Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import jsr166y.RecursiveTask;
import org.geotools.coverage.CoverageFactoryFinder;
import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D;
import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverageFactory;
import org.geotools.geometry.GeneralEnvelope;
import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTS;
import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope;
import org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.AffineTransform2D;
import org.mapfish.print.ExceptionUtils;
import org.mapfish.print.http.MfClientHttpRequestFactory;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform;
import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequest;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
* @author Jesse on 4/3/14.
public final class TileLoaderTask extends RecursiveTask {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TileLoaderTask.class);
private final MapBounds bounds;
private final Rectangle paintArea;
private final double dpi;
private final MapfishMapContext transformer;
private final TileCacheInformation tiledLayer;
private final BufferedImage errorImage;
private final MfClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory;
private final boolean failOnError;
private Optional cachedRotatedMapBounds = null;
* Constructor.
* @param httpRequestFactory the factory to use for making http requests
* @param dpi the DPI to render at
* @param transformer a transformer for making calculations
* @param tileCacheInfo the object used to create the tile requests
* @param failOnError fail on tile download error
public TileLoaderTask(final MfClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory,
final double dpi,
final MapfishMapContext transformer,
final TileCacheInformation tileCacheInfo,
final boolean failOnError) {
this.bounds = transformer.getBounds();
this.paintArea = new Rectangle(transformer.getMapSize());
this.dpi = dpi;
this.httpRequestFactory = httpRequestFactory;
this.transformer = transformer;
this.tiledLayer = tileCacheInfo;
this.failOnError = failOnError;
final Dimension tileSize = this.tiledLayer.getTileSize();
this.errorImage = new BufferedImage(tileSize.width, tileSize.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
Graphics2D graphics = this.errorImage.createGraphics();
try {
// CSOFF:MagicNumber
graphics.setBackground(new Color(255, 155, 155));
// CSON:MagicNumber
graphics.clearRect(0, 0, tileSize.width, tileSize.height);
} finally {
protected GridCoverage2D compute() {
try {
final ReferencedEnvelope mapGeoBounds = this.bounds.toReferencedEnvelope(this.paintArea, this.dpi);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem mapProjection = mapGeoBounds.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
Dimension tileSizeOnScreen = this.tiledLayer.getTileSize();
final double layerDpi = (this.tiledLayer.getLayerDpi() != null) ? this.tiledLayer.getLayerDpi() : this.dpi;
final double layerResolution = this.tiledLayer.getScale().toResolution(mapProjection, layerDpi);
Coordinate tileSizeInWorld = new Coordinate(tileSizeOnScreen.width * layerResolution,
tileSizeOnScreen.height * layerResolution);
// The minX minY of the first (minY,minY) tile
Coordinate gridCoverageOrigin = this.tiledLayer.getMinGeoCoordinate(mapGeoBounds, tileSizeInWorld);
final String commonUrl = this.tiledLayer.createCommonUrl();
ReferencedEnvelope tileCacheBounds = this.tiledLayer.getTileCacheBounds();
final double resolution = this.tiledLayer.getScale().toResolution(this.bounds.getProjection(), layerDpi);
double rowFactor = 1 / (resolution * tileSizeOnScreen.height);
double columnFactor = 1 / (resolution * tileSizeOnScreen.width);
int imageWidth = 0;
int imageHeight = 0;
int xIndex;
int yIndex = (int) Math.floor((mapGeoBounds.getMaxY() - gridCoverageOrigin.y) / tileSizeInWorld.y) + 1;
double gridCoverageMaxX = gridCoverageOrigin.x;
double gridCoverageMaxY = gridCoverageOrigin.y;
List loaderTasks = Lists.newArrayList();
for (double geoY = gridCoverageOrigin.y; geoY < mapGeoBounds.getMaxY(); geoY += tileSizeInWorld.y) {
imageHeight += tileSizeOnScreen.height;
imageWidth = 0;
xIndex = -1;
gridCoverageMaxX = gridCoverageOrigin.x;
gridCoverageMaxY += tileSizeInWorld.y;
for (double geoX = gridCoverageOrigin.x; geoX < mapGeoBounds.getMaxX(); geoX += tileSizeInWorld.x) {
imageWidth += tileSizeOnScreen.width;
gridCoverageMaxX += tileSizeInWorld.x;
ReferencedEnvelope tileBounds = new ReferencedEnvelope(
geoX, geoX + tileSizeInWorld.x, geoY, geoY + tileSizeInWorld.y, mapProjection);
int row = (int) Math.round((tileCacheBounds.getMaxY() - tileBounds.getMaxY()) * rowFactor);
int column = (int) Math.round((tileBounds.getMinX() - tileCacheBounds.getMinX()) * columnFactor);
ClientHttpRequest tileRequest = this.tiledLayer.getTileRequest(this.httpRequestFactory, commonUrl, tileBounds,
tileSizeOnScreen, column, row);
if (isInTileCacheBounds(tileCacheBounds, tileBounds)) {
if (isTileVisible(tileBounds)) {
final SingleTileLoaderTask task = new SingleTileLoaderTask(
tileRequest, this.errorImage, xIndex, yIndex,
} else {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Tile out of bounds: " + tileRequest);
loaderTasks.add(new PlaceHolderImageTask(this.tiledLayer.getMissingTileImage(), xIndex, yIndex));
BufferedImage coverageImage = this.tiledLayer.createBufferedImage(imageWidth, imageHeight);
Graphics2D graphics = coverageImage.createGraphics();
try {
for (TileTask loaderTask : loaderTasks) {
Tile tile = loaderTask.invoke();
if (tile.image != null) {
tile.xIndex * tileSizeOnScreen.width, tile.yIndex * tileSizeOnScreen.height, null);
} finally {
GridCoverageFactory factory = CoverageFactoryFinder.getGridCoverageFactory(null);
GeneralEnvelope gridEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(mapProjection);
gridEnvelope.setEnvelope(gridCoverageOrigin.x, gridCoverageOrigin.y, gridCoverageMaxX, gridCoverageMaxY);
return factory.create(commonUrl.toString(), coverageImage, gridEnvelope, null, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ExceptionUtils.getRuntimeException(e);
private boolean isInTileCacheBounds(final ReferencedEnvelope tileCacheBounds, final ReferencedEnvelope tilesBounds) {
final double boundsMinX = tilesBounds.getMinX();
final double boundsMinY = tilesBounds.getMinY();
return boundsMinX >= tileCacheBounds.getMinX() && boundsMinX <= tileCacheBounds.getMaxX()
&& boundsMinY >= tileCacheBounds.getMinY() && boundsMinY <= tileCacheBounds.getMaxY();
//we don't use maxX and maxY since tilecache doesn't seems to care about those...
