org.lwjgl.vulkan.EXTMultiDraw Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright LWJGL. All rights reserved.
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package org.lwjgl.vulkan;
import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.JNI.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
* Processing multiple draw commands in sequence incurs measurable overhead within drivers due to repeated state checks and updates during dispatch. This extension enables passing the entire sequence of draws directly to the driver in order to avoid any such overhead, using an array of {@link VkMultiDrawInfoEXT} or {@link VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT} structs with {@code vkCmdDrawMultiEXT} or {@code vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT}, respectively. These functions could be used any time multiple draw commands are being recorded without any state changes between them in order to maximize performance.
* VK_EXT_multi_draw
* - Name String
* - {@code VK_EXT_multi_draw}
* - Extension Type
* - Device extension
* - Registered Extension Number
* - 393
* - Revision
* - 1
* - Extension and Version Dependencies
* - Requires Vulkan 1.0
* - Contact
* - Mike Blumenkrantz zmike
* Other Extension Metadata
* - Last Modified Date
* - 2021-05-19
* - IP Status
* - No known IP claims.
* - Contributors
* - Mike Blumenkrantz, VALVE
* - Piers Daniell, NVIDIA
* - Jason Ekstrand, INTEL
* - Spencer Fricke, SAMSUNG
* - Ricardo Garcia, IGALIA
* - Jon Leech, KHRONOS
* - Stu Smith, AMD
public class EXTMultiDraw {
/** The extension specification version. */
public static final int VK_EXT_MULTI_DRAW_SPEC_VERSION = 1;
/** The extension name. */
public static final String VK_EXT_MULTI_DRAW_EXTENSION_NAME = "VK_EXT_multi_draw";
* Extends {@code VkStructureType}.
* Enum values:
public static final int
protected EXTMultiDraw() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ vkCmdDrawMultiEXT ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #vkCmdDrawMultiEXT CmdDrawMultiEXT}
* @param drawCount the number of draws to execute, and can be zero.
public static void nvkCmdDrawMultiEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, int drawCount, long pVertexInfo, int instanceCount, int firstInstance, int stride) {
long __functionAddress = commandBuffer.getCapabilities().vkCmdDrawMultiEXT;
if (CHECKS) {
callPPV(commandBuffer.address(), drawCount, pVertexInfo, instanceCount, firstInstance, stride, __functionAddress);
* Draw primitives.
* C Specification
* To record an ordered sequence of drawing operations which have no state changes between them, call:
* void vkCmdDrawMultiEXT(
* VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
* uint32_t drawCount,
* const VkMultiDrawInfoEXT* pVertexInfo,
* uint32_t instanceCount,
* uint32_t firstInstance,
* uint32_t stride);
* Description
* {@code drawCount} draws are executed with parameters taken from {@code pVertexInfo}. The number of draw commands recorded is {@code drawCount}, with each command reading, sequentially, a {@code firstVertex} and a {@code vertexCount} from {@code pVertexInfo}.
* Valid Usage
* - If a {@code VkSampler} created with {@code magFilter} or {@code minFilter} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FILTER_LINEAR FILTER_LINEAR} and {@code compareEnable} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE} is used to sample a {@code VkImageView} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkSampler} created with {@code mipmapMode} equal to {@link VK10#VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR} and {@code compareEnable} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE} is used to sample a {@code VkImageView} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is accessed using atomic operations as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} being sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} as a result of this command must have a {@code VkImageViewType} and format that supports cubic filtering, as specified by {@link VkFilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT}{@code ::filterCubic} returned by {@code vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} being sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} with a reduction mode of either {@link VK12#VK_SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MIN SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MIN} or {@link VK12#VK_SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MAX SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MAX} as a result of this command must have a {@code VkImageViewType} and format that supports cubic filtering together with minmax filtering, as specified by {@link VkFilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT}{@code ::filterCubicMinmax} returned by {@code vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2}
* - Any {@code VkImage} created with a {@link VkImageCreateInfo}{@code ::flags} containing {@link NVCornerSampledImage#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV} sampled as a result of this command must only be sampled using a {@code VkSamplerAddressMode} of {@link VK10#VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} or {@code VkBufferView} being written as a storage image or storage texel buffer where the image format field of the {@code OpTypeImage} is {@code Unknown} must have image format features that support {@link KHRFormatFeatureFlags2#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_WRITE_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_WRITE_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} or {@code VkBufferView} being read as a storage image or storage texel buffer where the image format field of the {@code OpTypeImage} is {@code Unknown} must have image format features that support {@link KHRFormatFeatureFlags2#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_READ_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_READ_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR}
* - For each set n that is statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, a descriptor set must have been bound to n at the same pipeline bind point, with a {@code VkPipelineLayout} that is compatible for set n, with the {@code VkPipelineLayout} used to create the current {@code VkPipeline}, as described in Pipeline Layout Compatibility
* - If the {@code maintenance4} feature is not enabled, then for each push constant that is statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, a push constant value must have been set for the same pipeline bind point, with a {@code VkPipelineLayout} that is compatible for push constants, with the {@code VkPipelineLayout} used to create the current {@code VkPipeline}, as described in Pipeline Layout Compatibility
* - Descriptors in each bound descriptor set, specified via {@code vkCmdBindDescriptorSets}, must be valid if they are statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command
* - A valid pipeline must be bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set or inherited (if the {@link NVInheritedViewportScissor VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor} extension is enabled) for {@code commandBuffer}, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic
* - There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used to sample from any {@code VkImage} with a {@code VkImageView} of the type {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D_ARRAY}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY} or {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY}, in any shader stage
