org.lwjgl.llvm.LLVMDisassembler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
package org.lwjgl.llvm;
import org.jspecify.annotations.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.APIUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
public class LLVMDisassembler {
/** Contains the function pointers loaded from {@code LLVMCore.getLibrary()}. */
public static final class Functions {
private Functions() {}
/** Function address. */
public static final long
CreateDisasm = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMCreateDisasm"),
CreateDisasmCPU = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMCreateDisasmCPU"),
CreateDisasmCPUFeatures = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures"),
SetDisasmOptions = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMSetDisasmOptions"),
DisasmDispose = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMDisasmDispose"),
DisasmInstruction = apiGetFunctionAddress(LLVMCore.getLibrary(), "LLVMDisasmInstruction");
public static final int
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_None = 0,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_HI16 = 1,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM_LO16 = 2,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_PAGE = 1,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_PAGEOFF = 2,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_GOTPAGE = 3,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_GOTPAGEOFF = 4,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_TLVP = 5,
LLVMDisassembler_VariantKind_ARM64_TLVOFF = 6,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_InOut_None = 0,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_Branch = 1,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_PCrel_Load = 2,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_SymbolStub = 1,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_SymAddr = 2,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_LitPool_CstrAddr = 3,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_CFString_Ref = 4,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message = 5,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Message_Ref = 6,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Selector_Ref = 7,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_Out_Objc_Class_Ref = 8,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_DeMangled_Name = 9;
public static final long
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADRP = 0x100000001L,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADDXri = 0x100000002L,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_LDRXui = 0x100000003L,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_LDRXl = 0x100000004L,
LLVMDisassembler_ReferenceType_In_ARM64_ADR = 0x100000005L;
public static final int
LLVMDisassembler_Option_UseMarkup = 1,
LLVMDisassembler_Option_PrintImmHex = 2,
LLVMDisassembler_Option_AsmPrinterVariant = 4,
LLVMDisassembler_Option_SetInstrComments = 8,
LLVMDisassembler_Option_PrintLatency = 16;
protected LLVMDisassembler() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ LLVMCreateDisasm ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #LLVMCreateDisasm CreateDisasm} */
public static long nLLVMCreateDisasm(long TripleName, long DisInfo, int TagType, long GetOpInfo, long SymbolLookUp) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.CreateDisasm;
return invokePPPPP(TripleName, DisInfo, TagType, GetOpInfo, SymbolLookUp, __functionAddress);
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName}.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}. This
* function is equivalent to calling {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures CreateDisasmCPUFeatures} with an empty CPU name and feature set.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasm(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer TripleName, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nLLVMCreateDisasm(memAddress(TripleName), DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName}.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}. This
* function is equivalent to calling {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures CreateDisasmCPUFeatures} with an empty CPU name and feature set.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasm(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence TripleName, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(TripleName, true);
long TripleNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nLLVMCreateDisasm(TripleNameEncoded, DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
} finally {
// --- [ LLVMCreateDisasmCPU ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPU CreateDisasmCPU} */
public static long nLLVMCreateDisasmCPU(long Triple, long CPU, long DisInfo, int TagType, long GetOpInfo, long SymbolLookUp) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.CreateDisasmCPU;
return invokePPPPPP(Triple, CPU, DisInfo, TagType, GetOpInfo, SymbolLookUp, __functionAddress);
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName} and a specific CPU.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}. This
* function is equivalent to calling {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures CreateDisasmCPUFeatures} with an empty feature set.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasmCPU(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer Triple, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer CPU, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nLLVMCreateDisasmCPU(memAddress(Triple), memAddress(CPU), DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName} and a specific CPU.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}. This
* function is equivalent to calling {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures CreateDisasmCPUFeatures} with an empty feature set.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasmCPU(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence Triple, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence CPU, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(Triple, true);
long TripleEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
stack.nUTF8(CPU, true);
long CPUEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nLLVMCreateDisasmCPU(TripleEncoded, CPUEncoded, DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
} finally {
// --- [ LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures CreateDisasmCPUFeatures} */
public static long nLLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures(long Triple, long CPU, long Features, long DisInfo, int TagType, long GetOpInfo, long SymbolLookUp) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.CreateDisasmCPUFeatures;
return invokePPPPPPP(Triple, CPU, Features, DisInfo, TagType, GetOpInfo, SymbolLookUp, __functionAddress);
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName}, a specific CPU and specific feature string.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer Triple, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer CPU, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer Features, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nLLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures(memAddress(Triple), memAddress(CPU), memAddress(Features), DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
* Create a disassembler for the {@code TripleName}, a specific CPU and specific feature string.
* Symbolic disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the {@code DisInfo} parameter and specifying the {@code TagType} and callback
* functions as described above. These can all be passed as {@code NULL}. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it returns {@code NULL}.
public static long LLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence Triple, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence CPU, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence Features, @NativeType("void *") long DisInfo, int TagType, @NativeType("int (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int, void *)") @Nullable LLVMOpInfoCallbackI GetOpInfo, @NativeType("char const * (*) (void *, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t, char const **)") @Nullable LLVMSymbolLookupCallbackI SymbolLookUp) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(Triple, true);
long TripleEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
stack.nUTF8(CPU, true);
long CPUEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
stack.nUTF8(Features, true);
long FeaturesEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nLLVMCreateDisasmCPUFeatures(TripleEncoded, CPUEncoded, FeaturesEncoded, DisInfo, TagType, memAddressSafe(GetOpInfo), memAddressSafe(SymbolLookUp));
} finally {
// --- [ LLVMSetDisasmOptions ] ---
/** Set the disassembler's options. Returns 1 if it can set the {@code Options} and 0 otherwise. */
public static int LLVMSetDisasmOptions(@NativeType("LLVMDisasmContextRef") long DC, @NativeType("uint64_t") long Options) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.SetDisasmOptions;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePJI(DC, Options, __functionAddress);
// --- [ LLVMDisasmDispose ] ---
/** Dispose of a disassembler context. */
public static void LLVMDisasmDispose(@NativeType("LLVMDisasmContextRef") long DC) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.DisasmDispose;
if (CHECKS) {
invokePV(DC, __functionAddress);
// --- [ LLVMDisasmInstruction ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #LLVMDisasmInstruction DisasmInstruction} */
public static long nLLVMDisasmInstruction(long DC, long Bytes, long BytesSize, long PC, long OutString, long OutStringSize) {
long __functionAddress = Functions.DisasmInstruction;
if (CHECKS) {
return invokePPJJPPP(DC, Bytes, BytesSize, PC, OutString, OutStringSize, __functionAddress);
* Disassemble a single instruction using the disassembler context specified in the parameter DC.
* The bytes of the instruction are specified in the parameter {@code Bytes}, and contains at least {@code BytesSize} number of bytes. The instruction is
* at the address specified by the {@code PC} parameter. If a valid instruction can be disassembled, its string is returned indirectly in
* {@code OutString} whose size is specified in the parameter {@code OutStringSize}. This function returns the number of bytes in the instruction or zero
* if there was no valid instruction.
public static long LLVMDisasmInstruction(@NativeType("LLVMDisasmContextRef") long DC, @NativeType("uint8_t *") ByteBuffer Bytes, @NativeType("uint64_t") long PC, @NativeType("char *") ByteBuffer OutString) {
return nLLVMDisasmInstruction(DC, memAddress(Bytes), Bytes.remaining(), PC, memAddress(OutString), OutString.remaining());