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import javax.annotation.*;

import java.nio.*;

import org.lwjgl.system.*;

import static org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;

/** Native bindings to WinUser.h and user32.dll. */
public class User32 {

    private static final SharedLibrary USER32 = Library.loadNative(User32.class, "org.lwjgl", "user32");

    /** Contains the function pointers loaded from the user32 {@link SharedLibrary}. */
    public static final class Functions {

        private Functions() {}

        /** Function address. */
        public static final long
            RegisterClassEx                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "RegisterClassExW"),
            UnregisterClass                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "UnregisterClassW"),
            CreateWindowEx                      = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "CreateWindowExW"),
            DestroyWindow                       = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "DestroyWindow"),
            DefWindowProc                       = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "DefWindowProcW"),
            CallWindowProc                      = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "CallWindowProcW"),
            ShowWindow                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ShowWindow"),
            UpdateWindow                        = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "UpdateWindow"),
            SetWindowPos                        = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetWindowPos"),
            SetWindowText                       = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetWindowTextW"),
            GetMessage                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetMessageW"),
            PeekMessage                         = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "PeekMessageW"),
            TranslateMessage                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "TranslateMessage"),
            WaitMessage                         = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "WaitMessage"),
            DispatchMessage                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "DispatchMessageW"),
            PostMessage                         = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "PostMessageW"),
            SendMessage                         = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SendMessageW"),
            AdjustWindowRectEx                  = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "AdjustWindowRectEx"),
            GetWindowRect                       = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetWindowRect"),
            MoveWindow                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "MoveWindow"),
            GetWindowPlacement                  = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetWindowPlacement"),
            SetWindowPlacement                  = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetWindowPlacement"),
            IsWindowVisible                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "IsWindowVisible"),
            IsIconic                            = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "IsIconic"),
            IsZoomed                            = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "IsZoomed"),
            BringWindowToTop                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "BringWindowToTop"),
            SetWindowLongPtr                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, Pointer.BITS64 ? "SetWindowLongPtrW" : "SetWindowLongW"),
            GetWindowLongPtr                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, Pointer.BITS64 ? "GetWindowLongPtrW" : "GetWindowLongW"),
            SetClassLongPtr                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, Pointer.BITS64 ? "SetClassLongPtrW" : "SetClassLongW"),
            GetClassLongPtr                     = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, Pointer.BITS64 ? "GetClassLongPtrW" : "GetClassLongW"),
            SetLayeredWindowAttributes          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetLayeredWindowAttributes"),
            LoadIcon                            = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "LoadIconW"),
            LoadCursor                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "LoadCursorW"),
            GetDC                               = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetDC"),
            ReleaseDC                           = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ReleaseDC"),
            GetSystemMetrics                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetSystemMetrics"),
            RegisterTouchWindow                 = USER32.getFunctionAddress("RegisterTouchWindow"),
            UnregisterTouchWindow               = USER32.getFunctionAddress("UnregisterTouchWindow"),
            IsTouchWindow                       = USER32.getFunctionAddress("IsTouchWindow"),
            GetTouchInputInfo                   = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetTouchInputInfo"),
            CloseTouchInputHandle               = USER32.getFunctionAddress("CloseTouchInputHandle"),
            MonitorFromWindow                   = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "MonitorFromWindow"),
            GetMonitorInfo                      = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetMonitorInfoW"),
            EnumDisplayDevices                  = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "EnumDisplayDevicesW"),
            EnumDisplaySettingsEx               = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "EnumDisplaySettingsExW"),
            ChangeDisplaySettingsEx             = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ChangeDisplaySettingsExW"),
            GetCursorPos                        = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetCursorPos"),
            SetCursorPos                        = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetCursorPos"),
            ClipCursor                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ClipCursor"),
            ShowCursor                          = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ShowCursor"),
            SetCursor                           = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SetCursor"),
            ClientToScreen                      = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "ClientToScreen"),
            GetAsyncKeyState                    = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetAsyncKeyState"),
            GetMessageExtraInfo                 = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "GetMessageExtraInfo"),
            SendInput                           = apiGetFunctionAddress(USER32, "SendInput"),
            GetDpiForSystem                     = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetDpiForSystem"),
            GetDpiForWindow                     = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetDpiForWindow"),
            GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext"),
            GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext        = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext"),
            GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext        = USER32.getFunctionAddress("GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext"),
            IsValidDpiAwarenessContext          = USER32.getFunctionAddress("IsValidDpiAwarenessContext"),
            SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext        = USER32.getFunctionAddress("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext");


    /** Returns the user32 {@link SharedLibrary}. */
    public static SharedLibrary getLibrary() {
        return USER32;

    /** Window Styles */
    public static final int
        WS_OVERLAPPED       = 0x0,
        WS_POPUP            = 0x80000000,
        WS_CHILD            = 0x40000000,
        WS_MINIMIZE         = 0x20000000,
        WS_VISIBLE          = 0x10000000,
        WS_DISABLED         = 0x8000000,
        WS_CLIPSIBLINGS     = 0x4000000,
        WS_CLIPCHILDREN     = 0x2000000,
        WS_MAXIMIZE         = 0x1000000,
        WS_CAPTION          = 0xC00000,
        WS_BORDER           = 0x800000,
        WS_DLGFRAME         = 0x400000,
        WS_VSCROLL          = 0x200000,
        WS_HSCROLL          = 0x100000,
        WS_SYSMENU          = 0x80000,
        WS_THICKFRAME       = 0x40000,
        WS_GROUP            = 0x20000,
        WS_TABSTOP          = 0x10000,
        WS_MINIMIZEBOX      = 0x20000,
        WS_MAXIMIZEBOX      = 0x10000,
        WS_TILED            = WS_OVERLAPPED,
        WS_ICONIC           = WS_MINIMIZE,
        WS_SIZEBOX          = WS_THICKFRAME,

    /** Extended Window Styles */
    public static final int
        WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME    = 0x1,
        WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY   = 0x4,
        WS_EX_TOPMOST          = 0x8,
        WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES      = 0x10,
        WS_EX_TRANSPARENT      = 0x20,
        WS_EX_MDICHILD         = 0x40,
        WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW       = 0x80,
        WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE       = 0x100,
        WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE       = 0x200,
        WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP      = 0x400,
        WS_EX_RIGHT            = 0x1000,
        WS_EX_LEFT             = 0x0,
        WS_EX_RTLREADING       = 0x2000,
        WS_EX_LTRREADING       = 0x0,
        WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR    = 0x4000,
        WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR   = 0x0,
        WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT    = 0x10000,
        WS_EX_STATICEDGE       = 0x20000,
        WS_EX_APPWINDOW        = 0x40000,
        WS_EX_LAYERED          = 0x80000,
        WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT  = 0x100000,
        WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL        = 0x400000,
        WS_EX_COMPOSITED       = 0x2000000,
        WS_EX_NOACTIVATE       = 0x8000000;

    /** May be used in {@link #CreateWindowEx} for the x, y, width, height parameters. */
    public static final int CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000;

    /** Class styles */
    public static final int
        CS_VREDRAW         = 0x1,
        CS_HREDRAW         = 0x2,
        CS_DBLCLKS         = 0x8,
        CS_OWNDC           = 0x20,
        CS_CLASSDC         = 0x40,
        CS_PARENTDC        = 0x80,
        CS_NOCLOSE         = 0x200,
        CS_SAVEBITS        = 0x800,
        CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT = 0x1000,
        CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW = 0x2000,
        CS_GLOBALCLASS     = 0x4000,
        CS_IME             = 0x10000,
        CS_DROPSHADOW      = 0x20000;

    /** Windows messages. */
    public static final int
        WM_NULL                           = 0x0,
        WM_CREATE                         = 0x1,
        WM_DESTROY                        = 0x2,
        WM_MOVE                           = 0x3,
        WM_SIZE                           = 0x5,
        WM_ACTIVATE                       = 0x6,
        WM_SETFOCUS                       = 0x7,
        WM_KILLFOCUS                      = 0x8,
        WM_ENABLE                         = 0xA,
        WM_SETREDRAW                      = 0xB,
        WM_SETTEXT                        = 0xC,
        WM_GETTEXT                        = 0xD,
        WM_GETTEXTLENGTH                  = 0xE,
        WM_PAINT                          = 0xF,
        WM_CLOSE                          = 0x10,
        WM_QUERYENDSESSION                = 0x11,
        WM_QUERYOPEN                      = 0x13,
        WM_ENDSESSION                     = 0x16,
        WM_QUIT                           = 0x12,
        WM_ERASEBKGND                     = 0x14,
        WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE                 = 0x15,
        WM_SHOWWINDOW                     = 0x18,
        WM_WININICHANGE                   = 0x1A,
        WM_SETTINGCHANGE                  = WM_WININICHANGE,
        WM_DEVMODECHANGE                  = 0x1B,
        WM_ACTIVATEAPP                    = 0x1C,
        WM_FONTCHANGE                     = 0x1D,
        WM_TIMECHANGE                     = 0x1E,
        WM_CANCELMODE                     = 0x1F,
        WM_SETCURSOR                      = 0x20,
        WM_MOUSEACTIVATE                  = 0x21,
        WM_CHILDACTIVATE                  = 0x22,
        WM_QUEUESYNC                      = 0x23,
        WM_GETMINMAXINFO                  = 0x24,
        WM_PAINTICON                      = 0x26,
        WM_ICONERASEBKGND                 = 0x27,
        WM_NEXTDLGCTL                     = 0x28,
        WM_SPOOLERSTATUS                  = 0x2A,
        WM_DRAWITEM                       = 0x2B,
        WM_MEASUREITEM                    = 0x2C,
        WM_DELETEITEM                     = 0x2D,
        WM_VKEYTOITEM                     = 0x2E,
        WM_CHARTOITEM                     = 0x2F,
        WM_SETFONT                        = 0x30,
        WM_GETFONT                        = 0x31,
        WM_SETHOTKEY                      = 0x32,
        WM_GETHOTKEY                      = 0x33,
        WM_QUERYDRAGICON                  = 0x37,
        WM_COMPAREITEM                    = 0x39,
        WM_GETOBJECT                      = 0x3D,
        WM_COMPACTING                     = 0x41,
        WM_COMMNOTIFY                     = 0x44,
        WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING              = 0x46,
        WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED               = 0x47,
        WM_POWER                          = 0x48,
        WM_COPYDATA                       = 0x4A,
        WM_CANCELJOURNAL                  = 0x4B,
        WM_NOTIFY                         = 0x4E,
        WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST         = 0x50,
        WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE                = 0x51,
        WM_TCARD                          = 0x52,
        WM_HELP                           = 0x53,
        WM_USERCHANGED                    = 0x54,
        WM_NOTIFYFORMAT                   = 0x55,
        WM_CONTEXTMENU                    = 0x7B,
        WM_STYLECHANGING                  = 0x7C,
        WM_STYLECHANGED                   = 0x7D,
        WM_DISPLAYCHANGE                  = 0x7E,
        WM_GETICON                        = 0x7F,
        WM_SETICON                        = 0x80,
        WM_NCCREATE                       = 0x81,
        WM_NCDESTROY                      = 0x82,
        WM_NCCALCSIZE                     = 0x83,
        WM_NCHITTEST                      = 0x84,
        WM_NCPAINT                        = 0x85,
        WM_NCACTIVATE                     = 0x86,
        WM_GETDLGCODE                     = 0x87,
        WM_SYNCPAINT                      = 0x88,
        WM_NCMOUSEMOVE                    = 0xA0,
        WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN                  = 0xA1,
        WM_NCLBUTTONUP                    = 0xA2,
        WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK                = 0xA3,
        WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN                  = 0xA4,
        WM_NCRBUTTONUP                    = 0xA5,
        WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK                = 0xA6,
        WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN                  = 0xA7,
        WM_NCMBUTTONUP                    = 0xA8,
        WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK                = 0xA9,
        WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN                  = 0xAB,
        WM_NCXBUTTONUP                    = 0xAC,
        WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK                = 0xAD,
        WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE            = 0xFE,
        WM_INPUT                          = 0xFF,
        WM_KEYFIRST                       = 0x100,
        WM_KEYDOWN                        = 0x100,
        WM_KEYUP                          = 0x101,
        WM_CHAR                           = 0x102,
        WM_DEADCHAR                       = 0x103,
        WM_SYSKEYDOWN                     = 0x104,
        WM_SYSKEYUP                       = 0x105,
        WM_SYSCHAR                        = 0x106,
        WM_SYSDEADCHAR                    = 0x107,
        WM_UNICHAR                        = 0x109,
        UNICODE_NOCHAR                    = 0xFFFF,
        WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION           = 0x10D,
        WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION             = 0x10E,
        WM_IME_COMPOSITION                = 0x10F,
        WM_IME_KEYLAST                    = 0x10F,
        WM_INITDIALOG                     = 0x110,
        WM_COMMAND                        = 0x111,
        WM_SYSCOMMAND                     = 0x112,
        WM_TIMER                          = 0x113,
        WM_HSCROLL                        = 0x114,
        WM_VSCROLL                        = 0x115,
        WM_INITMENU                       = 0x116,
        WM_INITMENUPOPUP                  = 0x117,
        WM_GESTURE                        = 0x119,
        WM_GESTURENOTIFY                  = 0x11A,
        WM_MENUSELECT                     = 0x11F,
        WM_MENUCHAR                       = 0x120,
        WM_ENTERIDLE                      = 0x121,
        WM_MENURBUTTONUP                  = 0x122,
        WM_MENUDRAG                       = 0x123,
        WM_MENUGETOBJECT                  = 0x124,
        WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP                = 0x125,
        WM_MENUCOMMAND                    = 0x126,
        WM_CHANGEUISTATE                  = 0x127,
        WM_UPDATEUISTATE                  = 0x128,
        WM_QUERYUISTATE                   = 0x129,
        WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX                 = 0x132,
        WM_CTLCOLOREDIT                   = 0x133,
        WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX                = 0x134,
        WM_CTLCOLORBTN                    = 0x135,
        WM_CTLCOLORDLG                    = 0x136,
        WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR              = 0x137,
        WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC                 = 0x138,
        MN_GETHMENU                       = 0x1E1,
        WM_MOUSEFIRST                     = 0x200,
        WM_MOUSEMOVE                      = 0x200,
        WM_LBUTTONDOWN                    = 0x201,
        WM_LBUTTONUP                      = 0x202,
        WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK                  = 0x203,
        WM_RBUTTONDOWN                    = 0x204,
        WM_RBUTTONUP                      = 0x205,
        WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK                  = 0x206,
        WM_MBUTTONDOWN                    = 0x207,
        WM_MBUTTONUP                      = 0x208,
        WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK                  = 0x209,
        WM_MOUSEWHEEL                     = 0x20A,
        WM_XBUTTONDOWN                    = 0x20B,
        WM_XBUTTONUP                      = 0x20C,
        WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK                  = 0x20D,
        WM_MOUSEHWHEEL                    = 0x20E,
        WM_PARENTNOTIFY                   = 0x210,
        WM_ENTERMENULOOP                  = 0x211,
        WM_EXITMENULOOP                   = 0x212,
        WM_NEXTMENU                       = 0x213,
        WM_SIZING                         = 0x214,
        WM_CAPTURECHANGED                 = 0x215,
        WM_MOVING                         = 0x216,
        WM_POWERBROADCAST                 = 0x218,
        WM_DEVICECHANGE                   = 0x219,
        WM_MDICREATE                      = 0x220,
        WM_MDIDESTROY                     = 0x221,
        WM_MDIACTIVATE                    = 0x222,
        WM_MDIRESTORE                     = 0x223,
        WM_MDINEXT                        = 0x224,
        WM_MDIMAXIMIZE                    = 0x225,
        WM_MDITILE                        = 0x226,
        WM_MDICASCADE                     = 0x227,
        WM_MDIICONARRANGE                 = 0x228,
        WM_MDIGETACTIVE                   = 0x229,
        WM_MDISETMENU                     = 0x230,
        WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE                  = 0x231,
        WM_EXITSIZEMOVE                   = 0x232,
        WM_DROPFILES                      = 0x233,
        WM_MDIREFRESHMENU                 = 0x234,
        WM_TOUCH                          = 0x240,
        WM_IME_SETCONTEXT                 = 0x281,
        WM_IME_NOTIFY                     = 0x282,
        WM_IME_CONTROL                    = 0x283,
        WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL            = 0x284,
        WM_IME_SELECT                     = 0x285,
        WM_IME_CHAR                       = 0x286,
        WM_IME_REQUEST                    = 0x288,
        WM_IME_KEYDOWN                    = 0x290,
        WM_IME_KEYUP                      = 0x291,
        WM_MOUSEHOVER                     = 0x2A1,
        WM_MOUSELEAVE                     = 0x2A3,
        WM_NCMOUSEHOVER                   = 0x2A0,
        WM_NCMOUSELEAVE                   = 0x2A2,
        WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE              = 0x2B1,
        WM_TABLET_FIRST                   = 0x2C0,
        WM_TABLET_LAST                    = 0x2DF,
        WM_CUT                            = 0x300,
        WM_COPY                           = 0x301,
        WM_PASTE                          = 0x302,
        WM_CLEAR                          = 0x303,
        WM_UNDO                           = 0x304,
        WM_RENDERFORMAT                   = 0x305,
        WM_RENDERALLFORMATS               = 0x306,
        WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD               = 0x307,
        WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD                  = 0x308,
        WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD                 = 0x309,
        WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD               = 0x30A,
        WM_SIZECLIPBOARD                  = 0x30B,
        WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME                = 0x30C,
        WM_CHANGECBCHAIN                  = 0x30D,
        WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD               = 0x30E,
        WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE                = 0x30F,
        WM_PALETTEISCHANGING              = 0x310,
        WM_PALETTECHANGED                 = 0x311,
        WM_HOTKEY                         = 0x312,
        WM_PRINT                          = 0x317,
        WM_PRINTCLIENT                    = 0x318,
        WM_APPCOMMAND                     = 0x319,
        WM_THEMECHANGED                   = 0x31A,
        WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE                = 0x31D,
        WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED          = 0x31E,
        WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED          = 0x31F,
        WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL         = 0x323,
        WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX              = 0x33F,
        WM_HANDHELDFIRST                  = 0x358,
        WM_HANDHELDLAST                   = 0x35F,
        WM_AFXFIRST                       = 0x360,
        WM_AFXLAST                        = 0x37F,
        WM_PENWINFIRST                    = 0x380,
        WM_PENWINLAST                     = 0x38F,
        WM_APP                            = 0x8000,
        WM_USER                           = 0x400;

