org.milyn.ect.formats.unedifact.UnEdifactMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.milyn.ect.formats.unedifact;
import org.milyn.ect.EdiParseException;
import org.milyn.ect.common.XmlTagEncoder;
import org.milyn.edisax.interchange.ControlBlockHandlerFactory;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Delimiters;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Description;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Edimap;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Import;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Segment;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SegmentGroup;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* UnEdifactMessage
* @author bardl
public class UnEdifactMessage {
* Marks the start of the Message Definition section.
private static final String MESSAGE_DEFINITION = "[\\d\\. ]*MESSAGE DEFINITION *";
* Extracts description from start of segment documentation.
* Group1 = id
* Group2 = documentation
private static final String MESSAGE_DEFINITION_START = "^(\\d{4,5} *| *)[- \\*\\+\\|X]*(([A-Z]{3}),|[S|s]egment [G|g]roup \\d*:)+(.*)";
* Marks the end of the Message Definition section.
private static final String MESSAGE_DEFINITION_END = "([\\d\\.]* *(Data)? *[S|s]egment [I|i]ndex.*)|( *[\\d\\.]+ *[M|m]essage [S|s]tructure.*)";
* Extracts the value for Message type, version, release and agency.
private static final Pattern MESSAGE_TYPE = Pattern.compile(".*Message Type *: *(\\w*) *");
private static final Pattern MESSAGE_RELEASE = Pattern.compile(".*Release *: *(\\w*) *");
private static final Pattern MESSAGE_AGENCY = Pattern.compile(".*Contr. Agency *: *(\\w*) *");
private static final Pattern MESSAGE_VERSION = Pattern.compile(".*Version *: *(\\w*) *");
* Marks the start of the Segment table section.
private static final String SEGMENT_TABLE = "[\\d\\. ]*[S|s]egment [T|t]able *";
private static final String SEGMENT_TABLE_HEADER = "(Pos *Tag *Name *S *R.*)|( *TAG *NAME *S *REPT *S *REPT)|( *POS *TAG *NAME *S *R *)";
//"(Pos *Tag *Name *S *R.*)|( *TAG *NAME *S *REPT *S *REPT)";
* Extracts information from Regular segment definition.
* Group1 = id
* Group2 = segcode
* Group3 = description
* Group4 = isMandatory
* Group5 = max occurance
private static String SEGMENT_REGULAR = "(\\d{4,5})*[-\\+\\* XS]*(\\w{3}) *(.*) +(M|C|m|c) *(\\d+)[ \\|]*";
* Extracts information from Regular segment definition.
* Group1 = id
* Group2 = segcode
* Group3 = description
private static String SEGMENT_REGULAR_START = "(\\d{4,5})*[-\\+\\* XS]*(\\w{3}) *(.*) *\\|";
* Extracts information from Regular segment definition.
* Group1 = description
* Group2 = isMandatory
* Group3 = max occurance
private static String SEGMENT_REGULAR_END = " *(.*) +(M|C|m|c) *(\\d*)[ \\|]*";
* Matches and extracts information from start of segment group.
* Group1 = id
* Group2 = name
* Group4 = isMandatory
* Group5 = max occurance
private static String SEGMENT_GROUP_START = "(\\d{4,5})*[-\\+\\* XS]*-* *([S|s]egment [G|g]roup \\d*) *-* +(C|M|c|m) *(\\d*)[ \\-\\+\\|]*";
* Matches and extracts information from segment at end of segment group.
* Group1 = id
* Group2 = segcode
* Group3 = description
* Group4 = isMandatory
* Group5 = max occurance
* Group6 = nrOfClosedGroups
private static String SEGMENT_GROUP_END = "(\\d{4,5})*[-\\+\\* XS]*(\\w{3}) *([\\w /-]*) +(C|M|c|m) *(\\d*) *-+([ |\\+]*)";
* Annex - notes after message structure.
private static final String ANNEX = "(Informative annex:.*)";
* Newline character applied between documentation lines.
private static final String NEW_LINE = "\n";
* A message must match the LEGAL_MESSAGE pattern. Otherwise it may be an index file located in the message folder.
private static final String LEGAL_MESSAGE = "\\s*UN/EDIFACT\\s*";
* Default settings for UN/EDIFACT.
