org.lwjgl.openxr.XrInteractionProfileState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms: https://www.lwjgl.org/license
package org.lwjgl.openxr;
import org.jspecify.annotations.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
* Receives active interaction profile for a top level path.
* Description
* The runtime must only include interaction profiles that the application has provided bindings for via {@link XR10#xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings SuggestInteractionProfileBindings} or {@link XR10#XR_NULL_PATH NULL_PATH}. If the runtime is rebinding an interaction profile provided by the application to a device that the application did not provide bindings for, it must return the interaction profile path that it is emulating. If the runtime is unable to provide input because it cannot emulate any of the application-provided interaction profiles, it must return {@link XR10#XR_NULL_PATH NULL_PATH}.
* Valid Usage (Implicit)
* - {@code next} must be {@code NULL} or a valid pointer to the next structure in a structure chain
* See Also
* {@link XrActionSuggestedBinding}, {@link XR10#xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile GetCurrentInteractionProfile}, {@link XR10#xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings SuggestInteractionProfileBindings}
* Layout
* struct XrInteractionProfileState {
* XrStructureType {@link #type};
* void * {@link #next};
* XrPath {@link #interactionProfile};
* }
public class XrInteractionProfileState extends Struct implements NativeResource {
/** The struct size in bytes. */
public static final int SIZEOF;
/** The struct alignment in bytes. */
public static final int ALIGNOF;
/** The struct member offsets. */
public static final int
static {
Layout layout = __struct(
SIZEOF = layout.getSize();
ALIGNOF = layout.getAlignment();
TYPE = layout.offsetof(0);
NEXT = layout.offsetof(1);
INTERACTIONPROFILE = layout.offsetof(2);
protected XrInteractionProfileState(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container) {
super(address, container);
protected XrInteractionProfileState create(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container) {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(address, container);
* Creates a {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance at the current position of the specified {@link ByteBuffer} container. Changes to the buffer's content will be
* visible to the struct instance and vice versa.
* The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public XrInteractionProfileState(ByteBuffer container) {
super(memAddress(container), __checkContainer(container, SIZEOF));
public int sizeof() { return SIZEOF; }
/** the {@code XrStructureType} of this structure. */
public int type() { return ntype(address()); }
/** {@code NULL} or a pointer to the next structure in a structure chain. No such structures are defined in core OpenXR. */
@NativeType("void *")
public long next() { return nnext(address()); }
/** the {@code XrPath} of the interaction profile path for the {@link XR10#xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile GetCurrentInteractionProfile}{@code ::topLevelUserPath} used to retrieve this state, or {@link XR10#XR_NULL_PATH NULL_PATH} if there is no active interaction profile at that top level user path. */
public long interactionProfile() { return ninteractionProfile(address()); }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link #type} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState type(@NativeType("XrStructureType") int value) { ntype(address(), value); return this; }
/** Sets the {@link XR10#XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE} value to the {@link #type} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState type$Default() { return type(XR10.XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE); }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link #next} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState next(@NativeType("void *") long value) { nnext(address(), value); return this; }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link #interactionProfile} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState interactionProfile(@NativeType("XrPath") long value) { ninteractionProfile(address(), value); return this; }
/** Initializes this struct with the specified values. */
public XrInteractionProfileState set(
int type,
long next,
long interactionProfile
) {
return this;
* Copies the specified struct data to this struct.
* @param src the source struct
* @return this struct
public XrInteractionProfileState set(XrInteractionProfileState src) {
memCopy(src.address(), address(), SIZEOF);
return this;
// -----------------------------------
/** Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memAlloc memAlloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed. */
public static XrInteractionProfileState malloc() {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(nmemAllocChecked(SIZEOF), null);
/** Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memCalloc memCalloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed. */
public static XrInteractionProfileState calloc() {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(nmemCallocChecked(1, SIZEOF), null);
/** Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance allocated with {@link BufferUtils}. */
public static XrInteractionProfileState create() {
ByteBuffer container = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(SIZEOF);
return new XrInteractionProfileState(memAddress(container), container);
/** Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance for the specified memory address. */
public static XrInteractionProfileState create(long address) {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(address, null);
/** Like {@link #create(long) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static @Nullable XrInteractionProfileState createSafe(long address) {
return address == NULL ? null : new XrInteractionProfileState(address, null);
* Returns a new {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memAlloc memAlloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer malloc(int capacity) {
return new Buffer(nmemAllocChecked(__checkMalloc(capacity, SIZEOF)), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memCalloc memCalloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer calloc(int capacity) {
return new Buffer(nmemCallocChecked(capacity, SIZEOF), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link BufferUtils}.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer create(int capacity) {
ByteBuffer container = __create(capacity, SIZEOF);
return new Buffer(memAddress(container), container, -1, 0, capacity, capacity);
* Create a {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance at the specified memory.