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used with any of the SPIR-V {@code OpImageSample*} or {@code OpImageSparseSample*} instructions with {@code ImplicitLod}, {@code Dref} or {@code Proj} in their name, in any shader stage
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used with any of the SPIR-V {@code OpImageSample*} or {@code OpImageSparseSample*} instructions that includes a LOD bias or any offset values, in any shader stage
* - If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a uniform buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point
* - If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is an unprotected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, any resource accessed by the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be a protected resource
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is accessed using {@code OpImageWrite} as a result of this command, then the {@code Type} of the {@code Texel} operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view’s format
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} is accessed using {@code OpImageWrite} as a result of this command, then the {@code Type} of the {@code Texel} operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the buffer view’s format
* - If a {@code VkImageView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a 64-bit component width is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 64
* - If a {@code VkImageView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a component width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 32
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a 64-bit component width is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 64
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a component width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 32
* - If the {@code sparseImageInt64Atomics} feature is not enabled, {@code VkImage} objects created with the {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT} flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an {@code OpTypeImage} with a {@code SampledType} with a {@code Width} of 64 by this command
* - If the {@code sparseImageInt64Atomics} feature is not enabled, {@code VkBuffer} objects created with the {@link VK10#VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT} flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an {@code OpTypeImage} with a {@code SampledType} with a {@code Width} of 64 by this command
* - The current render pass must be compatible with the {@code renderPass} member of the {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo} structure specified when creating the {@code VkPipeline} bound to {@link VK10#VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS}
* - The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the {@code subpass} member of the {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo} structure specified when creating the {@code VkPipeline} bound to {@link VK10#VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS}
* - Every input attachment used by the current subpass must be bound to the pipeline via a descriptor set
* - Image subresources used as attachments in the current render pass must not be accessed in any way other than as an attachment by this command, except for cases involving read-only access to depth/stencil attachments as described in the Render Pass chapter
* - If the draw is recorded in a render pass instance with multiview enabled, the maximum instance index must be less than or equal to {@link VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties}{@code ::maxMultiviewInstanceIndex}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with {@link VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT}{@code ::sampleLocationsEnable} set to {@link VK10#VK_TRUE TRUE} and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the {@link EXTSampleLocations#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT} bit set
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must match the {@link VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo}{@code ::scissorCount} of the pipeline
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT CmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code scissorCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must match the {@link VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo}{@code ::viewportCount} of the pipeline
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic states enabled then both {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT CmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must match the {@code scissorCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV} dynamic state enabled, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV} dynamic states enabled then the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV CmdSetViewportWScalingNV} must be greater than or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link NVShadingRateImage#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV} dynamic state enabled, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link NVShadingRateImage#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV} dynamic states enabled then the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link NVShadingRateImage#vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV CmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV} must be greater than or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled and a {@link VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV} structure chained from {@code VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo}, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled and a {@link VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV} structure chained from {@code VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo}, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::exclusiveScissorCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT CmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code primitiveTopology} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT} must be of the same topology class as the pipeline {@link VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo}{@code ::topology} state
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PATCH_CONTROL_POINTS_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PATCH_CONTROL_POINTS_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT CmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnableEXT CmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BIAS_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BIAS_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetDepthBiasEnableEXT CmdSetDepthBiasEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetLogicOpEXT CmdSetLogicOpEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command and the {@code logicOp} must be a valid {@code VkLogicOp} value
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnableEXT CmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the {@code primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports} limit is not supported, the bound graphics pipeline was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, and any of the shader stages of the bound graphics pipeline write to the {@code PrimitiveShadingRateKHR} built-in, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must be 1