private static final String DELIMITER_SEGMENT = "'!$";
private static final String DELIMITER_COMPOSITE = "+";
private static final String DELIMITER_DATA = ":";
private static final String DELIMITER_NOT_USED = "~";
private static final String ESCAPE = "?";
private static List ignoreSegments = Arrays.asList("UNA", "UNB", "UNG", "UNH", "UNT", "UNZ", "UNE");
private String type;
private String version;
private String release;
private String agency;
private Edimap edimap;
public UnEdifactMessage(Reader reader, boolean isSplitIntoImport, boolean useShortName, Edimap definitionModel) throws EdiParseException, IOException {
BufferedReader breader = null;
try {
breader = new BufferedReader(reader);
type = getValue(breader, MESSAGE_TYPE);
version = getValue(breader, MESSAGE_VERSION);
release = getValue(breader, MESSAGE_RELEASE);
agency = getValue(breader, MESSAGE_AGENCY);
edimap = new Edimap();
SegmentGroup rootGroup = new SegmentGroup();
Delimiters delimiters = new Delimiters();
edimap.setDescription(new Description());
edimap.getDescription().setVersion(version + ":" + release + ":" + agency);
edimap.getDescription().setNamespace(ControlBlockHandlerFactory.NAMESPACE_ROOT + ":" + agency.toLowerCase() + ":" + version.toLowerCase() + release.toLowerCase() + ":" + type.toLowerCase());
Map segmentDefinitions = null;
if (isSplitIntoImport) {
Import ediImport = new Import();
ediImport.setResource(definitionModel.getDescription().getName() + ".xml"); // TODO: Review with B�rd
} else {
segmentDefinitions = getSegmentDefinitions(definitionModel);
Map definitions = parseMessageDefinition(breader);
parseMessageStructure(breader, rootGroup, definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions);
} finally {
if (breader != null) {
public Edimap getEdimap() {
return edimap;
public String getType() {
return type;
public String getVersion() {
return version;
public String getRelease() {
return release;
public String getAgency() {
return agency;
private Map getSegmentDefinitions(Edimap definitionModel) {
Map result = new HashMap();
for (SegmentGroup segmentGroup : definitionModel.getSegments().getSegments()) {
result.put(segmentGroup.getSegcode(), (Segment)segmentGroup);
return result;
private void assertLegalMessage(BufferedReader reader) throws EdiParseException {
String line;
try {
line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null && !line.matches(LEGAL_MESSAGE)) {
line = reader.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EdiParseException("Error reading first line of UN/EDIFACT message.", e);
if(line == null) {
throw new EdiParseException("Not a valid UN/EDIFACT message definition. First line doe not match pattern '" + LEGAL_MESSAGE + "'.");
private void parseMessageStructure(BufferedReader reader, SegmentGroup group, Map definitions, boolean isSplitIntoImport, boolean useShortName, Map segmentDefinitions) throws IOException {
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.matches(SEGMENT_TABLE)) {
line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.matches(SEGMENT_TABLE_HEADER)) {
line = reader.readLine();
parseNextSegment(reader, group, definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions, new LineNumber());
private Map parseMessageDefinition(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
String line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.toUpperCase().matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION)) {
line = reader.readLine();
line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.toUpperCase().matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION)) {
line = reader.readLine();
line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_START) || line.length() == 0) {
line = reader.readLine();
LineNumber lineNo = new LineNumber();
Map definitions = new HashMap();
while (!line.matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_END)) {
if (line.matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_START)) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_START);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
String id = getLineId(lineNo, matcher.group(1));
StringBuilder definition = new StringBuilder();
line = reader.readLine();
while (!line.matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_START) && !line.matches(MESSAGE_DEFINITION_END)) {
line = reader.readLine();
definitions.put(id, definition.toString());
} else {
line = reader.readLine();
return definitions;
private int parseNextSegment(BufferedReader reader, SegmentGroup parentGroup, Map definitions, boolean isSplitIntoImport, boolean useShortName, Map segmentDefinitions, LineNumber lineNo) throws IOException {
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (line.matches(SEGMENT_GROUP_START)) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(SEGMENT_GROUP_START).matcher(line);
String id = getLineId(lineNo, matcher.group(1));
SegmentGroup group = createGroup(id, matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3), matcher.group(4), definitions);
int result = parseNextSegment(reader, group, definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions, lineNo);
if (result != 0) {
return result - 1;
} else if (line.matches(SEGMENT_GROUP_END)) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(SEGMENT_GROUP_END).matcher(line);
String id = getLineId(lineNo, matcher.group(1));
Segment segment = createSegment(id, matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3), matcher.group(4), matcher.group(5), definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions);
return extractPlusCharacter(matcher.group(6)).length() - 1;
} else if (line.matches(SEGMENT_REGULAR)) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(SEGMENT_REGULAR).matcher(line);
String id = getLineId(lineNo, matcher.group(1));
if (!ignoreSegments.contains(matcher.group(2))) {
Segment segment = createSegment(id, matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3), matcher.group(4), matcher.group(5), definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions);
} else if (!line.trim().equals("") && line.matches(SEGMENT_REGULAR_START)) {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(SEGMENT_REGULAR_START).matcher(line);
String id = getLineId(lineNo, matcher.group(1));
String segcode = matcher.group(2);
String description = matcher.group(3);
line = reader.readLine();
matcher = Pattern.compile(SEGMENT_REGULAR_END).matcher(line);
description += " " + matcher.group(1);
if (!ignoreSegments.contains(matcher.group(2))) {
Segment segment = createSegment(id, segcode, description, matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3), definitions, isSplitIntoImport, useShortName, segmentDefinitions);
} else if (line.matches(ANNEX)) {
return 0;
line = reader.readLine();
return 0;
private String getLineId(UnEdifactMessage.LineNumber lineNo, String id) {
if (id == null || id.trim().equals("")) {
id = String.valueOf(lineNo.increment());
return id.trim();
private String extractPlusCharacter(String value) {
return value.replaceAll("[^\\+]", "");
private SegmentGroup createGroup(String id, String name, String mandatory, String maxOccurance, Map definitions) {
SegmentGroup group = new SegmentGroup();
String test = definitions.get(id);
group.setMinOccurs(mandatory.equals("M") ? 1 : 0);
return group;
private Segment createSegment(String id, String segcode, String name, String mandatory, String maxOccurance, Map definitions, boolean isSplitIntoImport, boolean useShortName, Map segmentDefinitions) {
Segment segment = new Segment();
name = name.trim();
segment.setNodeTypeRef(agency + ":" + segcode);
if (!isSplitIntoImport) {
Segment importedSegment = segmentDefinitions.get(segcode);
if(importedSegment == null) {
throw new EdiParseException("Unknown segment code '" + segcode + "'.");
if (importedSegment.getSegments().size() > 0) {
if (useShortName) {
} else {
segment.setMinOccurs(mandatory.equals("M") ? 1 : 0);
return segment;
private String getValue(BufferedReader reader, Pattern pattern) throws IOException {
String line = reader.readLine();
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
while (!matcher.matches()) {
line = reader.readLine();
matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
return matcher.group(1);
private class LineNumber {
private int value = 0;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public int increment() {
return value++;
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