org.lwjgl.opencl.INTELUnifiedSharedMemory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
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package org.lwjgl.opencl;
import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Pointer.*;
* Native bindings to the intel_unified_shared_memory extension.
* This extension adds "Unified Shared Memory" (USM) to OpenCL. Unified Shared Memory provides:
* - Easier integration into existing code bases by representing OpenCL allocations as pointers rather than handles (`cl_mems`), with full support for
* pointer arithmetic into allocations.
* - Fine-grain control over ownership and accessibility of OpenCL allocations, to optimally choose between performance and programmer convenience.
* - A simpler programming model, by automatically migrating some allocations between OpenCL devices and the host.
* While Unified Shared Memory (USM) shares many features with Shared Virtual Memory (SVM), Unified Shared Memory provides a different mix of capabilities
* and control. Specifically:
* - The matrix of USM capabilities supports combinations of features beyond the SVM capability queries.
* - USM provides explicit control over memory placement and migration by supporting host allocations with wide visibility, devices allocations for best
* performance, and shared allocations that may migrate between devices and the host.
* - USM allocations may be associated with both a device and a context. The USM allocation APIs support additional memory flags and optional properties
* to affect how memory is allocated and migrated.
* - There is no need for APIs to map or unmap USM allocations, because host accessible USM allocations do not need to be mapped or unmapped to access
* the contents of a USM allocation on the host.
* - An application may indicate that a kernel may access categories of USM allocations indirectly, without passing a set of all indirectly accessed USM
* allocations to the kernel, improving usability and reducing driver overhead for kernels that access many USM allocations.
* - USM adds API functions to query properties of a USM allocation and to provide memory advice for an allocation.
* Unified Shared Memory and Shared Virtual Memory can and will coexist for many implementations. All implementations that support Shared Virtual Memory
* may support at least some types of Unified Shared Memory.
* Requires {@link CL20 CL20}.
public class INTELUnifiedSharedMemory {
/** Accepted value for the {@code param_name} parameter to {@link CL10#clGetDeviceInfo GetDeviceInfo} to query the Unified Shared Memory capabilities of an OpenCL device. */
public static final int
* Bitfield type and bits describing the Unified Shared Memory capabilities of an OpenCL device.
* ({@code cl_device_unified_shared_memory_capabilities_intel})
public static final int
/** Enumerant value requesting optional allocation properties for a Unified Shared Memory allocation. */
public static final int CL_MEM_ALLOC_FLAGS_INTEL = 0x4195;
* Bitfield type and bits describing optional allocation properties for a Unified Shared Memory allocation. ({@code cl_mem_alloc_flags_intel})
* Enum values:
* Request write combined (WC) memory.
Write combined memory may improve performance in some cases, however write combined memory must be used with care since it may hurt performance in
* other cases or use different coherency protocols than non-write combined memory.
* Request the implementation to optimize for first access being done by the device.
This flag is valid only for {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}. This flag does not affect functionality and is purely a performance hint.
* Request the implementation to optimize for first access being done by the host.
This flag is valid only for {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}. This flag does not affect functionality and is purely a performance hint.
public static final int
* Enumeration type and values for the {@code param_name} parameter to {@link #clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL GetMemAllocInfoINTEL} to query information about a Unified Shared Memory
* allocation. ({@code cl_mem_info_intel})
* Optional allocation properties may also be queried using {@code clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL}.
public static final int
* Enumeration type and values describing the type of Unified Shared Memory allocation. Returned by {@link #clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL GetMemAllocInfoINTEL} when {@code param_name} is
* {@link #CL_MEM_ALLOC_TYPE_INTEL MEM_ALLOC_TYPE_INTEL}. ({@code cl_unified_shared_memory_type_intel})
public static final int
* Accepted value for the {@code param_name} parameter to {@link CL20#clSetKernelExecInfo SetKernelExecInfo} to specify that the kernel may indirectly access Unified Shared Memory
* allocations of the specified type.
public static final int
* Accepted value for the {@code param_name} parameter to {@link CL20#clSetKernelExecInfo SetKernelExecInfo} to specify a set of Unified Shared Memory allocations that the kernel may
* indirectly access.