    /** {@link #WM_ACTIVATE} message {@code wParam} values. */
    public static final int
        WA_ACTIVE      = 1,
        WA_CLICKACTIVE = 2,
        WA_INACTIVE    = 0;

    /** {@link #WM_SIZE} message {@code wParam} values. */
    public static final int
        SIZE_RESTORED  = 0,
        SIZE_MINIMIZED = 1,
        SIZE_MAXIMIZED = 2,
        SIZE_MAXSHOW   = 3,
        SIZE_MAXHIDE   = 4;

    /** {@link #WM_DEVICECHANGE} message {@code wParam} params. */
    public static final int
        DBT_APPYBEGIN            = 0x0,
        DBT_APPYEND              = 0x1,
        DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED     = 0x7,
        DBT_QUERYCHANGECONFIG    = 0x17,
        DBT_CONFIGCHANGED        = 0x18,
        DBT_MONITORCHANGE        = 0x1B;

    /** System menu command values. */
    public static final int
        SC_SIZE         = 0xF000,
        SC_MOVE         = 0xF010,
        SC_MINIMIZE     = 0xF020,
        SC_MAXIMIZE     = 0xF030,
        SC_NEXTWINDOW   = 0xF040,
        SC_PREVWINDOW   = 0xF050,
        SC_CLOSE        = 0xF060,
        SC_VSCROLL      = 0xF070,
        SC_HSCROLL      = 0xF080,
        SC_MOUSEMENU    = 0xF090,
        SC_KEYMENU      = 0xF100,
        SC_ARRANGE      = 0xF110,
        SC_RESTORE      = 0xF120,
        SC_TASKLIST     = 0xF130,
        SC_SCREENSAVE   = 0xF140,
        SC_HOTKEY       = 0xF150,
        SC_DEFAULT      = 0xF160,
        SC_MONITORPOWER = 0xF170,
        SC_CONTEXTHELP  = 0xF180,
        SC_SEPARATOR    = 0xF00F;

    /** Key state masks for mouse messages. */
    public static final int
        MK_LBUTTON  = 0x1,
        MK_RBUTTON  = 0x2,
        MK_SHIFT    = 0x4,
        MK_CONTROL  = 0x8,
        MK_MBUTTON  = 0x10,
        MK_XBUTTON1 = 0x20,
        MK_XBUTTON2 = 0x40;

    /** Mouse position codes. */
    public static final int
        HTERROR       = -2,
        HTTRANSPARENT = -1,
        HTNOWHERE     = 0,
        HTCLIENT      = 1,
        HTCAPTION     = 2,
        HTSYSMENU     = 3,
        HTGROWBOX     = 4,
        HTSIZE        = HTGROWBOX,
        HTMENU        = 5,
        HTHSCROLL     = 6,
        HTVSCROLL     = 7,
        HTMINBUTTON   = 8,
        HTMAXBUTTON   = 9,
        HTLEFT        = 10,
        HTRIGHT       = 11,
        HTTOP         = 12,
        HTTOPLEFT     = 13,
        HTTOPRIGHT    = 14,
        HTBOTTOM      = 15,
        HTBOTTOMLEFT  = 16,
        HTBOTTOMRIGHT = 17,
        HTBORDER      = 18,
        HTZOOM        = HTMAXBUTTON,
        HTOBJECT      = 19,
        HTCLOSE       = 20,
        HTHELP        = 21;

    /** Window field offsets for {@link #GetWindowLongPtr}. */
    public static final int
        GWL_WNDPROC    = -4,
        GWL_HINSTANCE  = -6,
        GWL_HWNDPARENT = -8,
        GWL_STYLE      = -16,
        GWL_EXSTYLE    = -20,
        GWL_USERDATA   = -21,
        GWL_ID         = -12;

    /** {@link #ShowWindow} commands. */
    public static final int
        SW_HIDE            = 0,
        SW_SHOWNORMAL      = 1,
        SW_NORMAL          = 1,
        SW_SHOWMINIMIZED   = 2,
        SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED   = 3,
        SW_MAXIMIZE        = 3,
        SW_SHOW            = 5,
        SW_MINIMIZE        = 6,
        SW_SHOWNA          = 8,
        SW_RESTORE         = 9,
        SW_SHOWDEFAULT     = 10,
        SW_FORCEMINIMIZE   = 11,
        SW_MAX             = 11;

    /** Virtual window handles used by the {@link #SetWindowPos} insertAfter argument. */
    public static final long
        HWND_TOP       = 0x0L,
        HWND_BOTTOM    = 0x1L,

     * Virtual window handle used by {@link #PostMessage} that matches all top-level windows in the system, including disabled or invisible unowned windows,
     * overlapped windows, and pop-up windows.
    public static final long HWND_BROADCAST = 0xFFFFL;

    /** Window sizing and positiong flags used by the {@link #SetWindowPos} flags argument. */
    public static final int
        SWP_NOSIZE         = 0x1,
        SWP_NOMOVE         = 0x2,
        SWP_NOZORDER       = 0x4,
        SWP_NOREDRAW       = 0x8,
        SWP_NOACTIVATE     = 0x10,
        SWP_FRAMECHANGED   = 0x20,
        SWP_SHOWWINDOW     = 0x40,
        SWP_HIDEWINDOW     = 0x80,
        SWP_NOCOPYBITS     = 0x100,
        SWP_NOOWNERZORDER  = 0x200,
        SWP_NOSENDCHANGING = 0x400,
        SWP_DEFERERASE     = 0x2000,
        SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS = 0x4000;

    /** Standard Icon IDs. Use with {@link #LoadIcon}. */
    public static final int
        IDI_APPLICATION = 32512,
        IDI_HAND        = 32513,
        IDI_QUESTION    = 32514,
        IDI_EXCLAMATION = 32515,
        IDI_ASTERISK    = 32516,
        IDI_WINLOGO     = 32517,
        IDI_SHIELD      = 32518,
        IDI_ERROR       = IDI_HAND,

    /** Standard Cursor IDs. Use with {@link #LoadCursor}. */
    public static final int
        IDC_ARROW       = 32512,
        IDC_IBEAM       = 32513,
        IDC_WAIT        = 32514,
        IDC_CROSS       = 32515,
        IDC_UPARROW     = 32516,
        IDC_SIZE        = 32640,
        IDC_ICON        = 32641,
        IDC_SIZENWSE    = 32642,
        IDC_SIZENESW    = 32643,
        IDC_SIZEWE      = 32644,
        IDC_SIZENS      = 32645,
        IDC_SIZEALL     = 32646,
        IDC_NO          = 32648,
        IDC_HAND        = 32649,
        IDC_APPSTARTING = 32650,
        IDC_HELP        = 32651;

    /** Class field offsets for {@link #GetClassLongPtr}. */
    public static final int
        GCL_MENUNAME      = -8,
        GCL_HBRBACKGROUND = -10,
        GCL_HCURSOR       = -12,
        GCL_HICON         = -14,
        GCL_HMODULE       = -16,
        GCL_CBWNDEXTRA    = -18,
        GCL_CBCLSEXTRA    = -20,
        GCL_WNDPROC       = -24,
        GCL_STYLE         = -26,
        GCW_ATOM          = -32,
        GCL_HICONSM       = -34;

    /** Queue status flags for {@code GetQueueStatus} and {@code MsgWaitForMultipleObjects} */
    public static final int
        QS_KEY            = 0x1,
        QS_MOUSEMOVE      = 0x2,
        QS_MOUSEBUTTON    = 0x4,
        QS_POSTMESSAGE    = 0x8,
        QS_TIMER          = 0x10,
        QS_PAINT          = 0x20,
        QS_SENDMESSAGE    = 0x40,
        QS_HOTKEY         = 0x80,
        QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE = 0x100,
        QS_RAWINPUT       = 0x400,
        QS_INPUT          = QS_MOUSE | QS_KEY,

    /** Remove message flags for {@link #PeekMessage}. */
    public static final int
        PM_NOREMOVE       = 0x0,
        PM_REMOVE         = 0x1,
        PM_NOYIELD        = 0x2,
        PM_QS_INPUT       = QS_INPUT << 16,
        PM_QS_PAINT       = QS_PAINT << 16,