* - If rasterization is not disabled in the bound graphics pipeline, then for each color attachment in the subpass, if the corresponding image view’s format features do not contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT}, then the {@code blendEnable} member of the corresponding element of the {@code pAttachments} member of {@code pColorBlendState} must be {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE}
* - If rasterization is not disabled in the bound graphics pipeline, and neither the {@link AMDMixedAttachmentSamples VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples} nor the {@link NVFramebufferMixedSamples VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples} extensions are enabled, then {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} must be the same as the current subpass color and/or depth/stencil attachments
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with both the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT} dynamic states enabled, then {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT CmdSetVertexInputEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT CmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the {@code pStrides} parameter of {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT CmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT} must not be {@code NULL}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT CmdSetVertexInputEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK11#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK11#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK12#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK12#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::viewMask} equal to {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::viewMask}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} equal to {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a {@code VkFormat} equal to the corresponding element of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachmentFormats} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::depthAttachmentFormat} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the {@code VkFormat} used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::stencilAttachmentFormat} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the {@code VkFormat} used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR}{@code ::imageView} was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#VK_PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingFragmentDensityMapAttachmentInfoEXT}{@code ::imageView} was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#VK_PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT}
* - If the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} with a {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} parameter greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a sample count equal to the corresponding element of the {@code pColorAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of the {@code depthStencilAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of the {@code depthStencilAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} with a {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} parameter greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a sample count equal to the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo}{@code ::renderPass} equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is a protected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, any resource written to by the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be an unprotected resource
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is a protected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, pipeline stages other than the framebuffer-space and compute stages in the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not write to any resource
* - If any of the shader stages of the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command uses the RayQueryKHR capability, then {@code commandBuffer} must not be a protected command buffer
* - All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point’s interface must have either valid or {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} buffers bound
* - If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point’s interface must not be {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}
* - For a given vertex buffer binding, any attribute data fetched must be entirely contained within the corresponding vertex buffer binding, as described in Vertex Input Description
* - The multiDraw feature must be enabled
* - {@code drawCount} must be less than {@link VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT}{@code ::maxMultiDrawCount}
* - If {@code drawCount} is greater than zero, {@code pVertexInfo} must be a valid pointer to memory containing one or more valid instances of {@link VkMultiDrawInfoEXT} structures
* - {@code stride} must be a multiple of 4
* Valid Usage (Implicit)
* - {@code commandBuffer} must be a valid {@code VkCommandBuffer} handle
* - {@code commandBuffer} must be in the recording state
* - The {@code VkCommandPool} that {@code commandBuffer} was allocated from must support graphics operations
* - This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance
* Host Synchronization
* - Host access to {@code commandBuffer} must be externally synchronized
* - Host access to the {@code VkCommandPool} that {@code commandBuffer} was allocated from must be externally synchronized
* Command Properties
* Command Buffer Levels Render Pass Scope Supported Queue Types
* Primary Secondary Inside Graphics
* See Also
* {@link VkMultiDrawInfoEXT}
* @param commandBuffer the command buffer into which the command is recorded.
* @param pVertexInfo a pointer to an array of {@link VkMultiDrawInfoEXT} with vertex information to be drawn.
* @param instanceCount the number of instances to draw.
* @param firstInstance the instance ID of the first instance to draw.
* @param stride the byte stride between consecutive elements of {@code pVertexInfo}.
public static void vkCmdDrawMultiEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, @Nullable @NativeType("VkMultiDrawInfoEXT const *") VkMultiDrawInfoEXT.Buffer pVertexInfo, @NativeType("uint32_t") int instanceCount, @NativeType("uint32_t") int firstInstance, @NativeType("uint32_t") int stride) {
nvkCmdDrawMultiEXT(commandBuffer, remainingSafe(pVertexInfo), memAddressSafe(pVertexInfo), instanceCount, firstInstance, stride);
// --- [ vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT ] ---
* Unsafe version of: {@link #vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT CmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT}
* @param drawCount the number of draws to execute, and can be zero.
public static void nvkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, int drawCount, long pIndexInfo, int instanceCount, int firstInstance, int stride, long pVertexOffset) {
long __functionAddress = commandBuffer.getCapabilities().vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT;
if (CHECKS) {
callPPPV(commandBuffer.address(), drawCount, pIndexInfo, instanceCount, firstInstance, stride, pVertexOffset, __functionAddress);
* Draw primitives.
