org.lwjgl.util.tootle.Tootle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
* License terms:
package org.lwjgl.util.tootle;
import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
* Bindings to AMD Tootle.
* AMD Tootle (Triangle Order Optimization Tool) is a 3D triangle mesh optimization library that improves on existing mesh preprocessing techniques. By
* using AMD Tootle, developers can optimize their models for pixel overdraw as well as vertex cache performance. This can provide significant performance
* improvements in pixel limited situations, with no penalty in vertex-limited scenarios, and no runtime cost.
* Features
* - Vertex cache optimization: Triangles are re-ordered to optimize for the post-transform vertex cache in modern GPUs. This will yield
* significant performance improvements in vertex-tranform limited scenes.
* - Overdraw optimization: To reduce the pixel cost of rendering a mesh, the AMD Tootle library further re-orders the triangles in the mesh to
* reduce pixel overdraw. Significant reductions in pixel overdraw (2x or higher) can be achieved. This can yield significant performance improvements
* in pixel-limited scenes, and incurs no penalty in vertex-limited scenarios.
* - Vertex prefetch cache optimization: Triangle indices are re-indexed in the order of their occurrence in the triangle list. The vertex buffer
* is re-ordered to match these new indices. Thus, vertices are accessed close to each other in memory. This optimization exploits the input vertex
* cache because vertices are typically fetched in a cacheline (that may contains more than one vertex data).
* The Direct3D optimizers are currently not supported.
public class Tootle {
/** The default vertex cache size. */
public static final int TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE = 16;
/** The maximum allowed number of faces in the mesh. */
public static final int TOOTLE_MAX_FACES = 0x7FFFFFFF;
/** The maximum allowed number of vertices in the mesh. */
public static final int TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES = 0x7FFFFFFF;
* The parameter for {@link #TootleFastOptimize FastOptimize} to create more clusters (lower number generates more clusters).
* This parameter decides where to put extra breaks to create more clusters (refer to the SIGGRAPH 2007 paper for the full description of the parameter).
public static final float TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA = 0.75f;
* Enumeration for Tootle return codes. ({@code TootleResult})
* Enum values:
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OK OK} - All is well
* - {@link #TOOTLE_INVALID_ARGS INVALID_ARGS} - Illegal arguments were passed.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY OUT_OF_MEMORY} - Tootle ran out of memory while trying to complete the call.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_3D_API_ERROR 3D_API_ERROR} - Errors occurred while setting up the 3D API. This generally means that D3D isn't installed properly.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_INTERNAL_ERROR INTERNAL_ERROR} - Something happened that really, really shouldn't.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_NOT_INITIALIZED NOT_INITIALIZED} - Tootle was not initialized before a function call.
public static final int
* Enumeration for face winding order. ({@code TootleFaceWinding})
* Enum values:
* - {@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} - Face is ordered counter-clockwise
* - {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW} - Face is ordered clockwise
public static final int
* Enumeration for the algorithm for vertex optimization. ({@code TootleVCacheOptimizer})
* Enum values:
* - {@link #TOOTLE_VCACHE_AUTO VCACHE_AUTO} - If vertex cache size is less than 7, use LSTRIPS algorithm otherwise TIPSY.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_VCACHE_DIRECT3D VCACHE_DIRECT3D} - Use D3DXOptimizeFaces to optimize faces.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_VCACHE_LSTRIPS VCACHE_LSTRIPS} - Build a list like triangle strips to optimize faces.
* - {@link #TOOTLE_VCACHE_TIPSY VCACHE_TIPSY} - Use TIPSY (the algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007) to optimize faces.
public static final int
* Enumeration for the algorithm for overdraw optimization. ({@code TootleOverdrawOptimizer})
* Enum values:
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_AUTO OVERDRAW_AUTO} - Use either Direct3D or raytracing to reorder clusters (depending on the number of clusters).
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_DIRECT3D OVERDRAW_DIRECT3D} - Use Direct3D rendering to reorder clusters to optimize overdraw (slow {@code O(N^2)}).
