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An API and runtime that allows access to VR hardware from multiple vendors without requiring that applications have specific knowledge of the hardware they are targeting.
* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
package org.lwjgl.openvr;
import org.jspecify.annotations.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
public class VRInput {
protected VRInput() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ VRInput_SetActionManifestPath ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_SetActionManifestPath SetActionManifestPath} */
public static int nVRInput_SetActionManifestPath(long pchActionManifestPath) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.SetActionManifestPath;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPI(pchActionManifestPath, __functionAddress);
* Sets the path to the action manifest JSON file that is used by this application. If this information was set on the Steam partner site, calls to this
* function are ignored. If the Steam partner site setting and the path provided by this call are different,
* {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_MismatchedActionManifest} is returned.
This call must be made before the first call to {@link #VRInput_UpdateActionState UpdateActionState} or {@link VRSystem#VRSystem_PollNextEvent PollNextEvent}.
public static int VRInput_SetActionManifestPath(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchActionManifestPath) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nVRInput_SetActionManifestPath(memAddress(pchActionManifestPath));
* Sets the path to the action manifest JSON file that is used by this application. If this information was set on the Steam partner site, calls to this
* function are ignored. If the Steam partner site setting and the path provided by this call are different,
* {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_MismatchedActionManifest} is returned.
This call must be made before the first call to {@link #VRInput_UpdateActionState UpdateActionState} or {@link VRSystem#VRSystem_PollNextEvent PollNextEvent}.
public static int VRInput_SetActionManifestPath(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchActionManifestPath) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchActionManifestPath, true);
long pchActionManifestPathEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_SetActionManifestPath(pchActionManifestPathEncoded);
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_GetActionSetHandle ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetActionSetHandle GetActionSetHandle} */
public static int nVRInput_GetActionSetHandle(long pchActionSetName, long pHandle) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetActionSetHandle;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(pchActionSetName, pHandle, __functionAddress);
/** Returns a handle for an action set. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionSetHandle(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchActionSetName, @NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
return nVRInput_GetActionSetHandle(memAddress(pchActionSetName), memAddress(pHandle));
/** Returns a handle for an action set. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionSetHandle(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchActionSetName, @NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchActionSetName, true);
long pchActionSetNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_GetActionSetHandle(pchActionSetNameEncoded, memAddress(pHandle));
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_GetActionHandle ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetActionHandle GetActionHandle} */
public static int nVRInput_GetActionHandle(long pchActionName, long pHandle) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetActionHandle;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(pchActionName, pHandle, __functionAddress);
/** Returns a handle for an action. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionHandle(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchActionName, @NativeType("VRActionHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
return nVRInput_GetActionHandle(memAddress(pchActionName), memAddress(pHandle));
/** Returns a handle for an action. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionHandle(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchActionName, @NativeType("VRActionHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchActionName, true);
long pchActionNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_GetActionHandle(pchActionNameEncoded, memAddress(pHandle));
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_GetInputSourceHandle ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetInputSourceHandle GetInputSourceHandle} */
public static int nVRInput_GetInputSourceHandle(long pchInputSourcePath, long pHandle) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetInputSourceHandle;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(pchInputSourcePath, pHandle, __functionAddress);
/** Returns a handle for any path in the input system. E.g. {@code /user/hand/right}. */
public static int VRInput_GetInputSourceHandle(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchInputSourcePath, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
return nVRInput_GetInputSourceHandle(memAddress(pchInputSourcePath), memAddress(pHandle));
/** Returns a handle for any path in the input system. E.g. {@code /user/hand/right}. */
public static int VRInput_GetInputSourceHandle(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchInputSourcePath, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t *") LongBuffer pHandle) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pHandle, 1);
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchInputSourcePath, true);
long pchInputSourcePathEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_GetInputSourceHandle(pchInputSourcePathEncoded, memAddress(pHandle));
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_UpdateActionState ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_UpdateActionState UpdateActionState} */
public static int nVRInput_UpdateActionState(long pSets, int unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, int unSetCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.UpdateActionState;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPI(pSets, unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, unSetCount, __functionAddress);
* Reads the current state into all actions. After this call, the results of {@code Get*Action} calls will be the same until the next call to
* {@code UpdateActionState}.