* @param address the memory address
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer create(long address, int capacity) {
return new Buffer(address, capacity);
/** Like {@link #create(long, int) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static XrInteractionProfileState.@Nullable Buffer createSafe(long address, int capacity) {
return address == NULL ? null : new Buffer(address, capacity);
* Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack}.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
public static XrInteractionProfileState malloc(MemoryStack stack) {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(stack.nmalloc(ALIGNOF, SIZEOF), null);
* Returns a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack} and initializes all its bits to zero.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
public static XrInteractionProfileState calloc(MemoryStack stack) {
return new XrInteractionProfileState(stack.ncalloc(ALIGNOF, 1, SIZEOF), null);
* Returns a new {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack}.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer malloc(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) {
return new Buffer(stack.nmalloc(ALIGNOF, capacity * SIZEOF), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack} and initializes all its bits to zero.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer calloc(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) {
return new Buffer(stack.ncalloc(ALIGNOF, capacity, SIZEOF), capacity);
// -----------------------------------
/** Unsafe version of {@link #type}. */
public static int ntype(long struct) { return memGetInt(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.TYPE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #next}. */
public static long nnext(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.NEXT); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #interactionProfile}. */
public static long ninteractionProfile(long struct) { return memGetLong(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.INTERACTIONPROFILE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #type(int) type}. */
public static void ntype(long struct, int value) { memPutInt(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.TYPE, value); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #next(long) next}. */
public static void nnext(long struct, long value) { memPutAddress(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.NEXT, value); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #interactionProfile(long) interactionProfile}. */
public static void ninteractionProfile(long struct, long value) { memPutLong(struct + XrInteractionProfileState.INTERACTIONPROFILE, value); }
// -----------------------------------
/** An array of {@link XrInteractionProfileState} structs. */
public static class Buffer extends StructBuffer implements NativeResource {
private static final XrInteractionProfileState ELEMENT_FACTORY = XrInteractionProfileState.create(-1L);
* Creates a new {@code XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer} instance backed by the specified container.
* Changes to the container's content will be visible to the struct buffer instance and vice versa. The two buffers' position, limit, and mark values
* will be independent. The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this buffer divided
* by {@link XrInteractionProfileState#SIZEOF}, and its mark will be undefined.
* The created buffer instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public Buffer(ByteBuffer container) {
super(container, container.remaining() / SIZEOF);
public Buffer(long address, int cap) {
super(address, null, -1, 0, cap, cap);
Buffer(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container, int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) {
super(address, container, mark, pos, lim, cap);
protected Buffer self() {
return this;
protected Buffer create(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container, int mark, int position, int limit, int capacity) {
return new Buffer(address, container, mark, position, limit, capacity);
protected XrInteractionProfileState getElementFactory() {
/** @return the value of the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#type} field. */
public int type() { return XrInteractionProfileState.ntype(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#next} field. */
@NativeType("void *")
public long next() { return XrInteractionProfileState.nnext(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#interactionProfile} field. */
public long interactionProfile() { return XrInteractionProfileState.ninteractionProfile(address()); }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#type} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer type(@NativeType("XrStructureType") int value) { XrInteractionProfileState.ntype(address(), value); return this; }
/** Sets the {@link XR10#XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE} value to the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#type} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer type$Default() { return type(XR10.XR_TYPE_INTERACTION_PROFILE_STATE); }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#next} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer next(@NativeType("void *") long value) { XrInteractionProfileState.nnext(address(), value); return this; }
/** Sets the specified value to the {@link XrInteractionProfileState#interactionProfile} field. */
public XrInteractionProfileState.Buffer interactionProfile(@NativeType("XrPath") long value) { XrInteractionProfileState.ninteractionProfile(address(), value); return this; }