org.macrocloud.kernel.toolkit.utils.Func Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.macrocloud.kernel.toolkit.utils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.macrocloud.kernel.toolkit.jackson.JsonUtil;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotatedElementUtils;
import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.PatternMatchUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.method.HandlerMethod;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.Temporal;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* 工具包集合,工具类快捷方式.
* @author macro
public class Func {
* 断言,必须不能为 null
* public Foo(Bar bar) {
* = $.requireNotNull(bar);
* }
* @param the type of the reference
* @param obj the object reference to check for nullity
* @return {@code obj} if not {@code null}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code obj} is {@code null}
public static T requireNotNull(T obj) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(obj);
* 断言,必须不能为 null
* public Foo(Bar bar, Baz baz) {
* = $.requireNotNull(bar, "bar must not be null");
* this.baz = $.requireNotNull(baz, "baz must not be null");
* }
* @param the type of the reference
* @param obj the object reference to check for nullity
* @param message detail message to be used in the event that a {@code
* NullPointerException} is thrown
* @return {@code obj} if not {@code null}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code obj} is {@code null}
public static T requireNotNull(T obj, String message) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(obj, message);
* 断言,必须不能为 null
* public Foo(Bar bar, Baz baz) {
* = $.requireNotNull(bar, () -> "bar must not be null");
* }
* @param the type of the reference
* @param obj the object reference to check for nullity
* @param messageSupplier supplier of the detail message to be
* used in the event that a {@code NullPointerException} is thrown
* @return {@code obj} if not {@code null}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code obj} is {@code null}
public static T requireNotNull(T obj, Supplier messageSupplier) {
return Objects.requireNonNull(obj, messageSupplier);
* 判断对象是否为null
* This method exists to be used as a
* {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, {@code filter($::isNull)}
* @param obj a reference to be checked against {@code null}
* @return {@code true} if the provided reference is {@code null} otherwise
* {@code false}
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
public static boolean isNull(@Nullable Object obj) {
return Objects.isNull(obj);
* 判断对象是否 not null
* This method exists to be used as a
* {@link java.util.function.Predicate}, {@code filter($::notNull)}
* @param obj a reference to be checked against {@code null}
* @return {@code true} if the provided reference is non-{@code null}
* otherwise {@code false}
* @see java.util.function.Predicate
public static boolean notNull(@Nullable Object obj) {
return Objects.nonNull(obj);
* 首字母变小写.
* @param str 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String firstCharToLower(String str) {
return StringUtil.firstCharToLower(str);
* 首字母变大写.
* @param str 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String firstCharToUpper(String str) {
return StringUtil.firstCharToUpper(str);
* 判断是否为空字符串
* $.isBlank(null) = true
* $.isBlank("") = true
* $.isBlank(" ") = true
* $.isBlank("12345") = false
* $.isBlank(" 12345 ") = false
* @param cs the {@code CharSequence} to check (may be {@code null})
* @return {@code true} if the {@code CharSequence} is not {@code null},
* its length is greater than 0, and it does not contain whitespace only
* @see Character#isWhitespace
public static boolean isBlank(@Nullable final CharSequence cs) {
return StringUtil.isBlank(cs);
* 判断不为空字符串
* $.isNotBlank(null) = false
* $.isNotBlank("") = false
* $.isNotBlank(" ") = false
* $.isNotBlank("bob") = true
* $.isNotBlank(" bob ") = true
* @param cs the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is
* not empty and not null and not whitespace
* @see Character#isWhitespace
public static boolean isNotBlank(@Nullable final CharSequence cs) {
return StringUtil.isNotBlank(cs);
* 判断是否有任意一个 空字符串.
* @param css CharSequence
* @return boolean
public static boolean isAnyBlank(final CharSequence... css) {
return StringUtil.isAnyBlank(css);
* 判断是否全为非空字符串.
* @param css CharSequence
* @return boolean
public static boolean isNoneBlank(final CharSequence... css) {
return StringUtil.isNoneBlank(css);
* 判断对象是数组.
* @param obj the object to check
* @return 是否数组
public static boolean isArray(@Nullable Object obj) {
return ObjectUtil.isArray(obj);
* 判断空对象 object、map、list、set、字符串、数组.
* @param obj the object to check
* @return 数组是否为空
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Object obj) {
return ObjectUtil.isEmpty(obj);
* 对象不为空 object、map、list、set、字符串、数组.
