org.milyn.ejc.ClassModelCompiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.milyn.ejc;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Component;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.DelimiterType;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Edimap;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Field;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.MappingNode;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Segment;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SegmentGroup;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SubComponent;
import org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.ValueNode;
import org.milyn.edisax.util.EDIUtils;
import org.milyn.edisax.util.IllegalNameException;
import org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JClass;
import org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JMethod;
import org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JNamedType;
import org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JType;
import org.milyn.smooks.edi.EDIMessage;
import java.util.*;
* Compiles a {@link ClassModel} from an {@link Edimap}.
* @author bardl
public class ClassModelCompiler {
private static Log LOG = EJCLogFactory.getLog(ClassModelCompiler.class);
private Map injectedCommonTypes = new HashMap();
private Map createdClassesByNode = new HashMap();
private ClassModel model;
private Stack nodeStack = new Stack();
private boolean addEDIMessageAnnotation;
public ClassModelCompiler(Map commonTypes, boolean addEDIMessageAnnotation) {
if(commonTypes != null) {
this.addEDIMessageAnnotation = addEDIMessageAnnotation;
public ClassModel compile(Edimap edimap, String classPackage) throws IllegalNameException {
model = new ClassModel();
SegmentGroup segmentGroup = edimap.getSegments();
JClass rootClass = new JClass(classPackage, EDIUtils.encodeClassName(segmentGroup.getJavaName()), getCurrentClassId()).setSerializable();
BindingConfig rootBeanConfig = new BindingConfig(getCurrentClassId(), getCurrentNodePath(), rootClass, null, null);
//Insert root class into classModel and its' corresponding xmltag-value.
LOG.debug("Added root class [" + rootClass + "] to ClassModel.");
processSegmentGroups(segmentGroup.getSegments(), rootBeanConfig);
LOG.debug("Finished parsing edi-configuration. All segments are added to ClassModel.");
LOG.debug("ClassModel contains " + model.getCreatedClasses().size() + " classes.");
// Attach the createdClassesByNode map... so we can use them if they
// are common classes in a model set...
if(addEDIMessageAnnotation) {
model.getRootBeanConfig().getBeanClass().getAnnotationTypes().add(new JType(EDIMessage.class));
return model;
* Private Methods
* Process all SegmentGroups in List and insert info into the {@link org.milyn.ejc.ClassModel}.
* @param segmentGroups the SegmentsGroups to process.
* @param parentBinding the JClass 'owning' the SegmentGroups.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private void processSegmentGroups(List segmentGroups, BindingConfig parentBinding) throws IllegalNameException {
WriteMethod writeMethod = null;
for (SegmentGroup segmentGroup : segmentGroups) {
BindingConfig childBeanConfig = processSegmentGroup(segmentGroup, parentBinding);
writeMethod = parentBinding.getWriteMethod();
// Add Write Method details for the property just added...
if(writeMethod != null) {
if(isCollection(childBeanConfig.getPropertyOnParent())) {
writeMethod.writeSegmentCollection(childBeanConfig.getPropertyOnParent(), segmentGroup);
} else {
writeMethod.writeObject(childBeanConfig.getPropertyOnParent(), parentBinding, segmentGroup);
if(isCollection(childBeanConfig.getPropertyOnParent())) {
BindingConfig collectionBinding = new BindingConfig(childBeanConfig.getBeanId() + "_List", parentBinding.getCreateOnElement(), ArrayList.class, parentBinding, childBeanConfig.getPropertyOnParent());
// Wire the List binding into the parent binding and wire the child binding into the list binding...
// And zap the propertyOnParent config because you don't wire onto a property on a collection...
} else {
* Process the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SegmentGroup} in List and insert info into the {@link org.milyn.ejc.ClassModel}.
* @param segmentGroup the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SegmentGroup} to process.
* @param parent the JClass 'owning' the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SegmentGroup}.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private BindingConfig processSegmentGroup(SegmentGroup segmentGroup, BindingConfig parent) throws IllegalNameException {
LOG.debug("Parsing SegmentGroup " + segmentGroup.getXmltag());
if(segmentGroup.getJavaName() == null) {
throw new EJCException("The element can optionally omit the 'xmltag' attribute. However, this attribute must be present for EJC to work properly. It is omitted from one of the elements in this configuration.");
BindingConfig segGroupBinding = createChildAndConnectWithParent(parent, segmentGroup, segmentGroup.getMaxOccurs(), null);
if (segmentGroup instanceof Segment) {
Segment segment = (Segment) segmentGroup;
processFields(segment.getFields(), segGroupBinding);
processSegmentGroups(segmentGroup.getSegments(), segGroupBinding);
return segGroupBinding;
* Process all {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Field} in List and insert info into the {@link org.milyn.ejc.ClassModel}.
