org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee.AbstractUsageCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.jslee;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.slee.SbbID;
import javax.slee.ServiceID;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandContext;
import org.jboss.console.twiddle.command.CommandException;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.mobicents.slee.container.management.jmx.editors.ComponentIDPropertyEditor;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.Utils;
import org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation;
* One bulky command to interact with usage MBeans.
* @author baranowb
public abstract class AbstractUsageCommand extends AbstractSleeCommand {
* @param name
* @param desc
public AbstractUsageCommand(String commandName, String desc) {
try {
// annoying.
// annoying.
// annoying.
} catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
this.provisioningMBeanName = getProvisioningMBeanName();
this.getOperationName = getUsageMGMTMBeanOperation();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#displayHelp()
public void displayHelp() {
PrintWriter out = context.getWriter();
// out.println("usage: " + name +
// " <-tprofileTableName> [-pprofileName] *");
out.println("'SetID' refers to SetName or SbbID and SetName.");
out.println(" -l, --list Lists certain information about parameters sets. Requires one of options to be present:");
out.println(" --sets Instructs command to list declared parameter sets. Does not require argument.");
out.println(" --parameters Instructs command to list parameters of parameter set. Does not require argument.");
//TODO: make 'list' also list notification mngr conf for resource set.
out.println(" -g, --get Fetches value of certain parameter in set. Does not take argument.");
out.println(" Requires '--name' option to be present. Following options are supported: ");
out.println(" --name Specifies name of parameter in a set for get operation. Requires parameter name as argument. This option is mandatory.");
out.println(" --rst If present, indicates that 'get' operation should reset parameter value. Does not require argument.");
out.println(" -r, --reset Resets assets in 'Usage' realm. Does not take argument. If 'SetID' is specified, reset command resets specific set, otherwise it acts on default one.");
out.println(" If it is not present, reset command performs operation on default set. Following option is supported:");
out.println(" --all Resets ALL parameters for 'ResourceName', ignores 'SetID'.");
out.println(" -c, --create Creates usage parameter set for given 'SetID'. Does not require argument.");
out.println(" -d, --delete Deletes usage parameter set with given 'SetID'. Does not require argument.");
out.println(" -n, --notify This operation either turn on/off notifications for parameter or queries about state of notifications.");
out.println(" Does not take parameter, supports following options:");
out.println(" --name Specifies name of parameter. Requires parameter name as argument. It is mandatory.");
out.println(" --value Specifies value of parameter. Requires boolean argument.");
out.println(" --is Request information about notification(if its enabled). Does not require argument.");
//out.println(" -i, --is-notify Checks if notification is on for certain parameter in set. Following options are supported:");
//out.println(" --name Specifies name of parameter. Requires parameter name as argument. It is mandatory.");
out.println("Examples: ");
protected abstract void addHeaderDescription(PrintWriter out);
protected abstract void addExamples(PrintWriter out);
// //////////////////////
// Command essentials //
// //////////////////////
protected static final String GET_MANAGER_NAME_METHOD = "getUsageNotificationManagerMBean";
protected static final String GET_MANAGER_NAME_SBB_METHOD = "getSbbUsageNotificationManagerMBean";
//those are required to get bean on which we should invoke op.
protected final static String PROFILE_GET_METHOD = "getProfileTableUsageMBean";
protected final static String RESOURCE_GET_METHOD = "getResourceUsageMBean";
protected final static String SERVICE_GET_METHOD = "getServiceUsageMBean";
//used not only in operation
protected final static String GET_SPECIFIC_BEAN_METHOD = "getUsageMBean";
protected final static String GET_SPECIFIC_SBB_BEAN_METHOD = "getSbbUsageMBean";
//name of provisioning mbean.
protected ObjectName provisioningMBeanName;
// get op from provisioning mbean.
protected String getOperationName;
// usage mgmt bean
protected ObjectName usageMgmtMBeanName;
// usage manager bean - notification
protected ObjectName usageSetManagerMBeanName;
// object name of
protected ObjectName specificObjectName;
// holds string resource name - ProfileTable, RA Entity, ServiceID
protected String resourceName;
// holds name, if default usage, it will be null.
protected String usageSetName;
//part for ServiceUsage params.
protected ServiceID serviceID;
protected SbbID sbbID;
protected ComponentIDPropertyEditor editor = new ComponentIDPropertyEditor();
protected final static String PREFIX_SERVICEID = "ServiceID";
//protected final static String PREFIX_SBBID = "SbbID";
// //////////////////////
// Set essentials //
// //////////////////////
// list of fields, so we know what type they are?