* @param obj the object to check
* @return 是否不为空
public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable Object obj) {
return !ObjectUtil.isEmpty(obj);
* 判断数组为空.
* @param array the array to check
* @return 数组是否为空
public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable Object[] array) {
return ObjectUtil.isEmpty(array);
* 判断数组不为空.
* @param array 数组
* @return 数组是否不为空
public static boolean isNotEmpty(@Nullable Object[] array) {
return ObjectUtil.isNotEmpty(array);
* 对象组中是否存在 Empty Object.
* @param os 对象组
* @return boolean
public static boolean hasEmpty(Object... os) {
for (Object o : os) {
if (isEmpty(o)) {
return true;
return false;
* 对象组中是否全部为 Empty Object.
* @param os 对象组
* @return boolean
public static boolean isAllEmpty(Object... os) {
for (Object o : os) {
if (isNotEmpty(o)) {
return false;
return true;
* 将字符串中特定模式的字符转换成map中对应的值
* use: format("my name is ${name}, and i like ${like}!", {"name":"macro", "like": "Java"}).
* @param message 需要转换的字符串
* @param params 转换所需的键值对集合
* @return 转换后的字符串
public static String format(@Nullable String message, @Nullable Map params) {
return StringUtil.format(message, params);
* 同 log 格式的 format 规则
* use: format("my name is {}, and i like {}!", "macro", "Java").
* @param message 需要转换的字符串
* @param arguments 需要替换的变量
* @return 转换后的字符串
public static String format(@Nullable String message, @Nullable Object... arguments) {
return StringUtil.format(message, arguments);
* 格式化执行时间,单位为 ms 和 s,保留三位小数.
* @param nanos 纳秒
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String format(long nanos) {
return StringUtil.format(nanos);
* 比较两个对象是否相等。
* 相同的条件有两个,满足其一即可:
* @param obj1 对象1
* @param obj2 对象2
* @return 是否相等
public static boolean equals(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
return Objects.equals(obj1, obj2);
* 安全的 equals.
* @param o1 first Object to compare
* @param o2 second Object to compare
* @return whether the given objects are equal
* @see Object#equals(Object)
* @see java.util.Arrays#equals
public static boolean equalsSafe(@Nullable Object o1, @Nullable Object o2) {
return ObjectUtil.nullSafeEquals(o1, o2);
* 判断数组中是否包含元素.
* @param The generic tag
* @param array the Array to check
* @param element the element to look for
* @return {@code true} if found, {@code false} else
public static boolean contains(@Nullable T[] array, final T element) {
return CollectionUtil.contains(array, element);
* 判断迭代器中是否包含元素.
* @param iterator the Iterator to check
* @param element the element to look for
* @return {@code true} if found, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean contains(@Nullable Iterator> iterator, Object element) {
return CollectionUtil.contains(iterator, element);
* 判断枚举是否包含该元素.
* @param enumeration the Enumeration to check
* @param element the element to look for
* @return {@code true} if found, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean contains(@Nullable Enumeration> enumeration, Object element) {
return CollectionUtil.contains(enumeration, element);
* 不可变 Set.
* @param 泛型
* @param es 对象
* @return 集合
public static Set ofImmutableSet(E... es) {
return CollectionUtil.ofImmutableSet(es);
* 不可变 List.
* @param 泛型
* @param es 对象
* @return 集合
public static List ofImmutableList(E... es) {
return CollectionUtil.ofImmutableList(es);
* 强转string,并去掉多余空格.
* @param str 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String toStr(Object str) {
return toStr(str, "");
* 强转string,并去掉多余空格.
* @param str 字符串
* @param defaultValue 默认值
* @return {String}
public static String toStr(Object str, String defaultValue) {
if (null == str || str.equals(StringPool.NULL)) {
return defaultValue;
return String.valueOf(str);
* 强转string(包含空字符串),并去掉多余空格.
* @param str 字符串
* @param defaultValue 默认值
* @return {String}
public static String toStrWithEmpty(Object str, String defaultValue) {
if (null == str || str.equals(StringPool.NULL) || str.equals(StringPool.EMPTY)) {
return defaultValue;
return String.valueOf(str);
* 判断一个字符串是否是数字.