* @param fields the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Field} to process.
* @param parent the JClass 'owning' the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Field}.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private void processFields(List fields, BindingConfig parent) throws IllegalNameException {
for (Field field : fields) {
LOG.debug("Parsing field " + field.getXmltag());
if (field.getComponents() != null && field.getComponents().size() > 0) {
//Add class type.
BindingConfig childBinding = createChildAndConnectWithParent(parent, field, 1, DelimiterType.FIELD);
// Now add the components to the field...
processComponents(field.getComponents(), childBinding);
} else {
// Add primitive type.
createAndAddSimpleType(field, parent, DelimiterType.FIELD);
if(parent.getWriteMethod() != null) {
private void collapseSingleFieldSegmentBinding(BindingConfig parent) {
if(parent.getValueBindings().isEmpty() && parent.getWireBindings().size() == 1) {
BindingConfig child = parent.getWireBindings().get(0);
String parentClassName = parent.getBeanClass().getSkeletonClass().getName();
String childClassName = child.getBeanClass().getSkeletonClass().getName();
if(parentClassName.equals(childClassName)) {
// This is a segment with just one field, having the same name
// as the segment itself. Need to collapse the child
// up into the parent...
* Creates a {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JNamedType} given a {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.ValueNode}.
* When {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.ValueNode} contains no type information String-type is used as default.
* The new {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JNamedType} is inserted into parent and the xmltag- and
* typeParameters-value is inserted into classModel.
* @param valueNode the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.ValueNode} to process.
* @param parent the {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JClass} 'owning' the valueNode.
* @param delimiterType Node delimiter type.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private JNamedType createAndAddSimpleType(ValueNode valueNode, BindingConfig parent, DelimiterType delimiterType) throws IllegalNameException {
JType jtype;
JNamedType childToParentProperty;
if (valueNode.getDataType() != null && !valueNode.getDataType().equals("")) {
jtype = new JType(valueNode.getTypeClass());
} else {
// Default type when no specific type is given.
jtype = new JType(String.class);
String propertyName = EDIUtils.encodeAttributeName(jtype, valueNode.getJavaName());
childToParentProperty = new JNamedType(jtype, propertyName);
JClass parentBeanClass = parent.getBeanClass();
if(!parentBeanClass.isFinalized() && !parentBeanClass.hasProperty(propertyName) && model.isClassCreator(parentBeanClass)) {
getWriteMethod(parent).writeValue(childToParentProperty, valueNode, delimiterType);
parent.getValueBindings().add(new ValueNodeInfo(childToParentProperty, getCurrentNodePath(), valueNode));
return childToParentProperty;
* Process all {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Component} in List and insert info into the {@link org.milyn.ejc.ClassModel}.
* @param components the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Component} to process.
* @param parent the JClass 'owning' the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.Component}.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private void processComponents(List components, BindingConfig parent) throws IllegalNameException {
for (Component component : components) {
if (component.getSubComponents() != null && component.getSubComponents().size() > 0) {
//Add class type.
BindingConfig childBeanConfig = createChildAndConnectWithParent(parent, component, 1, DelimiterType.COMPONENT);
processSubComponents(component.getSubComponents(), childBeanConfig);
} else {
//Add primitive type.
createAndAddSimpleType(component, parent, DelimiterType.COMPONENT);
* Process all {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SubComponent} in List and insert info into the {@link org.milyn.ejc.ClassModel}.
* @param subComponents the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SubComponent} to process.
* @param parent the JClass 'owning' the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.SubComponent}.
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private void processSubComponents(List subComponents, BindingConfig parent) throws IllegalNameException {
for (SubComponent subComponent : subComponents) {
//Add primitive type.
createAndAddSimpleType(subComponent, parent, DelimiterType.SUB_COMPONENT);
private void pushNode(MappingNode node) {
private void popNode() {
* Creates a new {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JClass} C and inserts the class as a property in parent.
* If C occurs several times, i.e. maxOccurs > 1, then C exists in a {@link java.util.List} in parent.
* The new {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JClass} is inserted into classModel along with xmltag-value
* found in the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.MappingNode}.
* @param parentBinding The parentBinding BindingConfig.
* @param mappingNode the {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.MappingNode} to process.
