org.mini2Dx.tiled.TiledParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 See AUTHORS file
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mini2Dx.tiled;
import org.mini2Dx.core.Mdx;
import org.mini2Dx.core.exception.MdxException;
import org.mini2Dx.core.files.FileHandle;
import org.mini2Dx.core.util.ZlibStream;
import org.mini2Dx.gdx.Base64Coder;
import org.mini2Dx.gdx.utils.Array;
import org.mini2Dx.gdx.utils.ObjectMap;
import org.mini2Dx.gdx.xml.XmlReader;
import org.mini2Dx.gdx.xml.XmlReader.Element;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.renderer.AnimatedTileRenderer;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.renderer.StaticTileRenderer;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.renderer.TileFrame;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.tileset.ImageTilesetSource;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.tileset.TilesetSource;
import org.mini2Dx.tiled.tileset.TsxTilesetSource;
* Parses Tiled XML files and notifies {@link TiledParserListener}s of map data
* @author MobiDevelop (parsing logic from LibGDX)
public class TiledParser implements TiledParserNotifier {
protected static final int FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY = 0x80000000;
protected static final int FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY = 0x40000000;
protected static final int FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY = 0x20000000;
protected static final int MASK_CLEAR = 0xE0000000;
private XmlReader xmlReader;
private TiledParserListener listener;
private final ObjectMap objectTemplates;
* Constructor
public TiledParser() {
this(new ObjectMap());
public TiledParser(ObjectMap objectTemplates) {
this.objectTemplates = objectTemplates;
xmlReader = new XmlReader();
* Parses a TMX file and notifies any {@link TiledParserListener}s of
* parsing results
* @param tmxFileHandle
* A {@link FileHandle} to a TMX file exported from Tiled
* @throws IOException
* Thrown if the map file could not be parsed
public void parseTmx(FileHandle tmxFileHandle) throws IOException {
Element root = xmlReader.parse(tmxFileHandle.reader());
String mapOrientation = root.getAttribute("orientation", null);
int mapWidth = root.getIntAttribute("width", 0);
int mapHeight = root.getIntAttribute("height", 0);
int tileWidth = root.getIntAttribute("tilewidth", 0);
int tileHeight = root.getIntAttribute("tileheight", 0);
int sideLength = root.getInt("hexsidelength", -1);
String staggerAxis = root.getAttribute("staggeraxis", null);
String staggerIndex = root.getAttribute("staggerindex", null);
String mapBackgroundColor = root.getAttribute("backgroundcolor", null);
Color backgroundColor = null;
if (mapBackgroundColor != null) {
backgroundColor = convertHexColorToColor(mapBackgroundColor);
notifyBeginParsing(mapOrientation, staggerAxis, staggerIndex, backgroundColor, mapWidth, mapHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight, sideLength);
Element properties = root.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
Array tilesets = root.getChildrenByName("tileset");
for (Element element : tilesets) {
loadTileSet(element, tmxFileHandle);
for (int i = 0, j = root.getChildCount(); i < j; i++) {
Element element = root.getChild(i);
String name = element.getName();
if (name.equals("layer")) {
loadTileLayer(listener, element);
} else if (name.equals("objectgroup")) {
loadObjectGroup(listener, element, tmxFileHandle);
} else if (name.equals("group")) {
loadGroupLayer(listener, element, tmxFileHandle);
* Parses a TSX file
* @param tsxFileHandle
* A {@link FileHandle} to a TSX file exported from Tiled
* @return The resulting {@link ImageTilesetSource}
* @throws IOException
* Thrown if the tileset file could not be parsed
public ImageTilesetSource parseTsx(FileHandle tsxFileHandle) throws IOException {
Element element = xmlReader.parse(tsxFileHandle.reader());
String name = element.get("name", null);
int tileWidth = element.getIntAttribute("tilewidth", 0);
int tileHeight = element.getIntAttribute("tileheight", 0);
int spacing = element.getIntAttribute("spacing", 0);
int margin = element.getIntAttribute("margin", 0);
String imageSource = element.getChildByName("image").getAttribute("source");
int imageWidth = element.getChildByName("image").getIntAttribute("width", 0);
int imageHeight = element.getChildByName("image").getIntAttribute("height", 0);
String transparentColor = element.getChildByName("image").get("trans", null);
ImageTilesetSource result = new ImageTilesetSource(imageWidth, imageHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight, spacing,
loadTileProperties(result, element.getChildrenByName("tile"));
Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
result.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
return result;
private void loadMapProperties(Element element) {
if (element.getName().equals("properties")) {
for (Element property : element.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String name = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String value = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (value == null) {
value = property.getText();
notifyMapPropertyParsed(name, value);