* @param cs the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {boolean}
public static boolean isNumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
return StringUtil.isNumeric(cs);
* 字符串转 int,为空则返回0
* $.toInt(null) = 0
* $.toInt("") = 0
* $.toInt("1") = 1
* @param str the string to convert, may be null
* @return the int represented by the string, or zero
* conversion fails
public static int toInt(final Object str) {
return NumberUtil.toInt(String.valueOf(str));
* 字符串转 int,为空则返回默认值
* $.toInt(null, 1) = 1
* $.toInt("", 1) = 1
* $.toInt("1", 0) = 1
* @param str the string to convert, may be null
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static int toInt(@Nullable final Object str, final int defaultValue) {
return NumberUtil.toInt(String.valueOf(str), defaultValue);
* 字符串转 long,为空则返回0
* $.toLong(null) = 0L
* $.toLong("") = 0L
* $.toLong("1") = 1L
* @param str the string to convert, may be null
* @return the long represented by the string, or 0
* conversion fails
public static long toLong(final Object str) {
return NumberUtil.toLong(String.valueOf(str));
* 字符串转 long,为空则返回默认值
* $.toLong(null, 1L) = 1L
* $.toLong("", 1L) = 1L
* $.toLong("1", 0L) = 1L
* @param str the string to convert, may be null
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the long represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static long toLong(@Nullable final Object str, final long defaultValue) {
return NumberUtil.toLong(String.valueOf(str), defaultValue);
* Convert a String
to an Double
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toDouble(null, 1) = 1.0
* $.toDouble("", 1) = 1.0
* $.toDouble("1", 0) = 1.0
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Double toDouble(Object value) {
return toDouble(String.valueOf(value), -1.00);
* Convert a String
to an Double
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toDouble(null, 1) = 1.0
* $.toDouble("", 1) = 1.0
* $.toDouble("1", 0) = 1.0
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Double toDouble(Object value, Double defaultValue) {
return NumberUtil.toDouble(String.valueOf(value), defaultValue);
* Convert a String
to an Float
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toFloat(null, 1) = 1.00f
* $.toFloat("", 1) = 1.00f
* $.toFloat("1", 0) = 1.00f
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Float toFloat(Object value) {
return toFloat(String.valueOf(value), -1.0f);
* Convert a String
to an Float
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toFloat(null, 1) = 1.00f
* $.toFloat("", 1) = 1.00f
* $.toFloat("1", 0) = 1.00f
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Float toFloat(Object value, Float defaultValue) {
return NumberUtil.toFloat(String.valueOf(value), defaultValue);
* Convert a String
to an Boolean
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toBoolean("true", true) = true
* $.toBoolean("false") = false
* $.toBoolean("", false) = false
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Boolean toBoolean(Object value) {
return toBoolean(value, null);
* Convert a String
to an Boolean
, returning a
* default value if the conversion fails.
* If the string is null
, the default value is returned.
* $.toBoolean("true", true) = true
* $.toBoolean("false") = false
* $.toBoolean("", false) = false
* @param value the string to convert, may be null
* @param defaultValue the default value
* @return the int represented by the string, or the default if conversion fails
public static Boolean toBoolean(Object value, Boolean defaultValue) {
if (value != null) {
String val = String.valueOf(value);
val = val.toLowerCase().trim();
return Boolean.parseBoolean(val);
return defaultValue;
* 转换为Integer数组
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Integer[] toIntArray(String str) {
return toIntArray(",", str);
* 转换为Integer数组
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Integer[] toIntArray(String split, String str) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str)) {
return new Integer[]{};
String[] arr = str.split(split);
final Integer[] ints = new Integer[arr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
final Integer v = toInt(arr[i], 0);
ints[i] = v;
return ints;
* 转换为Integer集合
* @param str 结果被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toIntList(String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toIntArray(str));
* 转换为Integer集合
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toIntList(String split, String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toIntArray(split, str));
* 获取第一位Integer数值.
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Integer firstInt(String str) {
return firstInt(",", str);
* 获取第一位Integer数值.
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Integer firstInt(String split, String str) {
List ints = toIntList(split, str);
if (isEmpty(ints)) {
return null;
} else {
return ints.get(0);
* 转换为Long数组
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Long[] toLongArray(String str) {
return toLongArray(",", str);
* 转换为Long数组
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Long[] toLongArray(String split, String str) {
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(str)) {
return new Long[]{};
String[] arr = str.split(split);
final Long[] longs = new Long[arr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
final Long v = toLong(arr[i], 0);
longs[i] = v;
return longs;
* 转换为Long集合
* @param str 结果被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toLongList(String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toLongArray(str));
* 转换为Long集合
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toLongList(String split, String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toLongArray(split, str));
* 获取第一位Long数值.
