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import javax.annotation.*;
import java.nio.*;
import org.lwjgl.*;
import org.lwjgl.system.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.Checks.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack.*;
import static org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.*;
* Native bindings to Yoga.
Yoga is an open-source, cross-platform layout library that implements Flexbox. Yoga’s focus is on creating an expressive layout library, not
* implementing all of CSS. Therefore, there are no plans to include support for tables, floats, or similar CSS concepts. Yoga also does not support
* styling properties that have no impact on layout, such as color or background properties.
Yoga vs Flexbox
Yoga aims to be compatible with Flexbox according to the w3 specification. However, Yoga was not developed to strictly adhere to the specification;
* thus, there are aspects where Yoga differs.
Default values
Yoga has chosen to change the default values of some properties to better fit mobile layout use cases. The following CSS block describes the
* differences in default values from the Flexbox w3 specification:
We believe that Right-to-Left (RTL) should be a first class citizen when it comes to layout. Therefore, Yoga implements non-standard RTL support for
* margin, padding, border, and position properties. This enables specifying these properties as start instead of left and end instead of right.
Yoga-specific properties
The goal of Yoga is to be a library which makes layout easy. Of course, implementing Flexbox, a common and well-liked system, helps meet this goal.
* However, there are areas where we think Yoga can evolve beyond Flexbox and provide developers with tools not included in the Flexbox w3 specification.
* Currently Yoga has added one such property, AspectRatio, to solve a common problem we saw in many UIs.
public class Yoga {
public static final float YGUndefined = Float.NaN;
* YGAlign
public static final int
YGPositionTypeRelative = 0,
YGPositionTypeAbsolute = 1;
* YGUnit
Enum values:
{@link #YGUnitUndefined UnitUndefined}
{@link #YGUnitPoint UnitPoint}
{@link #YGUnitPercent UnitPercent}
{@link #YGUnitAuto UnitAuto}
public static final int
YGUnitUndefined = 0,
YGUnitPoint = 1,
YGUnitPercent = 2,
YGUnitAuto = 3;
* YGWrap
Enum values:
{@link #YGWrapNoWrap WrapNoWrap}
{@link #YGWrapWrap WrapWrap}
{@link #YGWrapReverse WrapReverse}
public static final int
YGWrapNoWrap = 0,
YGWrapWrap = 1,
YGWrapReverse = 2;
static { LibYoga.initialize(); }
protected Yoga() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// --- [ YGNodeNew ] ---
public static native long YGNodeNew();
// --- [ YGNodeNewWithConfig ] ---
public static native long nYGNodeNewWithConfig(long config);
public static long YGNodeNewWithConfig(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeNewWithConfig(config);
// --- [ YGNodeClone ] ---
public static native long nYGNodeClone(long node);
public static long YGNodeClone(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeClone(node);
// --- [ YGNodeFree ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeFree(long node);
public static void YGNodeFree(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeFreeRecursiveWithCleanupFunc ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeFreeRecursiveWithCleanupFunc(long node, long cleanup);
public static void YGNodeFreeRecursiveWithCleanupFunc(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGNodeCleanupFunc") YGNodeCleanupFuncI cleanup) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeFreeRecursiveWithCleanupFunc(node, cleanup.address());
// --- [ YGNodeFreeRecursive ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeFreeRecursive(long node);
public static void YGNodeFreeRecursive(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeReset ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeReset(long node);
public static void YGNodeReset(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeInsertChild ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeInsertChild(long node, long child, int index);
public static void YGNodeInsertChild(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGNodeRef") long child, @NativeType("uint32_t") int index) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeInsertChild(node, child, index);
// --- [ YGNodeRemoveChild ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeRemoveChild(long node, long child);
public static void YGNodeRemoveChild(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGNodeRef") long child) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeRemoveChild(node, child);
// --- [ YGNodeRemoveAllChildren ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeRemoveAllChildren(long node);
public static void YGNodeRemoveAllChildren(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeGetChild ] ---
public static native long nYGNodeGetChild(long node, int index);
public static long YGNodeGetChild(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("uint32_t") int index) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeGetChild(node, index);
// --- [ YGNodeGetOwner ] ---
public static native long nYGNodeGetOwner(long node);
public static long YGNodeGetOwner(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeGetOwner(node);
// --- [ YGNodeGetParent ] ---
public static native long nYGNodeGetParent(long node);
public static long YGNodeGetParent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeGetParent(node);
// --- [ YGNodeGetChildCount ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeGetChildCount(long node);
public static int YGNodeGetChildCount(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeGetChildCount(node);
// --- [ YGNodeSetChildren ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeSetChildren(long owner, long children, int count);
public static void YGNodeSetChildren(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long owner, @NativeType("YGNodeRef const *") PointerBuffer children) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeSetChildren(owner, memAddress(children), children.remaining());
// --- [ YGNodeSetIsReferenceBaseline ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeSetIsReferenceBaseline(long node, boolean isReferenceBaseline);
public static void YGNodeSetIsReferenceBaseline(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("bool") boolean isReferenceBaseline) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeSetIsReferenceBaseline(node, isReferenceBaseline);
// --- [ YGNodeIsReferenceBaseline ] ---
public static native boolean nYGNodeIsReferenceBaseline(long node);
public static boolean YGNodeIsReferenceBaseline(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeIsReferenceBaseline(node);
// --- [ YGNodeCalculateLayout ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeCalculateLayout NodeCalculateLayout} */
public static native void nYGNodeCalculateLayout(long node, float availableWidth, float availableHeight, int ownerDirection);
/** @param ownerDirection one of:
{@link #YGDirectionInherit DirectionInherit}
{@link #YGDirectionLTR DirectionLTR}
{@link #YGDirectionRTL DirectionRTL}
public static void YGNodeCalculateLayout(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float availableWidth, float availableHeight, @NativeType("YGDirection") int ownerDirection) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeCalculateLayout(node, availableWidth, availableHeight, ownerDirection);
// --- [ YGNodeMarkDirty ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeMarkDirty NodeMarkDirty} */
public static native void nYGNodeMarkDirty(long node);
* Marks a node as dirty.
Only valid for nodes with a custom measure function set.
Yoga knows when to mark all other nodes as dirty but because nodes with measure functions depend on information not known to Yoga they must perform
* this dirty marking manually.
public static void YGNodeMarkDirty(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeMarkDirtyAndPropogateToDescendants ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeMarkDirtyAndPropogateToDescendants NodeMarkDirtyAndPropogateToDescendants} */
public static native void nYGNodeMarkDirtyAndPropogateToDescendants(long node);
* Marks the current node and all its descendants as dirty.
Intended to be used for Yoga benchmarks. Don't use in production, as calling {@link #YGNodeCalculateLayout NodeCalculateLayout} will cause the recalculation of each and every
* node.
public static void YGNodeMarkDirtyAndPropogateToDescendants(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGFloatIsUndefined ] ---