private Tileset loadTileSet(Element element, FileHandle tmxFile) {
Tileset tileset = null;
if (element.getName().equals("tileset")) {
String source = element.getAttribute("source", null);
int firstGid = element.getIntAttribute("firstgid", 1);
if (source == null) {
// Image tileset
String name = element.get("name", null);
int tileWidth = element.getIntAttribute("tilewidth", 0);
int tileHeight = element.getIntAttribute("tileheight", 0);
int spacing = element.getIntAttribute("spacing", 0);
int margin = element.getIntAttribute("margin", 0);
String transparentColor = null;
String imageSource = "";
int imageWidth = 0, imageHeight = 0;
imageSource = element.getChildByName("image").getAttribute("source");
imageWidth = element.getChildByName("image").getIntAttribute("width", 0);
imageHeight = element.getChildByName("image").getIntAttribute("height", 0);
transparentColor = element.getChildByName("image").get("trans", null);
ImageTilesetSource tilesetSource = new ImageTilesetSource(imageWidth, imageHeight, tileWidth,
tileHeight, spacing, margin);
tileset = new Tileset(firstGid, tilesetSource);
loadTileProperties(tilesetSource, element.getChildrenByName("tile"));
Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
tileset.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
} else {
// TSX tileset
TsxTilesetSource tilesetSource = new TsxTilesetSource(tmxFile, source);
tileset = new Tileset(firstGid, tilesetSource);
for(int x = 0; x < tilesetSource.getWidthInTiles(); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < tilesetSource.getHeightInTiles(); y++) {
Tile tile = tilesetSource.getTileByPosition(x, y);
if (tile == null) {
if (tile.getTileRenderer() == null) {
if (tile.getTileRenderer() instanceof AnimatedTileRenderer) {
} else if(tile.getProperties() != null) {
return tileset;
private void loadTileProperties(TilesetSource tilesetSource, Array tileElements) {
for (Element tileElement : tileElements) {
int localtid = tileElement.getIntAttribute("id", 0);
Tile tile = tilesetSource.getTile(localtid, 0);
if (tile != null) {
String type = tileElement.getAttribute("type", null);
if (type != null) {
tile.setProperty("type", type);
String terrain = tileElement.getAttribute("terrain", null);
if (terrain != null) {
tile.setProperty("terrain", terrain);
String probability = tileElement.getAttribute("probability", null);
if (probability != null) {
tile.setProperty("probability", probability);
Element properties = tileElement.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
tile.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
Element animation = tileElement.getChildByName("animation");
if(animation != null) {
Array frameElements = animation.getChildrenByName("frame");
TileFrame [] frames = new TileFrame[frameElements.size];
for (int i = 0; i < frameElements.size; i++) {
Element frameElement = frameElements.get(i);
int tileId = frameElement.getIntAttribute("tileid");
float duration = frameElement.getFloatAttribute("duration") / 1000f;
frames[i] = new TileFrame(duration, tileId);
tile.setTileRenderer(new AnimatedTileRenderer(tilesetSource, frames));
for(int x = 0; x < tilesetSource.getWidthInTiles(); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < tilesetSource.getHeightInTiles(); y++) {
Tile tile = tilesetSource.getTileByPosition(x, y);
if (tile == null) {
if (tile.getTileRenderer() != null) {
tile.setTileRenderer(new StaticTileRenderer(tilesetSource, tile));
protected GroupLayer loadGroupLayer(TiledLayerParserListener parserListener, Element layerElement, FileHandle tmxFileHandle) throws IOException {
if (!layerElement.getName().equals("group")) {
return null;
final String groupName = layerElement.getAttribute("name", null);
final boolean visible = layerElement.getIntAttribute("visible", 1) == 1;
final GroupLayer groupLayer = new GroupLayer();
Element properties = layerElement.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
groupLayer.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
for (int i = 0, j = layerElement.getChildCount(); i < j; i++) {
Element element = layerElement.getChild(i);
String name = element.getName();
if (name.equals("layer")) {
loadTileLayer(groupLayer, element);
} else if (name.equals("objectgroup")) {
loadObjectGroup(groupLayer, element, tmxFileHandle);
} else if (name.equals("group")) {
loadGroupLayer(groupLayer, element, tmxFileHandle);
notifyGroupLayerParsed(parserListener, groupLayer);
return groupLayer;
protected TileLayer loadTileLayer(TiledLayerParserListener parserListener, Element element) {
if (element.getName().equals("layer")) {
String name = element.getAttribute("name", null);
int width = element.getIntAttribute("width", 0);
int height = element.getIntAttribute("height", 0);
boolean visible = element.getIntAttribute("visible", 1) == 1;
TileLayer layer = new TileLayer(width, height);
Element data = element.getChildByName("data");
String encoding = data.getAttribute("encoding", null);
String compression = data.getAttribute("compression", null);
if (encoding == null) { // no 'encoding' attribute means that the
// encoding is XML
throw new MdxException("Unsupported encoding (XML) for TMX Layer Data");
