en-US.Chapter-Setup.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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<?xml version='1.0'?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [ <!ENTITY % BOOK_ENTITIES SYSTEM "JAIN_SLEE_Example_User_Guide.ent"> %BOOK_ENTITIES; ]> <chapter id="setup"> <title>Setup</title> <section id="preinstall_requirements_and_prerequisites"> <title>Pre-Install Requirements and Prerequisites</title> <para>Ensure that the following requirements have been met before continuing with the install.</para> <section id="hardware_requirements"> <title>Hardware Requirements</title> <para>The Example doesn't change the &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE Hardware Requirements, refer to &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE documentation for more information. </para> </section> <section id="software_prerequisites"> <title>Software Prerequisites</title> <para> The Example requires &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE properly set, with following list of dependencies deployed/started. </para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>MS Control RA</term> <listitem> <para> Its required that MS Control RA is deployed. The MS Control RA is responsible to fire the MS Control Events corresponding to Media Server activity </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>SIP11 RA</term> <listitem> <para> Its required that SIP11 RA is deployed. The SIP RA is responsible to fire the SIP Events like INVITE, BYE etc received from SIP User Agents </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Restcomm Media Server</term> <listitem> <para> Demo requires Media Server running with <literal>MGCP</literal> Controler deployed. Refer to MS Control RA documentation for explanation </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </section> </section> <section id="source_code"> <title>&THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE &THIS.EXAMPLE; Example Source Code </title> <para>This section provides instructions on how to obtain and build the &THIS.EXAMPLE; Example from source code.</para> <section id="release_source_building"> <title>Release Source Code Building</title> <procedure> <step> <title>Downloading the source code</title> <important> <para>Git is used to manage Restcomm JAIN SLEE source code. Instructions for downloading, installing and using Git can be found at <ulink url="http://git-scm.com/" /></para> </important> <para>Use Git to checkout a specific release source, the Git repository URL is &THIS.SOURCE_CODE_URL; , then switch to the specific release version, lets consider &THIS.VERSION;.</para> <programlisting> [usr]$ git clone &THIS.SOURCE_CODE_URL; restcomm-jain-slee-&THIS.PACKAGE_NAME; [usr]$ cd restcomm-jain-slee-&THIS.PACKAGE_NAME; [usr]$ git checkout tags/&THIS.VERSION; </programlisting> </step> <step> <title>Building the source code</title> <important> <para>Maven 2.0.9 (or higher) is used to build the release. Instructions for using Maven2, including install, can be found at <ulink url="http://maven.apache.org" /></para> </important> <para>Use Maven to build the deployable unit binary.</para> <programlisting> [usr]$ cd examples/&THIS.EXAMPLE.DIRNAME; [usr]$ mvn install </programlisting> <para>Once the process finishes you should have the <literal>deployable-unit</literal> jar file in the <filename>target</filename> directory, if &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE is installed and environment variable JBOSS_HOME is pointing to its underlying &JEE.PLATFORM; directory, then the deployable unit jar will also be deployed in the container.</para> </step> </procedure> </section> <section id="master_source_building"> <title>Development Master Source Building</title> <para>Similar process as for <xref linkend="release_source_building"/>, the only change is the Git reference should be the <literal>master</literal>. The <literal>git checkout tags/&THIS.VERSION;</literal> command should not be performed. If already performed, the following should be used in order to switch back to the master:</para> <programlisting> [usr]$ git checkout master </programlisting> </section> </section> <section id="install"> <title>Installing &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE &THIS.EXAMPLE; Example </title> <para> To install the Example simply execute provided ant script <filename>build.xml</filename> default target: </para> <programlisting> [usr]$ ant </programlisting> <para> The script will copy the Example's deployable unit jar to the <literal>default</literal> &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE server profile deploy directory, to deploy to another server profile use the argument <literal>-Dnode=</literal> . </para> </section> <section id="uninstall"> <title>Uninstalling &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE &THIS.EXAMPLE; Example </title> <para> To uninstall the Example simply execute provided ant script <filename>build.xml</filename> <literal>undeploy</literal> target: </para> <programlisting> [usr]$ ant undeploy </programlisting> <para> The script will delete the Example's deployable unit jar from the <literal>default</literal> &THIS.PLATFORM; JAIN SLEE server profile deploy directory, to undeploy from another server profile use the argument <literal>-Dnode=</literal> . </para> </section> </chapter>
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