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mds.wave.Grid Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 7.139.60
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package mds.wave;

/* $Id$ */
import java.awt.*;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

public class Grid implements Serializable
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	static final long dayMilliSeconds = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
	final static int IS_X = 0, IS_Y = 1;
	public final static int IS_DOTTED = 0;
	public static final int IS_GRAY = 1;
	public static final int IS_NONE = 2;
	public static final int MAX_GRID = 10;
	public final static String GRID_MODE[] =
	{ "Dotted", "Gray", "None" };

	static public double evalStep(double min, double max, int numStep)
		final double delta = Math.abs(max - min);
		final int pow = (int) Math.log10(delta) - 1;
		return 2. * Math.pow(10, pow);

	public static void main(String args[])

	WaveformMetrics wm;
	boolean reversed = false;
	int x_dim, y_dim;
	double x_values[], y_values[], x_step, y_step;
	int grid_step_x, grid_step_y;
	int mode;
	boolean int_ylabels, int_xlabels;
	Font font;
	int label_width, label_height, label_descent, num_x_steps, num_y_steps;
	String x_label, y_label, title, error;
	double xmax;
	boolean xAxisHMS = false;

	public Grid(double xmax, double ymax, double xmin, double ymin, boolean xlog, boolean ylog, int mode,
			String x_label, String y_label, String title, String error, int grid_step_x, int grid_step_y,
			boolean int_xlabels, boolean int_ylabels, boolean reversed)
		this.reversed = reversed;
		this.mode = mode;
		this.x_label = x_label;
		this.y_label = y_label;
		this.title = title;
		this.error = error;
		this.grid_step_x = grid_step_x;
		this.grid_step_y = grid_step_y;
		this.int_xlabels = int_xlabels;
		this.int_ylabels = int_ylabels;
		font = null;
		x_values = new double[50];
		y_values = new double[50];
		this.xmax = xmax;
		x_dim = BuildGrid(x_values, IS_X, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin, xlog, ylog);
		y_dim = BuildGrid(y_values, IS_Y, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin, xlog, ylog);

	private int BuildGrid(double val[], int mode, double xmax, double ymax, double xmin, double ymin, boolean xlog,
			boolean ylog)
		if (ymax <= ymin)
			ymax = ymin + 1E-10;
		if (xmax <= xmin)
			xmax = xmin + 1E-10;
		double step, curr, curr_max, curr_min, xrange = xmax - xmin, yrange = ymax - ymin;
		boolean greater = false;
		int grid_step;
		int count = 0, i, num_steps;
		if (xrange <= 0)
			xrange = 1E-3;
		if (yrange <= 0)
			yrange = 1E-3;
		if (mode == IS_X)
			grid_step = grid_step_x;
			curr_max = xmax + 0.1 * xrange;
			curr_min = xmin - 0.1 * xrange;
			step = (xmax - xmin) / grid_step;
			grid_step = grid_step_y;
			curr_max = ymax + 0.1 * yrange;
			curr_min = ymin - 0.1 * yrange;
			step = (ymax - ymin) / grid_step;
		if (step > 1)
			greater = true;
			while (step / 10. > 1.)
				step /= 10;
			greater = false;
			while (step < 1 && step > 0)
				step *= 10;
		step = ((int) step);
		num_steps = (int) step;
		if (greater)
			for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
				step *= 10;
			for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
				step /= 10;
		curr = (long) (curr_min / step) * step;
		if (curr > curr_min)
			curr -= (long) ((curr - curr_min) / step) * step;
		while (curr >= curr_min)
			curr -= step;
		for (i = 0; i < 50 && curr < curr_max + step; i++)
			val[i] = (long) (curr / step + 0.5) * step;
			if (val[i] < step / 100 && val[i] > -step / 100)
				val[i] = 0;
			curr += step;
		if (mode == IS_X)
			x_step = step / num_steps;
			num_x_steps = num_steps;
			y_step = step / num_steps;
			num_y_steps = num_steps;
		return i;

	public long calculateDifference(Date a, Date b)
		final Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
		// GABcal1.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00"));
		cal1.set(cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal1.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 23, 59, 59);
		final Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
		// GABcal2.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00"));
		cal2.set(cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal2.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 0, 0, 0);
		final long diffMillis = cal2.getTimeInMillis() - cal1.getTimeInMillis();
		if (diffMillis < 0)
			return 0;
		return 1 + diffMillis / dayMilliSeconds;

	public Rectangle GetBoundingBox(Dimension d)
		return new Rectangle(label_width, 0, d.width - label_width + 1, d.height - label_height + 1);

