org.metacsp.framework.meta.MetaConstraintSolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.metacsp.framework.meta;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.metacsp.framework.Constraint;
import org.metacsp.framework.ConstraintNetwork;
import org.metacsp.framework.ConstraintSolver;
import org.metacsp.framework.Variable;
import org.metacsp.framework.multi.MultiConstraintSolver;
import org.metacsp.meta.TCSP.TCSPSolver;
import org.metacsp.meta.symbolsAndTime.Scheduler;
import org.metacsp.throwables.NoFocusDefinedException;
import org.metacsp.utility.UI.SearchTreeFrame;
import org.metacsp.utility.logging.MetaCSPLogging;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DelegateForest;
* A meta-CSP is a high-level CSP whose variables and/or constraints are defined implicitly. These
* variables and constraints are called meta-variables and meta-constraints. They typically represent
* the elements of a higher-level problem defined over a so.called ground-CSP. Many known problems
* can be cast as meta-CSPs. For instance, a resource scheduling problem is a meta-CSP whose
* meta-variables are sets of possibly concurrent activities that over-consume a resource. These
* activities are themselves variables in a ground-CSP which decides their placement in time
* according to temporal constraints. The activities and temporal constraints are, respectively,
* the variables and constraints of the ground-CSP, while the sets of possibly overlapping
* and over-consuming activities are meta-variables in the meta-CSP. The constraints of the meta-CSP
* (meta-constraints) are the resources themselves.
* Solving a meta-CSP consists in finding values for the meta-variables such that no meta-constraint
* is violated. The values of meta-variables are {@link ConstraintNetwork}s - i.e., variables and
* constraints which should be posted to the ground-CSP(s) in order to satisfy the meta-constraints.
* In resource scheduling for instance, a value of a meta-variable is a temporal constraint that
* eliminates the temporal overlap of the concurrent over-consuming activities.
* This class provides the fundamental mechanisms to define and solve a meta-CSP. It implements
* a backtracking search over the search space defined by meta-variables, meta-values and
* meta-constraints. Examples of concrete {@link MetaConstraintSolver}s that implement this
* class are given in this framework (e.g., the {@link TCSPSolver}, which implements
* a Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problem solver as a meta-CSP, and the {@link Scheduler}, which
* implements the ESTA algorithm for solving resource scheduling problems).
* This class also provides limited support for constraint optimization through branch-and-bound.
* @author Federico Pecora
public abstract class MetaConstraintSolver extends MultiConstraintSolver {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7343190680692608215L;
protected Vector metaConstraints = null;
protected DelegateForest g;
protected MetaVariable currentVertex = null;
protected boolean breakSearch = false;
protected HashMap metaVarsToMetaCons;
protected HashMap resolvers;
protected HashMap resolversInverseMapping;
protected long animationTime = 0;
protected int counterMoves;
protected FocusConstraint currentFocus = null;
private Vector> backedUpCNs = new Vector>();
//private Vector> statesAlongCurrentBranch = new Vector>();
public MetaConstraint[] getMetaConstraints() {
return this.metaConstraints.toArray(new MetaConstraint[this.metaConstraints.size()]);
* Get the final list of resolvers (meta-values) added to the ground-CSP(s)
* for obtaining a solution to the meta-CSP.
* @return List of resolvers that were added to obtain the solution of the
* meta-CSP.
public ConstraintNetwork[] getAddedResolvers() {
Collection ret = resolvers.values();
return ret.toArray(new ConstraintNetwork[ret.size()]);
* Retract all resolvers added to the ground-CSP(s) in order to obtain the
* current solution to the meta-CSP. This is useful if one wants to "reset"
* the meta-CSP to its original unsolved state.
public void retractResolvers() {
Set vars = resolvers.keySet();
for (ConstraintNetwork var : vars) {
ConstraintNetwork value = resolvers.get(var);
logger.fine("=== ||| === Retracting value: " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints()));
this.retractResolver(var, value);
this.resolvers = new HashMap();
this.resolversInverseMapping = new HashMap();
* Clear memory of all resolvers added to the ground-CSP(s) in order to obtain the
* current solution to the meta-CSP. This is useful if one wants to restart solving
* from the current solved state. Note that resolvers are not retracted - to "reset"
* the meta-CSP to its original unsolved state, use method {@link MetaConstraintSolver#retractResolvers()}.