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#getBeanOName()
public ObjectName getBeanOName() throws MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException {
// tricky, its kind of dynamic :)
// this depends on op
return specificObjectName;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.AbstractSleeCommand#processArguments(java
* .lang.String[])
protected void processArguments(String[] args) throws CommandException {
//String sopts = "-:lgrcdni";
String sopts = "-:lgrcdn";
LongOpt[] lopts = {
new LongOpt("noprefix", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 0x1000),
// operration part
new LongOpt("list", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'l'),
new LongOpt("sets", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.sets),
new LongOpt("parameters", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, ListOperation.parameters),
new LongOpt("get", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'g'),
new LongOpt("name", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.name),
new LongOpt("rst", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, GetOperation.rst),
new LongOpt("reset", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'r'),
new LongOpt("all", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, ResetOperation.all),
new LongOpt("create", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'c'),
new LongOpt("delete", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'd'),
new LongOpt("notify", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, 'n'),
new LongOpt("value", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, null, NotifyOperation.value),
new LongOpt("is-notify", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null, NotifyOperation.is),
Getopt getopt = new Getopt(null, args, sopts, lopts);
int nonOptArgIndex = 0;
int code;
while ((code = getopt.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
case 0x1000:
case 1:
// non opt args, table and profile name(maybe)
switch (nonOptArgIndex) {
case 0:
resourceName = getopt.getOptarg();
}catch(Exception e)
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\" failed to parse ServiceID.",e);
this.serviceID = (ServiceID) editor.getValue();
this.resourceName = null;
case 1:
}catch(Exception e)
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\" failed to parse SbbID.",e);
this.sbbID = (SbbID) this.editor.getValue();
usageSetName = getopt.getOptarg();
case 2:
if(this.serviceID == null)
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\" expects at most two non opt arguments!");
usageSetName = getopt.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\" expects at most three non opt arguments!");
case 'l':
// list
super.operation = new ListOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'g':
// get
super.operation = new GetOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'r':
// reset
super.operation = new ResetOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'c':
// create
super.operation = new CreateOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'd':
// delete
super.operation = new DeleteOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
case 'n':
// notify mngr
super.operation = new NotifyOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
// case 'i':
// // check notify
// super.operation = new IsNotifyOperation(super.context, super.log, this);
// prepareCommand();
// super.operation.buildOperation(getopt, args);
// break;
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[getopt.getOptind() - 1]);
protected void prepareCommand() throws CommandException {
// get bean name and bean info.
if(this.resourceName == null && this.serviceID == null)
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\", expects 'ResourceName'!");
//in case of reset SbbID may be null.
if(this.serviceID!=null && this.sbbID == null)
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName() + "\", expects atleast 'SbbID' in 'SetID'!");
String[] sig = null;
Object[] parms = null;
if(this.serviceID == null)
sig = new String[]{"java.lang.String"};
parms = new Object[]{resourceName};
sig = new String[]{"javax.slee.ServiceID"};
parms = new Object[]{this.serviceID};
MBeanServerConnection server = super.context.getServer();
//get usage mgmt bean.
try {
this.usageMgmtMBeanName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(this.provisioningMBeanName, this.getOperationName, parms, sig);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName()+"\" failed to obtain usage management bean name. Resource does not exist in container?", e);
protected ObjectName getSpecificUsageMBeanOName() throws CommandException
String[] sig = null;
Object[] parms = null;
if (this.serviceID == null) {
if (usageSetName != null) {
sig = new String[] { "java.lang.String" };
parms = new Object[] { usageSetName };
sig = new String[] { };
parms = new Object[] { };
} else {
if (usageSetName != null) {
sig = new String[] { "javax.slee.SbbID","java.lang.String" };
parms = new Object[] { this.sbbID,usageSetName };
sig = new String[] { "javax.slee.SbbID" };
parms = new Object[] { this.sbbID };
MBeanServerConnection server = super.context.getServer();
//get usage mgmt bean.
