org.oscim.gdx.poi3d.Poi3DLayer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2014 Hannes Janetzek
* Copyright 2018-2019 Gustl22
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see .
package org.oscim.gdx.poi3d;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.Model;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.ModelInstance;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g3d.model.Node;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import org.oscim.core.Box;
import org.oscim.core.GeometryBuffer;
import org.oscim.core.MapElement;
import org.oscim.core.MapPosition;
import org.oscim.core.MercatorProjection;
import org.oscim.core.Tag;
import org.oscim.core.Tile;
import org.oscim.event.Event;
import org.oscim.gdx.GdxAssets;
import org.oscim.layers.Layer;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.MapTile;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.MapTile.TileData;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.TileSet;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.ZoomLimiter;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.buildings.BuildingLayer;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.vector.VectorTileLayer;
import org.oscim.layers.tile.vector.VectorTileLayer.TileLoaderProcessHook;
import org.oscim.map.Map;
import org.oscim.model.VtmModels;
import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.RenderBuckets;
import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.SymbolItem;
import org.oscim.utils.geom.GeometryUtils;
import org.oscim.utils.geom.TileClipper;
import org.oscim.utils.pool.Inlist;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
* Experimental Layer to display POIs with 3D models.
public class Poi3DLayer extends Layer implements Map.UpdateListener, ZoomLimiter.IZoomLimiter {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Poi3DLayer.class);
static class Poi3DTileData extends TileData {
public final HashMap> symbols = new HashMap<>();
protected void dispose() {
for (List symbolItems : symbols.values()) {
public static final int MIN_ZOOM = BuildingLayer.MIN_ZOOM;
static final String POI_DATA = Poi3DLayer.class.getSimpleName();
public static final boolean RANDOM_TRANSFORM = true; // TODO customizable for each tag
public static final Tag TAG_TREE = new Tag("natural", "tree");
public static final Tag TAG_MEMORIAL = new Tag("historic", "memorial");
public static final Tag TAG_FOREST = new Tag("landuse", "forest");
public static final Tag TAG_WOOD = new Tag("natural", "wood");
// Not supported by Oscim Tiles
public static final Tag TAG_ARTWORK = new Tag("tourism", "artwork");
public static final Tag TAG_TREE_BROADLEAVED = new Tag("leaf_type", "broadleaved");
public static final Tag TAG_TREE_NEEDLELEAVED = new Tag("leaf_type", "needleleaved");
public static final Tag TAG_TREE_ROW = new Tag("natural", "tree_row");
public static final Tag TAG_STREETLAMP = new Tag("highway", "street_lamp");
* Distance in meter between two 3d-models in an area or on a line (e.g. trees in forest).
* Indicator for density. Actual distance depends on RANDOM_TRANSFORM.
public static float MODEL_DISTANCE = 8f;
AssetManager mAssets;
GdxRenderer3D2 mG3d;
Set mHideThemeRenders = new HashSet<>();
boolean mLoading;
LinkedHashMap> mScenes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
TileClipper mTileClipper = new TileClipper(0, 0, Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE);
VectorTileLayer mTileLayer;
LinkedHashMap> mTileMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
TileSet mTileSet = new TileSet();
TileSet mPrevTiles = new TileSet();
* Use ZoomLimiter to avoid different results on different zoom levels (e.g. for areas)
final ZoomLimiter mZoomLimiter;
public Poi3DLayer(Map map, VectorTileLayer tileLayer) {
this(map, tileLayer, true);
public Poi3DLayer(Map map, VectorTileLayer tileLayer, boolean useDefaults) {
tileLayer.addHook(new TileLoaderProcessHook() {
public boolean process(MapTile tile, RenderBuckets buckets, MapElement element) {
if (tile.zoomLevel < mZoomLimiter.getMinZoom()) return false;
Poi3DTileData td = get(tile);
for (Entry> scene : mScenes.entrySet()) {
if (!element.tags.contains(scene.getKey()))
List holders = scene.getValue();
SymbolItem s;
int pointCount;
float[] points;
// Fill poly with items
if (element.isPoly() || element.isLine()) {
GeometryBuffer geom = new GeometryBuffer(element);
mTileClipper.clip(geom); // single points should already have been clipped
points = geom.points;
pointCount = element.getNumPoints() * 2;
if (pointCount < 4)
return false; // Elements may have no points after clipping
// TODO lazy init?
double scale = MercatorProjection.zoomLevelToScale(tile.zoomLevel);
double lat = MercatorProjection.tileYToLatitudeWithScale(tile.tileY, scale);
double modelDistPix = MercatorProjection.metersToPixelsWithScale(MODEL_DISTANCE, lat, scale);
ArrayList polyPoints = new ArrayList<>(); // TODO fixed array reasonable?
