org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* -*- mode: Java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
* Copyright © 2017-2018 microBean.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.microbean.maven.cdi;
import; // for javadoc only
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.ArtifactProperties;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.DefaultArtifact;
import org.eclipse.aether.collection.CollectRequest;
import org.eclipse.aether.graph.Dependency;
import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResult;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyRequest;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException;
import org.eclipse.aether.resolution.DependencyResult;
import org.eclipse.aether.util.artifact.JavaScopes;
import org.eclipse.aether.util.filter.DependencyFilterUtils;
* A {@link URLClassLoader} that uses the Maven
* Resolver API to resolve artifacts from Maven repositories.
* @author Laird Nelson
* @see #MavenArtifactClassLoader(RepositorySystem,
* RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest, ClassLoader,
* URLStreamHandlerFactory)
public class MavenArtifactClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
* Static fields.
* The {@link String} used to separate classpath entries.
* This field is never {@code null}.
private static final String classpathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator", ":");
* Constructors.
* Creates a new {@link MavenArtifactClassLoader}.
* @param repositorySystem the {@link RepositorySystem} responsible
* for resolving artifacts; must not be {@code null}
* @param session the {@link RepositorySystemSession} governing
* certain aspects of the resolution process; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param dependencyRequest the {@link DependencyRequest} that
* describes what artifacts should be resolved; must not be {@code
* null}
* @exception NullPointerException if a parameter that must not be
* {@code null} is discovered to be {@code null}
* @exception DependencyResolutionException if there was a problem
* resolving dependencies
* @see #getUrls(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession,
* DependencyRequest)
* @see #getDependencyRequest(String, List)
* @see URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(URL[])
public MavenArtifactClassLoader(final RepositorySystem repositorySystem,
final RepositorySystemSession session,
final DependencyRequest dependencyRequest)
throws DependencyResolutionException {
super(getUrlArray(getUrls(repositorySystem, session, dependencyRequest)));
* Creates a new {@link MavenArtifactClassLoader}.
* @param repositorySystem the {@link RepositorySystem} responsible
* for resolving artifacts; must not be {@code null}
* @param session the {@link RepositorySystemSession} governing
* certain aspects of the resolution process; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param dependencyRequest the {@link DependencyRequest} that
* describes what artifacts should be resolved; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param parentClassLoader the {@link ClassLoader} that will
* {@linkplain ClassLoader#getParent() parent} this one; may be
* {@code null}
* @exception NullPointerException if a parameter that must not be
* {@code null} is discovered to be {@code null}
* @exception DependencyResolutionException if there was a problem
* resolving dependencies
* @see #getUrls(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession,
* DependencyRequest)
* @see #getDependencyRequest(String, List)
* @see URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader)
public MavenArtifactClassLoader(final RepositorySystem repositorySystem,
final RepositorySystemSession session,
final DependencyRequest dependencyRequest,
final ClassLoader parentClassLoader)
throws DependencyResolutionException {
super(getUrlArray(getUrls(repositorySystem, session, dependencyRequest)),
* Creates a new {@link MavenArtifactClassLoader}.
* @param repositorySystem the {@link RepositorySystem} responsible
* for resolving artifacts; must not be {@code null}
* @param session the {@link RepositorySystemSession} governing
* certain aspects of the resolution process; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param dependencyRequest the {@link DependencyRequest} that
* describes what artifacts should be resolved; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param parentClassLoader the {@link ClassLoader} that will
* {@linkplain ClassLoader#getParent() parent} this one; may be
* {@code null}
* @param urlStreamHandlerFactory the {@link
* URLStreamHandlerFactory} to create {@link URLStreamHandler}s for
* the {@link URL}s {@linkplain #getURLs() URL
s that
* constitute this MavenArtifactClassLoader
* classpath}; {@link URLClassLoader} does not define whether this
* can be {@code null} or not
* @exception NullPointerException if a parameter that must not be
* {@code null} is discovered to be {@code null}
* @exception DependencyResolutionException if there was a problem
* resolving dependencies
* @see #getUrls(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession,
* DependencyRequest)
* @see #getDependencyRequest(String, List)
* @see URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader,
* URLStreamHandlerFactory)
public MavenArtifactClassLoader(final RepositorySystem repositorySystem,
final RepositorySystemSession session,
final DependencyRequest dependencyRequest,
final ClassLoader parentClassLoader,
final URLStreamHandlerFactory urlStreamHandlerFactory)
throws DependencyResolutionException {
super(getUrlArray(getUrls(repositorySystem, session, dependencyRequest)),
* Instance methods.