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Long firstLong(String str) {
return firstLong(",", str);
* 获取第一位Long数值.
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static Long firstLong(String split, String str) {
List longs = toLongList(split, str);
if (isEmpty(longs)) {
return null;
} else {
return longs.get(0);
* 转换为String数组
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static String[] toStrArray(String str) {
return toStrArray(",", str);
* 转换为String数组
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static String[] toStrArray(String split, String str) {
if (isBlank(str)) {
return new String[]{};
return str.split(split);
* 转换为String集合
* @param str 结果被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toStrList(String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toStrArray(str));
* 转换为String集合
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static List toStrList(String split, String str) {
return Arrays.asList(toStrArray(split, str));
* 获取第一位String数值.
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static String firstStr(String str) {
return firstStr(",", str);
* 获取第一位String数值.
* @param split 分隔符
* @param str 被转换的值
* @return 结果
public static String firstStr(String split, String str) {
List strs = toStrList(split, str);
if (isEmpty(strs)) {
return null;
} else {
return strs.get(0);
* 将 long 转短字符串 为 62 进制.
* @param num 数字
* @return 短字符串
public static String to62String(long num) {
return NumberUtil.to62String(num);
* 将集合拼接成字符串,默认使用`,`拼接.
* @param coll the {@code Collection} to convert
* @return the delimited {@code String}
public static String join(Collection> coll) {
return StringUtil.join(coll);
* 将集合拼接成字符串,默认指定分隔符.
* @param coll the {@code Collection} to convert
* @param delim the delimiter to use (typically a ",")
* @return the delimited {@code String}
public static String join(Collection> coll, String delim) {
return StringUtil.join(coll, delim);
* 将数组拼接成字符串,默认使用`,`拼接.
* @param arr the array to display
* @return the delimited {@code String}
public static String join(Object[] arr) {
return StringUtil.join(arr);
* 将数组拼接成字符串,默认指定分隔符.
* @param arr the array to display
* @param delim the delimiter to use (typically a ",")
* @return the delimited {@code String}
public static String join(Object[] arr, String delim) {
return StringUtil.join(arr, delim);
* 切分字符串,不去除切分后每个元素两边的空白符,不去除空白项.
* @param str 被切分的字符串
* @param separator 分隔符字符
* @return 切分后的集合
public static List split(CharSequence str, char separator) {
return StringUtil.split(str, separator, -1);
* 切分字符串,去除切分后每个元素两边的空白符,去除空白项.
* @param str 被切分的字符串
* @param separator 分隔符字符
* @return 切分后的集合
public static List splitTrim(CharSequence str, char separator) {
return StringUtil.splitTrim(str, separator);
* 切分字符串,去除切分后每个元素两边的空白符,去除空白项.
* @param str 被切分的字符串
* @param separator 分隔符字符
* @return 切分后的集合
public static List splitTrim(CharSequence str, CharSequence separator) {
return StringUtil.splitTrim(str, separator);
* 分割 字符串.
* @param str 字符串
* @param delimiter 分割符
* @return 字符串数组
public static String[] split(@Nullable String str, @Nullable String delimiter) {
return StringUtil.delimitedListToStringArray(str, delimiter);
* 分割 字符串 删除常见 空白符.
* @param str 字符串
* @param delimiter 分割符
* @return 字符串数组
public static String[] splitTrim(@Nullable String str, @Nullable String delimiter) {
return StringUtil.delimitedListToStringArray(str, delimiter, " \t\n\n\f");
* 字符串是否符合指定的 表达式
* pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy"
* @param pattern 表达式
* @param str 字符串
* @return 是否匹配
public static boolean simpleMatch(@Nullable String pattern, @Nullable String str) {
return PatternMatchUtils.simpleMatch(pattern, str);
* 字符串是否符合指定的 表达式
* pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy"
* @param patterns 表达式 数组
* @param str 字符串
* @return 是否匹配
public static boolean simpleMatch(@Nullable String[] patterns, String str) {
return PatternMatchUtils.simpleMatch(patterns, str);
* 生成uuid.
