. X does not define the colors displayed for a window with a colormap of {@link #None}.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param colormap the colormap to destroy
public static int XFreeColormap(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Colormap") long colormap) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XFreeColormap;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNI(display, colormap, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XCreateWindow ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XCreateWindow} */
public static long nXCreateWindow(long display, long parent, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border_width, int depth, int windowClass, long visual, long valuemask, long attributes) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XCreateWindow;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNPNPN(display, parent, x, y, width, height, border_width, depth, windowClass, visual, valuemask, attributes, __functionAddress);
* Creates an unmapped subwindow for a specified parent window, returns the window ID of the created window, and causes the X server to generate a
* {@code CreateNotify }event. The created window is placed on top in the stacking order with respect to siblings.
* The coordinate system has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis vertical with the origin [0, 0] at the upper-left corner. Coordinates are integral, in
* terms of pixels, and coincide with pixel centers. Each window and pixmap has its own coordinate system. For a window, the origin is inside the border at
* the inside, upper-left corner.
* The x and y coordinates are the top-left outside corner of the window's borders and are relative to the inside of the parent window's borders.
* The width and height are the created window's inside dimensions and do not include the created window's borders.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param parent the parent window
* @param x the window x-coordinate
* @param y the window y-coordinate
* @param width the window width
* @param height the window height
* @param border_width the border width
* @param depth the window's depth. A depth of {@link #CopyFromParent} means the depth is taken from the parent.
* @param windowClass the created window's class. One of:
{@link #InputOutput} {@link #InputOnly} {@link #CopyFromParent}
* @param visual the visual type. A visual of {@link #CopyFromParent} means the visual type is taken from the parent.
* @param valuemask which window attributes are defined in the attributes argument. This mask is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid attribute mask bits. If
* {@code valuemask} is zero, the attributes are ignored and are not referenced.
* @param attributes the structure from which the values (as specified by the value mask) are to be taken
public static long XCreateWindow(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long parent, int x, int y, @NativeType("unsigned int") int width, @NativeType("unsigned int") int height, @NativeType("unsigned int") int border_width, int depth, @NativeType("unsigned int") int windowClass, @NativeType("Visual *") Visual visual, @NativeType("unsigned long") long valuemask, @NativeType("XSetWindowAttributes *") XSetWindowAttributes attributes) {
return nXCreateWindow(display, parent, x, y, width, height, border_width, depth, windowClass, visual.address(), valuemask, attributes.address());
// --- [ XDestroyWindow ] ---
* Destroys the specified window as well as all of its subwindows and causes the X server to generate a {@code DestroyNotify} event for each window. The
* window should never be referenced again. If the window specified by the {@code w} argument is mapped, it is unmapped automatically. The ordering of the
* {@code DestroyNotify} events is such that for any given window being destroyed, {@code DestroyNotify} is generated on any inferiors of the window before
* being generated on the window itself. The ordering among siblings and across subhierarchies is not otherwise constrained. If the window you specified is
* a root window, no windows are destroyed. Destroying a mapped window will generate {@code Expose} events on other windows that were obscured by the
* window being destroyed.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param w the window
public static int XDestroyWindow(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long w) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XDestroyWindow;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNI(display, w, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XFree ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XFree} */
public static int nXFree(long data) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XFree;
return invokePI(data, __functionAddress);
* Free in-memory data that was created by an Xlib function.
* @param data the data that is to be freed
public static int XFree(@NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer data) {
return nXFree(memAddress(data));
* Free in-memory data that was created by an Xlib function.
* @param data the data that is to be freed
public static int XFree(@NativeType("void *") PointerBuffer data) {
return nXFree(memAddress(data));
// --- [ XSendEvent ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XSendEvent} */
public static int nXSendEvent(long display, long w, int propagate, long event_mask, long event_send) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XSendEvent;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNNPI(display, w, propagate, event_mask, event_send, __functionAddress);
* The {@code XSendEvent} function identifies the destination window, determines which clients should receive the specified events, and ignores any active
* grabs. This function requires you to pass an event mask. This function uses the {@code w} argument to identify the destination window as follows:
* - If {@code w} is {@code PointerWindow}, the destination window is the window that contains the pointer.
* - If {@code w} is {@code InputFocus} and if the focus window contains the pointer, the destination window is the window that contains the pointer;
* otherwise, the destination window is the focus window.
* To determine which clients should receive the specified events, {@code XSendEvent} uses the propagate argument as follows:
* - If {@code event_mask} is the empty set, the event is sent to the client that created the destination window. If that client no longer exists, no
* event is sent.
* - If {@code propagate} is {@link #False}, the event is sent to every client selecting on destination any of the event types in the {@code event_mask}
* argument.
* - If {@code propagate} is {@link #True} and no clients have selected on destination any of the event types in event-mask, the destination is replaced with
* the closest ancestor of destination for which some client has selected a type in event-mask and for which no intervening window has that type in
* its do-not-propagate-mask. If no such window exists or if the window is an ancestor of the focus window and {@link #InputFocus} was originally specified as
* the destination, the event is not sent to any clients. Otherwise, the event is reported to every client selecting on the final destination any of
* the types specified in {@code event_mask}.