* @param maxOccurs the number of times {@link org.milyn.edisax.model.internal.MappingNode} can occur.
* @param delimiterType
* @return the created {@link org.milyn.javabean.pojogen.JClass}
* @throws IllegalNameException when name found in a xmltag-attribute is a java keyword.
private BindingConfig createChildAndConnectWithParent(BindingConfig parentBinding, MappingNode mappingNode, int maxOccurs, DelimiterType delimiterType) throws IllegalNameException {
JClass child = getCommonType(mappingNode);
boolean addClassToModel = false;
if(child == null) {
String packageName = parentBinding.getBeanClass().getPackageName();
String className = EDIUtils.encodeClassName(mappingNode.getJavaName());
if(mappingNode instanceof Field) {
packageName += ".field";
} else if(mappingNode instanceof Component) {
packageName += ".component";
} else if(mappingNode instanceof SubComponent) {
packageName += ".subcomponent";
child = new JClass(packageName, className, getCurrentClassId()).setSerializable();
addClassToModel = true;
LOG.debug("Created class " + child.getClassName() + ".");
JType jtype;
if (maxOccurs > 1 || maxOccurs == -1) {
jtype = new JType(List.class, child.getSkeletonClass());
} else {
jtype = new JType(child.getSkeletonClass());
String propertyName = EDIUtils.encodeAttributeName(jtype, mappingNode.getJavaName());
JNamedType childProperty = new JNamedType(jtype, propertyName);
BindingConfig childBeanConfig = new BindingConfig(getCurrentClassId(), getCurrentNodePath(), child, parentBinding, childProperty);
JClass parentBeanClass = parentBinding.getBeanClass();
if(!parentBeanClass.isFinalized() && !parentBeanClass.hasProperty(propertyName) && model.isClassCreator(parentBeanClass)) {
if(delimiterType != null) {
getWriteMethod(parentBinding).writeObject(childProperty, delimiterType, parentBinding, mappingNode);
if(addClassToModel) {
createdClassesByNode.put(mappingNode, child);
childBeanConfig.setWriteMethod(new WriteMethod(child, mappingNode));
return childBeanConfig;
private String getCurrentClassId() {
return getCurrentNodePath().replace('/', '.');
private String getCurrentNodePath() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(String nodePathElement : nodeStack) {
if(builder.length() > 0) {
return builder.toString();
private JClass getCommonType(MappingNode mappingNode) {
String nodeTypeRef = mappingNode.getNodeTypeRef();
if(nodeTypeRef != null) {
int colonIndex = nodeTypeRef.indexOf(':');
if(colonIndex != -1) {
nodeTypeRef = nodeTypeRef.substring(colonIndex + 1);
JClass commonType = getCommonType(mappingNode, nodeTypeRef, createdClassesByNode);
if(commonType == null) {
commonType = getCommonType(mappingNode, nodeTypeRef, injectedCommonTypes);
return commonType;
} else {
JClass commonType = createdClassesByNode.get(mappingNode);
if(commonType == null) {
commonType = injectedCommonTypes.get(mappingNode);
return commonType;
private JClass getCommonType(MappingNode mappingNode, String nodeTypeRef, Map typeSet) {
Set> commonTypes = typeSet.entrySet();
for(Map.Entry typeEntry : commonTypes) {
MappingNode entryMappingNode = typeEntry.getKey();
String entryNodeTypeRef = entryMappingNode.getNodeTypeRef();
if(entryMappingNode instanceof Segment) {
if(nodeTypeRef.equals(((Segment)entryMappingNode).getSegcode())) {
return typeEntry.getValue();
} else if(entryNodeTypeRef != null && entryMappingNode.getClass() == mappingNode.getClass()) {
// Must be the same node type exactly...
if(nodeTypeRef.equals(entryNodeTypeRef)) {
return typeEntry.getValue();
return null;
* Private Helper Methods
* @param bindingConfig*/
private WriteMethod getWriteMethod(BindingConfig bindingConfig) {
for(JMethod method : bindingConfig.getBeanClass().getMethods()) {
if(method instanceof WriteMethod) {
return (WriteMethod) method;
JClass beanClass = bindingConfig.getBeanClass();
WriteMethod writeMethod = new WriteMethod(beanClass, bindingConfig.getMappingNode());
return writeMethod;
private WriteMethod addWriteMethod(BindingConfig bindingConfig) {
return getWriteMethod(bindingConfig);
private static boolean isCollection(JNamedType property) {
if(property != null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType().getType())) {
return true;
return false;
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