org.mapfish.print.config.layout.LegendsBlock Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2013 Camptocamp
* This file is part of MapFish Print
* MapFish Print is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MapFish Print is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MapFish Print. If not, see .
package org.mapfish.print.config.layout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.mapfish.print.InvalidValueException;
import org.mapfish.print.PDFUtils;
import org.mapfish.print.RenderingContext;
import org.mapfish.print.legend.LegendItemTable;
import org.mapfish.print.utils.PJsonArray;
import org.mapfish.print.utils.PJsonObject;
import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.Element;
import com.itextpdf.text.Font;
import com.itextpdf.text.FontFactory;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
* Bean to configure a !legends block.
* See
public class LegendsBlock extends Block {
public static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LegendsBlock.class);
private static String tempDir = System.getProperty("");
private static String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
private boolean borders = false; // for debugging or seeing effects
private float maxWidth = Float.MAX_VALUE; // so setting max value!
// multi column is always enabled when maxHeight is set to something
// lower than the page size/height
private float maxHeight = Float.MAX_VALUE;
private float iconMaxWidth = Float.MAX_VALUE; // MAX_VALUE/0 means disable
private float iconMaxHeight = 8; // 0 means disable
private float iconPadding[] = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f};
private float textMaxWidth = Float.MAX_VALUE;
//private float textMaxHeight = Float.MAX_VALUE; // UNUSED for now!
private float textPadding[] = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f};
private float scale = 1f; // 1 means disable
private boolean inline = true;
private float classIndentation = 20;
private float layerSpaceBefore = 5;
private float layerSpace = 5;
private float classSpace = 2;
private String layerFont = "Helvetica";
protected float layerFontSize = 10;
private String classFont = "Helvetica";
protected float classFontSize = 8;
private String fontEncoding = BaseFont.WINANSI;
private int horizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
private float[] columnPadding = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f};
* Render the legends block
* @param params
* @param target
* @param context
* @throws com.lowagie.text.DocumentException
* @see org.mapfish.print.config.layout.Block#render(
* org.mapfish.print.utils.PJsonObject,
* org.mapfish.print.config.layout.Block.PdfElement,
* org.mapfish.print.RenderingContext)
public void render(PJsonObject params, PdfElement target, RenderingContext context) throws DocumentException {
Renderer renderer = new Renderer(params, context);
* A renderer to render the legend block
* @author Stéphane Brunner
private class Renderer {
* need these to calculate widths/heights of output
* For example a cell could contain the text "Hello World"
* while it is the equivalent of 7 characters wide "World" would
* be wrapped onto the next line which would make the height
* calculation complicated if not actually rendered onto a page.
* This is important for long legend texts which wrap.
private String tempFilename;
private Document tempDocument = new Document();
private PdfWriter writer;
private RenderingContext context;
// all the pdf columns
private ArrayList columns = new ArrayList();
// all the columns width
private final ArrayList columnsWidth = new ArrayList();
// the current column
private PdfPTable column;
// the current column height
private int currentColumnIndex = 0;
private float maxActualImageWidth = 0;
private float maxActualTextWidth = 0;
private final ArrayList legendItems = new ArrayList();
// optimum widths are used to compute the best possible widths of legend
// items
private float optimumIconCellWidth = 0f;
private float optimumTextCellWidth = 0f;
// temporary cells used in calculations
private PdfPCell leftCell;
private PdfPCell rightCell;
private float[] absoluteWidths;
private boolean needTempDocument = true;
private final HashMap subHeights = new HashMap();
* Construct
* @param params the params
* @param context the context
public Renderer(PJsonObject params, RenderingContext context) throws DocumentException {
column = getDefaultOuterTable(1);
this.context = context;
PJsonArray legends = context.getGlobalParams().optJSONArray("legends");
if (legends == null || legends.size() == 0) {
// this prevents a bug when there are no legends
needTempDocument = false;
if (needTempDocument) {
makeTempDocument(); // need this to calculate widths and heights of elements!
public void render(PdfElement target) throws DocumentException {
//float optimumTextWidthWithoutIcon = 0f;
int numColumns = 1;
absoluteWidths = new float[1];
// create the legend
PJsonArray legends = context.getGlobalParams().optJSONArray("legends");
float maxColumnWidth = maxWidth;
float bufferHeight = 0;
if (legends != null && legends.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < legends.size(); ++i) {
createLegend(legends.getJSONObject(i), i == 0);
float totalHeight = 0f;
for (int i = 0, len = legendItems.size(); i < len; ++i) {
LegendItemTable legendItem = legendItems.get(i);
* need the padding set before in createLegend and add it to
* the optimum absolute widths
float height = getHeight(legendItem);
totalHeight += height;
float cellPaddingTop = leftCell.getPaddingTop();
float spacingBefore = legendItem.getSpaceBefore();
if (totalHeight > maxHeight || legendItem.isNewColumn()) {
column = getDefaultOuterTable(1);
totalHeight = 0f;
* This fixes the case where a layer legend item gets
* too much padding from the top.