* Returns a non-{@code null} {@link String} with a classpath-like
* format that can represent this {@linkplain #getURLs()
* MavenArtifactClassLoader
's URL
* The format of the {@link String} that is returned is exactly
* like a classpath string appropriate for the current platform with
* the exception that the platform-specific classpath separator is
* doubled if any of the {@link URL}s {@linkplain #getURLs()
* belonging to this MavenArtifactClassLoader
} is not a
* {@code file} URL.
* For any given {@link URL}, the returned {@link String} will
* represent it as its {@linkplain URL#toExternalForm()
* String
form}, unless it has a {@linkplain
* URL#getProtocol() protocol} equal to {@code file}, in which case
* will represent it as its {@linkplain URL#getPath() path}.
* @return a non-{@code null} classpath-like {@link String} (with
* doubled classpath separators) consisting of this {@linkplain
* #getURLs() MavenArtifactClassLoader
s} represented as described above
public String toClasspath() {
final String returnValue;
final URL[] urls = this.getURLs();
if (urls != null && urls.length > 0) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean allFileProtocols = true;
final String separator = classpathSeparator + classpathSeparator;
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
final URL url = urls[i];
if (url != null) {
if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
} else {
allFileProtocols = false;
if (i + 1 < urls.length) {
if (allFileProtocols) {
returnValue = sb.toString().replace(separator, classpathSeparator);
} else {
returnValue = sb.toString();
} else {
returnValue = "";
return returnValue;
* Static methods.
* Returns a non-{@code null} {@link DependencyRequest} by parsing
* the supplied classpath-like {@link String} for Maven artifact
* coordinates, and then invoking and returning the result of the
* {@link #getDependencyRequest(Set, List)} method.
* This method never returns {@code null}.
* Elements within the supplied {@code classpathLikeString} are
* separated by double occurrences of the platform-specific
* classpath separator. For example, on Unix and Unix-derived
* systems, a classpath-like string of the form {@code
*} will yield two elements:
* {@code} and {@code com.fizz:buzz:1.0}. On
* Windows systems, a classpath-like string of the form {@code
*;;com.fizz:buzz:1.0} will yield two elements:
* {@code} and {@code com.fizz:buzz:1.0}.
* @param classpathLikeString a classpath-like {@link String}
* formatted as described above; may be {@code null}
* @param remoteRepositories a {@link List} of {@link
* RemoteRepository} instances that will be forwarded on to the
* {@link #getDependencyRequest(Set, List)} method; must not be
* {@code null}
* @return the return value that results from invoking the {@link
* #getDependencyRequest(Set, List)} method
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code remoteRepositories} is
* {@code null}
public static final DependencyRequest getDependencyRequest(final String classpathLikeString,
final List remoteRepositories) {
final Set artifacts;
if (classpathLikeString == null) {
artifacts = Collections.emptySet();
} else {
final String separator = "\\s*" + classpathSeparator + classpathSeparator + "\\s*";
final String[] artifactIdentifiers = classpathLikeString.split(separator);
assert artifactIdentifiers != null;
artifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final String artifactIdentifier : artifactIdentifiers) {
if (artifactIdentifier != null && !artifactIdentifier.isEmpty()) {
final Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(artifactIdentifier);
final String extension = artifact.getExtension();
if ("war".equals(extension) || "ear".equals(extension)) {
final Map originalProperties = artifact.getProperties();
final Map newProperties;
if (originalProperties == null) {
newProperties = new HashMap<>();
} else {
newProperties = new HashMap<>(originalProperties);
newProperties.put(ArtifactProperties.INCLUDES_DEPENDENCIES, "true");
} else {
return getDependencyRequest(artifacts, remoteRepositories);
* Given a {@link Set} of {@link Artifact}s and a {@link List} of
* {@link RemoteRepository} instances representing repositories from
* which they might be resolved, creates and returns a {@link
* DependencyRequest} for their resolution, using {@linkplain
* JavaScopes#RUNTIME runtime scope}.
* This method never returns {@code null}.
* @param artifacts a {@link Set} of {@link Artifact}s to resolve;
* may be {@code null}
* @param remoteRepositories a {@link List} of {@link
* RemoteRepository} instances representing Maven repositories from
* which the supplied {@link Artifact} instances may be resolved;
* must not be {@code null}
* @return a non-{@code null} {@link DependencyRequest}
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code remoteRepositories} is
* {@code null}
* @see #getDependencyRequest(Set, String, List)
public static final DependencyRequest getDependencyRequest(final Set extends Artifact> artifacts,
final List remoteRepositories) {
return getDependencyRequest(artifacts, JavaScopes.RUNTIME, remoteRepositories);
* Given a {@link Set} of {@link Artifact}s and a {@link List} of
* {@link RemoteRepository} instances representing repositories from
* which they might be resolved, creates and returns a {@link
* DependencyRequest} for their resolution in the supplied scope.
