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// Copyright 2013 Vibul Imtarnasan, David Bolton and Socko contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
import org.json4s.native.{Serialization => json}
import org.mashupbots.socko.infrastructure.Logger
import org.mashupbots.socko.infrastructure.CharsetUtil
* Generated [[ Swagger]] API documentation
* @param lookup Map of path and swagger JSON associated with the path
case class SwaggerApiDocs(lookup: Map[String, Array[Byte]]) {
* Gets the JSON doc for the specified end point
* @param path Full path to the requested documentation. For example: `/api/api-docs.json/pet`.
* @return JSON UTF-8, `None` if data for path not found
def get(path: String): Option[Array[Byte]] = {
* Companion object
object SwaggerApiDocs extends Logger {
* URL path relative to the config `rootUrl` that will trigger the return of the API documentation
val urlPath = "/api-docs.json"
* Generates a Map of URL paths and the associated API documentation to be returned for these paths
* @param operations Rest operations
* @param config Rest configuration
* @param rm Runtime Mirror used to reflect property meta data
* @return Map with the `key` being the exact path to match, the value is the JSON string
def apply(operations: Seq[RestOperation], config: RestConfig, rm: ru.Mirror): SwaggerApiDocs = {
val result: HashMap[String, Array[Byte]] = new HashMap[String, Array[Byte]]()
// Group operations into resources based on path segments
val apisMap: Map[String, Seq[RestOperation]] = operations.groupBy(o => {
// Get number of path segments specified in config for grouping
val pathSegements = if (o.endPoint.relativePathSegments.size <= config.swaggerApiGroupingPathSegment) {
} else {
// Only use static, non-variable, segments as the group by key
val staticPathSegements: List[PathSegment] = pathSegements.takeWhile(ps => !ps.isVariable) =>"/", "/", "")
// Resource Listing
val resourceListing = SwaggerResourceListing(apisMap, config)
result.put(config.rootPath + urlPath, jsonify(resourceListing))
// API registrations
val apiregistrations: Map[String, SwaggerApiDeclaration] = => {
val (path, ops) = f
val apiDec = SwaggerApiDeclaration(path, ops, config, rm)
result.put(config.rootPath + urlPath + path, jsonify(apiDec))
(path, apiDec)
// Finish
private def jsonify(data: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = {
if (data == null) Array.empty else {
implicit val formats = json.formats(NoTypeHints)
val s = json.write(data)
trait SwaggerDoc
* Swagger [[ resource listing]]
case class SwaggerResourceListing(
apiVersion: String,
swaggerVersion: String,
basePath: String,
apis: Seq[SwaggerResourceListingApi]) extends SwaggerDoc
* Companion object
object SwaggerResourceListing {
* Creates a new [[]] for a group of APIs
* For example, the following operations are assumed to be in 2 resource groups: `/users` and `/pets`.
* {{{
* GET /users
* GET /pets
* POST /pets/{id}
* PUT /pets/{id}
* }}}
* @param resources Operations grouped by their path. The grouping is specified in the key. For example,
* `/users` and `/pets`.
* @param config REST configuration
def apply(resources: Map[String, Seq[RestOperation]], config: RestConfig): SwaggerResourceListing = {
val resourceListingSwaggerApiPaths: Seq[String] = resources.keys.toSeq.sortBy(s => s)
val resourceListingApis: Seq[SwaggerResourceListingApi] = => SwaggerResourceListingApi(SwaggerApiDocs.urlPath + s, ""))
val resourceListing = SwaggerResourceListing(
* Describes a specific resource in the resource listing
case class SwaggerResourceListingApi(
path: String,
description: String)
* Swagger [[ API declaration]]
case class SwaggerApiDeclaration(
apiVersion: String,
swaggerVersion: String,
basePath: String,
resourcePath: String,
apis: Seq[SwaggerApiPath],
models: Map[String, SwaggerModel]) extends SwaggerDoc
* Companion object
object SwaggerApiDeclaration {
* Creates a new [[]] for a resource path as listed in the
* resource listing.