* @return UUID
public static String randomUUID() {
return StringUtil.randomUUID();
* 转义HTML用于安全过滤.
* @param html html
* @return {String}
public static String escapeHtml(String html) {
return StringUtil.escapeHtml(html);
* 随机数生成.
* @param count 字符长度
* @return 随机数
public static String random(int count) {
return StringUtil.random(count);
* 随机数生成.
* @param count 字符长度
* @param randomType 随机数类别
* @return 随机数
public static String random(int count, RandomType randomType) {
return StringUtil.random(count, randomType);
* 字符串序列化成 md5.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return MD5 digest as a hex string
public static String md5Hex(final String data) {
return DigestUtil.md5Hex(data);
* 数组序列化成 md5.
* @param bytes the bytes to calculate the digest over
* @return md5 digest string
public static String md5Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.md5Hex(bytes);
* sha1Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha1Hex(String data) {
return DigestUtil.sha1Hex(data);
* sha1Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha1Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.sha1Hex(bytes);
* SHA224Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha224Hex(String data) {
return DigestUtil.sha224Hex(data);
* SHA224Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha224Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.sha224Hex(bytes);
* sha256Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha256Hex(String data) {
return DigestUtil.sha256Hex(data);
* sha256Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha256Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.sha256Hex(bytes);
* sha384Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha384Hex(String data) {
return DigestUtil.sha384Hex(data);
* sha384Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha384Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.sha384Hex(bytes);
* sha512Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha512Hex(String data) {
return DigestUtil.sha512Hex(data);
* sha512Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String sha512Hex(final byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.sha512Hex(bytes);
* hmacMd5 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacMd5Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacMd5Hex(data, key);
* hmacMd5 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacMd5Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacMd5Hex(bytes, key);
* hmacSha1 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha1Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha1Hex(data, key);
* hmacSha1 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha1Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha1Hex(bytes, key);
* hmacSha224 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha224Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha224Hex(data, key);
* hmacSha224 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha224Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha224Hex(bytes, key);
* hmacSha256 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha256Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha256Hex(data, key);
* hmacSha256 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha256Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha256Hex(bytes, key);
* hmacSha384 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha384Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha384Hex(data, key);
* hmacSha384 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha384Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha384Hex(bytes, key);
* hmacSha512 Hex.
* @param data Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha512Hex(String data, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha512Hex(data, key);
* hmacSha512 Hex.
* @param bytes Data to digest
* @param key key
* @return digest as a hex string
public static String hmacSha512Hex(final byte[] bytes, String key) {
return DigestUtil.hmacSha512Hex(bytes, key);
* byte 数组序列化成 hex.
* @param bytes bytes to encode
* @return MD5 digest as a hex string
public static String encodeHex(byte[] bytes) {
return DigestUtil.encodeHex(bytes);
* 字符串反序列化成 hex.
* @param hexString String to decode
* @return MD5 digest as a hex string
public static byte[] decodeHex(final String hexString) {
return DigestUtil.decodeHex(hexString);
* Base64编码.
* @param value 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String encodeBase64(String value) {
return Base64Util.encode(value);
* Base64编码.
* @param value 字符串
* @param charset 字符集
* @return {String}
public static String encodeBase64(String value, Charset charset) {
return Base64Util.encode(value, charset);
* Base64编码为URL安全.
* @param value 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String encodeBase64UrlSafe(String value) {
return Base64Util.encodeUrlSafe(value);
* Base64编码为URL安全.
* @param value 字符串
* @param charset 字符集
* @return {String}
public static String encodeBase64UrlSafe(String value, Charset charset) {
return Base64Util.encodeUrlSafe(value, charset);
* Base64解码.
* @param value 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String decodeBase64(String value) {
return Base64Util.decode(value);
* Base64解码.
* @param value 字符串
* @param charset 字符集
* @return {String}
public static String decodeBase64(String value, Charset charset) {
return Base64Util.decode(value, charset);
* Base64URL安全解码.
* @param value 字符串
* @return {String}
public static String decodeBase64UrlSafe(String value) {
return Base64Util.decodeUrlSafe(value);
* Base64URL安全解码.
* @param value 字符串
* @param charset 字符集
* @return {String}
public static String decodeBase64UrlSafe(String value, Charset charset) {
return Base64Util.decodeUrlSafe(value, charset);
* 关闭 Closeable.