public static final int CL_KERNEL_EXEC_INFO_USM_PTRS_INTEL = 0x4203;
/** New return values from {@link CL10#clGetEventInfo GetEventInfo} when {@code param_name} is {@link CL10#CL_EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE}. */
public static final int
protected INTELUnifiedSharedMemory() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ clHostMemAllocINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL} */
public static long nclHostMemAllocINTEL(long context, long properties, long size, int alignment, long errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clHostMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPP(context, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
* Allocates host Unified Shared Memory.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context used to allocate the host memory
* @param properties an optional list of allocation properties and their corresponding values.
* The list is terminated with the special property {@code 0}. If no allocation properties are required, {@code properties} may be {@code NULL}.
* @param size the size in bytes of the requested host allocation
* @param alignment the minimum alignment in bytes for the requested host allocation.
* It must be a power of two and must be equal to or smaller than the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL device in {@code context}.
* If {@code alignment} is {@code 0}, a default alignment will be used that is equal to the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL
* device in {@code context}.
* @param errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If {@code errcode_ret} is {@code NULL}, no error code is returned.
* @return a valid non-{@code NULL} address and {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} will be returned in {@code errcode_ret} if the host Unified Shared Memory is allocated successfully. Otherwise,
* {@code NULL} will be returned, and {@code errcode_ret} will be set to one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION} if {@link #CL_DEVICE_HOST_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL DEVICE_HOST_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL} is zero for all devices in {@code context}, indicating that no devices in {@code context}
* support host Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code alignment} is not zero or a power of two.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code alignment} is greater than the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL device in {@code context} that
* supports host Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL11#CL_INVALID_PROPERTY INVALID_PROPERTY} if a memory property name in {@code properties} is not a supported property name, if the value specified for a supported property
* name is not valid, or if the same property name is specified more than once.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE} if {@code size} is zero or greater than {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE} for any OpenCL device in {@code context} that supports host
* Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clHostMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") LongBuffer properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") IntBuffer errcode_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = nclHostMemAllocINTEL(context, memAddressSafe(properties), size, alignment, memAddressSafe(errcode_ret));
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
// --- [ clDeviceMemAllocINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL} */
public static long nclDeviceMemAllocINTEL(long context, long device, long properties, long size, int alignment, long errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clDeviceMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPPP(context, device, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
* Allocates Unified Shared Memory specific to an OpenCL device.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context used to allocate the device memory
* @param device a valid OpenCL device ID to associate with the allocation
* @param properties an optional list of allocation properties and their corresponding values.
* The list is terminated with the special property {@code 0}. If no allocation properties are required, {@code properties} may be {@code NULL}.
* @param size the size in bytes of the requested device allocation
* @param alignment the minimum alignment in bytes for the requested device allocation.
* It must be a power of two and must be equal to or smaller than the size of the largest data type supported by {@code device}. If {@code alignment}
* is {@code 0}, a default alignment will be used that is equal to the size of largest data type supported by {@code device}.
* @param errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If {@code errcode_ret} is {@code NULL}, no error code is returned.
* @return a valid non-{@code NULL} address and {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} will be returned in {@code errcode_ret} if the device Unified Shared Memory is allocated successfully.
* Otherwise, {@code NULL} will be returned, and {@code errcode_ret} will be set to one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_DEVICE INVALID_DEVICE} if {@code device} is not a valid device or is not associated with {@code context}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_OPERATION INVALID_OPERATION}` if {@link #CL_DEVICE_DEVICE_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL DEVICE_DEVICE_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL} is zero for {@code device}, indicating that {@code device} does not support device
* Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code alignment} is not zero or a power of two.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code alignment} is greater than the size of the largest data type supported by {@code device}.