public static native boolean YGFloatIsUndefined(float value);
// --- [ YGNodeCanUseCachedMeasurement ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeCanUseCachedMeasurement NodeCanUseCachedMeasurement} */
public static native boolean nYGNodeCanUseCachedMeasurement(int widthMode, float width, int heightMode, float height, int lastWidthMode, float lastWidth, int lastHeightMode, float lastHeight, float lastComputedWidth, float lastComputedHeight, float marginRow, float marginColumn, long config);
/** @param widthMode one of:
public static void YGNodeStyleSetPositionType(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGPositionType") int positionType) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetPositionType(node, positionType);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetPositionType ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeStyleGetPositionType(long node);
public static int YGNodeStyleGetPositionType(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetPositionType(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexWrap ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetFlexWrap NodeStyleSetFlexWrap} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexWrap(long node, int flexWrap);
/** @param flexWrap one of:
{@link #YGWrapNoWrap WrapNoWrap}
{@link #YGWrapWrap WrapWrap}
{@link #YGWrapReverse WrapReverse}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexWrap(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGWrap") int flexWrap) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlexWrap(node, flexWrap);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetFlexWrap ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeStyleGetFlexWrap(long node);
public static int YGNodeStyleGetFlexWrap(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetFlexWrap(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetOverflow ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetOverflow NodeStyleSetOverflow} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetOverflow(long node, int overflow);
/** @param overflow one of:
{@link #YGOverflowVisible OverflowVisible}
{@link #YGOverflowHidden OverflowHidden}
{@link #YGOverflowScroll OverflowScroll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetOverflow(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGOverflow") int overflow) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetOverflow(node, overflow);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetOverflow ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeStyleGetOverflow(long node);
public static int YGNodeStyleGetOverflow(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetOverflow(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetDisplay ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetDisplay NodeStyleSetDisplay} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetDisplay(long node, int display);
/** @param display one of:
{@link #YGDisplayFlex DisplayFlex}
{@link #YGDisplayNone DisplayNone}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetDisplay(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGDisplay") int display) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetDisplay(node, display);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetDisplay ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeStyleGetDisplay(long node);
public static int YGNodeStyleGetDisplay(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetDisplay(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlex ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlex(long node, float flex);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlex(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float flex) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlex(node, flex);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetFlex ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeStyleGetFlex(long node);
public static float YGNodeStyleGetFlex(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetFlex(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexGrow ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexGrow(long node, float flexGrow);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexGrow(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float flexGrow) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlexGrow(node, flexGrow);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetFlexGrow ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeStyleGetFlexGrow(long node);
public static float YGNodeStyleGetFlexGrow(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetFlexGrow(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexShrink ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexShrink(long node, float flexShrink);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexShrink(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float flexShrink) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlexShrink(node, flexShrink);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetFlexShrink ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeStyleGetFlexShrink(long node);
public static float YGNodeStyleGetFlexShrink(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetFlexShrink(node);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasis ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexBasis(long node, float flexBasis);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasis(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float flexBasis) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlexBasis(node, flexBasis);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisPercent(long node, float flexBasis);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float flexBasis) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisPercent(node, flexBasis);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisAuto ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisAuto(long node);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetFlexBasisAuto(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetFlexBasis ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetFlexBasis(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetFlexBasis(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetFlexBasis(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetPosition ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetPosition NodeStyleSetPosition} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetPosition(long node, int edge, float position);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetPosition(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float position) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetPosition(node, edge, position);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetPositionPercent ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetPositionPercent NodeStyleSetPositionPercent} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetPositionPercent(long node, int edge, float position);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetPositionPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float position) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetPositionPercent(node, edge, position);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetPosition ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleGetPosition NodeStyleGetPosition} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetPosition(long node, int edge, long __result);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetPosition(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetPosition(node, edge, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMargin ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetMargin NodeStyleSetMargin} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMargin(long node, int edge, float margin);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMargin(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float margin) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMargin(node, edge, margin);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMarginPercent ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetMarginPercent NodeStyleSetMarginPercent} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMarginPercent(long node, int edge, float margin);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMarginPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float margin) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMarginPercent(node, edge, margin);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMarginAuto ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetMarginAuto NodeStyleSetMarginAuto} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMarginAuto(long node, int edge);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMarginAuto(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMarginAuto(node, edge);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetMargin ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleGetMargin NodeStyleGetMargin} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetMargin(long node, int edge, long __result);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetMargin(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetMargin(node, edge, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetPadding ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetPadding NodeStyleSetPadding} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetPadding(long node, int edge, float padding);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetPadding(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float padding) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetPadding(node, edge, padding);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercent ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercent NodeStyleSetPaddingPercent} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercent(long node, int edge, float padding);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float padding) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetPaddingPercent(node, edge, padding);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetPadding ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleGetPadding NodeStyleGetPadding} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetPadding(long node, int edge, long __result);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetPadding(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetPadding(node, edge, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetBorder ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetBorder NodeStyleSetBorder} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetBorder(long node, int edge, float border);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static void YGNodeStyleSetBorder(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge, float border) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetBorder(node, edge, border);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetBorder ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleGetBorder NodeStyleGetBorder} */
public static native float nYGNodeStyleGetBorder(long node, int edge);
/** @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static float YGNodeStyleGetBorder(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetBorder(node, edge);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetWidth(long node, float width);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float width) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetWidth(node, width);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetWidthPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetWidthPercent(long node, float width);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetWidthPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float width) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetWidthPercent(node, width);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetWidthAuto ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetWidthAuto(long node);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetWidthAuto(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetWidth(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetWidth(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetHeight(long node, float height);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float height) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetHeight(node, height);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetHeightPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetHeightPercent(long node, float height);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetHeightPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float height) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetHeightPercent(node, height);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetHeightAuto ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetHeightAuto(long node);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetHeightAuto(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetHeight(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetHeight(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMinWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMinWidth(long node, float minWidth);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMinWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float minWidth) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMinWidth(node, minWidth);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMinWidthPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMinWidthPercent(long node, float minWidth);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMinWidthPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float minWidth) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMinWidthPercent(node, minWidth);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetMinWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetMinWidth(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetMinWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetMinWidth(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMinHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMinHeight(long node, float minHeight);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMinHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float minHeight) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMinHeight(node, minHeight);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMinHeightPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMinHeightPercent(long node, float minHeight);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMinHeightPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float minHeight) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMinHeightPercent(node, minHeight);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetMinHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetMinHeight(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetMinHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetMinHeight(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMaxWidth(long node, float maxWidth);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float maxWidth) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMaxWidth(node, maxWidth);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthPercent(long node, float maxWidth);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float maxWidth) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMaxWidthPercent(node, maxWidth);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetMaxWidth ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetMaxWidth(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetMaxWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetMaxWidth(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMaxHeight(long node, float maxHeight);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float maxHeight) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMaxHeight(node, maxHeight);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightPercent ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightPercent(long node, float maxHeight);
public static void YGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightPercent(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float maxHeight) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetMaxHeightPercent(node, maxHeight);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetMaxHeight ] ---
public static native void nYGNodeStyleGetMaxHeight(long node, long __result);
public static YGValue YGNodeStyleGetMaxHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node, YGValue __result) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleGetMaxHeight(node, __result.address());
return __result;
// --- [ YGNodeStyleSetAspectRatio ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeStyleSetAspectRatio NodeStyleSetAspectRatio} */
public static native void nYGNodeStyleSetAspectRatio(long node, float aspectRatio);
* Aspect ratio controls the size of the undefined dimension of a node.
