Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* MicroEmulator
* Copyright (C) 2001 Bartek Teodorczyk
* It is licensed under the following two licenses as alternatives:
* 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL") version 2.1 or any newer version
* 2. Apache License (the "AL") Version 2.0
* You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of
* the above two licenses.
* You may obtain a copy of the LGPL at
* You may obtain a copy of the AL at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the LGPL or the AL for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations.
public interface HttpConnection extends ContentConnection
static final String HEAD = "HEAD";
static final String GET = "GET";
static final String POST = "POST";
static final int HTTP_OK = 200;
static final int HTTP_CREATED = 201;
static final int HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202;
static final int HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE = 203;
static final int HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204;
static final int HTTP_RESET = 205;
static final int HTTP_PARTIAL = 206;
static final int HTTP_MULT_CHOICE = 300;
static final int HTTP_MOVED_PERM = 301;
static final int HTTP_MOVED_TEMP = 302;
static final int HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303;
static final int HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
static final int HTTP_USE_PROXY = 305;
static final int HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT = 307;
static final int HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400;
static final int HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
static final int HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
static final int HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403;
static final int HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404;
static final int HTTP_BAD_METHOD = 405;
static final int HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406;
static final int HTTP_PROXY_AUTH = 407;
static final int HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 408;
static final int HTTP_CONFLICT = 409;
static final int HTTP_GONE = 410;
static final int HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411;
static final int HTTP_PRECON_FAILED = 412;
static final int HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413;
static final int HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG = 414;
static final int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 415;
static final int HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_RANGE = 416;
static final int HTTP_EXPECT_FAILED = 417;
static final int HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500;
static final int HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501;
static final int HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502;
static final int HTTP_UNAVAILABLE = 503;
static final int HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504;
static final int HTTP_VERSION = 505;
String getURL();
String getProtocol();
String getHost();
String getFile();
String getRef();
String getQuery();
int getPort();
String getRequestMethod();
void setRequestMethod(String method)
throws IOException;
String getRequestProperty(String key);
void setRequestProperty(String key, String value)
throws IOException;
int getResponseCode()
throws IOException;
String getResponseMessage()
throws IOException;
long getExpiration()
throws IOException;
long getDate()
throws IOException;
long getLastModified()
throws IOException;
String getHeaderField(String name)
throws IOException;
int getHeaderFieldInt(String name, int def)
throws IOException;
long getHeaderFieldDate(String name, long def)
throws IOException;
String getHeaderField(int n)
throws IOException;
String getHeaderFieldKey(int n)
throws IOException;