* - {@link CL11#CL_INVALID_PROPERTY INVALID_PROPERTY} if a memory property name in {@code properties} is not a supported property name, if the value specified for a supported property
* name is not valid, or if the same property name is specified more than once.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE} if {@code size} is zero or greater than {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE} for {@code device}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clDeviceMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("cl_device_id") long device, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") LongBuffer properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") IntBuffer errcode_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = nclDeviceMemAllocINTEL(context, device, memAddressSafe(properties), size, alignment, memAddressSafe(errcode_ret));
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
// --- [ clSharedMemAllocINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL} */
public static long nclSharedMemAllocINTEL(long context, long device, long properties, long size, int alignment, long errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSharedMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPPP(context, device, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
* Allocates Unified Shared Memory with shared ownership between the host and the specified OpenCL device.
* If the specified OpenCL device supports cross-device access capabilities, the allocation is also accessible by other OpenCL devices in the context that
* have cross-device access capabilities.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context used to allocate the Unified Shared Memory
* @param device an optional OpenCL device ID to associate with the allocation.
* If {@code device is} {@code NULL} then the allocation is not associated with any device. Allocations with no associated device are accessible by the host
* and OpenCL devices in the context that have cross-device access capabilities.
* @param properties an optional list of allocation properties and their corresponding values.
* The list is terminated with the special property {@code 0}. If no allocation properties are required, {@code properties} may be {@code NULL}.
* @param size the size in bytes of the requested device allocation
* @param alignment the minimum alignment in bytes for the requested shared allocation.
* It must be a power of two and must be equal to or smaller than the size of the largest data type supported by {@code device}. If {@code alignment}
* is {@code 0}, a default alignment will be used that is equal to the size of largest data type supported by {@code device}. If {@code device} is
* {@code NULL}, {@code alignment} must be a power of two equal to or smaller than the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL device in
* {@code context}, and the default alignment will be equal to the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL device in {@code context}.
* @param errcode_ret will return an appropriate error code. If {@code errcode_ret} is {@code NULL}, no error code is returned.
* @return a valid non-{@code NULL} address and {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} will be returned in {@code errcode_ret} if the shared Unified Shared Memory is allocated successfully.
* Otherwise, {@code NULL} will be returned, and {@code errcode_ret} will be set to one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_DEVICE INVALID_DEVICE} if {@code device} is not {@code NULL} and is either not a valid device or is not associated with {@code context}.
* {@link #CL_DEVICE_CROSS_DEVICE_SHARED_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL DEVICE_CROSS_DEVICE_SHARED_MEM_CAPABILITIES_INTEL} are both zero, indicating that {@code device} does not support shared Unified Shared Memory
* allocations, or if {@code device} is {@code NULL} and no devices in {@code context} support shared Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code alignment} is not zero or a power of two.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code device} is not {@code NULL} and {@code alignment} is greater than the size of the largest data type supported by {@code device},
* or if {@code device} is {@code NULL} and {@code alignment} is greater than the size of the largest data type supported by any OpenCL device in
* {@code context} that supports shared Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL11#CL_INVALID_PROPERTY INVALID_PROPERTY} if a memory property name in {@code properties} is not a supported property name, if the value specified for a supported property
* name is not valid, or if the same property name is specified more than once.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE} if {@code size} is zero, or if {@code device} is not {@code NULL} and {@code size} is greater than {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE} for
* {@code device}, or if {@code device} is {@code NULL} and {@code size} is greater than {@link CL10#CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE} for any device in {@code context} that
* supports shared Unified Shared Memory allocations.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clSharedMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("cl_device_id") long device, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") LongBuffer properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") IntBuffer errcode_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = nclSharedMemAllocINTEL(context, device, memAddressSafe(properties), size, alignment, memAddressSafe(errcode_ret));
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
// --- [ clMemFreeINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clMemFreeINTEL MemFreeINTEL} */
public static int nclMemFreeINTEL(long context, long ptr) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clMemFreeINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(context, ptr, __functionAddress);
* Frees a Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* Note that {@code clMemFreeINTEL} may not wait for previously enqueued commands that may be using {@code ptr} to finish before freeing {@code ptr}. It
* is the responsibility of the application to make sure enqueued commands that use {@code ptr} are complete before freeing {@code ptr}. Applications
* should take particular care freeing memory allocations with kernels that may access memory indirectly, since a kernel with indirect memory access
* counts as using all memory allocations of the specified type or types.
