kdux.tools.PersistenceEnhancer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kdux.tools
import kdux.KduxMenu
import kdux.caching.CacheUtility
import kdux.log.Logger
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import org.mattshoe.shoebox.kdux.Enhancer
import org.mattshoe.shoebox.kdux.Store
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
* The `PersistenceEnhancer` is an [Enhancer] designed to automatically persist and restore the state of a store.
* This enhancer ensures that the state of the store is saved to a persistent storage medium and restored upon
* initialization, providing durability across application restarts.
* ### Important Details:
* The [key] parameter is used to determine the filename or unique identifier for the stored state. You must ensure that the
* key is unique if multiple stores are being persisted, to avoid conflicts. The [key] can be used to associate user-data to avoid
* exposing the wrong user's data to another, by appending a user-id or otherwise to the key.
* @param State The type representing the state managed by the store. It must be serializable by the provided
* serializer.
* @param Action The type representing the actions that can be dispatched to the store.
* @param key A unique identifier for the persisted state. This is used to determine the filename or key under which the
* state is stored.
* @param serializer A suspend function that serializes the state into the provided [OutputStream]. It must write the
* state in a format that can later be deserialized.
* @param deserializer A function that deserializes the state from the provided [InputStream]. It must return a state
* object that matches the type of the store's state.
* @param fileProvider A function that provides the [File] object where the state will be stored. Defaults to creating a
* `File` based on the key.
* @param outputStreamProvider A function that provides the [OutputStream] for writing the state. Defaults to creating a
* `FileOutputStream` that overwrites the file if it exists.
class PersistenceEnhancer(
private val key: String,
private val serializer: suspend (state: State, outputStream: OutputStream) -> Unit,
private val deserializer: (inputStream: InputStream) -> State,
private val onError: (state: State?, error: Throwable) -> Unit = { s, e -> Logger.get().e("Error while processing $s", e) },
private val fileProvider: (String) -> File = { File(it) },
private val inputStreamProvider: (File) -> InputStream = { it.inputStream() },
private val outputStreamProvider: (String) -> OutputStream = { FileOutputStream(it, false) },
private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO
) : Enhancer {
override fun enhance(store: Store): Store {
return object : Store {
private val mutex = Mutex()
private lateinit var flow: Flow
private val initializationCompleted = CompletableDeferred()
private lateinit var _currentState: () -> State
private val hasInitialValueBeenOverwritten = AtomicBoolean(false)
private val mergedFlow = channelFlow {
if (hasInitialValueBeenOverwritten.get()) {
.onEach {
} else {
).onEach {
init {
try {
val cache = fileProvider(persistentCacheLocation)
if (cache.exists()) {
val inputStream = inputStreamProvider(cache)
val initialValue = deserializer(inputStream)
_currentState = { initialValue }
} else {
flow = store.state
_currentState = { store.currentState }
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
flow = store.state
_currentState = {
onError(null, ex)
} finally {
override val state: Flow
get() = mergedFlow
override val currentState: State
get() = runBlocking {
override suspend fun dispatch(action: Action) {
mutex.withLock {
val currentState = _currentState()
withContext(dispatcher) {
try {
outputStreamProvider(persistentCacheLocation).use {
serializer(currentState, it)
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
onError(currentState, ex)
private val persistentCacheLocation: String
get() = CacheUtility.cacheLocation(key)