* C Specification
* To record an ordered sequence of indexed drawing operations which have no state changes between them, call:
* void vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT(
* VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
* uint32_t drawCount,
* const VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT* pIndexInfo,
* uint32_t instanceCount,
* uint32_t firstInstance,
* uint32_t stride,
* const int32_t* pVertexOffset);
* Description
* {@code drawCount} indexed draws are executed with parameters taken from {@code pIndexInfo}. The number of draw commands recorded is {@code drawCount}, with each command reading, sequentially, a {@code firstIndex} and an {@code indexCount} from {@code pIndexInfo}. If {@code pVertexOffset} is {@code NULL}, a {@code vertexOffset} is also read from {@code pIndexInfo}, otherwise the value from dereferencing {@code pVertexOffset} is used.
* Valid Usage
* - If a {@code VkSampler} created with {@code magFilter} or {@code minFilter} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FILTER_LINEAR FILTER_LINEAR} and {@code compareEnable} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE} is used to sample a {@code VkImageView} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkSampler} created with {@code mipmapMode} equal to {@link VK10#VK_SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR SAMPLER_MIPMAP_MODE_LINEAR} and {@code compareEnable} equal to {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE} is used to sample a {@code VkImageView} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_LINEAR_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is accessed using atomic operations as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_ATOMIC_BIT}
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} as a result of this command, then the image view’s format features must contain {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT FORMAT_FEATURE_SAMPLED_IMAGE_FILTER_CUBIC_BIT_EXT}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} being sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} as a result of this command must have a {@code VkImageViewType} and format that supports cubic filtering, as specified by {@link VkFilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT}{@code ::filterCubic} returned by {@code vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} being sampled with {@link EXTFilterCubic#VK_FILTER_CUBIC_EXT FILTER_CUBIC_EXT} with a reduction mode of either {@link VK12#VK_SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MIN SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MIN} or {@link VK12#VK_SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MAX SAMPLER_REDUCTION_MODE_MAX} as a result of this command must have a {@code VkImageViewType} and format that supports cubic filtering together with minmax filtering, as specified by {@link VkFilterCubicImageViewImageFormatPropertiesEXT}{@code ::filterCubicMinmax} returned by {@code vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2}
* - Any {@code VkImage} created with a {@link VkImageCreateInfo}{@code ::flags} containing {@link NVCornerSampledImage#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV IMAGE_CREATE_CORNER_SAMPLED_BIT_NV} sampled as a result of this command must only be sampled using a {@code VkSamplerAddressMode} of {@link VK10#VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} or {@code VkBufferView} being written as a storage image or storage texel buffer where the image format field of the {@code OpTypeImage} is {@code Unknown} must have image format features that support {@link KHRFormatFeatureFlags2#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_WRITE_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_WRITE_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR}
* - Any {@code VkImageView} or {@code VkBufferView} being read as a storage image or storage texel buffer where the image format field of the {@code OpTypeImage} is {@code Unknown} must have image format features that support {@link KHRFormatFeatureFlags2#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_READ_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR FORMAT_FEATURE_2_STORAGE_READ_WITHOUT_FORMAT_BIT_KHR}
* - For each set n that is statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, a descriptor set must have been bound to n at the same pipeline bind point, with a {@code VkPipelineLayout} that is compatible for set n, with the {@code VkPipelineLayout} used to create the current {@code VkPipeline}, as described in Pipeline Layout Compatibility
* - If the {@code maintenance4} feature is not enabled, then for each push constant that is statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, a push constant value must have been set for the same pipeline bind point, with a {@code VkPipelineLayout} that is compatible for push constants, with the {@code VkPipelineLayout} used to create the current {@code VkPipeline}, as described in Pipeline Layout Compatibility
* - Descriptors in each bound descriptor set, specified via {@code vkCmdBindDescriptorSets}, must be valid if they are statically used by the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command
* - A valid pipeline must be bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command requires any dynamic state, that state must have been set or inherited (if the {@link NVInheritedViewportScissor VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor} extension is enabled) for {@code commandBuffer}, and done so after any previously bound pipeline with the corresponding state not specified as dynamic
* - There must not have been any calls to dynamic state setting commands for any state not specified as dynamic in the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command, since that pipeline was bound
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used to sample from any {@code VkImage} with a {@code VkImageView} of the type {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D_ARRAY}, {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY} or {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY}, in any shader stage
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used with any of the SPIR-V {@code OpImageSample*} or {@code OpImageSparseSample*} instructions with {@code ImplicitLod}, {@code Dref} or {@code Proj} in their name, in any shader stage
* - If the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a {@code VkSampler} object that uses unnormalized coordinates, that sampler must not be used with any of the SPIR-V {@code OpImageSample*} or {@code OpImageSparseSample*} instructions that includes a LOD bias or any offset values, in any shader stage