float variation = (float) modelDistPix / 16f; // customizable
if (geom.isPoly()) {
Box box = new Box();
box.setExtents(points, pointCount);
double pixelsX = Tile.SIZE * tile.tileX;
double pixelsY = Tile.SIZE * tile.tileY;
box.xmin += (pixelsX + box.xmin) % modelDistPix;
box.ymin += (pixelsY + box.ymin) % modelDistPix;
while (box.xmin < box.xmax) {
double tmpY = box.ymin;
while (tmpY < box.ymax) {
float x = (float) box.xmin;
float y = (float) tmpY;
int hashX = getPosXHash(tile, x);
int hashY = getPosYHash(tile, y);
int hash = hashY * hashX;
x += (((hash + hashX) % 14) - 7) * variation;
y += (((hash + hashY) % 14) - 7) * variation;
if (GeometryUtils.pointInPoly(x, y, points, pointCount, 0)) {
tmpY += modelDistPix;
box.xmin += modelDistPix;
} else {
// Place models on a line with a gap of MODEL_DISTANCE
float[] p1 = {points[0], points[1]};
float[] p2 = new float[2];
float sumDist = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < pointCount; i += 2) {
p2[0] = points[i];
p2[1] = points[i + 1];
float dist = (float) GeometryUtils.distance2D(p1, p2);
float[] vec = GeometryUtils.scale(GeometryUtils.diffVec(p2, p1), 1 / dist);
while (sumDist < dist) {
float[] tmp = GeometryUtils.scale(vec, sumDist);
polyPoints.add(p1[0] + tmp[0]);
polyPoints.add(p1[1] + tmp[1]);
sumDist += modelDistPix;
sumDist -= dist;
p1[0] = p2[0];
p1[1] = p2[1];
points = new float[polyPoints.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < polyPoints.size(); i++) {
points[i] = polyPoints.get(i);
pointCount = points.length;
} else {
pointCount = element.getNumPoints() * 2;
points = element.points;
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i += 2) {
s = SymbolItem.pool.get();
s.x = points[i];
s.y = points[i + 1];
ModelHolder holder;
if (holders.size() > 1) {
// Use random for tags with multiple models.
int random = getPosHash(tile, s) % holders.size();
holder = holders.get(random);
} else
holder = holders.get(0);
Inlist.List symbolItems = td.symbols.get(holder);
if (symbolItems == null) {
symbolItems = new Inlist.List<>();
td.symbols.put(holder, symbolItems);
// If set, prevent element from further rendering
return mHideThemeRenders.contains(scene.getKey());
return false;
public void complete(MapTile tile, boolean success) {
mTileLayer = tileLayer;
mZoomLimiter = new ZoomLimiter(tileLayer.getManager(), MIN_ZOOM, map.viewport().getMaxZoomLevel(), MIN_ZOOM);
mRenderer = mG3d = new GdxRenderer3D2(mMap);
// Material mat = new
// Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.BLUE));
// ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
// long attributes = Usage.Position | Usage.Normal |
// Usage.TextureCoordinates;
// mModel = modelBuilder.createSphere(10f, 10f, 10f, 12, 12,
// mat, attributes);
mAssets = new AssetManager();
if (useDefaults)
public void addModel(VtmModels model, Tag tag) {
addModel(GdxAssets.getAssetPath(model.getPath()), tag);
* Assign model with specified path to an OSM tag. You can assign multiple models to one tag, too.
public void addModel(String path, Tag tag) {
List scene = mScenes.get(tag);
if (scene == null) {
scene = new ArrayList<>();
mScenes.put(tag, scene);
scene.add(new ModelHolder(path));
mAssets.load(path, Model.class);
if (!mLoading)
mLoading = true;
private void doneLoading() {
for (List holders : mScenes.values()) {
for (ModelHolder holder : holders) {
Model model = mAssets.get(holder.getPath());
for (Node node : model.nodes) {
log.debug("loader node " + node.id);
/* Use with {@link GdxRenderer3D} */
if (node.hasChildren() && ((Object) mG3d) instanceof GdxRenderer3D) {
if (model.nodes.size != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Model has more than one node with GdxRenderer: " + model.toString());
node = node.getChild(0);
log.debug("loader node " + node.id);
node.scale.set(1, 1, -1);
node.rotation.setFromAxis(1, 0, 0, 90);
mLoading = false;
private Poi3DTileData get(MapTile tile) {
Poi3DTileData ld = (Poi3DTileData) tile.getData(POI_DATA);
if (ld == null) {
ld = new Poi3DTileData();
tile.addData(POI_DATA, ld);
return ld;
* @return an int which is equal in all zoom levels
private int getPosHash(Tile tile, SymbolItem item) {
int a = getPosXHash(tile, item.x);
int b = getPosYHash(tile, item.y);
return Math.abs(a * b);
private int getPosXHash(Tile tile, float x) {
return (int) (((tile.tileX + ((double) x / Tile.SIZE)) * 1000000000) / (1 << tile.zoomLevel)) * 37;
private int getPosYHash(Tile tile, float y) {