    /** Virtual Keys. */
    public static final int
        VK_LBUTTON             = 0x1,
        VK_RBUTTON             = 0x2,
        VK_CANCEL              = 0x3,
        VK_MBUTTON             = 0x4,
        VK_XBUTTON1            = 0x5,
        VK_XBUTTON2            = 0x6,
        VK_BACK                = 0x8,
        VK_TAB                 = 0x9,
        VK_CLEAR               = 0xC,
        VK_RETURN              = 0xD,
        VK_SHIFT               = 0x10,
        VK_CONTROL             = 0x11,
        VK_MENU                = 0x12,
        VK_PAUSE               = 0x13,
        VK_CAPITAL             = 0x14,
        VK_KANA                = 0x15,
        VK_HANGEUL             = 0x15,
        VK_HANGUL              = 0x15,
        VK_JUNJA               = 0x17,
        VK_FINAL               = 0x18,
        VK_HANJA               = 0x19,
        VK_KANJI               = 0x19,
        VK_ESCAPE              = 0x1B,
        VK_CONVERT             = 0x1C,
        VK_NONCONVERT          = 0x1D,
        VK_ACCEPT              = 0x1E,
        VK_MODECHANGE          = 0x1F,
        VK_SPACE               = 0x20,
        VK_PRIOR               = 0x21,
        VK_NEXT                = 0x22,
        VK_END                 = 0x23,
        VK_HOME                = 0x24,
        VK_LEFT                = 0x25,
        VK_UP                  = 0x26,
        VK_RIGHT               = 0x27,
        VK_DOWN                = 0x28,
        VK_SELECT              = 0x29,
        VK_PRINT               = 0x2A,
        VK_EXECUTE             = 0x2B,
        VK_SNAPSHOT            = 0x2C,
        VK_INSERT              = 0x2D,
        VK_DELETE              = 0x2E,
        VK_HELP                = 0x2F,
        VK_LWIN                = 0x5B,
        VK_RWIN                = 0x5C,
        VK_APPS                = 0x5D,
        VK_SLEEP               = 0x5F,
        VK_NUMPAD0             = 0x60,
        VK_NUMPAD1             = 0x61,
        VK_NUMPAD2             = 0x62,
        VK_NUMPAD3             = 0x63,
        VK_NUMPAD4             = 0x64,
        VK_NUMPAD5             = 0x65,
        VK_NUMPAD6             = 0x66,
        VK_NUMPAD7             = 0x67,
        VK_NUMPAD8             = 0x68,
        VK_NUMPAD9             = 0x69,
        VK_MULTIPLY            = 0x6A,
        VK_ADD                 = 0x6B,
        VK_SEPARATOR           = 0x6C,
        VK_SUBTRACT            = 0x6D,
        VK_DECIMAL             = 0x6E,
        VK_DIVIDE              = 0x6F,
        VK_F1                  = 0x70,
        VK_F2                  = 0x71,
        VK_F3                  = 0x72,
        VK_F4                  = 0x73,
        VK_F5                  = 0x74,
        VK_F6                  = 0x75,
        VK_F7                  = 0x76,
        VK_F8                  = 0x77,
        VK_F9                  = 0x78,
        VK_F10                 = 0x79,
        VK_F11                 = 0x7A,
        VK_F12                 = 0x7B,
        VK_F13                 = 0x7C,
        VK_F14                 = 0x7D,
        VK_F15                 = 0x7E,
        VK_F16                 = 0x7F,
        VK_F17                 = 0x80,
        VK_F18                 = 0x81,
        VK_F19                 = 0x82,
        VK_F20                 = 0x83,
        VK_F21                 = 0x84,
        VK_F22                 = 0x85,
        VK_F23                 = 0x86,
        VK_F24                 = 0x87,
        VK_NUMLOCK             = 0x90,
        VK_SCROLL              = 0x91,
        VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL       = 0x92,
        VK_OEM_FJ_JISHO        = 0x92,
        VK_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU      = 0x93,
        VK_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU      = 0x94,
        VK_OEM_FJ_LOYA         = 0x95,
        VK_OEM_FJ_ROYA         = 0x96,
        VK_LSHIFT              = 0xA0,
        VK_RSHIFT              = 0xA1,
        VK_LCONTROL            = 0xA2,
        VK_RCONTROL            = 0xA3,
        VK_LMENU               = 0xA4,
        VK_RMENU               = 0xA5,
        VK_BROWSER_BACK        = 0xA6,
        VK_BROWSER_FORWARD     = 0xA7,
        VK_BROWSER_REFRESH     = 0xA8,
        VK_BROWSER_STOP        = 0xA9,
        VK_BROWSER_SEARCH      = 0xAA,
        VK_BROWSER_HOME        = 0xAC,
        VK_VOLUME_MUTE         = 0xAD,
        VK_VOLUME_DOWN         = 0xAE,
        VK_VOLUME_UP           = 0xAF,
        VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK    = 0xB0,
        VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK    = 0xB1,
        VK_MEDIA_STOP          = 0xB2,
        VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE    = 0xB3,
        VK_LAUNCH_MAIL         = 0xB4,
        VK_LAUNCH_APP1         = 0xB6,
        VK_LAUNCH_APP2         = 0xB7,
        VK_OEM_1               = 0xBA,
        VK_OEM_PLUS            = 0xBB,
        VK_OEM_COMMA           = 0xBC,
        VK_OEM_MINUS           = 0xBD,
        VK_OEM_PERIOD          = 0xBE,
        VK_OEM_2               = 0xBF,
        VK_OEM_3               = 0xC0,
        VK_OEM_4               = 0xDB,
        VK_OEM_5               = 0xDC,
        VK_OEM_6               = 0xDD,
        VK_OEM_7               = 0xDE,
        VK_OEM_8               = 0xDF,
        VK_OEM_AX              = 0xE1,
        VK_OEM_102             = 0xE2,
        VK_ICO_HELP            = 0xE3,
        VK_ICO_00              = 0xE4,
        VK_PROCESSKEY          = 0xE5,
        VK_ICO_CLEAR           = 0xE6,
        VK_PACKET              = 0xE7,
        VK_OEM_RESET           = 0xE9,
        VK_OEM_JUMP            = 0xEA,
        VK_OEM_PA1             = 0xEB,
        VK_OEM_PA2             = 0xEC,
        VK_OEM_PA3             = 0xED,
        VK_OEM_WSCTRL          = 0xEE,
        VK_OEM_CUSEL           = 0xEF,
        VK_OEM_ATTN            = 0xF0,
        VK_OEM_FINISH          = 0xF1,
        VK_OEM_COPY            = 0xF2,
        VK_OEM_AUTO            = 0xF3,
        VK_OEM_ENLW            = 0xF4,
        VK_OEM_BACKTAB         = 0xF5,
        VK_ATTN                = 0xF6,
        VK_CRSEL               = 0xF7,
        VK_EXSEL               = 0xF8,
        VK_EREOF               = 0xF9,
        VK_PLAY                = 0xFA,
        VK_ZOOM                = 0xFB,
        VK_NONAME              = 0xFC,
        VK_PA1                 = 0xFD,
        VK_OEM_CLEAR           = 0xFE;

    /** XButton values. */
    public static final int
        XBUTTON1 = 0x1,
        XBUTTON2 = 0x2;

    /** Value for rolling one detent. */
    public static final int WHEEL_DELTA = 120;

     * Identifies the dots per inch (dpi) setting for a thread, process, or window. ({@code DPI_AWARENESS})
Enum values:
* *
  • {@link #DPI_AWARENESS_INVALID DPI_AWARENESS_INVALID} - * Invalid DPI awareness. * *

    This is an invalid DPI awareness value.

  • *

    This process does not scale for DPI changes and is always assumed to have a scale factor of 100% (96 DPI). It will be automatically scaled by the * system on any other DPI setting.

  • *

    This process does not scale for DPI changes. It will query for the DPI once and use that value for the lifetime of the process. If the DPI changes, * the process will not adjust to the new DPI value. It will be automatically scaled up or down by the system when the DPI changes from the system * value.

  • *

    This process checks for the DPI when it is created and adjusts the scale factor whenever the DPI changes. These processes are not automatically * scaled by the system.

  • *

This window does not scale for DPI changes and is always assumed to have a scale factor of 100% (96 DPI). It will be automatically scaled by the system * on any other DPI setting.

*/ public static final long DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE = -1L; /** * System DPI aware. * *

This window does not scale for DPI changes. It will query for the DPI once and use that value for the lifetime of the process. If the DPI changes, the * process will not adjust to the new DPI value. It will be automatically scaled up or down by the system when the DPI changes from the system value.

*/ public static final long DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_SYSTEM_AWARE = -2L; /** * Per monitor DPI aware. * *

This window checks for the DPI when it is created and adjusts the scale factor whenever the DPI changes. These processes are not automatically scaled * by the system.

*/ public static final long DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE = -3L; /** * Also known as Per Monitor v2. * *

An advancement over the original per-monitor DPI awareness mode, which enables applications to access new DPI-related scaling behaviors on a per * top-level window basis.

* *

Per Monitor v2 was made available in the Creators Update of Windows 10, and is not available on earlier versions of the operating system.

* *

The additional behaviors introduced are as follows:

* *
  • Child window DPI change notifications - In Per Monitor v2 contexts, the entire window tree is notified of any DPI changes that occur.
  • *
  • Scaling of non-client area - All windows will automatically have their non-client area drawn in a DPI sensitive fashion. Calls to * {@code EnableNonClientDpiScaling} are unnecessary.
  • *
  • Scaling of Win32 menus - All {@code NTUSER} menus created in Per Monitor v2 contexts will be scaling in a per-monitor fashion.
  • *
  • Dialog Scaling - Win32 dialogs created in Per Monitor v2 contexts will automatically respond to DPI changes.
  • *
  • Improved scaling of {@code comctl32} controls - Various {@code comctl32} controls have improved DPI scaling behavior in Per Monitor v2 contexts.
  • *
  • Improved theming behavior - {@code UxTheme} handles opened in the context of a Per Monitor v2 window will operate in terms of the DPI associated * with that window.
  • *
*/ public static final long DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2 = -4L; /** {@link WINDOWPLACEMENT} flags. */ public static final int WPF_SETMINPOSITION = 0x1, WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED = 0x2, WPF_ASYNCWINDOWPLACEMENT = 0x4; /** Actions for {@link #SetLayeredWindowAttributes}. */ public static final int LWA_COLORKEY = 0x1, LWA_ALPHA = 0x2; /** {@link #GetSystemMetrics} codes. */ public static final int SM_CXSCREEN = 0, SM_CYSCREEN = 1, SM_CXVSCROLL = 2, SM_CYHSCROLL = 3, SM_CYCAPTION = 4, SM_CXBORDER = 5, SM_CYBORDER = 6, SM_CXDLGFRAME = 7, SM_CYDLGFRAME = 8, SM_CYVTHUMB = 9, SM_CXHTHUMB = 10, SM_CXICON = 11, SM_CYICON = 12, SM_CXCURSOR = 13, SM_CYCURSOR = 14, SM_CYMENU = 15, SM_CXFULLSCREEN = 16, SM_CYFULLSCREEN = 17, SM_CYKANJIWINDOW = 18, SM_MOUSEPRESENT = 19, SM_CYVSCROLL = 20, SM_CXHSCROLL = 21, SM_DEBUG = 22, SM_SWAPBUTTON = 23, SM_RESERVED1 = 24, SM_RESERVED2 = 25, SM_RESERVED3 = 26, SM_RESERVED4 = 27, SM_CXMIN = 28, SM_CYMIN = 29, SM_CXSIZE = 30, SM_CYSIZE = 31, SM_CXFRAME = 32, SM_CYFRAME = 33, SM_CXMINTRACK = 34, SM_CYMINTRACK = 35, SM_CXDOUBLECLK = 36, SM_CYDOUBLECLK = 37, SM_CXICONSPACING = 38, SM_CYICONSPACING = 39, SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT = 40, SM_PENWINDOWS = 41, SM_DBCSENABLED = 42, SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS = 43, SM_CXFIXEDFRAME = SM_CXDLGFRAME, SM_CYFIXEDFRAME = SM_CYDLGFRAME, SM_CXSIZEFRAME = SM_CXFRAME, SM_CYSIZEFRAME = SM_CYFRAME, SM_SECURE = 44, SM_CXEDGE = 45, SM_CYEDGE = 46, SM_CXMINSPACING = 47, SM_CYMINSPACING = 48, SM_CXSMICON = 49, SM_CYSMICON = 50, SM_CYSMCAPTION = 51, SM_CXSMSIZE = 52, SM_CYSMSIZE = 53, SM_CXMENUSIZE = 54, SM_CYMENUSIZE = 55, SM_ARRANGE = 56, SM_CXMINIMIZED = 57, SM_CYMINIMIZED = 58, SM_CXMAXTRACK = 59, SM_CYMAXTRACK = 60, SM_CXMAXIMIZED = 61, SM_CYMAXIMIZED = 62, SM_NETWORK = 63, SM_CLEANBOOT = 67, SM_CXDRAG = 68, SM_CYDRAG = 69, SM_SHOWSOUNDS = 70, SM_CXMENUCHECK = 71, SM_CYMENUCHECK = 72, SM_SLOWMACHINE = 73, SM_MIDEASTENABLED = 74, SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT = 75, SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN = 76, SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN = 77, SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN = 78, SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN = 79, SM_CMONITORS = 80, SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT = 81, SM_IMMENABLED = 82, SM_REMOTESESSION = 0x1000, SM_SHUTTINGDOWN = 0x2000, SM_REMOTECONTROL = 0x2001, SM_CARETBLINKINGENABLED = 0x2002, SM_CXFOCUSBORDER = 83, SM_CYFOCUSBORDER = 84, SM_TABLETPC = 86, SM_MEDIACENTER = 87, SM_STARTER = 88, SM_SERVERR2 = 89, SM_MOUSEHORIZONTALWHEELPRESENT = 91, SM_CXPADDEDBORDER = 92, SM_DIGITIZER = 94, SM_MAXIMUMTOUCHES = 95; /** {@link #RegisterTouchWindow} flags. */ public static final int TWF_FINETOUCH = 0x1, TWF_WANTPALM = 0x2; /** Touch input flag values ({@link TOUCHINPUT#dwFlags}). */ public static final int TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE = 0x1, TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN = 0x2, TOUCHEVENTF_UP = 0x4, TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE = 0x8, TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY = 0x10, TOUCHEVENTF_NOCOALESCE = 0x20, TOUCHEVENTF_PEN = 0x40, TOUCHEVENTF_PALM = 0x80; /** Touch input mask values ({@link TOUCHINPUT#dwMask}). */ public static final int TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM = 0x1, TOUCHINPUTMASKF_EXTRAINFO = 0x2, TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA = 0x4; /** {@link #MonitorFromWindow} flags. */ public static final int MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL = 0x0, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY = 0x1, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST = 0x2; /** {@link MONITORINFOEX} flags. */ public static final int MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY = 0x1; /** Flag for {@link #EnumDisplayDevices}. */ public static final int EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME = 0x1; /** {@link #EnumDisplaySettingsEx} mode. */ public static final int ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS = -1, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS = -2; /** Flags for {@link #EnumDisplaySettingsEx}. */ public static final int EDS_RAWMODE = 0x2, EDS_ROTATEDMODE = 0x4; /** Flags for {@link #ChangeDisplaySettingsEx}. */ public static final int CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY = 0x1, CDS_TEST = 0x2, CDS_FULLSCREEN = 0x4, CDS_GLOBAL = 0x8, CDS_SET_PRIMARY = 0x10, CDS_VIDEOPARAMETERS = 0x20, CDS_ENABLE_UNSAFE_MODES = 0x100, CDS_DISABLE_UNSAFE_MODES = 0x200, CDS_RESET = 0x40000000, CDS_RESET_EX = 0x20000000, CDS_NORESET = 0x10000000; /** Return values for {@link #ChangeDisplaySettingsEx}. */ public static final int DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL = 0, DISP_CHANGE_RESTART = 1, DISP_CHANGE_FAILED = -1, DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE = -2, DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED = -3, DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS = -4, DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM = -5, DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW = -6; /** The type of input event. */ public static final int INPUT_MOUSE = 0, INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1, INPUT_HARDWARE = 2; /** {@link MOUSEINPUT} flags. */ public static final int MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000, MOUSEEVENTF_HWHEEL = 0x1000, MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 0x1, MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE_NOCOALESCE = 0x2000, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x2, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x4, MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x8, MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x10, MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x20, MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x40, MOUSEEVENTF_VIRTUALDESK = 0x4000, MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x800, MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x80, MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x100; /** {@link KEYBDINPUT} flags. */ public static final int KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 0x1, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x2, KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE = 0x8, KEYEVENTF_UNICODE = 0x4; protected User32() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // --- [ RegisterClassEx ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #RegisterClassEx} */ public static native short nRegisterClassEx(long lpwcx, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #RegisterClassEx} */ public static short nRegisterClassEx(long lpwcx) { long __functionAddress = Functions.RegisterClassEx; if (CHECKS) { WNDCLASSEX.validate(lpwcx); } return nRegisterClassEx(lpwcx, __functionAddress); } /** * Registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the {@link #CreateWindowEx} function. * * @param lpwcx a {@link WNDCLASSEX} structure. You must fill the structure with the appropriate class attributes before passing it to the function. */ @NativeType("ATOM") public static short RegisterClassEx(@NativeType("WNDCLASSEX const *") WNDCLASSEX lpwcx) { return nRegisterClassEx(lpwcx.address()); } // --- [ UnregisterClass ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #UnregisterClass} */ public static native int nUnregisterClass(long lpClassName, long hInstance, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #UnregisterClass} */ public static int nUnregisterClass(long lpClassName, long hInstance) { long __functionAddress = Functions.UnregisterClass; return nUnregisterClass(lpClassName, hInstance, __functionAddress); } /** * Unregisters a window class, freeing the memory required for the class. * * @param lpClassName a null-terminated string or a class atom. If {@code lpClassName} is a string, it specifies the window class name. This class name must have been * registered by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx} function. System classes, such as dialog box controls, cannot be unregistered. If this * parameter is an atom, it must be a class atom created by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx} function. The atom must be in the low-order * word of {@code lpClassName}; the high-order word must be zero. * @param hInstance a handle to the instance of the module that created the class */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean UnregisterClass(@NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpClassName, @NativeType("HINSTANCE") long hInstance) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2(lpClassName); } return nUnregisterClass(memAddress(lpClassName), hInstance) != 0; } /** * Unregisters a window class, freeing the memory required for the class. * * @param lpClassName a null-terminated string or a class atom. If {@code lpClassName} is a string, it specifies the window class name. This class name must have been * registered by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx} function. System classes, such as dialog box controls, cannot be unregistered. If this * parameter is an atom, it must be a class atom created by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx} function. The atom must be in the low-order * word of {@code lpClassName}; the high-order word must be zero. * @param hInstance a handle to the instance of the module that created the class */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean UnregisterClass(@NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpClassName, @NativeType("HINSTANCE") long hInstance) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16(lpClassName, true); long lpClassNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress(); return nUnregisterClass(lpClassNameEncoded, hInstance) != 0; } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ CreateWindowEx ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #CreateWindowEx} */ public static native long nCreateWindowEx(int dwExStyle, long lpClassName, long lpWindowName, int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, long hWndParent, long hMenu, long hInstance, long lpParam, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #CreateWindowEx} */ public static long nCreateWindowEx(int dwExStyle, long lpClassName, long lpWindowName, int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, long hWndParent, long hMenu, long hInstance, long lpParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.CreateWindowEx; return nCreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, lpClassName, lpWindowName, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam, __functionAddress); } /** * Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function. * * @param dwExStyle the extended window style of the window being created * @param lpClassName a null-terminated string or a class atom created by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx(WNDCLASSEX)} function. * @param lpWindowName the window name. If the window style specifies a title bar, the window title pointed to by {@code lpWindowName} is displayed in the title bar. * @param dwStyle the style of the window being created * @param x the initial horizontal position of the window * @param y the initial vertical position of the window * @param nWidth the width, in device units, of the window * @param nHeight the height, in device units, of the window * @param hWndParent a handle to the parent or owner window of the window being created. To create a child window or an owned window, supply a valid window handle. * @param hMenu a handle to a menu, or specifies a child-window identifier, depending on the window style * @param hInstance a handle to the instance of the module to be associated with the window * @param lpParam a value to be passed to the window through the {@code CREATESTRUCT} structure ({@code createParams} member) pointed to by the {@code lParam} param * of the {@link #WM_CREATE} message. */ @NativeType("HWND") public static long CreateWindowEx(@NativeType("DWORD") int dwExStyle, @Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpClassName, @Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpWindowName, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, @NativeType("HWND") long hWndParent, @NativeType("HMENU") long hMenu, @NativeType("HINSTANCE") long hInstance, @NativeType("LPVOID") long lpParam) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2Safe(lpClassName); checkNT2Safe(lpWindowName); } return nCreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, memAddressSafe(lpClassName), memAddressSafe(lpWindowName), dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam); } /** * Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function. * * @param dwExStyle the extended window style of the window being created * @param lpClassName a null-terminated string or a class atom created by a previous call to the {@link #RegisterClassEx(WNDCLASSEX)} function. * @param lpWindowName the window name. If the window style specifies a title bar, the window title pointed to by {@code lpWindowName} is displayed in the title bar. * @param dwStyle the style of the window being created * @param x the initial horizontal position of the window * @param y the initial vertical position of the window * @param nWidth the width, in device units, of the window * @param nHeight the height, in device units, of the window * @param hWndParent a handle to the parent or owner window of the window being created. To create a child window or an owned window, supply a valid window handle. * @param hMenu a handle to a menu, or specifies a child-window identifier, depending on the window style * @param hInstance a handle to the instance of the module to be associated with the window * @param lpParam a value to be passed to the window through the {@code CREATESTRUCT} structure ({@code createParams} member) pointed to by the {@code lParam} param * of the {@link #WM_CREATE} message. */ @NativeType("HWND") public static long CreateWindowEx(@NativeType("DWORD") int dwExStyle, @Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpClassName, @Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpWindowName, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, @NativeType("HWND") long hWndParent, @NativeType("HMENU") long hMenu, @NativeType("HINSTANCE") long hInstance, @NativeType("LPVOID") long lpParam) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16Safe(lpClassName, true); long lpClassNameEncoded = lpClassName == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress(); stack.nUTF16Safe(lpWindowName, true); long lpWindowNameEncoded = lpWindowName == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress(); return nCreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, lpClassNameEncoded, lpWindowNameEncoded, dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight, hWndParent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam); } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ DestroyWindow ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #DestroyWindow} */ public static native int nDestroyWindow(long hWnd, long __functionAddress); /** * Destroys the specified window. The function sends {@link #WM_DESTROY} and {@link #WM_NCDESTROY} messages to the window to deactivate it and remove the keyboard focus * from it. The function also destroys the window's menu, flushes the thread message queue, destroys timers, removes clipboard ownership, and breaks the * clipboard viewer chain (if the window is at the top of the viewer chain). * *

If the specified window is a parent or owner window, DestroyWindow automatically destroys the associated child or owned windows when it destroys the * parent or owner window. The function first destroys child or owned windows, and then it destroys the parent or owner window.

* * @param hWnd a handle to the window to be destroyed */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean DestroyWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.DestroyWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nDestroyWindow(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ DefWindowProc ] --- /** * Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that an application does not process. This function ensures * that every message is processed. DefWindowProc is called with the same parameters received by the window procedure. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window that received the message * @param Msg the message * @param wParam additional message information. The content of this parameter depends on the value of the {@code Msg} parameter. * @param lParam additional message information. The content of this parameter depends on the value of the {@code Msg} parameter. */ @NativeType("LRESULT") public static long DefWindowProc(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int Msg, @NativeType("WPARAM") long wParam, @NativeType("LPARAM") long lParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.DefWindowProc; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPPPP(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, __functionAddress); } // --- [ CallWindowProc ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #CallWindowProc} */ public static long nCallWindowProc(long lpPrevWndFunc, long hWnd, int Msg, long wParam, long lParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.CallWindowProc; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPPPPP(lpPrevWndFunc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, __functionAddress); } /** * Passes message information to the specified window procedure. * * @param lpPrevWndFunc the previous window procedure. * *

If this value is obtained by calling the {@link #GetWindowLongPtr} function with the {@code nIndex} parameter set to {@link #GWL_WNDPROC} or {@code DWL_DLGPROC}, * it is actually either the address of a window or dialog box procedure, or a special internal value meaningful only to {@code CallWindowProc}.

* @param hWnd a handle to the window procedure to receive the message * @param Msg the message * @param wParam additional message information. The content of this parameter depends on the value of the {@code Msg} parameter. * @param lParam additional message information. The content of this parameter depends on the value of the {@code Msg} parameter. */ @NativeType("LRESULT") public static long CallWindowProc(@NativeType("WNDPROC") WindowProcI lpPrevWndFunc, @NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int Msg, @NativeType("WPARAM") long wParam, @NativeType("LPARAM") long lParam) { return nCallWindowProc(lpPrevWndFunc.address(), hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } // --- [ ShowWindow ] --- /** * Sets the specified window's show state. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param nCmdShow controls how the window is to be shown. This parameter is ignored the first time an application calls {@code ShowWindow}, if the program that * launched the application provides a {@code STARTUPINFO} structure. Otherwise, the first time {@code ShowWindow} is called, the value should be the * value obtained by the {@code WinMain} function in its {@code nCmdShow} parameter. In subsequent calls, this parameter can be one of:
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean ShowWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int nCmdShow) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ShowWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, nCmdShow, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ UpdateWindow ] --- /** * Updates the client area of the specified window by sending a {@link #WM_PAINT} message to the window if the window's update region is not empty. The function * sends a {@link #WM_PAINT} message directly to the window procedure of the specified window, bypassing the application queue. If the update region is empty, no * message is sent. * * @param hWnd handle to the window to be updated */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean UpdateWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.UpdateWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ SetWindowPos ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowPos} */ public static native int nSetWindowPos(long hWnd, long hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, int uFlags, long __functionAddress); /** * Changes the size, position, and Z order of a child, pop-up, or top-level window. These windows are ordered according to their appearance on the screen. * The topmost window receives the highest rank and is the first window in the Z order. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param hWndInsertAfter a handle to the window to precede the positioned window in the Z order. This parameter must be a window handle or one of:
* @param X the new position of the left side of the window, in client coordinates * @param Y the new position of the top of the window, in client coordinates * @param cx the new width of the window, in pixels * @param cy the new height of the window, in pixels * @param uFlags the window sizing and positioning flags. One or more of:
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetWindowPos(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("HWND") long hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, @NativeType("UINT") int uFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetWindowPos; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndInsertAfter, X, Y, cx, cy, uFlags, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ SetWindowText ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowText} */ public static native int nSetWindowText(long hWnd, long lpString, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowText} */ public static int nSetWindowText(long hWnd, long lpString) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetWindowText; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSetWindowText(hWnd, lpString, __functionAddress); } /** * Changes the text of the specified window's title bar (if it has one). If the specified window is a control, the text of the control is changed. * However, {@code SetWindowText} cannot change the text of a control in another application. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window or control whose text is to be changed * @param lpString the new title or control text */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetWindowText(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpString) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2(lpString); } return nSetWindowText(hWnd, memAddress(lpString)) != 0; } /** * Changes the text of the specified window's title bar (if it has one). If the specified window is a control, the text of the control is changed. * However, {@code SetWindowText} cannot change the text of a control in another application. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window or control whose text is to be changed * @param lpString the new title or control text */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetWindowText(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpString) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16(lpString, true); long lpStringEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress(); return nSetWindowText(hWnd, lpStringEncoded) != 0; } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ GetMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetMessage} */ public static native int nGetMessage(long lpMsg, long hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetMessage} */ public static int nGetMessage(long lpMsg, long hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetMessage; return nGetMessage(lpMsg, hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves a message from the calling thread's message queue. The function dispatches incoming sent messages until a posted message is available for * retrieval. Unlike GetMessage, the {@link #PeekMessage} function does not wait for a message to be posted before returning. * * @param lpMsg a pointer to an {@link MSG} structure that receives message information from the thread's message queue * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose messages are to be retrieved. The window must belong to the current thread. * *

If {@code hWnd} is {@code NULL}, {@code GetMessage} retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the current thread, and any messages on the current * thread's message queue whose {@code hwnd} value is {@code NULL} (see the {@link MSG} structure). Therefore if {@code hWnd} is {@code NULL}, both window messages and * thread messages are processed.