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_RAYTRACE OVERDRAW_RAYTRACE} - Use CPU raytracing to reorder clusters to optimize overdraw (slow {@code O(N^2)}).
* - {@link #TOOTLE_OVERDRAW_FAST OVERDRAW_FAST} - Use a fast approximation algorithm (from SIGGRAPH 2007) to reorder clusters.
public static final int
static { Library.loadSystem(System::load, System::loadLibrary, Tootle.class, Platform.mapLibraryNameBundled("lwjgl_tootle")); }
protected Tootle() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ TootleInit ] ---
/** Performs one-time initialization required by Tootle. */
public static native int TootleInit();
// --- [ TootleOptimizeVCache ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleOptimizeVCache OptimizeVCache}
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the index buffer. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
public static native int nTootleOptimizeVCache(long pnIB, int nFaces, int nVertices, int nCacheSize, long pnIBOut, long pnFaceRemapOut, int eVCacheOptimizer);
* This function performs vertex cache optimization on an index buffer. It returns a face re-mapping if requested.
* @param pnIB the index buffer to optimize. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the model. This must non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nCacheSize the number of vertices that will fit in cache. If the application does not know or care about the vertex cache size, then it should pass
* {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE}. This value must be non-zero.
* @param pnIBOut a pointer that will be filled with an optimized index buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnFaceRemapOut a pointer to an array that will be filled with a face re-mapping. May be {@code NULL}. This is an array of {@code nFaces} elements.
* Element {@code i} in the array will contain the position of input face {@code i} in the output face ordering.
* @param eVCacheOptimizer the selection for choosing the algorithm to optimize vertex cache. One of:
public static int TootleOptimizeVCache(@NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVertices, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceRemapOut, @NativeType("TootleVCacheOptimizer") int eVCacheOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnFaceRemapOut, nFaces);
return nTootleOptimizeVCache(memAddress(pnIB), nFaces, nVertices, nCacheSize, memAddressSafe(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnFaceRemapOut), eVCacheOptimizer);
// --- [ TootleClusterMesh ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}
* @param nVertices number of vertices. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nFaces number of faces. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
public static native int nTootleClusterMesh(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, int nTargetClusters, long pnClusteredIBOut, long pnFaceClustersOut, long pnFaceRemapOut);
* This function partitions a mesh into a set of connected, roughly planar clusters. It generates a new mesh that is re-arranged in cluster order. This
* clustering is required as a pre-cursor to overdraw optimization. This function returns a mesh that is clustered. That is, the faces are sorted in
* ascending order by cluster ID. The number of clusters in the mesh will be equal to {@code pFaceClustersOut[ nFaces-1 ] + 1}.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB an index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nTargetClusters a target number of clusters. The clustering algorithm will create at least this many clusters, but not more than {@code nFaces}. This value is only
* a hint. More clusters may be created if Tootle considers it necessary. (for example, if there are numerous connected components in the mesh).
* Passing 0 for this value causes Tootle to use an automatic method to determine when to stop creating clusters.
* @param pnClusteredIBOut an array that will receive a copy of the index buffer, sorted by cluster ID. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnFaceClustersOut an array of {@code nFaces+1} unsigned ints, that will be filled with the cluster ID that was assigned to each face in the output index buffer. The
* last element of the array contains the number of cluster. This is of a full format type. May not be {@code NULL}.