public static int VRInput_UpdateActionState(@NativeType("VRActiveActionSet_t *") VRActiveActionSet.Buffer pSets, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t) {
return nVRInput_UpdateActionState(pSets.address(), unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, pSets.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetDigitalActionData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetDigitalActionData GetDigitalActionData} */
public static int nVRInput_GetDigitalActionData(long action, long pActionData, int unActionDataSize, long ulRestrictToDevice) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetDigitalActionData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPJI(action, pActionData, unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of a digital action given its handle. This will return {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_WrongType} if the type of action is something other
* than digital.
public static int VRInput_GetDigitalActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputDigitalActionData_t *") InputDigitalActionData pActionData, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unActionDataSize, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetDigitalActionData(action, pActionData.address(), unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice);
* Reads the state of a digital action given its handle. This will return {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_WrongType} if the type of action is something other
* than digital.
public static int VRInput_GetDigitalActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputDigitalActionData_t *") InputDigitalActionData pActionData, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetDigitalActionData(action, pActionData.address(), InputDigitalActionData.SIZEOF, ulRestrictToDevice);
// --- [ VRInput_GetAnalogActionData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetAnalogActionData GetAnalogActionData} */
public static int nVRInput_GetAnalogActionData(long action, long pActionData, int unActionDataSize, long ulRestrictToDevice) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetAnalogActionData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPJI(action, pActionData, unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of an analog action given its handle. This will return {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_WrongType} if the type of action is something other
* than analog.
public static int VRInput_GetAnalogActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputAnalogActionData_t *") InputAnalogActionData pActionData, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unActionDataSize, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetAnalogActionData(action, pActionData.address(), unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice);
* Reads the state of an analog action given its handle. This will return {@link VR#EVRInputError_VRInputError_WrongType} if the type of action is something other
* than analog.
public static int VRInput_GetAnalogActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputAnalogActionData_t *") InputAnalogActionData pActionData, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetAnalogActionData(action, pActionData.address(), InputAnalogActionData.SIZEOF, ulRestrictToDevice);
// --- [ VRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow} */
public static int nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(long action, int eOrigin, float fPredictedSecondsFromNow, long pActionData, int unActionDataSize, long ulRestrictToDevice) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPJI(action, eOrigin, fPredictedSecondsFromNow, pActionData, unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of a pose action given its handle for the number of seconds relative to now.
This will generally be called with negative times from the {@code fUpdateTime} fields in other actions.
public static int VRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("ETrackingUniverseOrigin") int eOrigin, float fPredictedSecondsFromNow, @NativeType("InputPoseActionData_t *") InputPoseActionData pActionData, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unActionDataSize, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(action, eOrigin, fPredictedSecondsFromNow, pActionData.address(), unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice);
* Reads the state of a pose action given its handle for the number of seconds relative to now.
This will generally be called with negative times from the {@code fUpdateTime} fields in other actions.
public static int VRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("ETrackingUniverseOrigin") int eOrigin, float fPredictedSecondsFromNow, @NativeType("InputPoseActionData_t *") InputPoseActionData pActionData, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataRelativeToNow(action, eOrigin, fPredictedSecondsFromNow, pActionData.address(), InputPoseActionData.SIZEOF, ulRestrictToDevice);
// --- [ VRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame} */
public static int nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(long action, int eOrigin, long pActionData, int unActionDataSize, long ulRestrictToDevice) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPJI(action, eOrigin, pActionData, unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of a pose action given its handle.
The returned values will match the values returned by the last call to {@link VRCompositor#VRCompositor_WaitGetPoses WaitGetPoses}.
public static int VRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("ETrackingUniverseOrigin") int eOrigin, @NativeType("InputPoseActionData_t *") InputPoseActionData pActionData, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unActionDataSize, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(action, eOrigin, pActionData.address(), unActionDataSize, ulRestrictToDevice);
* Reads the state of a pose action given its handle.