public void clearResolvers() {
this.resolvers = new HashMap();
this.metaVarsToMetaCons = new HashMap();
protected class TerminalNode extends MetaVariable {
private boolean success;
public TerminalNode(boolean success) {
super(null, null);
this.success = success;
public String toString() {
if (success) return "SUCCESS";
return "FAILURE";
protected MetaConstraintSolver(Class>[] constraintTypes, long animationTime, ConstraintSolver ... internalSolvers) {
super(constraintTypes, MetaVariable.class, internalSolvers, null);
g = new DelegateForest();
this.animationTime = animationTime;
this.resolvers = new HashMap();
this.metaVarsToMetaCons= new HashMap();
this.resolversInverseMapping = new HashMap();
* Method to add a {@link MetaConstraint} to this meta-CSP solver.
* @param metaConstraint The {@link MetaConstraint} to add.
public void addMetaConstraint(MetaConstraint metaConstraint) {
if (this.metaConstraints == null) this.metaConstraints = new Vector();
// here the metaConstraint is added
// the meta constraint now refers to the MetaConstraintSolver
boolean found = false;
// Here I simply check if the type of the metaConstraint is already taken into account,
// otherwise the array of types is extended
for (Class> cl : this.constraintTypes) if (cl.equals(metaConstraint.getClass())) found = true;
if (!found) {
Class>[] newConstraintTypes = new Class>[this.constraintTypes.length+1];
for (int i = 0; i < this.constraintTypes.length; i++) newConstraintTypes[i] = this.constraintTypes[i];
newConstraintTypes[this.constraintTypes.length] = metaConstraint.getClass();
this.constraintTypes = newConstraintTypes;
protected MetaVariable getConflict() {
if(this.metaConstraints==null) return null;
for (MetaConstraint df : this.metaConstraints) {
ConstraintNetwork cn = df.getMetaVariable();
if (cn != null)
return new MetaVariable(df, cn);
return null;
* Implement this method to define any extra operations that should be performed
* before backtracking over a {@link MetaVariable} (and before it is even chosen).
public abstract void preBacktrack();
* Implement this method to define any extra operations that should be performed
* after branching over a {@link MetaVariable}.
* @param metaVariable The {@link MetaVariable} that has been branched upon.
public abstract void postBacktrack(MetaVariable metaVariable);
* Initiates CSP-style backtracking search on the meta-CSP.
* @return true
iff a set of assignments to all {@link MetaVariable}s which
* satisfies the {@link MetaConstraint}s was found.
public boolean backtrack() {
g = new DelegateForest();"Starting search...");
// preBacktrack();
MetaVariable conflict = null;
if ((conflict = this.getConflict()) != null) {
currentVertex = conflict;
if (backtrackHelper(conflict)) {
// postBacktrack();"... solution found");
return true;
// postBacktrack();
return false;
// postBacktrack();"... no conflicts found");
return true;
//FPA: Is this used? Seems not... please remove! (Iran: it is used for hybrid planner benchmarking)
private boolean timeout = false;
public boolean getTimeOut(){
return timeout;
private boolean backtrackHelper(MetaVariable metaVariable) {
if (this.g.getRoot() == null) this.g.addVertex(currentVertex);
ConstraintNetwork mostProblematicNetwork = metaVariable.getConstraintNetwork();
logger.fine("Solving conflict: " + metaVariable);
ConstraintNetwork[] values = metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().getMetaValues(metaVariable);
if (values != null) for (ConstraintNetwork value : values) value.setAnnotation(metaVariable);
if (metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH != null && values!=null) {
//System.out.println("SORTING with " + metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH.getClass());
Arrays.sort(values, metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH);
if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
this.g.addEdge(new NullConstraintNetwork(null), currentVertex, new TerminalNode(false));
logger.fine("Failure (1)...");
else {
for (ConstraintNetwork value : values) {
if (animationTime != 0) {
try { Thread.sleep(animationTime); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
String valString = "";
if (value.getVariables().length != 0) valString += "Vars = " + Arrays.toString(value.getVariables());
if (value.getConstraints().length != 0) valString += " Cons = " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints());
logger.fine("Trying value: " + valString);
if (this.addResolver(mostProblematicNetwork, value)) {
this.resolvers.put(mostProblematicNetwork, value);
this.metaVarsToMetaCons.put(mostProblematicNetwork, metaVariable.getMetaConstraint());
metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().markResolvedSub(metaVariable, value);
MetaVariable newConflict = this.getConflict();
if (newConflict == null || breakSearch) {
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, new TerminalNode(true));
breakSearch = false;
return true;
// addEdege(e,v,v)
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, newConflict);
currentVertex = newConflict;
if (backtrackHelper(newConflict)) return true;
logger.fine("Retracting value: " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints()));
this.retractResolver(mostProblematicNetwork, value);
else {
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, new TerminalNode(false));
logger.fine("Failure... (2)");
currentVertex = this.g.getParent(currentVertex);
return false;
* Service method for backtracking with serialization-based saving of {@link ConstraintNetwork}s.