if (spacingBefore > 0f && cellPaddingTop > 0) {
leftCell.setPaddingTop(cellPaddingTop - spacingBefore);
if (rightCell != null) {
rightCell.setPaddingTop(rightCell.getPaddingTop() - spacingBefore);
int columnsSize = columns.size();
maxColumnWidth = (maxWidth / columnsSize)
- columnPadding[1] - columnPadding[3];
if (maxColumnWidth < optimumIconCellWidth
+ optimumTextCellWidth) {
* clear out the table and start new, because the
* maxColumnWidth has changed!
column = getDefaultOuterTable(1);
columns = new ArrayList(columnsSize);
i = -1;
} else {
} else {
if (legendItem.isHeading() && i > 0) {
LegendItemTable.Params params = legendItem.getParams();
legendItem = getLegendItemTable(params.indent,
params.node, params.pdfFont,
params.lineSpace, params.defaultIconBeforeName,
layerSpaceBefore, params.heading);
legendItems.set(i, legendItem);
numColumns = columns.size();
PdfPTable table = getDefaultOuterTable(numColumns);
if (maxWidth != Float.MAX_VALUE) {
for (PdfPTable col : columns) {
PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(col);
if (!borders) {
if (maxWidth < Float.MAX_VALUE) {
cleanup(); // don't forget to cleanup afterwards
* get width of text on the page with font
* @param myString any string printed on the page
* @param pdfFont Font needed to calculate this
* @return width in points
private float getTextWidth(String myString, Font pdfFont) {
BaseFont baseFont = pdfFont.getBaseFont();
return baseFont == null
? new Chunk(myString).getWidthPoint()
: baseFont.getWidthPoint(myString, pdfFont.getSize());
* Create a chunk from an image (svg, png, ...)
* @param context PDF rendering context
* @param iconItem URL of the image
* @param maxIconWidth width of the chunk
* @param maxIconHeight height of the chunk
* @return Chunk with image in it
* @throws DocumentException
private Chunk createImageChunk(RenderingContext context,
String iconItem,
float maxIconWidth,
float maxIconHeight,
float scale) throws DocumentException {
Chunk iconChunk = null;
try {
if (iconItem.indexOf("image%2Fsvg%2Bxml") != -1) { // TODO: make this cleaner
iconChunk = PDFUtils.createImageChunkFromSVG(
context, iconItem,
maxIconWidth, maxIconHeight, scale);
} else {
iconChunk = PDFUtils.createImageChunk(context,
maxIconWidth, maxIconHeight, scale,
URI.create(iconItem), 0f);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DocumentException(e);
return iconChunk;
* creates a "real" PDF document to draw on to be able to calculate
* correct widths of text etc
* @throws DocumentException
private void makeTempDocument() throws DocumentException {
try {
tempFilename = tempDir.indexOf('/') != -1 ? "" : "\\";
long time = (new Date()).getTime();
tempFilename = tempDir + fileSeparator
+ "mapfish-print-tmp-" + time + ".pdf";
// Unfortunately have to open an actual file on disk
// for the calculations to work properly
writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(tempDocument,
new FileOutputStream(tempFilename));;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new DocumentException(e);
} catch (DocumentException e) {
// don't forget to delete the useless file
new File(tempFilename).delete();
throw new DocumentException(e);
* delete the temporary file needed for dimensions' calculations
* @throws DocumentException
private void cleanup() throws DocumentException {
if (!needTempDocument) {
try {
// don't forget to delete the useless file
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DocumentException(e);
} finally {
new File(tempFilename).delete();
* get the height in points when printed onto the temporary document
* @param element any PDF element
* @return height in points
* @throws DocumentException
private float getHeight(Element element) throws DocumentException {
if (element instanceof PdfPTable) {
return ((PdfPTable) element).getTotalHeight();