if (encoding.equals("csv")) {
String[] array = data.getText().split(",");
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int id = (int) Long.parseLong(array[y * width + x].trim());
id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;
layer.setTileId(x, y, id);
} else {
if (encoding.equals("base64")) {
byte[] bytes = Base64Coder.decode(data.getText());
if (compression == null) {
int read = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int id = unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 8
| unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 16
| unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 24;
boolean flipHorizontally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0;
boolean flipVertically = (id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0;
boolean flipDiagonally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0;
id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;
layer.setTileId(x, y, id, flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally);
} else if (compression.equals("gzip")) {
GZIPInputStream GZIS = null;
try {
GZIS = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), bytes.length);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MdxException(
"Error Reading TMX Layer Data - IOException: " + e.getMessage());
byte[] temp = new byte[4];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
try {, 0, 4);
int id = unsignedByteToInt(temp[0]) | unsignedByteToInt(temp[1]) << 8
| unsignedByteToInt(temp[2]) << 16 | unsignedByteToInt(temp[3]) << 24;
boolean flipHorizontally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0;
boolean flipVertically = (id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0;
boolean flipDiagonally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0;
id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;
layer.setTileId(x, y, id, flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MdxException("Error Reading TMX Layer Data.", e);
} else if (compression.equals("zlib")) {
ZlibStream zlibStream = Mdx.platformUtils.decompress(bytes);
byte[] temp = new byte[4];
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
try {;
int id = unsignedByteToInt(temp[0]) | unsignedByteToInt(temp[1]) << 8
| unsignedByteToInt(temp[2]) << 16 | unsignedByteToInt(temp[3]) << 24;
boolean flipHorizontally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0;
boolean flipVertically = (id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0;
boolean flipDiagonally = (id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0;
id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;
layer.setTileId(x, y, id, flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MdxException("Error Reading TMX Layer Data.", e);
} else {
// any other value of 'encoding' is one we're not aware of,
// probably a feature of a future version of Tiled
throw new MdxException("Unrecognised encoding (" + encoding + ") for TMX Layer Data");
Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
layer.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
notifyTileLayerParsed(parserListener, layer);
return layer;
return null;
protected TiledObjectGroup loadObjectGroup(TiledLayerParserListener parserListener, Element element, FileHandle tmxFile) throws IOException {
if (element.getName().equals("objectgroup")) {
String name = element.getAttribute("name", null);
TiledObjectGroup tiledObjectGroup = new TiledObjectGroup();
Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
tiledObjectGroup.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
for (Element objectElement : element.getChildrenByName("object")) {
TiledObject tiledObject = loadObject(objectElement, tmxFile);
if (tiledObject != null) {
notifyObjectGroupParsed(parserListener, tiledObjectGroup);
return tiledObjectGroup;
return null;
protected TiledObject loadObject(Element element, FileHandle tmxFile) throws IOException {
if (element.getName().equals("object")) {
int id = element.getIntAttribute("id", -1);
float x = element.getFloatAttribute("x", 0);
float y = element.getFloatAttribute("y", 0);
String template = element.getAttribute("template", null);
boolean yAdjusted = false;
final TiledObject objectTemplate;
if(template != null) {
final TiledObjectTemplate tiledObjectTemplate;
if(!objectTemplates.containsKey(template)) {
tiledObjectTemplate = loadObjectTemplate(template, tmxFile);
} else {
tiledObjectTemplate = objectTemplates.get(template, null);
if(tiledObjectTemplate == null) {
objectTemplate = null;
} else if(tiledObjectTemplate.getTiledObject() != null) {
objectTemplate = tiledObjectTemplate.getTiledObject();
if(tiledObjectTemplate.getTileset() != null) {
//Origin is bottom-left, need to adjust to top-left
y -= objectTemplate.getHeight();
yAdjusted= true;
} else {
objectTemplate = null;
} else {
objectTemplate = null;
float width = element.getFloatAttribute("width", objectTemplate != null ? objectTemplate.getWidth() : 0);
float height = element.getFloatAttribute("height", objectTemplate != null ? objectTemplate.getHeight() : 0);
long rawGid = Long.parseLong(element.getAttribute("gid", "-1"));
if (rawGid != -1 && !yAdjusted) {
// Workaround for Tiled issue #386