* To wait for previously enqueued commands to finish that may be using {@code ptr} before freeing {@code ptr}, use the {@link #clMemBlockingFreeINTEL MemBlockingFreeINTEL} function
* instead.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context used to free the Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param ptr the Unified Shared Memory allocation to free.
* It must be a value returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, or a {@code NULL} pointer. If {@code ptr} is
* {@code NULL} then no action occurs.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function executes successfully. Otherwise, they will return one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is not a value returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, or a {@code NULL} pointer.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clMemFreeINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer ptr) {
return nclMemFreeINTEL(context, memAddressSafe(ptr));
// --- [ clMemBlockingFreeINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clMemBlockingFreeINTEL MemBlockingFreeINTEL} */
public static int nclMemBlockingFreeINTEL(long context, long ptr) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clMemBlockingFreeINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(context, ptr, __functionAddress);
* Frees a Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context used to free the Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param ptr the Unified Shared Memory allocation to free.
* It must be a value returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, or a {@code NULL} pointer. If {@code ptr} is
* {@code NULL} then no action occurs.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function executes successfully. Otherwise, they will return one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code ptr} is not a value returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, or a {@code NULL} pointer.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clMemBlockingFreeINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer ptr) {
return nclMemBlockingFreeINTEL(context, memAddressSafe(ptr));
// --- [ clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL GetMemAllocInfoINTEL}
* @param param_value_size the size in bytes of memory pointed to by {@code param_value}. This size must be ≥ size of return type. If {@code param_value} is {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
public static int nclGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(long context, long ptr, int param_name, long param_value_size, long param_value, long param_value_size_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPPI(context, ptr, param_name, param_value_size, param_value, param_value_size_ret, __functionAddress);
* Queries information about a Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context to query for information about the Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param ptr a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation to query.
* {@code ptr need not be a value} returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, but the query may be faster if
* it is.
* @param param_name the information to query. One of:
* @param param_value a pointer to memory where the appropriate result being queried is returned.
* If {@code param_value} is {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @param param_value_size_ret the actual size in bytes of data being queried by {@code param_value}. If {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code param_name} is not a valid Unified Shared Memory allocation query.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE}` if {@code param_value} is not {@code NULL} and {@code param_value_size} is smaller than the size of the query return type.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_info_intel") int param_name, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer param_value, @Nullable @NativeType("size_t *") PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(param_value_size_ret, 1);
return nclGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(context, memAddress(ptr), param_name, remainingSafe(param_value), memAddressSafe(param_value), memAddressSafe(param_value_size_ret));
* Queries information about a Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context to query for information about the Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param ptr a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation to query.
* {@code ptr need not be a value} returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, but the query may be faster if
* it is.
* @param param_name the information to query. One of:
* @param param_value a pointer to memory where the appropriate result being queried is returned.
* If {@code param_value} is {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @param param_value_size_ret the actual size in bytes of data being queried by {@code param_value}. If {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code param_name} is not a valid Unified Shared Memory allocation query.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE}` if {@code param_value} is not {@code NULL} and {@code param_value_size} is smaller than the size of the query return type.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_info_intel") int param_name, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") IntBuffer param_value, @Nullable @NativeType("size_t *") PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(param_value_size_ret, 1);
return nclGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(context, memAddress(ptr), param_name, Integer.toUnsignedLong(remainingSafe(param_value)) << 2, memAddressSafe(param_value), memAddressSafe(param_value_size_ret));
* Queries information about a Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* @param context a valid OpenCL context to query for information about the Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param ptr a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation to query.
* {@code ptr need not be a value} returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}, but the query may be faster if
* it is.
* @param param_name the information to query. One of:
* @param param_value a pointer to memory where the appropriate result being queried is returned.
