kdux.tools.ThrottleEnhancer.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package kdux.tools
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import org.mattshoe.shoebox.kdux.Enhancer
import org.mattshoe.shoebox.kdux.Store
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlin.time.TimeSource
* The `ThrottleEnhancer` is an [Enhancer] that limits the rate at which actions are dispatched.
* It ensures that actions are only dispatched at most once per specified [interval].
* Dispatches are **_not dropped_** if they happen too quickly, they are simply queued up and `dispatch` will suspend
* until the appropriate amount of time has passed. If multiple coroutines attempt to dispatch at once,
* then they are queued up and executed in the order they were dispatched, at the rate of 1 queued dispatch
* per [interval].
* This is useful in scenarios where actions might be dispatched rapidly (e.g., user input events)
* and you want to avoid overwhelming the store or causing unnecessary state updates.
* The enhancer works by delaying subsequent actions if they occur before the defined interval
* has passed since the last dispatched action.
* @param State The type representing the state managed by the store.
* @param Action The type representing the actions that can be dispatched to the store.
* @param interval The minimum time interval between consecutive action dispatches. If an action
* is dispatched before this interval has passed since the last action, it will be delayed.
* Example usage:
* ```kotlin
* val store = store(
* initialState = MyState(),
* reducer = MyReducer()
* ) {
* add(ThrottleEnhancer(500.milliseconds))
* }
* ```
open class ThrottleEnhancer(
private val interval: Duration
): Enhancer {
init {
require(interval > Duration.ZERO) {
"Throttle interval must be greater than zero."
override fun enhance(store: Store): Store {
return object : Store {
private val timeSource = TimeSource.Monotonic
private val now: TimeSource.Monotonic.ValueTimeMark get() = timeSource.markNow()
private var lastDispatch = now.minus(interval)
private val elapsedTime: Duration get() = now.minus(lastDispatch)
private val timeToWait: Duration get() = interval.minus(elapsedTime)
private val mutex = Mutex()
override val name: String
get() = store.name
override val state: Flow
get() = store.state
override val currentState: State
get() = store.currentState
override suspend fun dispatch(action: Action) {
mutex.withLock {
if (timeToWait > Duration.ZERO) {
lastDispatch = now