* @param closeable 自动关闭
public static void closeQuietly(@Nullable Closeable closeable) {
* InputStream to String utf-8.
* @param input the InputStream
to read from
* @return the requested String
* @throws NullPointerException if the input is null
public static String readToString(InputStream input) {
return IoUtil.readToString(input);
* InputStream to String.
* @param input the InputStream
to read from
* @param charset the Charset
* @return the requested String
* @throws NullPointerException if the input is null
public static String readToString(@Nullable InputStream input, Charset charset) {
return IoUtil.readToString(input, charset);
* InputStream to bytes 数组.
* @param input InputStream
* @return the requested byte array
public static byte[] readToByteArray(@Nullable InputStream input) {
return IoUtil.readToByteArray(input);
* 读取文件为字符串.
* @param file the file to read, must not be {@code null}
* @return the file contents, never {@code null}
public static String readToString(final File file) {
return FileUtil.readToString(file);
* 读取文件为字符串.
* @param file the file to read, must not be {@code null}
* @param encoding the encoding to use, {@code null} means platform default
* @return the file contents, never {@code null}
public static String readToString(File file, Charset encoding) {
return FileUtil.readToString(file, encoding);
* 读取文件为 byte 数组.
* @param file the file to read, must not be {@code null}
* @return the file contents, never {@code null}
public static byte[] readToByteArray(File file) {
return FileUtil.readToByteArray(file);
* 将对象序列化成json字符串.
* @param object javaBean
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static String toJson(Object object) {
return JsonUtil.toJson(object);
* 将对象序列化成 json byte 数组.
* @param object javaBean
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static byte[] toJsonAsBytes(Object object) {
return JsonUtil.toJsonAsBytes(object);
* 将json字符串转成 JsonNode.
* @param jsonString jsonString
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static JsonNode readTree(String jsonString) {
return JsonUtil.readTree(jsonString);
* 将json字符串转成 JsonNode.
* @param in InputStream
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static JsonNode readTree(InputStream in) {
return JsonUtil.readTree(in);
* 将json字符串转成 JsonNode.
* @param content content
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static JsonNode readTree(byte[] content) {
return JsonUtil.readTree(content);
* 将json字符串转成 JsonNode.
* @param jsonParser JsonParser
* @return jsonString json字符串
public static JsonNode readTree(JsonParser jsonParser) {
return JsonUtil.readTree(jsonParser);
* 将json byte 数组反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param bytes json bytes
* @param valueType class
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(byte[] bytes, Class valueType) {
return JsonUtil.parse(bytes, valueType);
* 将json反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param jsonString jsonString
* @param valueType class
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(String jsonString, Class valueType) {
return JsonUtil.parse(jsonString, valueType);
* 将json反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param in InputStream
* @param valueType class
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(InputStream in, Class valueType) {
return JsonUtil.parse(in, valueType);
* 将json反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param bytes bytes
* @param typeReference 泛型类型
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(byte[] bytes, TypeReference typeReference) {
return JsonUtil.parse(bytes, typeReference);
* 将json反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param jsonString jsonString
* @param typeReference 泛型类型
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(String jsonString, TypeReference typeReference) {
return JsonUtil.parse(jsonString, typeReference);
* 将json反序列化成对象.
* @param T 泛型标记
* @param in InputStream
* @param typeReference 泛型类型
* @return Bean
public static T readJson(InputStream in, TypeReference typeReference) {
return JsonUtil.parse(in, typeReference);
* url 编码.
* @param source the String to be encoded
* @return the encoded String
public static String urlEncode(String source) {
return UrlUtil.encode(source, Charsets.UTF_8);
* url 编码.
* @param source the String to be encoded
* @param charset the character encoding to encode to
* @return the encoded String
public static String urlEncode(String source, Charset charset) {
return UrlUtil.encode(source, charset);
* url 解码.
* @param source the encoded String
* @return the decoded value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given source contains invalid encoded sequences
* @see StringUtils#uriDecode(String, Charset)
* @see, String)
public static String urlDecode(String source) {
return StringUtils.uriDecode(source, Charsets.UTF_8);
* url 解码.
* @param source the encoded String
* @param charset the character encoding to use
* @return the decoded value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given source contains invalid encoded sequences
* @see StringUtils#uriDecode(String, Charset)
* @see, String)
public static String urlDecode(String source, Charset charset) {
return StringUtils.uriDecode(source, charset);
* 日期时间格式化.