* If {@code param_value} is {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @param param_value_size_ret the actual size in bytes of data being queried by {@code param_value}. If {@code NULL}, it is ignored.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following error values:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if {@code context} is not a valid context.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code param_name} is not a valid Unified Shared Memory allocation query.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE}` if {@code param_value} is not {@code NULL} and {@code param_value_size} is smaller than the size of the query return type.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_info_intel") int param_name, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") PointerBuffer param_value, @Nullable @NativeType("size_t *") PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(param_value_size_ret, 1);
return nclGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(context, memAddress(ptr), param_name, Integer.toUnsignedLong(remainingSafe(param_value)) << POINTER_SHIFT, memAddressSafe(param_value), memAddressSafe(param_value_size_ret));
// --- [ clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(long kernel, int arg_index, long arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") ShortBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") IntBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") LongBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") FloatBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") DoubleBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
* Sets a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation as an argument to a kernel.
* @param kernel a valid kernel object
* @param arg_index the argument index to set.
* Arguments to the kernel are referred to by indices that go from 0 for the leftmost argument to {@code n - 1}, where {@code n} is the total number
* of arguments declared by a kernel.
* @param arg_value the pointer value that should be used as the argument specified by {@code arg_index}.
* The pointer value will be used as the argument by all API calls that enqueue a kernel until the argument value is set to a different pointer value
* by a subsequent call. A pointer into Unified Shared Memory allocation may only be set as an argument value for an argument declared to be a pointer
* to {@code global} or {@code constant} memory. For devices supporting shared system allocations, any pointer value is valid. Otherwise, the pointer
* value must be {@code NULL} or must point into a Unified Shared Memory allocation returned by {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL}, {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL}, or
* {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL}.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the function is executed successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_KERNEL INVALID_KERNEL} if {@code kernel} is not a valid kernel object.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX INVALID_ARG_INDEX} if {@code arg_index} is not a valid argument index.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE INVALID_ARG_VALUE} if {@code arg_value} is not a valid argument value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") PointerBuffer arg_value) {
return nclSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(kernel, arg_index, memAddress(arg_value));
// --- [ clEnqueueMemFillINTEL ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueMemFillINTEL EnqueueMemFillINTEL}
* @param pattern_size the size of of the value to write to the Unified Shared Memory region, in bytes.
* Must be a power of two and must be less than or equal to the size of the largest integer or floating-point vector data type supported by the
* device.
* @param size the size of the memory region to set, in bytes
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueMemFillINTEL(long command_queue, long dst_ptr, long pattern, long pattern_size, long size, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueMemFillINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPPPPI(command_queue, dst_ptr, pattern, pattern_size, size, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event, __functionAddress);
* Fills a region of a memory with the specified pattern.
* @param command_queue a valid host command queue.
* The memory fill command will be queued for execution on the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param dst_ptr a pointer to the start of the memory region to fill.
* The Unified Shared Memory allocation pointed to by {@code dst_ptr} must be valid for the context associated with {@code command_queue}, must be
* accessible by the device associated with {@code command_queue}, and must be aligned to {@code pattern_size} bytes.
* @param pattern a pointer to the value to write to the Unified Shared Memory region.
* The memory associated with {@code pattern} can be reused or freed after the function returns.
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the command is queued successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid host command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code dst_ptr} is {@code NULL}, or if {@code dst_ptr} is not aligned to {@code pattern_size} bytes.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code pattern} is {@code NULL}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code pattern_size} is not a power of two or is greater than the size of the largest integer or floating-point vector data type
* supported by the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code size} is not a multiple of {@code pattern_size}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is greater than zero, or if
* {@code event_wait_list} is not {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is zero, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid
* events.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueMemFillINTEL(@NativeType("cl_command_queue") long command_queue, @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer dst_ptr, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer pattern, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event const *") PointerBuffer event_wait_list, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event *") PointerBuffer event) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueMemFillINTEL(command_queue, memAddress(dst_ptr), memAddress(pattern), pattern.remaining(), dst_ptr.remaining(), remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clEnqueueMemcpyINTEL ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueMemcpyINTEL EnqueueMemcpyINTEL}
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueMemcpyINTEL(long command_queue, int blocking, long dst_ptr, long src_ptr, long size, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueMemcpyINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPPPI(command_queue, blocking, dst_ptr, src_ptr, size, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event, __functionAddress);
* Copies a region of memory from one location to another.