* @param pnFaceRemapOut an array that will receive a face re-mapping. May be {@code NULL}. If not {@code NULL}, must be an array of size {@code nFaces}. The {@code i}'th element of the
* output array contains the position of input face i in the new face ordering.
public static int TootleClusterMesh(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nTargetClusters, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnClusteredIBOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceClustersOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceRemapOut) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnClusteredIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnFaceClustersOut, nFaces + 1);
checkSafe(pnFaceRemapOut, nFaces);
return nTootleClusterMesh(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), pVB.remaining() / nVBStride, nFaces, nVBStride, nTargetClusters, memAddress(pnClusteredIBOut), memAddress(pnFaceClustersOut), memAddressSafe(pnFaceRemapOut));
* This function partitions a mesh into a set of connected, roughly planar clusters. It generates a new mesh that is re-arranged in cluster order. This
* clustering is required as a pre-cursor to overdraw optimization. This function returns a mesh that is clustered. That is, the faces are sorted in
* ascending order by cluster ID. The number of clusters in the mesh will be equal to {@code pFaceClustersOut[ nFaces-1 ] + 1}.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB an index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nTargetClusters a target number of clusters. The clustering algorithm will create at least this many clusters, but not more than {@code nFaces}. This value is only
* a hint. More clusters may be created if Tootle considers it necessary. (for example, if there are numerous connected components in the mesh).
* Passing 0 for this value causes Tootle to use an automatic method to determine when to stop creating clusters.
* @param pnClusteredIBOut an array that will receive a copy of the index buffer, sorted by cluster ID. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnFaceClustersOut an array of {@code nFaces+1} unsigned ints, that will be filled with the cluster ID that was assigned to each face in the output index buffer. The
* last element of the array contains the number of cluster. This is of a full format type. May not be {@code NULL}.
* @param pnFaceRemapOut an array that will receive a face re-mapping. May be {@code NULL}. If not {@code NULL}, must be an array of size {@code nFaces}. The {@code i}'th element of the
* output array contains the position of input face i in the new face ordering.
public static int TootleClusterMesh(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nTargetClusters, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnClusteredIBOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceClustersOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceRemapOut) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnClusteredIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnFaceClustersOut, nFaces + 1);
checkSafe(pnFaceRemapOut, nFaces);
return nTootleClusterMesh(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), (int)(((long)pVB.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride), nFaces, nVBStride, nTargetClusters, memAddress(pnClusteredIBOut), memAddress(pnFaceClustersOut), memAddressSafe(pnFaceRemapOut));
// --- [ TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh FastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh}
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the index buffer
public static native int nTootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh(long pnIB, int nFaces, int nVertices, int nCacheSize, long pnIBOut, long pnClustersOut, long pnNumClustersOut, float fAlpha);
* This function performs vertex cache optimization and clustering the mesh based on the algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007. It produces the re-ordered index
* buffer and an array of the resulting clusters. The result can be used as inputs to {@link #TootleOptimizeOverdraw OptimizeOverdraw}.
* @param pnIB the input index buffer: 3 {@code unsigned int} per triangle.
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the vertex buffer
* @param nCacheSize hardware cache size (12 to 24 are good options)
* @param pnIBOut the updated index buffer (the output). May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnClustersOut the output clusters which is an array of {@code nFaces+1} {@code unsigned ints}. It is of a compact format type. Entry {@code i} and {@code i+1}
* mark all face ids in {@code [i, i+1)} to be in cluster {@code i}. The last element of the array contains the number of clusters. May not be {@code NULL}.
* This has to be pre-allocated of size {@code nFaces+1}.
* @param pnNumClustersOut the total number of clusters in {@code pnClustersOut}
* @param fAlpha a linear parameter to compute lambda term from the algorithm. Pass {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA DEFAULT_ALPHA} as a default.
public static int TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh(@NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVertices, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnClustersOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnNumClustersOut, float fAlpha) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnClustersOut, nFaces + 1);
check(pnNumClustersOut, 1);
return nTootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh(memAddress(pnIB), nFaces, nVertices, nCacheSize, memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddress(pnClustersOut), memAddress(pnNumClustersOut), fAlpha);
// --- [ TootleOptimizeOverdraw ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleOptimizeOverdraw OptimizeOverdraw}
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the mesh. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the mesh. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
* @param nViewpoints the number of viewpoints in the viewpoint array
public static native int nTootleOptimizeOverdraw(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, long pfViewpoint, int nViewpoints, int eFrontWinding, long pnFaceClusters, long pnIBOut, long pnClusterRemapOut, int eOverdrawOptimizer);
* Given a clustered mesh, this function computes a cluster ordering that minimizes expected overdraw, and sorts the clusters according to this ordering.