* *

If {@code hWnd} is -1, {@code GetMessage} retrieves only messages on the current thread's message queue whose {@code hwnd} value is {@code NULL}, that is, * thread messages as posted by {@link #PostMessage} (when the {@code hWnd} parameter is {@code NULL}) or {@code PostThreadMessage}.

* @param wMsgFilterMin the integer value of the lowest message value to be retrieved * @param wMsgFilterMax the integer value of the highest message value to be retrieved */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetMessage(@NativeType("LPMSG") MSG lpMsg, @NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int wMsgFilterMin, @NativeType("UINT") int wMsgFilterMax) { return nGetMessage(lpMsg.address(), hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax) != 0; } // --- [ PeekMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #PeekMessage} */ public static int nPeekMessage(long lpMsg, long hWnd, int wMsgFilterMin, int wMsgFilterMax, int wRemoveMsg) { long __functionAddress = Functions.PeekMessage; return callPPI(lpMsg, hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg, __functionAddress); } /** * Dispatches incoming sent messages, checks the thread message queue for a posted message, and retrieves the message (if any exist). * * @param lpMsg a pointer to an {@link MSG} structure that receives message information * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose messages are to be retrieved. The window must belong to the current thread. * *

If {@code hWnd} is {@code NULL}, {@code GetMessage} retrieves messages for any window that belongs to the current thread, and any messages on the current * thread's message queue whose {@code hwnd} value is {@code NULL} (see the {@link MSG} structure). Therefore if {@code hWnd} is {@code NULL}, both window messages and * thread messages are processed.

* *

If {@code hWnd} is -1, {@code GetMessage} retrieves only messages on the current thread's message queue whose {@code hwnd} value is {@code NULL}, that is, * thread messages as posted by {@link #PostMessage} (when the {@code hWnd} parameter is {@code NULL}) or {@code PostThreadMessage}.

* @param wMsgFilterMin the integer value of the lowest message value to be retrieved * @param wMsgFilterMax the integer value of the highest message value to be retrieved * @param wRemoveMsg specifies how messages are to be handled. One of:
{@link #PM_NOREMOVE}{@link #PM_REMOVE}{@link #PM_NOYIELD}
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean PeekMessage(@NativeType("LPMSG") MSG lpMsg, @NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int wMsgFilterMin, @NativeType("UINT") int wMsgFilterMax, @NativeType("UINT") int wRemoveMsg) { return nPeekMessage(lpMsg.address(), hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, wRemoveMsg) != 0; } // --- [ TranslateMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #TranslateMessage} */ public static int nTranslateMessage(long lpMsg) { long __functionAddress = Functions.TranslateMessage; return callPI(lpMsg, __functionAddress); } /** * Translates virtual-key messages into character messages. The character messages are posted to the calling thread's message queue, to be read the next * time the thread calls the {@link #GetMessage} or {@link #PeekMessage} function. * * @param lpMsg an {@link MSG} structure that contains message information retrieved from the calling thread's message queue by using the {@link #GetMessage} or {@link #PeekMessage} * function. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean TranslateMessage(@NativeType("MSG const *") MSG lpMsg) { return nTranslateMessage(lpMsg.address()) != 0; } // --- [ WaitMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #WaitMessage} */ public static native int nWaitMessage(long __functionAddress); /** * Yields control to other threads when a thread has no other messages in its message queue. The WaitMessage function suspends the thread and does not * return until a new message is placed in the thread's message queue. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean WaitMessage() { long __functionAddress = Functions.WaitMessage; return nWaitMessage(__functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ DispatchMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #DispatchMessage} */ public static long nDispatchMessage(long lpmsg) { long __functionAddress = Functions.DispatchMessage; return callPP(lpmsg, __functionAddress); } /** * Dispatches a message to a window procedure. It is typically used to dispatch a message retrieved by the {@link #GetMessage} function. * * @param lpmsg a pointer to a structure that contains the message. */ @NativeType("LRESULT") public static long DispatchMessage(@NativeType("MSG const *") MSG lpmsg) { return nDispatchMessage(lpmsg.address()); } // --- [ PostMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #PostMessage} */ public static native int nPostMessage(long hWnd, int Msg, long wParam, long lParam, long __functionAddress); /** * Places (posts) a message in the message queue associated with the thread that created the specified window and returns without waiting for the thread * to process the message. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the message. The following values have special meanings: * *
  • {@link #HWND_BROADCAST} - The message is posted to all top-level windows in the system, including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped * windows, and pop-up windows. The message is not posted to child windows.
  • *
  • {@code NULL} - The function behaves like a call to PostThreadMessage with the dwThreadId parameter set to the identifier of the current thread.
  • *
* @param Msg the message to be posted * @param wParam additional message-specific information * @param lParam additional message-specific information */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean PostMessage(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int Msg, @NativeType("WPARAM") long wParam, @NativeType("LPARAM") long lParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.PostMessage; return nPostMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ SendMessage ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SendMessage} */ public static native int nSendMessage(long hWnd, int Msg, long wParam, long lParam, long __functionAddress); /** * Sends the specified message to a window or windows. The {@code SendMessage} function calls the window procedure for the specified window and does not * return until the window procedure has processed the message. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose window procedure will receive the message. If this parameter is {@link #HWND_BROADCAST}, the message is sent to all top-level * windows in the system, including disabled or invisible unowned windows, overlapped windows, and pop-up windows; but the message is not sent to * child windows. * *

Message sending is subject to UIPI. The thread of a process can send messages only to message queues of threads in processes of lesser or equal * integrity level.

* @param Msg the message to be sent * @param wParam additional message-specific information * @param lParam additional message-specific information */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SendMessage(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("UINT") int Msg, @NativeType("WPARAM") long wParam, @NativeType("LPARAM") long lParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SendMessage; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSendMessage(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ AdjustWindowRectEx ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #AdjustWindowRectEx} */ public static native int nAdjustWindowRectEx(long lpRect, int dwStyle, int bMenu, int dwExStyle, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #AdjustWindowRectEx} */ public static int nAdjustWindowRectEx(long lpRect, int dwStyle, int bMenu, int dwExStyle) { long __functionAddress = Functions.AdjustWindowRectEx; return nAdjustWindowRectEx(lpRect, dwStyle, bMenu, dwExStyle, __functionAddress); } /** * Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired size of the client rectangle. The window rectangle can then be passed to the * {@link #CreateWindowEx} function to create a window whose client area is the desired size. * * @param lpRect a pointer to a {@link RECT} structure that contains the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the desired client area. When the * function returns, the structure contains the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the window to accommodate the desired client * area. * @param dwStyle the window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated. Note that you cannot specify the {@link #WS_OVERLAPPED} style. * @param bMenu indicates whether the window has a menu * @param dwExStyle the extended window style of the window whose required size is to be calculated */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean AdjustWindowRectEx(@NativeType("LPRECT") RECT lpRect, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwStyle, @NativeType("BOOL") boolean bMenu, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwExStyle) { return nAdjustWindowRectEx(lpRect.address(), dwStyle, bMenu ? 1 : 0, dwExStyle) != 0; } // --- [ GetWindowRect ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetWindowRect} */ public static native int nGetWindowRect(long hWnd, long lpRect, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetWindowRect} */ public static int nGetWindowRect(long hWnd, long lpRect) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetWindowRect; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nGetWindowRect(hWnd, lpRect, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified window. The dimensions are given in screen coordinates that are relative to the * upper-left corner of the screen. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param lpRect a pointer to a {@link RECT} structure that receives the screen coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the window */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetWindowRect(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("LPRECT") RECT lpRect) { return nGetWindowRect(hWnd, lpRect.address()) != 0; } // --- [ MoveWindow ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #MoveWindow} */ public static native int nMoveWindow(long hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, int bRepaint, long __functionAddress); /** * Changes the position and dimensions of the specified window. For a top-level window, the position and dimensions are relative to the upper-left corner * of the screen. For a child window, they are relative to the upper-left corner of the parent window's client area. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param X the new position of the left side of the window * @param Y the new position of the top of the window * @param nWidth the new width of the window * @param nHeight the new height of the window * @param bRepaint indicates whether the window is to be repainted. If this parameter is TRUE, the window receives a message. If the parameter is FALSE, no repainting * of any kind occurs. This applies to the client area, the nonclient area (including the title bar and scroll bars), and any part of the parent * window uncovered as a result of moving a child window. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean MoveWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, @NativeType("BOOL") boolean bRepaint) { long __functionAddress = Functions.MoveWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nMoveWindow(hWnd, X, Y, nWidth, nHeight, bRepaint ? 1 : 0, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ GetWindowPlacement ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetWindowPlacement} */ public static native int nGetWindowPlacement(long hWnd, long lpwndpl, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetWindowPlacement} */ public static int nGetWindowPlacement(long hWnd, long lpwndpl) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetWindowPlacement; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nGetWindowPlacement(hWnd, lpwndpl, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves the show state and the restored, minimized, and maximized positions of the specified window. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param lpwndpl a pointer to the {@link WINDOWPLACEMENT} structure that receives the show state and position information. * *

Before calling {@code GetWindowPlacement}, set the length member to {@link WINDOWPLACEMENT#SIZEOF}. {@code GetWindowPlacement} fails if * {@code lpwndpl->length} is not set correctly.

*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetWindowPlacement(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("WINDOWPLACEMENT *") WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl) { return nGetWindowPlacement(hWnd, lpwndpl.address()) != 0; } // --- [ SetWindowPlacement ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowPlacement} */ public static native int nSetWindowPlacement(long hWnd, long lpwndpl, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowPlacement} */ public static int nSetWindowPlacement(long hWnd, long lpwndpl) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetWindowPlacement; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSetWindowPlacement(hWnd, lpwndpl, __functionAddress); } /** * Sets the show state and the restored, minimized, and maximized positions of the specified window. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window * @param lpwndpl a pointer to the {@link WINDOWPLACEMENT} structure that specifies the new show state and window positions. * *

Before calling {@code SetWindowPlacement}, set the {@code length} member of the {@code WINDOWPLACEMENT} structure to {@link WINDOWPLACEMENT#SIZEOF}. * {@code SetWindowPlacement} fails if the length member is not set correctly.