* The event in the {@code XEvent} structure must be one of the core events or one of the events defined by an extension (or a {@link #BadValue} error results) so
* that the X server can correctly byte-swap the contents as necessary. The contents of the event are otherwise unaltered and unchecked by the X server
* except to force {@code send_event} to {@link #True} in the forwarded event and to set the serial number in the event correctly; therefore these fields and the
* display field are ignored by {@code XSendEvent}.
* {@code XSendEvent} returns zero if the conversion to wire protocol format failed and returns nonzero otherwise. {@code XSendEvent} can generate
* {@link #BadValue} and {@link #BadWindow} errors.
* The server may retain the recent history of the pointer motion and do so to a finer granularity than is reported by {@link #MotionNotify} events. The
* {@link #XGetMotionEvents} function makes this history available.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param w specifies the window the event is to be sent to
* @param propagate specifies a {@code Boolean} value
* @param event_mask specifies the event mask
* @param event_send specifies the event that is to be sent
public static int XSendEvent(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long w, @NativeType("Bool") boolean propagate, long event_mask, @NativeType("XEvent *") XEvent event_send) {
return nXSendEvent(display, w, propagate ? 1 : 0, event_mask, event_send.address());
// --- [ XDisplayMotionBufferSize ] ---
/** @param display the connection to the X server */
@NativeType("unsigned long")
public static long XDisplayMotionBufferSize(@NativeType("Display *") long display) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XDisplayMotionBufferSize;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePN(display, __functionAddress);
// --- [ XGetMotionEvents ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XGetMotionEvents} */
public static long nXGetMotionEvents(long display, long w, long start, long stop, long nevents_return) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XGetMotionEvents;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNNNPP(display, w, start, stop, nevents_return, __functionAddress);
* The {@code XGetMotionEvents} function returns all events in the motion history buffer that fall between the specified start and stop times, inclusive,
* and that have coordinates that lie within the specified window (including its borders) at its present placement.
* If the server does not support motion history, if the start time is later than the stop time, or if the start time is in the future, no events are
* returned; {@code XGetMotionEvents} returns {@code NULL}. If the stop time is in the future, it is equivalent to specifying {@link #CurrentTime}.
* {@code XGetMotionEvents} can generate a {@link #BadWindow} error.
* @param display the connection to the X server
@NativeType("XTimeCoord *")
public static XTimeCoord.Buffer XGetMotionEvents(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long w, @NativeType("Time") long start, @NativeType("Time") long stop) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
IntBuffer nevents_return = stack.callocInt(1);
try {
long __result = nXGetMotionEvents(display, w, start, stop, memAddress(nevents_return));
return XTimeCoord.createSafe(__result, nevents_return.get(0));
} finally {
// --- [ XTranslateCoordinates ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #XTranslateCoordinates} */
public static int nXTranslateCoordinates(long display, long src_w, long dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, long dest_x_return, long dest_y_return, long child_return) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XTranslateCoordinates;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePNNPPPI(display, src_w, dest_w, src_x, src_y, dest_x_return, dest_y_return, child_return, __functionAddress);
* Translates window coordinates.
* If {@code XTranslateCoordinates} returns {@link #True}, it takes the {@code src_x} and {@code src_y} coordinates relative to the source window's origin and
* returns these coordinates to {@code dest_x_return} and {@code dest_y_return} relative to the destination window's origin. If
* {@code XTranslateCoordinates} returns {@link #False}, {@code src_w} and {@code dest_w} are on different screens, and {@code dest_x_return} and
* {@code dest_y_return} are zero. If the coordinates are contained in a mapped child of {@code dest_w}, that child is returned to {@code child_return}.
* Otherwise, {@code child_return} is set to {@link #None}.
* {@code XTranslateCoordinates} can generate a {@link #BadWindow} error.
* @param display the connection to the X server
* @param src_w specifies the source window
* @param dest_w specifies the destination window
* @param src_x specifies the x coordinate within the source window
* @param src_y specifies the x coordinate within the source window
* @param dest_x_return returns the x coordinate within the destination window
* @param dest_y_return returns the y coordinate within the destination window
* @param child_return returns the child if the coordinates are contained in a mapped child of the destination window
public static boolean XTranslateCoordinates(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long src_w, @NativeType("Window") long dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, @NativeType("int *") IntBuffer dest_x_return, @NativeType("int *") IntBuffer dest_y_return, @NativeType("Window *") CLongBuffer child_return) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(dest_x_return, 1);
check(dest_y_return, 1);
check(child_return, 1);
return nXTranslateCoordinates(display, src_w, dest_w, src_x, src_y, memAddress(dest_x_return), memAddress(dest_y_return), memAddress(child_return)) != 0;
/** Array version of: {@link #XTranslateCoordinates} */
public static boolean XTranslateCoordinates(@NativeType("Display *") long display, @NativeType("Window") long src_w, @NativeType("Window") long dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, @NativeType("int *") int[] dest_x_return, @NativeType("int *") int[] dest_y_return, @NativeType("Window *") CLongBuffer child_return) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.XTranslateCoordinates;
if (CHECKS) {
check(dest_x_return, 1);
check(dest_y_return, 1);
check(child_return, 1);
return invokePNNPPPI(display, src_w, dest_w, src_x, src_y, dest_x_return, dest_y_return, memAddress(child_return), __functionAddress) != 0;