* - If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a uniform buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point
* - If the robust buffer access feature is not enabled, and if the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command accesses a storage buffer, it must not access values outside of the range of the buffer as specified in the descriptor set bound to the same pipeline bind point
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is an unprotected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, any resource accessed by the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be a protected resource
* - If a {@code VkImageView} is accessed using {@code OpImageWrite} as a result of this command, then the {@code Type} of the {@code Texel} operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the image view’s format
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} is accessed using {@code OpImageWrite} as a result of this command, then the {@code Type} of the {@code Texel} operand of that instruction must have at least as many components as the buffer view’s format
* - If a {@code VkImageView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a 64-bit component width is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 64
* - If a {@code VkImageView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a component width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 32
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a 64-bit component width is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 64
* - If a {@code VkBufferView} with a {@code VkFormat} that has a component width less than 64-bit is accessed as a result of this command, the {@code SampledType} of the {@code OpTypeImage} operand of that instruction must have a {@code Width} of 32
* - If the {@code sparseImageInt64Atomics} feature is not enabled, {@code VkImage} objects created with the {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT IMAGE_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT} flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an {@code OpTypeImage} with a {@code SampledType} with a {@code Width} of 64 by this command
* - If the {@code sparseImageInt64Atomics} feature is not enabled, {@code VkBuffer} objects created with the {@link VK10#VK_BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT BUFFER_CREATE_SPARSE_RESIDENCY_BIT} flag must not be accessed by atomic instructions through an {@code OpTypeImage} with a {@code SampledType} with a {@code Width} of 64 by this command
* - The current render pass must be compatible with the {@code renderPass} member of the {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo} structure specified when creating the {@code VkPipeline} bound to {@link VK10#VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS}
* - The subpass index of the current render pass must be equal to the {@code subpass} member of the {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo} structure specified when creating the {@code VkPipeline} bound to {@link VK10#VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS}
* - Every input attachment used by the current subpass must be bound to the pipeline via a descriptor set
* - Image subresources used as attachments in the current render pass must not be accessed in any way other than as an attachment by this command, except for cases involving read-only access to depth/stencil attachments as described in the Render Pass chapter
* - If the draw is recorded in a render pass instance with multiview enabled, the maximum instance index must be less than or equal to {@link VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties}{@code ::maxMultiviewInstanceIndex}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with {@link VkPipelineSampleLocationsStateCreateInfoEXT}{@code ::sampleLocationsEnable} set to {@link VK10#VK_TRUE TRUE} and the current subpass has a depth/stencil attachment, then that attachment must have been created with the {@link EXTSampleLocations#VK_IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT IMAGE_CREATE_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS_COMPATIBLE_DEPTH_BIT_EXT} bit set
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must match the {@link VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo}{@code ::scissorCount} of the pipeline
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT CmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code scissorCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must match the {@link VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo}{@code ::viewportCount} of the pipeline
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with both the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_SCISSOR_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic states enabled then both {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT CmdSetScissorWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must match the {@code scissorCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetScissorWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV} dynamic state enabled, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportWScalingStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_W_SCALING_NV} dynamic states enabled then the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link NVClipSpaceWScaling#vkCmdSetViewportWScalingNV CmdSetViewportWScalingNV} must be greater than or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link NVShadingRateImage#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV} dynamic state enabled, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportShadingRateImageStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} and {@link NVShadingRateImage#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_SHADING_RATE_PALETTE_NV} dynamic states enabled then the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link NVShadingRateImage#vkCmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV CmdSetViewportShadingRatePaletteNV} must be greater than or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled and a {@link VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV} structure chained from {@code VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo}, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportSwizzleStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::viewportCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled and a {@link VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV} structure chained from {@code VkPipelineVieportCreateInfo}, then the bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link VkPipelineViewportExclusiveScissorStateCreateInfoNV}{@code ::exclusiveScissorCount} greater or equal to the {@code viewportCount} parameter in the last call to {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT CmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code primitiveTopology} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopologyEXT} must be of the same topology class as the pipeline {@link VkPipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo}{@code ::topology} state
