org.lwjgl.system.rpmalloc.RPmallocThreadStatistics Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
package org.lwjgl.system.rpmalloc;
import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
* Layout
* struct rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t {
* size_t {@link #sizecache};
* size_t {@link #spancache};
* size_t {@link #thread_to_global};
* size_t {@link #global_to_thread};
* struct {
* size_t {@link span_use#current current};
* size_t {@link span_use#peak peak};
* size_t {@link span_use#to_global to_global};
* size_t {@link span_use#from_global from_global};
* size_t {@link span_use#to_cache to_cache};
* size_t {@link span_use#from_cache from_cache};
* size_t {@link span_use#to_reserved to_reserved};
* size_t {@link span_use#from_reserved from_reserved};
* size_t {@link span_use#map_calls map_calls};
* } {@link span_use span_use}[64];
* struct {
* size_t {@link size_use#alloc_current alloc_current};
* size_t {@link size_use#alloc_peak alloc_peak};
* size_t {@link size_use#alloc_total alloc_total};
* size_t {@link size_use#free_total free_total};
* size_t {@link size_use#spans_to_cache spans_to_cache};
* size_t {@link size_use#spans_from_cache spans_from_cache};
* size_t {@link size_use#spans_from_reserved spans_from_reserved};
* size_t {@link size_use#map_calls map_calls};
* } {@link size_use size_use}[128];
* }
@NativeType("struct rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t")
public class RPmallocThreadStatistics extends Struct implements NativeResource {
/** The struct size in bytes. */
public static final int SIZEOF;
/** The struct alignment in bytes. */
public static final int ALIGNOF;
/** The struct member offsets. */
public static final int
static {
Layout layout = __struct(
__array(span_use.SIZEOF, span_use.ALIGNOF, 64),
__array(size_use.SIZEOF, size_use.ALIGNOF, 128)
SIZEOF = layout.getSize();
ALIGNOF = layout.getAlignment();
SIZECACHE = layout.offsetof(0);
SPANCACHE = layout.offsetof(1);
THREAD_TO_GLOBAL = layout.offsetof(2);
GLOBAL_TO_THREAD = layout.offsetof(3);
SPAN_USE = layout.offsetof(4);
SIZE_USE = layout.offsetof(5);
* Creates a {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance at the current position of the specified {@link ByteBuffer} container. Changes to the buffer's content will be
* visible to the struct instance and vice versa.
* The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public RPmallocThreadStatistics(ByteBuffer container) {
super(memAddress(container), __checkContainer(container, SIZEOF));
public int sizeof() { return SIZEOF; }
/** Current number of bytes available in thread size class caches for small and medium sizes (<32KiB) */
public long sizecache() { return nsizecache(address()); }
/** Current number of bytes available in thread span caches for small and medium sizes (<32KiB) */
public long spancache() { return nspancache(address()); }
/** Total number of bytes transitioned from thread cache to global cache (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public long thread_to_global() { return nthread_to_global(address()); }
/** Total number of bytes transitioned from global cache to thread cache (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public long global_to_thread() { return nglobal_to_thread(address()); }
/** Per span count statistics (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public span_use.Buffer span_use() { return nspan_use(address()); }
/** Per span count statistics (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public span_use span_use(int index) { return nspan_use(address(), index); }
/** Per size class statistics (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public size_use.Buffer size_use() { return nsize_use(address()); }
/** Per size class statistics (only if {@code ENABLE_STATISTICS=1}) */
public size_use size_use(int index) { return nsize_use(address(), index); }
// -----------------------------------
/** Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memAlloc memAlloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics malloc() {
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, nmemAllocChecked(SIZEOF));
/** Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memCalloc memCalloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics calloc() {
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, nmemCallocChecked(1, SIZEOF));
/** Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance allocated with {@link BufferUtils}. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics create() {
ByteBuffer container = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(SIZEOF);
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, memAddress(container), container);
/** Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance for the specified memory address. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics create(long address) {
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, address);
/** Like {@link #create(long) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics createSafe(long address) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, address);
* Returns a new {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memAlloc memAlloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer malloc(int capacity) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, nmemAllocChecked(__checkMalloc(capacity, SIZEOF)), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link MemoryUtil#memCalloc memCalloc}. The instance must be explicitly freed.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer calloc(int capacity) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, nmemCallocChecked(capacity, SIZEOF), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance allocated with {@link BufferUtils}.