* @param date 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatDateTime(Date date) {
return DateUtil.formatDateTime(date);
* 日期格式化.
* @param date 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatDate(Date date) {
return DateUtil.formatDate(date);
* 时间格式化.
* @param date 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatTime(Date date) {
return DateUtil.formatTime(date);
* 对象格式化 支持数字,date,java8时间.
* @param object 格式化对象
* @param pattern 表达式
* @return 格式化后的字符串
public static String format(Object object, String pattern) {
if (object instanceof Number) {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat(pattern);
return decimalFormat.format(object);
} else if (object instanceof Date) {
return DateUtil.format((Date) object, pattern);
} else if (object instanceof TemporalAccessor) {
return DateTimeUtil.format((TemporalAccessor) object, pattern);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("未支持的对象:" + object + ",格式:" + object);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @param pattern 表达式
* @return 时间
public static Date parseDate(String dateStr, String pattern) {
return DateUtil.parse(dateStr, pattern);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @param format ConcurrentDateFormat
* @return 时间
public static Date parse(String dateStr, ConcurrentDateFormat format) {
return DateUtil.parse(dateStr, format);
* 日期时间格式化.
* @param temporal 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatDateTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return DateTimeUtil.formatDateTime(temporal);
* 日期时间格式化.
* @param temporal 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatDate(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return DateTimeUtil.formatDate(temporal);
* 时间格式化.
* @param temporal 时间
* @return 格式化后的时间
public static String formatTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) {
return DateTimeUtil.formatTime(temporal);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @param formatter DateTimeFormatter
* @return 时间
public static LocalDateTime parseDateTime(String dateStr, DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseDateTime(dateStr, formatter);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @return 时间
public static LocalDateTime parseDateTime(String dateStr) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseDateTime(dateStr);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @param formatter DateTimeFormatter
* @return 时间
public static LocalDate parseDate(String dateStr, DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseDate(dateStr, formatter);
* 将字符串转换为日期.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @return 时间
public static LocalDate parseDate(String dateStr) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseDate(dateStr, DateTimeUtil.DATE_FORMAT);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @param formatter DateTimeFormatter
* @return 时间
public static LocalTime parseTime(String dateStr, DateTimeFormatter formatter) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseTime(dateStr, formatter);
* 将字符串转换为时间.
* @param dateStr 时间字符串
* @return 时间
public static LocalTime parseTime(String dateStr) {
return DateTimeUtil.parseTime(dateStr);
* 时间比较.
* @param startInclusive the start instant, inclusive, not null
* @param endExclusive the end instant, exclusive, not null
* @return a {@code Duration}, not null
public static Duration between(Temporal startInclusive, Temporal endExclusive) {
return Duration.between(startInclusive, endExclusive);
* 比较2个 时间差.
* @param startDate 开始时间
* @param endDate 结束时间
* @return 时间间隔
public static Duration between(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
return DateUtil.between(startDate, endDate);
* 对象类型转换.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source the source object
* @param targetType the target type
* @return the converted value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null},
* or sourceType is {@code null} but source is not {@code null}
public static T convert(@Nullable Object source, Class targetType) {
return ConvertUtil.convert(source, targetType);
* 对象类型转换.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source the source object
* @param sourceType the source type
* @param targetType the target type
* @return the converted value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null},
* or sourceType is {@code null} but source is not {@code null}
public static T convert(@Nullable Object source, TypeDescriptor sourceType, TypeDescriptor targetType) {
return ConvertUtil.convert(source, sourceType, targetType);
* 对象类型转换.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source the source object
* @param targetType the target type
* @return the converted value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if targetType is {@code null},
* or sourceType is {@code null} but source is not {@code null}
public static T convert(@Nullable Object source, TypeDescriptor targetType) {
return ConvertUtil.convert(source, targetType);
* 获取方法参数信息.
* @param constructor 构造器
* @param parameterIndex 参数序号
* @return {MethodParameter}
public static MethodParameter getMethodParameter(Constructor> constructor, int parameterIndex) {
return ClassUtil.getMethodParameter(constructor, parameterIndex);
* 获取方法参数信息.