* This method backs up {@link ConstraintNetwork}s before branching.
private HashMap backupCNs(MultiConstraintSolver conSol) {
//Here we want to save the CNs
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
HashMap currentLevel = new HashMap();
try {
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
for (ConstraintSolver cs : conSol.getConstraintSolvers()) {
logger.finest("Backing up CN of " + cs.getClass().getSimpleName());
ConstraintNetwork cn = cs.getConstraintNetwork();
byte[] backup = bos.toByteArray();
if (cs instanceof MultiConstraintSolver) {
//System.out.println("RECURSIVE on " + cs.getClass().getSimpleName());
HashMap lower = backupCNs((MultiConstraintSolver)cs);
return currentLevel;
catch (NotSerializableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return null;
* Service method for backtracking with serialization-based saving of {@link ConstraintNetwork}s.
* This method reinstates old {@link ConstraintNetwork}s after backtraking.
private void restoreCNs() {
HashMap backup = backedUpCNs.lastElement();
for (Entry entry : backup.entrySet()) {
byte[] backedUpNetwork = entry.getValue();
ConstraintSolver cs = entry.getKey();
logger.finest("Restoring CN of " + cs.getClass().getSimpleName());
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(backedUpNetwork);
ObjectInputStream in = null;
try {
in = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
ConstraintNetwork old = (ConstraintNetwork)in.readObject();
catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
backup.clear();"backup queue: " + (backedUpCNs.size()+1) + " --> " + backedUpCNs.size());
* This backtrack method uses serialization to back up {@link ConstraintNetwork}s before branching. This allows to
* backtrack without propagation - but is very memory intensive. In practice, this does not work on reasonably
* sized problems.
private boolean backtrackHelperWithSerialization(MetaVariable metaVariable) {
if (this.g.getRoot() == null) this.g.addVertex(currentVertex);
ConstraintNetwork mostProblematicNetwork = metaVariable.getConstraintNetwork();
logger.fine("Solving conflict: " + metaVariable);
ConstraintNetwork[] values = metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().getMetaValues(metaVariable);
if (metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH != null && values!=null) Arrays.sort(values, metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH);
if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
this.g.addEdge(new NullConstraintNetwork(null), currentVertex, new TerminalNode(false));
logger.fine("Failure (1)...");
else {
for (ConstraintNetwork value : values) {
if (animationTime != 0) {
try { Thread.sleep(animationTime); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
String valString = "";
if (value.getVariables().length != 0) valString += "Vars = " + Arrays.toString(value.getVariables());
if (value.getConstraints().length != 0) valString += " Cons = " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints());
logger.fine("Trying value: " + valString);
/*** PRINT INFO ***/
long sizeOfBackup = 0;
for (HashMap oneHM : backedUpCNs) {
for (byte[] oneCN : oneHM.values())
sizeOfBackup += oneCN.length;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");"Current backup size: " + df.format((sizeOfBackup/1024.00)) + " KB");
/*** END PRINT INFO ***/
if (this.addResolver(mostProblematicNetwork, value)) {
this.resolvers.put(mostProblematicNetwork, value);
metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().markResolvedSub(metaVariable, value);
MetaVariable newConflict = this.getConflict();
if (newConflict == null || breakSearch) {
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, new TerminalNode(true));
breakSearch = false;
return true;
// addEdege(e,v,v)
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, newConflict);
currentVertex = newConflict;
if (backtrackHelper(newConflict)) return true;
logger.fine("Retracting value: " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints()));
//this.retractResolver(mostProblematicNetwork, value);