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer create(int capacity) {
ByteBuffer container = __create(capacity, SIZEOF);
return wrap(Buffer.class, memAddress(container), capacity, container);
* Create a {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance at the specified memory.
* @param address the memory address
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer create(long address, int capacity) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
/** Like {@link #create(long, int) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer createSafe(long address, int capacity) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
// -----------------------------------
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #malloc(MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics mallocStack() { return malloc(stackGet()); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #calloc(MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics callocStack() { return calloc(stackGet()); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #malloc(MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics mallocStack(MemoryStack stack) { return malloc(stack); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #calloc(MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics callocStack(MemoryStack stack) { return calloc(stack); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #malloc(int, MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer mallocStack(int capacity) { return malloc(capacity, stackGet()); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #calloc(int, MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer callocStack(int capacity) { return calloc(capacity, stackGet()); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #malloc(int, MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer mallocStack(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) { return malloc(capacity, stack); }
/** Deprecated for removal in 3.4.0. Use {@link #calloc(int, MemoryStack)} instead. */
@Deprecated public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer callocStack(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) { return calloc(capacity, stack); }
* Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack}.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics malloc(MemoryStack stack) {
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, stack.nmalloc(ALIGNOF, SIZEOF));
* Returns a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack} and initializes all its bits to zero.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics calloc(MemoryStack stack) {
return wrap(RPmallocThreadStatistics.class, stack.ncalloc(ALIGNOF, 1, SIZEOF));
* Returns a new {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack}.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer malloc(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, stack.nmalloc(ALIGNOF, capacity * SIZEOF), capacity);
* Returns a new {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance allocated on the specified {@link MemoryStack} and initializes all its bits to zero.
* @param stack the stack from which to allocate
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer calloc(int capacity, MemoryStack stack) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, stack.ncalloc(ALIGNOF, capacity, SIZEOF), capacity);
// -----------------------------------
/** Unsafe version of {@link #sizecache}. */
public static long nsizecache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SIZECACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #spancache}. */
public static long nspancache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SPANCACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #thread_to_global}. */
public static long nthread_to_global(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.THREAD_TO_GLOBAL); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #global_to_thread}. */
public static long nglobal_to_thread(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.GLOBAL_TO_THREAD); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #span_use}. */
public static span_use.Buffer nspan_use(long struct) { return span_use.create(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SPAN_USE, 64); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #span_use(int) span_use}. */
public static span_use nspan_use(long struct, int index) {
return span_use.create(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SPAN_USE + check(index, 64) * span_use.SIZEOF);
/** Unsafe version of {@link #size_use}. */
public static size_use.Buffer nsize_use(long struct) { return size_use.create(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SIZE_USE, 128); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #size_use(int) size_use}. */
public static size_use nsize_use(long struct, int index) {
return size_use.create(struct + RPmallocThreadStatistics.SIZE_USE + check(index, 128) * size_use.SIZEOF);
// -----------------------------------
/** An array of {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics} structs. */
public static class Buffer extends StructBuffer implements NativeResource {
private static final RPmallocThreadStatistics ELEMENT_FACTORY = RPmallocThreadStatistics.create(-1L);
* Creates a new {@code RPmallocThreadStatistics.Buffer} instance backed by the specified container.
* Changes to the container's content will be visible to the struct buffer instance and vice versa. The two buffers' position, limit, and mark values
* will be independent. The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this buffer divided
* by {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#SIZEOF}, and its mark will be undefined.