	public void GetLimits(Graphics g, Rectangle lim_rect, boolean ylog)
		int label_width, label_height, curr_dim;
		FontMetrics fm;
		fm = g.getFontMetrics();
		if (int_xlabels)
			label_height = 1;
			if (x_label != null)
				label_height = 2 * fm.getHeight();
				label_height = fm.getHeight();
		label_width = 0;
		if (!int_ylabels)
			for (int i = 0; i < y_dim; i++)
				curr_dim = fm.stringWidth(Waveform.ConvertToString(y_values[i], ylog));
				if (label_width < curr_dim)
					label_width = curr_dim;
			if (y_label != null)
				label_width += fm.getHeight();
		lim_rect.width = label_width;
		lim_rect.height = label_height;

	public void paint(Graphics g, Dimension d, Waveform w, WaveformMetrics wm)
		int i, j, dim, curr_dim;
		Color prev_col;
		FontMetrics fm;
		double curr_step;
		String curr_string;
		String curr_date_string = null;
		String prev_date_string = "";
		if (reversed)
		this.wm = wm;
		fm = g.getFontMetrics();
		if (int_xlabels)
			label_height = 0;
			label_height = /* 2 * */ fm.getHeight();
		label_descent = fm.getDescent();
		label_width = 0;
		if (!int_ylabels && wm != null)
			for (i = 0; i < y_dim; i++)
				curr_dim = fm.stringWidth(Waveform.ConvertToString(y_values[i], wm.YLog()));
				if (label_width < curr_dim)
					label_width = curr_dim;
			if (y_label != null)
				label_width += fm.getHeight();
//		label_width -= fm.charWidth(' ');
		prev_col = g.getColor();
		if (wm != null)
			for (i = 0; i < y_dim; i++)
				dim = wm.YPixel(y_values[i], d);
				switch (mode)
				case IS_DOTTED:
					if (dim <= d.height - label_height)
						for (j = label_width; j < d.width; j += 4)
							g.fillRect(j, dim, 1, 1);
				case IS_GRAY:
					if (dim <= d.height - label_height)
						g.drawLine(label_width, dim, d.width, dim);
				case IS_NONE:
					if (dim <= d.height - label_height)
						g.drawLine(label_width + 3, dim, d.width / 80 + label_width + 3, dim);
						g.drawLine(d.width - d.width / 80, dim, d.width, dim);
					if (i == y_dim - 1)
					if (wm.YLog())
						curr_step = (y_values[i + 1] - y_values[i]) / num_y_steps;
						curr_step = y_step;
					for (j = 1; j <= num_y_steps; j++)
						curr_dim = wm.YPixel(y_values[i] + j * curr_step, d);
						if (curr_dim <= d.height - label_height)
							g.drawLine(label_width + 3, curr_dim, label_width + d.width / 100 + 3, curr_dim);
							g.drawLine(d.width - d.width / 100, curr_dim, d.width, curr_dim);
				if (dim <= d.height - label_height)
					curr_dim = dim + fm.getHeight() / 2;
					if ((curr_dim - fm.getAscent() >= 0) && (curr_dim + fm.getDescent() <= d.height))
						int ylabel_offset = 1;
						if (y_label != null)
							ylabel_offset = fm.getHeight();
						if (int_ylabels)
							if (mode == Grid.IS_NONE)
								ylabel_offset += d.width / 40;
								ylabel_offset = 2;
						g.drawString(Waveform.ConvertToString(y_values[i], wm.YLog()), ylabel_offset + 1, curr_dim);
			int prevIdx;
			String currStringSubSec = "";
			for (i = prevIdx = 0; i < x_dim; i++)
				dim = wm.XPixel(x_values[i], d);
				switch (mode)
				case IS_DOTTED:
					if (dim >= label_width)
						for (j = 0; j < d.height - label_height; j += 4)
							g.fillRect(dim, j, 1, 1);
				case IS_GRAY:
					if (dim >= label_width)
						g.drawLine(dim, 0, dim, d.height - label_height);
				case IS_NONE:
					if (dim >= label_width)
						g.drawLine(dim, 2, dim, d.height / 40);
						g.drawLine(dim, d.height - label_height - d.height / 40, dim, d.height - label_height);
					if (i == x_dim - 1)
					if (wm.XLog())
						curr_step = (x_values[i + 1] - x_values[i]) / num_x_steps;
						curr_step = x_step;
					for (j = 1; j <= num_x_steps; j++)
						final double val = x_values[i] + j * curr_step;
						curr_dim = wm.XPixel(val, d);
						if (curr_dim >= label_width)
							g.drawLine(curr_dim, 2, curr_dim, d.height / 80);
							g.drawLine(curr_dim, d.height - label_height - d.height / 80, curr_dim,
									d.height - label_height);
					g.drawRect(label_width + 3, 2, d.width - label_width - 3, d.height - label_height - 2);
				if (xAxisHMS)
						final long datel = toMillis(x_values[i]);
						final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
						// GABdf.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));
						// df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());
						final DateFormat dfSubSec = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
						// --dfSubSec.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));
						// GABdfSubSec.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());
						if (datel <= dayMilliSeconds)
							// if the date to convert is in the date 1 Jan 1970