*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetWindowPlacement(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("WINDOWPLACEMENT const *") WINDOWPLACEMENT lpwndpl) { return nSetWindowPlacement(hWnd, lpwndpl.address()) != 0; } // --- [ IsWindowVisible ] --- /** * Determines the visibility state of the specified window. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window to be tested */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsWindowVisible(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsWindowVisible; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ IsIconic ] --- /** * Determines whether the specified window is minimized (iconic). * * @param hWnd a handle to the window to be tested */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsIconic(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsIconic; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ IsZoomed ] --- /** * Determines whether a window is maximized. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window to be tested */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsZoomed(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsZoomed; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ BringWindowToTop ] --- /** * Brings the specified window to the top of the Z order. If the window is a top-level window, it is activated. If the window is a child window, the * top-level parent window associated with the child window is activated. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window to bring to the top of the Z order */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean BringWindowToTop(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.BringWindowToTop; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPI(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ SetWindowLongPtr ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetWindowLongPtr} */ public static native long nSetWindowLongPtr(long hWnd, int nIndex, long dwNewLong, long __functionAddress); /** * Changes an attribute of the specified window. The function also sets a value at the specified offset in the extra window memory. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs * @param nIndex the zero-based offset to the value to be set. Valid values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra window memory, minus the size * of an integer. To set any other value, specify one of:
{@link #GWL_WNDPROC}{@link #GWL_HINSTANCE}{@link #GWL_HWNDPARENT}{@link #GWL_STYLE}{@link #GWL_EXSTYLE}{@link #GWL_USERDATA}{@link #GWL_ID}
* @param dwNewLong the replacement value * * @return the previous value at the given {@code index} */ @NativeType("LONG_PTR") public static long SetWindowLongPtr(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int nIndex, @NativeType("LONG_PTR") long dwNewLong) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetWindowLongPtr; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetWindowLongPtr ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetWindowLongPtr} */ public static native long nGetWindowLongPtr(long hWnd, int nIndex, long __functionAddress); /** * Retrieves information about the specified window. The function also retrieves the value at a specified offset into the extra window memory. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs * @param nIndex the zero-based offset to the value to be set. Valid values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra window memory, minus the size * of an integer. To set any other value, specify one of:
{@link #GWL_WNDPROC}{@link #GWL_HINSTANCE}{@link #GWL_HWNDPARENT}{@link #GWL_STYLE}{@link #GWL_EXSTYLE}{@link #GWL_USERDATA}{@link #GWL_ID}
*/ @NativeType("LONG_PTR") public static long GetWindowLongPtr(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int nIndex) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetWindowLongPtr; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nGetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, __functionAddress); } // --- [ SetClassLongPtr ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetClassLongPtr} */ public static native long nSetClassLongPtr(long hWnd, int nIndex, long dwNewLong, long __functionAddress); /** * Replaces the specified value at the specified offset in the extra class memory or the {@link WNDCLASSEX} structure for the class to which the specified * window belongs. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs * @param nIndex the value to be replaced. To set a value in the extra class memory, specify the positive, zero-based byte offset of the value to be set. Valid * values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra class memory, minus eight; for example, if you specified 24 or more bytes of * extra class memory, a value of 16 would be an index to the third integer. To set a value other than the {@link WNDCLASSEX} structure, specify one of:
{@link #GCL_CBCLSEXTRA}{@link #GCL_WNDPROC}{@link #GCL_STYLE}{@link #GCW_ATOM}{@link #GCL_HICONSM}
* @param dwNewLong the replacement value * * @return if the function succeeds, the return value is the previous value of the specified offset. If this was not previously set, the return value is zero. * *

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call {@link WinBase#getLastError}.

*/ @NativeType("LONG_PTR") public static long SetClassLongPtr(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int nIndex, @NativeType("LONG_PTR") long dwNewLong) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetClassLongPtr; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nSetClassLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetClassLongPtr ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetClassLongPtr} */ public static native long nGetClassLongPtr(long hWnd, int nIndex, long __functionAddress); /** * Retrieves the specified value from the {@link WNDCLASSEX} structure associated with the specified window. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window and, indirectly, the class to which the window belongs * @param nIndex the value to be retrieved. To retrieve a value from the extra class memory, specify the positive, zero-based byte offset of the value to be * retrieved. Valid values are in the range zero through the number of bytes of extra class memory, minus eight; for example, if you specified 24 or * more bytes of extra class memory, a value of 16 would be an index to the third integer. To retrieve any other value from the {@link WNDCLASSEX} * structure, specify one of:
{@link #GCL_CBCLSEXTRA}{@link #GCL_WNDPROC}{@link #GCL_STYLE}{@link #GCW_ATOM}{@link #GCL_HICONSM}
*/ @NativeType("LONG_PTR") public static long GetClassLongPtr(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, int nIndex) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetClassLongPtr; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return nGetClassLongPtr(hWnd, nIndex, __functionAddress); } // --- [ SetLayeredWindowAttributes ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #SetLayeredWindowAttributes} */ public static native int nSetLayeredWindowAttributes(long hwnd, int crKey, byte bAlpha, int dwFlags, long __functionAddress); /** * @param hwnd a handle to the layered window. A layered window is created by specifying {@link #WS_EX_LAYERED} when creating the window with the {@link #CreateWindowEx} * function or by setting {@link #WS_EX_LAYERED} via {@link #SetWindowLongPtr} after the window has been created. * @param crKey the transparency color key (0x00bbggrr) to be used when composing the layered window. All pixels painted by the window in this color will be * transparent. * @param bAlpha the alpha value used to describe the opacity of the layered window. When {@code bAlpha} is 0, the window is completely transparent. When * {@code bAlpha} is 255, the window is opaque. * @param dwFlags an action to be taken. One or more of:
{@link #LWA_COLORKEY}{@link #LWA_ALPHA}
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetLayeredWindowAttributes(@NativeType("HWND") long hwnd, @NativeType("COLORREF") int crKey, @NativeType("BYTE") byte bAlpha, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetLayeredWindowAttributes; if (CHECKS) { check(hwnd); } return nSetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, crKey, bAlpha, dwFlags, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ LoadIcon ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #LoadIcon} */ public static native long nLoadIcon(long instance, long iconName, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #LoadIcon} */ public static long nLoadIcon(long instance, long iconName) { long __functionAddress = Functions.LoadIcon; return nLoadIcon(instance, iconName, __functionAddress); } /** * Loads the specified icon resource from the executable (.exe) file associated with an application instance. * * @param instance a handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the icon to be loaded. This parameter must be {@code NULL} when a standard icon is * being loaded. * @param iconName the name of the icon resource to be loaded or one of:
*/ @NativeType("HICON") public static long LoadIcon(@NativeType("HINSTANCE") long instance, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer iconName) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2(iconName); } return nLoadIcon(instance, memAddress(iconName)); } /** * Loads the specified icon resource from the executable (.exe) file associated with an application instance. * * @param instance a handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the icon to be loaded. This parameter must be {@code NULL} when a standard icon is * being loaded. * @param iconName the name of the icon resource to be loaded or one of:
*/ @NativeType("HICON") public static long LoadIcon(@NativeType("HINSTANCE") long instance, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence iconName) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16(iconName, true); long iconNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress(); return nLoadIcon(instance, iconNameEncoded); } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ LoadCursor ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #LoadCursor} */ public static native long nLoadCursor(long instance, long cursorName, long __functionAddress); /** Unsafe version of: {@link #LoadCursor} */ public static long nLoadCursor(long instance, long cursorName) { long __functionAddress = Functions.LoadCursor; return nLoadCursor(instance, cursorName, __functionAddress); } /** * Loads the specified cursor resource from the executable (.EXE) file associated with an application instance. * * @param instance a handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the cursor to be loaded. * @param cursorName the name of the cursor resource to be loaded or one of:
{@link #IDC_ARROW}{@link #IDC_IBEAM}{@link #IDC_WAIT}{@link #IDC_CROSS}{@link #IDC_UPARROW}{@link #IDC_SIZE}{@link #IDC_ICON}{@link #IDC_SIZENWSE}
{@link #IDC_SIZENESW}{@link #IDC_SIZEWE}{@link #IDC_SIZENS}{@link #IDC_SIZEALL}{@link #IDC_NO}{@link #IDC_HAND}{@link #IDC_APPSTARTING}{@link #IDC_HELP}
*/ @NativeType("HCURSOR") public static long LoadCursor(@NativeType("HINSTANCE") long instance, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer cursorName) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2(cursorName); } return nLoadCursor(instance, memAddress(cursorName)); } /** * Loads the specified cursor resource from the executable (.EXE) file associated with an application instance. * * @param instance a handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the cursor to be loaded. * @param cursorName the name of the cursor resource to be loaded or one of:
{@link #IDC_ARROW}{@link #IDC_IBEAM}{@link #IDC_WAIT}{@link #IDC_CROSS}{@link #IDC_UPARROW}{@link #IDC_SIZE}{@link #IDC_ICON}{@link #IDC_SIZENWSE}
{@link #IDC_SIZENESW}{@link #IDC_SIZEWE}{@link #IDC_SIZENS}{@link #IDC_SIZEALL}{@link #IDC_NO}{@link #IDC_HAND}{@link #IDC_APPSTARTING}{@link #IDC_HELP}
*/ @NativeType("HCURSOR") public static long LoadCursor(@NativeType("HINSTANCE") long instance, @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence cursorName) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16(cursorName, true); long cursorNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress(); return nLoadCursor(instance, cursorNameEncoded); } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ GetDC ] --- /** * Retrieves a handle to a device context (DC) for the client area of a specified window or for the entire screen. You can use the returned handle in * subsequent GDI functions to draw in the DC. The device context is an opaque data structure, whose values are used internally by GDI. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose DC is to be retrieved. If this value is {@code NULL}, GetDC retrieves the DC for the entire screen. */ @NativeType("HDC") public static long GetDC(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetDC; return callPP(hWnd, __functionAddress); } // --- [ ReleaseDC ] --- /** * Releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. The effect of the ReleaseDC function depends on the type of DC. It frees only * common and window DCs. It has no effect on class or private DCs. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose DC is to be released * @param hDC a handle to the DC to be released */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean ReleaseDC(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("HDC") long hDC) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ReleaseDC; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); check(hDC); } return callPPI(hWnd, hDC, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ GetSystemMetrics ] --- /** * Retrieves the specified system metric or system configuration setting. * * @param index the system metric or configuration setting to be retrieved. One of:
{@link #SM_RESERVED1}{@link #SM_RESERVED2}{@link #SM_RESERVED3}{@link #SM_RESERVED4}{@link #SM_CXMIN}{@link #SM_CYMIN}
{@link #SM_CXSIZE}{@link #SM_CYSIZE}{@link #SM_CXFRAME}{@link #SM_CYFRAME}{@link #SM_CXMINTRACK}{@link #SM_CYMINTRACK}
*/ public static int GetSystemMetrics(int index) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetSystemMetrics; return callI(index, __functionAddress); } // --- [ RegisterTouchWindow ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #RegisterTouchWindow} */ public static native int nRegisterTouchWindow(long hWnd, int ulFlags, long __functionAddress); /** * Registers a window as being touch-capable. * *

{@code RegisterTouchWindow} must be called on every window that will be used for touch input. This means that if you have an application that has * multiple windows within it, {@code RegisterTouchWindow} must be called on every window in that application that uses touch features. Also, an * application can call {@code RegisterTouchWindow} any number of times for the same window if it desires to change the modifier flags. A window can be * marked as no longer requiring touch input using the {@link #UnregisterTouchWindow} function.

* * @param hWnd the handle of the window being registered. The function fails with {@code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED} if the calling thread does not own the specified * window. * @param ulFlags a set of bit flags that specify optional modifications. This field may contain 0 or one or more of:
* * @since Windows 7 (desktop apps only) */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean RegisterTouchWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("ULONG") int ulFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.RegisterTouchWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hWnd); } return nRegisterTouchWindow(hWnd, ulFlags, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ UnregisterTouchWindow ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #UnregisterTouchWindow} */ public static native int nUnregisterTouchWindow(long hWnd, long __functionAddress); /** * Registers a window as no longer being touch-capable. * * @param hWnd the handle of the window. The function fails with {@code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED} if the calling thread does not own the specified window. * * @since Windows 7 (desktop apps only) */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean UnregisterTouchWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.UnregisterTouchWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hWnd); } return nUnregisterTouchWindow(hWnd, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ IsTouchWindow ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #IsTouchWindow} */ public static int nIsTouchWindow(long hWnd, long pulFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsTouchWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hWnd); } return callPPI(hWnd, pulFlags, __functionAddress); } /** * Checks whether a specified window is touch-capable and, optionally, retrieves the modifier flags set for the window's touch capability. * * @param hWnd the handle of the window. The function fails with {@code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED} if the calling thread is not on the same desktop as the specified * window. * @param pulFlags an optional address of the {@code ULONG} variable to receive the modifier flags for the specified window's touch capability. * * @since Windows 7 (desktop apps only) */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsTouchWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @Nullable @NativeType("PULONG") IntBuffer pulFlags) { if (CHECKS) { checkSafe(pulFlags, 1); } return nIsTouchWindow(hWnd, memAddressSafe(pulFlags)) != 0; } // --- [ GetTouchInputInfo ] --- /** * Unsafe version of: {@link #GetTouchInputInfo} * * @param cInputs The number of structures in the {@code pInputs} array. This should ideally be at least equal to the number of touch points associated with the * message as indicated in the message {@code WPARAM}. If {@code cInputs} is less than the number of touch points, the function will still succeed and * populate the {@code pInputs} buffer with information about {@code cInputs} touch points. */ public static native int nGetTouchInputInfo(long hTouchInput, int cInputs, long pInputs, int cbSize, long __functionAddress); /** * Unsafe version of: {@link #GetTouchInputInfo} * * @param cInputs The number of structures in the {@code pInputs} array. This should ideally be at least equal to the number of touch points associated with the * message as indicated in the message {@code WPARAM}. If {@code cInputs} is less than the number of touch points, the function will still succeed and * populate the {@code pInputs} buffer with information about {@code cInputs} touch points. */ public static int nGetTouchInputInfo(long hTouchInput, int cInputs, long pInputs, int cbSize) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetTouchInputInfo; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hTouchInput); } return nGetTouchInputInfo(hTouchInput, cInputs, pInputs, cbSize, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves detailed information about touch inputs associated with a particular touch input handle. * * @param hTouchInput the touch input handle received in the {@code LPARAM} of a touch message. The function fails with {@code ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE} if this handle is * not valid. Note that the handle is not valid after it has been used in a successful call to {@link #CloseTouchInputHandle} or after it has been passed to * {@link #DefWindowProc}, {@link #PostMessage}, {@link #SendMessage} or one of their variants. * @param pInputs a pointer to an array of {@link TOUCHINPUT} structures to receive information about the touch points associated with the specified touch input handle * @param cbSize the size, in bytes, of a single {@link TOUCHINPUT} structure. If {@code cbSize} is not the size of a single {@code TOUCHINPUT} structure, the function * fails with {@code ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER}. * * @since Windows 7 (desktop apps only) */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetTouchInputInfo(@NativeType("HTOUCHINPUT") long hTouchInput, @NativeType("PTOUCHINPUT") TOUCHINPUT.Buffer pInputs, int cbSize) { return nGetTouchInputInfo(hTouchInput, pInputs.remaining(), pInputs.address(), cbSize) != 0; } // --- [ CloseTouchInputHandle ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #CloseTouchInputHandle} */ public static native int nCloseTouchInputHandle(long hTouchInput, long __functionAddress); /** * Closes a touch input handle, frees process memory associated with it, and invalidates the handle. * * @param hTouchInput the touch input handle received in the {@code LPARAM} of a touch message. The function fails with {@code ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE} if this handle is * not valid. Note that the handle is not valid after it has been used in a successful call to {@link #CloseTouchInputHandle} or after it has been passed to * {@link #DefWindowProc}, {@link #PostMessage}, {@link #SendMessage} or one of their variants. * * @since Windows 7 (desktop apps only) */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean CloseTouchInputHandle(@NativeType("HTOUCHINPUT") long hTouchInput) { long __functionAddress = Functions.CloseTouchInputHandle; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hTouchInput); } return nCloseTouchInputHandle(hTouchInput, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ MonitorFromWindow ] --- /** * Retrieves a handle to the display monitor that has the largest area of intersection with the bounding rectangle of a specified window. * * @param hWnd a handle to the window of interest * @param dwFlags determines the function's return value if the window does not intersect any display monitor. One of:
*/ @NativeType("HMONITOR") public static long MonitorFromWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.MonitorFromWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPP(hWnd, dwFlags, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetMonitorInfo ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetMonitorInfo} */ public static int nGetMonitorInfo(long hMonitor, long lpmi) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetMonitorInfo; if (CHECKS) { check(hMonitor); } return callPPI(hMonitor, lpmi, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves information about a display monitor. * * @param hMonitor a handle to the display monitor of interest * @param lpmi a pointer to a {@link MONITORINFOEX} structure that receives information about the specified display monitor. * *

