org.lwjgl.cuda.CUDAProfiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
package org.lwjgl.cuda;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
/** Contains bindings to CUDA profiler control functions of the low-level CUDA driver API. */
public class CUDAProfiler {
* Profiler Output Modes. ({@code CUoutput_mode}
* Enum values:
* - {@link #CU_OUT_KEY_VALUE_PAIR OUT_KEY_VALUE_PAIR} - Output mode Key-Value pair format.
* - {@link #CU_OUT_CSV OUT_CSV} - Output mode Comma separated values format.
public static final int
CU_OUT_CSV = 0x1;
protected CUDAProfiler() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Contains the function pointers loaded from {@code CU.getLibrary()}. */
public static final class Functions {
private Functions() {}
/** Function address. */
public static final long
ProfilerInitialize = apiGetFunctionAddress(CU.getLibrary(), "cuProfilerInitialize"),
ProfilerStart = apiGetFunctionAddress(CU.getLibrary(), "cuProfilerStart"),
ProfilerStop = apiGetFunctionAddress(CU.getLibrary(), "cuProfilerStop");
// --- [ cuProfilerInitialize ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #cuProfilerInitialize ProfilerInitialize} */
public static int ncuProfilerInitialize(long configFile, long outputFile, int outputMode) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.ProfilerInitialize;
return callPPI(__functionAddress, configFile, outputFile, outputMode);
* Initialize the profiling.
* Using this API user can initialize the CUDA profiler by specifying the configuration file, output file and output file format. This API is generally
* used to profile different set of counters by looping the kernel launch. The {@code configFile} parameter can be used to select profiling options
* including profiler counters. Refer to the "Compute Command Line Profiler User Guide" for supported profiler options and counters.
* Limitation: The CUDA profiler cannot be initialized with this API if another profiling tool is already active, as indicated by the
* {@link CU#CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_DISABLED} return code.
* Typical usage of the profiling APIs is as follows:
* for each set of counters/options
* {
* cuProfilerInitialize(); //Initialize profiling, set the counters or options in the config file
* ...
* cuProfilerStart();
* // code to be profiled
* cuProfilerStop();
* ...
* cuProfilerStart();
* // code to be profiled
* cuProfilerStop();
* ...
* }
* @param configFile name of the config file that lists the counters/options for profiling
* @param outputFile name of the outputFile where the profiling results will be stored
* @param outputMode one of:
public static int cuProfilerInitialize(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer configFile, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer outputFile, @NativeType("CUoutput_mode") int outputMode) {
if (CHECKS) {
return ncuProfilerInitialize(memAddress(configFile), memAddress(outputFile), outputMode);
* Initialize the profiling.
* Using this API user can initialize the CUDA profiler by specifying the configuration file, output file and output file format. This API is generally
* used to profile different set of counters by looping the kernel launch. The {@code configFile} parameter can be used to select profiling options
* including profiler counters. Refer to the "Compute Command Line Profiler User Guide" for supported profiler options and counters.
* Limitation: The CUDA profiler cannot be initialized with this API if another profiling tool is already active, as indicated by the
* {@link CU#CUDA_ERROR_PROFILER_DISABLED} return code.
* Typical usage of the profiling APIs is as follows:
* for each set of counters/options
* {
* cuProfilerInitialize(); //Initialize profiling, set the counters or options in the config file
* ...
* cuProfilerStart();
* // code to be profiled
* cuProfilerStop();
* ...
* cuProfilerStart();
* // code to be profiled
* cuProfilerStop();
* ...
* }
* @param configFile name of the config file that lists the counters/options for profiling
* @param outputFile name of the outputFile where the profiling results will be stored
* @param outputMode one of:
public static int cuProfilerInitialize(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence configFile, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence outputFile, @NativeType("CUoutput_mode") int outputMode) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(configFile, true);
long configFileEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
stack.nASCII(outputFile, true);
long outputFileEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return ncuProfilerInitialize(configFileEncoded, outputFileEncoded, outputMode);
} finally {
// --- [ cuProfilerStart ] ---
* Enable profiling.
* Enables profile collection by the active profiling tool for the current context. If profiling is already enabled, then {@code cuProfilerStart()} has no
* effect.
* {@code cuProfilerStart} and {@link #cuProfilerStop ProfilerStop} APIs are used to programmatically control the profiling granularity by allowing profiling to be done only
* on selective pieces of code.
public static int cuProfilerStart() {
long __functionAddress = Functions.ProfilerStart;
return callI(__functionAddress);
// --- [ cuProfilerStop ] ---
* Disable profiling.
* Disables profile collection by the active profiling tool for the current context. If profiling is already disabled, then {@code cuProfilerStop()} has
* no effect.
* {@link #cuProfilerStart ProfilerStart} and {@code cuProfilerStop} APIs are used to programmatically control the profiling granularity by allowing profiling to be done only
* on selective pieces of code.
public static int cuProfilerStop() {
long __functionAddress = Functions.ProfilerStop;
return callI(__functionAddress);