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PATCH_CONTROL_POINTS_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PATCH_CONTROL_POINTS_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT CmdSetPatchControlPointsEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_RASTERIZER_DISCARD_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnableEXT CmdSetRasterizerDiscardEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BIAS_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_DEPTH_BIAS_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetDepthBiasEnableEXT CmdSetDepthBiasEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_LOGIC_OP_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetLogicOpEXT CmdSetLogicOpEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command and the {@code logicOp} must be a valid {@code VkLogicOp} value
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_ENABLE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_ENABLE_EXT} dynamic state enabled then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState2#vkCmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnableEXT CmdSetPrimitiveRestartEnableEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command
* - If the {@code primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports} limit is not supported, the bound graphics pipeline was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VIEWPORT_WITH_COUNT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, and any of the shader stages of the bound graphics pipeline write to the {@code PrimitiveShadingRateKHR} built-in, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT CmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this drawing command, and the {@code viewportCount} parameter of {@code vkCmdSetViewportWithCountEXT} must be 1
* - If rasterization is not disabled in the bound graphics pipeline, then for each color attachment in the subpass, if the corresponding image view’s format features do not contain {@link VK10#VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT}, then the {@code blendEnable} member of the corresponding element of the {@code pAttachments} member of {@code pColorBlendState} must be {@link VK10#VK_FALSE FALSE}
* - If rasterization is not disabled in the bound graphics pipeline, and neither the {@link AMDMixedAttachmentSamples VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples} nor the {@link NVFramebufferMixedSamples VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples} extensions are enabled, then {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} must be the same as the current subpass color and/or depth/stencil attachments
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with both the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} and {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT} dynamic states enabled, then {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT CmdSetVertexInputEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command
* - If the bound graphics pipeline was created with the {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_BINDING_STRIDE_EXT} dynamic state enabled, but not the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT CmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command, and the {@code pStrides} parameter of {@link EXTExtendedDynamicState#vkCmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT CmdBindVertexBuffers2EXT} must not be {@code NULL}
* - If the bound graphics pipeline state was created with the {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT DYNAMIC_STATE_VERTEX_INPUT_EXT} dynamic state enabled, then {@link EXTVertexInputDynamicState#vkCmdSetVertexInputEXT CmdSetVertexInputEXT} must have been called in the current command buffer prior to this draw command
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK10#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK11#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK11#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pDepthAttachment} is {@link VK12#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_DEPTH_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the depth attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the {@code imageView} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, and the {@code layout} member of {@code pStencilAttachment} is {@link VK12#VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL IMAGE_LAYOUT_STENCIL_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL}, this command must not write any values to the stencil attachment
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::viewMask} equal to {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::viewMask}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} equal to {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a {@code VkFormat} equal to the corresponding element of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachmentFormats} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::depthAttachmentFormat} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the {@code VkFormat} used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineRenderingCreateInfoKHR}{@code ::stencilAttachmentFormat} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the {@code VkFormat} used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingFragmentShadingRateAttachmentInfoKHR}{@code ::imageView} was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#VK_PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_ATTACHMENT_BIT_KHR}
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} and {@link VkRenderingFragmentDensityMapAttachmentInfoEXT}{@code ::imageView} was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the currently bound graphics pipeline must have been created with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#VK_PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT PIPELINE_RASTERIZATION_STATE_CREATE_FRAGMENT_DENSITY_MAP_ATTACHMENT_BIT_EXT}