* The input is a mesh whose faces are seperated into clusters. The clustering can be obtained by calling {@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}, or the application can supply its
* own clustering.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the mesh index buffer. This must be a triangle list. The faces must be clustered.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pfViewpoint an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the mesh. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnFaceClusters this array of {@code nFaces+1} size can be either of two types: a full format (the output of {@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}) or a compact format (the output of
* {@link #TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh FastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh}).
* The full format is an array of mapping for each face to the cluster ID. The entry {@code i} of this array contains the cluster ID of face
* {@code i}.
* The compact format is an array that maps every face ID between entry {@code i} and {@code i+1} to be in cluster {@code i}.
* For both formats, the last entry of the array ( {@code pnFaceClusters[ nFaces ]} ) should contains the number of total clusters.
* @param pnIBOut an array that will receive the re-ordered index buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnClusterRemapOut an array that will receive the cluster ordering. May be {@code NULL}. If non-null, the size of the array must be equal to the number of clusters in the
* mesh. {@code pClusterRemapOut[i]} will be set to the ID of the cluster that should come {@code i}'th in the draw order.
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleOptimizeOverdraw(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pfViewpoint, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceClusters, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnClusterRemapOut, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnFaceClusters, nFaces + 1);
checkSafe(pnClusterRemapOut, pnFaceClusters.get(nFaces));
return nTootleOptimizeOverdraw(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), pVB.remaining() / nVBStride, nFaces, nVBStride, memAddressSafe(pfViewpoint), remainingSafe(pfViewpoint) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnFaceClusters), memAddressSafe(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnClusterRemapOut), eOverdrawOptimizer);
* Given a clustered mesh, this function computes a cluster ordering that minimizes expected overdraw, and sorts the clusters according to this ordering.
* The input is a mesh whose faces are seperated into clusters. The clustering can be obtained by calling {@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}, or the application can supply its
* own clustering.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the mesh index buffer. This must be a triangle list. The faces must be clustered.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pfViewpoint an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the mesh. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnFaceClusters this array of {@code nFaces+1} size can be either of two types: a full format (the output of {@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}) or a compact format (the output of
* {@link #TootleFastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh FastOptimizeVCacheAndClusterMesh}).
* The full format is an array of mapping for each face to the cluster ID. The entry {@code i} of this array contains the cluster ID of face
* {@code i}.
* The compact format is an array that maps every face ID between entry {@code i} and {@code i+1} to be in cluster {@code i}.
* For both formats, the last entry of the array ( {@code pnFaceClusters[ nFaces ]} ) should contains the number of total clusters.
* @param pnIBOut an array that will receive the re-ordered index buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnClusterRemapOut an array that will receive the cluster ordering. May be {@code NULL}. If non-null, the size of the array must be equal to the number of clusters in the
* mesh. {@code pClusterRemapOut[i]} will be set to the ID of the cluster that should come {@code i}'th in the draw order.
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleOptimizeOverdraw(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pfViewpoint, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceClusters, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnClusterRemapOut, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnFaceClusters, nFaces + 1);
checkSafe(pnClusterRemapOut, pnFaceClusters.get(nFaces));
return nTootleOptimizeOverdraw(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), (int)(((long)pVB.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride), nFaces, nVBStride, memAddressSafe(pfViewpoint), remainingSafe(pfViewpoint) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnFaceClusters), memAddressSafe(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnClusterRemapOut), eOverdrawOptimizer);
// --- [ TootleCleanup ] ---
/** Frees all resources held by Tootle. */
public static native void TootleCleanup();
// --- [ TootleOptimize ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleOptimize Optimize}
* @param nVertices number of vertices. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nFaces number of faces. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
* @param nViewpoints the number of viewpoints in the viewpoint array
public static native int nTootleOptimize(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, int nCacheSize, long pViewpoints, int nViewpoints, int eFrontWinding, long pnIBOut, long pnNumClustersOut, int eVCacheOptimizer, int eOverdrawOptimizer);
* This is a utility function that is provided for developers to perform the entire optimization for a mesh.