* For example, the following operations
* {{{
* POST /pets/{id}
* PUT /pets/{id}
* }}}
* maps to 1 SwaggerApiPath `/pets` with 2 operations: `POST` and `PUT`
* @param resourcePath Unique path. In the above example, it is `/pets/{id}`
* @param ops HTTP method operations for that unique path
* @param config REST configuration
* @param rm Runtime mirror for reflecting meta data
def apply(resourcePath: String, ops: Seq[RestOperation], config: RestConfig, rm: ru.Mirror): SwaggerApiDeclaration = {
// Context for this resource path
val ctx = SwaggerContext(config, SwaggerModelRegistry(rm))
// Group by path so we can list the operations
val pathGrouping: Map[String, Seq[RestOperation]] = ops.groupBy(op => op.registration.path)
// Map group to SwaggerApiPaths
val apiPathsMap: Map[String, SwaggerApiPath] = => {
val (path, ops) = f
(path, SwaggerApiPath(path, ops, ctx))
// Convert to list and sort
val apiPaths: Seq[SwaggerApiPath] = apiPathsMap.values.toSeq.sortBy(p => p.path)
// Build registration
* API path refers to a specific path and all the operations for that path
case class SwaggerApiPath(
path: String,
operations: Seq[SwaggerApiOperation])
* Companion object
object SwaggerApiPath {
* Creates a new [[]] for a given path
* For example, the following operations:
* {{{
* GET /pets/{id}
* POST /pets/{id}
* PUT /pets/{id}
* }}}
* maps to 1 SwaggerApiPath `/pets` with 3 operations: `GET`, `POST` and `PUT`
* @param path Unique path
* @param ops HTTP method operations for that unique path
* @param ctx Processing context
def apply(path: String, ops: Seq[RestOperation], ctx: SwaggerContext): SwaggerApiPath = {
val apiOps: Seq[SwaggerApiOperation] = => SwaggerApiOperation(op, ctx))
apiOps.sortBy(f => f.httpMethod))
* API operation refers to a specific HTTP operation that can be performed
* for a path
case class SwaggerApiOperation(
httpMethod: String,
summary: Option[String],
notes: Option[String],
deprecated: Option[Boolean],
responseClass: String,
nickname: String,
parameters: Option[Seq[SwaggerApiParameter]],
errorResponses: Option[Seq[SwaggerApiError]])
* Companion object
object SwaggerApiOperation {
* Creates a new [[]] from a [[]]
* @param op Rest operation to document
* @param ctx Processing context
def apply(op: RestOperation, ctx: SwaggerContext): SwaggerApiOperation = {
val params: Seq[SwaggerApiParameter] = => SwaggerApiParameter(b, ctx))
val errors: Seq[SwaggerApiError] = => SwaggerApiError(e.code, e.reason)).toSeq
val swaggerType: String = op.serializer.dataSerializer match {
case s: VoidDataSerializer =>
case s: ObjectDataSerializer =>
case s: PrimitiveDataSerializer =>
case s: ByteArrayDataSerializer =>
case s: ByteSeqDataSerializer =>
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported DataSerializer: " + op.serializer.dataSerializer.toString)
if (op.registration.description.isEmpty) None else Some(op.registration.description),
if (op.registration.notes.isEmpty) None else Some(op.registration.notes),
if (op.registration.deprecated) Some(true) else None,
if (params.isEmpty) None else Some(params),
if (errors.isEmpty) None else Some(errors.sortBy(e => e.code)))
* API [[ parameter]] refers to a path, body, query string or
* header parameter in a [[]]
case class SwaggerApiParameter(
name: String,
description: Option[String],
paramType: String,
dataType: String,
required: Option[Boolean],
allowableValues: Option[AllowableValues],
allowMultiple: Option[Boolean])
* Companion object
object SwaggerApiParameter {
* Creates a new [[]] for a [[]]
* @param binding parameter binding
* @param ctx Processing context
def apply(binding: RequestParamBinding, ctx: SwaggerContext): SwaggerApiParameter = {
val swaggerParamType: String = binding match {
case _: PathBinding => "path"
case _: QueryStringBinding => "query"
case _: HeaderBinding => "header"
case _: BodyBinding =>
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported RequestParamBinding: " + binding.toString)
val swaggerDataType: String = SwaggerReflector.dataType(binding.tpe)
if (binding.registration.description.isEmpty()) None else Some(binding.registration.description),
if (binding.required) Some(true) else None,
if (binding.registration.allowMultiple) Some(true) else None)
* API error refers to the HTTP response status code and its description
case class SwaggerApiError(code: Int, reason: String)
* A swagger model complex data type's properties
* @param type Swagger data type
* @param description Description of the property
* @param required Boolean to indicate if the property is required. If `None`, `false` is assumed.
* @param allowableValues Optional allowable list or range of values
* @param items Only applicable for containers. Defines the data type of items in a container.
* For primitives, it is `"type":"string"`. For complex types, it is `"ref":"Category"`.
case class SwaggerModelProperty(
`type`: String,
description: Option[String],
required: Option[Boolean],
allowableValues: Option[AllowableValues],
items: Option[Map[String, String]])
* A swagger model complex data type
* @param id Unique id
* @param description description
* @param properties List of properties
case class SwaggerModel(
id: String,
description: Option[String],
properties: Map[String, SwaggerModelProperty])
* Registry of swagger models. Makes sure that we don't output a model more than once.