The returned values will match the values returned by the last call to {@link VRCompositor#VRCompositor_WaitGetPoses WaitGetPoses}.
public static int VRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("ETrackingUniverseOrigin") int eOrigin, @NativeType("InputPoseActionData_t *") InputPoseActionData pActionData, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
return nVRInput_GetPoseActionDataForNextFrame(action, eOrigin, pActionData.address(), InputPoseActionData.SIZEOF, ulRestrictToDevice);
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalActionData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalActionData GetSkeletalActionData} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalActionData(long action, long pActionData, int unActionDataSize) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalActionData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, pActionData, unActionDataSize, __functionAddress);
/** Reads the state of a skeletal action given its handle. */
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputSkeletalActionData_t *") InputSkeletalActionData pActionData, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unActionDataSize) {
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalActionData(action, pActionData.address(), unActionDataSize);
/** Reads the state of a skeletal action given its handle. */
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalActionData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputSkeletalActionData_t *") InputSkeletalActionData pActionData) {
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalActionData(action, pActionData.address(), InputSkeletalActionData.SIZEOF);
// --- [ VRInput_GetDominantHand ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetDominantHand GetDominantHand} */
public static int nVRInput_GetDominantHand(long peDominantHand) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetDominantHand;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPI(peDominantHand, __functionAddress);
* Returns the current dominant hand for the user for this application.
This function will only return success for applications which include {@code "supports_dominant_hand_setting": true} in their action manifests. The
* dominant hand will only change after a call to {@link #VRInput_UpdateActionState UpdateActionState}, and the action data returned after that point will use the new dominant hand.
public static int VRInput_GetDominantHand(@NativeType("ETrackedControllerRole *") IntBuffer peDominantHand) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(peDominantHand, 1);
return nVRInput_GetDominantHand(memAddress(peDominantHand));
// --- [ VRInput_SetDominantHand ] ---
* Sets the dominant hand for the user for this application.
* @param eDominantHand one of:
public static int VRInput_SetDominantHand(@NativeType("ETrackedControllerRole") int eDominantHand) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.SetDominantHand;
if (CHECKS) {
return callI(eDominantHand, __functionAddress);
// --- [ VRInput_GetBoneCount ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetBoneCount GetBoneCount} */
public static int nVRInput_GetBoneCount(long action, long pBoneCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetBoneCount;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, pBoneCount, __functionAddress);
/** Reads the number of bones in skeleton associated with the given action. */
public static int VRInput_GetBoneCount(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("uint32_t *") IntBuffer pBoneCount) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pBoneCount, 1);
return nVRInput_GetBoneCount(action, memAddress(pBoneCount));
// --- [ VRInput_GetBoneHierarchy ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetBoneHierarchy GetBoneHierarchy} */
public static int nVRInput_GetBoneHierarchy(long action, long pParentIndices, int unIndexArrayCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetBoneHierarchy;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, pParentIndices, unIndexArrayCount, __functionAddress);
/** Fills the given array with the index of each bone's parent in the skeleton associated with the given action. */
public static int VRInput_GetBoneHierarchy(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("BoneIndex_t *") IntBuffer pParentIndices) {
return nVRInput_GetBoneHierarchy(action, memAddress(pParentIndices), pParentIndices.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetBoneName ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetBoneName GetBoneName} */
public static int nVRInput_GetBoneName(long action, int nBoneIndex, long pchBoneName, int unNameBufferSize) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetBoneName;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, nBoneIndex, pchBoneName, unNameBufferSize, __functionAddress);
/** Fills the given buffer with the name of the bone at the given index in the skeleton associated with the given action. */
public static int VRInput_GetBoneName(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("BoneIndex_t") int nBoneIndex, @NativeType("char *") ByteBuffer pchBoneName) {
return nVRInput_GetBoneName(action, nBoneIndex, memAddress(pchBoneName), pchBoneName.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms(long action, int eTransformSpace, int eReferencePose, long pTransformArray, int unTransformArrayCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, eTransformSpace, eReferencePose, pTransformArray, unTransformArrayCount, __functionAddress);
* Fills the given buffer with the transforms for a specific static skeletal reference pose.