if (element instanceof PdfPCell) {
return ((PdfPCell) element).getHeight();
return -1;
* create the legend for a layer json object
* @param layer JSON object
* @param isFirst only do some things on the first item
* @throws DocumentException
private void createLegend(PJsonObject layer, boolean isFirst)
throws DocumentException {
Font layerPdfFont = getLayerPdfFont();
Font classPdfFont = getClassPdfFont();
/*createTableLine(0.0f, layer, layerPdfFont,
layerSpace, true, isFirst ? 0f : layerSpaceBefore, true);*/
createTableLine(0.0f, layer, layerPdfFont, layerSpace, true, 0f, true);
PJsonArray classes = layer.getJSONArray("classes");
for (int j = 0; j < classes.size(); ++j) {
PJsonObject clazz = classes.getJSONObject(j);
clazz, classPdfFont, classSpace, inline, 0f, false);
private void createTableLine(float indent, PJsonObject node, Font pdfFont,
float lineSpace, boolean defaultIconBeforeName, float spaceBefore,
boolean isHeading)
throws DocumentException {
legendItems.add(getLegendItemTable(indent, node, pdfFont, lineSpace,
defaultIconBeforeName, spaceBefore, isHeading));
private LegendItemTable getLegendItemTable(float indent, PJsonObject node,
Font pdfFont, float lineSpace, boolean defaultIconBeforeName,
float spaceBefore, boolean isHeading)
throws DocumentException {
final String name = node.getString("name"); // legend text
final String icon = node.optString("icon"); // legend image
final PJsonArray iconsArray = node.optJSONArray("icons");
final int iconsSize = iconsArray == null ? 0 : iconsArray.size();
final String icons[] = new String[iconsSize];
final boolean haveNoIcon = icon == null && iconsSize == 0;
final String iconScaleString = node.optString("scale", "" + scale); // legend image
final float iconScale = Float.parseFloat(iconScaleString);
//final PJsonArray icons = node.optJSONArray("icons"); // UNUSED, please check what this should be doing!
boolean iconBeforeName = node.optBool("iconBeforeName", defaultIconBeforeName);
for (int i = -1; ++i < iconsSize;) {
icons[i] = iconsArray.getString(i);
Phrase imagePhrase = new Phrase();
Chunk iconChunk;
float imageWidth = 0f;
if (iconsSize > 0) {
for (String myIcon : icons) {
iconChunk = createImageChunk(context,
myIcon, iconMaxWidth, iconMaxHeight, iconScale);
imageWidth += iconChunk.getImage().getPlainWidth();
} else if (icon != null) {
iconChunk = createImageChunk(context, icon, iconMaxWidth,
iconMaxHeight, iconScale);
imageWidth = iconChunk.getImage().getPlainWidth();
} else {
iconChunk = new Chunk("");
Phrase namePhrase = new Phrase();
float textWidth = getTextWidth(name, pdfFont);
int columnsWidthSize = columnsWidth.size();
float maxWidthF = textWidth + imageWidth; // total with of legend item
if (columnsWidthSize <= currentColumnIndex) {// need to add
columnsWidth.add(Math.min(maxWidth, maxWidthF));
} else if (columnsWidthSize >= 1 && currentColumnIndex == 0) {
// need to get the min of max
maxWidthF = Math.max(columnsWidth.get(0), maxWidthF);
columnsWidth.set(0, Math.min(maxWidth, maxWidthF));
absoluteWidths = null;
LegendItemTable legendItemTable = null;
if (haveNoIcon) {
legendItemTable = new LegendItemTable(1);
absoluteWidths = new float[1];
absoluteWidths[0] = textMaxWidth + iconMaxWidth
+ iconPadding[1] + iconPadding[3]
+ textPadding[1] + textPadding[3];
} else {
legendItemTable = new LegendItemTable(2);
absoluteWidths = new float[2];
absoluteWidths[0] = iconMaxWidth
+ iconPadding[1] + iconPadding[3];
absoluteWidths[1] = textMaxWidth
+ textPadding[1] + textPadding[3];
* Storing params to later regenerate the legend if spacing is
* required, because we need to pre-render the legend to know how
* big it is.
legendItemTable.setParams(indent, node,
pdfFont, lineSpace, defaultIconBeforeName,
spaceBefore, isHeading);
legendItemTable.setHeading(isHeading); // needed later when finding the
// optimum height!