* The function calls the three core functions to create clusters for the mesh ({@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}), optimize vertex cache for each cluster
* ({@link #TootleVCacheClusters VCacheClusters}), and reorder the clusters to optimize overdraw ({@link #TootleOptimizeOverdraw OptimizeOverdraw}). It generates a new indices for faces that is optimized for
* post-transform vertex cache and overdraw.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB an index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nCacheSize the number of vertices that will fit in cache. If the application does not know or care about the vertex cache size, then it should pass
* {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE}. This value must be non-zero.
* @param pViewpoints an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnIBOut a pointer that will be filled with an optimized index buffer. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pIB}.
* @param pnNumClustersOut the number of clusters generated by the algorithm. May be {@code NULL} if the output is not requested.
* @param eVCacheOptimizer the selection for choosing the algorithm to optimize vertex cache. One of:
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleOptimize(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pViewpoints, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnNumClustersOut, @NativeType("TootleVCacheOptimizer") int eVCacheOptimizer, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnNumClustersOut, 1);
return nTootleOptimize(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), pVB.remaining() / nVBStride, nFaces, nVBStride, nCacheSize, memAddressSafe(pViewpoints), remainingSafe(pViewpoints) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnNumClustersOut), eVCacheOptimizer, eOverdrawOptimizer);
* This is a utility function that is provided for developers to perform the entire optimization for a mesh.
* The function calls the three core functions to create clusters for the mesh ({@link #TootleClusterMesh ClusterMesh}), optimize vertex cache for each cluster
* ({@link #TootleVCacheClusters VCacheClusters}), and reorder the clusters to optimize overdraw ({@link #TootleOptimizeOverdraw OptimizeOverdraw}). It generates a new indices for faces that is optimized for
* post-transform vertex cache and overdraw.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB an index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nCacheSize the number of vertices that will fit in cache. If the application does not know or care about the vertex cache size, then it should pass
* {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE}. This value must be non-zero.
* @param pViewpoints an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnIBOut a pointer that will be filled with an optimized index buffer. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pIB}.
* @param pnNumClustersOut the number of clusters generated by the algorithm. May be {@code NULL} if the output is not requested.
* @param eVCacheOptimizer the selection for choosing the algorithm to optimize vertex cache. One of:
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleOptimize(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pViewpoints, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnNumClustersOut, @NativeType("TootleVCacheOptimizer") int eVCacheOptimizer, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnNumClustersOut, 1);
return nTootleOptimize(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), (int)(((long)pVB.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride), nFaces, nVBStride, nCacheSize, memAddressSafe(pViewpoints), remainingSafe(pViewpoints) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnNumClustersOut), eVCacheOptimizer, eOverdrawOptimizer);
// --- [ TootleFastOptimize ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleFastOptimize FastOptimize}
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the vertex buffer
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the index buffer
public static native int nTootleFastOptimize(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, int nCacheSize, int eFrontWinding, long pnIBOut, long pnNumClustersOut, float fAlpha);
* This is a utility function that performs the entire optimization using the new algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007. This function performs vertex cache
* optimization and clustering, then optimize overdraw on the clusters generated. It generates a new indices for faces that is optimized for
* post-transform vertex cache and overdraw.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the input index buffer: 3 {@code unsigned int} per triangle
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nCacheSize hardware cache size (12 to 24 are good options)
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnIBOut the updated index buffer (the output). May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnNumClustersOut the number of output clusters. May be {@code NULL} if not requested.