this.retractResolverSub(mostProblematicNetwork, value);
else {
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, new TerminalNode(false));
logger.fine("Failure... (2)");
currentVertex = this.g.getParent(currentVertex);
return false;
protected final boolean addResolver(ConstraintNetwork metaVarConstraintNetwork, ConstraintNetwork resolverNetwork) {
if (!this.addResolverSub(metaVarConstraintNetwork, resolverNetwork)) return false;
Constraint[] resolverNetworkConstraints = resolverNetwork.getConstraints();
HashMap> solvers2constraints =
new HashMap>();
for (Constraint c : resolverNetworkConstraints) {
if (!solvers2constraints.containsKey(c.getScope()[0].getConstraintSolver())) {
Vector newVec = new Vector();
solvers2constraints.put(c.getScope()[0].getConstraintSolver(), newVec);
Vector addedConstraints = new Vector();
for (ConstraintSolver cs : solvers2constraints.keySet()) {
Constraint[] toAddOneSolver =
solvers2constraints.get(cs).toArray(new Constraint[solvers2constraints.get(cs).size()]);
if (cs.addConstraints(toAddOneSolver)) addedConstraints.add(toAddOneSolver);
else {
for (Constraint[] toDel : addedConstraints) {
this.retractResolverSub(metaVarConstraintNetwork, resolverNetwork);
return false;
return true;
protected final void retractResolver(ConstraintNetwork metaVar, ConstraintNetwork res) {
this.logger.finest("Retracting resolver:");
this.logger.finest(" MetaVariable: " + metaVar.toString());
this.logger.finest(" MetaValue: " + res.toString());
Constraint[] groundConstraints = res.getConstraints();
HashMap> solvers2constraints = new HashMap>();
for (Constraint c : groundConstraints) {
if (!solvers2constraints.containsKey(c.getScope()[0].getConstraintSolver())) {
Vector newVec = new Vector();
solvers2constraints.put(c.getScope()[0].getConstraintSolver(), newVec);
for (ConstraintSolver cs : solvers2constraints.keySet()) {
Constraint[] toAddOneSolver = solvers2constraints.get(cs).toArray(new Constraint[solvers2constraints.get(cs).size()]);
this.retractResolverSub(metaVar, res);
this.logger.finest("Done retracting resolver.");
public boolean propagate() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
* Implement this method to define any extra operations that should happen
* after retracting a meta-value in the meta-CSP search (e.g., when backtracking).
* @param metaVariable The {@link MetaVariable} over which backtracking occurs.
* @param metaValue The meta-value that has been retracted.
protected abstract void retractResolverSub(ConstraintNetwork metaVariable, ConstraintNetwork metaValue);
* Implement this method to define any additional operations that should happen before
* adding a meta-value in the meta-CSP search (e.g., when branching).
* @param metaVariable The {@link MetaVariable} over which the search is branching.
* @param metaValue The meta-value that has been selected (the branch).
* @return true
iff the metavalue is consistent with the ground-CSP (Note: if false
is returned, the ground-CSP has not been changed, i.e., it is left in a consistent state.)
protected abstract boolean addResolverSub(ConstraintNetwork metaVariable, ConstraintNetwork metaValue);
* Get all the {@link Variable}s of all ground solvers used by this {@link MetaConstraintSolver}.
* @return The list of variables for each ground solver.
public HashMap getGroundVariables() {
HashMap ret = new HashMap();
for (ConstraintSolver cs : this.constraintSolvers) {
ret.put(cs, cs.getVariables());
return ret;
* Draws the search space of the meta-CSP.
public void draw() {
* Get all the ground constraint solvers of this meta-CSP.
* @return All ground constraint solvers of this meta-CSP.
public ConstraintSolver[] getConstraintSolvers() {
return this.constraintSolvers;
* Interrupt the current meta-CSP search.
public void breakSearch() { breakSearch = true; }
* Perform branch-and-bound search for an optimal solution to this meta-CSP. The cost
* of assignments is defined in the implementing class through the upper/lower-bound getter and
* setter methods.
* @return true
iff IRAN: complete this please!