* @param eTransformSpace one of:
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalTransformSpace") int eTransformSpace, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalReferencePose") int eReferencePose, @NativeType("VRBoneTransform_t *") VRBoneTransform.Buffer pTransformArray) {
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalReferenceTransforms(action, eTransformSpace, eReferencePose, pTransformArray.address(), pTransformArray.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalTrackingLevel ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalTrackingLevel GetSkeletalTrackingLevel} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalTrackingLevel(long action, long pSkeletalTrackingLevel) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalTrackingLevel;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, pSkeletalTrackingLevel, __functionAddress);
/** Reads the level of accuracy to which the controller is able to track the user to recreate a skeletal pose. */
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalTrackingLevel(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalTrackingLevel *") IntBuffer pSkeletalTrackingLevel) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pSkeletalTrackingLevel, 1);
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalTrackingLevel(action, memAddress(pSkeletalTrackingLevel));
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneData GetSkeletalBoneData} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalBoneData(long action, int eTransformSpace, int eMotionRange, long pTransformArray, int unTransformArrayCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalBoneData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, eTransformSpace, eMotionRange, pTransformArray, unTransformArrayCount, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of the skeletal bone data associated with this action and copies it into the given buffer.
* @param eTransformSpace one of:
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalTransformSpace") int eTransformSpace, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalMotionRange") int eMotionRange, @NativeType("VRBoneTransform_t *") VRBoneTransform.Buffer pTransformArray) {
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalBoneData(action, eTransformSpace, eMotionRange, pTransformArray.address(), pTransformArray.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalSummaryData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalSummaryData GetSkeletalSummaryData} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalSummaryData(long action, int eSummaryType, long pSkeletalSummaryData) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalSummaryData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(action, eSummaryType, pSkeletalSummaryData, __functionAddress);
/** Reads summary information about the current pose of the skeleton associated with the given action. */
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalSummaryData(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("EVRSummaryType") int eSummaryType, @NativeType("VRSkeletalSummaryData_t *") VRSkeletalSummaryData pSkeletalSummaryData) {
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalSummaryData(action, eSummaryType, pSkeletalSummaryData.address());
// --- [ VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed} */
public static int nVRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed(long action, int eMotionRange, long pvCompressedData, int unCompressedSize, long punRequiredCompressedSize) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPPI(action, eMotionRange, pvCompressedData, unCompressedSize, punRequiredCompressedSize, __functionAddress);
* Reads the state of the skeletal bone data in a compressed form that is suitable for sending over the network. The required buffer size will never
* exceed ({@code sizeof(VR_BoneTransform_t)*boneCount + 2}). Usually the size will be much smaller.
* @param eMotionRange one of:
public static int VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalMotionRange") int eMotionRange, @NativeType("void *") @Nullable ByteBuffer pvCompressedData, @NativeType("uint32_t *") @Nullable IntBuffer punRequiredCompressedSize) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(punRequiredCompressedSize, 1);
return nVRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed(action, eMotionRange, memAddressSafe(pvCompressedData), remainingSafe(pvCompressedData), memAddressSafe(punRequiredCompressedSize));
// --- [ VRInput_DecompressSkeletalBoneData ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_DecompressSkeletalBoneData DecompressSkeletalBoneData} */
public static int nVRInput_DecompressSkeletalBoneData(long pvCompressedBuffer, int unCompressedBufferSize, int eTransformSpace, long pTransformArray, int unTransformArrayCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.DecompressSkeletalBoneData;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPI(pvCompressedBuffer, unCompressedBufferSize, eTransformSpace, pTransformArray, unTransformArrayCount, __functionAddress);
* Turns a compressed buffer from {@link #VRInput_GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed} and turns it back into a bone transform array.