y -= height;
yAdjusted= true;
TiledObject object = new TiledObject(id, x, y, width, height, objectTemplate != null);
object.setName(element.getAttribute("name", objectTemplate != null ? objectTemplate.getName() : null));
String type = element.getAttribute("type", objectTemplate != null ? objectTemplate.getType() : null);
if (type != null) {
if (rawGid != -1) {
boolean gidFlipHorizontally = (rawGid & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0;
boolean gidFlipVertically = (rawGid & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0;
boolean gidFlipDiagonally = (rawGid & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0;
int gid = (int) (rawGid & ~MASK_CLEAR);
} else if(objectTemplate != null) {
object.setVisible(element.getIntAttribute("visible", 1) == 1);
Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getProperties() != null) {
for(String key : objectTemplate.getProperties().keys()) {
object.setProperty(key, objectTemplate.getProperties().get(key));
if (properties != null) {
for (Element property : properties.getChildrenByName("property")) {
String propertyName = property.getAttribute("name", null);
String propertyValue = property.getAttribute("value", null);
if (propertyValue == null) {
propertyValue = property.getText();
object.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
Element point = element.getChildByName("point");
if(point != null) {
} else if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getObjectShape().equals(TiledObjectShape.POINT)) {
Element ellipse = element.getChildByName("ellipse");
if(ellipse != null) {
} else if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getObjectShape().equals(TiledObjectShape.ELLIPSE)) {
Element polygon = element.getChildByName("polygon");
if(polygon != null) {
object.setAsPolygon(polygon.getAttribute("points", ""));
} else if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getObjectShape().equals(TiledObjectShape.POLYGON)) {
Element polyline = element.getChildByName("polyline");
if(polyline != null) {
object.setAsPolyline(polyline.getAttribute("points", ""));
} else if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getObjectShape().equals(TiledObjectShape.POLYGON)) {
Element text = element.getChildByName("text");
if(text != null) {
object.setAsText(text.getText(), text.getIntAttribute("wrap", 1) == 1);
} else if(objectTemplate != null && objectTemplate.getObjectShape().equals(TiledObjectShape.TEXT)) {
object.setAsText(objectTemplate.getText(), objectTemplate.isWrapText());
return object;
return null;
private TiledObjectTemplate loadObjectTemplate(String path, FileHandle tmxFile) throws IOException {
final FileHandle txFile = tmxFile.sibling(path).normalizedHandle();
Element root = xmlReader.parse(txFile.reader());
Element tilesetElement = root.getChildByName("tileset");
Element objectElement = root.getChildByName("object");
final Tileset tileset;
if(tilesetElement != null) {
tileset = loadTileSet(tilesetElement, txFile);
} else {
tileset = null;
final TiledObject tiledObject;
if(objectElement != null) {
tiledObject = loadObject(objectElement, txFile);
} else {
tiledObject = null;
final TiledObjectTemplate objectTemplate = new TiledObjectTemplate(path, tileset, tiledObject);
objectTemplates.put(path, objectTemplate);
return objectTemplate;
static int unsignedByteToInt(byte b) {
return (int) b & 0xFF;
public void setListener(TiledParserListener tiledParserListener) {
this.listener = tiledParserListener;
public void notifyBeginParsing(String orientation, String staggerAxis, String staggerIndex, Color backgroundColor,
int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int sideLength) {
if (listener == null) {
listener.onBeginParsing(orientation, staggerAxis, staggerIndex, backgroundColor, width, height,
tileWidth, tileHeight, sideLength);
public void notifyMapPropertyParsed(String propertyName, String value) {
if (listener == null) {
listener.onMapPropertyParsed(propertyName, value);
public void notifyTilePropertyParsed(Tile tile) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyTilesetParsed(Tileset parsedTileset) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyTileLayerParsed(TiledLayerParserListener listener, TileLayer parsedLayer) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyTileLayerParsed(TileLayer parsedLayer) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyObjectGroupParsed(TiledLayerParserListener listener, TiledObjectGroup parsedObjectGroup) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyObjectGroupParsed(TiledObjectGroup parsedObjectGroup) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyGroupLayerParsed(TiledLayerParserListener listener, GroupLayer parsedGroupLayer) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyGroupLayerParsed(GroupLayer parsedGroupLayer) {
if (listener == null) {
public void notifyObjectTemplateParsed(TiledObjectTemplate parsedObjectTemplate) {
if (listener == null) {
private Color convertHexColorToColor(String hexColor) {
return, 3), 16) / 255f),
(Integer.valueOf(hexColor.substring(3, 5), 16) / 255f),
(Integer.valueOf(hexColor.substring(5, 7), 16) / 255f), 0f);
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