* @param fAlpha a linear parameter to compute lambda term from the algorithm. Pass {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA DEFAULT_ALPHA} as a default.
public static int TootleFastOptimize(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnNumClustersOut, float fAlpha) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnNumClustersOut, 1);
return nTootleFastOptimize(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), pVB.remaining() / nVBStride, nFaces, nVBStride, nCacheSize, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnNumClustersOut), fAlpha);
* This is a utility function that performs the entire optimization using the new algorithm from SIGGRAPH 2007. This function performs vertex cache
* optimization and clustering, then optimize overdraw on the clusters generated. It generates a new indices for faces that is optimized for
* post-transform vertex cache and overdraw.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the input index buffer: 3 {@code unsigned int} per triangle
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param nCacheSize hardware cache size (12 to 24 are good options)
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model. One of:
{@link #TOOTLE_CCW CCW} {@link #TOOTLE_CW CW}
* @param pnIBOut the updated index buffer (the output). May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnNumClustersOut the number of output clusters. May be {@code NULL} if not requested.
* @param fAlpha a linear parameter to compute lambda term from the algorithm. Pass {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_ALPHA DEFAULT_ALPHA} as a default.
public static int TootleFastOptimize(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnNumClustersOut, float fAlpha) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnNumClustersOut, 1);
return nTootleFastOptimize(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), (int)(((long)pVB.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride), nFaces, nVBStride, nCacheSize, eFrontWinding, memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnNumClustersOut), fAlpha);
// --- [ TootleVCacheClusters ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleVCacheClusters VCacheClusters}
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the index buffer. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
public static native int nTootleVCacheClusters(long pnIB, int nFaces, int nVertices, int nCacheSize, long pnFaceClusters, long pnIBOut, long pnFaceRemapOut, int eVCacheOptimizer);
* This is a utility function to optimize vertex cache on a clustered index buffer. This function simply calls {@link #TootleOptimizeVCache OptimizeVCache} repeatedly. The faces
* within each cluster will be re-ordered, but the clustering will be maintained.
* @param pnIB the index buffer to optimize. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the model. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nCacheSize the number of vertices that will fit in cache. If the application does not know or care about the vertex cache size, then it should pass
* {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE}. This value must be non-zero.
* @param pnFaceClusters an array giving the cluster ID for each face. All faces in a particular cluster should appear consecutively in the index buffer, as well as in this
* array. It should be of size {@code nFaces+1}.
* @param pnIBOut a pointer that will be filled with an optimized index buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnFaceRemapOut a pointer to an array that will be filled with a face re-mapping. May be {@code NULL}. This is an array of {@code nFaces} elements.
* Element {@code i} in the array will contain the position of input face {@code i} in the output face ordering.
* @param eVCacheOptimizer the selection for choosing the algorithm to optimize vertex cache. One of:
public static int TootleVCacheClusters(@NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVertices, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceClusters, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnFaceRemapOut, @NativeType("TootleVCacheOptimizer") int eVCacheOptimizer) {
int nFaces = pnIB.remaining() / 3;
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
check(pnFaceClusters, nFaces + 1);
checkSafe(pnFaceRemapOut, nFaces);
return nTootleVCacheClusters(memAddress(pnIB), nFaces, nVertices, nCacheSize, memAddress(pnFaceClusters), memAddressSafe(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnFaceRemapOut), eVCacheOptimizer);
// --- [ TootleMeasureCacheEfficiency ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleMeasureCacheEfficiency MeasureCacheEfficiency}
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the index buffer. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
public static native int nTootleMeasureCacheEfficiency(long pnIB, int nFaces, int nCacheSize, long pfEfficiencyOut);
* A utility function to simulate vertex processing and measures the cache efficiency of an index buffer.
* The return cache efficiency is the ACMR (Average Cache Miss Ratio) of the mesh. It ranges between 0.5 to 3. 0.5 is the best optimal value, 3 is the
* worst ratio.
* @param pnIB the index buffer whose efficiency should be measured. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nCacheSize the number of vertices that will fit in cache. If the application doesn't know or care, it should use {@link #TOOTLE_DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE DEFAULT_VCACHE_SIZE}.