* @param eTransformSpace one of:
public static int VRInput_DecompressSkeletalBoneData(@NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer pvCompressedBuffer, @NativeType("EVRSkeletalTransformSpace") int eTransformSpace, @NativeType("VRBoneTransform_t *") VRBoneTransform.Buffer pTransformArray) {
return nVRInput_DecompressSkeletalBoneData(memAddress(pvCompressedBuffer), pvCompressedBuffer.remaining(), eTransformSpace, pTransformArray.address(), pTransformArray.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_TriggerHapticVibrationAction ] ---
/** Triggers a haptic event as described by the specified action. */
public static int VRInput_TriggerHapticVibrationAction(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, float fStartSecondsFromNow, float fDurationSeconds, float fFrequency, float fAmplitude, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulRestrictToDevice) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.TriggerHapticVibrationAction;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJJI(action, fStartSecondsFromNow, fDurationSeconds, fFrequency, fAmplitude, ulRestrictToDevice, __functionAddress);
// --- [ VRInput_GetActionOrigins ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetActionOrigins GetActionOrigins} */
public static int nVRInput_GetActionOrigins(long actionSetHandle, long digitalActionHandle, long originsOut, int originOutCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetActionOrigins;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJJPI(actionSetHandle, digitalActionHandle, originsOut, originOutCount, __functionAddress);
/** Retrieve origin handles for an action. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionOrigins(@NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t") long actionSetHandle, @NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long digitalActionHandle, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t *") LongBuffer originsOut) {
return nVRInput_GetActionOrigins(actionSetHandle, digitalActionHandle, memAddress(originsOut), originsOut.remaining());
// --- [ VRInput_GetOriginLocalizedName ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetOriginLocalizedName GetOriginLocalizedName} */
public static int nVRInput_GetOriginLocalizedName(long origin, long pchNameArray, int unNameArraySize, int unStringSectionsToInclude) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetOriginLocalizedName;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(origin, pchNameArray, unNameArraySize, unStringSectionsToInclude, __functionAddress);
* Retrieves the name of the origin in the current language.
* @param unStringSectionsToInclude a bitfield of values in {@code EVRInputStringBits} that allows the application to specify which parts of the origin's information it wants a string
* for. One or more of:
public static int VRInput_GetOriginLocalizedName(@NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long origin, @NativeType("char *") ByteBuffer pchNameArray, @NativeType("int32_t") int unStringSectionsToInclude) {
return nVRInput_GetOriginLocalizedName(origin, memAddress(pchNameArray), pchNameArray.remaining(), unStringSectionsToInclude);
// --- [ VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo} */
public static int nVRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(long origin, long pOriginInfo, int unOriginInfoSize) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(origin, pOriginInfo, unOriginInfoSize, __functionAddress);
/** Retrieves useful information for the origin of this action. */
public static int VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(@NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long origin, @NativeType("InputOriginInfo_t *") InputOriginInfo pOriginInfo, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unOriginInfoSize) {
return nVRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(origin, pOriginInfo.address(), unOriginInfoSize);
/** Retrieves useful information for the origin of this action. */
public static int VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(@NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long origin, @NativeType("InputOriginInfo_t *") InputOriginInfo pOriginInfo) {
return nVRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(origin, pOriginInfo.address(), InputOriginInfo.SIZEOF);
// --- [ VRInput_GetActionBindingInfo ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetActionBindingInfo GetActionBindingInfo} */
public static int nVRInput_GetActionBindingInfo(long action, long pOriginInfo, int unBindingInfoSize, int unBindingInfoCount, long punReturnedBindingInfoCount) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetActionBindingInfo;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPPI(action, pOriginInfo, unBindingInfoSize, unBindingInfoCount, punReturnedBindingInfoCount, __functionAddress);
/** Retrieves useful information about the bindings for an action. */
public static int VRInput_GetActionBindingInfo(@NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long action, @NativeType("InputBindingInfo_t *") InputBindingInfo.Buffer pOriginInfo, @NativeType("uint32_t *") IntBuffer punReturnedBindingInfoCount) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(punReturnedBindingInfoCount, 1);
return nVRInput_GetActionBindingInfo(action, pOriginInfo.address(), InputBindingInfo.SIZEOF, pOriginInfo.remaining(), memAddress(punReturnedBindingInfoCount));
// --- [ VRInput_ShowActionOrigins ] ---
/** Shows the current binding for the action in-headset. */
public static int VRInput_ShowActionOrigins(@NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t") long actionSetHandle, @NativeType("VRActionHandle_t") long ulActionHandle) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.ShowActionOrigins;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJJI(actionSetHandle, ulActionHandle, __functionAddress);