You must set the {@code cbSize} member of the structure to {@link MONITORINFOEX#SIZEOF} before calling the {@code GetMonitorInfo} function. Doing so lets * the function determine the type of structure you are passing to it.

*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetMonitorInfo(@NativeType("HMONITOR") long hMonitor, @NativeType("LPMONITORINFOEX") MONITORINFOEX lpmi) { return nGetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, lpmi.address()) != 0; } // --- [ EnumDisplayDevices ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #EnumDisplayDevices} */ public static int nEnumDisplayDevices(long lpDevice, int iDevNum, long lpDisplayDevice, int dwFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.EnumDisplayDevices; return callPPI(lpDevice, iDevNum, lpDisplayDevice, dwFlags, __functionAddress); } /** * Obtains information about the display devices in the current session. * * @param lpDevice the device name. If {@code NULL}, function returns information for the display adapter(s) on the machine, based on {@code devNum}. * @param iDevNum an index value that specifies the display device of interest. * *

The operating system identifies each display device in the current session with an index value. The index values are consecutive integers, starting * at 0. If the current session has three display devices, for example, they are specified by the index values 0, 1, and 2.

* @param lpDisplayDevice a pointer to a {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE} structure that receives information about the display device specified by {@code iDevNum}. * *

Before calling {@code EnumDisplayDevices}, you must initialize the {@code cb} member of {@code DISPLAY_DEVICE} to the size, in bytes, of * {@code DISPLAY_DEVICE}.

* @param dwFlags set this flag to {@link #EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME} to retrieve the device interface name for {@code GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MONITOR}, which is registered by * the operating system on a per monitor basis. The value is placed in the {@code DeviceID} member of the {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE} structure returned in * {@code lpDisplayDevice}. The resulting device interface name can be used with SetupAPI functions and serves as a link between GDI monitor devices * and SetupAPI monitor devices. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean EnumDisplayDevices(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpDevice, @NativeType("DWORD") int iDevNum, @NativeType("PDISPLAY_DEVICE") DISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2Safe(lpDevice); } return nEnumDisplayDevices(memAddressSafe(lpDevice), iDevNum, lpDisplayDevice.address(), dwFlags) != 0; } /** * Obtains information about the display devices in the current session. * * @param lpDevice the device name. If {@code NULL}, function returns information for the display adapter(s) on the machine, based on {@code devNum}. * @param iDevNum an index value that specifies the display device of interest. * *

The operating system identifies each display device in the current session with an index value. The index values are consecutive integers, starting * at 0. If the current session has three display devices, for example, they are specified by the index values 0, 1, and 2.

* @param lpDisplayDevice a pointer to a {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE} structure that receives information about the display device specified by {@code iDevNum}. * *

Before calling {@code EnumDisplayDevices}, you must initialize the {@code cb} member of {@code DISPLAY_DEVICE} to the size, in bytes, of * {@code DISPLAY_DEVICE}.

* @param dwFlags set this flag to {@link #EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME} to retrieve the device interface name for {@code GUID_DEVINTERFACE_MONITOR}, which is registered by * the operating system on a per monitor basis. The value is placed in the {@code DeviceID} member of the {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE} structure returned in * {@code lpDisplayDevice}. The resulting device interface name can be used with SetupAPI functions and serves as a link between GDI monitor devices * and SetupAPI monitor devices. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean EnumDisplayDevices(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpDevice, @NativeType("DWORD") int iDevNum, @NativeType("PDISPLAY_DEVICE") DISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16Safe(lpDevice, true); long lpDeviceEncoded = lpDevice == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress(); return nEnumDisplayDevices(lpDeviceEncoded, iDevNum, lpDisplayDevice.address(), dwFlags) != 0; } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ EnumDisplaySettingsEx ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #EnumDisplaySettingsEx} */ public static int nEnumDisplaySettingsEx(long lpszDeviceName, int iModeNum, long lpDevMode, int dwFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.EnumDisplaySettingsEx; return callPPI(lpszDeviceName, iModeNum, lpDevMode, dwFlags, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device. To retrieve information for all the graphics modes for a display device, * make a series of calls to this function. * * @param lpszDeviceName a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the display device about which graphics mode the function will obtain information. * *

This parameter is either {@code NULL} or a {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE#DeviceName} returned from {@link #EnumDisplayDevices}. A {@code NULL} value specifies the current display * device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.

* @param iModeNum indicates the type of information to be retrieved. * *

Graphics mode indexes start at zero. To obtain information for all of a display device's graphics modes, make a series of calls to * {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, as follows: Set {@code iModeNum} to zero for the first call, and increment {@code iModeNum} by one for each * subsequent call. Continue calling the function until the return value is zero.

* *

When you call {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} with {@code iModeNum} set to zero, the operating system initializes and caches information about the * display device. When you call {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} with {@code iModeNum} set to a nonzero value, the function returns the information that * was cached the last time the function was called with {@code iModeNum} set to zero.

* *

This value can be a graphics mode index or one of:

* @param lpDevMode a pointer to a {@link DEVMODE} structure into which the function stores information about the specified graphics mode. Before calling * {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, set the {@code dmSize} member to {@link DEVMODE#SIZEOF}, and set the {@code dmDriverExtra} member to indicate the size, in * bytes, of the additional space available to receive private driver data. * *

The {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} function will populate the {@code dmFields} member of the {@code lpDevMode} and one or more other members of the * {@code DEVMODE} structure. To determine which members were set by the call to {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, inspect the {@code dmFields} bitmask.

* @param dwFlags this parameter can be one of:
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean EnumDisplaySettingsEx(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpszDeviceName, @NativeType("DWORD") int iModeNum, @NativeType("DEVMODE *") DEVMODE lpDevMode, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2Safe(lpszDeviceName); } return nEnumDisplaySettingsEx(memAddressSafe(lpszDeviceName), iModeNum, lpDevMode.address(), dwFlags) != 0; } /** * Retrieves information about one of the graphics modes for a display device. To retrieve information for all the graphics modes for a display device, * make a series of calls to this function. * * @param lpszDeviceName a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the display device about which graphics mode the function will obtain information. * *

This parameter is either {@code NULL} or a {@link DISPLAY_DEVICE#DeviceName} returned from {@link #EnumDisplayDevices}. A {@code NULL} value specifies the current display * device on the computer that the calling thread is running on.

* @param iModeNum indicates the type of information to be retrieved. * *

Graphics mode indexes start at zero. To obtain information for all of a display device's graphics modes, make a series of calls to * {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, as follows: Set {@code iModeNum} to zero for the first call, and increment {@code iModeNum} by one for each * subsequent call. Continue calling the function until the return value is zero.

* *

When you call {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} with {@code iModeNum} set to zero, the operating system initializes and caches information about the * display device. When you call {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} with {@code iModeNum} set to a nonzero value, the function returns the information that * was cached the last time the function was called with {@code iModeNum} set to zero.

* *

This value can be a graphics mode index or one of:

* @param lpDevMode a pointer to a {@link DEVMODE} structure into which the function stores information about the specified graphics mode. Before calling * {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, set the {@code dmSize} member to {@link DEVMODE#SIZEOF}, and set the {@code dmDriverExtra} member to indicate the size, in * bytes, of the additional space available to receive private driver data. * *

The {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx} function will populate the {@code dmFields} member of the {@code lpDevMode} and one or more other members of the * {@code DEVMODE} structure. To determine which members were set by the call to {@code EnumDisplaySettingsEx}, inspect the {@code dmFields} bitmask.

* @param dwFlags this parameter can be one of:
*/ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean EnumDisplaySettingsEx(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpszDeviceName, @NativeType("DWORD") int iModeNum, @NativeType("DEVMODE *") DEVMODE lpDevMode, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwFlags) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16Safe(lpszDeviceName, true); long lpszDeviceNameEncoded = lpszDeviceName == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress(); return nEnumDisplaySettingsEx(lpszDeviceNameEncoded, iModeNum, lpDevMode.address(), dwFlags) != 0; } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ ChangeDisplaySettingsEx ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #ChangeDisplaySettingsEx} */ public static int nChangeDisplaySettingsEx(long lpszDeviceName, long lpDevMode, long hwnd, int dwflags, long lParam) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx; return callPPPPI(lpszDeviceName, lpDevMode, hwnd, dwflags, lParam, __functionAddress); } /** * Changes the settings of the specified display device to the specified graphics mode. * * @param lpszDeviceName a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the display device whose graphics mode will change. Only display device names as returned by * {@link #EnumDisplayDevices} are valid. * *

The {@code lpszDeviceName} parameter can be {@code NULL}. A {@code NULL} value specifies the default display device. The default device can be determined by * calling {@code EnumDisplayDevices} and checking for the {@link GDI32#DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE} flag.

* @param lpDevMode a pointer to a {@link DEVMODE} structure that describes the new graphics mode. If {@code lpDevMode} is {@code NULL}, all the values currently in the registry * will be used for the display setting. Passing {@code NULL} for the {@code lpDevMode} parameter and 0 for the {@code dwFlags} parameter is the easiest way * to return to the default mode after a dynamic mode change. * *

The {@code dmSize} member must be initialized to the size, in bytes, of the {@code DEVMODE} structure. The {@code dmDriverExtra} member must be * initialized to indicate the number of bytes of private driver data following the {@code DEVMODE} structure.

* @param hwnd reserved; must be {@code NULL} * @param dwflags indicates how the graphics mode should be changed. One of:
{@link #CDS_NORESET}
* @param lParam if {@code flags} is {@link #CDS_VIDEOPARAMETERS}, {@code lParam} is a pointer to a {@code VIDEOPARAMETERS} structure. Otherwise {@code lParam} must be {@code NULL}. * * @return one of the following values: {@link #DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_RESTART} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_FAILED} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW} */ @NativeType("LONG") public static int ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") ByteBuffer lpszDeviceName, @Nullable @NativeType("DEVMODE *") DEVMODE lpDevMode, @NativeType("HWND") long hwnd, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwflags, @NativeType("LPVOID") long lParam) { if (CHECKS) { checkNT2Safe(lpszDeviceName); } return nChangeDisplaySettingsEx(memAddressSafe(lpszDeviceName), memAddressSafe(lpDevMode), hwnd, dwflags, lParam); } /** * Changes the settings of the specified display device to the specified graphics mode. * * @param lpszDeviceName a pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the display device whose graphics mode will change. Only display device names as returned by * {@link #EnumDisplayDevices} are valid. * *

The {@code lpszDeviceName} parameter can be {@code NULL}. A {@code NULL} value specifies the default display device. The default device can be determined by * calling {@code EnumDisplayDevices} and checking for the {@link GDI32#DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE} flag.

* @param lpDevMode a pointer to a {@link DEVMODE} structure that describes the new graphics mode. If {@code lpDevMode} is {@code NULL}, all the values currently in the registry * will be used for the display setting. Passing {@code NULL} for the {@code lpDevMode} parameter and 0 for the {@code dwFlags} parameter is the easiest way * to return to the default mode after a dynamic mode change. * *

The {@code dmSize} member must be initialized to the size, in bytes, of the {@code DEVMODE} structure. The {@code dmDriverExtra} member must be * initialized to indicate the number of bytes of private driver data following the {@code DEVMODE} structure.