* @param pfEfficiencyOut a pointer to receive the vertex cache efficiency. This is defined as the number of cache misses per triangle.
public static int TootleMeasureCacheEfficiency(@NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nCacheSize, @NativeType("float *") FloatBuffer pfEfficiencyOut) {
if (CHECKS) {
check(pfEfficiencyOut, 1);
return nTootleMeasureCacheEfficiency(memAddress(pnIB), pnIB.remaining() / 3, nCacheSize, memAddress(pfEfficiencyOut));
// --- [ TootleMeasureOverdraw ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleMeasureOverdraw MeasureOverdraw}
* @param nVertices the number of vertices. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nFaces the number of indices. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
* @param nViewpoints the number of viewpoints in the viewpoint array
public static native int nTootleMeasureOverdraw(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, long pfViewpoint, int nViewpoints, int eFrontWinding, long pfAvgODOut, long pfMaxODOut, int eOverdrawOptimizer);
* A utility function to measure the amount of overdraw that occurs over a set of views. Overdraw is defined as the number of pixels rendered divided by
* the number of pixels covered by an object, minus one.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pfViewpoint an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model
* @param pfAvgODOut a pointer to a variable to receive the average overdraw per pixel. May be {@code NULL}.
* @param pfMaxODOut a pointer to a variable to receive the maximum overdraw per pixel. May be {@code NULL}.
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleMeasureOverdraw(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pfViewpoint, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @Nullable @NativeType("float *") FloatBuffer pfAvgODOut, @Nullable @NativeType("float *") FloatBuffer pfMaxODOut, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pfAvgODOut, 1);
checkSafe(pfMaxODOut, 1);
return nTootleMeasureOverdraw(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), pVB.remaining() / nVBStride, pnIB.remaining() / 3, nVBStride, memAddressSafe(pfViewpoint), remainingSafe(pfViewpoint) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddressSafe(pfAvgODOut), memAddressSafe(pfMaxODOut), eOverdrawOptimizer);
* A utility function to measure the amount of overdraw that occurs over a set of views. Overdraw is defined as the number of pixels rendered divided by
* the number of pixels covered by an object, minus one.
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the index buffer. Must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pfViewpoint an array of viewpoints to use to measure overdraw. Each viewpoint must be a point on or in the unit sphere. When measuring overdraw, the mesh will
* be scaled and translated so that it lies inside the unit sphere. The mesh will be rendered with orthographic projections, with the camera centered
* at the given point looking at the origin. If this argument is {@code NULL}, a default viewpoint set will be used.
* @param eFrontWinding the winding order of front-faces in the model
* @param pfAvgODOut a pointer to a variable to receive the average overdraw per pixel. May be {@code NULL}.
* @param pfMaxODOut a pointer to a variable to receive the maximum overdraw per pixel. May be {@code NULL}.
* @param eOverdrawOptimizer the algorithm selection for optimizing overdraw. One of:
public static int TootleMeasureOverdraw(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @Nullable @NativeType("const float *") FloatBuffer pfViewpoint, @NativeType("TootleFaceWinding") int eFrontWinding, @Nullable @NativeType("float *") FloatBuffer pfAvgODOut, @Nullable @NativeType("float *") FloatBuffer pfMaxODOut, @NativeType("TootleOverdrawOptimizer") int eOverdrawOptimizer) {
if (CHECKS) {
checkSafe(pfAvgODOut, 1);
checkSafe(pfMaxODOut, 1);
return nTootleMeasureOverdraw(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), (int)(((long)pVB.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride), pnIB.remaining() / 3, nVBStride, memAddressSafe(pfViewpoint), remainingSafe(pfViewpoint) / 3, eFrontWinding, memAddressSafe(pfAvgODOut), memAddressSafe(pfMaxODOut), eOverdrawOptimizer);
// --- [ TootleOptimizeVertexMemory ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #TootleOptimizeVertexMemory OptimizeVertexMemory}
* @param nVertices the number of vertices in the mesh. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_VERTICES MAX_VERTICES}.