// --- [ VRInput_ShowBindingsForActionSet ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_ShowBindingsForActionSet ShowBindingsForActionSet} */
public static int nVRInput_ShowBindingsForActionSet(long pSets, int unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, int unSetCount, long originToHighlight) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.ShowBindingsForActionSet;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPJI(pSets, unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, unSetCount, originToHighlight, __functionAddress);
/** Shows the current binding all the actions in the specified action sets. */
public static int VRInput_ShowBindingsForActionSet(@NativeType("VRActiveActionSet_t *") VRActiveActionSet.Buffer pSets, @NativeType("uint32_t") int unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long originToHighlight) {
return nVRInput_ShowBindingsForActionSet(pSets.address(), unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, pSets.remaining(), originToHighlight);
// --- [ VRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding GetComponentStateForBinding} */
public static int nVRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding(long pchRenderModelName, long pchComponentName, long pOriginInfo, int unBindingInfoSize, int unBindingInfoCount, long pComponentState) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetComponentStateForBinding;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPPPPI(pchRenderModelName, pchComponentName, pOriginInfo, unBindingInfoSize, unBindingInfoCount, pComponentState, __functionAddress);
/** Use this to query what action on the component returned by {@link #VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo} would trigger this binding. */
public static int VRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchRenderModelName, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchComponentName, @NativeType("InputBindingInfo_t const *") InputBindingInfo.Buffer pOriginInfo, @NativeType("RenderModel_ComponentState_t *") RenderModelComponentState.Buffer pComponentState) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pComponentState, 1);
return nVRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding(memAddress(pchRenderModelName), memAddress(pchComponentName), pOriginInfo.address(), InputBindingInfo.SIZEOF, pOriginInfo.remaining(), pComponentState.address());
/** Use this to query what action on the component returned by {@link #VRInput_GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo} would trigger this binding. */
public static int VRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchRenderModelName, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchComponentName, @NativeType("InputBindingInfo_t const *") InputBindingInfo.Buffer pOriginInfo, @NativeType("RenderModel_ComponentState_t *") RenderModelComponentState.Buffer pComponentState) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pComponentState, 1);
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchRenderModelName, true);
long pchRenderModelNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
stack.nASCII(pchComponentName, true);
long pchComponentNameEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_GetComponentStateForBinding(pchRenderModelNameEncoded, pchComponentNameEncoded, pOriginInfo.address(), InputBindingInfo.SIZEOF, pOriginInfo.remaining(), pComponentState.address());
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_OpenBindingUI ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_OpenBindingUI OpenBindingUI} */
public static int nVRInput_OpenBindingUI(long pchAppKey, long ulActionSetHandle, long ulDeviceHandle, boolean bShowOnDesktop) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.OpenBindingUI;
if (CHECKS) {
return callPJJI(pchAppKey, ulActionSetHandle, ulDeviceHandle, bShowOnDesktop, __functionAddress);
* Opens the binding user interface.
If no app key is provided it will use the key from the calling process. If no set is provided it will open to the root of the app binding page.
public static int VRInput_OpenBindingUI(@NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer pchAppKey, @NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t") long ulActionSetHandle, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulDeviceHandle, @NativeType("bool") boolean bShowOnDesktop) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nVRInput_OpenBindingUI(memAddress(pchAppKey), ulActionSetHandle, ulDeviceHandle, bShowOnDesktop);
* Opens the binding user interface.
If no app key is provided it will use the key from the calling process. If no set is provided it will open to the root of the app binding page.
public static int VRInput_OpenBindingUI(@NativeType("char const *") CharSequence pchAppKey, @NativeType("VRActionSetHandle_t") long ulActionSetHandle, @NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulDeviceHandle, @NativeType("bool") boolean bShowOnDesktop) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nASCII(pchAppKey, true);
long pchAppKeyEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
return nVRInput_OpenBindingUI(pchAppKeyEncoded, ulActionSetHandle, ulDeviceHandle, bShowOnDesktop);
} finally {
// --- [ VRInput_GetBindingVariant ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #VRInput_GetBindingVariant GetBindingVariant} */
public static int nVRInput_GetBindingVariant(long ulDevicePath, long pchVariantArray, int unVariantArraySize) {
long __functionAddress = OpenVR.VRInput.GetBindingVariant;
if (CHECKS) {
return callJPI(ulDevicePath, pchVariantArray, unVariantArraySize, __functionAddress);
/** Returns the variant set in the current bindings. If the binding doesn't include a variant setting, this function will return an empty string. */
public static int VRInput_GetBindingVariant(@NativeType("VRInputValueHandle_t") long ulDevicePath, @NativeType("char *") ByteBuffer pchVariantArray) {
return nVRInput_GetBindingVariant(ulDevicePath, memAddress(pchVariantArray), pchVariantArray.remaining());