* @param hwnd reserved; must be {@code NULL} * @param dwflags indicates how the graphics mode should be changed. One of:
{@link #CDS_NORESET}
* @param lParam if {@code flags} is {@link #CDS_VIDEOPARAMETERS}, {@code lParam} is a pointer to a {@code VIDEOPARAMETERS} structure. Otherwise {@code lParam} must be {@code NULL}. * * @return one of the following values: {@link #DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_RESTART} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_FAILED} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM} {@link #DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW} */ @NativeType("LONG") public static int ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(@Nullable @NativeType("LPCTSTR") CharSequence lpszDeviceName, @Nullable @NativeType("DEVMODE *") DEVMODE lpDevMode, @NativeType("HWND") long hwnd, @NativeType("DWORD") int dwflags, @NativeType("LPVOID") long lParam) { MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer(); try { stack.nUTF16Safe(lpszDeviceName, true); long lpszDeviceNameEncoded = lpszDeviceName == null ? NULL : stack.getPointerAddress(); return nChangeDisplaySettingsEx(lpszDeviceNameEncoded, memAddressSafe(lpDevMode), hwnd, dwflags, lParam); } finally { stack.setPointer(stackPointer); } } // --- [ GetCursorPos ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #GetCursorPos} */ public static int nGetCursorPos(long point) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetCursorPos; return callPI(point, __functionAddress); } /** * Retrieves the position of the mouse cursor, in screen coordinates. * * @param point a pointer to a {@link POINT} structure that receives the screen coordinates of the cursor */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean GetCursorPos(@NativeType("LPPOINT") POINT point) { return nGetCursorPos(point.address()) != 0; } // --- [ SetCursorPos ] --- /** * Moves the cursor to the specified screen coordinates. If the new coordinates are not within the screen rectangle set by the most recent {@link #ClipCursor} * function call, the system automatically adjusts the coordinates so that the cursor stays within the rectangle. * * @param X the new x-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates. * @param Y the new y-coordinate of the cursor, in screen coordinates. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean SetCursorPos(int X, int Y) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetCursorPos; return callI(X, Y, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ ClipCursor ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #ClipCursor} */ public static int nClipCursor(long rect) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ClipCursor; return callPI(rect, __functionAddress); } /** * Confines the cursor to a rectangular area on the screen. If a subsequent cursor position (set by the {@link #SetCursorPos} function or the mouse) lies * outside the rectangle, the system automatically adjusts the position to keep the cursor inside the rectangular area. * * @param rect a pointer to the structure that contains the screen coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of the confining rectangle. If this * parameter is {@code NULL}, the cursor is free to move anywhere on the screen. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean ClipCursor(@Nullable @NativeType("RECT const *") RECT rect) { return nClipCursor(memAddressSafe(rect)) != 0; } // --- [ ShowCursor ] --- /** * Displays or hides the cursor. * *

This function sets an internal display counter that determines whether the cursor should be displayed. The cursor is displayed only if the display * count is greater than or equal to 0. If a mouse is installed, the initial display count is 0. If no mouse is installed, the display count is –1.

* * @param show If {@code show} is {@link WinBase#TRUE}, the display count is incremented by one. If {@code show} is {@link WinBase#FALSE}, the display count is decremented by one. * * @return the new display counter */ public static int ShowCursor(@NativeType("BOOL") boolean show) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ShowCursor; return callI(show ? 1 : 0, __functionAddress); } // --- [ SetCursor ] --- /** * Sets the cursor shape. * *

The cursor is set only if the new cursor is different from the previous cursor; otherwise, the function returns immediately.

* *

The cursor is a shared resource. A window should set the cursor shape only when the cursor is in its client area or when the window is capturing mouse * input. In systems without a mouse, the window should restore the previous cursor before the cursor leaves the client area or before it relinquishes * control to another window.

* *

If your application must set the cursor while it is in a window, make sure the class cursor for the specified window's class is set to {@code NULL}. If the * class cursor is not {@code NULL}, the system restores the class cursor each time the mouse is moved.

* *

The cursor is not shown on the screen if the internal cursor display count is less than zero. This occurs if the application uses the {@link #ShowCursor} * function to hide the cursor more times than to show the cursor.

* * @param hCursor a handle to the cursor. The cursor must have been created by the {@code CreateCursor} function or loaded by the {@link #LoadCursor} or {@code LoadImage} * function. If this parameter is {@code NULL}, the cursor is removed from the screen. * * @return the handle to the previous cursor, if there was one */ @NativeType("HCURSOR") public static long SetCursor(@NativeType("HCURSOR") long hCursor) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetCursor; return callPP(hCursor, __functionAddress); } // --- [ ClientToScreen ] --- /** Unsafe version of: {@link #ClientToScreen} */ public static int nClientToScreen(long hWnd, long lpPoint) { long __functionAddress = Functions.ClientToScreen; if (CHECKS) { check(hWnd); } return callPPI(hWnd, lpPoint, __functionAddress); } /** * Converts the client-area coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates. * *

The {@code ClientToScreen} function replaces the client-area coordinates in the {@link POINT} structure with the screen coordinates. The screen coordinates * are relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. Note, a screen-coordinate point that is above the window's client area has a negative * y-coordinate. Similarly, a screen coordinate to the left of a client area has a negative x-coordinate.

* *

All coordinates are device coordinates.

* * @param hWnd a handle to the window whose client area is used for the conversion * @param lpPoint a pointer to a {@code POINT} structure that contains the client coordinates to be converted. The new screen coordinates are copied into this * structure if the function succeeds. */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean ClientToScreen(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @NativeType("LPPOINT") POINT lpPoint) { return nClientToScreen(hWnd, lpPoint.address()) != 0; } // --- [ GetAsyncKeyState ] --- /** * Determines whether a key is up or down at the time the function is called, and whether the key was pressed after a previous call to * {@code GetAsyncKeyState}. * *

The {@code GetAsyncKeyState} function works with mouse buttons. However, it checks on the state of the physical mouse buttons, not on the logical mouse * buttons that the physical buttons are mapped to. For example, the call {@code GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)} always returns the state of the left * physical mouse button, regardless of whether it is mapped to the left or right logical mouse button. You can determine the system's current mapping of * physical mouse buttons to logical mouse buttons by calling {@code GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON)} which returns {@link WinBase#TRUE} if the mouse buttons have been * swapped.

* *

Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query, due to the pre-emptive * multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call {@code GetAsyncKeyState} and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your * application. The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications * (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.

* *

You can use the virtual-key code constants {@link #VK_SHIFT}, {@link #VK_CONTROL}, and {@link #VK_MENU} as values for the {@code vKey} parameter. This gives the state of the * SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right.

* * @param vKey the virtual-key code. You can use left- and right-distinguishing constants to specify certain keys. * * @return if the function succeeds, the return value specifies whether the key was pressed since the last call to {@code GetAsyncKeyState}, and whether the key * is currently up or down. If the most significant bit is set, the key is down, and if the least significant bit is set, the key was pressed after the * previous call to {@code GetAsyncKeyState}. However, you should not rely on this last behavior; for more information, see the Remarks. * *

The return value is zero for the following cases:

* *
  • The current desktop is not the active desktop
  • *
  • The foreground thread belongs to another process and the desktop does not allow the hook or the journal record.
  • *
*/ @NativeType("SHORT") public static short GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetAsyncKeyState; return callS(vKey, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetMessageExtraInfo ] --- /** * Retrieves the extra message information for the current thread. * *

Extra message information is an application- or driver-defined value associated with the current thread's message queue.

* * @return the extra information. The meaning of the extra information is device specific. */ @NativeType("LPARAM") public static long GetMessageExtraInfo() { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetMessageExtraInfo; return callP(__functionAddress); } // --- [ SendInput ] --- /** * Unsafe version of: {@link #SendInput} * * @param cInputs the number of structures in the {@code pInputs} array */ public static int nSendInput(int cInputs, long pInputs, int cbSize) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SendInput; return callPI(cInputs, pInputs, cbSize, __functionAddress); } /** * Synthesizes keystrokes, mouse motions, and button clicks. * *

This function is subject to UIPI. Applications are permitted to inject input only into applications that are at an equal or lesser integrity level.

* *

The {@code SendInput} function inserts the events in the {@link INPUT} structures serially into the keyboard or mouse input stream. These events are not * interspersed with other keyboard or mouse input events inserted either by the user (with the keyboard or mouse) or by calls to {@code keybd_event}, * {@code mouse_event}, or other calls to {@code SendInput}.

* *

This function does not reset the keyboard's current state. Any keys that are already pressed when the function is called might interfere with the * events that this function generates. To avoid this problem, check the keyboard's state with the {@link #GetAsyncKeyState} function and correct as necessary.

* *

Because the touch keyboard uses the surrogate macros defined in {@code winnls.h} to send input to the system, a listener on the keyboard event hook * must decode input originating from the touch keyboard.

* *

An accessibility application can use {@code SendInput} to inject keystrokes corresponding to application launch shortcut keys that are handled by the * shell. This functionality is not guaranteed to work for other types of applications.

* * @param pInputs an array of {@code INPUT} structures. Each structure represents an event to be inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream. * @param cbSize the size, in bytes, of an {@code INPUT} structure. If {@code cbSiz}e is not the size of an {@code INPUT} structure, the function fails. * * @return the number of events that it successfully inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream. If the function returns zero, the input was already blocked * by another thread. To get extended error information, call {@link WinBase#GetLastError}. * *

This function fails when it is blocked by UIPI. Note that neither GetLastError nor the return value will indicate the failure was caused by UIPI * blocking.

*/ @NativeType("UINT") public static int SendInput(@NativeType("PINPUT") INPUT.Buffer pInputs, int cbSize) { return nSendInput(pInputs.remaining(), pInputs.address(), cbSize); } // --- [ GetDpiForSystem ] --- /** * Returns the system DPI. * *

The return value will be dependent based upon the calling context. If the current thread has a {@code DPI_AWARENESS} value of {@link #DPI_AWARENESS_UNAWARE}, * the return value will be 96. That is because the current context always assumes a DPI of 96. For any other {@code DPI_AWARENESS} value, the return * value will be the actual system DPI.

* *

You should not cache the system DPI, but should use {@code GetDpiForSystem} whenever you need the system DPI value.

* * @return the system DPI value * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("UINT") public static int GetDpiForSystem() { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetDpiForSystem; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); } return callI(__functionAddress); } // --- [ GetDpiForWindow ] --- /** * Returns the dots per inch (dpi) value for the associated window. * * @param hwnd the window you want to get information about * * @return the DPI for the window which depends on the {@code DPI_AWARENESS} of the window. An invalid {@code hwnd} value will result in a return value of 0. * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("UINT") public static int GetDpiForWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hwnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetDpiForWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hwnd); } return callPI(hwnd, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext ] --- /** * Retrieves the {@code DPI_AWARENESS} value from a {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT}. * * @param value the {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} you want to examine * * @return the {@code DPI_AWARENESS}. If the provided value is null or invalid, this method will return {@link #DPI_AWARENESS_INVALID}. * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS") public static int GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext(@NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") long value) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetAwarenessFromDpiAwarenessContext; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(value); } return callPI(value, __functionAddress); } // --- [ GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext ] --- /** * Gets the {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} for the current thread. * *

If {@link #SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext} was never called for this thread, then the return value will equal the default {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} for the * process.

* * @return the current {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} for the thread. * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") public static long GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext() { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetThreadDpiAwarenessContext; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); } return callP(__functionAddress); } // --- [ GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext ] --- /** * Returns the {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} associated with a window. * * @param hwnd the window to query * * @return the {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} for the provided window. If the window is not valid, the return value is {@code NULL}. * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") public static long GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext(@NativeType("HWND") long hwnd) { long __functionAddress = Functions.GetWindowDpiAwarenessContext; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hwnd); } return callPP(hwnd, __functionAddress); } // --- [ IsValidDpiAwarenessContext ] --- /** * Determines if a specified {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} is valid and supported by the current system. * * @param value the context that you want to determine if it is supported * * @return {@link WinBase#TRUE} if the provided context is supported, otherwise {@link WinBase#FALSE} * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsValidDpiAwarenessContext(@NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") long value) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsValidDpiAwarenessContext; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); } return callPI(value, __functionAddress) != 0; } // --- [ SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext ] --- /** * Set the DPI awareness for the current thread to the provided value. * * @param dpiContext the DPI awareness value to set * * @return The old {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} for the thread. If the {@code dpiContext} is invalid, the thread will not be updated and the return value will be * {@code NULL}. You can use this value to restore the old {@code DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT} after overriding it with a predefined value. * * @since Windows 10 */ @NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") public static long SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(@NativeType("DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT") long dpiContext) { long __functionAddress = Functions.SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(dpiContext); } return callPP(dpiContext, __functionAddress); } /** Array version of: {@link #IsTouchWindow} */ @NativeType("BOOL") public static boolean IsTouchWindow(@NativeType("HWND") long hWnd, @Nullable @NativeType("PULONG") int[] pulFlags) { long __functionAddress = Functions.IsTouchWindow; if (CHECKS) { check(__functionAddress); check(hWnd); checkSafe(pulFlags, 1); } return callPPI(hWnd, pulFlags, __functionAddress) != 0; } }

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