* @param rm Runtime Mirror
case class SwaggerModelRegistry(rm: ru.Mirror) {
val models: HashMap[String, SwaggerModel] = new HashMap[String, SwaggerModel]()
val typeRestModelMetaData = ru.typeOf[RestModelMetaData]
* Registers a complex type in the swagger model
private def registerComplexType(tpe: ru.Type) = {
// If this is an option, get the base type
val thisType = SwaggerReflector.optionContentType(tpe)
// Add to model if not already added
val name = SwaggerReflector.dataType(thisType)
if (!models.contains(name)) {
// Sub complex types to that may also need reflecting
val subModels = collection.mutable.Set[ru.Type]()
// Get properties meta data
val propertiesMetaData = locatePropertiesMetaData(thisType)
// Get properties of this model
val properties: Map[String, SwaggerModelProperty] =
.filter(s => s.isTerm && !s.isMethod && !s.isMacro)
.map(s => {
val dot = s.fullName.lastIndexOf('.')
val termName = if (dot > 0) s.fullName.substring(dot + 1) else s.fullName
val required = !(s.typeSignature <:< SwaggerReflector.optionAnyRefType)
val termRequired = if (required) Some(true) else None
val (termType: String, items: Map[String, String]) = parsePropertyType(s.typeSignature, subModels)
val termItems = if (items.isEmpty) None else Some(items)
val metaData: Option[RestPropertyMetaData] = propertiesMetaData.find(p => == termName)
val description: Option[String] =
if (metaData.isEmpty) None
else if (metaData.get.description.isEmpty) None
else Some(metaData.get.description)
val allowableValues: Option[AllowableValues] = if (metaData.isEmpty) None else metaData.get.allowableValues
// Return name-value for map
(termName, SwaggerModelProperty(termType, description, termRequired, allowableValues, termItems))
// Add model to registry
val model = SwaggerModel(name, None, properties)
models.put(name, model)
// Add sub-models - we do this after we add to model to cyclical entries
subModels.foreach(sm => register(sm))
* Parse the type of a property and output the Swagger API details
* @param tpe Type to parse
* @param subModels Complex Types and Complex Types within a container are added to this set so that
* they can be registered as a model object for swagger output.
* @return Tuple of swagger data type name and map of swagger container content type. Non container classes
* returns an empty map of container content type.
private def parsePropertyType(tpe: ru.Type, subModels: collection.mutable.Set[ru.Type]): (String, Map[String, String]) = {
if (SwaggerReflector.isPrimitive(tpe)) {
// Primitive
(SwaggerReflector.dataType(tpe), Map.empty[String, String])
} else {
val containerType = SwaggerReflector.containerType(tpe)
if (containerType == "") {
// Complex
(SwaggerReflector.dataType(tpe), Map.empty[String, String])
} else {
// Container
val contentType = SwaggerReflector.containerContentType(tpe)
if (SwaggerReflector.isPrimitive(contentType)) {
// Container of primitives
(containerType, Map[String, String]("type" -> SwaggerReflector.dataType(contentType)))
} else {
// Container of complex types
(containerType, Map[String, String]("$ref" -> SwaggerReflector.dataType(contentType)))
* Finds the companion object of `tpe` and if it extends [[]],
* `modelProperties` is returned.
* @param tpe Type to investigate
* @return Sequence of [[]]. Empty if no extra meta data found.
private def locatePropertiesMetaData(tpe: ru.Type): Seq[RestPropertyMetaData] = {
val cs = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val companionModuleSymbol = cs.companionSymbol.asModule
val moduleType = companionModuleSymbol.typeSignature
if (moduleType <:< typeRestModelMetaData) {
val moduleMirror = rm.reflectModule(companionModuleSymbol)
val companionObj = moduleMirror.instance.asInstanceOf[RestModelMetaData]
} else {
* Determines if we need to register a type as a model. Primitives are ignored.
* @param tpe Type to register
def register(tpe: ru.Type): Unit = {
if (SwaggerReflector.isPrimitive(tpe))
// Ignore primitive
else {
val containerType = SwaggerReflector.containerType(tpe)
if (containerType == "") {
// Register complex type
} else {
// Container type
val contentType = SwaggerReflector.containerContentType(tpe)
if (SwaggerReflector.isPrimitive(contentType))
// Ignore primitive containers
// Register Container of complex types
case class SwaggerContext(config: RestConfig, modelRegistry: SwaggerModelRegistry)
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