* The created buffer instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public Buffer(ByteBuffer container) {
super(container, container.remaining() / SIZEOF);
public Buffer(long address, int cap) {
super(address, null, -1, 0, cap, cap);
Buffer(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container, int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) {
super(address, container, mark, pos, lim, cap);
protected Buffer self() {
return this;
protected RPmallocThreadStatistics getElementFactory() {
/** @return the value of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#sizecache} field. */
public long sizecache() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nsizecache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#spancache} field. */
public long spancache() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nspancache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#thread_to_global} field. */
public long thread_to_global() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nthread_to_global(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#global_to_thread} field. */
public long global_to_thread() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nglobal_to_thread(address()); }
/** @return a {@link span_use}.Buffer view of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#span_use} field. */
public span_use.Buffer span_use() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nspan_use(address()); }
/** @return a {@link span_use} view of the struct at the specified index of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#span_use} field. */
public span_use span_use(int index) { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nspan_use(address(), index); }
/** @return a {@link size_use}.Buffer view of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#size_use} field. */
public size_use.Buffer size_use() { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nsize_use(address()); }
/** @return a {@link size_use} view of the struct at the specified index of the {@link RPmallocThreadStatistics#size_use} field. */
public size_use size_use(int index) { return RPmallocThreadStatistics.nsize_use(address(), index); }
* Layout
* struct {
* size_t {@link #current};
* size_t {@link #peak};
* size_t {@link #to_global};
* size_t {@link #from_global};
* size_t {@link #to_cache};
* size_t {@link #from_cache};
* size_t {@link #to_reserved};
* size_t {@link #from_reserved};
* size_t {@link #map_calls};
* }
public static class span_use extends Struct {
/** The struct size in bytes. */
public static final int SIZEOF;
/** The struct alignment in bytes. */
public static final int ALIGNOF;
/** The struct member offsets. */
public static final int
static {
Layout layout = __struct(
SIZEOF = layout.getSize();
ALIGNOF = layout.getAlignment();
CURRENT = layout.offsetof(0);
PEAK = layout.offsetof(1);
TO_GLOBAL = layout.offsetof(2);
FROM_GLOBAL = layout.offsetof(3);
TO_CACHE = layout.offsetof(4);
FROM_CACHE = layout.offsetof(5);
TO_RESERVED = layout.offsetof(6);
FROM_RESERVED = layout.offsetof(7);
MAP_CALLS = layout.offsetof(8);
* Creates a {@code span_use} instance at the current position of the specified {@link ByteBuffer} container. Changes to the buffer's content will be
* visible to the struct instance and vice versa.
* The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public span_use(ByteBuffer container) {
super(memAddress(container), __checkContainer(container, SIZEOF));
public int sizeof() { return SIZEOF; }
/** Currently used number of spans */
public long current() { return ncurrent(address()); }
/** High water mark of spans used */
public long peak() { return npeak(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned to global cache */
public long to_global() { return nto_global(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned from global cache */
public long from_global() { return nfrom_global(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned to thread cache */
public long to_cache() { return nto_cache(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned from thread cache */
public long from_cache() { return nfrom_cache(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned to reserved state */
public long to_reserved() { return nto_reserved(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned from reserved state */
public long from_reserved() { return nfrom_reserved(address()); }
/** Number of raw memory map calls (not hitting the reserve spans but resulting in actual OS mmap calls) */
public long map_calls() { return nmap_calls(address()); }
// -----------------------------------
/** Returns a new {@code span_use} instance for the specified memory address. */
public static span_use create(long address) {
return wrap(span_use.class, address);
/** Like {@link #create(long) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static span_use createSafe(long address) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(span_use.class, address);
* Create a {@link span_use.Buffer} instance at the specified memory.