try {
if(serviceID != null)
this.specificObjectName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(this.usageMgmtMBeanName, GET_SPECIFIC_SBB_BEAN_METHOD, parms, sig);
this.specificObjectName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(this.usageMgmtMBeanName, GET_SPECIFIC_BEAN_METHOD, parms, sig);
return this.specificObjectName;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName()+"\" failed to obtain usage management bean name. Resource does not exist in container?", e);
protected ObjectName getSpecificUsageNotificationMBeanOName() throws CommandException
String[] sig = null;
Object[] parms = null;
if(this.serviceID == null)
sig = new String[]{};
parms = new Object[]{};
sig = new String[] { "javax.slee.SbbID" };
parms = new Object[] { this.sbbID };
MBeanServerConnection server = super.context.getServer();
//get usage mgmt bean.
try {
this.specificObjectName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(this.usageMgmtMBeanName, GET_MANAGER_NAME_SBB_METHOD, parms, sig);
this.specificObjectName = (ObjectName) server.invoke(this.usageMgmtMBeanName, GET_MANAGER_NAME_METHOD, parms, sig);
return this.specificObjectName;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CommandException("Command: \"" + getName()+"\" failed to obtain usage management bean name. Resource does not exist in container?", e);
public abstract ObjectName getProvisioningMBeanName();
public abstract String getUsageMGMTMBeanOperation();
* Operation to perform list like actions. It does following:
* - list parameters sets
* - list parameters in parameter set
* @author baranowb
protected class ListOperation extends AbstractOperation
public static final char sets = 'v';
public static final char parameters = 'b';
private final static String OPERTION_getUsageParameterSets = "getUsageParameterSets";
public ListOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
// default
super.operationName = OPERTION_getUsageParameterSets;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
//add default value:
specificObjectName = usageMgmtMBeanName;
//check opts.
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1] + " --> " + opts.getOptopt());
case sets:
super.operationName = OPERTION_getUsageParameterSets;
case parameters:
//this can be empty.
super.operationName = GET_SPECIFIC_SBB_BEAN_METHOD;
super.operationName = GET_SPECIFIC_BEAN_METHOD;
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation#invoke()
public void invoke() throws CommandException {
addArg(sbbID, "javax.slee.SbbID", false);
try {
String getMethod = super.operationName;
MBeanServerConnection conn = context.getServer();
Object[] parms = null;
String[] sig = null;
parms = new Object[]{};
sig = new String[]{};
parms = new Object[]{sbbID};
sig = new String[]{"javax.slee.SbbID"};
ObjectName on = (ObjectName) conn.invoke(usageMgmtMBeanName, getMethod, parms, sig);
super.operationResult = conn.getMBeanInfo(on);
} catch (Exception e) {
//add handle error here?
throw new CommandException("Failed to invoke \"" + this.operationName + "\" due to: ", e);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.mobicents.tools.twiddle.op.AbstractOperation#displayResult()
public void displayResult() {
if (!context.isQuiet()) {
if (operationResult instanceof MBeanInfo) {
PrintWriter out = context.getWriter();
// dont look at operationResult, we want info
MBeanOperationInfo[] infos = ((MBeanInfo) super.operationResult).getOperations();
for (MBeanOperationInfo info : infos) {
if (!info.getName().startsWith("get")) {
// out.println("Class: "+info.getClass());
out.println("Desc : " + info.getDescription());
out.println("Name : " + info.getName().replaceFirst("get", ""));
out.println("Sample : " + info.getReturnType().equals("javax.slee.usage.SampleStatistics"));
// render results to out
} else {
protected class GetOperation extends AbstractOperation
public static final char rst = 'x';
public static final char name = 'z';
private boolean reset = false;
public GetOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = "get";
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1] + " --> " + opts.getOptopt());
case rst:
reset = true;
case name:
//TODO: check upper case?
String opt = opts.getOptarg();
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", cannot proceed. Parameter name must start with upper case: " + opt);
super.operationName += opt;
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if(super.operationName.equals( "get")) //empty, no name?