* - If the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} with a {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} parameter greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a sample count equal to the corresponding element of the {@code pColorAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of the {@code depthStencilAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created with a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of the {@code depthStencilAttachmentSamples} member of {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR} with a {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::colorAttachmentCount} parameter greater than 0, then each element of the {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pColorAttachments} array with a {@code imageView} not equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} must have been created with a sample count equal to the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pDepthAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline was created without a {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoAMD} or {@link VkAttachmentSampleCountInfoNV} structure, and {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView was not {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}, the value of {@link VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo}{@code ::rasterizationSamples} used to create the currently bound graphics pipeline must be equal to the sample count used to create {@link VkRenderingInfoKHR}{@code ::pStencilAttachment→pname}:imageView
* - If the current render pass instance was begun with {@link KHRDynamicRendering#vkCmdBeginRenderingKHR CmdBeginRenderingKHR}, the currently bound pipeline must have been created with a {@link VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo}{@code ::renderPass} equal to {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is a protected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, any resource written to by the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not be an unprotected resource
* - If {@code commandBuffer} is a protected command buffer and {@code protectedNoFault} is not supported, pipeline stages other than the framebuffer-space and compute stages in the {@code VkPipeline} object bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command must not write to any resource
* - If any of the shader stages of the {@code VkPipeline} bound to the pipeline bind point used by this command uses the RayQueryKHR capability, then {@code commandBuffer} must not be a protected command buffer
* - All vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point’s interface must have either valid or {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE} buffers bound
* - If the nullDescriptor feature is not enabled, all vertex input bindings accessed via vertex input variables declared in the vertex shader entry point’s interface must not be {@link VK10#VK_NULL_HANDLE NULL_HANDLE}
* - For a given vertex buffer binding, any attribute data fetched must be entirely contained within the corresponding vertex buffer binding, as described in Vertex Input Description
* - The multiDraw feature must be enabled
* (indexSize × (firstIndex + indexCount) + offset)
must be less than or equal to the size of the bound index buffer, with {@code indexSize} being based on the type specified by {@code indexType}, where the index buffer, {@code indexType}, and {@code offset} are specified via {@code vkCmdBindIndexBuffer}
* - {@code drawCount} must be less than {@link VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT}{@code ::maxMultiDrawCount}
* - If {@code drawCount} is greater than zero, {@code pIndexInfo} must be a valid pointer to memory containing one or more valid instances of {@link VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT} structures
* - {@code stride} must be a multiple of 4
* Valid Usage (Implicit)
* - {@code commandBuffer} must be a valid {@code VkCommandBuffer} handle
* - If {@code pVertexOffset} is not {@code NULL}, {@code pVertexOffset} must be a valid pointer to a valid {@code int32_t} value
* - {@code commandBuffer} must be in the recording state
* - The {@code VkCommandPool} that {@code commandBuffer} was allocated from must support graphics operations
* - This command must only be called inside of a render pass instance
* Host Synchronization
* - Host access to {@code commandBuffer} must be externally synchronized
* - Host access to the {@code VkCommandPool} that {@code commandBuffer} was allocated from must be externally synchronized
* Command Properties
* Command Buffer Levels Render Pass Scope Supported Queue Types
* Primary Secondary Inside Graphics
* See Also
* {@link VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT}
* @param commandBuffer the command buffer into which the command is recorded.
* @param pIndexInfo a pointer to an array of {@link VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT} with index information to be drawn.
* @param instanceCount the number of instances to draw.
* @param firstInstance the instance ID of the first instance to draw.
* @param stride the byte stride between consecutive elements of {@code pIndexInfo}.
* @param pVertexOffset {@code NULL} or a pointer to the value added to the vertex index before indexing into the vertex buffer. When specified, {@link VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT}{@code ::offset} is ignored.
public static void vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, @Nullable @NativeType("VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT const *") VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT.Buffer pIndexInfo, @NativeType("uint32_t") int instanceCount, @NativeType("uint32_t") int firstInstance, @NativeType("uint32_t") int stride, @Nullable @NativeType("int32_t const *") IntBuffer pVertexOffset) {
nvkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT(commandBuffer, remainingSafe(pIndexInfo), memAddressSafe(pIndexInfo), instanceCount, firstInstance, stride, memAddressSafe(pVertexOffset));
/** Array version of: {@link #vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT CmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT} */
public static void vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, @Nullable @NativeType("VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT const *") VkMultiDrawIndexedInfoEXT.Buffer pIndexInfo, @NativeType("uint32_t") int instanceCount, @NativeType("uint32_t") int firstInstance, @NativeType("uint32_t") int stride, @Nullable @NativeType("int32_t const *") int[] pVertexOffset) {
long __functionAddress = commandBuffer.getCapabilities().vkCmdDrawMultiIndexedEXT;
if (CHECKS) {
callPPPV(commandBuffer.address(), remainingSafe(pIndexInfo), memAddressSafe(pIndexInfo), instanceCount, firstInstance, stride, pVertexOffset, __functionAddress);