public boolean branchAndBound() {
g = new DelegateForest();
//graph = new ObservableGraph(g);"Starting search...");
// preBacktrack();
MetaVariable con = null;
if ((con = this.getConflict()) != null) {
currentVertex = con;
if (branchAndBoundHelper(con)) {
// postBacktrack();"... solution found");
return true;
// postBacktrack();
return false;
// postBacktrack();"... no conflicts found");
return true;
private boolean branchAndBoundHelper(MetaVariable metaVariable) {
if(metaVariable == null)
return false;
if (this.g.getRoot() == null) this.g.addVertex(currentVertex);
ConstraintNetwork cn = metaVariable.getConstraintNetwork();
logger.fine("Solving conflict: " + metaVariable);
ConstraintNetwork[] values = metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().getMetaValues(metaVariable);
if (metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH != null) Arrays.sort(values, metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().valOH);
if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
this.g.addEdge(new NullConstraintNetwork(null), currentVertex, new TerminalNode(false));
logger.fine("Failure... (1)");
else {
for (ConstraintNetwork value : values) {
if (animationTime != 0) {
try { Thread.sleep(animationTime); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
logger.fine("Trying value: " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints()));
this.addResolver(cn, value);
// System.out.println("test: " + "U: " + getUpperBound() + " L: " + getLowerBound());
if(getUpperBound() <= getLowerBound()){
this.retractResolver(cn, value);
metaVariable.getMetaConstraint().markResolvedSub(metaVariable, value);
MetaVariable newCon = this.getConflict();
if(newCon != null ){
this.g.addEdge(value, currentVertex, newCon);
currentVertex = newCon;
if(newCon == null)
return true;
logger.fine("Retracting value: " + Arrays.toString(value.getConstraints()));
this.retractResolver(cn, value);
logger.fine("Failure... (2)");
currentVertex = this.g.getParent(currentVertex);
return false;
protected abstract double getUpperBound();
protected abstract void setUpperBound();
protected abstract double getLowerBound();
protected abstract void setLowerBound();
protected abstract boolean hasConflictClause(ConstraintNetwork metaValue);
protected abstract void resetFalseClause();
public String getDescription() {
String spacer = "";
for (int i = 0; i < nesting; i++) spacer += spacing;
String ret = spacer + "[" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " vars: [";
ret += this.variableType.getSimpleName();
ret += "] constraints: [";
for (int i = 0; i < this.constraintTypes.length; i++) {
ret += this.constraintTypes[i].getSimpleName();
if (i != this.constraintTypes.length-1) ret += ",";
ret += "]";
// for (MetaConstraintSolver cs : this.nextMetaConstraintSolvers) ret += "\n" + cs.getDescription();
for (ConstraintSolver cs : this.getConstraintSolvers()) ret += "\n" + cs.getDescription();
ret += "]";
return ret;
public void failurePruning(int failure_time){
this.g=new DelegateForest();
public int getCounterMoves() {
return counterMoves;
public FocusConstraint getCurrentFocusConstraint() {
return currentFocus;
// private void removeFromConstraintSolvers() {
// if (currentFocus != null) {
// for (ConstraintSolver cs : this.getConstraintSolvers()) {
// cs.removeConstraint(currentFocus);
// }
// }
// }
// private void addToConstraintSolvers() {
// for (ConstraintSolver cs : this.getConstraintSolvers()) {
// cs.addConstraint(currentFocus);
// }
// }
public synchronized void setCurrentFocusConstraint(FocusConstraint focus) {
this.currentFocus = focus;
public synchronized Variable[] getFocused() {
if (currentFocus != null) return currentFocus.getScope();
return null;
public synchronized void setFocus(Variable ... vars) {
currentFocus = new FocusConstraint();
public synchronized boolean isFocused(Variable var) {
if (currentFocus == null) return false;
for (Variable v : getFocused()) {
if (v.equals(var)) return true;
return false;
public synchronized void focus(Variable ... vars) {
if (currentFocus == null) {
currentFocus = new FocusConstraint();
Vector scopeVars = new Vector();
for (Variable v : currentFocus.getScope()) scopeVars.add(v);
for (Variable v : vars) scopeVars.add(v);
currentFocus.setScope(scopeVars.toArray(new Variable[scopeVars.size()]));
public synchronized void removeFromCurrentFocus(Variable ... vars) {
if (currentFocus == null) throw new NoFocusDefinedException(vars);
Vector newScope = new Vector();
for (Variable vOld : currentFocus.getScope()) {
boolean found = false;
for (Variable vToRem : vars) {
if (vOld.equals(vToRem)) found = true;
if (!found) newScope.add(vOld);
currentFocus.setScope(newScope.toArray(new Variable[newScope.size()]));
public void setCounterMoves(int counterMoves) {
this.counterMoves = counterMoves;
public HashMap getResolvers() {
return resolvers;
public HashMap getResolversInverseMapping() {
return resolversInverseMapping;
public void setResolvers(HashMap resolvers) {
this.resolvers = resolvers;
public MetaConstraint getMetaConstraint(ConstraintNetwork metaVariable) {
return this.metaVarsToMetaCons.get(metaVariable);
public void registerValueChoiceFunctions() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
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