							// is whown only the huor and the time xone must be set
							// to GTM to avoid to add the hours of the time zone
							df.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));
							dfSubSec.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));
						final Date date = new Date();
						currStringSubSec = dfSubSec.format(date);
						curr_string = df.format(date);
						final DateFormat df1 = new SimpleDateFormat("d-MMM-yyyy");
						// --df1.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));
						// GABdf1.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());
						final String new_date_string = df1.format(date);
						if (i == 0 || !new_date_string.equals(prev_date_string))
							curr_date_string = prev_date_string = new_date_string;
							curr_date_string = null;
						if (i < x_dim - 1)
							final long num_day = calculateDifference(new Date(toMillis(x_values[i])),
									new Date(toMillis(x_values[i + 1])));
							if (num_day != 0)
								final Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance();
								// ca.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+00"));
								ca.set(ca.get(Calendar.YEAR), ca.get(Calendar.MONTH), ca.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 1,
										0, 0);
								for (int dd = 0; dd < num_day; dd++)
									final long timeMillis = ca.getTimeInMillis();
									if (timeMillis < xmax)
										final Color c = g.getColor();
										curr_dim = wm.XPixel(timeMillis, d);
										if (curr_dim >= label_width)
											// g.drawLine(curr_dim, 0, curr_dim,d.height - label_height); case
											// IS_DOTTED:
											for (j = 0; j < d.height - label_height; j += 7)
												g.fillRect(curr_dim, j, 1, 5);
									ca.set(ca.get(Calendar.YEAR), ca.get(Calendar.MONTH),
											ca.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 1, 0, 0);
					catch (final Exception exc)
						curr_string = Waveform.ConvertToString(x_values[i], wm.XLog());
					curr_string = Waveform.ConvertToString(x_values[i], wm.XLog());
				curr_dim = dim - fm.stringWidth(curr_string) / 2;
				if (curr_dim >= label_width && dim + fm.stringWidth(curr_string) / 2 < d.width)
					if (xAxisHMS && i > 0 && toMillis(x_values[i] - x_values[prevIdx]) < 1000)
						g.drawString(currStringSubSec, curr_dim, d.height - fm.getHeight() / 10 - label_descent);
						g.drawString(curr_string, curr_dim, d.height - fm.getHeight() / 10 - label_descent);
					prevIdx = i;
				if (curr_date_string != null)
					curr_dim = dim - fm.stringWidth(curr_date_string) / 2;
					if (curr_dim >= label_width && dim + fm.stringWidth(curr_string) / 2 < d.width)
						g.drawString(curr_date_string, curr_dim,
								d.height - fm.getHeight() - 2 * fm.getHeight() / 10 - label_descent);
		} // End if check is_image
		if (x_label != null && x_label.length() != 0)
			g.drawString(x_label, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(x_label)) / 2, d.height - label_descent - fm.getHeight());
		if (y_label != null && y_label.length() != 0)
			final Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
			final double x_tra = 4 + fm.getHeight();
			final double y_tra = (d.height + fm.stringWidth(y_label)) / 2;
			final double angle = Math.PI / 2.0;
			g2d.translate(x_tra, y_tra);
			g2d.drawString(y_label, 0, 0);
			g2d.translate(-x_tra, -y_tra);
		if (title != null && title.length() != 0)
			g.drawString(title, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(title)) / 2, fm.getAscent() + d.height / 40);
		if (error != null && error.length() != 0)
			int y_pos = 0;
			if (title != null && title.trim().length() != 0)
				y_pos = fm.getHeight();
			g.drawString(error, (d.width - fm.stringWidth(error)) / 2, y_pos + fm.getAscent() + d.height / 40);

	public void setLabels(String title, String x_label, String y_label)
		this.title = title;
		this.x_label = x_label;
		this.y_label = y_label;

	void SetReversed(boolean reversed)
		this.reversed = reversed;

	public void setXaxisHMS(boolean xAxisHMS)
	{ this.xAxisHMS = xAxisHMS; }

	private long toMillis(double xin)
	/* converts ns into ms if necessary */
		if (xin > 2E13)
			xin = xin / 1E6;
		return (long) xin;

	public void updateValues(String x_label, String y_label, String title, String error, int grid_step_x,
			int grid_step_y, boolean int_xlabels, boolean int_ylabels, boolean reversed)
		this.reversed = reversed;
		this.x_label = x_label;
		this.y_label = y_label;
		this.title = title;
		this.error = error;
		this.grid_step_x = grid_step_x;
		this.grid_step_y = grid_step_y;
		this.int_xlabels = int_xlabels;
		this.int_ylabels = int_ylabels;

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