Aspect ratio is encoded as a floating point value width/height. e.g. A value of 2 leads to a node with a width twice the size of its height while a
* value of 0.5 gives the opposite effect.
On a node with a set width/height aspect ratio controls the size of the unset dimension
On a node with a set flex basis aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis if unset
On a node with a measure function aspect ratio works as though the measure function measures the flex basis
On a node with flex grow/shrink aspect ratio controls the size of the node in the cross axis if unset
Aspect ratio takes min/max dimensions into account
public static void YGNodeStyleSetAspectRatio(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, float aspectRatio) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGNodeStyleSetAspectRatio(node, aspectRatio);
// --- [ YGNodeStyleGetAspectRatio ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeStyleGetAspectRatio(long node);
public static float YGNodeStyleGetAspectRatio(@NativeType("YGNodeConstRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeStyleGetAspectRatio(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetLeft ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetLeft(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetLeft(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetLeft(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetTop ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetTop(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetTop(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetTop(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetRight ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetRight(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetRight(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetRight(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetBottom ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetBottom(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetBottom(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetBottom(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetWidth ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetWidth(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetWidth(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetWidth(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetHeight ] ---
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetHeight(long node);
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetHeight(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetHeight(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetDirection ] ---
public static native int nYGNodeLayoutGetDirection(long node);
public static int YGNodeLayoutGetDirection(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetDirection(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetHadOverflow ] ---
public static native boolean nYGNodeLayoutGetHadOverflow(long node);
public static boolean YGNodeLayoutGetHadOverflow(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetHadOverflow(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetDidLegacyStretchFlagAffectLayout ] ---
public static native boolean nYGNodeLayoutGetDidLegacyStretchFlagAffectLayout(long node);
public static boolean YGNodeLayoutGetDidLegacyStretchFlagAffectLayout(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetDidLegacyStretchFlagAffectLayout(node);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetMargin ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeLayoutGetMargin NodeLayoutGetMargin} */
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetMargin(long node, int edge);
* Gets the computed value for this nodes after performing layout. If they were set using point values then the returned value will be the same as
* {@code YGNodeStyleGetMargin}. However if they were set using a percentage value then the returned value is the computed value used during layout.
* @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetMargin(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetMargin(node, edge);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetBorder ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeLayoutGetBorder NodeLayoutGetBorder} */
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetBorder(long node, int edge);
* Gets the computed value for this nodes after performing layout. If they were set using point values then the returned value will be the same as
* {@code YGNodeStyleGetBorder}. However if they were set using a percentage value then the returned value is the computed value used during layout.
* @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetBorder(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetBorder(node, edge);
// --- [ YGNodeLayoutGetPadding ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGNodeLayoutGetPadding NodeLayoutGetPadding} */
public static native float nYGNodeLayoutGetPadding(long node, int edge);
* Gets the computed value for this nodes after performing layout. If they were set using point values then the returned value will be the same as
* {@code YGNodeStyleGetPadding}. However if they were set using a percentage value then the returned value is the computed value used during layout.