* @param command_queue a valid host command queue.
* The memory copy command will be queued for execution on the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param blocking indicates if the copy operation is blocking or non-blocking.
* If {@code blocking is} {@link CL10#CL_TRUE TRUE}, the copy command is blocking, and the function will not return until the copy command is complete. Otherwise, if
* {@code blocking} is {@link CL10#CL_FALSE FALSE}, the copy command is non-blocking, and the contents of the {@code dst_ptr} cannot be used nor can the contents of the
* {@code src_ptr} be overwritten until the copy command is complete.
* @param dst_ptr a pointer to the start of the memory region to copy to.
* If {@code dst_ptr} is a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation it must be valid for the context associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param src_ptr a pointer to the start of the memory region to copy from.
* If {@code src_ptr is} a pointer into a Unified Shared Memory allocation it must be valid for the context associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param size the size of the memory region to copy, in bytes
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the command is queued successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid host command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if either {@code dst_ptr} or {@code src_ptr} are {@code NULL}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is greater than zero, or if
* {@code event_wait_list} is not {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is zero, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid
* events.
* - {@link CL11#CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST} if the copy operation is blocking and the execution status of any of the events in
* {@code event_wait_list} is a negative integer value.
* - {@link CL10#CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP MEM_COPY_OVERLAP} if the values specified for {@code dst_ptr}, {@code src_ptr} and {@code size} result in an overlapping copy.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueMemcpyINTEL(@NativeType("cl_command_queue") long command_queue, @NativeType("cl_bool") boolean blocking, @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer dst_ptr, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer src_ptr, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event const *") PointerBuffer event_wait_list, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event *") PointerBuffer event) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(dst_ptr, size);
check(src_ptr, size);
checkSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueMemcpyINTEL(command_queue, blocking ? 1 : 0, memAddress(dst_ptr), memAddress(src_ptr), size, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL EnqueueMigrateMemINTEL}
* @param size the size of the memory region to migrate
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL(long command_queue, long ptr, long size, long flags, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPJPPI(command_queue, ptr, size, flags, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event, __functionAddress);
* Explicitly migrates a region of a shared Unified Shared Memory allocation to the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* This is a hint that may improve performance and is not required for correctness. Memory migration may not be supported for all allocation types for all
* devices. If memory migration is not supported for the specified memory range then the migration hint may be ignored. Memory migration may only be
* supported at a device-specific granularity, such as a page boundary. In this case, the memory range may be expanded such that the start and end of the
* range satisfy the granularity requirements.
* @param command_queue a valid host command queue.
* The memory migration command will be queued for execution on the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param ptr a pointer to the start of the shared Unified Shared Memory allocation to migrate
* @param flags a bit-field that is used to specify memory migration options
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the command is queued successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid host command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code flags} is zero or is not a supported combination of memory migration flags.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is greater than zero, or if
* {@code event_wait_list} is not {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is zero, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid
* events.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL(@NativeType("cl_command_queue") long command_queue, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_migration_flags") long flags, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event const *") PointerBuffer event_wait_list, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event *") PointerBuffer event) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueMigrateMemINTEL(command_queue, memAddress(ptr), ptr.remaining(), flags, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
// --- [ clEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #clEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL EnqueueMemAdviseINTEL}
* @param size the size of the memory region
* @param num_events_in_wait_list the number of events in {@code event_wait_list}
public static int nclEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL(long command_queue, long ptr, long size, long advice, int num_events_in_wait_list, long event_wait_list, long event) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPJPPI(command_queue, ptr, size, advice, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event, __functionAddress);
* Provides advice about a region of a shared Unified Shared Memory allocation.
* Memory advice is a performance hint only and is not required for correctness. Providing memory advice hints may override driver heuristics that
* control shared memory behavior. Not all memory advice hints may be supported for all allocation types for all devices. If a memory advice hint is not
* supported by the device it will be ignored. Memory advice hints may only be supported at a device-specific granularity, such as at a page boundary. In
* this case, the memory range may be expanded such that the start and end of the range satisfy the granularity requirements.