PdfPCell imageCell = null;
if (!haveNoIcon) {
imageCell = new PdfPCell(imagePhrase);
* CSS like padding for icons: not to forget indent!
float indentLeft = legendItemTable.isIconBeforeName() ? indent : 0f;
imageCell.setPaddingTop(spaceBefore + iconPadding[0]);
imageCell.setPaddingBottom(lineSpace + iconPadding[2]);
imageCell.setPaddingLeft(indentLeft + iconPadding[3]);
if (!borders) {
PdfPCell nameCell = new PdfPCell(namePhrase);
* If there is no icon we need to add the left indent to the name
* column. Also if the icon is not before the text!
float indentLeft = haveNoIcon || !iconBeforeName ? (float) indent : 0f;
* CSS like padding for text
* not to forget spacing!
nameCell.setPaddingTop(spaceBefore + textPadding[0]);
nameCell.setPaddingBottom(lineSpace + textPadding[2]);
nameCell.setPaddingLeft(indentLeft + textPadding[3]);
if (!iconBeforeName && inline) {
if (!borders) {
if (inline) {
if (iconBeforeName) {
if (imageCell != null) {
} else {
if (imageCell != null) {
} else {
legendItemTable = new LegendItemTable(1);
if (iconBeforeName) {
if (imageCell != null) {
} else {
if (imageCell != null) {
maxActualImageWidth = Math.max(imageWidth, maxActualImageWidth);
maxActualTextWidth = Math.max(textWidth, maxActualTextWidth);
return legendItemTable;
private PdfPTable getDefaultOuterTable(int numColumns) {
PdfPTable pdfPTable = new PdfPTable(numColumns);
if (!borders) {
pdfPTable.setSpacingAfter((float) spacingAfter);
return pdfPTable;
private void computeOptimumLegendItemWidths(LegendItemTable legendItem) throws DocumentException {
PdfPCell cells[] = legendItem.getRow(0).getCells();
int numCells = cells.length;
leftCell = cells[0];
rightCell = null;
if (numCells > 1) {
rightCell = cells[1];
if (numCells == 1) {
absoluteWidths = new float[1];
absoluteWidths[0] = optimumTextCellWidth + optimumIconCellWidth;
} else {
absoluteWidths = new float[2];
if (legendItem.isIconBeforeName()) {
absoluteWidths[0] = optimumIconCellWidth;
absoluteWidths[1] = optimumTextCellWidth;
} else {
absoluteWidths[0] = optimumTextCellWidth;
absoluteWidths[1] = optimumIconCellWidth;
private void setOptimumCellWidths(float maxColumnWidth) {
optimumIconCellWidth = Math.min(
maxActualImageWidth + classIndentation,
iconMaxWidth + classIndentation);
optimumTextCellWidth = Math.min(maxActualTextWidth, textMaxWidth);
// don't let the icon cell be bigger than half
optimumIconCellWidth = Math.min(optimumIconCellWidth, maxColumnWidth / 2);
optimumTextCellWidth = Math.min(optimumTextCellWidth,
maxColumnWidth - optimumIconCellWidth);
private void computeOptimumColumns(ArrayList legendItems)
throws DocumentException {
float totalHeight = 0;
//ArrayList subHeights = new ArrayList();
int subHeightIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0, len = legendItems.size(); i < len; ++i) {
LegendItemTable legendItem = legendItems.get(i);
float height = getHeight(legendItem);
totalHeight += height;
if (legendItem.isHeading()) { // is header
if (!subHeights.containsKey(subHeightIndex)) {
subHeights.put(subHeightIndex, height);
} else {
subHeights.get(subHeightIndex) + height);
float availableHeight = maxHeight;
for (Map.Entry subHeight : subHeights.entrySet()) {
int i = subHeight.getKey();
float height = subHeight.getValue();
int iPlusOne = i + 1;
float nextHeight = 0f;
if (subHeights.containsKey(iPlusOne)) {
nextHeight = subHeights.get(i + 1);
if (height + nextHeight > availableHeight && nextHeight > 0f) {
int countHeadings = 0;
for (LegendItemTable legendItem : legendItems) {
if (legendItem.isHeading()) {
if (countHeadings == iPlusOne + 1) {
countHeadings = 0;
* set maximum width of legend items i.e. the legend tables
* @param maxWidth
public void setMaxWidth(double maxWidth) {
this.maxWidth = getMaxValueIfZero((float) maxWidth, "maxWidth");
* set maximum height of a legend column
* @param maxHeight if 0 means the column can be as hight as possible
public void setMaxHeight(double maxHeight) {
this.maxHeight = getMaxValueIfZero((float) maxHeight, "maxHeight");
* 1.0 or null for no scaling >1.0 to increase size, < 1.0 to decrease
* @param scale scale icon/image by this
public void setDefaultScale(double scale) {
this.scale = (float) scale;
if (scale < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("scale", scale);
if (scale == 0f) {
this.scale = 1f;
* Whether legend icons/images should appear on the same line as the legend
* text, has nothing to do with multi-column layout.