* @param nFaces the number of faces in the mesh. This must be non-zero and less than {@link #TOOTLE_MAX_FACES MAX_FACES}.
public static native int nTootleOptimizeVertexMemory(long pVB, long pnIB, int nVertices, int nFaces, int nVBStride, long pVBOut, long pnIBOut, long pnVertexRemapOut);
* This function rearranges the vertex buffer's memory location based on the index buffer.
* Call this function after you have optimized the index buffer for vertex cache post-tranform and/or overdraw. The idea is to rearrange the memory
* location for vertex buffer such that it will be optimized for vertex prefetch cache. Typically vertices are fetched in a cacheline (more than one
* vertex at a time). Thus, the vertex in the next memory location will come for free if they are processed next in line. This is what we want to exploit.
* It will compute a new Vertex Buffer and Index Buffer (since the vertices have been reordered).
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the mesh index buffer. This must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pVBOut the output vertex buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pVB}.
* @param pnIBOut the output index buffer. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnVertexRemapOut an array that will receive a vertex re-mapping. May be {@code NULL} if the output is not requested. If not {@code NULL}, must be an array of size
* {@code nVertices}. The {@code i}'th element of the output array contains the position of the input vertex {@code i} in the new vertex re-ordering.
public static int TootleOptimizeVertexMemory(@NativeType("const void *") ByteBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("void *") ByteBuffer pVBOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnVertexRemapOut) {
int nVertices = pVB.remaining() / nVBStride;
if (CHECKS) {
check(pVBOut, pVB.remaining());
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnVertexRemapOut, nVertices);
return nTootleOptimizeVertexMemory(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), nVertices, pnIB.remaining() / 3, nVBStride, memAddress(pVBOut), memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnVertexRemapOut));
* This function rearranges the vertex buffer's memory location based on the index buffer.
* Call this function after you have optimized the index buffer for vertex cache post-tranform and/or overdraw. The idea is to rearrange the memory
* location for vertex buffer such that it will be optimized for vertex prefetch cache. Typically vertices are fetched in a cacheline (more than one
* vertex at a time). Thus, the vertex in the next memory location will come for free if they are processed next in line. This is what we want to exploit.
* It will compute a new Vertex Buffer and Index Buffer (since the vertices have been reordered).
* @param pVB a pointer to the vertex buffer. The pointer {@code pVB} must point to the vertex position. The vertex position must be a 3-component floating point
* value (X,Y,Z).
* @param pnIB the mesh index buffer. This must be a triangle list.
* @param nVBStride the distance between successive vertices in the vertex buffer, in bytes. This must be at least {@code 3*sizeof(float)}.
* @param pVBOut the output vertex buffer. May be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pVB}.
* @param pnIBOut the output index buffer. May not be {@code NULL}. May equal {@code pnIB}.
* @param pnVertexRemapOut an array that will receive a vertex re-mapping. May be {@code NULL} if the output is not requested. If not {@code NULL}, must be an array of size
* {@code nVertices}. The {@code i}'th element of the output array contains the position of the input vertex {@code i} in the new vertex re-ordering.
public static int TootleOptimizeVertexMemory(@NativeType("const void *") FloatBuffer pVB, @NativeType("const unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIB, @NativeType("unsigned int") int nVBStride, @NativeType("void *") FloatBuffer pVBOut, @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnIBOut, @Nullable @NativeType("unsigned int *") IntBuffer pnVertexRemapOut) {
int nVertices = (int)(((long)pVBOut.remaining() << 2) / nVBStride);
if (CHECKS) {
check(pVBOut, pVB.remaining());
check(pnIBOut, pnIB.remaining());
checkSafe(pnVertexRemapOut, nVertices);
return nTootleOptimizeVertexMemory(memAddress(pVB), memAddress(pnIB), nVertices, pnIB.remaining() / 3, nVBStride, memAddress(pVBOut), memAddress(pnIBOut), memAddressSafe(pnVertexRemapOut));