* @param command_queue a valid host command queue.
* The memory advice hints will be queued for the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* @param ptr a pointer to the start of the shared Unified Shared Memory allocation
* @param advice a bit-field describing the memory advice hints for the region
* @param event_wait_list a list of events that need to complete before this particular command can be executed. If {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL}, then this particular command
* does not wait on any event to complete. The events specified in {@code event_wait_list} act as synchronization points. The context associated with events in
* {@code event_wait_list} and {@code command_queue} must be the same.
* @param event Returns an event object that identifies this particular command and can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
* {@code event} can be {@code NULL} in which case it will not be possible for the application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this command to
* complete. If the {@code event_wait_list} and the {@code event} arguments are not {@code NULL}, the event argument should not refer to an element of the
* {@code event_wait_list} array.
* @return {@link CL10#CL_SUCCESS SUCCESS} if the command is queued successfully. Otherwise, it will return one of the following errors:
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE} if {@code command_queue} is not a valid host command-queue.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_CONTEXT INVALID_CONTEXT} if the context associated with {@code command_queue} and events in {@code event_wait_list} are not the same.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_VALUE INVALID_VALUE} if {@code advice} is not supported advice for the device associated with {@code command_queue}.
* - {@link CL10#CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST} if {@code event_wait_list} is {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is greater than zero, or if
* {@code event_wait_list} is not {@code NULL} and {@code num_events_in_wait_list} is zero, or if event objects in {@code event_wait_list} are not valid
* events.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES OUT_OF_RESOURCES} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
* - {@link CL10#CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY} if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
public static int clEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL(@NativeType("cl_command_queue") long command_queue, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_advice_intel") long advice, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event const *") PointerBuffer event_wait_list, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_event *") PointerBuffer event) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(event, 1);
return nclEnqueueMemAdviseINTEL(command_queue, memAddress(ptr), ptr.remaining(), advice, remainingSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event_wait_list), memAddressSafe(event));
/** Array version of: {@link #clHostMemAllocINTEL HostMemAllocINTEL} */
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clHostMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") long[] properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") int[] errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clHostMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = callPPPPP(context, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
/** Array version of: {@link #clDeviceMemAllocINTEL DeviceMemAllocINTEL} */
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clDeviceMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("cl_device_id") long device, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") long[] properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") int[] errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clDeviceMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = callPPPPPP(context, device, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSharedMemAllocINTEL SharedMemAllocINTEL} */
@NativeType("void *")
public static ByteBuffer clSharedMemAllocINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("cl_device_id") long device, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_mem_properties_intel const *") long[] properties, @NativeType("size_t") long size, @NativeType("cl_uint") int alignment, @Nullable @NativeType("cl_int *") int[] errcode_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSharedMemAllocINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(errcode_ret, 1);
long __result = callPPPPPP(context, device, properties, size, alignment, errcode_ret, __functionAddress);
return memByteBufferSafe(__result, (int)size);
/** Array version of: {@link #clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL GetMemAllocInfoINTEL} */
public static int clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL(@NativeType("cl_context") long context, @NativeType("void const *") ByteBuffer ptr, @NativeType("cl_mem_info_intel") int param_name, @Nullable @NativeType("void *") int[] param_value, @Nullable @NativeType("size_t *") PointerBuffer param_value_size_ret) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clGetMemAllocInfoINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(param_value_size_ret, 1);
return callPPPPPI(context, memAddress(ptr), param_name, Integer.toUnsignedLong(lengthSafe(param_value)) << 2, param_value, memAddressSafe(param_value_size_ret), __functionAddress);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") short[] arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") int[] arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") long[] arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") float[] arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);
/** Array version of: {@link #clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL SetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL} */
public static int clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL(@NativeType("cl_kernel") long kernel, @NativeType("cl_uint") int arg_index, @NativeType("void const *") double[] arg_value) {
long __functionAddress = CL.getICD().clSetKernelArgMemPointerINTEL;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(kernel, arg_index, arg_value, __functionAddress);