return (int) (((tile.tileY + ((double) y / Tile.SIZE)) * 1000000000) / (1 << tile.zoomLevel)) * 73;
public void onMapEvent(Event ev, MapPosition pos) {
if (ev == Map.CLEAR_EVENT) {
mTileSet = new TileSet();
mPrevTiles = new TileSet();
mTileMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
synchronized (mG3d) {
if (mLoading && mAssets.update()) {
// Renderable renderable = new Renderable();
// new ModelInstance(mModel).getRenderable(renderable);
// Shader shader = new DefaultShader(renderable, true, false,
// false, false, 1, 0, 0, 0);
if (mLoading)
// log.debug("update");
Integer tZoom = mTileLayer.tileRenderer().getVisibleTiles(mTileSet, true);
if (mTileSet.cnt == 0 || tZoom == null) {
int zoom;
if (tZoom > mZoomLimiter.getZoomLimit()) {
// render from zoom limit tiles (avoid duplicates and null)
Set hashTiles = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < mTileSet.cnt; i++) {
MapTile t = mZoomLimiter.getTile(mTileSet.tiles[i]);
if (t == null)
mTileSet.cnt = hashTiles.size();
if (mTileSet.cnt == 0) // If no ancestor tiles were found
mTileSet.tiles = hashTiles.toArray(new MapTile[mTileSet.cnt]);
zoom = mZoomLimiter.getZoomLimit();
} else {
zoom = tZoom;
boolean changed = false;
Array added = new Array<>();
Array removed = new Array<>();
for (int i = 0; i < mTileSet.cnt; i++) {
MapTile t = mTileSet.tiles[i];
if (mPrevTiles.contains(t))
Array instances = new Array<>();
Poi3DTileData ld = (Poi3DTileData) t.getData(POI_DATA);
if (ld == null)
for (Entry> entry : ld.symbols.entrySet()) {
for (SymbolItem it : entry.getValue()) {
ModelInstance inst = new ModelInstance(entry.getKey().getModel());
inst.userData = it;
// float r = 0.5f + 0.5f * (float) Math.random();
// float g = 0.5f + 0.5f * (float) Math.random();
// float b = 0.5f + 0.5f * (float) Math.random();
// inst.transform.setTranslation(new Vector3(it.x, it.y,
// 10));
// inst.materials.get(0).set(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(r,
// g, b, 0.8f));
if (instances.size == 0)
log.debug("add " + t + " " + instances.size);
changed = true;
mTileMap.put(t, instances);
for (int i = 0; i < mPrevTiles.cnt; i++) {
MapTile t = mPrevTiles.tiles[i];
if (mTileSet.contains(t))
Array instances = mTileMap.get(t);
if (instances == null)
changed = true;
log.debug("remove " + t);
float groundScale = mTileSet.tiles[0].getGroundScale();
TileSet tmp = mPrevTiles;
mPrevTiles = mTileSet;
mTileSet = tmp;
if (!changed)
// scale relative to latitude
float scale = 1f / groundScale;
double tileX = (pos.x * (Tile.SIZE << zoom));
double tileY = (pos.y * (Tile.SIZE << zoom));
synchronized (mG3d) {
for (Entry> e : mTileMap.entrySet()) {
Tile t = e.getKey();
float dx = (float) (t.tileX * Tile.SIZE - tileX);
float dy = (float) (t.tileY * Tile.SIZE - tileY);
for (ModelInstance inst : e.getValue()) {
SymbolItem it = (SymbolItem) inst.userData;
float s = scale;
float r = 0f;
// random/variable height and rotation
float deviationStep = s * 0.1f;
int hash = getPosHash(t, it); // Use absolute coordinates
s += ((hash % 4) - 2) * deviationStep;
r = hash % 360;
inst.transform.scale(s, s, s);
inst.transform.translate((dx + it.x) / s, (dy + it.y) / s, 0);
inst.transform.rotate(0, 0, 1, r);
// inst.transform.setToTranslationAndScaling((dx +
// it.x), (dy + it.y),
// 0, s, s, s);
mG3d.instances.removeAll(removed, true);
mG3d.cam.setMapPosition(pos.x, pos.y, 1 << zoom);
* Provide elements with specified tag from being rendered with theme rules.
* This gives more flexibility without changing render theme.
public void hideThemeRenders(Tag tag) {
* Enable theme rendering of previously hidden elements.
public void showThemeRenders(Tag tag) {
public void useDefaults() {
/* Keep order (the upper tags have higher priority)
* Example: needle leaved woods only get fir model although it has the wood tag.
addModel(VtmModels.MEMORIAL, TAG_ARTWORK);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_ASH, TAG_TREE);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_ASH, TAG_TREE_ROW);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_FIR, TAG_WOOD);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_OAK, TAG_WOOD);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_ASH, TAG_WOOD);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_OAK, TAG_FOREST);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_ASH, TAG_FOREST);
addModel(VtmModels.TREE_FIR, TAG_FOREST);
public void addZoomLimit() {
public void removeZoomLimit() {
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