* @param address the memory address
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static span_use.Buffer create(long address, int capacity) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
/** Like {@link #create(long, int) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static span_use.Buffer createSafe(long address, int capacity) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
// -----------------------------------
/** Unsafe version of {@link #current}. */
public static long ncurrent(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.CURRENT); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #peak}. */
public static long npeak(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.PEAK); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #to_global}. */
public static long nto_global(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.TO_GLOBAL); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #from_global}. */
public static long nfrom_global(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.FROM_GLOBAL); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #to_cache}. */
public static long nto_cache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.TO_CACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #from_cache}. */
public static long nfrom_cache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.FROM_CACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #to_reserved}. */
public static long nto_reserved(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.TO_RESERVED); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #from_reserved}. */
public static long nfrom_reserved(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.FROM_RESERVED); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #map_calls}. */
public static long nmap_calls(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + span_use.MAP_CALLS); }
// -----------------------------------
/** An array of {@link span_use} structs. */
public static class Buffer extends StructBuffer {
private static final span_use ELEMENT_FACTORY = span_use.create(-1L);
* Creates a new {@code span_use.Buffer} instance backed by the specified container.
* Changes to the container's content will be visible to the struct buffer instance and vice versa. The two buffers' position, limit, and mark values
* will be independent. The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this buffer divided
* by {@link span_use#SIZEOF}, and its mark will be undefined.
* The created buffer instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public Buffer(ByteBuffer container) {
super(container, container.remaining() / SIZEOF);
public Buffer(long address, int cap) {
super(address, null, -1, 0, cap, cap);
Buffer(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container, int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) {
super(address, container, mark, pos, lim, cap);
protected Buffer self() {
return this;
protected span_use getElementFactory() {
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#current} field. */
public long current() { return span_use.ncurrent(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#peak} field. */
public long peak() { return span_use.npeak(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#to_global} field. */
public long to_global() { return span_use.nto_global(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#from_global} field. */
public long from_global() { return span_use.nfrom_global(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#to_cache} field. */
public long to_cache() { return span_use.nto_cache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#from_cache} field. */
public long from_cache() { return span_use.nfrom_cache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#to_reserved} field. */
public long to_reserved() { return span_use.nto_reserved(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#from_reserved} field. */
public long from_reserved() { return span_use.nfrom_reserved(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link span_use#map_calls} field. */
public long map_calls() { return span_use.nmap_calls(address()); }
* Layout
* struct {
* size_t {@link #alloc_current};
* size_t {@link #alloc_peak};
* size_t {@link #alloc_total};
* size_t {@link #free_total};
* size_t {@link #spans_to_cache};
* size_t {@link #spans_from_cache};
* size_t {@link #spans_from_reserved};
* size_t {@link #map_calls};
* }
public static class size_use extends Struct {
/** The struct size in bytes. */
public static final int SIZEOF;
/** The struct alignment in bytes. */
public static final int ALIGNOF;
/** The struct member offsets. */
public static final int
static {
Layout layout = __struct(
SIZEOF = layout.getSize();
ALIGNOF = layout.getAlignment();
ALLOC_CURRENT = layout.offsetof(0);
ALLOC_PEAK = layout.offsetof(1);
ALLOC_TOTAL = layout.offsetof(2);
FREE_TOTAL = layout.offsetof(3);
SPANS_TO_CACHE = layout.offsetof(4);
SPANS_FROM_CACHE = layout.offsetof(5);
SPANS_FROM_RESERVED = layout.offsetof(6);
MAP_CALLS = layout.offsetof(7);
* Creates a {@code size_use} instance at the current position of the specified {@link ByteBuffer} container. Changes to the buffer's content will be
* visible to the struct instance and vice versa.