* @param method 方法
* @param parameterIndex 参数序号
* @return {MethodParameter}
public static MethodParameter getMethodParameter(Method method, int parameterIndex) {
return ClassUtil.getMethodParameter(method, parameterIndex);
* 获取Annotation注解.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param annotatedElement AnnotatedElement
* @param annotationType 注解类
* @return {Annotation}
public static A getAnnotation(AnnotatedElement annotatedElement, Class annotationType) {
return AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(annotatedElement, annotationType);
* 获取Annotation,先找方法,没有则再找方法上的类.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param method Method
* @param annotationType 注解类
* @return {Annotation}
public static A getAnnotation(Method method, Class annotationType) {
return ClassUtil.getAnnotation(method, annotationType);
* 获取Annotation,先找HandlerMethod,没有则再找对应的类.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param handlerMethod HandlerMethod
* @param annotationType 注解类
* @return {Annotation}
public static A getAnnotation(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, Class annotationType) {
return ClassUtil.getAnnotation(handlerMethod, annotationType);
* 实例化对象.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param clazz 类
* @return 对象
public static T newInstance(Class> clazz) {
return (T) BeanUtil.instantiateClass(clazz);
* 实例化对象.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param clazzStr 类名
* @return 对象
public static T newInstance(String clazzStr) {
return BeanUtil.newInstance(clazzStr);
* 获取Bean的属性.
* @param bean bean
* @param propertyName 属性名
* @return 属性值
public static Object getProperty(@Nullable Object bean, String propertyName) {
return BeanUtil.getProperty(bean, propertyName);
* 设置Bean属性.
* @param bean bean
* @param propertyName 属性名
* @param value 属性值
public static void setProperty(Object bean, String propertyName, Object value) {
BeanUtil.setProperty(bean, propertyName, value);
* 浅复制.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source 源对象
* @return T
public static T clone(@Nullable T source) {
return BeanUtil.clone(source);
* 拷贝对象,支持 Map 和 Bean.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source 源对象
* @param clazz 类名
* @return T
public static T copy(@Nullable Object source, Class clazz) {
return BeanUtil.copy(source, clazz);
* 拷贝对象,支持 Map 和 Bean.
* @param source 源对象
* @param targetBean 需要赋值的对象
public static void copy(@Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object targetBean) {
BeanUtil.copy(source, targetBean);
* 拷贝对象,source 对象属性做非 null 判断
* 支持 map bean copy
* @param source 源对象
* @param targetBean 需要赋值的对象
public static void copyNonNull(@Nullable Object source, @Nullable Object targetBean) {
BeanUtil.copyNonNull(source, targetBean);
* 拷贝对象,并对不同类型属性进行转换.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source 源对象
* @param clazz 类名
* @return T
public static T copyWithConvert(@Nullable Object source, Class clazz) {
return BeanUtil.copyWithConvert(source, clazz);
* 拷贝列表对象
* 支持 map bean copy
* @param 泛型标记
* @param sourceList 源列表
* @param targetClazz 转换成的类型
* @return T
public static List copy(@Nullable Collection> sourceList, Class targetClazz) {
return BeanUtil.copy(sourceList, targetClazz);
* 拷贝列表对象,并对不同类型属性进行转换
* 支持 map bean copy
* @param 泛型标记
* @param sourceList 源对象列表
* @param targetClazz 转换成的类
* @return List
public static List copyWithConvert(@Nullable Collection> sourceList, Class targetClazz) {
return BeanUtil.copyWithConvert(sourceList, targetClazz);
* 拷贝对象,扩展 Spring 的拷贝方法.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param source the source bean
* @param clazz the target bean class
* @return T
* @throws BeansException if the copying failed
public static T copyProperties(@Nullable Object source, Class clazz) throws BeansException {
return BeanUtil.copyProperties(source, clazz);
* 拷贝列表对象,扩展 Spring 的拷贝方法.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param sourceList the source list bean
* @param targetClazz the target bean class
* @return List
* @throws BeansException if the copying failed
public static List copyProperties(@Nullable Collection> sourceList, Class targetClazz) throws BeansException {
return BeanUtil.copyProperties(sourceList, targetClazz);
* 将对象装成map形式.
* @param bean 源对象
* @return {Map}
public static Map toMap(@Nullable Object bean) {
return BeanUtil.toMap(bean);
* 将map 转为 bean.
* @param 泛型标记
* @param beanMap map
* @param valueType 对象类型
* @return {T}
public static T toBean(Map beanMap, Class valueType) {
return BeanUtil.toBean(beanMap, valueType);