* @param inline true of false
public void setInline(boolean inline) {
this.inline = inline;
* maximum width a legend icon/image can have currently SVG icons are scaled
* to fit this
* @param maxIconWidth
public void setIconMaxWidth(double maxIconWidth) {
this.iconMaxWidth = (float) maxIconWidth;
if (maxIconWidth < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("maxIconWidth", maxIconWidth);
if (maxIconWidth == 0f) {
this.iconMaxWidth = Float.MAX_VALUE;
* maximum height of legend icon/image currently SVG icons get scaled to
* this if not present icons get scaled preserving ratio with iconMaxWidth
* @param maxIconHeight
public void setIconMaxHeight(double maxIconHeight) {
this.iconMaxHeight = getMaxValueIfZero((float) maxIconHeight, "maxIconHeight");
* horizontal indentation of class legend items
* @param classIndentation
public void setClassIndentation(double classIndentation) {
this.classIndentation = (float) classIndentation;
if (classIndentation < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("classIndentation", classIndentation);
* font of class legend items' texts
* @param classFont
public void setClassFont(String classFont) {
this.classFont = classFont;
* font size for class legend items' texts
* @param classFontSize
public void setClassFontSize(double classFontSize) {
this.classFontSize = (float) classFontSize;
if (classFontSize < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("classFontSize", classFontSize);
public String getClassFont() {
return classFont;
* layers' texts font
* @return Font used for layers' texts but not for classes
protected Font getLayerPdfFont() {
return FontFactory.getFont(layerFont, fontEncoding, (float) layerFontSize);
* classes' texts font
* @return Font used for class items
protected Font getClassPdfFont() {
return FontFactory.getFont(classFont, fontEncoding, (float) classFontSize);
* vertical space AFTER the legend items
* @param layerSpace
public void setLayerSpace(double layerSpace) {
this.layerSpace = (float) layerSpace;
if (layerSpace < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("layerSpace", layerSpace);
* vertical space AFTER class legend items
* @param classSpace
public void setClassSpace(double classSpace) {
this.classSpace = (float) classSpace;
if (classSpace < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("classSpace", classSpace);
* @param layerFont Font name used for layer items, not classes
public void setLayerFont(String layerFont) {
this.layerFont = layerFont;
* @param layerFontSize font size used for layer items
public void setLayerFontSize(double layerFontSize) {
this.layerFontSize = (float) layerFontSize;
if (layerFontSize < 0.0) {
throw new InvalidValueException("layerFontSize", layerFontSize);
* Font encoding
* @param fontEncoding
public void setFontEncoding(String fontEncoding) {
this.fontEncoding = fontEncoding;
* CSS style margin of each legend column
* @param columnMargin
public void setColumnMargin(String columnMargin) {
this.columnPadding = getFloatCssValues(columnMargin);
* set the horizontal alignment of legend items inside the table and the
* table itself
* @param value left|center|right
public void setHorizontalAlignment(String value) {
if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("left")) {
this.horizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;
} else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("right")) {
this.horizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
* CSS style padding around legend icon/image
* @param values
public void setIconPadding(String values) {
this.iconPadding = getFloatCssValues(values);
* CSS style padding around legend text/name
* @param values
public void setTextPadding(String values) {
this.textPadding = getFloatCssValues(values);
* get CSS like values for padding
* @param values space separated floating point values
* @return css padding like array of floats
private float[] getFloatCssValues(String values) {
float result[] = {0f, 0f, 0f, 0f};
String topRightBottomLeft[] = values.split(" ");
int len = topRightBottomLeft.length > 4 ? 4 : topRightBottomLeft.length;
switch (len) {
case 1:
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
result[i] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[0]);
case 2:
result[0] = result[2] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[0]);
result[1] = result[3] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[1]);
case 3:
result[0] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[0]);
result[1] = result[3] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[1]);
result[2] = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[3]);
case 4:
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
float val = Float.parseFloat(topRightBottomLeft[i]);
result[i] = val;
return result;
* Do we have borders for debugging?
* @param value
public void setBorders(boolean value) {
this.borders = value;
* UNUSED (for now)
* @param textMaxHeight the textMaxHeight to set
public void setTextMaxHeight(double textMaxHeight) {
this.textMaxHeight = getMaxValueIfZero((float) textMaxHeight, "textMaxHeight");
* @param textMaxWidth the textMaxWidth to set
public void setTextMaxWidth(double textMaxWidth) {
this.textMaxWidth = getMaxValueIfZero((float) textMaxWidth, "textMaxWidth");
* @param layerSpaceBefore the layerSpaceBefore to set
public void setLayerSpaceBefore(double layerSpaceBefore) {
if (layerSpaceBefore < 0.0f) {
throw new InvalidValueException("layerSpaceBefore", layerSpaceBefore);
this.layerSpaceBefore = (float) layerSpaceBefore;
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