* The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public size_use(ByteBuffer container) {
super(memAddress(container), __checkContainer(container, SIZEOF));
public int sizeof() { return SIZEOF; }
/** Current number of allocations */
public long alloc_current() { return nalloc_current(address()); }
/** Peak number of allocations */
public long alloc_peak() { return nalloc_peak(address()); }
/** Total number of allocations */
public long alloc_total() { return nalloc_total(address()); }
/** Total number of frees */
public long free_total() { return nfree_total(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned to cache */
public long spans_to_cache() { return nspans_to_cache(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned from cache */
public long spans_from_cache() { return nspans_from_cache(address()); }
/** Number of spans transitioned from reserved state */
public long spans_from_reserved() { return nspans_from_reserved(address()); }
/** Number of raw memory map calls (not hitting the reserve spans but resulting in actual OS mmap calls) */
public long map_calls() { return nmap_calls(address()); }
// -----------------------------------
/** Returns a new {@code size_use} instance for the specified memory address. */
public static size_use create(long address) {
return wrap(size_use.class, address);
/** Like {@link #create(long) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static size_use createSafe(long address) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(size_use.class, address);
* Create a {@link size_use.Buffer} instance at the specified memory.
* @param address the memory address
* @param capacity the buffer capacity
public static size_use.Buffer create(long address, int capacity) {
return wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
/** Like {@link #create(long, int) create}, but returns {@code null} if {@code address} is {@code NULL}. */
public static size_use.Buffer createSafe(long address, int capacity) {
return address == NULL ? null : wrap(Buffer.class, address, capacity);
// -----------------------------------
/** Unsafe version of {@link #alloc_current}. */
public static long nalloc_current(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.ALLOC_CURRENT); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #alloc_peak}. */
public static long nalloc_peak(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.ALLOC_PEAK); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #alloc_total}. */
public static long nalloc_total(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.ALLOC_TOTAL); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #free_total}. */
public static long nfree_total(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.FREE_TOTAL); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #spans_to_cache}. */
public static long nspans_to_cache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.SPANS_TO_CACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #spans_from_cache}. */
public static long nspans_from_cache(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.SPANS_FROM_CACHE); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #spans_from_reserved}. */
public static long nspans_from_reserved(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.SPANS_FROM_RESERVED); }
/** Unsafe version of {@link #map_calls}. */
public static long nmap_calls(long struct) { return memGetAddress(struct + size_use.MAP_CALLS); }
// -----------------------------------
/** An array of {@link size_use} structs. */
public static class Buffer extends StructBuffer {
private static final size_use ELEMENT_FACTORY = size_use.create(-1L);
* Creates a new {@code size_use.Buffer} instance backed by the specified container.
* Changes to the container's content will be visible to the struct buffer instance and vice versa. The two buffers' position, limit, and mark values
* will be independent. The new buffer's position will be zero, its capacity and its limit will be the number of bytes remaining in this buffer divided
* by {@link size_use#SIZEOF}, and its mark will be undefined.
* The created buffer instance holds a strong reference to the container object.
public Buffer(ByteBuffer container) {
super(container, container.remaining() / SIZEOF);
public Buffer(long address, int cap) {
super(address, null, -1, 0, cap, cap);
Buffer(long address, @Nullable ByteBuffer container, int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) {
super(address, container, mark, pos, lim, cap);
protected Buffer self() {
return this;
protected size_use getElementFactory() {
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#alloc_current} field. */
public long alloc_current() { return size_use.nalloc_current(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#alloc_peak} field. */
public long alloc_peak() { return size_use.nalloc_peak(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#alloc_total} field. */
public long alloc_total() { return size_use.nalloc_total(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#free_total} field. */
public long free_total() { return size_use.nfree_total(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#spans_to_cache} field. */
public long spans_to_cache() { return size_use.nspans_to_cache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#spans_from_cache} field. */
public long spans_from_cache() { return size_use.nspans_from_cache(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#spans_from_reserved} field. */
public long spans_from_reserved() { return size_use.nspans_from_reserved(address()); }
/** @return the value of the {@link size_use#map_calls} field. */
public long map_calls() { return size_use.nmap_calls(address()); }
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