* @param edge one of:
{@link #YGEdgeLeft EdgeLeft}
{@link #YGEdgeTop EdgeTop}
{@link #YGEdgeRight EdgeRight}
{@link #YGEdgeBottom EdgeBottom}
{@link #YGEdgeStart EdgeStart}
{@link #YGEdgeEnd EdgeEnd}
{@link #YGEdgeHorizontal EdgeHorizontal}
{@link #YGEdgeVertical EdgeVertical}
{@link #YGEdgeAll EdgeAll}
public static float YGNodeLayoutGetPadding(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("YGEdge") int edge) {
if (CHECKS) {
return nYGNodeLayoutGetPadding(node, edge);
// --- [ YGConfigSetLogger ] ---
public static native void nYGConfigSetLogger(long config, long logger);
public static void YGConfigSetLogger(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, @Nullable @NativeType("YGLogger") YGLoggerI logger) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGConfigSetLogger(config, memAddressSafe(logger));
// --- [ YGAssert ] ---
public static native void nYGAssert(boolean condition, long message);
public static void YGAssert(@NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer message) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGAssert(condition, memAddress(message));
public static void YGAssert(@NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence message) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(message, true);
long messageEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
nYGAssert(condition, messageEncoded);
} finally {
// --- [ YGAssertWithNode ] ---
public static native void nYGAssertWithNode(long node, boolean condition, long message);
public static void YGAssertWithNode(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer message) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGAssertWithNode(node, condition, memAddress(message));
public static void YGAssertWithNode(@NativeType("YGNodeRef") long node, @NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence message) {
if (CHECKS) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(message, true);
long messageEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
nYGAssertWithNode(node, condition, messageEncoded);
} finally {
// --- [ YGAssertWithConfig ] ---
public static native void nYGAssertWithConfig(long config, boolean condition, long message);
public static void YGAssertWithConfig(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, @NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") ByteBuffer message) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGAssertWithConfig(config, condition, memAddress(message));
public static void YGAssertWithConfig(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, @NativeType("bool") boolean condition, @NativeType("char const *") CharSequence message) {
if (CHECKS) {
MemoryStack stack = stackGet(); int stackPointer = stack.getPointer();
try {
stack.nUTF8(message, true);
long messageEncoded = stack.getPointerAddress();
nYGAssertWithConfig(config, condition, messageEncoded);
} finally {
// --- [ YGConfigSetPointScaleFactor ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGConfigSetPointScaleFactor ConfigSetPointScaleFactor} */
public static native void nYGConfigSetPointScaleFactor(long config, float pixelsInPoint);
/** Set this to number of pixels in 1 point to round calculation results. If you want to avoid rounding set {@code PointScaleFactor} to 0. */
public static void YGConfigSetPointScaleFactor(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, float pixelsInPoint) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGConfigSetPointScaleFactor(config, pixelsInPoint);
// --- [ YGConfigSetShouldDiffLayoutWithoutLegacyStretchBehaviour ] ---
public static native void nYGConfigSetShouldDiffLayoutWithoutLegacyStretchBehaviour(long config, boolean shouldDiffLayout);
public static void YGConfigSetShouldDiffLayoutWithoutLegacyStretchBehaviour(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, @NativeType("bool") boolean shouldDiffLayout) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGConfigSetShouldDiffLayoutWithoutLegacyStretchBehaviour(config, shouldDiffLayout);
// --- [ YGConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour ConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour} */
public static native void nYGConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour(long config, boolean useLegacyStretchBehaviour);
* Yoga previously had an error where containers would take the maximum space possible instead of the minimum like they are supposed to. In practice this
* resulted in implicit behaviour similar to align-self: stretch; Because this was such a long-standing bug we must allow legacy users to switch back to
* this behaviour.
public static void YGConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config, @NativeType("bool") boolean useLegacyStretchBehaviour) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGConfigSetUseLegacyStretchBehaviour(config, useLegacyStretchBehaviour);
// --- [ YGConfigNew ] ---
public static native long YGConfigNew();
// --- [ YGConfigFree ] ---
public static native void nYGConfigFree(long config);
public static void YGConfigFree(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long config) {
if (CHECKS) {
// --- [ YGConfigCopy ] ---
public static native void nYGConfigCopy(long dest, long src);
public static void YGConfigCopy(@NativeType("YGConfigRef") long dest, @NativeType("YGConfigRef") long src) {
if (CHECKS) {
nYGConfigCopy(dest, src);
// --- [ YGConfigGetInstanceCount ] ---
public static native int YGConfigGetInstanceCount();
// --- [ YGConfigSetExperimentalFeatureEnabled ] ---
/** Unsafe version of: {@link #YGConfigSetExperimentalFeatureEnabled ConfigSetExperimentalFeatureEnabled} */
public static native void nYGConfigSetExperimentalFeatureEnabled(long config, int feature, boolean enabled);
/** @param feature must be: