scala.json.ast.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scala.json
package object ast {
* A regex that will match any valid JSON number for unlimited
* precision
@inline protected[ast] val jNumberRegex: String =
* Finds the hashcode for a numeric JSON string. Will check
* if the number is large enough to fit into a [[Double]] for
* performance reasons, else it will calculate hashcode manually
* by digits
* @author Matthew de Detrich
* @param value
* @return
private[ast] def numericStringHashcode(value: String): Int = {
var result = 31
val length = value.length
var i = 0
if (value(0) == '-') {
// Found a negative, increment by one
result = result * 31 + '-': Int
i = 1
var char = value(i)
// From now on, we can just traverse all the chars
var negativeFlag = false
while (i < length) {
char = value(i)
// if char is e, lowercase it
if ((char | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (value(i + 1) == '-') {
// Found a negative, increment by one
i += 1
char = value(i)
negativeFlag = true
} else if (value(i + 1) == '+') {
// Found a positive, ignore
i += 1
char = value(i)
i += 1
char = value(i)
// Need to skip all leading zeroes, possible with e
while (char == '0' && i < length) {
i += 1
if (i != length)
char =
value(i) // Fencepost, possible that this can be last character
if (i < length) {
if (negativeFlag) {
result = result * 31 + '-': Int
result = 31 * result + 'e': Int
} else if (char == '.') {
i += 1
char = value(i)
while (char == '0' && i < length) {
i += 1
if (i != length)
char =
value(i) // Fencepost, possible that this can be last character
if (i < length) {
result =
31 * result + '.': Int // The decimal is not finishing with a 0
} else {
result = 31 * result + char: Int
i += 1
/** Tests two non-empty strings for equality, assuming both are decimal representations of numbers.
* Note: if the two strings are NOT decimal representations of numbers, the results of this method are undefined.
* (It is likely but not guaranteed that the method will return `false` even if the two strings are identical.)
* Many thanks for @Ichoran (https://github.com/Ichoran) for the implementation
* @author Rex Kerr
* @see https://github.com/Ichoran/kse/blob/master/src/main/scala/jsonal/Jast.scala#L683-L917
private[ast] def numericStringEquals(a: String, b: String): Boolean = {
var i = 0 // Index for a
var j = 0 // Index for b
if (a.length < 1 || b.length < 1) return false
if (a.charAt(0) == '-') i += 1
if (b.charAt(0) == '-') j += 1
if (i >= a.length || j >= b.length) return false
var ca = a.charAt(i) // Character at index of a
var cb = b.charAt(j) // Character at index of b
if (i != j) {
// Different signs. They'd better both be zero
return {
if (ca == '0' && cb == '0') {
while (i < a.length - 1 && (ca == '0' || ca == '.')) {
i += 1; ca = a.charAt(i)
while (j < b.length - 1 && (cb == '0' || cb == '.')) {
j += 1; cb = b.charAt(j)
((i == a.length - 1 && ca == '0') || (ca | 0x20) == 'e') &&
((j == b.length - 1 && cb == '0') || (cb | 0x20) == 'e')
} else false
var pa = 0 // Decimal point position for a
var pb = 0 // Decimal point position for b
if (ca == '0') {
pa = -1
if (i < a.length - 1) {
val x = a.charAt(i + 1)
if ((x | 0x20) != 'e') {
if (x != '.') return false
else if (i < a.length - 2) {
i += 2
ca = a.charAt(i)
while (ca == '0' && i < a.length - 1) {
i += 1; ca = a.charAt(i); pa -= 1
if (cb == '0') {
pb = -1
if (j < b.length - 1) {
val y = b.charAt(j + 1)
if ((y | 0x20) != 'e') {
if (y != '.') return false
else if (j < b.length - 2) {
j += 2
cb = b.charAt(j)
while (cb == '0' && j < b.length - 1) {
j += 1; cb = b.charAt(j); pb -= 1
// Might both be zero. Check! (Can ignore exponents when both values are zero.)
if (ca < '1' || ca > '9') return cb < '1' || cb > '9'
var fa = pa < 0 // Found a's decimal point?
var fb = pb < 0 // Found b's decimal point?
while (ca == cb && (ca | 0x20) != 'e' && i < a.length - 1 &&
j < b.length - 1) {
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
if (!fa) {
pa += 1
if (ca == '.') {
fa = true
if (i < a.length - 1) {
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
if (!fb) {
pb += 1
if (cb == '.') {
fb = true
if (j < b.length - 1) {
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
if (ca != cb && (ca | 0x20) != 'e' && (cb | 0x20) != 'e') return false // Digits simply disagree
// Capture any trailing zeros
if (!(i >= a.length - 1 && j >= b.length - 1)) {
if (j >= b.length - 1 || (cb | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (j >= b.length - 1) {
if (!fb) pb += 1
// Advance a off the end, make sure it's all zeros
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
if (!fa) {
pa += 1
if (ca == '.') {
fa = true
if (i < a.length - 1) {
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
while (i < a.length - 1 && ca == '0') {
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
if (!fa) {
pa += 1
if (ca == '.') {
fa = true
if (i < a.length - 1) {
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
if (ca >= '1' && ca <= '9') return false // Extra digits on a
} else if (i >= a.length - 1 || (ca | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (i >= a.length - 1) {
if (!fa) pa += 1
// Advance b off the end, make sure it's all zeros
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
if (!fb) {
pb += 1
if (cb == '.') {
fb = true
if (j < b.length - 1) {
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
while (j < b.length - 1 && cb == '0') {
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
if (!fb) {
pb += 1
if (cb == '.') {
fb = true
if (j < b.length - 1) {
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
if (cb >= '1' && cb <= '9') return false // Extra digits on b
if (pa > 0) pa -= 1
if (pb > 0) pb -= 1
if ((ca | 0x20) == 'e' && (cb | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (i >= a.length - 1) return false
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
val nega =
if (ca == '-' || ca == '+') {
val ans = ca == '-'
if (i >= a.length - 1) return false
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
} else false
if (j >= b.length - 1) return false
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
val negb =
if (cb == '-' || cb == '+') {
val ans = cb == '-'
if (j >= b.length - 1) return false
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
} else false
if (a.length - i < 10 && b.length - j < 10) {
val ea = a.substring(i).toInt
val eb = b.substring(j).toInt
(if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb) == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else if (a.length - i < 18 && b.length - j < 18) {
val ea = a.substring(i).toLong
val eb = b.substring(j).toLong
(if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb) == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else {
val ea = BigInt(a.substring(i))
val eb = BigInt(b.substring(j))
(if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb) == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else if ((ca | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (i >= a.length - 1) return false
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
val nega =
if (ca == '-' || ca == '+') {
val ans = ca == '-'
if (i >= a.length - 1) return false
i += 1
ca = a.charAt(i)
} else false
if (a.length - i < 10) {
val ea = a.substring(i).toInt
pb == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else if (a.length - i < 18) {
val ea = a.substring(i).toLong
pb == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else {
val ea = BigInt(a.substring(i))
pb == (if (nega) pa - ea else pa + ea)
} else if ((cb | 0x20) == 'e') {
if (j >= b.length - 1) return false
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
val negb =
if (cb == '-' || cb == '+') {
val ans = cb == '-'
if (j >= b.length - 1) return false
j += 1
cb = b.charAt(j)
} else false
if (b.length - j < 10) {
val eb = b.substring(j).toInt
pa == (if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb)
} else if (b.length - j < 18) {
val eb = b.substring(j).toLong
pa == (if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb)
} else {
val eb = BigInt(b.substring(j))
pa == (if (negb) pb - eb else pb + eb)
} else pa == pb
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