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires atleast '--name' option.");
addArg(new Boolean(reset), boolean.class, false);
//now we have to get proper bean name
protected class ResetOperation extends AbstractOperation {
public static final char all = 'a';
private final static String OPERATION_resetAllUsageParameters = "resetAllUsageParameters";
public boolean allIndication = false;
public ResetOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_resetAllUsageParameters;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1] + " --> " + opts.getOptopt());
case all: //if all we need to act on mgmt bean
specificObjectName = usageMgmtMBeanName;
allIndication = true;
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
//we need specific bean name
if(serviceID!=null && sbbID!=null)
addArg(sbbID, "javax.slee.SbbID", false);
//ServiceID wide reset.
protected class CreateOperation extends AbstractOperation
private final static String OPERATION_createUsageParameterSet = "createUsageParameterSet";
public CreateOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_createUsageParameterSet;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
//there is no more to that atm?
if(usageSetName == null)
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires 'SetID' to be present");
if(sbbID == null)
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires SbbID in 'SetID' to be present");
addArg(sbbID, "javax.slee.SbbID", false);
addArg(usageSetName, String.class, false);
specificObjectName = usageMgmtMBeanName;
protected class DeleteOperation extends AbstractOperation
private final static String OPERATION_removeUsageParameterSet = "removeUsageParameterSet";
public DeleteOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
super.operationName = OPERATION_removeUsageParameterSet;
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
if(usageSetName == null)
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires 'SetID' to be present");
if(sbbID == null)
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires SbbID in 'SetID' to be present");
addArg(sbbID, "javax.slee.SbbID", false);
addArg(usageSetName, String.class, false);
specificObjectName = usageMgmtMBeanName;
//mgr part :)
protected class NotifyOperation extends AbstractOperation
public static final char value = 'o';
public static final char is = 'i';
private Boolean booleanValue;
private String parameterName;
private boolean isIndicated = false;
public NotifyOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
super(context, log, sleeCommand);
public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
int code;
while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
switch (code) {
case ':':
throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
case '?':
throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1] + " --> " + opts.getOptopt());
case value:
this.booleanValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(opts.getOptarg());
case GetOperation.name:
String opt = opts.getOptarg();//this is name of param
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", cannot proceed. Parameter name must start with upper case: " + opt);
parameterName = opt;
case is:
isIndicated = true;
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
if(parameterName == null)
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires '--name' option to be present.");
if( (booleanValue != null && isIndicated) ||(booleanValue == null && !isIndicated))
throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
+ "\", requires either '--is' or '--value'.");
super.operationName = "get"+parameterName+"NotificationsEnabled";
super.operationName = "set"+parameterName+"NotificationsEnabled";
addArg(booleanValue, boolean.class, false);
//now we need mgmt bean
// protected class IsNotifyOperation extends AbstractOperation
// {
// public IsNotifyOperation(CommandContext context, Logger log, AbstractSleeCommand sleeCommand) {
// super(context, log, sleeCommand);
// // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
// }
// @Override
// public void buildOperation(Getopt opts, String[] args) throws CommandException {
// int code;
// while ((code = opts.getopt()) != -1) {
// switch (code) {
// case ':':
// throw new CommandException("Option requires an argument: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
// case '?':
// throw new CommandException("Invalid (or ambiguous) option: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1] + " --> " + opts.getOptopt());
// case GetOperation.name:
// String opt = opts.getOptarg();//this is name of param
// if(!Character.isUpperCase(opt.charAt(0)))
// {
// throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
// + "\", cannot proceed. Parameter name must start with upper case: " + opt);
// }
// super.operationName = "get"+opt+"NotificationsEnabled";
// break;
// default:
// throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
// + "\", found unexpected opt: " + args[opts.getOptind() - 1]);
// }
// }
// if(super.operationName == null)
// {
// throw new CommandException("Operation \"" + this.operationName + "\" for command: \"" + sleeCommand.getName()
// + "\", requires '--name' option to be present.");
// }
// //now we need mgmt bean
// getSpecificUsageNotificationMBeanOName();
// }
// }
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