* This method never returns {@code null}.
* @param artifacts a {@link Set} of {@link Artifact}s to resolve;
* may be {@code null}
* @param scope the scope in which resolution should take place; may
* be {@code null} in which case {@link JavaScopes#RUNTIME} will be
* used instead; see {@link JavaScopes} for commonly-used scopes
* @param remoteRepositories a {@link List} of {@link
* RemoteRepository} instances representing Maven repositories from
* which the supplied {@link Artifact} instances may be resolved;
* must not be {@code null}
* @return a non-{@code null} {@link DependencyRequest}
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code remoteRepositories} is
* {@code null}
* @see JavaScopes
* @see #getDependencyRequest(CollectRequest)
public static final DependencyRequest getDependencyRequest(final Set extends Artifact> artifacts,
String scope,
final List remoteRepositories) {
if (scope == null) {
scope = JavaScopes.RUNTIME;
CollectRequest collectRequest = new CollectRequest()
if (artifacts != null && !artifacts.isEmpty()) {
if (artifacts.size() == 1) {
final Artifact root = artifacts.iterator().next();
if (root != null) {
collectRequest = collectRequest.setRoot(new Dependency(root, scope));
} else {
for (final Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
if (artifact != null) {
collectRequest = collectRequest.addDependency(new Dependency(artifact, scope));
return getDependencyRequest(collectRequest);
* Returns a non-{@code null} {@link DependencyRequest} suitable for
* the supplied {@link CollectRequest}.
* This method never returns {@code null}.
* @param collectRequest a {@link CollectRequest} describing
* dependency collection; must not be {@code null}
* @return a new {@link DependencyRequest}; never {@code null}
* @exception NullPointerException if {@code collectRequest} is
* {@code null}
* @see CollectRequest
* @see DependencyRequest
* @see #MavenArtifactClassLoader(RepositorySystem,
* RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest, ClassLoader,
* URLStreamHandlerFactory)
public static final DependencyRequest getDependencyRequest(final CollectRequest collectRequest) {
final Dependency root = collectRequest.getRoot();
final String scope;
if (root != null) {
scope = root.getScope();
} else {
scope = JavaScopes.RUNTIME;
return new DependencyRequest(collectRequest, DependencyFilterUtils.classpathFilter(scope));
private static final URL[] getUrlArray(final Collection extends URL> urls) {
if (urls == null || urls.isEmpty()) {
return new URL[0];
return urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]);
* Returns a {@link Collection} of ({@code file}) {@link URL}s that
* results from resolution of the dependencies described by the
* supplied {@link DependencyRequest}.
* This method never returns {@code null}.
* @param repositorySystem the {@link RepositorySystem} responsible
* for resolving artifacts; must not be {@code null}
* @param session the {@link RepositorySystemSession} governing
* certain aspects of the resolution process; must not be {@code
* null}
* @param dependencyRequest the {@link DependencyRequest} that
* describes what artifacts should be resolved; must not be {@code
* null}
* @return a non-{@code null} {@link Collection} of distinct {@link
* URL}s; a {@link Set} is not part of the contract of this method
* only because the {@link URL#equals(Object)} method involves DNS
* lookups
* @exception NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
* @exception DependencyResolutionException if there was a problem
* with dependency resolution
public static final Collection extends URL> getUrls(final RepositorySystem repositorySystem,
final RepositorySystemSession session,
final DependencyRequest dependencyRequest)
throws DependencyResolutionException {
final DependencyResult dependencyResult = repositorySystem.resolveDependencies(session, dependencyRequest);
assert dependencyResult != null;
final List artifactResults = dependencyResult.getArtifactResults();
assert artifactResults != null;
// We use an intermediate Set of URIs, not URLs, because the
// URL#equals(Object) method will trigger DNS lookups otherwise
// (!).
Set uris = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (!artifactResults.isEmpty()) {
for (final ArtifactResult artifactResult : artifactResults) {
if (artifactResult != null && artifactResult.isResolved()) {
final Artifact resolvedArtifact = artifactResult.getArtifact();
if (resolvedArtifact != null) {
final File f = resolvedArtifact.getFile();
assert f != null; // guaranteed by isResolved() contract
assert f.isFile();
assert f.canRead();
final Collection extends URL> returnValue;
if (uris.isEmpty()) {
returnValue = Collections.emptySet();
} else {
returnValue = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(
.map(uri -> {
try {
return uri.toURL();
} catch (final MalformedURLException malformedUrlException) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(malformedUrlException.getMessage(),
return returnValue;