* When using a map rotation, there might be tiles that are outside the
* rotated map area. To avoid to load these tiles, this method checks
* if a tile is really required to draw the map.
private boolean isTileVisible(final ReferencedEnvelope tileBounds) {
if (this.transformer.getRotation() == 0.0) {
return true;
final GeometryFactory gfac = new GeometryFactory();
final Optional rotatedMapBounds = getRotatedMapBounds(gfac);
if (rotatedMapBounds.isPresent()) {
return rotatedMapBounds.get().intersects(gfac.toGeometry(tileBounds));
} else {
// in case of an error, we simply load the tile
return true;
private Optional getRotatedMapBounds(final GeometryFactory gfac) {
if (this.cachedRotatedMapBounds != null) {
return this.cachedRotatedMapBounds;
// get the bounds for the unrotated map area
final ReferencedEnvelope mapBounds = this.transformer.getBounds().toReferencedEnvelope(
new Rectangle(this.transformer.getMapSize()), this.dpi);
// then rotate the geometry around its center
final Coordinate center = mapBounds.centre();
final AffineTransform affineTransform = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
this.transformer.getRotation(), center.x, center.y);
final MathTransform mathTransform = new AffineTransform2D(affineTransform);
try {
final Geometry rotatedBounds = JTS.transform(gfac.toGeometry(mapBounds), mathTransform);
this.cachedRotatedMapBounds = Optional.of(rotatedBounds);
} catch (TransformException e) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed to rotate map bounds: " + mapBounds.toString(), e);
this.cachedRotatedMapBounds = Optional.absent();
return this.cachedRotatedMapBounds;
private abstract static class TileTask extends RecursiveTask {
private final int tileIndexX;
private final int tileIndexY;
public TileTask(final int tileIndexX, final int tileIndexY) {
this.tileIndexX = tileIndexX;
this.tileIndexY = tileIndexY;
public int getTileIndexX() {
return this.tileIndexX;
public int getTileIndexY() {
return this.tileIndexY;
private static final class SingleTileLoaderTask extends TileTask {
private final ClientHttpRequest tileRequest;
private final BufferedImage errorImage;
private final boolean failOnError;
public SingleTileLoaderTask(final ClientHttpRequest tileRequest, final BufferedImage errorImage, final int tileIndexX,
final int tileIndexY, final boolean failOnError) {
super(tileIndexX, tileIndexY);
this.tileRequest = tileRequest;
this.errorImage = errorImage;
this.failOnError = failOnError;
protected Tile compute() {
ClientHttpResponse response = null;
try {
LOGGER.debug("\n\t" + this.tileRequest.getMethod() + " -- " + this.tileRequest.getURI());
response = this.tileRequest.execute();
final HttpStatus statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != HttpStatus.OK && statusCode != HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) {
String errorMessage = "Error making tile request: " + this.tileRequest.getURI() + "\n\tStatus: " + statusCode +
"\n\toutMessage: " + response.getStatusText();
if (this.failOnError) {
throw new RuntimeException(errorMessage);
return new Tile(this.errorImage, getTileIndexX(), getTileIndexY());
} else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) {
// Empty response, nothing special to do
return new Tile(null, getTileIndexX(), getTileIndexY());
BufferedImage image =;
if (image == null) {
LOGGER.warn("The URL: " + this.tileRequest.getURI() + " is an image format that can be decoded");
image = this.errorImage;
return new Tile(image, getTileIndexX(), getTileIndexY());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ExceptionUtils.getRuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (response != null) {
private static class PlaceHolderImageTask extends TileTask {
private final BufferedImage placeholderImage;
public PlaceHolderImageTask(final BufferedImage placeholderImage, final int tileOriginX, final int tileOriginY) {
super(tileOriginX, tileOriginY);
this.placeholderImage = placeholderImage;
protected Tile compute() {
return new Tile(this.placeholderImage, getTileIndexX(), getTileIndexY());
private static final class Tile {
* The tile image.
private final BufferedImage image;
* The x index of the image. the x coordinate to draw this tile is xIndex * tileSizeX
private final int xIndex;
* The y index of the image. the y coordinate to draw this tile is yIndex * tileSizeY
private final int yIndex;
private Tile(final BufferedImage image, final int xIndex, final int yIndex) {
this.image = image;
this.xIndex = xIndex;
this.yIndex = yIndex;
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